Electrocatalysis of Methanol Oxidation
Electrocatalysis of Methanol Oxidation
Electrocatalysis of Methanol Oxidation
Most relevant aspects of methanol electrooxidation on Pt electrodes, including voltametric as well as spectroscopic data on the
system are presented and discussed. Parallel reaction pathways have been demonstrated, producing CO2 and HCOOH or HCHO as
soluble products, to an extent that depends on several parameters of the systems like methanol concentration, electrode roughness,
and time of electrolysis. Several issues like the intermediates of the reaction and the yields of oxidation products remain yet unclear.
A status of-the-art on these and other aspects of methanol oxidation is presented, which may be useful for future investigations. This
is the aim of the present contribution and referenced papers were accordingly selected. # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
approximately 0.7 V, i.e. a high rate of oxidation at pure recording of mass (m /e/44) corresponding to CO2 is
Pt occurs at potentials without technological interest. given. Thus the current peak can only be due to
Faradaic processes occurring during methanol adsorp-
2. Methanol adsorption
4. Methanol oxidation products Childers [22]. This could be the reason why formalde-
hyde remained almost disregarded in the methanol fuel
The oxidation products of CH3OH are well known cell literature. Korzeniewski and Childers determined
since early works of Pavela [16] and Schlatter [17]. These formaldehyde yields fluorometrically after applying
authors used long-term electrolysis at potentials between different constant potentials on a smooth polycrystalline
0.5 and 0.6 V versus RHE and found CO2, HCHO, Pt electrode, during 5 min in a micro cell. They report
HCOOH and HCOOCH3. The latter product, methyl for formaldehyde a yield of 38% under following
formate, originates in a reaction: conditions: 0.25 V versus Ag/AgCl (ca. 0.48 V vs.
RHE), 15 mM CH3OH/0.1 M HClO4. The yield
decays at higher potentials [22]. On porous Pt electrodes,
The yields of oxidation products depend on methanol Wang et al. found at 0.65 V versus RHE 50% of HCHO,
concentration, temperature, electrode roughness and 34% of HCOOH and only 16% of CO2. It is worth
time of electrolysis [18,19]. noting that Ota et al. also found relatively high yields of
The study of the products of methanol oxidation HCHO on platinized Pt electrodes at 0.6 V versus RHE
during a potential scan was the first goal of on-line mass [19].
spectrometry, DEMS [20]. In Fig. 2, the potentiody-
namic formation of CO2 and methyl formate on a Pt
electrode was followed during the potential scan by 5. Structural dependence of methanol oxidation
recording the corresponding ion currents in the MS: (m /
e /44) and (m /e /60), respectively. No mass signals for 5.1. Results of cyclic voltammetry
HCHO were observed, but a weak ion current for
methylal (CH2(OCH3)2), indicated its formation via As shown by the cyclic voltammograms in Fig. 3 for
reaction of HCHO with CH3OH [7]. However, there the three low index surfaces of platinum, adsorption and
must be some problem with the volatility of formalde- oxidation of methanol present a strong sensitivity to the
hyde or its hydration product in aqueous solution (gem surface structure [23]. The Pt surfaces in these experi-
diol, CH2(OH)2), which makes somehow difficult its ments were contacted with methanol at 0.05 V (a
direct detection using the DEMS technique [21]. These potential where methanol adsorption is negligible) and
difficulties extend to other modern analytical methods then the first potential sweep was recorded. From the
like in situ FTIR as pointed out by Korzeniewski and three surfaces, Pt(100) is the only one presenting a well
defined current peak at 0.35 V for methanol dissociative
adsorption. This process is superimposed on the current
for H-desorption (compare with Fig. 1). Almost no
activity towards methanol oxidation is observed until
the potential reaches approximately 0.72 V. Contrasting
with this result, no indication of dissociative adsorption
of methanol parallel to hydrogen desorption is observed
at Pt(111). On the other hand, at Pt(110) the lowering of
current in the H region may indicate that the methanol
adsorption begins already at the initial potential of the
voltammogram (0.05 V). This behavior is expected from
the low potential for H desorption in this surface. For a
comparison, the first part of the potential scan is
magnified in Fig. 4. Here, one sees that a CV for
Pt(111) shows up the highest oxidation current in the
potential range between 0.45 and 0.65 V, followed by
Pt(110) and Pt(100). However, before establishing a
ranking for the activity of the three surfaces, infrared
results should be taken into consideration, as we shall
do in the coming section.
