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Production of Biodiesel From Jatropha Oil (Jatropha Curcas) in Pilot Plant

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 26 2009

Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha Oil (Jatropha curcas) in Pilot Plant

Tint Tint Kywe, Mya Mya Oo

AbstractIn this research, among the chemical properties, free

fatty acid value of jatropha oil was determined to be 22.6%, 5.23% and 8.8% respectively. Total, free and combined glycerol percent of raw jatropha oil were 8.27 %, 0.58% and 7.69 % respectively. Yield of biodiesel from jatropha oil at optimal sodium hydroxide catalyst concentration 1%, reaction temperature 65C, reaction time one hour and molar ratio of methanol to oil 6:1 was 92% from lab scale. Yield of biodiesel from jatropha oil at optimal potassium hydroxide catalyst concentration 1%, reaction temperature room temperature, reaction time 5 hours and molar ratio of ethanol to oil 8:1 was 90% from the lab scale. Biodiesel was also produced from pilot plant at optimum transesterification process condition as stated above. The yield of biodiesel (methyl ester) and ethyl ester were 92% and 90% on the basis of refined jatropha oil in the pilot plant scale. The capacity of biodiesel pilot plant is 30 gal / day. The fuel properties of biodiesel, namely cetane index, flash point, pour point, kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, color, copper strip corrosion, acid value, water and sediment and distillation at 90% recovery, were found to be within the limits of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications for biodiesel and diesel fuel. The fuel consumption of the engine which used biodiesel produced from free fatty acid content 5.23% in raw jatropha oil is more than the fuel consumption of the engine which used biodiesel produced from free fatty acid content 1% in refined raw jatropha oil.

Keywordsrenewable energy, biodiesel, transesterification, methyl ester, ethyl ester, pilot plant. I. INTRODUCTION HE depletion of world petroleum reserves and the increased environmental concerns have stimulated the search for alternative sources for petroleum-based fuel, including diesel fuels. Because of the closer properties, biodiesel fuel (fatty acid methyl ester) from vegetable oil is considered as the best candidate for diesel fuel substitute in diesel engines.With increasing demand on the use of fossil fuels, stronger threat to clean environment is being posed as burning of fossil fuels is associated with emissions like CO2, CO, SOx, NOx and particulate matter and are currently the dominant global source of emissions. The harmful exhaust emissions from the engines, rapid increase in the prices of petroleum products and uncertainties of their supply have
Tint Tint Kywe, Department of Chemical Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar (corresponding author to provide phone: 0952-88706; e-mail: ttkywe@ gmail). Prof Dr. Mya Mya Oo, Rector and Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, Yangon Technological University, Yangon, Myanmar (e-mail: mbc@mail4u.com.mm).

jointly created renewed interest among the researchers to search for suitable alternative fuels. Compressed natural gas, propane, hydrogen, and alcohol-based substances (gasohol, ethanol, methanol, and other neat alcohol) all have their proponent. The prices of fuel are going up day after day in the world. So, ways and means have been sought for many years to be able to produce oil-substitute fuel. Biodiesel extracted from vegetable oil is one such renewable alternative under consideration. The production of biodiesel would be cheap as it could be extracted from nonedible oil sources. Jatropha curcas (Linaeus), a non-edible oil-bearing and drought-hardy shrub with ecological advantages, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family, was found to be the most appropriate renewable alternative source of biodiesel. The extracted oil could not be used directly in diesel engines because of its high viscosity. High viscosity of pure vegetable oils would reduce the fuel atomization and increase fuel spray penetration, which would be responsible for high engine deposits and thickening of lubricating oil. The use of chemically altered or transesterified vegetable oil called biodiesel does not require modification in engine or injection system or fuel lines and is directly possible in any diesel engine. Pure biodiesel (B100) can be used in any petroleum diesel engine, though it is more commonly used in lower concentrations. Since biodiesel is more often used in a blend with petroleum diesel, there are fewer formal studies about the effects on pure biodiesel in unmodified engines and vehicles in day-to-day use. Fuel which meets the standards and engine parts that can withstand the greater solvent properties of biodiesel are expected to and in reported cases does run without any additional problems than the use of compared to petroleum diesel. II.

