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Valderrama, Kiennemann, Goldwasser, 2008

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Catalysis Today 133–135 (2008) 142–148


Dry reforming of CH4 over solid solutions of LaNi1xCoxO3

Gustavo Valderrama a,*, A. Kiennemann b, M.R. Goldwasser c
Laboratorio de Catálisis, Petróleo y Petroquı́mica, Unidad de Estudios Básicos, Universidad de Oriente - Núcleo Bolı́var,
La Sabanita, Calle San Simón, Estado Bolı́var 8001, Venezuela
Laboratoire des Matériaux, Surfaces et Procédés pour la Catalyse, UMR 7515, ECPM, Université Louis Pasteur,
25 rue Becquerel, 67087 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
Centro de Catálisis Petróleo y Petroquı́mica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela,
Los Chaguaramos Paseo Ilustre, Caracas 1040, Venezuela

Available online 1 February 2008

LaNi1xCoxO3 perovskite-type oxides were synthesized by the sol–gel resin method and used as catalysts precursors in the dry reforming of
methane to syngas between 600 and 800 8C at atmospheric pressure, the reaction was studied under continuous flow using an mixture of
CH4:CO2 = 1:1. The solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET specific surface area and temperature-programmed reduction
XRD analysis of the solids shows LaNiO3 and/or LaCoO3 as the main phases present on the solids depending on the degree of substitution. The
more intense peaks and cell parameters showed formation of Ni-Co solid solutions. The as-synthesized solids were reduce during catalytic tests to
form Ni0, Co0 and La2O2CO3 as the active phases which remain during the reaction and are responsible for the high activity shown by the solids
inhibiting carbon formation, with CH4 and CO2 equilibrium conversions near 100%, except for LaCoO3 that showed a poor activity.
# 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Resin method; (Ni, Co)-solid solutions; (Ni, Co)-perovskites; Dry reforming of methane; Syngas production; Catalytic activity; Carbon deposition

1. Introduction formation. Condition that promotes the development of new

active and resistant to coke catalysts, an alternative is the use of
In the beginnings of the third millennium, the natural gas is Ni catalysts, very well known in steam reforming [4], due to the
glimpsed as the fuel of the future, due to the world wide kindness that this metal offers its interesting redox properties
considerable proven reserves and to the strong dependence of and relatively lower cost that makes it easily accessible.
the increasing petroleum demands [1]. Recognition of this In this sense, an increasing interest exists in the synthesis of
situation has produced a growing interest in the development of Ni-based catalysts or precursors resistant to coke formation,
new technologies to efficiently transform natural gas prevailing introducing the Ni in perovskite-type structure (ABO3), which
study of the dry reforming of CH4 (Eq. (1)) that produce syngas are well-defined structures that produces very small highly
(i.e. CO + H2) with H2/CO 1 ratio, favourable for Fischer– dispersed metallic particles, in the order of the nanometers,
Tropsch reactions to produce liquid fuels [2] also contributes to after reduction processes, promoting activity and stability and
minimize of emissions from these gases to the environment [3]. suppressing coke formation [5]. Another advantage of
perovskite-type structures is the possibility of total or partial
CH4 þ CO2 ¼ 2CO þ 2H2 DH 298 ¼ 247 kJ=mol (1) substitution of its cations modifying their oxidation state, the
mobility of oxygen lattice and the redox properties [6] that
One disadvantage of this reaction is the accumulation of
modify the catalytic activity and stability. The paper shows the
carbon by methane cracking or CO disproportion over surface
results obtained during the dry reforming of methane over
catalytic, which requires catalytic systems that inhibits carbon
LaNi1xCoxO3 ternary perovskites-type precursor’s materials,
to prevent coke formation, also includes the special XRD
* Corresponding author. analyses and the behaviour under reducing atmosphere of the
E-mail address: vgustavo@udo.edu.ve (G. Valderrama). solids (TPR).
0920-5861/$ – see front matter # 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Valderrama et al. / Catalysis Today 133–135 (2008) 142–148 143

