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Faculty Internship Report DR Ajith S

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Submitted by
Dr. S. Ajith
Assistant Professor
Fire & Environment, Health, Safety Engineering

GSFC University, Vadodara

Internship Company: Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd.

Internship Period: 19-12-2022 to 31-12-2022

Date of Report Submission: 15-02-2023


I hereby declare that the Industrial Internship Report entitled “An Investigation on

Safety Systems & Practices in Chemical Industry” is an authentic record of my own

work as requirements of Industrial Internship during the period from 19-12-2022 to 31-

12-2022 under the guidance of Shri. Priyank Soni, Manager EHS, Chemcon Speciality

Chemicals Ltd.

Dr. S. Ajith
Assistant Professor
Fire & Environment, Health, Safety Engineering

Date: 15.02.2023


I take this moment to thank the Lord Almighty who gave me strength and

support throughout my industrial internship journey. I am also grateful to my family

members who have supported me to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the honourable President

Shri. P K Taneja, Provost Dr. Nikhil Zaveri, Director (Administration) Shri. R B

Panchal, and Director (Campus) Shri. Mahesh Barot for providing me a good

opportunity to carry out the research work through faculty internship. I wish to express

my thanks to Dr. Saurabh Shah, Dean, School of Technology for the continuous

encouragement to complete this work. I am extremely grateful to Shri. C P Doshi,

Adjunct Professor, Department of Fire & EHS for his support in arranging industrial

internship. His constant inspiration, encouragement, motivation and ever-co-operating

attitude enabled me in bringing this report to its present form.

I sincerely thank the Board of Directors and Management Team, Chemcon

Speciality Chemicals Ltd. for granting permission for faculty internship and to carry

out minor projects. I deeply thank my industrial mentors Shri. Priyank Soni, Manager

EHS and Safety officer Shri. Nilesh Modi for their continuous guidance and

encouragement during the internship. Their constructive comments and suggestions

helped me a lot in carrying out the project.

I wish to thank my students Ashutosh Pothal, Tirth Brahamkshatriya &

Soumya Ranjan Sahoo for their support throughout the project.



Sr. No. Title Pg. No.

1 Declaration II

2 Acknowledgment III

3 Table of Content IV

4 List of Tables V

5 List of Figures VI

6 Abbreviations and Nomenclature VII

7 Chapter 1: Introduction 1

8 Chapter 2: Brief Literature Review 6

9 Chapter 3: Process Involved in the Industry 8

10 Chapter 4: Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment 15

11 Chapter 5: Handling & Disposal of Hazardous Waste 28

12 Chapter 6: Study of on-site Emergency Plan 34

13 Chapter 7: Conclusion & Future Scope 42

14 References 44


Table Title Page

No. No.

3.1 Hazardous Process 8

3.2 Raw Materials 12

3.3 Products 13

3.4 Hazardous Chemicals & Classification 14

4.1 Likelihood 17

4.2 Severity 17

4.3 Risk Matrix with Descriptive Ratings 18

4.4 Risk Response 18

4.5 Classification of Risk Zone – HMDS Plant 19

4.6 Classification of Risk Zone – Bromine Plant 19

4.7 Hazard Category 22

4.8 Health Hazards of Chemicals 23

4.9 PPE Matrix 27

5.1 Hazardous Waste at Generation Stage 30

5.2 Hazardous Waste at Utilization Stage 31

5.3 Fingerprint Analysis Report 32

6.1 Types of Emergency 37

6.2 Range & Operation of Sirens 40


Figure Title Page

No. No.

1.1 Methodology 5

3.1 Process Flow of n-butyl chloride 8

3.2 Process Flow of Hexa Methyl Di Silazane 9

3.3 Process Flow of Chloromethyl Isopropyl Carbonate 9

3.4 Process Flow of Calcium Bromide 10

3.5 Process Flow of Sodium Bromide 11

3.6 Process Flow of Zinc Bromide 12

4.1 Procedure of Risk Quantification 15

4.2 Relative Percentage of Risk in Each Zone – HMDS Plant 20

4.3 Relative Percentage of Risk in Each Zone – Bromine Plant 21

6.1 Emergency Management Team 36


ECC - Emergency Control Centre

ETA - Event Tree Analysis

FTA - Fault Tree Analysis

HIRA - Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

HAZOP - Hazard and Operability Studies

IC - Incident Controller

PHA - Preliminary Hazard Analysis

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

RA - Risk Assessment

SCBA - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

TSDF - Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facility




Chemcon Speciality Chemicals is in Manjusar near Vadodara in the state of

Gujarat, Western India. Chemcon is an ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 certified
company with an experience of more than two decades in the chemical industry. It is
one of the reliable partners for completion Brines and the largest manufacturer of
calcium bromide in India in calendar year 2019. Chemcon is the certified company for
the “Manufacture and supply of Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Silanes and Oilfield
Chemicals”. They are the manufacturer of specialised chemicals, such as HMDS and
CMIC which are predominantly used in the pharmaceuticals industry and inorganic
bromides, namely Calcium Bromide, Zinc Bromide and Sodium Bromide, which are
predominantly used as completion fluids in the oilfields industry.

Chemcon are the only manufacturer of HMDS in India and were the third largest
manufacturer of HMDS worldwide in terms of production in the calendar year 2019.
They are the largest manufacturer of CMIC in India and the second largest manufacturer
of CMIC worldwide, in terms of production and capacity in calendar year 2019.
Further, they are the only manufacturer of Zinc Bromide and the largest manufacturer
of Calcium Bromide in India, in terms of production in calendar year 2019 (source:
Frost & Sullivan Report).

The applications includes pharmaceuticals (HMDS, HMDSO, TMCS, CMIC),

Oil field (CaBr2, ZnBr2, NaBr), Silicone (HMDS, HMDSO), Coating (HMDS,
HMDSO), Cosmetics (HMDSO), Semiconductor (HMDS), Electronics (HMDS,
HMDSO), Rubber RTV (HMDS, HMDSO) and Petroleum (HMDS).


