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Speaking Part 3

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I totally agree that / In my opinion [paraphrase the topic] for several


First and foremost, [main idea 1] …. Another ….. is that … [main idea 2].
Last but not least, [main idea 3]...

In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe that

[paraphrase the topic]

Topic 1: Living in the countryside has many avantages: fresh air,

friendly neighbors, cheap cost.
I totally agree that country life has several benefits for several
In the first place, people in the countryside can enjoy the fresh air.
As you know, there are fewer factories and less traffic so the air is not
polluted. Also, there air more trees and rice fields which make the air
Secondly, people living in the countryside are very friendly and
hospitable. Neighbors are very helpful and the often get on well with one
Finally, the cost in the countryside is cheap. People often have a
large garden where they grow their own vegetables and raise chicken or
pigs for food. Moreover, they pay lower fees for all products and services.
In conclusion, it is very beneficial to live in the countryside.

Topic 2: Playing sports is beneficial for young people: improves your

health, meet more people, a good way to relax.
I totally agree that playing sports has several benefits for young
peoplefor several reasons.
In the first place, we can improves our health. It’s undeniable (không
thể phủ nhận rằng) that when doing sports, we move many parts of out
body. As a result, we burn lots of calories and improve out heart rate (cải
thiện nhịp tim).
Secondly, it’s a great chance to meet more people. When we take up
any sport, like football, we can make friends with those who are in our
team or out partner team
Finally, it helps us to relax. It’s so much fun to play any kinds of
sport as we forget everything in the real world and devote (dành thời gian)
out time to sport. We can refresh out mind.
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that playing sport has many merits for young people.

Topic 3: Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people:

Releases stress, be good for meeting people, improves health.
I totally agree that going swimming will bring a lot of merits for
people for several reasons.
Firstly, It’s true that swimming allows us to release stress
effectively. It’s a great way to relax our mind after hard working hours.
Secondly, when going for a swim, we can have a chance to meet
new people. We can make friends with people who share the same interest.
Finally, it helps us to keep fit. Swimming is a full body workout. As
you move many parts of your body like arms, legs, head and so on, you
can consume (tiêu thụ) evergy to help you stay in shape (giữ dáng).
Besides, it helps strengthen your muscles.
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that going swimming is very benifical for people.

Topic 4: Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities: save

money, keeps people fit, protects the environment.
I totally agree that cycling to work should be encouraged in big
cities for several reasons.
Firstly, it’s money saving as (vì) it costs (chi phí) from a few
hundred thousand to a few million VND to buy a good bike whereas (trong
khi) it’s really expensive to buy other means of transport like motorbikes.
Secondly, it’s a great way to keep fit. When we cycling to work, we
move all our body like our legs and hands. Therefore, we can burn lots of
calories and we are able to improve our health.
Finally, It helps protect the environment. While motorbike and cars
release lots of emissions (khí thải) which pollute the environment,
travelling buy bike causes no harm to the surrounding.
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities.

Topic 5: Going camping is very beneficial to college students: relaxing,

discovering, networking.
I totally agree that going camping has a lot of merits to college
students for several reasons.
Firstly, camping helps us to reduce stress. It’s true that we can
escape from te noisy city and enjoy peace in mind. It’s a time for us to
refresh and relax.
Secondly, campsite is often organized in the countryside or in the
forest so we have many opportunities to discover the beautiful
surrounding. We are able to walk around and explore the nature with lots
of lakes, trees, and so on. Besides, we can also enjoy the fresh air.
Finally, it’s a good way to spend time with family or friend or
making new friends. When we go camping, we often get together with
family and friends so people have a great time chatting, playing game.
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that going camping is very beneficial to college students.
Topic 6: Healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health: healthy
body, good work concentration (tập trung), disease prevention (phòng
chống dịch bệnh).
I totally agree that healthy breakfast is the best meal for our health
for several reasons.
Firstly, it helps us to have a healthy body. After a long night sleep,
people often feel hungry and need food to be able to work. Good food for
breakfast would provide us with enough energy for the morning and the
whole day (cả ngày).
Secondly, it allows us to concentrate on our work better. Breakfast
can improve memory and concentration levels.
Finally, good breakfast enables us to prevent diseases. A proper
breakfast (ăn sáng lành mạnh) ensures (đảmbảo) a healthy body so it helps
us to stay away (tránh xa) from illnesses
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that healthy breakfast is the most ideal meal for our health.

