Electromagnetic Theory
Chapter 1 – Electrostatics
01. Which of the following equations represents the Gauss’ 08. If v, w, q stand for voltage, energy and charge, then v
law in a homogeneous isotropic medium? [1992] can be expressed as [1996]
dq dw
(a) D.ds = dV (b) V H = D (a) v = (b) v =
dw dq
(c) V.J + = 0 (d) V.E = dw dq
(c) dv = (d) dv =
dq dw
02. An electrostatic potential is given by = 2x y volts in
the rectangular co-ordinate system. The magnitude of the 09. In a uniform electric field, field lines and equipotentials
(a) Are parallel to one another [1997]
electric field at x = 1m , y = 1m is _____________ V/m [1992]
(b) Intersect at 45°
(c) Intersect at 30°
03. When a charge is given to a conductor [1994] (d) Are orthogonal
(a It distributes uniformly all over the surface
(b) It distributes uniformly all over the volume 10. The capacitance of the arrangement shown in figure is
(c) It distributes on the surface, inversely proportional to ________ pF [1997]
the radius of curvature
(d) It stays where it was placed
13. An infinite number of charges, each equal to ‘q’ are 19. A point charge of +1nC is placed in a space with a
placed along the x = 1 , x = 2 , x = 4 , x = 8 , x = 16 permittivity of 8.85 × 10−12 F/m as shown in Figure. The
and so on. Find the potential and electron field at point potential difference VPQ between two points P and Q at
x = 0 , due to these systems of charges. [1998] distances of 40 mm and 20 mm respectively from the point
charge is [2003]
14 When the plate area of a parallel plate capacitor is
increased by keeping the capacitor voltage constant, the (a) 0.22 kV
force between the plates [1999]
(a) Increase (b) −225 V
(b) Decreases (c) −2.24 V
(c) Remains constant (d) 15 V
(d) May increase or decrease depending on the metal
making up the plates 20. A parallel plate capacitor has an electrode area of 100
mm2, with a spacing of 0.1 mm between the electrodes.
15. A charge +Q uniformly distributed throughout the The dielectric between the plates is air with a permittivity of
volume of a dielectric sphere of radius R and dielectric 8.85×10-12 F/m. The charge on the capacitor is 100 V. The
stored energy in the capacitor is [2003]
constant R based on Gauss law, determine the
(a) 8.85 pJ (b) 440 pJ
expressions for the electric field E as a function of distance (c) 22.1 nJ (d) 44.3 nJ
r from the center of the sphere, within the rages 0<r<R and
R r . Indicate expression(s) for the critical point(s) on the 21. A composite parallel plate capacitor is made up of two
sketch. [1999] different dielectric materials with different thickness (t1 and
t2) as shown in Figure. The two different dielectric materials
16 The electric field E (in volts/metre) at the point (1, 1, 0) are separated by a conducting foil F. The voltage of the
due to a point charge of +1µC located at (−1, 1, 1) conducting foil is [2003]
(coordinates in metres) is [2001]
10 −6 10−6
(a) ( 2i − k ) (b)
( 2i − k )
20 50
−10 −6 −10−6
(c) ( 2i − k ) (d)
( 2i − k )
20 50 (a) 52 V (b) 60 V
(c) 67 V (d) 33 V
17. Given the potential function in free space to be
V ( x ) = 50x 2 + 50y 2 + 50z 2 ) volts, the magnitude (in
22. A parallel plate capacitor is shown in figure. It is made
of two square metal plates of 400 mm side. The 14 mm
volts/metre) and the direction of the electric field at a point space between the plates is filled with two layers of
(1, -1, 1), where the dimensions are in metres, are [2001] dielectrics of r = 4, 6 mm thick and r = 2, 8 mm thick.