The Indian chemical industry mainly produces basic types of chemicals as well
as knowledge type chemicals and specialty type chemicals as of 2018. In India, Gujarat
was the largest state contributor to the chemical industry of India in 2018. India also
produces products related to petrochemicals, fertilizers, paints, varnishes, glass,

perfumes, toiletries, pharmaceuticals, etc. The India chemical industry is divided into
six sub-segments. These sub-segments are Basic Organic Chemicals, Specialty
Chemicals, Chlor-alkali, Pesticides, Dyestuff, and alcohol-based chemicals. India is a
major producer of basic organic chemicals [1].

Chemicals in use in industries have a range of properties which cause them to

be hazardous to life. These include explosiveness, flammability, toxicity,
carcinogenicity and teratogenicity. They may also emit radiation and they may exist at
high or low temperatures generating a risk or burning or freezing. Substances such as
strong alkalis and strong acids can cause chemical burning. Any one chemical or
mixture may exhibit several of these properties [2].

Toxic materials may be solids in powdered or finely divided form, liquids or

gases and any of these materials may all be absorbed by inhalation, directly through the
skin of by contact with mucous membranes in the nose or eyes. Some chemicals may
persist in the body for substantial periods and can continue to exhibit toxicity. Examples
of such materials include mercury, arsenic, dioxins and many organic solvents which
can be stored in fat cells.

Environmental risks may be difficult to evaluate and may take years to become
apparent. The risk to the Earth's ozone layer from the release of CFCs required the
investigative powers of scientists throughout the world to understand fully. Science is
still working out the seriousness of the effects of persistent halogenated organics on the
marine food chain with some of these chemicals becoming concentrated in the fatty
deposits of top predators in concentrations that appear to effect their reproductive
success [3].

The chemicals industry in India is very diversified and can essentially be

classified into 6 categories: bulk chemicals, specialty chemicals, agrochemicals,
petrochemicals, polymers and fertilizers.

1.2.1 Basic Organic Chemicals

The organic chemicals industry is one of the most significant sectors of the
chemical industry in the world. It plays a vital role in providing inputs for other
industries of paints, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs and intermediates, leather

chemicals, pesticides, etc. Methanol, acetic acid, formaldehyde, pyridine, phenol,
alkylamines, ethyl acetate, and acetic anhydride are major basic organic chemicals that
are produced in India. Six major chemicals are produced in India: methanol, aniline,
alkylamines, and its derivatives formaldehyde, acetic acid, and phenol contributing to
nearly 2/3 of Indian basic organic chemical industry. The country has several basic
organic chemical companies that are among the largest companies globally in their
chemical productions.

1.2.2 Inorganic Chemicals

In India, chlor-alkali the sector mainly consists of the production of three

inorganic chemicals; caustic soda (NaOH), chlorine (Cl2) and soda ash (Na2CO3).
Hydrogen is also produced in this industry in small amounts. The chlor-alkali industry
inputs are mainly used in soaps and detergents, pulp and paper, textiles, aluminium
processing industry for caustic soda and for soda ash in glass, silicate production etc
apart from soaps and detergents. In the financial year 2019–2020 of chlor-alkali
industry of India over four million metric tons of alkali chemicals were produced. The
products that are produced in this industry are soda ash, caustic soda, and liquid chlorine

1.2.3 Speciality chemicals

As of December 2021, the speciality chemicals segment comprised 22% of

India's overall chemicals market. In 2019, India's share of the global speciality
chemicals market stood at 4%, however India's market share is projected to stand at
5.5% by 2025. India has several niche specialty chemical companies that are among the
largest companies globally in their specific niche sectors [4].


❖ Complying with applicable compliance obligation or legal & other requirements

❖ Protect environment and prevent pollution by establishing, maintaining and
improving, operational controls, waste minimization and recycle it wherever
possible, minimize energy consumption, conservation of natural resources
❖ Provide safe and healthy working condition for the prevention of work-related
injury & ill health of all interested parties by controlling and eliminating
hazards, reducing health & safety risk, enhancing awareness through training,

communication, motivation and their consultation & participation where they
❖ Determining the risk and opportunities through periodically reviewing systems
and updating objectives, targets & their action plans
❖ Adopting and promoting process approach and risk base thinking concept
among the organization
❖ Adopting and synchronizing integrated management system through
establishing process performance indicators in line with organization business
❖ Provide quality assured product and services at competitive cost through
continual improvement in process, production, environment, health & safety
❖ Reaffirming commitment to sustainable developments through effective
implementation and monitoring of Integrated Management System (IMS)


In India, process industries have grown significantly over the last ten years.
Better process safety and risk management in the workplace are essential with the
development of technology and improvements in infrastructure. Chemicals play a vital
part in process industries and require special handling and storage considerations. The
divergence from ideal safe circumstances is caused by a variety of factors, including
process characteristics, operator/human parameters, management parameters, and
social elements. The first phase in the safety management process is the hazard
analysis and risk assessment in the chemical storage area. There are many risk
assessment techniques available to examine important factors in specific parts. The
consequences of chemical spills and leaks around the world have been severe, and they
are still being felt today. Rugged chemical leakage instances include the BP Texas City
refinery explosion, the Flixborough accident, the Piper Alpha disaster, and the tragic
Bhopal gas tragedy [5].

The relative severity of the parameters in the site safety, if ascertained, will
help the site engineers/supervisors to take appropriate decisions to ensure better safety.
A workplace cannot be certified as safe until the workplace holds competent workers,
engineers, supervisors and the availability of PPE’s. Unlike many other manufacturing
sectors, in the chemical industries, the tasks cannot be fully automated and mandate the

involvement of human resources (workers) [7]. The severity of these hazards can be
mitigated if the worker uses proper PPE during the time of work. Attitudes and
behaviours are the key elements that lead to unsafe acts and can be reduced through
behavior-based safety [8]. Do the workers have a proper attitude towards adopting PPE
for site safety? If no, the reason for the same need to be identified and remedial action
is to be taken, which may vary from site to site.


The specific objectives of this research are given below

1. To identify the hazards in the chemical industry and to quantify the risk
involved in each plant using HIRA technique

2. To evaluate the legal compliance of hazardous waste storage area

3. To evaluate the legal compliance of firefighting system in warehouse


The overall proposed research methodology is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1.1 Methodology




This chapter discusses the theoretical background of the reported research works
on safety management, risk assessment and tools to assess safety performance in
chemical industries. The purpose of this chapter is to identify the issues in the previous
literature and to emphasize the relevance of the present study.