2. Experimental

2.1. Synthesis of perovskite-type oxides

LaNi1xCoxO3 ternary oxides were prepared by the resin

sol–gel method [7], dissolving the expected stoichiometric
amounts of cations acetate in excess propionic acid. Solutions
of metals B (Ni and/or Co) were mixed and lanthanum solution
was then added. The resulting solution was refluxed at a
temperature close to the boiling point of the propionic acid until
total evaporation to form a resin. Then liquid N2 is added to
crystallize the resin that is dried overnight at 110 8C and Fig. 1. Thermal treatment used in the dry reforming of CH4.
calcined at 750 8C (4 h, 3 8C/min).
with similar procedure. The calibration of hydrogen uptake was
2.2. Characterization done by referring to the TPR peak of known amount of a
standard (pure H2) taken in identical conditions.
The solids were characterized before and after the catalytic
test by techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET 2.3. Dry reforming of methane
specific surface area and temperature-programmed reduction
(TPR). Catalytic studies were carried out, in a 6.6 mm i.d. quartz
XRD analyses were performed to determined the internal reactor with 200 mg of solid without previous reduction,
structure of the synthesized solids, using a SIEMENS D5000 between 600 and 800 8C at atmospheric pressure, under a fixed-
equipment with a copper anode (KaCu = 1.54056 Å), operated bed continuous flow (CH4:CO2 = 1:1 ratio, Ar as diluents
an accelerating voltage of 40 kV and intensity of 20 mA. The 35 ml/min and N2 as internal standard 5 ml/min and total flow
acquisition of the diffraction data depends on the required of 50 ml/min, WHSV = 15 l/h g) The outlet gas was analysed
study; e.g. the diffractograms were recorded in the angular zone simultaneously by two gas chromatographs, the first allows
between u and 2u values 108–908 with a step size of 0.05 and separating hydrogen, nitrogen, methane and monoxide of
27 s per step to obtained initials phases and calculation the cell carbon on a Tami 5 column; the second quantified argon,
parameters, a step size of 0.02 and 1 s per step after RTP and methane and CO2 on a Hayesep R column.
catalytic test, and values range 328–358 with a step size of 0.02 Two temperature regimes for dry reforming of methane were
and 30 s per step to confirm the solid solution formation. The used. The first one temperature was increased from room
powder camera method that consists on the pulverization of the temperature to 600 8C at a rate of 10 8C/min. Once steady state
solid was used to guarantee a homogeneous and abundant size conditions were reached (30 min) analyses started and
of grains that promotes the formation of all the symmetry continue within 15 min intervals (Fig. 1). The temperature
planes increasing the sensibility of each sign. Phase’s was then increased with 50 8C intervals from 600 to 800 8C at
recognition was obtained by comparison with JCPDS files 4 8C/min, following a similar procedure ‘‘Semi-cycle’’. A
using the database PDF and software EVA 3.30 programs. reverse protocol was followed to decrease the temperature from
BET specific surface areas were determined by N2 800 to 600 8C ‘‘cycle’’. During the cycle, methane and CO2
adsorption at 77 K, using 100 mg of previously out gassed conversions and H2 and CO selectivities were calculated in a
sample a 106 Torr with Sortometer Coulter SA 3100 similar way as reported elsewhere [8].
TPR analyses were carried out in a quartz reactor using 3. Results and discussions
50 mg of sample, under reducing mixture flow of H2 (2 ml/min)
diluted in argon (50 ml/min) and increasing from room The results of BET specific surface area, XRD, reduction
temperature to 900 8C at 15 8C/min. The coke deposition on percentages and carbon formation are summarized in the
the catalysts after reaction was determined by this technique Table 1. It is observed that the sol–gel method via propionic

Table 1
BET specific surface area and, XRD results of the synthesized solids at 750 8C
Precursor solid SA (m2/g) XRD initial phase XRD after redox XRD after reaction
LaNiO3 7.5 LaNiO3 Ni, La2O3 Ni, La2O2CO3
LaNi0.8Co0.2O3 6.9 LaNiO3 Ni, Co, La2O3 Ni, Co, La2O2CO3
LaNi0.7Co0.3O3 39.4 LaNiO3 Ni, Co, La2O3 Ni, Co, La2O2CO3
LaNi0.5Co0.5O3 9.5 LaNiO3, LaCoO3 Ni, Co, La2O3 Ni, Co, La2O2CO3
LaNi0.4Co0.6O3 5.6 LaCoO3 Ni, Co, La(OH)3 Ni, Co, La2O2CO3
LaNi0.2Co0.8O3 6.4 LaCoO3 Ni, Co, La2O3 Ni, Co, La2O2CO3
LaCoO3 4.2 LaCoO3 Co, La2O3 Co, La2O3
144 G. Valderrama et al. / Catalysis Today 133–135 (2008) 142–148