A. Chemical Analysis of the Raw Jatropha Oils The free fatty acid (FFA) contents of raw oils were determined by using American Oil Chemists Society(AOCS), official methods Ca-5a-40, 1959. Nov. The moisture content of raw oils was quantitatively determined by oven drying method at (105 ~110C) for 1 hour. Saponification value of raw oils were quantitatively determined by using AOCS, official methods L- 7a-57,1959. Iodine value of raw oils were determined by using AOCS, official method Ka-9-51,1959. Specific gravity of raw oils


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 26 2009

was determined by using AOCS official method Cc-10a-25, 1959. The total, free and combined glycerol of raw oils was determined by using AOCS, official methods Da-23-56, 1959. Nov. B. Determination of Physical and Chemical Properties of Biodiesel The cetane index of biodiesel was determined by ASTM D.976 method. The flash point was determined by ASTM D.93 method. The pour point was determined by ASTM D.97 method. The kinematic viscosity was determined by ASTM D.445 method. The specific gravity was determined by ASTM D.1298 method. The carbon residue was determined by ASTM D.189 method. The copper strip corrosion test was determined by ASTM D.130 method. The water and sediment test was determined by ASTM D.1796 method. The total, free and combined glycerol was determined by AOCS, official methods Da- 23-56, 1959. Nov. C. Preparation of Biodiesel from Jatropha Oil in Laboratory Scale Biodiesel was prepared with methanol and ethanol each with different reaction conditions. With methanol, the experiment was conducted with optimum molar ratio (6:1) keeping the catalyst concentration (1% NaOH), reaction temperature (65C) and reaction time (1 hour). With ethanol, the experiment was conducted with optimum molar ratio (8:1) keeping the catalyst concentration (1% KOH), reaction temperature (70C) and reaction time (3 hour). The required amount of jatropha oil was filtered, measured with measuring cylinder and then it was poured into the threenecked round-bottomed flask. The jatropha oil was heated to the required temperature by using the electric mental. Alkoxide solution was prepared while the jatropha oil was heated. The prepared alkoxide solution was introduced into the reaction vessel and it was mixed vigorously during the reaction. When the required reaction period reached, the reaction was stopped, and the mixture was settled in the separating funnel for 12 hours or overnight. After the mixture was settled for 12 hours, the mixture was separated into two layers. The bottom layer is crude glycerine and it can be drawn off simply from the bottom of the separating funnel. The biodiesel layer was purified by washing with warm water to remove methanol, residual catalyst and soaps. Before washing process, the pH of the biodiesel layer was measured and phosphoric acid was added to the biodiesel layer to neutralize the catalyst residue. After neutralization process, the washing process of biodiesel was started. During the washing process, gentle agitation is required to avoid the emulsion. After separation of the layer for 30 minutes, the wash water layer was drained off from the bottom of the separating funnel. The washing process was repeated until the ester layer became clear. After the washing process, it was

required to measure the pH of the biodiesel layer. When the pH of the biodiesel layer reached 7, the washing process was completed. After washing process, the biodiesel was introduced to the sand filter and salt filter. The end product, biodiesel was obtained as a clear amber-yellow liquid with a viscosity similar to that of petrodiesel. D. Production of Biodiesel from Jatropah Oil in Pilot Plant The main transesterification reaction took place in a 45 gal, stainless steel reaction tank with a mixer (1100 W motor), which had a fixed speed of 700 rpm. The required amount of jatropha oil was filtered, measured and poured into the conical bottomed reactor tank. Free fatty acid content of jatropha oil was 5.23% which was heated to the required temperature by using the 4 kW dry coil heater. While the jatropha oil is heated, the alkoxide solution was prepared simultaneously. The prepared alkoxide solution was introduced into the reactor and the mixture was stirred vigorously for required reaction time. After that, the reaction was stopped and the mixture was allowed to settle in the separation tank for 12 hours. After settling the mixture for 12 hours, it was separated into two layers. The lower glycerine layer was drawn off from the bottom of the settling tank. Then, the crude biodiesel was pumped into the washing tank. The stainless steel tank having 45 gallons capacities was used as a washing tank. It was equipped with a hand stirrer. The crude biodiesel layer was needed to purify by washing with warm water. First, the catalyst residue in the biodiesel layer was neutralized by adding phosphoric acid. After neutralization process, the washing process of biodiesel was started. During the washing process, gentle agitation is required to avoid the emulsion. After 30 minutes, the wash water layer was drained off from the bottom of the washing tank. The washing process was repeated two to four times. After the washing process, it was required to measure the pH of the biodiesel layer. When the pH of the biodiesel layer reached 7, the washing process was completed. After that, the biodiesel layer was sent to the sand filtration tank. The sand filtration was done in a 15 gallons stainless steel filtration tank. The tank was open at the top and it contained the 100 mesh size stainless steel screen supported by steel frame. The sand having the size of (-20+60) mesh was put over the 100 mesh size screen. After filtration, biodiesel was obtained as a clear amber-yellow liquid with a viscosity similar to that of petrodiesel. The results of yield percent of biodiesel from jatropha oil in large scale biodiesel pilot plant are shown in Table 5.9. The photograph for 30 gal /day capacity biodiesel pilot plant was shown in figure 1. E. Engine Performance Test An engine performance test was accomplished with the biodiesel prepared from jatropha oil in the laboratory scale. The results of engine performance tests are shown in Table A.1. A MS 1100 diesel engine was used as the test engine. It is a single-cylinder, four-stroke, horizontal type unit with a


