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Btw01 Rulebook Compressed

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“I will be as good a lord to you as Eddard
Stark ever was. Betray me, though, and you’ll
wish you hadn’t.” 1 Time Track
1 Round Token
—Theon Greyjoy
A Clash of Kings 1 Season Token

1 First Player Token

Game Overview
During A Game of Thrones: B’Twixt, each 54 Power Tokens
player takes on the role of one of the
9 Leader Cards
leading characters from George R.R.
Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire book series. 50 Ally Cards
Players spend cards to influence a host of
allies from the novels to join their cause. 62 Standard Influence Cards
Players should exercise caution, though, as
11 Event Influence Cards
the people to their left and right are both
the key to their victory and the knife in 36 Leader-Specific Influence Cards
their back.
6 Reference Cards

To set up A Game of Thrones: B’Twixt, players perform the following steps:

1. Prepare Time Track: Place the time track where it is visible to all players. Place the
round token on the space that corresponds to the number of players in the game and
the season token on the summer () space if playing a 3–4 player game or on the
autumn () space if playing a 5–6 player game.

Round Token

Season 3–4 5–6

Token ©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Time Track

2. Create Ally Deck: Shuffle the ally deck and place it in

the middle of the play area.

Ally Deck

3. Create Token Supply: Place all of the power tokens

in a pile in the play area. Flip each token so its dragon
side is faceup. Then, randomize the tokens by mixing
them together without looking at their facedown sides.
Power Token Power Tokens
(dragon side) (numbered sides)

4. Determine the First Player: Identify the player who

has most recently been betrayed. This player takes the
first player token, places it in front of themself, and
becomes the first player.

First Player Token

5. Choose Leaders: Starting with the first player and
continuing clockwise, each player chooses one of the
leader cards—or takes one randomly—and places it in
front of themself with the colored side faceup.

For the standard game, this choice is thematic and Cersei lannisTer

does not affect gameplay. For details about how leaders ©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Leader Card
function in the advanced game, see page 10.

5 the Silence

6. Prepare Influence Cards: There are 4 interCepted

five colors of influence cards. Each card Until the end of the round, you

color has an icon in the top-left corner.

may choose to skip your turns.
If you do not skip your turn,
play up to 2 influence cards and
immediately kneel.

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Set aside the white () and blue () 8
Choose a leader. Until the end of
ContinGenCy “Black sails andthe
a red hull, and
round, crewed
you canbylook at that
mutes. He’d been to Asshai and back.”
plan leader’s
—Captain hand
of the at any time.

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

influence cards and shuffle together the
euron greyjoy

4 pullinG the
strinGs “Birds are lost, messages stolen or sold...”
—Grand Maester Pycelle

red (), green (), and purple () 1 Set these cards aside.
If you did not win the bid, put this Betrayal
card into your hand instead of

cards to create the influence deck.

discarding it.

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

If your neighbor wins the bid, they

Then, deal 10 cards from it to each

“You must put place
these theaside,
dreams ally and any gained
they will only break your heart.”
power tokensLuwin
—Maester in the council they
share with you.

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

player and place the remaining deck

“When you know may move
a man 1 red
wants you( ), green ( ),
know who he is,
orand how to
purple ( move him.
) card ”
from any bid pile
to your—Petyr
bid pile.

in the middle of the play area so it is

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

“The things we love destroy us every time…”

—Jeor Mormont

within reach of all players.

Create the influence deck with these cards.

Example of Four-Player Setup

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

eurOn greyJOy

Power Token
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG
Cersei lannisTer

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Influence Current
Discard Pile Ally

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

DOran MarTell

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Fundamental Concepts
This section contains the fundamental
concepts that provide context while learning
the game.

Each player assumes on the role of the
leader that they chose during setup.
When a card or the rules use the word
“leader,” it is referring to a player.

Influence and Ally Cards

Each leader begins the game with a hand
of influence cards. During the game,
leaders play these cards from their hands
to claim ally cards.

Each influence card has an influence value

and an ability.
7 royal deCree

Influence Value

While this card is in your bid pile,

it cannot be moved or discarded
by other influence card abilities.


©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

“I was never so alive as when I was winning
this throne, or so dead as now that I've won it.”
—Robert Baratheon

Influence Card

Each ally has a power value and an ability.

