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MSCEIS IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 812 (2017) 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/812/1/012056

International Conference on Recent Trends in Physics 2016 (ICRTP2016) IOP Publishing

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 755 (2016) 011001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/755/1/011001

Construction Of Critical Thinking Skills Test Instrument

Related The Concept On Sound Wave

F Mabruroh1*, and A Suhandi2

Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Magister Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.

Email: faiza@student.upi.edu

Abstract. This study aimed to construct test instrument of critical thinking skills of high school
students related the concept on sound wave. This research using a mixed methods with
sequential exploratory design, consists of: 1) a preliminary study; 2) design and review of test
instruments. The form of test instruments in essay questions, consist of 18 questions that was
divided into 5 indicators and 8 sub-indicators of the critical thinking skills expressed by Ennis,
with questions that are qualitative and contextual. Phases of preliminary study include: a)
policy studies; b) survey to the school; c) and literature studies. Phases of the design and
review of test instruments consist of two steps, namely a draft design of test instruments
include: a) analysis of the depth of teaching materials; b) the selection of indicators and sub-
indicators of critical thinking skills; c) analysis of indicators and sub-indicators of critical
thinking skills; d) implementation of indicators and sub-indicators of critical thinking skills;
and e) making the descriptions about the test instrument. In the next phase of the review test
instruments, consist of: a) writing about the test instrument; b) validity test by experts; and c)
revision of test instruments based on the validator.

1. Introduction
The main purpose of science education is to prepare students to understand the concept and improve
the skills of thinking.One form of quality thinking is critical thinking. According to Ennis (1991)
critical thinking is reflective thinking that is based on reasoning that is focused on deciding what to
believe or do. Someone who thinks critically reasoning is a skilled person and have a tendency to trust
and act in accordance with his reasoning. People who have the critical thinking skills to be able to
evaluate, discriminate, and determine whether information, ideas of others or his own mind it was
right or wrong. She will also be able to find alternative solutions to the problems encountered.
Critical thinking skills was developed in learning process with the assumption that most children
can achieve critical thinking and thinking skills in children is always evolving. Similarly, thinking
skills can be taught and learned. Based on a literature review of the results of previous studies, some
strategies/methods/learning model can be used to construct critical thinking skills of students, among
others learning based problem-solving[18],cooperative learning model of STAD (Student Teams
Achievement Division)[21], learning to use interactive multimedia/virtual simulation [20], the learning

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MSCEIS IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 812 (2017) 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/812/1/012056

cycle (learning cycle)[23] and so on. So the selection of strategies/methods/ learning model will
greatly determine the success to construct critical thinking skills of students.
Efforts to assess the success of students in developing critical thinking skills must be supported by
a measuring instrument that can measure such capabilities.Measurement is an important factor in
education because through the measurement, teacher would be known exactly where students at one
time in an activity.
Based on previous research the availability of measurement tools that can be used as guidelines in
determining the level of critical thinking skills of students, especially in the subjects of physics is
rarely, whereas critical thinking skills test instrument need to be developed in all the subject of
physics. Previous research has developed a measuring tool critical thinking skills of students in the
teaching material temperature and heat [19]. Thus, the present study teaching materials that will be
developed is related to sound waves.
The learning process can construct critical thinking skills students will rely heavily on the use of
strategies/methods/learning model applied by the teacher. Selection strategies/methods/model will
greatly determine the final result of the increase in students' critical thinking skills. Thus, in this study
applied learning models that they were problem based learning model, 5E learning cycle model, and
the inquiry learning model.
Based on the above, it is necessary to develop the measurement tools of critical thinking skills
related to teaching material sound waves to determine the qualification of students' critical
thinking. The problems of the present study is, how to construct a critical thinking test instruments on
teaching material sound waves that will be tested on high school students grade XII. The purpose of
the present study is compiling test instruments critical thinking in teaching material sound waves that
will be tested on high school students grade XII.