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 26 2009

cylinder bore of 110 mm, a piston stroke 115 mm , a piston displacement of 1.093 L and a compression ratio of 17. The engine was equipped with a Model AK individual type pump and Model ZCK154S432A injection nozzles. Time taken for test duration was 15 min for both biodiesel and petrodiesel. Fuel consumption was measured by a measuring cylinder and engine speed was taken by a AGRONIC digital tachometer. Engine was run on biodiesel obtained from jatropha oil and petrodiesel. For the endurance test, the engine operated at 2240 rpm. The results of the short-term performance tests especially fuel consumptions and exhaust gas temperatures with diesel fuel and biodiesel fuel are shown in Table A.2. According to the good results of engine performance test, large scale production of biodiesel from jatropha oil was carried out. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Chemical Properties of Raw Jatropha Oil The chemical properties of raw jatropha oil were determined. The results of the free fatty acid content, moisture content, saponification value, iodine value, total glycerol and free glycerol in raw jatropha oil are shown in Table1.

reactor. The properties measured were compared with the ASTM specifications and the results are presented in Table 2 and Table 3. The cetane index of biodiesel from jatropha oil with methanol was found to be within the ASTM specified limit. So, the result showed that molar ratio 6:1 using biodiesel from jatropha oil was suitable for engine. The higher cetane index of biodiesel compared to petrodiesel was indicated that it will be the high potential for engine performance. The flash point of biodiesel from jatropha oil was 93C. Although it was lower than the limit of ASTM standard, biodiesel was safer than petro-diesel to handle and store because it has a little bit higher flash point than petro-diesel.



Properties of Jatropha oil Free fatty acid (FFA %) Moisture content % Saponification value (mg KOH/ g oil) Iodine value Specific gravity Kinematic viscosity (mm2 /sec) Total glycerol % Free glycerol % Combined glycerol % 22.6% 0.2% 208.27% 100.1 0.878 41.51 8.27% 0.58% 7.60%

Cetane index Flash point, C Pour Point, C Specific gravity at 50 F Kinematic viscosity at 40C, (mm2/sec) Acid number Copper strip corrosion Water & sediment, wt% Distillation at 90% recovery, C Total glycerol, wt% Free glycerol,wt% Combined glycerol, wt%

Biodiesel (B100) (Methyl Ester) from Jatropha Oil * With Methanol 48 93 -1 0.8749

Biodiesel (B100) (Ethyl Ester) from Jatropha Oil with Ethanol ** 50 96 -1 0.8733

ASTM D 6751 standard for biodiesel fuel

ASTM D 975 standard for diesel fuel

48 65 100-170 -15 to 10 0.88

40 55 60 80 (-35) 15 0.85





1.05 No.1 Trace 333

0.65 No.1 Trace 346

0.8 No.3, max 0.05%, max 360, max 0.02%, max 0.24%, max 0.22%, max

According to Table 1, the free fatty acid content of raw jatropha oil for biodiesel preparation was not within the ASTM specified limit. Therefore, raw jatropha oil needed to be neutralized. The properties of raw Jatropha oil obtained form the research work were found to be nearly the same as those described in literature. Total glycerol, free glycerol and combined glycerol were lowered after the transesterification process. Combined glycerol was decreased after transesterification reaction because triglycerides were converted to ester. The amount of free glycerol was decreased due to good washing process. B. Results of Physical and Chemical Properties of Biodiesel Prepared from Jatropha Oil in the Laboratory Scale The physical and chemical properties of biodiesel from jatropha oil were studied. The free fatty acids contents in the raw jatropha oil (22.6%) were used. The biodiesel from jatropha oil was prepared in the laboratory scale biodiesel