5 ser Jaime Lannister

“The Kingslayer”

Power Value

During this Round:

Leaders cannot play a card if a
copy of that card is already in any
bid pile.
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Ability “There are no men like me. There is only me.”

Ally Card

Councils & Neighbors Object of the Game
A council is a designated area where At the end of the game, the leader with
leaders place their claimed ally cards and the most powerful small council wins.
gained power tokens, which are described
later. The strength of each council is This means that leaders are incentivized
determined at the end of the game by to cooperate with their neighbors...to
adding the power values of these cards a point. A leader does not benefit from
and tokens. making one of their councils far stronger
than the other. Ultimately, each leader
Each leader has two councils—one to their still needs to act in their own best interest
left and one to their right. The council to to keep their councils relatively balanced,
a leader’s left is shared with the leader to so that their small council holds the
their left; the council to a leader’s right is highest possible value.
shared with the leader to their right. A
leader’s small council is the council that
has lower power of their two councils.

Two leaders that share a council are

referred to as neighbors.

Council Greyjoy Council
e R.R

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

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7 oBeryn marteLL
“The Red Viper”
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG
Cersei lannisTer


When Claimed:
Choose and discard 2 cards from
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

your hand. The leader with the

added to the same council.
ally is claimed, the power token is
supply to the current ally. After this
Add 1 power token from the
“It is one thing to deceive a king, and quite
rushes and the little bird in the chimney.”

another to hide from the cricket in the

second-highest influence total

must also choose and discard 2
cards from their hand.
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG
little Birds

Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly dangerous,

unpredictable. No man dared tread on him.

Cersei ©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

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©George R.R. Martin ©FFG


The ally and power tokens in council A are shared by Cersei and Euron. Similarly, the allies and power
tokens in council B are shared by Euron and Melisandre. Cersei is neighbors with Euron and Doran
while Euron is neighbors with Cersei and Melisandre.

Playing athe Game
rianne marteLL
3. Claim the Ally
Depending on the Heiress
players, the After all leaders have knelt, each leader adds
game is played over two or three seasons. together all of the values of the influence cards
Each season has four to seven rounds with in their bid pile to create their influence total.
each round consisting of seven steps: The leader with the highest influence total
wins the bid. Then, that leader claims the
ally by choosing one of their two councils and
1. Reveal Current Ally placing the ally there.
The first player takes the top card of the
1 11
the Game of

ally deck, reads it aloud, and places it

Betrayal thrones

faceup next to the ally deck. 8

plan 4 pullinG the

You may move 1 red ( ), green ( C),orruption

If the ally has a “During this Round:”

or purple ( ) card from any bid pile
to your bid pile.

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

If you did not win the bid, put this If your neighbor wins the bid, they

ability, that ability applies to this round.

card into your hand instead of must place the ally and any gained
discarding it. power
“In King’s tokens
Landing, in two
there are thesorts
of they
“The things we love destroy us every time…” people. The players
share and the pieces.”
with you.
—Jeor Mormont —Petyr Baelish

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

“When you know what a man wants you
“You must
Move put 1these dreams
power aside,from any
token know who he is, and how to move him.”
they will only break your heart.”
leader’s council
their other —Petyr Baelish

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

During this Round:
“Give me priests who are fat and corrupt
and cynical. It's the ones who believe in gods
who make the trouble.”
—Tyrion Lannister

After each leader has knelt, Tyrion has three cards in
When the first leader who has front of him which total 12 influence while Cersei has
This card has a “During this Round:” ability. oofBeryn
her which m
at least 1 card in their bid pile two cards in front totalarteLL
15 influence.
Cersei wins the bid and claims the current ally.
kneels, they must put their bid “The Red Viper”
intoItheir hand. Cards
nfluence If there is a tie for the leader with the highest
Starting with the first player and influence total (even a tie of 0 total influence),
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

proceeding clockwise, each leader takes the leader in the tie that is closest to the first
turns by either playing an influence card player—starting with the first player and
faceup or kneeling. proceeding clockwise—wins the bid.
Hers was a gentle prison.
When a leader plays an influence card, Some allies have a “When Claimed:” ability.
they resolve its ability, if applicable. Some This ability either affects where the ally can
abilities resolve at the end of the round be placed or produces a unique effect. The
instead. Then, the leader adds the card leader who claimed the ally must resolve the
to their bid pile, the play area in front of ability, if applicable.

