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Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students' Based Local Potentian of Making Kempul/Gong Reyog Ponorogo

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 541

Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE 2020)

Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School

Students’ Based Local Potentian of Making
Kempul/Gong Reyog Ponorogo
Aisyah Nurul Janah1,* Pujianto2
Master of Natural Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Departement of Natural Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email: aisyahnurul.2019@student.uny.ac.id

The purpose of this study was to determine the critical thinking skills of junior high school students based on local
potential about making Kempul/gong Reyog. The study used a survey method with a purposive sampling technique
for sampling. The research subjects were 103 students from Junior High School in Ponorogo. The research
instrument developed by authors according the indicator of critical thinking skills based on local potential about
making kempul/gong Reyog in Ponorogo, and validated by experts. Data obtained from the score answered
questions using an assessment rubric for each item. The data analysis in this study used quantitative descriptive.
The analysis results show that students' critical thinking skills on indicatorsa simple explanation 46%, linking 32%,
comparing and differentiating 45%, analysis, and evaluation 34%, skills in making and conveying conclusions
30%. The result the critical thinking skills based on local potential learners about making kempul/gong Reyog are
very low category. The survey instrument was developed by authors according the indicator of critical thinking
skills form questions.

Keywords: Critical thinking skills, Making kempul/gong Reyog, Local potential.

1. INTRODUCTION conclusions. Learning to think critically is very

important for modern education today, and the rapid
Science learning must follow the development of a development to equip students with sufficient
predetermined curriculum. Indonesia is currently competence in solving problems in everyday life [5].
implementing the Curriculum 2013, which integrates Critical thinking skills can used to obtain several
interrelated attitudes, skills, and knowledge to create sources for making evidence-based decisions, so as to
creative, productive, and innovative output that can develop other skills needed [6]. Aspects and indicators
compete in the 21st century. There are 21st Century [7] shown in table 1.
skills covering four aspects which is known as 4C for
creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical Table 1. Aspects and indicators of critical thinking
thinking [1]. Critical thinking skills are a thinking
model that aims to improve structured thinking skills Aspects Indicators
[2]. Thinking skills in all fields of science can be Give a simple Identify problems
supported by critical thinking skills [3]. Because, with explanation Research for various sources of
critical thinking skills, students are required to
interpret and analyze the information obtained [4]. relevant information
Explain the problem based on
This survey research’s critical thinking skills
include five aspects: providing simple explanations, the information data
connecting, comparing and contrasting skills, Linking skills Sort and link the information
analyzing, and evaluating, and making and conveying

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 806
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 541

Aspects Indicators 2. RESEARCH METHOD

Compare and Compare and contrast the A descriptive qualitative survey was utilized to
contrast information and classify achieve the aim of this study. The target sample was
Analysis and Analyze existing information junior high school student in Ponorogo with purposive
sampling technique. A total 103 students took a part in
evaluation Re-evaluate the results of the the study. The survey instrument was developed by
analysis that has been done authors according the indicator of critical thinking
Make and convey Make and convey conclusions skills form questions based on local potential about
making kempul/ gong Reyog in Ponorogo.
conclusions based on analysis and evaluation
Learning Science in Junior High School is by The eight item number of questions developed
finding out about nature, not only about knowledge in from indicators of critical thinking skills, which
the form of facts, concepts and principles. The consist of studying/identifying problems, looking for
discovery process in everyday life that is closer to various relevant sources of information, explaining the
students will be more meaningful, and the level of problem simply based on the information data
concentration of students is more focused. obtained, sorting and connecting the information
obtained, comparing and differentiating the
Local potential-based learning can teach concepts information obtained. Classifying it, analyzing
that can be related to the surrounding environment, existing information, re-evaluating the results of the
that science learning is closer to the phenomenon as a analysis that has been done, and making and
whole and meaningful. [8] Science has four conveying conclusions based on analysis and
dimensions, namely science as a way of thinking, as a evaluation. The data were obtained from the critical
process (science as a way of investigating), as a thinking skills test answer scores of students who used
product (science as a body of knowledge), and an assessment rubric for each question item. The data
applications (science and its interaction with analysis technique in this research is to change the
technology and society). These overall dimensions score obtained into a percentage using the below
support each other in shaping the thinking patterns and formula:
behavior of students in science. Teaching using ∑St
science, technology, and society approach direct X= x 100% (1)
students to care more about their environment [9].
X as percentage scores, ∑St is the number of scores
The general characteristics of local potential are obtained and S is the maximum score. Quantitative
found in the community. The community feels they data in the form of a percentage of the score was
have it and is a hereditary win. The local potential converted into qualitative data according to the criteria
referred to in this study is the manufacture of gong in [10] in Table 2.
Ponorogo. Gong is one of the instruments of a gamelan
Table 2. Percentage of Students' Critical Thinking
set. Gamelan is a set of typical Indonesian musical
Skills Criteria
instruments. This instrument (tool) has developed for
a long time ago until now. Most of the people in No Percentage (%) Grade Criteria
Ponorogo, to be precise in Paju village, are engaged in 1. 86 – 100 A Very High
gong artisans, which are developed into regional 2. 76 – 85 B High
potentials. However, the existence of this potential
will slowly disappear if it is not introduced to the 3. 66 – 75 C Medium
community early on. One of the efforts to introduce 4. 55-65 D Low
present raise teaches it is through educational facilities
5. ≤ 54 E Very Low
in learning at school.
Science reveals natural phenomena and their 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
symptoms, which are very strategic for educational
media. Natural science learning based on local This research to determine students' critical
potential that characterizes this area can lead students thinking skills aboutmaking kempul/gong Reyog in
to use critical thinking skills. Students will be more Ponorogo, which is one of the local potentials. The
active, critical, and analytical in solving problems. local potential is one of the regional potentials,
Because critical thinking skills are influential in including natural resources, human resources,
academic success and success in the future. geography, and culture [11], [12] which can be used as