For the Bhopal gas tragedy, research has been done on key advancements in
process safety, the Logical Framework Approach, and safety protocols for handling
abnormal and emergency situations in process plants [10-12]. The Fire Dynamics
Simulator, a Computational Fluid Dynamics model of fire-driven fluid flow created by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology, has been used to investigate the
Flixborough catastrophe and determine the cause and a potential alternate explanation
[13, 14]. The analysis of multiple idea maps by combining the cause and consequences
from the case study of the Piper Alpha catastrophe to learn about safety [15]. BP Texas
City refinery explosion was evaluated using dynamic risk assessment, dynamic process
simulator, and quantitative dynamic HAZOP analysis [16-18]. Inadequate maintenance,
equipment failure, operational errors, human error, pipeline and capacity tank bursts,
storage tank breaks, fugitive emissions, and apocalyptic disasters have all been
identified as the main causes of all these mishaps [19].

Incidents in the chemical industrial region release deadly gases, harmful air, and
a lot of heat into the surrounding environment [20]. The release of dangerous chemicals
also creates hazards for toxic gas emissions, fires, and explosions that spread quickly to
the surroundings, as well as a devastation in the building's construction [21]. The
majority of the 650 accidents in ports around the European Union had chemicals as their
primary contributing factor [22]. Most mishaps that have happened over the previous
40 years were caused by the release of dangerous chemicals [23]. Incidents involving
chemical storage tanks have the potential to have a domino effect both on and off-site

[24]. The causes of mishaps in ammonia storage tanks include overpressure, under
pressure, stuffing, and pipeline breakage. Hazardous chemical gas leaks have negative
effects on both the surrounding environment and human life. These substances can cause
minor irritation all the way up to death, depending on their dosage and intensity [25].

A ruptured ammonia tanker valve caused 13 people to suffer injuries in Zhejiang,

China, in the year 2000. Additionally, a blast at a refinery in Knell, Australia, occurred
in 1993 because of caustic soda's pyrophoric activity in the pipelines. It is crucial to
evaluate and reduce the risk in the chemical storage area since tank breaks in chemical
storage facilities result in unpredictable mishaps [26].


Using risk assessment approaches, all workplace hazards are prioritised, which
also enhances the industry's performance in terms of safety. Complex tasks and a lack
of worker awareness are the main causes of numerous near-misses and accidents. Every
organisation is accountable for identifying the underlying causes of each risk. Therefore,
doing risk assessments, implementing mitigation strategies, and regularly assessing
those strategies are important.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) in a hydroelectric power

facility. According to five categories—physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and
electrical—the risks in this study are categorised. Risk Assessment (RA) was done
using likelihood and severity ratings [27].

Hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies, Checklist, What-if analysis, Event

Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA),
and Failure Mode Effective Analysis are all used to conduct the hazard analysis of
chemical storage, as detailed by Greenberg et al. Bayesian networks have been used to
identify the vulnerability factors for chemical storage tanks [28].




There are four different hazardous process that is carried out in the industry as
mentioned in Table 2.1. These processes may take place parallelly or one after another
depending upon the requirement. There are specific process for different products, the
process flow of hexa methyl di silazane is shown in Figure 2.1

Table 3.1 Hazardous Process

S. No Process
1. Chlorination
2. Hydro chlorination
3. Ammonization
4. Bromination
5. Distillation

Figure 3.1 Process flow of n-butyl chloride

Figure 3.2 Process Flow of Hexa Methyl Di Silazane

Figure 3.3 Process Flow of Chloromethyl Isopropyl Carbonate

Figure 3.4 Process Flow of Calcium Bromide

Figure 3.5 Process Flow of Sodium Bromide

Figure 3.6 Process Flow of Zinc Bromide


Chemicals are the organic or inorganic molecular building blocks used in processing
materials and adhesives. Raw materials include fillers, minerals, gases, and specialized
chemical additives. The raw materials used in the production is listed in Table 2.2.

Table 3.2 Raw Materials

S. No Raw Materials
1. Hexamethyl disiloxane (HMDO)
2. HCL liquid – 30%
3. Ammonia

4. n-butanol
5. Methyl chloridocarbonate/ Methyl dichloride
6. Chlorine
7. Isopropyl alcohol
8. Pyridine sulphate
9. NaoH (caustic)
10. Bromine
11. Hydrogen bromide (HBr)
12. Sulpher
13. Calcium hydroxide
14. Zinc oxide
15. Sodium hydroxide Lye. (50%)
16. Trimethyl chlorosilane
17. AIBN
18. Sulphur


There are ten different products in the industry which is listed in Table 2.3
Table 3.3 Products

S. No Products
1. Hexa methyl di silazane (HMDS)
2. Chloro methyl isopropyl carbonate (CMIC)
3. Pyridine hydro bromide or hydro bromic acid
4. Sodium sulphate
5. Calcium bromide
6. Oxalyl chloride
7. Zinc bromide
8. Sodium bromide
9. Calcium sulphate (by product from Mfg of calcium bromide solution)
10. Hexamethyl disiloxane (HMDO)


A total of 13 types of hazardous chemicals are used in the industry and those are
classified as toxic, flammable, corrosive, fire and reactive as mentioned in Table 2.4.

Table 3.4 Hazardous Chemicals & Classification

S. No Major Hazardous Chemicals Hazardous Classification

1. Methyl chloro formate Toxic/Flammable

2. Hexamethyl Disilazane Flammable

3. Chlorine Toxic

4. Bromine Toxic

5. Ammonia Toxic

6. Caustic lye Corrosive

7. Hydrochloric acid Corrosive

8. Sulphur Fire

9. Isopropyl alcohol Fire

10. Trimethyl chlorosilazane Toxic

11. Hydrobromic Acid Toxic

12. Thionyl chloride Corrosive/Reactive

13. Sulphuric acid Toxic/ Corrosive




In this chapter, the risk is quantified for two plants such as Hexa methyl di
silazane (HMDS) and bromine using Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
(HIRA) technique. As HIRA is a generic method for quantifying risk in all types of
workplaces, this method is adopted to classify and prioritize the risk zone. The purpose
of risk assessment is to identify all the factors that may cause harm to employees and
others (the hazards) and consider what are the chances that harm and the possible
severity that could come from it (the risks). The person who is performing risk
assessment should be familiar with all the tasks in the construction site, must have in-
depth knowledge of the likelihood and severity of the hazards.