100 Neglecting fringing of fields at the edges the capacitance is
(a) 100; (i + j + k ) (b) ; (i − j + k ) [2004]
100 ( −i − j − k ) 100 (i − j − k )
(c) ; (d) ;
3 3 3 3
( )
23. If E is the electric field intensity, . E is equal to
29. A capacitor is made with a polymeric dielectric having
an r of 2.26 and a dielectric breakdown strength of
50kV/cm. The permittivity of free space is 8.85pF/m. If the
(a) E (b) E rectangular plates of the capacitor have a width of 20cm
and a length of 40cm, then the maximum electric charge in
(c) Null vector (d) Zero
the capacitor is [2011]
(a) 2C (b) 4C
24. A solid sphere made of insulating material has a radius
R and has a total charge Q distributed uniformly in its (c) 8C (d) 10C
volume. What is the magnitude of the electric field
intensity, E, at a distance r (0<r<R) inside the sphere? 30. The direction of vector A is radially outward from the
1 Qr 3 Qr
oigin, with A = k r
n where r2 = x2 + y 2 + z2 and k is a
(a) (b) [2007]
4 0 R 3 4 0 R 3
constant. The value of n for which .A = 0 is [2012]
1 Qr 1 QR (a) -2 (b) 2
(c) (d)
4 0 r 2 4 0 r 3 (c) 1 (d) 0
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 25 & 26: 31. In the following figure, C1 and C 2 are ideal capacitors.
An inductor designed with 400 turns coil wound on an iron C1 has been charged to 12V before the ideal switch S is
core of 16 cm2 cross sectional area and with a cut of an air
gap length of 1mm. The coil is connected to a 230 V, 50 Hz closed at t = 0. The current i(t) for all t is [2012]
AC supply. Neglect coil resistance, core loss, iron
reluctance and leakage inductance (µ0 = 4 10−7 H/m)
26. The average force on the core to reduce the air gap will (a) zero
be [2007] (b) a step function
(a) 832.29 N (b) 1666.22 N (c) an exponentially decaying function
(c) 3332.47 N (d) 6664.84 N (d) an impulse function
27. A capacitor consists of two metal plates each 500500 32. Three capacitors C1, C2, and C3, whose values are 10μF,
mm2 and spaced 6 mm apart. The space between the metal 5μF, and 2μF respectively, have breakdown voltages of 10V,
plates is filled with a glass plate of 4 mm thickness and a 5V, and 2V respectively. For the interconnection shown, the
layer of paper of 2 mm thickness. The relative permittivity maximum safe voltage in volts that can be applied across
of the glass and paper are 8 and 2 respectively. Neglecting the combination and the corresponding total charge in μC
the fringing effect, the capacitance will be stored in the effective capacitance across the terminals are
(Given that 0 = 8.85 10-12 F/m) [2008] respectively [2013]
(a) 983.33 pF (b) 1475 pF
(c) 6637.5 pF (d) 9956.25 pF
33. A dielectric slab with 500mm × 500mm cross –section 37. A perfectly conducting metal plate is placed in x-y
is 0.4m long. The slab is subjected to a uniform electric plane in a right handed coordinate system. A charge of
field of E = 6ax + 8ay kV / mm . The relative permittivity of +32 0 2 coulombs is placed at coordinate (0, 0, 2). 0
the dielectric material is equal to 2. The value of constant ε₀
is the permittivity of free space. Assume ˆi, ˆj, kˆ to be unit
is 8.85 × 10-12 F/m. The energy stored n the dielectric in
joules is [2013] vectors along x, y and z axes respectively. At the coordinate
(a) 8.85×10-11
(c) 88.5
(b) 8.85×10-5
(d) 885
( )
2, 2,0 , the electric field vector E (Newtons/Columbs)
will be [2014-03]
( 0 r)
(b) C +
C ˆ
(a) 2 2kˆ (b) −2k
(c) 0
2 r (c) 2kˆ (d) −2 2kˆ
(d) C
0 (1+ r ) 38. A parallel plate capacitor is partially filled with glass of
dielectric constant 4.0 as shown below. The dielectric
35. A parallel plate capacitor consisting two dielectric strength of air and glass are 30kV/cm and 300kV/cm,
materials is shown in the figure. The middle dielectric slab respectively. The maximum voltage (in kilovolts) which can
is placed symmetrical with respect to the plates. be applied across the capacitor without any breakdown is
_____________. [2015-01]
Region 1 has uniform electric field E = 3a + 4a + 2a 44. A parallel plate capacitor filled with two dielectric is
x y z
shown in the figure below, If the electric field in the region
