2023) 17-18 November 2023, AED and EEED, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College
(Autonomous), Hyderabad, TS
Abstract— Investigation into newer routes of alternative fuels providing a solution to the problem. [6] Although raw
is a key research area especially due to the fluctuations in the vegetable oils can be used directly as a fuel in diesel engines,
conventional fuel prices and the environmental advantages. their high viscosity causes poor fuel injection and incomplete
The present work illustrates the production of biodiesel from combustion. Combustion takes place. To get around the
the used cooking oil to study the properties produced biodiesel. viscosity issue the process of Transesterification is employed.
Esterification of waste cooking oil with methanol in presence of During the Transesterification procedure, In the presence of a
slphuric acid. Transesterification of methyl ester with methanol catalyst, alcohol reacts with vegetable oils. As a by-product,
or ethanol in the presence of potassium hydroxide or sodium
methyl ester and glycerin are formed. The disposal of these
hydroxide as a catalyst has been investigated to produce
items causes environmental issues. For Transesterification is
the process of converting raw oils to methyl esters. strategy
Keywords— Fatty acid compositions, Waste cooking oil that is widely employed [7] on biodiesel application
methyl ester, yield demonstrates that biodiesel made from renewable and
typically domestic sources is a more long-term energy
I. INTRODUCTION source. As a result, it will play an increasingly important role
Many researchers are doing experiments around the in supplying.
world to reduce automotive vehicle emissions, especially Transportation energy requirements Particulate matter is a
diesel emissions such as HC, CO, CO2, NOx, smoke etc. To type of dust. Biodiesel reduces particulate matter (PM)
decrease these emissions methyl esters derived from emissions comparison to a clean diesel fuel
vegetable oils known as biodiesel are the widely accepted operation, and the current trend with PM emissions of
alternative fuels. [1] In general, biodiesel made from plant biodiesel will be reduced due to lower aromatic and Sulphur
oils has better qualities such as cetane number, latent heat, compounds and higher cetane number for biodiesel, but the
and 12 percent oxygen in its molecular structure, which aids more important factor is higher oxygen content.
in the production of biodiesel. For the manufacturing of
biodiesel, a variety of feedstocks are available. Palm, II. Materials Used
coconut, jatropha, cotton seed, Pongamia, linseed, and other Waste cooking oil (1liters) was collected from the local
plants were among them. Sunflower, coconut, and so on. tiffin center. Pure methanol (99.9% pure), Potassium
Cultivation and, nevertheless, the costs of producing edible hydroxide (KOH) pellets were purchased from new science
plants and vegetable oils are high. It is frequently more laboratory chemicals limited. Remi Equipment 5MLH
expensive than petro-diesel. As a result, biodiesel from magnetic stirrer with hot plate of capacity 2 liters was used
Animal fats and waste cooking oils are low-cost feedstocks. for stirring and maintaining the required temperatures.
These fuels improve combustion efficiency while also being
environmentally benign and aiding in the reduction of III. Esterification of WCO
particulate matter (PM)[2] emissions There are various
feedstocks available for biodiesel production There were
Most biodiesel regulations place a cap on the amount of
some palm, and Coconut, jatropha, cotton seed, Pongamia,
FFAs in the fuel since FFAs can produce deposits and
linseed, coconut, sunflower, and other similar plants
However, the costs of growing food plants and
manufacturing vegetable oils are higher. It is frequently more
expensive than petro-diesel. As a result, biodiesel from
Animal fats and waste cooking oils are low-cost feed stocks.
potentially lower the cost of producing biodiesel [3] Every
day, huge amounts of used cooking oils are discarded, and
some of the waste oil is used to make new products. Soaps. Schematic representation of the Esterification reaction
In India, 0.1 million tons of waste cooking are produced each
year. In the United States, 0.3, the European Union, 0.7, the engine damage. As illustrated in scheme-2, esterification can
United Kingdom, 0.2, and Canada, Waste oil was disposed of
be utilised to convert FFAs to biodiesel and lower FFA
at a rate of 0.13 million tons per year.[5]. This oil can be used
levels. Fatty acid interacts with alcohol in the presence of a
to make biodiesel, which helps to cut costs while also
catalyst to produce fatty acid alkyl ester in this reaction In this study, a 4.5 kW, VCR (variable compression
(Biodiesel) Ratio) water - cooled, four-stroke cycle, compression
IV. Transesterification ignition diesel engine coupled with an water cooled
eddy current dynamometer along with load cell was
Transesterification is a three-step reversible reaction that used to conduct the experiments. Stain gauge type load
converts the initial triglycerides into a mixture of fatty acid cell was used to measure engine torque. Fuel flow rate
alkyl esters (FAAE) and glycerin, in the presence of a was measured with the help of standard burette
catalyst and alcohol. The fatty acid alkyl esters produced is apparatus. AVL degas 444 five gas analyzer was used
known as biodiesel. for measuring the exhaust gas emissions. AVL 437C
Smoke meter was used to measure smoke opacity.