2. Experimental Method
This study used qualitative descriptive method to examine the characteristics of critical thinking skills
instruments. This study tries to construct the critical thinking skills test instrument related the concept
on sound waves. This study used mixed method with sequential exploratory design. This strategy is
implemented with the aim to used the data and quantitative results to help interpreted qualitative
findings.Based on the design, procedure to construct test instrument in this study was expressed by
this chart below.
a. Prelimenary Study

Policy Studies Surveys toschools Literature studies

b. Design of test instrument

Analysis of the depth Selection of indicators Analytical indicators

of teaching materials. and sub-indicators of and sub-indicators.
critical thinking skills.

Making descripstion Implementation of

about test instrument. indicators and sub

c. Review of testinstrument

Writing about test Validity test by experts Revision of test

instrument instrument

Figure 1. Procedure to constuct test instrument

MSCEIS IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 812 (2017) 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/812/1/012056

Critical thinking skills test instrument was written in the form of open-ended with converging
pattern because it forms a comprehensive assessment and construction of indicators can capture
critical thinking skills [8], [15]. This essay test would be asked to students to express their response
and put forward ideas or insights that exist in their minds so as to give a describe of the level of
students' critical thinking skills. The level of difficulty that will be tested was varies according to the
indicators and sub-indicators of critical thinking skills.
This instrument of critical thinking skills would be tested on four public high schools in Bandung
city. Three schools was used learning methods and one school was used traditional method of
learning. The students who followed the test was XII grade in each school.

3. Result and Discussion

This research was conducted to obtain critical thinking skills test instruments related the concept on
sound waves. Construction of this test instruments using sequential exploratory mixed method design
consisting of three phases, preliminary studies, designing and review of test instruments. Preliminary
study in this research consisted of policy studies, field surveys and literature studies. Preliminary
studies conducted by the authors to determine the considered problem. Critical thinking skills
including high-level thinking skills required for the flyer to the students, making it one of the learning
competencies of physics in the national education curriculum[2].
Based on the results of the study[17],[13] showed that the achievement of students' critical thinking
skills, included the low category.This is due to the applied physics teaching method has not stimulate
and cultivate students' critical thinking skills. Learning physics tends to be teacher centered, students
are not active in building their own knowledge, and does not stimulate the reasoning power and
thinking of students.
This is consistent with the results of a field survey conducted by the authors at some schools at
Bandung city, through interviews with teachers of physics. The result was during and after the process
of learning physics, the critical thinking skills of students have never been assessed by the
teacher. Most teachers assess students' mastery of concepts, using test questions which refer to the
tests in the National Exam. Most teachers do not understand about critical thinking skills assessment
form and procedure. In addition, teachers have not had a test instrument that assess students' critical
thinking skills especially physics content. Part of the teacher was not able to develop critical thinking
skills instruments due to the limited knowledge on critical thinking skills assessment.
The author conducted the selection of indicators and sub-indicators of critical thinking skills
expressed by Ennis (1985) adapted to teaching materials sound waves. The result of the selection of
indicators and sub-indicators of critical thinking skills along with details of the number of questions
that are designed were presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Indicators and Sub Indicators Critical Thinking Skills in Research

No. Indicators of Critical Sub Indicators of Critical Thinking Skills Number
Thinking Skills Problem
1 Elementary Analyze the argument: identify conclusions 1
clarification Analyze the argument: identify the reasons 1
Asking clarifying questions 1
Answering questions of clarification 1
2 Basis for the decision Assessing the credibility of the source criteria: the 1
or basic support existing procedure
Assessing the credibility of the source based on the 1
following criteria: the ability to give a reason
Assessing reports observation based on the following 1
criteria: Note of observation
Assessing reports observation based on the following 1
criteria: Competent or the suitability of the

MSCEIS IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 812 (2017) 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/812/1/012056