where a ,a and a are unit vectors along the x, y and z A is 4 kV/cm, the electric field in the region B, in kV/cm, is
x y z [2016-02]
axes, respectively. The electric field in region 2 is
(a) 3a + 1.6a + 2a (b) 1.2a + 4a + 2a
x y z x y z
(c) 1.2a + 4a + 0.8a (d) 3a + 10a + 0.8a
x y z x y z
(a) 1 (b) 2
41. Two semi-infinite conducting sheets are placed at right (c) 4 (d) 16
angles to each other as shown in the figure. A point charge
of +Q is placed at a distance of d from both sheets. The net 45. Two electrodes, whose cross-sectional view is shown in
figure below, are at the same potential. The maximum
Q2 K
force on the charge is , where K is given by [2015-02]electric field will be at the point [2016-02]
4 0 d2
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
43. Two electric charges q and -2q are placed at (0,0) and
(6,0) on the x-y plane. The equation of the zero
equipotential curve in the x-y plane is [2016-01]
(a) x=-2
(b) y=2 (a) .X = 0, Y 0, Z = 0
(c) x
2 + y2 = 2 (b) .X 0, Y = 0, Z 0
(c) .X 0, Y 0, Z 0
(d) x + 2 ) + y 2 = 16 (d) .X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0
49. A thin soap bubble of radius R = 1 cm, and thickness a 53. The vector function expressed by
= 3.3 m (a R) ), is at a potential of 1 V with respect to F = ax (5y – k1z) + ay(3z + k2x) + az(k3y – 4x)
represents a conservative field, where ax, ay, az are unit
a reference point at infinity. The bubble bursts and
vector along x, y and z directions, respectively. The values
becomes a single spherical drop of soap (assuming all the
of constants k1, k2, k3 are given by: [2020]
soap is contained in the drop) of radius r . The volume of
(a) k1 = 3, k2 = 3, k3 = 7
the soap in the thin bubble is 4R2a and that of the drop (b) k1 = 3, k2 = 8, k3 = 5
4 3 (c) k1 = 4, k2 = 5, k3 = 3
is r . The potential in volts, of the resulting single
3 (d) k1 = 0, k2 = 0, k3 = 0
spherical drop with respect to the same reference point at
infinity is ___________. (Give the answer up to two decimal 54. The static electric field inside a dielectric medium with
places.) [2017-02] relative permittivity, r = 2.25, expressed in cylindrical
coordinate system is given by the following expression
E = ar 2r + a + az 6
where ar, a, az are unit vectors along r, and z directions,
respectively. If the above expression represents a valid
electrostatic field inside the medium, then the volume
charge density associated with this field in terms of free
space permittivity, 0, in SI units is given by: [2020]
50. A positive charge of 1nC is placed at (0, 0, 0.2) where all (a) 30 (b) 40
dimensions are in metres. Consider the x - y plane to be a (c) 50 (d) 90
conducting ground plane. Take 0 = 8.85 10−12 F m . The
55. Let ar, a, and az be unit vectors along r, and z
Z component of the E field at (0, 0, 0.1) is closest to [2018]
directions, respectively in the cylindrical coordinate system.
(a) 899.18 V m (b) −899.18 V m
For the electric flux density given by D = (ar 15 + a 2r – az
(c) 999.09 V m (d) −999.09 V m 3rz) Coulomb/m2, the total electric flux, in Coulomb,
emanating from the volume enclosed by a solid cylinder of
51. The capacitance of an air-filled parallel-plate capacitor radius 3 m and height 5 m oriented along the z-axis with its
is 60pF. When a dielectric slab whose thickness is half the base at the origin is: [2020]
distance between the plates, is placed on one of the plates (a) 54 (b) 90
covering it entirely, the capacitance becomes 86pF. (c) 108 (d) 180
Neglecting the fringing effects, the relative permittivity of
the dielectric is _______ (up to 2 decimal places). [2018] 56. A 1 C point charge is held at the origin of a cartesian
coordinate system. If a second point charge of 10 C is
52. A co-axial cylindrical capacitor shown in figure (i) has moved from (0, 10, 0) to (5, 5, 5) and subsequently to (5, 0,
dielectric with relative permittivity r1 = 2 . When one-fourth 0), then the total work done is _______ mJ. (Round off to 2
decimal places).
portion of the dielectric is replaced with another dielectric
of relative permittivity r2 , as shown in Figure (ii), the Take = 9 109 in SI units. All coordinates are in
4 0
capacitance is doubled. The value of r2 is ___________.
