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Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(11): 2413-2419, 2018 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2018.061103

Investigation of Learning Outcomes in Biology Course

Curriculum in Terms of Mental Skills
Ufuk Toman

Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Education Faculty, Bayburt University, Turkey

Copyright©2018 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the need to be developed so that the achievements in the
learning outcomes in the curriculum of Biology course in updated curriculum can be reached. Different researchers
terms of reflective thinking skills. It is a documentary classify thinking skills in different ways. Üstünoğlu [4]
qualitative research. The target area of the study is the distinguishes high-level thinking skills as critical thinking,
curriculum of the Biology course in secondary school level. creative thinking, analytical thinking, reflective thinking,
Biology course curriculum of grades 9-12 was included in and problem-solving.
the research without any sampling in the research. Data Among these skills, reflective thinking enables students
collection method of the research is document analysis, and to realize weaknesses and strengths [of their actions] by
data analysis method is content and document analysis. We giving them an in-depth thinking of remove brackets
find that the vast majority of the learning outcomes of the actions they performed are planning to perform, to figure
units and subject areas in the biology course curriculum are how they will make up deficiencies in their actions, as well
in the practical reflection level. While the learning as to understand their own and others’ learning and
outcomes of the biology course curriculum are determined, thinking processes by observing their efforts of making
mental skills need to be taken into account. sense [5]. To develop reflective thinking skills, it is first
necessary to understand the different levels of this thinking
Keywords Biology Course, Curriculum, Reflective skill. Although different models have been developed to
Thinking Skills determine reflective thinking levels, the most important
model for the classification of reflective thinking skills has
been developed by Max Van Manen [6]. The most
important feature of this model is that it reveals the
1. Introduction reflection levels very clearly [7]. Van Manen has
introduced three levels of reflection: technical, practical,
Technological developments in the production, use, and and critical. In the technical reflection, teachers or
transfer of scientific knowledge have led to many prospective teachers try to achieve the goals of the
innovations in Biology science. Especially with new curriculum without questioning the educational values of
developments in genetic engineering and biotechnology, the goals of the curriculum they are practicing. It focuses
biology has become a part of our daily life and this has only on educational knowledge and on the principles
increased the requirements for biology education [1]. In the necessary to achieve the identified goals [6]. In the
Biology Course Curriculum, the contribution of practical reflection, teachers or prospective teachers
Turkish-Islamic scientists to science, in particular, to the analyze student behaviors to understand whether they
role of biology in human life and science history, has been reached the goals, if reached how they are reached, if not
included. The development of knowledge, skills, why they have not been reached. They interpret the
competencies, and values of students in relation to the observable student behavior based on individual
interactions between science, technology, society, and perceptions [8]. The critical reflection takes into account
environment has been emphasized [2]. In this context, the social conditions to address value. Taking social conditions
Biology Course Curriculum is redesigned in a way to make into account requires that ethical values are also considered.
innovations and changes in the light of laws, theories, [9, 10, 11].
practices, and concepts of biology to provide more room It is not just that individuals can effectively learn
for applications such as research and questioning, using reflective thinking and effectively utilize these skills. In
information technology, establishing a relationship this regard, educational institutions play an important role
between biology and daily life, and creating social in developing reflective thinking skills [12, 13]. For this
awareness [3]. High-level thinking skills of the students reason, it is aimed to educate the students who are thinking,
2414 Investigation of Learning Outcomes in Biology Course Curriculum in Terms of Mental Skills