When a leader kneels, they rotate their

When Claimed:
leader card 90°. After a leader has knelt, they
must pass for the remainder of the round. Choose and discard 2 cards from
card hasThe leader
a “When with
Claimed:” the

second-highest influence total

When a leader wins the bid, that leader also
mustonealso choose
tokenand discard 2
Daenerys Targaryen

gains power without

cards from their hand.
looking at the numbered side
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Daenerys Targaryen

and places it in either of their

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Play proceeds clockwise until all leaders councils. Power Token
have chosen to kneel. Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly dangerous,
unpredictable. No man dared tread on him.
4. Clean Up If the round token cannot advance because
Each leader places the cards from their it is already on the final space, reset the
bid pile into the single, collective discard token to the space that corresponds to the
pile. Each leader rotates their leader card number of players in the game and advance
back to its original orientation. the season token to the next season.

5. Pass the First

Player Token
Pass the first player token First Player
clockwise to the next leader. Token

6. Advance the Round

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Advancing to the Next Season in

Advance the token on the round track to a Four-Player Game
the next space to the right. When the season token is moved, each
leader discards their hand, the discard pile
is shuffled into the influence deck, and
each leader is dealt 10 new cards.

If the season token is already on the

Advancing to the Next Round winter () space when it would advance
to the next space, the game is over and the
Each season has one more round than the
winner is determined.
number of players; therefore, in a four-player
game, there are five rounds in a season.
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

Otherwise, the next round begins.

Winning the Game
The game is over at the end of the final Example of Scoring
round of winter (). Leaders assess the In this example, there are four players:
power of the councils and determine the Olenna Tyrell, Tyrion Lannister,
winner. Daenerys Targaryen, and Jon Snow.

Assess Councils’ Power At the end of the game, all of the power
tokens are revealed and added together with
Flip over all power tokens assigned to
the power values of the allies in the council.
councils to their numbered sides.
After determining the power of each council,
For each council, add the power values of each leader identifies the power of their
each of its allies and power tokens. This small council—the lower power of their two
sum determines the power total of the councils:
22 16
Determine Winner
Each leader determines which of their
councils has the lower power total. (This is
Jon Tyrion
the power of their small council.) If both
councils have the same total, either council Daenerys
may be used as that leader’s small council
for scoring purposes. The leader whose
small council has the highest power wins!
17 20

If there is a tie, of those leaders, the leader The small council of both Daenerys and
whose other council has the highest power Jon has a total of 17. This results in a tie.
wins. If there is still a tie—for example, the By comparing the power of their other
other councils of multiple leaders have the councils, since Jon’s council is 22 compared
same power total—then, the leader with to Daenerys’s council of 20, Jon wins!
the most total allies among both of their
councils wins. If there is still a tie, then
those leaders share victory.
22 16

17 20

Additional Concepts Killing and Death
Here are some additional concepts that A Song of Ice and Fire is a series that
can appear during the game. does not shy away from character death.
Therefore, there are some card effects
that refer to killing an ally. When this
Gaining Power Tokens happens, the ally is placed in a faceup pile,
If an ability causes a leader to gain a referred to as the dead pile, next to the
power token, that leader takes one power ally deck. Which allies are killed is public
token from the supply without looking at information and the order of the cards
the numbered side and places it in either does not need to be maintained.
of their councils.
Triumph Icon
“You” Some influence cards have a
When an influence card refers to “you,” it triumph icon located next to
is referring to the leader that the card is in the title of a card. This icon is a
front of. Influence cards start out in front reminder that the ability resolves
of the leader that plays them, but can be after a leader wins the bid.

For example, Euron has played Contingency Priority of Rules

Plan in front of himself. Cersei plays Betrayal, If an ally or influence card ability conflicts
moving Contingency Plan in front of herself. with a rule from this book, the ally or
Cersei now becomes the subject of “you” for the influence card ability overrides it.
ability of the moved Contingency Plan.
For example, although the leader that claims the
As another example, Doran plays Bribery (an ally would normally be able to choose the council
event card) which he moves to Tyrion’s bid to place the ally in, if their neighbor has Pulling
pile. This means that after a leader wins the the Strings in their bid, the leader must place the
bid, Bribery is put into Tyrion’s hand even ally in the council they share with that neighbor
though Doran played the card. instead.

