Chapter 5 - Financial Position and Cash Flows
Chapter 5 - Financial Position and Cash Flows
Chapter 5 - Financial Position and Cash Flows
- Judgement and estimates are used in determining many of the items reported in the SFP
o Many “soft” numbers (estimates) at included that could be significantly uncertain
o Materiality judgements often needed
- SFP leaves out many items that cannot be recorded objectively or are off-balance sheet
- Equity/Net Assets: residual interest in an entity’s assets after deducting its liabilities
o the value of a company's assets once the value of its liabilities has been
Current Assets:
- Current assets are cash and other assets expected to be realized:
o Within one year from date of SFP
o Within normal operating cycle, whichever is longer
- First on SFP
- Defined as:
o Cash, demand deposits, short-term highly liquid investments readily convertible
into known amounts of cash
o Have insignificant risk of changing in value
- Valued at lower of cost and net realizable value with cost formula disclosed (FIFO,
weighted average)
Non-current Investments:
- Presented on SFP bellow current assets in separate section called “Investments”
o Amortization - an accounting method for spreading out the costs for the use of a
long-term asset over the expected period the long-term asset will provide value
Current Liabilities:
- Obligations due within one year (from date of SFP) or within operating cycle
- Examples:
o Payables resulting from acquisitions of goods/services
o Collections received in advance of deliver of goods or performance of services
o Other liabilities to be paid in the short term
o Short term financing payable on demand
Working Capital:
- Total Current Assets – Total Current Liabilities = Working Capital
- Three types:
o From specific financing situations
o From ordinary enterprise operations
o Depending on occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more future evets
- Presentation requires reporting the portion due within next year as current liability
Owners’/Shareholders’ Equity:
- Consists of Four Parts:
o Capital Share – issues shares
Disclose the number of authorized, issued and outstanding shares
- To enable users to compare the operating performance and cash flows of different
o Investing Activities
Acquisitions and disposal disposals of long-term assets and other
o Financing Activities
Changes in equity and borrowings
Cash Inflows and Outflows:
- Indirect Method
o Reconciles accrual net income to cash-based net income
Adds back non-cash charges deducted from net income
Such as depreciation
- Only the operating activities sections differ between the two methods
o Capital asset purchases are financed through operations solvency risk does not
- Indicates discretionary cash flow (cash left to invest or expand) to make additional
investments, to retire debt, or to add to liquidity