criticizing, producing, knowing how to reach the 2.1. Data Collection and Analysis
information, knowing how to identify the problems they
encounter and develop solutions for these problems, and The data in the survey were obtained by document
thus, curriculums to give the students the skills of thinking examination [17, 18]. Secondary data were used in the
are prepared in modern schools [14, 15]. From this point, research conducted. “Secondary data are information that
the units, subject areas, and learning outcomes in the other researchers have collected, unlike individuals who do
curriculum should be determined to improve the reflective the research”[16]. In the analysis of the research data,
thinking skills of the students. The aim of this study is to document analysis and content analysis were used. The
examine and discuss the learning outcomes of the biology content analysis consists of defining the goals, defining the
course curriculum in terms of reflective thinking skills. concepts, determining the units of analysis, locating the
data related to the subject, developing a logical structure,
determining the coding categories, counting, interpreting,
2. Method and writing the results [17]. The results obtained from the
analysis were evaluated with descriptive statistics such as
This study, which aims to examine the achievements in
frequency and graph. Coding reliability technique has been
biology curriculum in terms of reflective thinking skills, is
applied to determine the reliability of content analysis. The
a documentary research which is a qualitative method in
concordance between the coders is calculated with the
terms of data sources and data analysis. Written and visual
reliability coefficient with the formula [19]. After the
materials related to the research problem can be used for
coding reliability calculation, the agreement rate between
research if there is no possibility of direct observation and
the coders in the study was 85%.
interviewing in the analysis based on the document
analysis. With this method; the general trends, the subjects
that are studied or not studied in the subject area, and the
existence of alternative ideas become clearer [16]. 3. Findings
According to Çepni [16], document analysis is the process
In this study, which aims to examine the learning
of collecting the current records and documents related to
outcomes in biology course curriculum in terms of
the study to be performed and encoding and reviewing it
reflective thinking skills, a description has been made by
according to a certain norm or system. Document analysis
tabulating the learning outcomes separately and unit by
is also described as documentary observation or
unit with indicating the skill they are related with below.
documentary screening ".

Table 1. Evaluation of learning outcomes in the ninth-grade biology course curriculum in terms of Reflective Thinking Skills

Unit Subject Learning Outcomes Reflection Level

Explains the studies on cell theory Practical Reflection
Cell Cell Explains cellular structures and their tasks Practical Reflection
A controlled experiment on cell membrane permeability Practical Reflection
Explains the importance of classification in understanding the
Diversity and Practical Reflection
diversity of living things
Classification of
Explain the categories used in the classification of living things and
Creatures Practical Reflection
the hierarchy between them with examples
Living Explains the worlds used in the classification of living things and the
World Practical Reflection
general characteristics of these worlds.
Living Worlds and Explains the contribution of living things to biological processes,
Their Features Practical Reflection
economics, and technology with examples
Explains the general properties of viruses Practical Reflection
Common Features of
Biology and Living Examines common features of living things Practical Reflection
Life Things
Science Explains the organic and inorganic compounds that make up the
Basic Compounds in Practical Reflection
Biology structure of living things
the Structure of Living
Establishes the relationship of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins,
Things Practical Reflection
vitamins, water, and minerals to healthy nutrition

All learning outcomes in the grade 9 biology course curriculum fall into the practical reflection area (Table 1). Practical
reflection can be defined as a reflection area where teachers or prospective teachers begin to take advantage of their
experience in teaching skills, to think about the problems they face and to find solutions. In this area teachers or
prospective teachers analyzes student behaviors to understand whether the goals are reached, if reached how they were
reached, if not why. Similar findings were also found in studies conducted by Bataineh, Karasnah, Barakat, and Bataineh
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(11): 2413-2419, 2018 2415

Table 2. Evaluation of learning outcomes in the tenth-grade biology course curriculum in terms of Reflective Thinking Skills