When an ally’s “When Claimed:” ability If an influence card’s ability conflicts with
refers to “you,” it is referring to the leader an ally’s ability, the ally’s ability overrides it.
that claimed the ally.
For example, although a leader played
Pulling the Strings, if their neighbor claims
Deals are Non-Binding the ally and the ally was Sansa Stark, her
Any deals that leaders make are not ability (“You must place Sansa Stark in your
binding. This means that leaders can make council that has your highest-power ally.”)
promises or agreements but do not have overrides the effect of Pulling the Strings.
to fulfill them. Leaders should be careful
about whom they betray as they may rely
on their neighbors to acquire future allies.

Unlike leader-specific cards, event cards
Advanced Game are discarded in the same way as standard
After players have become familiar with influence cards.
the standard game, they may add more
variability, strategy, and flavor to their game
by choosing to play the advanced game
Alternative Rules
instead. This adds leader-specific cards and After playing the game as described
event cards which are played in the same earlier, here are some alternative versions
way as standard influence cards. of the game to provide a different
experience. Each variant has a brief
description of what it provides before the
Leader-Specific Cards rules on how to do it.
During setup, after each player chooses
their leader card, they take that leader’s four
leader-specific influence cards, which are
Draft Version
identified by the leader’s image and name at To add a different level of strategic depth,
the bottom of the card. These cards are the players can play this version, although it does
set-aside, white () influence cards. notably increase the length of the game.

5 the Silence At the start of the game, after each

Influence Value leader is dealt their hand of ten cards,
each leader chooses one card from that
Until the end of the round, you
may choose to skip your turns. hand and sets it aside. Then, they pass
Leader’s Name
If you do not skip your turn,

the remaining nine cards to the leader on

play up to 2 influence cards and
immediately kneel.

Leader Image
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

“Black sails and a red hull, and crewed by

their left. Each leader continues setting

mutes. He’d been to Asshai and back.”
—Captain of the Myraham

euron greyjoy

aside one card from their hand and

When each leader is dealt a new hand of passing the remaining cards to the left
cards during setup and at the start of each until they have no more cards. Then, they
season, they are dealt nine cards instead pick up the set-aside cards and use that as
of ten and they draw one random card their hand for the season.
from their leader-specific cards. When a
At the end of each season, that process is
leader-specific card would be discarded, it
performed again, but with the cards being
is removed from the game instead.
passed in the alternate direction instead.
Therefore, in a four-player game, they will
Event Influence Cards be past to the left during setup, to the
In a three- or four-player game, at the end right at the start of autumn (), and to the
of summer () and autumn (), after all left at the start of winter ().
influence cards are discarded and shuffled
together, three of the set-aside, blue (),
influence cards are chosen at random and
shuffled into the deck. In a five- or six-
player game, at the end of autumn (), add
six randomly instead.

To resolve any effect that requires
Kingsmoot Draft Version looking at the top cards of the ally deck,
Similar to the draft version, players that the next ally in the ally row is selected
want to add even more cards to the mix and the rest are drawn from the top of
may want to play this version. This variant the ally deck. If an ally is placed “on top
reduces some of the game’s thematic elements. of the deck,” it is placed as the leftmost
ally of the ally row and, if there is a
This version is played identically to the
current ally, to the right of it.
Draft Version described above, but all
of the leader-specific and event cards are
shuffled into the deck during setup. Each Short Version
leader can play any leader-specific cards. No time? Try this!

3–4 players: start in autumn ()

Revealed Allies Version 5–6 players: start in winter ()
To reduce some of the variability that can
arise from the random allies, players can play
this version. This variant does eliminate some
of the surprises inherent to the original rules.