meters. [2021]
57. Consider a large parallel plate capacitor. The gap d cd(V2 − V1 ) V1c + V2d − 2V1d
between the two plates is filled entirely with a dielectric (a) V(r) = −
(d − c)r d−c
slab of relative permittivity 5. The plates are initially
charged to a potential difference of V volts and then cd(V1 − V2 ) V2d − V1d
(b) V(r) = +
disconnected from the source. If the dielectric slab is pulled (d − c)r d−c
out completely, then the ratio of the new electric field E2 in cd(V1 − V2 ) V1c − V2c
the gap to the original electric field E1 is _________. [2021] (c) V(r) = −
(d − c)r d−c
cd(V2 − V1 ) V2c − V1c
58. Let E(x, y, z) = 2x 2ˆi + 5yjˆ + 3zkˆ . The value of (d) V(r) = −
(d − c)r d−c
V ( E ) dV , where V is the volume enclosed by the
unit cube defined by 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1, 0 ≤ 𝑦 ≤ 1, and 0 ≤ 𝑧 ≤ 1, is
(a) 3 (b) 8 [2022]
(c) 10 (d) 5
01. Ans: (a)
Gauss law in a homogeneous isotropic medium is
D.ds = Q
s enc
D.ds = dV
E = −V = −aˆ x 2 y − aˆ y
ˆ x − aˆ y
At (1, 1), E = −2a
E = 5 V m = 2.236V / m
E.dl = ( E).ds
E.dl = 0
E = 0
05. Ans:( V )
A hollow conductor is at a potential V.
Conductor surface is an equipotential surface, hence everywhere on the surface potential will be V.
Charge inside a hollow conductor is zero and by Gauss’s Law the electric field inside the hollow conductor would also be
Due to zero electric field, the potential gradient is zero and hence the potential remains same at all points inside the
For electric field to be zero inside hollow conductor sphere potential difference between a point on surface and inside
C= + C3
C1 + C2
0 1 0 2
2 . 2
d d A
2 2 0 3
C= + 2 = 0 A 12 + 3
A A d d 1 + 2 2
0 1 0 2
2 + 2
d d
2 2
20 10−2
12. Ans:---
Since, R a , the distance of point P from all the charges can be considered to be equal to R.
Electric field due to charge Q1 is,
1 Q1 2000 10 −12
E1 = a y
= 9 10 9
ay = 18ay V / m
4 0 R 2 12
Since, the distance from both Q2 and Q3 is identical. And also Q 2 = Q 3 so, E2 = E3
1 Q2 1000 10−12
E2 = E3 = = 9 109 = 9V / m
4 0 R 2
E = 18ay + 2 9ax
( )
= 0.09ax + 18ay V / m
q 1 1 q 1 q
E= 1 + 2 + 2 + ...... ( −aˆ x ) = = Vm
4 2 4
4 1 − 1 4
15. Ans:
For 0 r R
Uniform Volume Charge Density, V =
4 R 3
Q r
Enclosed charge within a radius r is, Qenc = 4 r 3 = Q
4 R 3 3 R
D.ds = Q enclosed
D.4 r 2 = Q
D Qr
E= =
4 0 rR 3
At r = R, E1 =
4 0 rR 2
For, r>R
D.ds = Q enclosed
D.4r2 = Q
E = =
4 0R 2
At r = R, E2 =
4 0R 2
So, rE1 = E2
The plot of electric field is shown in the figure above.
(2iˆ − kˆ ) = 20105 (2iˆ − kˆ )
3 ( )
Electric Field, E = r =
( )
4 0r 4 0 5 0
( )
At, +1, −1, +1 , E = −100iˆ + 100ˆj − 100kˆ
Magnitude, E = 3 100 V / m
E −ˆi + ˆj − kˆ
Unit vector in field direction, aE = =
E 3
6 (100 − V ) = 4V
V= = 60V
(8.85 10 )( 400 10 ) 4 2 =257pF
−12 −3
( 4 8 10 ) + (6 2 10 )
−3 −3
N2 A 4 10 ( 400 ) 16 10
−7 −4 2
V 230
I= = = 2.275Amp
XL 2 50 0.3217
( )
A = kr n aˆ r
r sin
kr n+1 (n + 2 ) sin = krn-1 (n + 2)
.A = 0
If n = 2
12 = I ( s ) 1 2
I (s) =
C1 + C2
i(t) = (t)
C1 + C2
i ( t ) is an impulse function
Note: It can also be though in terms of resistance that since the resistance is zero time constant would be zero and charge
transfers instantaneously from one capacitor to another so the current is impulse function.
A 0r
C2 = (for dielectric filled part )
2 d
A 0 A C
Ceq = C1 + C2 =
2 d
(1+ r ) = 12 d 0 (1+ r ) = 20 (1+ r )
35. Ans: (c)
The combination can be considered as a series combination of three capacitors.
