Overview of Prognostics and Health Management For Landing Gear
Overview of Prognostics and Health Management For Landing Gear
Overview of Prognostics and Health Management For Landing Gear
Syed Haider, RMS Engineer, UTAS Landing Systems
that landing loads imposed upon the airframe are reduced to an Over time, the gas and/or oil may slowly seep / leak from
acceptable level. The shock absorber also provides necessary the shock absorber leading to degraded performance [2], [3].
damping and ride comfort during taxiing and ground maneuvers The loss of oil or pressure causes adverse variation of the
on rough and irregular runway surfaces [5]. damping performance and if a health monitoring system (HMS)
During aircraft landing, the shock absorbers absorb the is present, it can detect degradation in shock absorption
energy by first forcing oil to flow through a metered orifice to capability and report it in real time for necessary servicing.
the nitrogen/gas chamber which is already charged to a certain During some landings, the aircraft design sink speed may
pressure and further compressing the gas and oil. After the initial be exceeded, due to variables such as wind gusts, aircraft
landing impact, some of the energy is dissipated as the gas instrument errors and human errors. This results in larger loads
pressure forces the oil back into its chamber through recoil to be applied to the shock absorbing elements. The landing gear
orifices. Although the orifice design could be as simple as an shock strut HMS sensors could detect hard landing when the
opening (hole) in an orifice plate, most designers use a metering extra energy applied to landing gear may have detrimental effect
pin that extends vertically through the orifice, and by varying and warrants an immediate inspection to detect any failure
the pin diameter, the effective orifice area is varied with the condition [6], [7], [8].
metering pin vertical travel [4]. This variation is adjusted by
D. Maintenance Philosophies for Aircraft Systems
designers so that the gear strut load is maintained within design
limits under all dynamic loading conditions and it does not pose Continuing airworthiness and maintaining reliability targets
a structural failure risk of the landing gear to aircraft attachment are achieved by performing a comprehensive set of predefined
pins. scheduled maintenance inspections, checks and tasks. [9]. See
details in Fig 2. The maintenance tasks and processes have
evolved over time with technology and materials advancements
Temp Sensor
and currently following major maintenance types are in use.
x Condition monitoring maintenance process: System is
subjected to maintenance operations after its failure. It is
used for failing parts that do not affect the safety of the
Pressure aircraft.
Sensor x Hard time maintenance process: System is subjected to
maintenance operation before a predetermined time limit.
This limitation can be expressed in flight hours, calendar
time or number of cycles.
x On-condition maintenance process: Periodically perform the
Stroke and
checking operations with the goal of controlling the
Position Sensor evolution of equipment degrading processes, before a
functional failure occurs.
E. Predictive Maintenance Approach
Predictive maintenance (PdM) approach is a step up on the
maintenance pyramid from preventive maintenance toward
improved efficiency. Within the PdM strategy is the practice of
Figure 1. Shock absorber internal design and PHM sensors condition based maintenance (CBM). The concept here is to
C. Operating Environment of Shock Absorber look, listen and feel the equipment to know what needs to be
serviced and when. This does not mean to wait until it breaks
The shock absorber design must be able to absorb and and then fix it; in contrast, this relates to collecting data while
dampen the various loads imposed on the landing gear during the equipment is running, establishing threshold limits either
aircraft landing, braking and takeoff conditions and at extreme from manufacturer’s information, vendor, or best practices, and
operating temperatures, both in hot and cold environments. This scheduling the maintenance activities accordingly. This allows
is a critical design requirement specifically when the shock maintenance staff to make sound judgments on when and what
absorber is operated at extreme cold temperature due to changes needs to be done. More advanced phases of CBM may warrant
in gas pressure and oil viscosity which adversely impacts the use of specialized predictive tools such as loads monitoring,
sealing performance and leakage control. micro-crack detection and its growth monitoring, thermal
The shock absorber dissipates kinetic energy of the aircraft analysis, thermography and vibration monitoring etc. [10].
in the form of heat by forcing hydraulic fluid through a small
orifice. A properly serviced shock absorber which has the III. HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM DESIGN
correct volume of oil and gas pressure ensures that the gear strut A. PHM Model Characteristics
loads will remain within the safe design limits.
The shock absorber PHM system develops prognostics
information based on sensors outputs and using physics-based application of ideal gas law, temperature-volume law and laws
models to provide accurate system-level predictions. While the governing the compressibility of gases and incompressibility of
majority of health condition monitoring systems use data-driven liquids and their relationship with temperature variation. The
techniques, the physics-based approach is particularly important knowledge from established physical laws etc. is used to
if high accuracy is a critical factor. In reality, all the PHM develop the model’s mathematical framework. Model-based
systems use models of some types, and are also driven by prognostics refer to approaches that use mathematical models of
appropriate data. In practice, hybrid models are typically used system behavior and its starts with defining the issue in
which are developed from a mix of system based knowledge and mathematical terms and then building models and algorithms for
system data. The advantages and benefits of both approaches solving the basic problem task.
can be combined when data-driven and physics-based A key element of PHM output is that the confidence level
techniques are applied for prognostics. of remaining useful life (RUL) predictions should be within an
acceptable level of error as high uncertainty is not acceptable.
Statistical distribution models are employed to ensure that the
RUL predictions are highly accurate and risk is minimized.
Condition Monitoring B. PHM System Design Overview
Primary The landing gear shock strut health monitoring system uses
Maintenance the following sensors:
Process Hard Time
x Gas pressure sensor
x Gas temperature sensor
x Shock absorber position, stroke sensor
On-Condition The PHM system records the significant shock absorber
parameters including gas temperature, gas pressure and
Figure 2. Shock absorber major maintenance types measures the stroke of the shock absorber piston during aircraft
touch down and landing. Necessary calculation and analysis is
Physics-based model approaches describe the deterioration completed by PHM algorithms which are developed and stored
and degradation processes of aircraft systems by building in a digital processing and monitoring unit that is installed on
mathematical models on the basis of failure mechanisms or the the aircraft [3]. The sensors are installed on landing gear shock
first principle of damage. The parameters of physics based absorber as shown in Fig 1 and they record and send their data
models are correlated to material properties and stress levels, to system monitoring unit as shown in Fig 3. Its output can be
which are generally identified by using tests, experiments, also be retrieved by a ground station unit like system health
analysis or other suitable techniques. The shock strut functional status and necessary alert / warning, if required for servicing the
design and its damping characteristics are derived by the shock absorber due to oil loss and/or gas loss.