To assess the risk in every activity, a quantitative technique such as HIRA

is adopted. The steps involved in quantifying the risk are as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 4.1 Procedure for risk quantification

4.3 Hazard Identification

Hazard identification is a process of determining whether any condition or

an event has the potential to cause damage both to the workers and the site. To identify
the hazards in the workplace, checklist method, workplace inspection method, job safety
analysis and accident investigation method can be used. Hazards are classified as
physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, electrical & mechanicals. In this study,
hazards are identified using workplace inspection in which observation is done through
site visits and a discussion is done with the safety engineers and supervisors for better
understanding of hazards in the site. The hazards could cause harm beyond their
immediate area of work. It is also significant to consider the opinion of the workers who
are involved in the whole process of the activity. The major hazards which are identified
in the site are loose wires, improper housekeeping, improper work posture, unskilled
operation, poor maintenance, fall of objects and vibration.

4.4 Determining Likelihood & Severity Ratings

The likelihood and severity ratings are obtained by consulting with the team
of experts which includes an HSE officer and safety officer. As the evaluation of hazards
requires knowledge about existing safety measures, the respondents for this study are
chosen from the top-level management. The ratings given by both the respondents have
matched almost equally. The overall responses are checked with the project manager in
the site and a higher weightage is given to the HSE officer considering the industrial
experience and educational qualification. Hence the HSE officer score is adopted for the
final rating. In case if the ratings given by the team don’t match or the difference in the
rating is two or greater, then the senior safety engineer should discuss with the other
members and the reason behind the variance must be identified. Then the ratings must
be reconsidered after a better understanding of the ratings.

4.4.1 Determining the likelihood values

Likelihood is defined as the frequency of occurrence of a hazard. Thus, the likelihood

values and its description are used in assigning the level of occurrence as mentioned in
Table 1 of each hazard by the safety expert in the site.

Table 4.1 Likelihood

Level Likelihood Description

1 Rare Not likely to happen but still possible
2 Remote Not expected to happen under normal circumstances
3 Occasional Possible to occur
4 Frequent Common occurrence
5 Almost Certain Repeating occurrence

4.4.2 Determining severity rate

Severity rate is defined as the impact of the hazard on people and environment.
For each hazard mentioned in the RA sheet, safety expert is asked to give the severity
rate as per the description mentioned in Table 2.

Table 4.2 Severity

Level Severity Description
1 Negligible Unlikely to cause harm
Bruises and minor cuts, ill health with temporary uneasiness,
2 Minor
Burns, deafness, minor fractures, dermatitis, lacerations,
3 Moderate
sprains, work- related upper limb disorders
Multiple injuries, major fractures, amputations, acute
4 Major
poisoning, occupational cancer
5 Catastrophic Fatality

4.5 Risk Matrix and Score

The risk value as determined in Table 3.5 & 3.6 is calculated by multiplying
the likelihood and severity ratings. The classification of risk is done through the risk
matrix as shown in Table 3.3 as low, medium, high and extreme. A risk matrix is used
in risk assessment to describe the degree of risk by comparing the likelihood to the
severity ratings. The risk matrix assists the management in decision-making. For
instance, if the likelihood rating is 1 and the severity rating is 5 then the risk value is 5
which falls under the low-risk category as mentioned in Table 3.4. After categorizing
the risk zone, it is suggested to follow the risk response and make necessary
modifications in the task to reduce the high risk to as low as possible. The maximum

risk score will be 25 and the minimum risk score maybe 1 as these scores have arrived
through the 5x5 risk matrix.

Table 4.3 Risk matrix with descriptive ratings

Likelihood Rare Remote Occasional Frequent Almost Certain

Severity (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Catastrophic (5) L M H E E
Major (4) L M M H E
Moderate (3) L M M M H
Minor (2) L L M M M
Negligible (1) L L L L L

whereas: L – Low, M – Medium, H – High, E – Extreme

Table 4.4 Risk response

Risk Risk
S. No Risk Response
Score Category
1. 20-25 E Activity should be modified
Work not to proceed until further mitigation measures
2. 11-19 H
were implemented
3. 6-10 M Requires review and approval to perform this activity
Can be performed using existing standard controls and
4. 1-5 L

Table 4.5 Classification of risk zone – HMDS Plant

S. No Hazard Risk Consequences L S R Risk Zone

1. Spillage of water Slip and fall Fractures, pain 3 2 6 M
2. Loose wires Trip and fall Minor cuts 2 2 4 L
3. Corroded tank Tank collapse Major injuries, Fatality 1 5 5 L
4. Hanging old structure Fall or hit Sprains, strains, fractures 3 3 6 M
5. Wire in wet area Electrocution Ventricular fibrillation, burns 2 4 8 M
6. Absence of guard on rotating machines Caught in between Amputations, cuts 3 4 12 H

Table 4.6 Classification of risk zone – Bromine Plant

S. No Hazard Risk Consequences L S R Risk Zone

1. Chemical (bromine) Severe burns Major injuries 2 4 8 M
2. Corroded circuit breaker Electrocution Ventricular fibrillation, burns 2 4 8 M
3. Corroded tank Tank collapse Major injuries, Fatality 1 5 5 L
4. Water spillage Slip and fall Amputations, cuts 3 3 9 M
5. Drinking tea while working Ingestion of chemicals Respiratory & digestive disorders 2 4 8 M
6. Improper house keeping Slip, trip & fall Minor injuries, sprains 3 3 6 M


The risk in the workplace is assessed through HIRA and the risk zones are
classified accordingly. The relative percentage of risk involved in the workplace with
respect to the risk zone is calculated using Equation (4.1).

𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑧𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑒

% of risk in each zone = 𝑥 100 (4.1)
𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑜.𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑧𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠

To calculate the relative percentage of risk in each zone, the number of

hazards in each zone and the number of hazards in the site must be known. In HMDS
plant, the percentage of medium risk is estimated to be 50 which is higher when
compared to other risk zones as presented in Figure 4.2. It is also found that the relative
risk for both the low and high-risk zone are 33% and 17% respectively.

