Module 7 MKK
Module 7 MKK
Module 7 MKK
The previous module emphasized the importance of conducting monitoring and evaluation.
The results of the monitoring and evaluation are inputs in designing for sustainability and
re-planning (Figure 7.1). In this module, you will be equipped with knowledge and skills to do
re-planning based on the results of monitoring and evaluation.
Figure 7.1. LNC members from Region VI re-planning their activities based on PIR results.
7.1 Assessment of nutrition interventions during re-planning 8
7.2 Some questions for the different areas of sustainability 8
7.3 Assessing the different aspects of each step of LNAP preparation 9
during re-planning
After the evaluation of the LNAP has been conducted, use results as basis in scaling up and
improving nutrition interventions. You can also use it in revising the design, process, materials
or overall strategies, and activities that are not working well through re-planning.
Steps in Re-planning
The following activities are carried out in re-planning:
1. Conduct a situation analysis;
2. Adopt or revise existing goals and objectives. Align goals and objectives on the results
of the situational analysis;
3. Re-strategize to identify which interventions should be continued without modification
or continued with changes or started or stopped/terminated; and
4. Package the revised plan and subject it for adoption.
When to re-plan?
Conduct re-planning during the first quarter of the plan period after the AIP has been
approved and mid-year when results of M&E are analyzed. The general timeline depicted in
Table 7.1 is a guide in scheduling the re-planning activity. The preparation of the AIP for
nutrition should be ahead of the regular AIP, which starts in July of each year.
The following steps can facilitate the assessment of sustainability of nutrition interventions
during re-planning:
Assess the sustainability of the nutrition intervention by answering the questions per key area
of sustainability listed in Table 7.2.
Matrix 7.2. Some questions for the different key areas of sustainability.
Key Area Questions
Institutional sustainability • What measures have the LNC taken in order to sustain plan
• Has the LGU established a nutrition office? Are there
permanent or full-time Nutrition Action Officers (NAOs) with
The assessment of LNAP for re-planning purposes can be done by identifying the activities of
nutrition program management which need to be continued without modification and why;
continued with modification and how; stopped and why; and started and how (Matrix 7.3).
Matrix 7.3. Assessing the different aspects of each step of LNAP preparation during re-planning.
Factors to be Continue with
without Stop and Why Start and How
assessed modification
LNC Structure
Assessment of the
nutrition situation
Setting goals and