1.06% 0.05% 1.01%

1.1% Nil 1.1%

*At methanol to oil, molar ratio- 6:1, NaOH %- 1 %, reaction temperature - 65C and reaction time 1 hour. **At ethanol to oil, molar ratio- 8:1, KOH %- 1%, reaction temperature room temperature and reaction time 5 hour.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 26 2009

TABLE III PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF BIODIESELS PREPARED FROM JATROPHA OIL WITH ETHANOL IN THE LABORATORY PREPARATION Properties 70C , 3hr (high temp, short reaction time) * 44 56 +3 0.8971 18.75 Room temp, 5hr (low temp, long reaction time) ** 50 96 -1 0.8733 4.009 ASTM D 6751 standard for biodiesel fuel ASTM D 975 standard for diesel fuel

Cetane index Flash point, C Pour Point, C Specific gravity at 50 F Kinematic viscosity at 40C, (mm2/sec) Acid number Copper strip corrosion Water & sediment, wt% Distillation at 90% recovery, C

48 65 100-170 -15 to 10 0.88 1.9-6.0

40 55 60 80 (-35) -15 0.85 1.3-4.1

Table 3 describes that the properties of ethyl ester at high temperature and short reaction time were compared with those of ethyl ester at low temperature and long reaction time. The cetane index, flash point and specific gravity of ethyl ester at high temperature and short reaction time were not found to be within the ASTM specified limit. The kinematic viscosity slightly decreases from 41.51 to 18.45 due to the incomplete transesterification reaction of jatropha oil with ethanol. The kinematic viscosity of ethyl ester at low temperature and long reaction time was decreased and found to be within the specified limit due to the complete conversion reaction. C. Physical and Chemical Properties of Biodiesel Produced from Jatropha Oil in the Pilot Plant Operation The physical and chemical properties of biodiesel from jatropha oil were studied. The biodiesel from jatropha oil were prepared in the large scale biodiesel pilot plant. The properties measured were compared with the ASTM specifications standard and the results are described in Table 4.
TABLE IV PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF BIODIESEL PRODUCED FROM JATROPHA OIL IN PILOT PLANT OPERATION Properties Biodiesel (B100) (Methyl Ester) from Jatropha Oil * with Methanol from pilot plant (FFA 8.8%) 49.2 91 +3 0.8746 4.78 Biodiesel (B100) (Ethyl Ester) from Jatropha Oil ** with Ethanol from pilot plant (FFA 5.23%) 49 98 -1 0.8766 5.36 ASTM D 6751 standard for biodiesel fuel ASTM D 975 standard for diesel fuel

1.7 No.1 Trace 370

0.65 No.1 Trace 346

0.8 No.3, max 0.05%, max 360, max

*At ethanol to oil, molar ratio- 8:1, KOH %- 1 %, reaction temperature - 70C and reaction time 3 hours. **At ethanol to oil, molar ratio- 8:1, KOH %- 1%, reaction temperature room temperature and reaction time 5 hours.

The pour point of biodiesel from jatropha oil was (-1C) due to the higher content of unsaturated fatty acid in raw jatropha oil. The result was found to be within the specified limit and biodiesel from jatropha oil was suitable not only for the tropical region but also for moderate temperate region. The decrease in kinematic viscosity from 41.51 to 5.384 mm2 / sec is the important fuel property of the transesterified jatropha oil. This indicates that the flow capability of raw jatropha oil has been increased to a significant extent by transesterification. This increase in the fuels ability to flow would induce complete burning of the fuel without any ignition delay. The specific gravity of biodiesel was 0.8749 and it was also reduced to a significant extent when compared with the specific gravity of raw jatropha oil (0.92). The free fatty acid and acid value have also been reduced from 22.6 to 1 and 8.8 to 1 respectively, as shown in Table 3. Copper strip corrosion, water& sediment and distillation at 90% recovery of biodiesel from jatropha oil were found to within the ASTM specified limit. Total glycerol and free glycerol of methyl ester were not found to be within the ASTM specified limit. Free glycerin means glycerin present as molecular glycerin in the fuel. Free glycerin results from incomplete separation of the ester and glycerin products after the esterification reaction. It occurred due to the result of incomplete washing and it was accompanied by incomplete alcohol removal and a lowered flash point. According to Table 2, it was found that the physical and chemical properties of ethyl ester were comparable to those of the methyl ester and most of the properties were within the ASTM specified limit.