A 01 4A 01
C1 = =
d d
A 02 2A 02
C2 = =
d d
A 01 4A 01
C3 = =
d d
Voltage across C1 & C 3 each is 2V
C1C3 2A 01
Ceq = =
C1 + C3 d
Voltage across Ceq = 4V
2A 01
Qeq = CeqV = 4
Voltage across C 2 = 10 – 4 = 6 V
2A 02
Q = Qeq (due to series combination)
2A 02 2A 01
6 = 4
d d
1 3
2 2
4 0 r
V = 1V Q = 4 0 r
By Gauss’s law,
Flux = D.dA = Qenc = 4 0 r
37. Ans: (b)
Due to presence of infinite conducting plane, this is an image charge problem & hence, we will have to use image theory.
To compute the electric field, we will have to consider another charge Q = −32 0 2C at the point (0, 0, – 2)
Let the point ( )
2, 2,0 be point P.
( ) +( )
2 2 2
dP1 = 2 −0 2 −0 + (0 − 2) = 2 2
( ) + ( 2 − 0 ) + (0 + 2) = 2 2
2 2 2
dP2 = 2 −0
d̂P1 =
( 2 − 0) ˆi + ( 2 − 0) ˆj + (0 − 2)kˆ = 2iˆ + 2ˆj + ( −2 ) kˆ
2 2 2 2
d̂P2 =
( ) (
2 − 0 ˆi + )
2 − 0 ˆj + ( 0 + 2 ) kˆ
2iˆ + 2ˆj + 2kˆ
2 2 2 2
Electric field at point P due to charge Q1,
Qd 32 0 2 2iˆ + 2ˆj + ( −2 ) kˆ 2iˆ + 2ˆj + ( −2 ) kˆ
EP1 = P1
= = 2 N / C
( )
4 0 d 2
2 2 2 2
P1 4 0 2 2
Electric field at point P due to charge Q2,
−Q −32 0 2 2iˆ + 2ˆj + 2kˆ 2iˆ + 2ˆj + 2kˆ
EP2 = = = − 2 N / C
( )
4 0 dP2
2 2 2 2
4 0 2 2
Total electric field at point P,
2iˆ + 2ˆj + ( −2 ) kˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
EP = EP1 + EP2 = 2 − 2 2i + 2 j + 2k = −2kˆ N/C
2 2 2 2
Q2 x y
F13 = +
4 0 (2 2 d)2 2 2
Q2 1 1 1 1
F1 = F12 + F13 + F14 =
− x + − y
4 0 (d) 8 2 4 8 2 4
( x − 0) + ( y − 0)
2 2
BO = = x2 + y 2
(x − 6) + ( y − 0) (x − 6)
2 2 2
BA = = + y2
Potential at B due to charge q = = VOB
4 0 x 2 + y 2
Potential at B due to charge −2q = ( ) = VAB
( x − 6) + y2
4 0
VOB + VAB = 0
q 2q
− =0
4 0 x + y 2 2
4 0 ( x − 6) + y 2
( x − 6) + y − 2 x + y
2 2 2 2
( x − 6) + y = 4 (x + y )
2 2 2 2
( x + 2)
+ y 2 = 16
Et1 = Et2
Only proton & electron experience columbic force but since mass of e− mass of proton e− moves faster towards
proton and collides with neutron in this process
Potential of drop
V = = V
4 0r r
4 3
Since volume remains same 4 R a = r
r = 3R 2a ) 3
R 10−2
V = V 1
= 1 1
= 10.03V
(3R a) 2 3
(3 10 −4
3.3 10 )
−6 3
Q 1 1
EP = + = +
( ) ( ) 4 0 ( 0.1 )2 ( 0.3)2
2 2
4 0 0.1 4 0 0.3
10−9 1 1
Ep = + = 999.09 V m
4 8.85 10−12 0.01 0.09
Since it is downwards, E = −999.09 V m
0 r A A
C1 = ,C2 = 0
d d
2 2
2 0 r A 2 0 A
C1 = ,C2 =
d d
CC 2 r 0 A
C = 1 2 = = 86
C1 + C2 (1+ r ) d
C 86 2 r
= =
C 60 1+ r
86 + 86 r = 120 r
r = = 2.5294
52. Ans: 10
20 r 0 0r
Initial capacitance C1 = =
b b
ln ln
4 0
C1 =
When distance is inserted as shown in figure, then electric field is tangential to dielectric interface & hence capacitance are
in parallel.