Unit Subject Learning Outcomes Reflection Level

Explains the necessity of cell division in living things Practical Reflection
Mitosis and
Asexual Explains mitosis Practical Reflection
Cell Divisions Explains the asexual reproduction with examples Practical Reflection
Meiosis and Explains meiosis Practical Reflection
Reproduction Explains sexual reproduction with examples Practical Reflection
Explains the general principles of inheritance Practical Reflection
General Principles Inheritance and
of Inheritance Biodiversity Question the role of genetic variation in explaining biological
Practical Reflection
Explains the relationship between living and nonliving
Practical Reflection
components of the ecosystem.
Ecosystem Explain the forms of nutrition of living things with examples Practical Reflection
Ecology Analyzes the flow of substance and energy in the ecosystem Practical Reflection
Establishes a relationship between substance cycle and the
Practical Reflection
Ecosystem sustainability of life
Ecology and Evaluate the causes and possible consequences of current
Critical Reflection
Current Current environmental problems
Environmental Environmental Questions about the role of the individual in the emergence of
Critical Reflection
Problems Problems and environmental problems
Human Suggests solutions for environmental pollution prevention in the
Critical Reflection
local and global context
Explain the importance of the sustainability of natural resources Practical Reflection
Conservation of
Natural Resources Question the importance of biological diversity for life Critical Reflection
and Biodiversity
Suggests solutions to protect biodiversity Critical Reflection

There are a total of 17 different learning outcomes of different units in the curriculum. Many of the outcomes (n = 11, f
= 65) belong to the practical reflection. When the learning outcomes belonging to the practical reflections are examined, it
is seen that the outcomes are designed to put forward explanation and interpretation skills instead of a descriptive
sufficiency. Similarly, Hatton and Smith [10] found that prospective teachers have focused on the technical aspects of
teaching at the beginning of the developmental process of reflective thinking. Moreover, the critical reflection was also
determined in the curriculum (n = 6, f = 35). When we look at the learning outcomes in the critical reflection, it seems that
there are outcomes for inquiry, development of new suggestions, and making different evaluations. The learning
outcomes that have student-centered learning approaches encourage students to question and actively participate in the
classroom [21].
2416 Investigation of Learning Outcomes in Biology Course Curriculum in Terms of Mental Skills

Table 3. Evaluation of learning outcomes in the eleventh-grade biology course curriculum in terms of Reflective Thinking Skills

Unit Subject Learning Outcomes Reflection Level

Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of the nervous system Practical Reflection
Explains endocrine glands and the hormones they secrete Practical Reflection
Gives examples of nervous system disorders Practical Reflection
Supervisor and
Regulatory Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
System, Sense structure of the nervous system
Organs Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of sensory organs Practical Reflection
Explains the disorders of sense organs Practical Reflection
Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
structure of sense organs
Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of support and motion
Practical Reflection
Support and
Explains the disorders of support and motion system Practical Reflection
Motion System
Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
structure of support and motion system
Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of the digestive system Practical Reflection

Digestive System Explains the disorders of the digestive system Practical Reflection
Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
structure of the digestive system
Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of the circulation system Practical Reflection
Explains the circulation of the lymph Practical Reflection
Circulation System Explains the disorders of the circulation system Practical Reflection
Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
structure of the circulation system
Explains immune varieties and natural defense mechanisms of the body Practical Reflection
Explains the transport of gas from alveoli to tissues and alveoli from
Practical Reflection
Respiratory Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of the respiratory system Practical Reflection
System Exemplifies respiratory system diseases Practical Reflection
Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
structure of the respiratory system
Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of the urinary system Practical Reflection
Indicates the role of the kidneys in providing homeostasis Practical Reflection
Urinary System
Exemplifies urinary system disorders Practical Reflection
Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
structure of the urinary system
Reproductive Explains the structure, duty, and functioning of the reproductive system Practical Reflection
System and Makes inferences relevant to what needs to be done to protect the healthy
Critical Reflection
Embryonic structure of reproductive system
Development Explains the embryonic development process in human Practical Reflection
Explains the factors that influence the structure of the community Practical Reflection
Explains the inter and intra-species competition in the communities with
Practical Reflection
Community Community examples
and Ecology Explains symbiotic relationships among species in the community with
Practical Reflection
Population examples.
Ecology Explains the succession in the communities with examples Practical Reflection
Analyzes the factors affecting population dynamics Practical Reflection