In bromine plant, the relative percentage of medium risk is estimated to be

83 which is higher when compared to other risk zones as shown in Figure 4.3. It is also
found that relative percentage of low risk zone is 17.

Hence determining the relative percentage of risk zone in workplace will

create awareness to the safety officers to discover suitable mitigation measures to
reduce the extreme, high and medium risk zones to low as possible. Also, the allocation
of workers in the extreme/high-risk zones must be allocated with their competency and
skills to reduce the injury/accident rate in the site.



Risk level




Low Medium High Extreme
Relative % of risk in each zone

Figure 4.2 Relative percentage of risk in each zone - HMDS

Risl level

Low Medium High Extreme
Relative % of risk in each zone

Figure 4.3 Relative percentage of risk in each zone - Bromine


Identifying workers' exposure to health hazards is typically more complex than

identifying physical safety hazards. For example, gases and vapours may be invisible,
often have no odour, and may not have an immediately noticeable harmful health effect.
Health hazards include chemical hazards (solvents, adhesives, paints, toxic dusts, etc.),
physical hazards (noise, radiation, heat, etc.), biological hazards (infectious diseases),
and ergonomic risk factors (heavy lifting, repetitive motions, vibration). Reviewing
workers' medical records (appropriately redacted to ensure patient/worker privacy) can
be useful in identifying health hazards associated with workplace exposures.

Hazard rating of chemicals systematically identifies the chemical hazards,

evaluates the exposure or likelihood of exposure, determines the risk level and
prioritises actions to address the risk. However, rating the chemicals shall give an idea
to prioritize it and adopt suitable precautions during the process. The effects of the
hazard & its rating are given as mentioned in Table 3.7. The different chemicals used
in the industry are mentioned in Table 3.8.

Table 4.7 Hazard Category

Description of Effects / Hazard Category
No known adverse health effects.
1 ACGIH A5 carcinogens
Not classified as toxic or harmful
Reversible effects to the skin eyes or mucous membranes, not severe
enough to cause serious health impairment.
ACCGIH A4 carcinogens
Skin sensitizers and skin irritants
Possible human or animal carcinogens or mutagens, but for which data
is in adequate.
3 ACGIH A3 carcinogens.
Corrosive (ph 3 to 5 or 9 to 11), respiratory sensitizers, harmful
Probable human carcinogens, mutagens or teratogens based on animal
ACGIH A2 carcinogens.
4 NTP Group B
IARC Group 2A
Very corrosive (ph 0 to 2 or 11.5 to 14)
Toxic chemicals
Known human carcinogens, mutagens or teratogens.
ACGIH A1 carcinogens
5 NTP group A
IARC group 1
Very toxic chemicals

Table 4.8 Health Hazards of Chemicals

Hazardous Hazard
S. No Hazard Category Risk First Aid
Material Rating
Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly for 20
Serious eye
1. Ammonia Flammable 3 minutes if contacted, Safety eyewear, Chemical-
damage & burns
resistant, impervious gloves
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water,
Oxidizer, contains
Severe skin burns occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids, Check
gas under pressure,
2. Chlorine 4 and eye damage. and remove any contact lenses, continue to rinse for at
may explode if
Fatality if inhaled least 10 minutes. Chemical burns must be treated
promptly by a physician
Harmful if If breathed in, move person into fresh air, take off
swallowed, Severe contaminated clothing and shoes immediately. Wash
3. Bromine Corrosive 3
skin burns and eye off with soap and plenty of water. Take victim
damage immediately to hospital
Harmful if
Highly flammable swallowed, Severe Rinse immediately with plenty of water also under the
4. HMDO 2
liquid and vapour skin burns and eye eyelids for at least 15 min.

Methyl Wash face, hands any exposed skin thoroughly after
Highly flammable Severe skin burns
5. Chloroform 2 handling, remove victim to fresh air
liquid and vapour & eye damage
Serious eye
Unconscious: Maintain adequate airway and
Isopropyl Highly flammable irritation,
6. 3 respiration
Alcohol liquid & vapour Respiratory
Respiratory arrest: Artificial respiration or oxygen
Burns to
respiratory tract,
Immediately flush contaminated areas with water,
7. Caustic Corrosive 3 skin, eyes and
Remove contaminated clothing
tract, Eye damage
In case of contact with eye, immediately flush with
clean low-pressure water for at least 15 min, remove
Serious burns and
8. Sulphur Irritant 4 contaminated clothing, Wash contaminated areas
blindness, Irritation
thoroughly with soap and water or waterless hand


❖ Ban on use of cigarette, matchstick, tobacco

❖ Spark arrestor on vehicle coming from outside
❖ Organizing every month fire & safety training
❖ Induction & safety training of new employees
❖ Every six-month mock drill rehearsal
❖ Providing PPEs to every worker
❖ Safety committee meeting to enhance the safety performances
❖ Firefighting, first aid and process safety training by third party
❖ HAZOP, safety audit, safety report, on site emergency plan done to find out
loophole in plant to prevent accident
❖ Paramedical check-up of employee and OHC with 24 hrs.
❖ Ammonia, bromine, chlorine detector installed with siren to warn in case of
❖ Emergency chlorine kit, electric safety kit, CO2 flooding system and fire-
resistant cable coating, horizontal and vertical fall protection system for advance
safety purpose
❖ Automation of blower & scrubber in chlorine shed in case of leakage
❖ Fire pump house (Electric pump, jockey & diesel pump) with hydrant round the
factory, foam monitor
❖ Fire & safety team around the clock



❖ Cleaning the workplace

❖ Clean and check the condition of PPE
❖ Do not keep solvent, paint, thinner open in drum
❖ Wear PPEs before you start working
❖ Do not let flammable material kept open otherwise vapour of it will form
flammable environment with atmosphere which will lead to fire
❖ Check working of pressure gauge, temperature indicator and safety valve

❖ Check earthing, bonding and jumper, if not okay inform to higher authority
❖ Always follow superior advice
❖ After completion of shift, handover the charge properly
❖ During loading, handle the material according to capacity or take help of other
❖ While using chain saw, EOT crane and hydra, use 80% of it safe working load
❖ Crane, forklift should be handled by license person
❖ While using EOT crane check brake and control
❖ Do not walk beneath while lifting load



Safety Helmets (IS:2925) – Safety helmet should be worn inside the plant to prevent
head injuries