Table 2
Lattice parameters for hexagonal and rhombohedra symmetries
LaNi1xCoxO3 (x) Hexagonal symmetry Rhombohedra
a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) a (Å) a
0 5.4327 5.4327 13.2210 5.4091 60.29
0.2 5.4287 5.4287 13.2218 5.4080 60.25
0.3 5.4296 5.4296 13.1608 5.3919 60.47
0.5 5.4327 5.4327 13.1304 5.3846 60.59
0.6 5.4121 5.4121 13.1468 5.3821 60.37
0.8 5.4308 5.4308 13.1178 5.3798 60.60
1.0 5.4175 5.4175 13.0927 5.3693 60.60

Fig. 2. XRD patterns of LaNi1xCoxO3 system.

and (2 0 2) LaNiO3 (JCPDS 33-0711) to an ideal hexagonal
system, which were used the rhombohedra parameters obtain
acid is appropriate for the synthesis of crystalline phases of (Table 2). Hexagonal and rhombohedra symmetry was
perovskite-type oxides in the expected stoichiometric with calculated through the equations reported by Klug and
specific surface areas in the range of 4–39 m2/g, in agreements Alexander [13].
with previously reported values [5,8]. The cell rhombohedra parameters of LaNi1xCoxO3
The diffraction patterns of the as-synthesized solids (Fig. 2), decreases with Co content (Fig. 4) from 5.409 to 5.369 Å,
showed a good crystallization of the perovskite phase without since the substitution of the cation Ni3+ with a 0.56 Å radium
the presence of polluting phases. Which was dependent on the for Co3+ with a 0.52 Å radium causes a decrease of the distance
substitution degree (x): for x  0.4 isomorphs LaNiO3 solids dB-O in the perovskite structure. The calculated rhombohedra
are obtained, while for x  0.6 LaCoO3 structure is formed cell parameters (Table 2) follow Vegart Law [14] that defines
(Table 1), in agreement with previously reported observations solid solutions, that is to say, they show a lineal variation with
[9]. respect to the substitution degree (Fig. 4), confirming the solid
Amplification of the angular area between 328 and 358 solutions formation among these ternary systems. The lineal
corresponding to LaNi1xCoxO3 more intense peaks diffraction variation serves as a calibration method of lattice parameters, to
(Fig. 3), shows a split characteristic of rhombohedra symmetry evaluate the migration of Ni or Co of perovskite-type structure
[10]. Although LaNiO3 main peak does not show this splitting that are not completely destroyed or that could be formed
its distortion is rhombohedra, since the second peak with a very during the catalytic evaluation, without knowing the exact
weak signal is overlap giving to an asymmetric wide peak [11] deformation of the formed structure.
(Fig. 3). While the position of the peaks of maximum intensity Analysis of the reduction profiles of these solids (Fig. 5)
of ternary solids shift regularly between the peaks used as shows the several peaks formations, which correspond to
reference for LaNiO3 (33.168) and LaCoO3 (33.448) binary different Ni and Co intermediate species. For example, during
perovskite-type oxides, these signals progressive shift with the reduction of LaNiO3; the XRD patterns of first a-peak at
increasing Co content (Fig. 3) suggesting the formation of a 360 8C (Fig. 6), show that LaNiO2.7 is formed without total
solid solution [12]. destruction of the perovskite-type structure, tolerating a
To investigate the effect on rhombohedra cell parameters of significant oxygen deficiency similar to the oxygen desorption
the partial substitution of B cation, these parameters were and surface reduction 19.1% (Table 3), demonstrating the
calculated for each x value, indexing the two most intensive mobility of lattice oxygen [15]. The second peak appears at
diffraction peaks (Fig. 2) in the planes corresponding to (1 1 0) 395 8C corresponding to La2Ni2O5 phase, and the third larger

Fig. 3. XRD patterns of LaNi1xCoxO3 more intense peaks. Fig. 4. The rhombohedra aR cell parameters.
G. Valderrama et al. / Catalysis Today 133–135 (2008) 142–148 145

Fig. 5. LaNi1xCoxO3 TPR profile.