Cetane index Flash point, C Pour Point, C Specific gravity at 50 F Kinematic viscosity at 40C, (mm2/sec) Acid number Copper strip corrosion Water & sediment, wt% Distillation at 90% recovery, C Total glycerol, wt% Free glycerol,wt% Combined glycerol, wt%

48 65 100-170 -15 to 10 0.88 1.9-6.0

40 55 60 80 (-35) -15 0.85 1.3-4.1

1.0 No.1 Trace 333

1.1 No.1 Trace 352

0.8 No.3, max 0.05%, max 360, max

1.1% 0.05% 1.05%

1.15% Nil 1.15%

0.02%, max 0.24%, max 0.22%, max

*At methanol to oil, molar ratio- 6:1, NaOH %- 1 %, reaction temperature - 65C and reaction time 1 hour. **At ethanol to oil, molar ratio- 8:1, KOH %- 1%, reaction temperature room temperature and reaction time 5 hour.

Table 4 describes that the physical and chemical properties of biodiesel from jatropha oil with methanol and biodiesel


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 26 2009

from jatropha oil with ethanol in pilot plant operation were comparable with ASTM standards. The cetane index of biodiesel from jatropha oil with methanol was found to be within the ASTM specified limit. The cetane index of biodiesel with methanol was 49.2 and it was found in the range of petrodiesel. Table 4 presents the flash point of biodiesel from jatropha oil was 91C. It was 9C less than the limit of ASTM standard and 31C higher than the petrodiesel. Due to higher flash point biodiesel from jatropha oil has certain advantages like petroleum crude such as greater safety during storage, handling and transport. The pour point of biodiesel from jatropha oil was +3C due to the high unsaturated fatty acid content in jatropha oil but the result was found to be within the specified limit. Specific gravity, kinematic viscosity, copper strip corrosion, water& sediment and distillation at 90% recovery of biodiesel from jatropha oil were found to be within the ASTM specified limit. Table 5.9 also shows that the kinematic viscosity of biodiesel from jatropha oil was reduced from 41.71 to 4.78 by the transesterification process. Therefore, the kinematic viscosity is a basic design specification for the fuel injectors used in diesel engines. Viscosity is another important property of biodiesel since it affects the operation of fuel injection equipment, particularly at low temperatures when the increase in viscosity affects the fluidity of the fuel. Jatropha oil has higher viscosity than conventional diesel fuel and biodiesel. High viscosity leads to poorer atomization of the fuel spray and less accurate operation of the fuel injectors. The acid value of methyl ester and ethyl ester were slightly higher than specified limit. In the case of total glycerol percent and free glycerol percent, the ethyl ester had higher total glycerol content than the methyl ester, but there was no free glycerol in ethyl ester. The combined glycerol of methyl ester and ethyl ester were slightly higher than specified limit because the reaction was not complete conversion. D. Yield Percent of Laboratory Preparation Biodiesel from Jatropha Oil with Methanol and Ethanol Two different Jatropha oil with FFA% of 22.6% and 8.8% were neutralized and transesterified with methanol. The yields of these two oils based on crude Jatropha oil were 45% and 76% respectively. Raw Jatropha oil with 8.8% FFA was neutralized and transesterified with ethanol and it gives 73% yield of biodiesel base on crude Jatropha oil. E. Yield Percent of Pilot Plant Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil The biodiesel was produced from jatropha curcas oil in pilot plant. Two different Jatropha oil with FFA% of 5.23% and 8.8% were transesterified with methanol. The yields of these two oils based on crude Jatropha oil were 92% and 76% respectively.

Raw Jatropha oil with 8.8% FFA was neutralized and transesterified with ethanol and it gives 73% yield of biodiesel base on crude Jatropha oil. F. Determination of Engine Performance Test The results of engine performance tests are shown in Table 5 and 6. Table 5 shows the results of engine performance test in which biodiesel was prepared from the laboratory scale with methanol. Table 6 shows the results of engine performance test on petrol diesel. The test was done by using the biodiesel from the laboratory preparation with methanol. Free fatty acid content in the raw jatropha oil was 22.6%.The purpose of short term test was to determine the engine performance. The parameters of interest such as fuel consumption and engine speed were recorded, and then the engine performance (fuel consumption) was determined. Tables 5 and 6 presented the engine performance test data for the fuels at 2240 rpm. These tables also showed the power (11.1 kW) and the actual fuel consumption. Table 5 and Table 6 describe the engine performance tests with biodiesel from jatropha oil and diesel fuel. The biodiesel from jatropha oil has similar or better fuel consumption, horsepower, and torque as conventional diesel due to low viscosity of biodiesel and high cetane index. In general, engine performance characteristics of the biodiesel from jatropha oil were very similar to those of petrodiesel. The engine test of biodiesel from jatropha oil performed smoothly and exhibited no starting problems. At the end of performance test, some fumes came out from the exhaust, and no audible knock occurred, as predicted by the high cetane numbers reported for biodiesel.