Welding Helmet/Goggle – It is used for protection of eyes from ultraviolet & infra-red

Safety Shoes (IS15298) – Safety shoes with steel toe cap & acid alkali & electrical
resistance sole. Used for protecting the foot

Safety Goggles: It should be used to prevent eye injuries which may occur due to
chemical splash & flying objects

Face Shied: It is used while working with grinding machine to prevent injury from
flying objects

Earmuff/Ear Plug: It is used for protection against high noise levels. At workplace
90db noise level is recommended to work for 8 hours without any adverse effects

Full body harness with double lanyard & scaffold hook safety belt: It is used to
work at height job (above 3 meters) wearer should confirm the fixing of scaffold hook
on work at height

Hand gloves: It includes PVC gloves, nitrile rubber gloves, electric shock proof gloves,
leather patched gloves, PU coated hand gloves, polka dotted cotton gloves, asbestos

gloves which are used for hand protection against chemical, mechanical abrasion,
electric conductivity upto 33KV, thermal protection gloves for lab chemicals etc.

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA): SCBA set shall be used in emergency

having 300 bar air cylinder, back plate, face mask connected with high- & low-pressure
tubes. Working duration is 35 minutes & 41 minutes for carbon composite BA set with
additional 10 min as safety margin.

Canister Full/Half face mask: These are special type of portable respiratory
equipment used for respiratory protection against organic vapours, acidic fumes,
ammonia, toxic gases etc. Time limit is 12 to 15 min based on concentration of vapours
in the atmosphere


Table 4.9 PPE Matrix


Loading/Unloading of Hand gloves compatible for chemical being handled,
chemicals chemical resistant apron
SCBA/Canister as per gases/O2 and LEL
2. Confined space entry
concentration to be checked in confined space
3. Welding Welding face shield, leather hand gloves, apron
4. Gas cutting Leather hand gloves
5. Grinding Face shield, leather hand gloves
Full body harness with double lanyard and scaffold
6. Working at heights
Pressure/Hydro testing of
7. Hand gloves compatible for chemical being used
Electrical work on LT/HT
8. As per KV, electrical shock resistant hand gloves
9. Cut resistant hand gloves, dust mask
of insulation/cladding
Working in/near high
10. Ear plug/earmuff
noise area




Hazardous waste management is defined as the collecting, handling, and

disposal of waste. If these wastes are handled carelessly, it can seriously harm the
environment or human health and safety. Hazardous wastes are typically produced by
chemical production, manufacturing, and other industrial activities. They can be solids,
liquids, sludges, or enclosed gases. Inadequate operations for storage, transportation,
treatment, or disposal could result in damage. Improper handling, storage, or disposal
of hazardous material frequently causes harmful water pollution by contaminating
groundwater and surface water supplies. It can also cause hazardous land


Hazardous wastes are classified based on their biological, chemical, and

physical properties. These characteristics produce substances that are radioactive,
poisonous, flammable, reactive, corrosive, or contagious.

Toxic wastes are poisonous even in minute or trace amounts. They may have
acute effects, resulting in death or severe illness, or they may have chronic effects,
causing irreparable harm over time. Some are carcinogenic, as they can cause cancer
after many years of exposure. Others are mutagenic, causing significant biological
changes in humans and wildlife.

Reactive wastes are chemically unstable and react violently with air or water.
They cause explosions or form toxic vapors. Ignitable wastes burn at relatively low
temperatures and may cause an immediate fire hazard. Corrosive wastes include strong
acidic or alkaline substances. They destroy solid material and living tissue upon contact,
by chemical reaction.


The method to handle hazardous waste, transportation, storage and feeding

mechanism varies for each waste. To maintain safe handling, transportation and storage
a standard operating procedure is prepared as mentioned in Table 5.1 & 5.2. Exposure
of hazardous waste leads to dermatitis in the skin, asthma on long exposure, eye
irritation and tightening of the chest.


Hazardous waste generated often requires transport to a site for an approved

treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF). Due to the potential threats to public
safety and the environment, transport is given special attention by governmental
agencies to avoid any occasional accidental spill.


Disposal of some hazardous wastes in regular landfills resulted in unfavorable

amounts of hazardous materials seeping into the ground. These chemicals eventually
enter natural hydrologic systems. Hence to prevent the chemicals entering the soil,
landfill requires a barrier for collecting hazardous substances that may remain in the
disposed waste. Now, hazardous wastes are stabilized and made into solid and placed
in landfill and this process depends upon the type of hazardous waste. A landfill is a
disposal facility where hazardous wastes are placed into and stored in the soil. The
wastes are dumped in sealed drums before disposal. The hazardous-waste landfill setup
consists of two impermeable liners and includes leachate collection systems. Double
leachate collection system is made up of network of pipes placed above each liner. The
upper layer reduces the accumulation of leachate trapped in the fill, and the lower layer
acts as a backup. The leachate collected is transferred to treatment plant for further
process. An impermeable cap or cover is placed over a finished landfill is placed to
reduce the amount of leachate in the fill and minimize the potential for environmental
degradation. The method of disposal of waste can be determined by fingerprint analysis.
The various test for the samples which is done Waste from the site is disposed after
performing fingerprint analysis as shown in Table 5.3.

Table 5.1 Hazardous waste at Generation Stage

At Generation Stage/Area

Hazardous Transporting & Feeding
Handling & Storage Capacity
Waste Mechanism

HCL 30% ❖ There is no manual handling of hydrochloric acid. HCL is unloaded from ST 6016 20 KL ❖ There is no manual
Category B- the closed tanker to storage tanks through pipeline using dedicated transfer handling of HCL
ST 6015 20 KL
15 of SCH- pumps when virgin HCL is using. ❖ Feeding of HCL from
II ❖ Separate storage tanks/area at designated place with proper cover & acid ST6017 07 KL storage tank to evaporator
brick lining floor for storage of HCL. is done through closed
❖ HCL stored in dedicated HDPE tanks & kept in acid proof brick lined dyke ST 6018 18 KL pipeline using dedicated
wall along with slope and collection pit provided in storage area. transfer pump
ST 6019 10 KL
❖ Appropriate PPE’s to be used while handling
❖ Two stage water scrubber followed by alkali scrubber is provided to treat ST 6020 20 KL
the emission liberated from reactor and also the vent of HCL storage tanks
ST 6021 10 KL
is connected to scrubbers