Fig. 7. LaCoO3 crystalline phases as a function of the reduction temperature.

occurs (Fig. 7). According to:

LaCoO3 þ 0:25H2 ! LaCoO2:75 þ 0:25H2 O (4)

4LaCoO2:75 þ H2 ! La4 Co3 O10 þ Co þ H2 O (5)

La4 Co3 O10 þ 4H2 ! 2La2 O3 þ 3Co þ 4H2 O (6)

The reduction of the solid LaNi0.5Co0.5O3 follows the same
scheme observed for the perovskite-type oxide used as
reference (Eqs. (2)–(6)), behaviour that can be extrapolated
to all the ternary solids.
Fig. 6. LaNiO3 crystalline phases as a function of the reduction temperature. When comparing the reduction temperatures of these binary
oxides to other synthesis methods reported [8,16,18] with
b-peak at 540 8C bulk reduction correspond to Ni0 and La2O3 similar surfaces areas, it is observed that propionic acid
occurs [16]. Based on these results, the reduction steps are synthesis method favours reduction of the solids at lower
written as follows: temperatures. It is noted that Ni- or Co-substitute oxide begins
to reduce at lower temperature than the host oxide (Table 3)
2LaNiO3 þ H2 ! La2 Ni2 O5 þ H2 O (2) even when the host and substitute cations have the same
valence, this synergetic effect important should be considered
La2 Ni2 O5 þ 2H2 ! La2 O3 þ 2Ni þ 2H2 O (3) during catalytic test.
The XRD patterns do not show Ni0-Co0 alloy formation
While, the diffraction patterns of different peaks LaCoO3 suggesting a high metallic dispersion. However, alloy forma-
(Fig. 7), show that at 377 8C the reduction occurs very quickly tion can not be discarded between metals with particles size
hindering identification of the possible phases formed (Fig. 7). 10 Å, below the detection limit of X-rays [19] since peaks of
However, it has been reported [17] that at 385 8C the LaCoO2.75 Ni0 and Co0 phases from ternary solids (Fig. 8) are among those
phase is obtained. Based on this result we assume that the first of binary perovskites.
reduction a-peak corresponds to this phase with reduction LaNi1xCoxO3 precursor was used without reduction prior
25.3% (Table 3), similar behaviour to LaNiO3, which at 420 8C to catalytic measurements. Changes in CO yield as a function of
decreases to form La4Co3O10 without total destruction of the temperature are shown in Fig. 9. It is observed that an increase
LaCoO3 phase corroborating the mobility of oxide ions, then at in Co content on the precursor perovskite-type oxide rises the
600 8C the total reduction with the formation of Co0 and La2O3 initial temperature at which the reforming reaction takes place,

Table 3
Temperatures, reduction and coke results of the synthesized solids at 750 8C
Precursor solid 1st Peak 2nd Peak 3rd Peak Total
T (8C) Red (%) T (8C) Red (%) T (8C) Red (%) Red (%) Coke (%)
LaNiO3 360 19.1 395 12.5 540 54.3 85.9 0.7
LaNi0.8Co0.2O3 355 23.5 385 10.2 537 50.2 83.9 2.8
LaNi0.7Co0.3O3 347 20.8 385 26.9 530 38.7 86.4 0.9
LaNi0.5Co0.5O3 353 22.8 390 10.7 556 55.1 88.6 2.7
LaNi0.4Co0.6O3 348 19.8 390 13.4 562 57.3 90.5 0.1
LaNi0.2Co0.8O3 356 21.2 408 12.7 586 52.5 86.4 0.3
LaCoO3 377 25.3 420 14.6 600 57.1 97.0 0.3
146 G. Valderrama et al. / Catalysis Today 133–135 (2008) 142–148

Fig. 8. XRD patterns of peaks respect to Ni0 and Co0 phases of LaNi1xCoxO3. Fig. 10. CH4 and CO2 conversions on unreduced LaNi1xCoxO3 at 800 8C.

due to the fact that Co reduction to Co0 requires higher for high Ni (x  0.3) contents reaching a stationary state
temperatures than Ni (Table 3). of activation between 650 and 800 8C. It is evident
The observed difference in CO yield during the rise that activation of the solids occurs in situ, due to the
and decrease of temperature (Fig. 9) is known as hysteresis presence of a reducing atmosphere formed by the
phenomenon [20], which occurs due to the initial lack gases (CH4, CO, H2) in the reaction media that promotes
of activity of the solids at 650 8C, produced by the absence formation of the active species Ni0, Co0 and La2O2CO3
of Co0 active species. Such a phenomenon is not important (Table 1).

