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Accounting Lecture 2

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Accounting lecture 2

Chapter 2: a further look at financial accounting

Current assets
- Assets expected to be converted to cash, sold or used in the business within one year or
one operating cycle, whichever is longer
- Operating cycle is the average time it takes to go from cash to cash in producing
- Usually listed in order of liquidity
- Reverse order of liquidity also possible
- Examples:
- cash, held-for-trading; short term profit only, investments, accounts receivable;
customer buying things on credit you expect to get money back, inventory: good
held for sale non-current asset, supplies and prepaid expenses: pay for but
haven't used up yet

Non-current assets
- Assets not expected to be converted to cash, sold or used in the business within one
year or one operating cycle
- All assets not considered current
- Examples
- Long-term investments: not held for sale within a year, Property, plant, and
equipment, Intangible assets and goodwill, Other assets

Long-term investments
- Multi-year investments in:
- Debt securities: loans, notes, bonds, mortgages
- Equity securities: shares of other companies
- These assets are normally not intended to be sold (and converted to cash) within one

Property, Plant, and Equipment

- Tangible assets with relatively long useful lives
- Used in operating the business
- Classify items on how long they will be used for; longest permanency
- Examples:
- Land Buildings, Equipment (eg. furniture, laptop, etc.), Furniture, Computers,
- Usually listed in order of permanency
- allocation of the cost of property, plant, and equipment over their estimated useful lives:
companies systematically assign a portion of the cost of an asset to expense each year
- Under IFRS this allocation is referred to as depreciation for property, plant and
equipment and amortization for intangible assets
- Intangible asset: can’t physically touch it
- Under ASPE amortization is often used instead of depreciation
- The cost of long-lived assets with indefinite lives is not depreciated (e.g. land)
- Accumulated depreciation account shows the total amount of depreciation taken to
- The difference between the cost of the asset and its accumulated depreciation is
referred to as the carrying amount of the asset
- Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset account

Intangible asset
- Non-current assets that do not have physical substance and represent a privilege or a
right held by the company
- Examples:
- Patents, copyrights, trademarks, licenses
- Goodwill: excess price paid on acquisition of another company
- Generate a future value to the company
- Amortized if they do not have an indefinite life

Current liabilities
● Obligations that are to be paid or settled within the (longer of the) coming year or one
operating cycle
● Examples:
○ Bank indebtedness, Accounts payable, Unearned revenue, Bank loan/notes
payable, Current maturities of long-term debt

Non-current liabilities
- Debts expected to be paid or settled after one year
- Examples:Bank loan/notes payableLease obligations
- Pension and benefit obligations
- Deferred income tax liabilities
- Usually accompanied by extensive notes to the financial statements

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