Fig. 5. Infrared spectra in 1.0 M CH3OH in 0.1 M HClO4 at Pt(100), Pt(111) and Pt(110). Reference spectra collected at 50 mV; sample spectra
collected at the indicated potentials [21].
observed in the voltammograms of Fig. 4 for Pt(110) slow progress along many years can be easily under-
and Pt(111) indicate a higher activity of the latter stood in the light of the difficulties created by the
towards methanol oxidation. We can thus conclude, existence of parallel reaction paths with yields depend-
that in the interval of potentials between, say, 0.4 and ing on potential, time, surface structure, etc. At present,
0.6 V, the potenciodynamic current at Pt(111), origi- only two global processes are distinguishable as already
nates to a large extent from the dissociative adsorption said in the Introduction namely, adsorption of methanol
of methanol and/or from the parallel pathway men- molecules and oxidation of adsorbed residues. Analizing
tioned in the Introduction, ending in other products the IR results presented above it is possible to follow the
than CO2. Our present knowledge of the yields of pathway leading to CO2 via formation of adsorbed CO
HCOOH and/or HCHO at single-crystal electrodes is and to identify for this pathway, whether adsorption of
insufficient for establishing the extent to which these methanol or removal of CO is the rate determining
parallel pathways contribute to the current. Also Pt(100) process.
presents evidences for high yields of other products via a Due to the fact that the interface components of the
parallel reaction: the pronounced increase of current at respective Pt surfaces depend on potential and admitting
0.7 V (Fig. 4), contrasts with the moderate variation of
the necessity of oxygen donor species at the surface, for
the CO2 band intensity in Fig. 6b.
oxidation of the adsorbed residues, discussing the total
oxidation is only meaningful at potentials above 0.4 V
or higher. However, what the adsorption process con-
6. On the mechanism of methanol oxidation cerns, we should start the discussion by considering the
methanol adsorption at potentials below 0.4 V. It is well
The mechanism of methanol oxidation is an issue known that methanol cannot displace adsorbed hydro-
which can be considered to be at its very beginning. The gen from the Pt surface. This is a well known phenom-
3668 T. Iwasita / Electrochimica Acta 47 (2002) 3663 /3674
an intermediate of the reaction and the role of surface metal. Many O-adsorbing metals can produce negative
poison usually ascribed to COad should be revised. effects, e.g. inhibit methanol adsorption or may be not
Inspection of Fig. 6 indicates that CO indeed accumu- sufficiently stable for long-term use, as required for a
lates on the surface at low potentials (see the result for fuel cell. At present, there is a general consensus that
Pt(110)), however, the reason for the lack of CO2 PtRu offers the most promising results. Methanol
formation lies in the inability of Pt to dissociate water oxidation on PtRu binary catalysts has been the matter
and not in the degree of surface blocking by CO. of a number of papers [25,35/54]. The catalytic effect
Otherwise it would be difficult to understand that two has been observed using different kinds of PtRu
surfaces covered with CO to different extent produce materials, such as PtRu alloys, PtRu electrodeposits,
CO2 at identical rates. Ru evaporated on Pt, Ru adsorbed on single-crystal
Concerning the nature of the oxygen donor, it was Pt(hkl ), etc. and on technical (carbon supported electro-
originally suggested by Gilman that it is an adsorbed des) as well [54,55].
OH species coming from water dissociation [29]. But, When discussing the reason for the catalytic effect of
according to Wieckowski et al. [30] the oxygen donor is PtRu, the bi-functional mechanism is often invoked [41].