0 2
C2 = C21 + C22 = +
b b
ln ln
a a
0 r2
C2 = + 3
b 2
0 r2
+ 3 = 2 C1
b 2
r2 + 6 = 16
r2 = 10
aˆ x (k 3 − 3 ) − aˆ y ( −4 + k1 ) + aˆ z (k 2 − 5 ) = 0
k1 = 4
k2 = 5
k3 = 3
E =
A + )
( )
A + ( A z )
1 3
= (r 2r ) + + (r 6 )
r r r z
4= i.e. v = 90
By Gauss’s law
D ds = Q enc
Total flux = D ds
S1 : ds = rdraˆ z
D ds = 3rzdr
2 3 3
1 = ( −3rz ) rdrdz = −15 r3 2 = −270
0 0 0
z =5
S2 : ds = rdd2aˆ p
D ds = 15rddz
2 5
2 = 15rddz = 45 2 5 = 450
0 0
r =3
S3 : ds = −rdrdaˆ z
D ds = 3rzdrd
2 5
3 = ( −3rz ) drd = 0
0 0
z =0
Q 9 109 10−6
Vi = = = 900V
4 e0r ( 0 − 0 ) ˆi + (10 − 0 ) ˆj + ( 0 − 0 ) kˆ
Q 9 109 10−6
Vf = = = 1800V
4 e0r (5 − 0 ) ˆi + ( 0 − 0 ) ˆj + ( 0 − 0 ) kˆ
57. Ans. 5
0 5 A
Capacitance with dielectric
1 2
energy stored = CV
1 50 A 2
E1 = V
2 d
When capacitor is removed from source, then
Charge on capacitor remains constant
0 5 A
Q= V
Capacitance without dielectric = 0
Energy stored =
250 A
E2 = V2
59. (b)
By Laplace equation 2 V = 0
In spherical co-ordinates
1 2 V
2 V = r ; V = f(r) so terms of and do not appear
r 2 r r
1 2 V
r =0
r 2 r r
r2 =k
V k
r r 2
V=− +m
at r = c, V = V1
V1 = − + m
at r = d, V = V2
V2 = − +m
k k
V2 − V1 = −
c d
k = ( V2 − V1 )
m = V1 +
= V1 +
( V2 − V1 ) d
c d−c
V2d − V1c
k cd ( V1 − V2 ) V2d − V1c
V=− +m = +
r (d − c)r d−c
Chapter 2 – Magnetostatics
01. The line integral of the vector potential A around the 07. A steady current I flows through a long cylindrical wire
boundary of a surface S represents [1993] of radius R. find the magnetic vector potential at any point
(a) Flux through in the surface S outside the conductor at radius. Vector potential on the
(b) Flux density in the surface S surface of the conductor may be taken to be equal to zero.
(c) Magnetic density [1995]
(d) Current density
08. The energy stored in the magnetic field of solenoid 30
02. When a transformer winding suffers a short-circuit, the cm long and 3 cm diameter wound with 1000 turns of wire
adjoining turns of the same winding experience [1994] carrying a current of 10A is [1996]
(a) an attractive force (b) a repulsive force (a) 0.015 joule (b) 0.15 joule
(c) no force (d) none of the above (c) 0.5 joule (d) 1.15 joule
03. Static magnetic fields induce currents in closed 09. An infinitely long straight wire carries 1000A of current
conducting loops. [1994] and in the vicinity there is a circular conducting loop of
100mm diameter with the center of the loop 1m away from
04. Match the appropriate item from the right hand side the straight conductor. Both the wire and the loop are
with those on the left hand side. [1994] coplanar. Determine the magnitude and direction of
(a) Line charge (P) Maxwell current in the loop that produces a zero flux density at its
(b) Magnetic flux density (Q) Poynting’s Vector center. [1997]
(c) Displacement current (R) Transmission line
conductors 10. A square coil of turns and 10cm side is moved through
a steady magnetic field of 1Wb / m2 at a constant velocity
(d) Power flow (S) Biot-Savart’s law of 2m/sec with its plane perpendicular to the field as
(T) Gauss’s
shown law Plot the variation of induced e.m.f as the
in figure.