AVL pressure transducer GH14D/AH01 and AVL
365C crank angle encoder with AVL BOSH
combustion analysis software were used for the
measurement of combustion parameters. The engine
was started under no load conditions and steadily the
load was increased in steps of 25%, up to the full load
capacity. Readings were taken at constant speed and
under steady state conditions. The engine specification
schematic representation of the Transesterification reaction [ was presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Engine specifications.
Type Variable compression engine. Four
3.1 Process of Transesterification for waste cooking oils stroke, vertical, water cooling
Ignition Compression ignition
One liter of waste cooking oil (WCO) were filtered with Fueling Direct Injection(DI)
surgical cotton, to remove food particles and other sediments
that had accumulated in the oil during its production. Use. Bore x Stroke 87.5 x 110 mm
This pre-filtration improves the production of methyl esters. Compression Ratio 17.5:1
Rated Power 4.5 kW @ 1500 rpm
It must be done with caution, as any sediment in the WCO
Injection 200 bar
during the esterification process can cause soap to develop. pressure
Half liter of WCO was heated after filtering. Any water Lubricating Oil SAE20W 40(K-Oil)
content in the oil is removed, and it is then tested for basic
qualities such as viscosity, density, and so forth. To be able VI. Results and Discussion
to maximize the yield by optimizing the procedure At a, the
esterification process was carried out.
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
Table 1. Properties of fuels. Figure .1 portrays the impact of brake power (BP) on
explicit fuel utilization for diesel and biodiesel mixes. The
Sl No Property Diesel Biodiesel
BSFC is displayed to diminish as brake power is expanded.
1 Lower 43000 38000
The fall in BSFC could be clarified by the way that the pace
of expanding brake power is essentially quicker than the pace
of rising fuel utilization as the motor burden increments. A
2 Kinematic 3.8871×1 1.01193× 10-5
similar example can be seen in biodiesel mixes. When
Viscosity (m2 0-6
contrasted with diesel fuel, the BSFC for B20 is 14% more
/sec )
prominent and 3 percent lower. The BSFC is differed for
3 Density 814 864 biodiesel mixes contrasted with diesel to get a similar force
(kg/m3) and force yield for each test fuel. This is because of higher
4 Absolute 3.164×10-3 8.743×10-3 thickness and lower calorific worth of biodiesel contrasted
Viscosity (N- with diesel fuel.
5 Flash point ( 49 66
6 Fire point ( 52 75
V. Experimental Setup
consuption (kg/kwh) 8 Carbon monoxide generation reduces when the engine load
Brake specific fuel
CO% (g/kwh)
Figure 1. Variation of BSFC with BMEP.
Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) B20
0.04 D100
The ability of the combustion system to accept test fuel is 0.02 D100
measured by the thermal efficiency of the a 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
comparable way of determining how efficiently the energy in
the fuel was transferred to mechanical output. For both diesel
and biodiesel blends, the BTE increases as brake power
increases, as seen in Figure 7.2. The thermal efficiency of the Figure 3. CO emissions of various fuels
brakes is 25% for diesel, 25% for B10, and 25.2 percent for
B20. Because AFME blends have a lower calorific value and Emission of Oxides of Nitrogen
a higher density than diesel fuel, the fall in BTE is higher
density. The lower calorific worth of creature fat methyl ester Indicates the change of nitrogen oxide (NOx) with the
enormously impacts the brake warm proficiency under all average effective braking pressure of the biodiesel and diesel
stacking conditions. It is additionally evident that the impact
fuel mixture. As the percentage of biodiesel is increased,
of BSFC is more compelling than LHV as to diminish in of
BTE. As shown in fig 2 NOx emissions fall. The temperature in the cylinder, the
oxygen concentration, and the time it takes for the chemical
Brake Thermal efficiency