Design of 200KL CWR
Design of 200KL CWR
Design of 200KL CWR
Capacity of CWR = 200 m3
Allowable stress as per IS:3370 relating to resistance to cracking
Ref Table 1 of Allowable direct tensile stress in concrete sat = 1.5 N/mm2
(Part-2) Allowable bending tensile stress in concrete σbt = 2.0 N/mm2
Ref Table 4 of Allowable stress in steel under direct tension, bending & shear = sst = 130 N/mm2
(Part-2) Allowable stress in steel under direct compression = sst = 140 N/mm2
Ref Table 2 of Allowable direct compressive stress in concrete σcc = 8.0 N/mm2
(Part-2) Allowable bending compressive stress in concrete σcbc = 10.0 N/mm2
ϴ= ACOS0.8x180/3.14 36.87
Top Dome t
Tank wall D
Circumferential Force
Stress Check OK
Depth Check OK
Reinf. Check OK
Provide 6 Nos
Diameter of bar = 12 mm
Reinf. Check OK
Provide 250 mm x 250 mm size top ring beam Ac Provided = 250x250 62500 mm2
Dia of bar = 10 mm
Reinf. Check OK
Provide 8 mm dia bars at 150 mm c/c for Balance Height Ast provided= 335 mm2
Reinf. Check OK
Provide 8 mm dia bars at 150 + 8 mm dia bars at 150 mm c/c Upto 1.11 m Ast provided= 670 mm2
Reinf. Check OK
H /Dt = 5.25^2/7/(200/1000) 19.69
Shearing Force coefficient at base for fixed base condition as per Table 18 IS 3370:2021 0.114
Pt provided 0.70%
Clear cover 45 mm
Strength Calculation
Zmax=0.95d 137.75 mm
mxAc[sqrt(1+(2/m/Ac)-1]xd 24.63 mm
ɛ2 = bx(h-x)^2/3/Es/As/(d-x) 0.00191 mm
Acr=[sqrt(s/2)^2+(c+dia/2)^2]-dia/2 85.5879 mm
Parametr of footing
Hance Safe
Hance Safe