(U) Faraday’s law the field.
coil moves along [1997]
(d) E ( x, t ) = E0 cos (kx − t ) ay 12. An electron moves in the X-Y plane with a speed of
106 m / s . Its velocity vector makes an angle of 60 with
X-axis. A magnetic field of magnitude 10−2 T exists along
H ( x,t ) = −H0 cos kx − t − az
2 the Y-axis. Compute the magnetic force exerted on the
electron and its direction. [1998]
13. Two parallel wires separated by a distance d are 5A in the y direction, passes through this region as shown
carrying a current I in the same direction. The magnetic in Figure. [2002]
field along a line running parallel to these wires and
midway between them [1999]
(a) Depends upon I
(b) Is zero
(c) Depends upon d
(d) Depends upon the permeability of medium between the
16. [2000]
(a) y (b) x
d d
(c) y (d) x
2d 2d
(a) Show via the construction of a suitable Gaussian surface, 19. Two infinite strips of width w m in x direction as shown
that the capacitance of a spherical capacitor consisting of in Figure, are carrying forward and return currents of +I
two concentric shells of radii a and b is given by and –I in the z direction. The strips are separated by a
ab distance of x m. The inductance per unit length of the
C = 4 0
(b − a ) configuration is measured to be L H/m. If the distance of
Where 0 is the free space permittivity separation between the strips is now reduced to m , the
(b) A current I in the short conducting element shown in fig inductance per unit length of the configuration [2003]
produces a flux density B1 at point 1.
Determine the magnitude and the direction of
the flux density vector at point 2.
(d) It is zero for the magnetic flux density of free space. Assume ˆi, ˆj, kˆ to be unit vectors along x, y
and z axes respectively. [2014-02]
31. The flux linkage () and current (i) relation for an
4 0 l 4 0l
(a) − Ẑ (b) + Ẑ
3L 3L
33. A solid iron cylinder is place in region containing a
30l uniform magnetic field such that the cylinder axis is parallel
(c) 0 (d) − Ẑ
4 L to the magnetic field direction. The magnetic field lines
inside the cylinder will [2017-01]
29. A circular turn of radius 1m revolves at 60rpm about its
(a) bend closer to the cylinder axis
diameter aligned with the x – axis as shown in the figure.
(b) bend farther away from the axis
The value of 0 is 4 10−7 is SI unit. If a uniform
(c) remain uniform as before
magnetic field intensity H = 107 z A/m is applied, then the (d) cease to exist inside the cylinder
peak value of induced voltage, Vturn (in Volts), is 34. The magnitude of magnetic flux density (B) in micro
_____________. [2015-02] Teslas (µT), at the center of a loop of wire wound as a
regular hexagon of side length 1 m carrying a current (I = 1
A) and placed in vacuum as shown in the figure is _________.
(Give the answer up to two decimal places). [2017-01]
36. A conducting square loop of side length 1 m is placed H = x2ˆi + x2 y 2ˆj + x 2 y 2 z 2kˆ A/m . The magnitude of the
at a distance of 1 m from a long straight wire carrying a current density, in A/m2, at 𝑥 = 1 m, 𝑦 = 2 m, and 𝑧 = 1 m,
current I = 2 A as shown below. The mutual inductance, in is [2022]
nH (rounded off to 2 decimal places), between the (a) 8 (b) 12
conducting loop and the long wire is __________. [2020] (c) 16 (d) 20
41. In the figure, the electric field 𝐸 and the magnetic field
𝐵 point to 𝑥 and 𝑧 directions, respectively, and have
constant magnitudes. A positive charge ' 𝑞 ' is released
from rest at the origin. Which of the following statement(s)
is/are true. [2023]
01. Ans: (a)
By Stokes Theorem,
A.dl = ( A).ds
A =B
A.dl = B.ds
which is flux through the surface ‘S’
= = 120
There won’t be any phase difference between E x,t and H x,t ( ) ( )
These two conditions are satisfied by option ‘a’ only.
07. Ans.---
Magnetic vector potential due to a current element is,
L µo I dx
−L 4 1
(r 2
+ x2 ) 2
A = 2
µo I r sec d )
o 4 2 2 1
r + r tan2 2 )
A = 2
L (
µo I r sec d
o 4 r sec
µo I L
4 o
A=2 sec d
A = 2 o ln ( sec + tan )
µ I r 2 + x2 x
A = o ln +
2 r r
µo I L2 + r 2 L
A= ln + − ln 1
2 r r
Sine L >> r
µo I 2L
A= ln
2 r
( )
4 10−7 (1000 ) 3 10 −2
L= 2 =2.96mH
30 10−2 ( )
1 1
E = LI2 = 2.96 10 −3 102 =0.148 0.15 Joule
2 2
0 I1
Magnetic Flux density due to line current, â
2R x
Magnetic Flux density due to ring current, 0 2 ( −âx )
(i) Whenever there is a rate of change of flux linkage associated with a circuit, an EMF is induced in it.