Revolution (rpm)

Load (N)

Out put (KW) 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1

Exhaust Temperat ure (C) 460 462 462 463 463 464 465 466 468 469 469 470 470 469 469 469


2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240

100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1

Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running A little Smoke


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 26 2009

TABLE VI ENGINE PERFORMANCE TEST FOR BIODIESEL FROM DIESEL FUEL (MS 1100 DIESEL ENGINE) Revolution (rpm) Load (N) Out put (KW) 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 Exhaust Temperatu re (C) 486 470 473 471 471 470 470 472 472 471 472 473 474 473 473 473 Observation

2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240

100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1

Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running Smooth Running

were used. Molar ratio of methanol to oil 6:1, KOH 1.2%, reaction temperature 65C and reaction time 1hours were given the good results in the pilot plant operation. Free fatty acid content 8.8% of raw jatropha oil was used for biodiesel production with ethanol. Molar ratio of ethanol to oil 8:1, KOH 1%, reaction temperature at room temperature and reaction time 5hours were showed the good results for transesterification reaction in the pilot plant operation. The physical properties of methyl ester and ethyl ester obtained from pilot plant operation were found to be within the ASTM specified limits. The chemical properties of methyl and ethyl ester such as total glycerol, free glycerol and combined glycerol were slightly higher than ASTM specified limits.

IV. CONCLUSION It is concluded that the data such as acid value, saponification value, iodine value and kinematic viscosity obtained from literature are approximately the same as those from chemical analysis of local jatropha oil. Biodiesel was prepared from jatropha oil with methanol and with ethanol in the laboratory scale. It was found that the maximum biodiesel yield 76% was obtained from FFA 22.6% in raw jatropha oil by using the following optimum process parameters such as methanol to oil molar ratio 6:1, NaOH 1%, reaction temperature at 65C and reaction time 60 min. The maximum biodiesel yield of 73% from FFA 8.8% in raw jatropha oil was obtained by using the optimum process parameters such as ethanol to oil molar ratio 8:1, and KOH 1%, reaction temperature at room temperature and reaction time 5 hours. The optimum process parameters were molar ratio of methanol to oil 6:1 and molar ratio of ethanol to oil 8:1. It is concluded ethanol has to put more than methanol because methanol has more reactivity. In the laboratory scale, the physical properties of biodiesel from jatropha oil with methanol, and with ethanol were found to be within the ASTM specified limits. The chemical properties such as total glycerol, free glycerol and combined glycerol were slightly higher than ASTM specified limit. The fuel consumption of biodiesel from jatropha oil in lab scale and petrodiesel were given the same data according to the engine performance test. The used speed of engine was 2240 rpm and the power output was 11.1 kW. The exhaust temperature of engine from biodiesel and the exhaust temperature of engine from petrodiesel were 469C and 473C respectively. Biodiesel preparation on pilot plant operation were carried out by applying the optimum process parameters of the lab scale operation such as concentration of alcohol, catalyst percent, reaction time and reaction temperature in alkali-catalyzed transesterification of biodiesel from jatropha oil. In the case of biodiesel production on pilot plant operation, free fatty acid contents 5.23% and 8.8% of raw jatropha oil

Fig. 1. Photograph for 30 gal /day Capacity Biodiesel Pilot Plant

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would also like to express her deep appreciation to her supervisor Professor Dr. Mya Mya Oo, Pro-rector and Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Yangon Technological University, for her invaluable guidance, support, understanding, and unfailing kindness throughout a long period of study and research work. The author is also grateful to Daw Moe Moe Kyaw, Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Yangon Technological University, for giving helpful guidance and stimulating discussions over the course of her studies. The author wishes to express her deep gratitude to His Excellency Minister U Thaung, Ministry of Science and Technology, for sponsor this research work. REFERENCES [1]
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