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 541

learning resources. Local potentials that exist around question six about analysis and evaluation indicates
students can be used as a whole and complete learning that in learning, the ability to analyze and evaluate is
theme [13], [14] so that it can be applied in everyday still lacking. Students have not been able to connect
life. cause and effect based on relevant sources. Students
can think critically by thinking deeply and logically to
There are five indicators of critical thinking skills
obtain and evaluate evidence empirically as a result of
students, namely providing simple explanations,
learning [17].
connecting, comparing and differentiating skills,
analysis and evaluation, and making and conveying Figure 2 shows students' critical thinking skills in
conclusions. The instrument for measuring students' the first aspect, namely providing a simple
critical thinking skills in the form of essay questions explanation. The percentage of results obtained is
consisting of eight items. Each question represents 46%, indicating that local potential makes
each indicator of critical thinking skills related to the Kempul/gong students' integrated critical thinking
local potential for making kempul/ gong Reyog skills provide explanations that are still very low or
Ponorogo. Learning critical is a process that makes very lacking. Students do not understand so it is
students more active, where students think about difficult to explain reasons. This can be seen from the
things in more depth to ask questions, find relevant answers given by students
information [15].
Linking skills, which are indicators of critical
The result analysis of the integrated critical thinking skills also relatively low. This can be seen
thinking skills test based on local potential of making from the percentage of students' answers by 32%. It
kempul/gong Reyog in this study can be seen in Figure can be seen that students do not know and understand
1. so that skills in connecting are still difficult. Students
cannot find a conceptual relationship because of the
Score Item lack of analytical skills correctly [18]. The percentage
of students' skills in comparing and differentiating was
60 45%. This shows that it is in the very low category.
60 Students are still lacking in the concepts presented so
Presentage (%)

50 45 that students have difficulty comparing and

41 39
37 differentiating. The fourth indicator, namely analysis,
40 32
28 30 and evaluation are very low, which shows a percentage
of 34%. Students' answers show that the ability to
20 analyze and evaluate is still limited or not too deep.
10 Students' skills in making and conveying conclusions
0 obtained a percentage of 30%, which indicates that
they are in a very low category. From the students'
answers, it can be seen that the ability to make
conclusions is still limited. They do not dig deeper
based on their analysis. Critical thinking is related to
Score making complex decisions in all situations [19].

Figure 1 Results of critical thinking skills analysis Aspect of Critical Thinking Skills (%)
based local potential making kempul/gong reyog
ponorogo 30 46
Figure 1 shows the percentage of students' score 34
acquisition for each question item. The analysis results 32
show that the thing with the highest achievement is in 45
question two, about providing a simple explanation,
which is 60%. Students can present a simple
explanation in accordance with existing sources Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
around them. Local potential-based learning themes
are more attractive to students related to daily life [16].
At some times, the lowest score is about six, namely Figure 2 Results of critical thinking ability analysis
28%. Many students have difficulty even completing integrated local potential making kempul/gong reyog
the wrong problem in six. The low achievement in ponorogo

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 541

The average results of students 'critical thinking Critical thinking skills are the main goal of
skills are shown in Table 3. The results of the average learning [32] in accordance with the formulation of 16
analysis tests for all indicators is to provide simple learning principles according to the Indonesian
explanations, skills to connect, compare and National Education Standards Agency [33], which
differentiate, analysis and evaluation, and making and must be met in the 21st-century education process.
conveying conclusions obtained a percentage of Critical thinking skills are very influential in success
37.00%, which is included in the very low category. and success in the future [34].
This is consistent with PISA results in 2015 [20] which
showed that students' high-level thinking was still low. 4. CONCUSLION
The low achievement of students' critical thinking
skills based on local potential shows that students are The findings suggest that students have very low
less capable of critical thinking skills so that every level of critical thinking skills based local potential of
indicator has not been met. making kempul/gong reyog Ponorogo. Innovation
toward learning material are the key to aid students’
The learning process must involve students to critical thinking skills. Additionally, teacher need to
practice skills, teachers are required to use appropriate improve their competencies of making interesting
learning methods to train students' critical thinking learning source that integrated with potential local can
skills [21]. Skills are a priority in learning objectives, engage student critical thinking skills.
so that students must be trained in skills in every
lesson. Students must be trained to think critically AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
during the learning process with the right strategy, so
that students’ critical thinking skills will develop [22]. The first author contributed to the conception and
One that affects critical thinking skills is a learning design of study and the second author validates the
strategy [23]. In addition, students' critical thinking result.
skills are influenced by the learning experience during
the learning process [24].
Table 3. The average critical thinking skills

No Indicators Percentage (%) Mean of Percentage (%)

1 Give a simple explanation 46

2 Linking skills 32
3 Compare and contrast 45 37.4

4 Analysis and evaluation 34

5 Mae and convey conclusions 30

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