Topic 7: Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among

teenagers: effective study, morning exercises, better preparation to go
to school.
I totally agree that getting up early in the morning should be
encouraged among teenagers for several reasons.
Firstly, early risers are able to study more effectively than those who
get up late. This is simply because an early morning with lots of fresh air
will refresh their minds. Besides, after a long night sleep, people often
relax in the morning and they can learn things fast.
Secondly, teenagers should rise early so that they have to do
morning exercise. It’s believed that morning workout helps people become
more alert (tỉnh táo hơn) and raise their concentration levels.
Finally, when getting up early, students can be well prepared for
school. They might finish any homework, get dressed or have a healthy
breakfast before getting to school.
Topic 8: The internet is a good source to collect information: easy
access, rich information, low cost.
I totally agree that the Internet is an excellent tool to gather
information for several reasons.
Firstly, people can have easy access to the Internet. People living in
rural areas (khu vực nông thôn) as well as (cũng như) in big cities also
have Internet connection through cables or wireless hotspot
Secondly, the Internet is a source of rich information. This is an easy
way to get information on almost any aspect (hầu hết mọi khía cạnh) in
Finally, the Internet provides information with very low cost or even
for free. People have to pay Internet bill every month only. Many online
courses are free and some are at low cost.
In conclusion, because of the reasons that I mentioned above, I
believe that the Internet is a great source to collect information.
Topic 8: Online learning is beneficial to students: flexible, affordable,
I totally agree that learning online has a large number of merits for
students for several reasons.
Firstly, online learning is very convenient. Students can study
whenever and wherever they want.
Secondly, it’s very affordable to study online. Online resources are
free or at low cost. Students can save cost of travelling
Finally, online courses are more interesting thanks to (nhờ vào) the
application of technology. Technology is a powerful tool to engage (thu
hút) students such as sounds, images, games and so on.
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that online learning is very beneficial to students.

Topic 9: Studying abroad has many benefits: have better education,

become more independent, find a better job.
Similar topics: living overseas, going to another country, going to a
foreign country.
There is a common trend (xu hướng chung) among young people
prefer to studying abroad. Some of the reasons for this trend may include
better working conditions, higher living standards, and the opportunity to
gain new cultural knowledge and experiences.
In the first place, young people may find that they have more job
opportunities overseas. Many countries offer better job opportunities and
salaries than their home countries. If young people have a chance to work
abroad, it is likely (có khả năng) that they can make a fortune (kiếm 1 mớ
Another factor is improved living conditions. These include better
access to accommodation, healthcare, as well as means of entertainment.
All of these benefits can contribute to a better quality of life and a more
secure future, which makes living abroad an attractive option for many
young people.
Last but not least, living in a foreign country can be an exciting
adventure to meet new people and experience new cultures. Living and
working in different countries can help develop a deeper understanding of
different cultures. There are also opportunities to learn new languages, try
new foods, and make new friends from different backgrounds.
In conclusion, the young tend to live abroad for better job prospects,
living quality and cultural understanding.
Topic 10: Students are encouraged to take part in competitions:
encourage learning from others, encourage self-improvement,
improve social life.
I totally agree that students should be encouraged to participate in
competitions for several benefits they bring.
Firstly, competitions encourage students learning from others.
Taking part in competitions, students are able to learn about strength and
weaknesses of their counterparts’ and earn experience from them.
Secondly, competitions allow students to self-improve. When
competition are organized in schools, students have to learn and practise a
lot to make an excellent performance. As a result, they can learn a lot from
their mistakes and their practice.
Finally, competition helps students to improve their social
relationships. When preparing for competitions, students work with
different team mates, so they can improve their communication skills,
work group skills. Besides, students also have a chance to communicate
with others from different classes.
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that students should be encouraged to take part in competitions.

Topic 11: There are factors causing stress at work: Poor working
conditions, too much work, bad management.
In recent years, more and more people face stress because of many
reasons. Stress has become a serious problem in modern life. I will discuss
some reasons of causes stress at work.
First and foremost, stress at work is caused by working conditions
are poor. Employees might have to work under the high pressure and tight
Another is that people may have too much workload. Employees
have to work long hours or work overtime for a long time. As a result, they
feel very tired.
Last but not least, people might lack support from management.
Employee might feel stressed because their colleagues do not support
Inclusion, the above ideas are the causes of stress at work. People
should have a good lifestyle to reduce stress.

Topic 12: There are various causes of unemployment (thất nghiệp)

among a youth in the society: overpopulation, underqualification,
poor performance.
In recent years, unemployment has become a common trend in
society, especially the young people. I will discuss some reasons why
many youth are out of work in the society.
The first cause is overpopulation. There are always new workers
who enter the workforce while the number of jobs is limited. Therefore,
people will find it more difficult to look for work.
Another reason is underqualification. Some young people might lack
necessary knowledge or skills which are required for the job. This is
because they have not well trained at university.
The last reason is the application of technology. Some companies do
not need people to work in their factories. Instead, robots are responsible
for doing most task
In conclusion, there are several reasons why many young people are
out of work in society.

Topic 13: There are many advantages of going by bus: cheap fares,
environment protection, reduced traffic jam.
I totally agree that travelling by bus brings a large number of
benefits because of some reasons.
Firstly, travellers can enjoy ticket fares. It costs only five thousand
dongs to buy a single ticket and it even gets cheaper if they purchase a
monthly ticket, which are suitable for people who do not have enough
money to buy an individual vehicle or come from low-income families.
Secondly, travelling by bus can protect the environment. If more
people use public transport by buses, fewer people will go by motorbike or
car, which reduces air pollution more effectively.
Finally, commuting by bus may contribute to reducing traffic jams.
If people choose public transport, the number of private vehicles will
decrease. As a result, people can avoid traffic congestion.
In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned above, I believe
that going by bus has a lot of benefits for everyone.

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