There are 34 different learning outcomes belonging to different units in the curriculum. Significant number of
outcomes (n = 27, f = 79) are in the practical reflection area. Learning outcomes for practical reflections are defined as
behaviors involving explanations and comments of students on the subject. These outcomes are determined to put the
student’s comments forward rather than expressing their behaviors simply and plainly. Learning outcomes that are
appropriate for critical reflection have been identified in this curriculum (n = 7, f = 21), although they are less than the
practical reflection. When the outcomes in the critical reflection area are examined, it has been determined that the
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(11): 2413-2419, 2018 2417

behaviors of the students that are intended to make inferences about the subject is more focused rather than the behaviors
in a simple and plain degree. In putting the distinctive deductions into outcomes, it may be aimed to use the teaching
methods and materials that center the student [22].
Table 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes in the twelfth-grade biology course curriculum in terms of Reflective Thinking Skills

Unit Subject Learning Outcomes Reflection Level

Discovery of Evaluates the discovery process of nucleic acids Critical Reflection

Nucleic Acids and Describes the types and functions of nucleic acids Practical Reflection
Their Importance
Establishes meronymy in the organization of genetic material on the cell Practical Reflection
Explains DNA replication Practical Reflection
From Gene to
Protein Explains the mechanism of protein synthesis Practical Reflection
Explains the concepts of genetic engineering and biotechnology Practical Reflection
Genetic Code and
Protein Synthesis Explains genetic engineering and biotechnology applications Practical Reflection
Evaluates the effect of genetic engineering and biotechnology
Critical Reflection
applications to human life
Living and
Explain the necessity of energy for the continuation of life Practical Reflection
Questions the importance of photosynthesis in terms of living things Critical Reflection
Photosynthesis Explains the process of photosynthesis on a diagram Practical Reflection
Conversions Evaluates the factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis Critical Reflection
in Living Chemosynthesis Explains the phenomenon of chemosynthesis Practical Reflection
Explains cellular respiration Practical Reflection
Cellular Conducts experiments on aerobic respirations reactants and final products
Practical Reflection
Respiration that are released by the end of the reaction.
Makes inferences about photosynthesis and respiration relation Critical Reflection
Describes the structure and functions of the essential parts of a flowering
Practical Reflection
Structure of
Plants Explains the effects of hormones in plant development with examples Practical Reflection
Performs a controlled experiment to observe plant movements Practical Reflection
Reveals water and mineral absorption in the roots Practical Reflection
Movement of the Explains water and mineral transport mechanism in plants Practical Reflection
Substances in
Plant Biology Explains the mechanism of transport of photosynthesis products in plants Practical Reflection
Designs experiments related to water and substance transport in plants Practical Reflection
Explains the parts of the flower and the tasks of these parts Practical Reflection

Plant Sexual Explains fertilizing, seeds, and fruit formation in flowering plants Practical Reflection
Reproduction Designs experiments that can observe seed germination Practical Reflection
Establishes a relationship between dormancy and germination Practical Reflection
Explains the effect of environmental conditions on the continuity of
Living Things Practical Reflection
Living Things and genetic changes
Environment Gives examples of artificial selection practices in agriculture and animal
Environment Practical Reflection

There are 29 different learning outcomes belonging to from the students are rather outcomes based on inferences
different units in the curriculum. A significant number of and evaluations. In this context, it is mentioned in the top
outcomes (n=24, f=83) are in the practical reflection area. level of reflective thinking that Van Manen [6] calls critical
Learning outcomes for practical reflections are defined as reflection; he questions the moral, economic, social, and
behaviors involving explanations and comments of systemic influence of teaching practices [24].
students on the subject. Akay [23] states that Dewey’s
education approach is based on action and that students
learn with practical activities related to life. The critical 4. Results and Suggestions
reflection level is lower than that of the practical reflection
(n = 5, f = 17). When we look at learning outcomes in the In the examination of a total of 91 learning outcomes in
critical reflection area, it is seen that behaviors expected the biology course curriculum, the maximum learning
2418 Investigation of Learning Outcomes in Biology Course Curriculum in Terms of Mental Skills

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