3 Inference Hypothesis explanation: claims of general causal 1

Induction: Activities of investigation especially 1
aspects of experimental design
Induction: Provide a reasonable assumption 1
Induction: Generalization of the chart 2
Make a statement of values, based on: the facts 1
Make a statement of values, based on: their 1
Make a statement of values: the consequences 1
4 Advanced Assessing the definition: Definition of the report 1
5 Strategies and tactics Interacting with others: A coherent strategy 1

Indicators and sub-indicators that have been analysed in order to know meaning of relationship
between indicators and sub-indicators. This phase is carried out so that the indicators and sub-
indicators of critical thinking skills that are general to be more specific and concrete that can be
measured. Descriptions of test questions are based on the analysis and implementation of indicators
and sub-indicators of critical thinking skills. Writing test questions refer to the description of the
questions that have been created.As an example of the results of test instrument design presented in
this below,

Indicator : Elementary clarification

Sub Indicator:Analyze the argument by: identifying the reason that are not explicity stated
Question :
Tora and Heru walk to school that was located in the center of city. When they arrived in front of the
school, the ambulance was passed by while sirens, and from the opposite direction through the car of fire
engine and sirens also rang. When the two cars passed each other in front of Tora and Heru, they heard a very
loud buzzing sound and then it disappeared, and reappeared a few moments are repeated several times until
the two cars apart.
Tora asked Heru, "why is buzz happen?". Heru responded the question by saying that they had heard the
buzz caused by increased amplitude of the sound waves emanating blend of the two cars.
From the reason ofHeru expressioned, identify the reasons why the sound of sirens can produce a very loud

The review of test instrument is the validity of the test. Validity of test instrument was performed
with requested consideration by experts.Test instruments was validated by five experts consisting of
two physics education experts and three physics content experts. The results of the test instrument
validation of critical thinking skills presented in Table 2.

MSCEIS IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 812 (2017) 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/812/1/012056

Table 2. Results of validation by experts

Problem Aspects ratings Suggestions
Test Suitability indicators / Use /Improvements
Item sub-indicators item Problem
Correspo Not Not be Revision Can be Used
nding available Used (%) (%)
(%) (%) (%)
1 100 0 0 20 80 Add description
by picture.
2 100 0 0 20 80 Repair the unit
was used
3 100 0 0 0 100 -
4 80 20 0 40 60 Answer clarified
5 100 0 0 0 100 -
6 100 0 0 20 80 Answers
7 100 0 0 40 60 Answer
8 100 0 0 0 100 -
9 100 0 0 40 60 Add pictures
10 100 0 0 0 100 -
11 100 0 0 20 80 Clarified the
12 100 0 0 20 80 Clarified the
13 100 0 0 0 100 -
14 100 0 0 20 80 Add explanation
of answer
15 80 20 0 40 60 Improvement
questions by
supporting data
16 80 20 0 0 100 -
17 80 20 0 20 80 Clarified the
18 100 0 0 0 100 -
 Validator 1: questions can be used after repair and analyzes each comment in the instrument
 Validator 2: the instrument can be used after the revision.
 Validator 3: the test instrument can be used after revision
 Validator 4: the test instrument can be used after revision the questions and answers should be equipped with a
scoring rubric.
 Validator 5: need to be careful about the description conformity with questions and an answer key.

All validators provide that there was no problems that could not be used. Furthermore, the test
instrument which consist of 18 items can be prepared to test and test of implementation to obtain the
test instruments critical thinking skillsafter it was revised. The recommendation from experts is used
to fix the test instrument that has been designed, so that the test instrument is really fit to be used in
testing and implementation phase.

4. Conclusion
In this study, it has been prepared 18 items of critical thinking skills test instruments of high school
students related concept on sound waves with five (5) indicators and eight (8) sub-indicators of critical
thinking expressed by Ennis. Based on the analysis by validator that there was no problem that could

MSCEIS IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 812 (2017) 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/812/1/012056

not be used, but some questions need to be improved. The test instrument will be used in testing and
implementation of test instruments, after it was revised.

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