Table 5.2 Hazardous waste at Utilization Stage

At Utilization Stage/Area

HCL 30% ❖ There is no manual handling of HCL ST 6101 ❖ There is no manual

Category B- 50KL handling of HCL
❖ Separate storage tanks/area at designated place with proper cover & acid brick
15 of SCH- ❖ Feeding of HCL from
lining floor for storage of HCL ST 6102 50
II storage tank to utilization
❖ HCL stored in dedicated HDPE tanks & kept in acid proof brick lined dyke tank & or other storage

ST 4051 20 tanks is done through

wall along with slope and collection pit provided in storage area
KL pipeline using dedicated
❖ The storage area of HCL having leak proof floor tiles with adequate slope to
transfer pump
collect the spillage if any into collection pit ST 4052 20
❖ Appropriate PPE’s to be used while handling
ST 4050 15
❖ Two stage water scrubber followed by alkali scrubber is provided to treat the
emission liberated from reactor and also the vent of HCL storage tanks is

connected to the scrubbers.


A sample fingerprint analysis report of solid ash powder is shown in Table 5.3.
From the analysis, it is known that the solid ash powder should be disposed in secured
landfill cell. Whereas, BDS indicates below detectable limit, Other heavy metal
analysis can be carried out as required and clear leachate generated & solubility
18.857% so improve less than 10%

A sample fingerprint analysis report of distillation residue is shown in Table

5.3. From the analysis, it is known that the distillation residue should be treated by
incineration and solidification.

Table 5.3 Fingerprint Analysis Report

Solid Ash Distillation
S. No Parameter Unit
Powder Residue
1. Physical state \ Solid Dist.resid. liquid
2. Odour \ No Yes
3. Colour \ Grey Black
4. Texture \ Solid powder Liquid
5. Water reactive \ 81.14% insoluble \
6. Leachat clear \ 18.85% insoluble \
7. Explosive \ \ \
8. Corrosive \ \ \
9. Paint filter Liq.Test \ \ \
10. Liquid release test \ \ \
11. Specific Gravity \ \ \
12. Reactive cyanide ppm \ Nil
13. Reactive sulfide ppm \ Nil
14. Viscosity cps \ \
15. Oil & grease % \ \
16. Boiling point C \ \
17. Melting point C \ \

18. Flash point C \ \
19. Fire point C \ \
20. PH (4 to 12) 10%w/v 12.21 7.49
21. Moisture content <20% 19.081 50.97
22. Gross calorific value Cal/gms 160.95 9670
23. Net calorific value Cal/gms \ \
24. L O I (organi cont.) % \ 82.08
25. Ash content % \ 17.92
26. TOC ppm \ \
27. Led mg/l \ \
28. Cadmium mg/l \ \
29. Chromium mg/l \ \
30. Copper mg/l \ \
31. Nickel mg/l \ \
32. Mercury mg/l \ \
33. Zinc mg/l \ \
34. Cobalt mg/l \ \
35. Manganese mg/l \ \
36. Sulphate ppm \ \
37. Chloride ppm 34989.15 \
38. COD ppm \ \




The emergency is an undesirable occurrence of events of such magnitude

and nature that adversely affect production, cause loss of human lives and property as
well damage to the environment. Emergency planning is an integral part of the overall
loss control programme and it is essential all organization. The important aspect in
emergency management is to prevent by technical and organizational measures, the
unintentional escape of hazardous materials out of the facility and minimize accidents
and losses. Emergency planning demonstrates the organizational commitment to the
safety of employees and increases our organization’s safety awareness.


Emergencies can happen at any time in any types of industry, due to fire
in a process area, tank form area, toxic gas/liquid release into the area from storage
vessels or piping network, or a bomb threat. The approach of the plan is to eliminate
or reduce the risk of injury or harm that may occur during an evacuation by
undertaking following steps,

❖ Classification and identifying potentially hazardous situations

❖ Assessment of the risks
❖ Implementation and compliance of the regulatory provisions as per the
Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals (MS and IHC)
❖ Consequences of defaults or non-compliance of regulations
❖ Statutory requirements
❖ Pre-emergency planning
❖ Emergency mitigation measures
❖ Emergency preparedness measures

❖ Emergency response procedures and measures
❖ Emergency organization and responsibilities
❖ Infrastructure requirements
❖ Procedures for declaration of on-site and off-site emergency
❖ Resources for controlling emergency
❖ Demographic information
❖ Medical facilities
❖ Evacuation
❖ Public relations and information to public
❖ Reporting of the incident
❖ Emergency recovery procedures
❖ Emergency plans for tank trucks and pipelines carrying hazardous products


To manage any type of emergency that arises in the site, there is a separate team
to handle and overcome it. The emergency management team in the site is shown in
Figure 6.1. The site main controller initiates the emergency management system
followed by the incident controller.


❖ As an immediate precaution it is important to isolate spill/leak by closing the

nearest possible isolation valve
❖ Do not extinguish leakage gas fire unless leaks can be stopped. If leaks continue
it may form vapor cloud which leads to explosion if contacted with ignition
❖ Released gas will form explosive mixture with air to form vapor cloud. It travels
downwind to an ignition source (heat, spark & flames) and flashback may occur
❖ Cordon off minimum 100-meter area in all direction and remove ignition
source. Fire vehicles and ambulance shall maintain safe distance. Close the
entire work permit in the affected plant and if needed all other plants
❖ Water/foam can be applied distance by using fire hydrant system

❖ Protect load bearing structure, critical valves though it is having fireproofing.
Fireproofing provides limited fire resistant and hence to be considered as second
phase firefighting process.
❖ For leak/spill over body, it shall be decontaminated for 15 minute by using eye
wash and safety shower. Casualty should be shifted to occupational center for
further treatment. Contaminated clothing & shoes to be disposed off.
❖ Always use breathing apparatus for respiratory protection. Any leakage shall be
consider as heavy leakage. Canister mask shall not be used. It is limited
protection and possibly may trap in toxic gas.
❖ Minimum required person shall be allowed at emergency site and other
employees shall report to safe assembly point. They may be called if needed.
Overcrowding may worsen the emergency.