At the start of each season, place cards

from on top of the ally deck faceup in a
row from left to right until there are one
more than the number of players in the
game. This is known as the ally row.
During each round, instead of revealing
the top ally from the ally deck, the
leftmost ally becomes the current ally.
Any abilities that choose an ally cannot
choose an ally in the ally row.
3 ser Loras tyreLL
“The Knight of Flowers” 3 shae
Camp Follower
6 roBB starK
The Young Wolf
2 ser iLyn Payne
“The King’s Justice” 3 arianne marteLL
Heiress of Sunspear

When Claimed: When Claimed: When Claimed: When Claimed: During this Round:
If Renly Baratheon is your ally, Move an ally to Shae’s council One other leader may discard a Look at the top 3 cards of the ally When the first leader who has
Ser Loras Tyrell must be placed in from your other council. Betrayal from their hand to kill deck. Kill 1 of them and place the at least 1 card in their bid pile
Renly Baratheon’s council. Robb Stark. If they do, you may other 2 on top of the deck in any kneels, they must put their bid
Reveal and claim the next ally discard a Betrayal from your order. pile into their hand.
and place it in Ser Loras Tyrell’s hand to cancel that effect.
©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

©George R.R. Martin ©FFG

The weight of his steel seemed to hardly dimish “My mother named me Shae. "Gods be good, why would any man “He does so love his work.”
[his] grace and quickness. Men call me...often.” ever want to be king?" Hers was a gentle prison.

Current Ally Ally Row

If an ability reveals the next ally, add the

top ally from the ally deck to the right
of the ally row and then use the ally to
the right of the current ally to resolve the

Card Clarifications Credits
Below are a few clarifications of specific Game Design and Development: The FFG Game
Design Team
card interactions. For more general
Technical Writing: Adam Baker
clarifications, check the Additional
Producer: Molly Glover
Concepts section on page 9.
Editing: Richard A. Edwards
Proofreading: Calli Oliverius
Pulling the Strings Board Game Manager: Chris Winebrenner-Palo
If each neighbor of the leader who won Graphic Design: Shaun Boyke with WiL Springer
the bid has played the same number of Graphic Design Manager: Christopher Hosch
copies of Pulling the Strings, the leader Cover Art: Borja Pindado
who won the bid chooses which council Interior Art: Borja Pindado and the artists of
to place the ally in. If one neighbor plays A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
more copies of Pulling the Strings than Art Direction: Jeff Lee Johnson
the other neighbor, the ally must be Managing Art Director: Tony Bradt
placed in the council shared with the QA Specialist: Zach Tewalthomas
neighbor with more copies of Pulling the Studio Approval Coordinator: Jim Cartwright
Strings. Licensing Coordinator: Zach Holmes
Licensing Manager: Sherry Anisi
If another ally is introduced during the Production Management: Justin Anger and
round, such as by Matchmaker or Blood Tim Najmolhoda
Magic, these additional allies ignore the Visual Creative Director: Brian Schomburg
effect of any Pulling the Strings. Senior Project Manager: John Franz-Wichlacz
Executive Game Designer: Nate French
Mance Rayder, Sansa Head of Studio: Chris Gerber

Stark, and Jaqen H’ghar Playtesters

These cards’ abilities override any other Jeromy Auvil, Jade Benies, Line Benies, Nathalie
placement restrictions such as the effect Benies, Samuel Benies, Benjamin Bottorff, Boyd
Bottorff, Jasmine Bottorf, Michelle Bottorff,
of Pulling the Strings, or if they are the Lachlan “Raith” Conley, Jordan Dixon, Tony
allies claimed from Ser Loras Tyrell or Fanchi, Hayden Fetters, Wes Grollmus, Kathrin
The Pack Survives. Grosse, Matt Haddix, Philip D. Henry, Abdullah
Jackson, Tess Kean, Paul Klecker, James Kniffen,
Adem Kolar, Alia Kahil Moussa, Ayman Saleh
Little Birds Moussa, Fayez Moussa, Andrew Ngo, James
Peoples, Ken Peoples, Timothy Peoples, Brandon
If an ability such as Blood Magic or
Perdue, Harold Rappold, Michael Roth, Daniel
Shadow Assassin kills the current ally, the Schaefer, Thomas Trost, Jason Walden, and Aaron
power tokens on the ally are returned to Wong
the supply.

© 2021 George R.R. Martin & Fantasy Flight Games. The names, descriptions, and depictions applied to this game are derived from works
by George R.R. Martin, and may not be used or reused without his permission. Licensed by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is a
TM of George R.R. Martin. B’Twixt is a TM of, and Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are of, Fantasy Flight Games. All rights
reserved to their respective owners. Fantasy Flight Games is located at 1995 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113, USA, 651-
639-1905. Components may vary from those shown.


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