simply some activated water molecule adsorbed on the The term was suggested to give emphasis on the joint
Pt surface. For oxidative stripping of CO adlayers on activities of both metals, Pt being the one adsorbing and
platinum, Koper et al. [31] have shown that the dissociating methanol and Ru, the one oxidizing the
dissociation of water is a necessary step in order to adsorbed residues at low potentials. This description of
harmonize experimental data with results of Monte the mechanism is based in the observation that at
Carlo simulations. Although the real nature of the potentials below 0.4 V, Pt is a good catalyst for
oxygen donor for the oxidation of COad was not methanol adsorption, but not for water dissociation
demonstrated via spectroscopic methods, we are in- while Ru is able to dissociate water but it cannot adsorb
clined to accept the more or less general consensus that methanol. However, establishing a role for each metal as
it is OHad formed through the dissociation of water. in the bi-functional mechanism is of limited use, since it
is well known that at high potentials Pt dissociates water
6.1. Supporting electrolyte effects on the rate of methanol and, as shown in refs. [43,53] at high temperatures (60,
oxidation 80 8C) Ru adsorbs methanol. Moreover, even for
conditions where methanol adsorption occurs only on
Perchloric and sulfuric acids are the commonly used Pt, CO can move on the surface and occupy sites on Ru
supporting electrolytes for studies of methanol electro- atoms. Altogether, several adsorbed species could be
oxidation. It is, however noteworthy, that methanol involved in the oxidation process at the PtRu catalyst,
oxidation can be affected by the anion of the supporting namely, Pt(CO)ad, Ru(CO)ad, Ru(OH)ad and Pt(OH)ad.
electrolyte used. This is clearly the case for Pt(111) and In a simplified manner, we shall describe the bi-
Pt(100) electrodes, where cyclic voltammograms of functional mechanism as follows [25].
methanol exhibits much larger currents in HClO4 than The first step of the reaction is adsorption of
in H2SO4 [32,33]. The difference was justified by the methanol:
specific adsorption of sulfate species at Pt electrodes,
CH3 OH(sol) 0 (CO)ad 4 H 4 e (1)
which partially hinder methanol oxidation. Kita et al.
[32] observed for Pt(111) a factor of ten higher current in (CO)ad represents an adsorbed CO species either on Pt
HClO4 than in H2SO4, while for Pt(100) the enhance- or on Ru. Then, both Pt and Ru dissociate water to
ment factor was about two. The different behavior can form adsorbed OH:
be rationalized in terms of a stronger specific anion
RuH2 O 0 (OH)ad H e (2)
adsorption at Pt(111) than at Pt(100) [34]. No difference
between HClO4 and H2SO4, was observed at Pt(110) PtH2 O 0 (OH)ad H e (3)
[32]. Finally, following a Langmuir /Hinschelwood me-
chanism adsorbed CO reacts with adsorbed OH to
give CO2:
7. Catalyst promoters for methanol oxidation
(CO)ad (OH)ad 0 CO2 H e (4)
Several binary and ternary catalysts were proposed For CO adlayers obtained via adsorption of dissolved
for methanol oxidation, most of them based in mod- CO on PtRu, Koper et al. [56] analyzed reaction (4) for
ifications of Pt with some other metal. This metal must all possible species mentioned above and found that an
fulfill the requirement of forming O-containing surface enhanced effect is only possible if the final oxidation
species at low potentials. Among others, Sn, Re, Ru, Ge step occurs between CO adsorbed at Pt and OH
and Mo, were suggested [7,25,35 /54]. There are, of adsorbed at Ru. Therefore, reaction (4) can be specifi-
course, several practical factors limiting the choice of the cally written as
3670 T. Iwasita / Electrochimica Acta 47 (2002) 3663 /3674
Fig. 10. Plot of the current density for methanol oxidation as function
Fig. 8. First potential scan in 1.0 M CH3OH/0.5 M H2SO4, starting of Ru coverage, taken from current /time curves at 0.5 V as in Fig. 9.
at 50 mV (RHE); scan rate 1 mV s 1. Porous electrodes prepared by Data for UHV prepared PtRu alloys, measured after 20 min; data for
depositing Pt and Ru at 0.2 V vs. RHE up to a total charge of 1200 Pt(111)/Ru formed by spontaneous adsorption, measured after 5 min.
mC, from solutions containing x mM RuCl3 and y mM H2Cl6 Pt in Solutions: 0.5 M H2SO4/0.5 M CH3OH (data form ref. [43]), 0.5 M
0.5 M H2SO4. The x /y ratios are indicated in each curve. CH3OH/0.1 M HClO4 [46].
T. Iwasita / Electrochimica Acta 47 (2002) 3663 /3674 3671
Fig. 12. Comparison of in situ FTIR spectra for Pt(111), Pt(111)/Ru 39% and PtRu alloy (85:15) in 0.5 M CH3OH/0.1 M HClO4. Potentials as
indicated on each spectrum; reference spectrum taken at 0.05 V (from [46] with added spectra at 0.55 V).
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