Figure 6.1 Emergency Management Team


There are different probable emergency at the site as it involves in chemical

handling, storage and transportation. The different types of accident that may occur due
to various chemicals are listed in Table 6.1

❖ Fire & explosion

❖ Toxic gas dispersion
❖ Failure of equipment, pipeline resulting in leak of hazardous chemical
❖ Flange leakage on the pipeline
❖ Electric fire and electric shock
❖ Spillage of flammable chemical
❖ Medical Emergency
❖ Transport Emergency
❖ Offsite emergency like fire, rescue

Table 6.1 Types of Emergency


1. Ammonia, Chlorine, Bromine Leakage
2. HMDO, HMDS, TMCS, IPA Fire & explosion
3. MCF, CMIC Leakage/spillage & Fire and explosion
4. HCL & Ammonia chloride Spillage of chemical
5. HSD Fire in HSD


❖ Safe evacuation of the personnel is not involved directly in the emergency

actions is of much importance.
❖ For limited type of emergency which can be controlled within short time and
which does not warrant total evacuation, shifting of personnel at a safer place
within the premises would be the prime requirement.

❖ If total evacuation is necessary, then the safe assembly area opposite to the
admin building shall be used.
❖ After emergency is over, supervisor at designated safe assembly area shall take
head count and report to the manager.



❖ In case of emergency including fire, gas leakage, electric short circuit and other
immediately inform to superior and emergency control room
❖ Inform to safety in charge and if possible, inform to HR
❖ Fireman with emergency response team will reach the spot and start fire fighting
❖ Do not spread false information
❖ The area which is to be evacuated, turn off the machine safely and assemble to
nearest assembly point
❖ Without information do not leave the company
❖ The person who had taken first aid training may attend the person who is injured
and shift to occupational health centre or nearest hospital depending on severity.


A. Sounding the siren as type of emergency

B. Call the fire person, services/fire brigade and to start responding action
C. Call the designated persons, safety personnel, technical person and ask them to
perform responding action as per situation
D. Call in charge-person of Emergency Control Centre (ECC) and ask to activate the
ECC and inform regarding on-site emergency as per schedule which includes
❖ By sounding siren/announcing according to the type of emergency
❖ Inform to fire-service to rush with specific responding equipment
❖ Inform to the internal designated persons and Incident Controller (IC)
immediately and start responding actions under intimation to IC
❖ Directing the workers to the safe shelter and report to the authorised person
❖ Inform to the surrounding industries, mutual aiders to help

❖ Intimate to the police, factory inspector, collector, other government
❖ Inform private and government hospitals for making necessary
❖ Inform to the relatives injured or death persons, if so
❖ Report to the IC time to time and comply any pending or as directed by IC
❖ Maintain the records for all communications
❖ On withdrawal of emergency, it shall be communicated to all respective
department/section, key persons, essential workers, assembly point,
government authority etc.


❖ Mobile phones available to each designated person in addition to the extension

telephone numbers
❖ Internet Connection
❖ Messenger and vehicle facility
❖ List of emergency telephone numbers
❖ Form to record emergency information
❖ Statutory communication
❖ Emergency instruction booklet
❖ Organization structure
❖ Emergency control centre
❖ Alarm and siren
❖ Charts to initiation of action
❖ Command and control


There are two modes of sounding the siren in the site viz., one in case of
emergency and another for testing. The range and operation of the siren type is
mentioned in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Range & Operation of Sirens

S. No Mode Siren Type Range & Operation

03 times long howling tone
1. I Emergency Total duration 30 sec
(05 sec ON & 5 sec OFF 3 times)
2. II All Clear/Testing 01 time long uninterrupted tone (total 30 sec long)

❖ Security is responsible for operating siren from raw material gate

❖ After emergency is over ALL CLEAR siren shall be blown on getting clearance
from site main controller / site incident controller



1. Hexamethyl disilazane, Hexamethyl-disilaoxane, Isopropyl Alcohol, Diesel – Stop

all the activities which lead to generation of spark, including electric supply. If there
is any leakage from pipe close the main supply valve. Inform to higher authority,
isolate the area using barricading tape, spray the water to dilute it and refer to MSDS
for its disposal. If leakage is from tank transfer the material to another tank.
2. Bromine – In case of leakage wear full catridge mask along with gloves and spray
sodium thiosulphate solution to contain the leakage. In case of leakage from tank
always fill the sump with water to contain the larger bromine leakage and transfer
remaining bromine to another tank. Refer to MSDS for its safer disposal
3. Chlorine – In case of leakage from valve of tonner wear BA set and attend the
leakage with chlorine emergency kit and inform to supplier of chlorine tonner. If
leakage is from body of chlorine tonner wear BA set with the help of EOT crane,
transfer the chlorine tonner to neutralizing pit.
4. Ammonia – During leakage of ammonia wear BA set and start the water sprinkler
and attend the leakage. If there is leakage from tank transfer remaining ammonia to
another tank.
5. Methyl Chloroformate – If there is any leakage, stop all activities which lead to
generation of spark, including electric supply. Wear BA set with help of sand
confined the leakage and refer MSDS for further disposal

6. Hydrocholoric Acid – Wear respiratory mask and with help of lime confined the




❖ The hazards involved in two plants of the site are identified through walk
around audit. Risk is quantified through the likelihood and severity values
as pointed out by the safety expert. Risk classification is done according
to the risk range and the relative percentage of risk involved in each zone
is determined. Hazard rating is done for all the hazardous chemicals and
first aid measures are suggested.

❖ Hazardous waste management which includes the characteristics of

hazardous waste, handling, transport, disposal and fingerprint analysis
have been studied.

❖ Key elements of on-site emergency plan which includes the basic

consideration of response to emergency, emergency evacuation, safe
assembly area, communication during emergency and procedure for
sounding the siren has been studied.


The possible extension of the present work is mentioned below

i. Risk assessment can be further extended and evaluated to physical and

psychological hazards such as noise, vibration and stress of the workers

ii. HAZOP can be performed to identify the process hazards and enhance the
process safety

iii. Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) can be performed for accurate

decision making

iv. The workers performance & site performance can be determined using
various techniques


This study is limited to Indian chemical industries as it adopted Indian standard
code of practices. It may be possible that there is a significant difference in the
findings if the study is simulated in other countries.


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