(ii) The magnitude of the EMF induced is given by E = N
Lenz’s law states that the direction of the above induced EMF is such that it opposes the very cause of its production. This
is incorporated by a minus sign in the equation.
E = −N
N = [ is called flux linkage]
d d
( N ) = −
F = q V B )
F = −1.6 10 −19 106 10 −2 sin30
F = 1.6 10 −19 10 4 N = 0.8 10−15 Newton
It will be along z-direction.
( ) (
F = −eE + ( −e ) u B = −e E + u B )
16. Ans: ---
(a) Electric field at a distance ‘r’
E= ar
4 or 2
a −Q a 1
Vab = − E.dr = dr
b 4 o b r2
Q 1
Vab =
4 o r b
Q 1 1
Vab = −
4 o a b
Q 4 oab
Capacitance, Cab = =
Vab (b − a )
(b) The given system is,
By Biot – Savart law
µo I d l aR )
4 R 2
B2 =
µ I d l ar )
4r 2
r2 = d2 + d2 = 2d2
dl ar = dl sin (180 + 145) = – a2
µ I a2
B2 = 2 = −µI dl a = −1 B
4 2d2 ( ) 8 2d2
8 2
y =
F = ( )
I.dy aˆ y −e− y sinxaˆ x − e− y cos xaˆ y = 5dye− y sinxdyaˆ z
y =0 0
F = 5sinxaˆ zN
Force density =
Volume= area length = 5 10−6 m3
F 5sinx
F= = aˆ = 106 sinxaˆ z N m3
Vol 5 10−6 z
Inductance is given by, L = = 0n2S
Number of turns per unit length, n = n = = 3000
( ) ( )
2 2
L = 0n S = 4 10 −7 3000
30 10 −3 1 = 32mH
.B = 0
Divergence of electric flux densities is never zero for both static and time varying electric field. .E =
0 4 4 0
Magnetic flux density due to current along x -axis = = k̂
2 1 2
0 2 0
Magnetic flux density due to current along y-axis = =
2 2 2
−k̂( )
The direction of these magnetic fields have been determined on the basis of Right Hand
Btotal = k̂
3 ˆA
Htotal = k
2 m
e2 .39272
Power absorbed = rms = = 0.1927W
R 2 0.4
B1 2 = 0 I
B1 = 0
3L I
B2 2 = 0 I , B 2 = 0
Since, the current in both wires is in same direction the magnetic field will be clockwise and will get added up at (0, L, 0)
I 1
B ( 0,L,0 ) = B + B = 0 1 +
1 2 L 3
4 0 I
B ( 0,L,0 ) = − zˆ
Vturn = = −4 2r 2 cos t
= 60
Peak value = 42r 2 = 4. .(1) . 60 = 248.05 V
2 2
0 I
Therefore, the flux density outside toroid =
0r I
Ratio = 2r = r = 100
0 I
E = 2g2d = g2
3 3
dE 3 i2 2i2
Mechanic force is given by, F = = 2g = 2g 3 = 2
dg 3 3g 3g
2 22
F= = 188.56N − m
3 ( 0.1 )
( 4 10 ) 6 1 sin
12 2
1 10−7 =
10−1 T = 0.6928T
6 3 2 3
2 3 1
L (pri) =
NP 2 A
( )= V
NP 2 r 2
2R I
INP r 2 2
wire =
d = B adx =
d+ a
0Ia 1 4 10−7 2 1 d + a
2 x
dx =
= 4 × 10–7 ln 2/1
M= = 2ln2 10 −7 = 138.63 nH
H dl = Ienc
Ienc = J ds = Jar 3 rdrd
2 r
r5 2Jar5
= Jar 4 drd = Ja 2 =
5 5
0 0
H × 2r = Ienc
Jar 4
ˆi ˆj kˆ
x y z
x2 x2 y 2 x2 y 2 z 2
( ) ( ) (
J = ˆi 2x2 yz 2 − 0 − ˆj 2xy 2 z 2 − 0 + kˆ 2xy 2 )
at x = 1m, y = 2m & z = 1m
J = 4iˆ − 8ˆj + 8kˆ
J = 4 2 + 82 + 8 2 = 12 A/m2
41. Ans. ()