Fig. 9. CO yield as a function of temperature. Rise (—) and descent (- - -) cycles.

G. Valderrama et al. / Catalysis Today 133–135 (2008) 142–148 147

Fig. 11. Dry reforming of methane: X CH4 =X CO2 ratio. Fig. 13. XRD patterns of after-reaction LaNi1xCoxO3.

The evolution of CH4 and CO2 conversions during the dry Accordingly, the methane decomposition reaction (7)
reforming of methane at 800 8C over the solids solution increases CH4 conversion and H2 selectivity. While water
synthesized is shown in Fig. 10. It is observed that conversions gas shifts reaction (8) decreases the selectivity to CO and
of both gases are favoured on the Ni (x  0.6) rich solids, with increases H2 selectivity.
values close to the thermodynamic balance (100%) and a XRD analyses of after-reaction solids reveal the presence of
X CH4 =X CO2 ratio close to 1 (Fig. 11), suggesting that Ni favours La2O2CO3, Ni and Co phases (Fig. 13) and of very small
reaction (1). quantities of coke determined by TPR (Table 3). The high
LaCoO3 showed a poor activity (Fig. 9) due to the initial dispersion of the metallic phases, the presence of La2O2CO3
activation time needed to in situ reduce Co3+ to Co0 [21] and to that plays a very important paper in the reforming (Eq. (9)) and
the absence of La2O2CO3 phase (Table 1). However, synergetic reacts with methane and regenerate La2O3 inhibits coke
effect have also been observed in LaNi0.2Co0.8O3 with the deposits and is responsible for the high activities shown by
presence of Ni in doping quantities since presents high activity these solid solutions.
for the reaction (Fig. 9) reaching CH4 and CO2 conversions of
82 and 88%, respectively, which indicated that the presence of La2 O3 þ CO2 ! La2 O2 CO3 þ CH4 ! La2 O3 þ 2CO þ 2H2
Ni promotes Co activation and eliminates the initial induction (9)
On the other hand, it is observed (Fig. 12) that the Ni It is important to point out that in spite of the severe reaction
(x  0.6) rich solids produce high selectivities toward the conditions used (Fig. 1), only small quantities of coke was
formation of syngas, with CH4 conversions slightly higher than formed (Table 3), indicating that interaction between metallic
that of CO2 and H2 selectivities slightly superior to that of CO species Ni0-Co0 cause an synergetic effect, no clearly
(Fig. 9). This indicates that the reactions (7) and (8) are understood, that play a very important role in the catalytic
occurring in a very small extension: behaviour. Therefore, we propose that doping quantities of Co,
which reduces at higher temperatures (Fig. 5), stabilize the
CH4 ¼ C þ 2H2 DH 298 ¼ 74:85 kJ=mol (7)
particles of metallic Ni inhibiting coke formation, while doping
quantities of Ni diminishes the temperature of reduction of Co
CO þ H2 O ¼ CO2 þ H2 DH 298 ¼ 41:17 kJ=mol (8)
(Fig. 5) accelerating the activation of the solid.

4. Conclusions

The resin sol–gel method via propionic acid is appropriate

for the synthesis of solid solutions of perovskite-type structure
with high degree of purity. The formation of Ni0 and Co0 active
species occurs at low temperatures through intermediate
species formed by stepwise reduction.
The dry reforming of methane shows that the precursor
LaNi1xCoxO3 (x  0.8) produce very active catalysts for this
reaction, with conversions and selectivities close to thermo-
dynamic equilibrium (100%). This activity is attributed to the
in situ formation of Ni0-Co0 particles highly dispersed on
La2O2CO3 matrix that inhibits coke formation in spite of the
Fig. 12. CO and H2 selectivities obtained for LaNi1xCoxO3. severe reaction conditions.
148 G. Valderrama et al. / Catalysis Today 133–135 (2008) 142–148

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