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Overview of Prognostics and Health Management For Landing Gear

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Overview of Prognostics and Health Management for Landing Gear

Syed Haider, RMS Engineer, UTAS Landing Systems

Keywords -Landing Gear, Damping, Health Monitoring, Prognostics

ABSTRACT common and hazardous failure conditions that the shock

absorber is prone to during its usage. The design requirements
Latest military and civil aircraft programs have
of PHM system can be widened to include trend analysis,
substantively advanced Diagnostics, Prognostics and Health
determine remaining useful life, provide advance warning for
Management technology concepts into an integrated systems
required maintenance tasks, work as an assistant to ensure
approach that can enhance aircraft reliability and passenger
accurate servicing and also help in inventory planning for
safety. The aircraft landing gear shock absorber is a critical
system and to enhance its reliability, a health monitoring system
This paper will discuss the benefits and advantages of a
can be introduced to detect loads which can impact its structural
shock absorber PHM system for airline operations and
integrity, functional and performance degradation, operational
maintenance. It will review how the traditional scope of a
incidents, impending failures and provide advance warning for
diagnostics and prognostics system can be enhanced to provide
proactive maintenance actions. A number of health monitoring
added value, support accurate maintenance and servicing task
schemes have been proposed which check the condition of
completion, and improve maintenance management and
landing gear shock strut components but these do not provide a
planning efforts. This will be presented after initial overview of
systems level coverage and analysis for the different failure
the design features of a representative landing gear shock
modes which a landing gear can experience. With the rapid
absorber and its prognostics and health management system.
advances in sensor accuracy, design technology and data
The landing gear shock absorber is considered a safety
communication, a prognostics and health monitoring system
critical component and it is subjected to harsh environmental
design can detect diverse functional and operational failure
conditions and severe dynamic and fatigue loads during aircraft
conditions, support maintenance activities and ensure higher
towing, taxi, turning, braking, takeoff run and landing at each
aircraft operational availability.
flight cycle [1]. Aircraft system providers are continually trying
I. INTRODUCTION to improve its safety and reliability by using better materials,
improving design, introducing regular maintenance inspections
A number of aircraft landing gear shock strut health and
and periodic servicing tasks and also by introducing health
usage monitoring schemes for monitoring integrity of structural
monitoring capability to detect its structural integrity and
components, hard landing detection and monitoring functional
functional performance degradation [2], [3].
performance have been developed but these have been
introduced in a fragmented manner and an integrated, systems II. AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR SHOCK ABSORBER
based approach was found deficient. Currently many types of
A. Shock Absorber Design Overview
health monitoring programs have been introduced on aircrafts
and helicopters covering structural assemblies and hydro- Aircraft landing gears support the entire weight of the
mechanical and system components, but development of a aircraft during landing and ground operations. The critical parts
comprehensive health and usage monitoring system for aircraft of landing gear shock absorber are outer cylinder, sliding piston,
landing gears that can complement existing prognostics and gland sealing system, metering pin and orifice plate assembly
health management (PHM) systems for structures and systems [4]. See Fig 1 for details.
is essential. The most common shock absorber design used for
Operational reliability of aircraft can be increased if commercial transport aircraft is a single stage in which gas
maintenance staff can detect signs of damages before an actual (nitrogen) and oil are mixed. This design has the highest
failure occurs. The advantage of a PHM system consists of efficiency and best energy dissipation.
detecting these signs, and assessing the probability of equipment
B. Shock Absorber Functions Overview
defect and anomaly occurring at a future timeframe. A system
engineering approach is best suited to define the scope of a PHM The basic function of shock absorber during aircraft landing
system for landing gear shock absorber covering the most is to absorb and dissipate the impact kinetic energy to the extent

that landing loads imposed upon the airframe are reduced to an Over time, the gas and/or oil may slowly seep / leak from
acceptable level. The shock absorber also provides necessary the shock absorber leading to degraded performance [2], [3].
damping and ride comfort during taxiing and ground maneuvers The loss of oil or pressure causes adverse variation of the
on rough and irregular runway surfaces [5]. damping performance and if a health monitoring system (HMS)
During aircraft landing, the shock absorbers absorb the is present, it can detect degradation in shock absorption
energy by first forcing oil to flow through a metered orifice to capability and report it in real time for necessary servicing.
the nitrogen/gas chamber which is already charged to a certain During some landings, the aircraft design sink speed may
pressure and further compressing the gas and oil. After the initial be exceeded, due to variables such as wind gusts, aircraft
landing impact, some of the energy is dissipated as the gas instrument errors and human errors. This results in larger loads
pressure forces the oil back into its chamber through recoil to be applied to the shock absorbing elements. The landing gear
orifices. Although the orifice design could be as simple as an shock strut HMS sensors could detect hard landing when the
opening (hole) in an orifice plate, most designers use a metering extra energy applied to landing gear may have detrimental effect
pin that extends vertically through the orifice, and by varying and warrants an immediate inspection to detect any failure
the pin diameter, the effective orifice area is varied with the condition [6], [7], [8].
metering pin vertical travel [4]. This variation is adjusted by
D. Maintenance Philosophies for Aircraft Systems
designers so that the gear strut load is maintained within design
limits under all dynamic loading conditions and it does not pose Continuing airworthiness and maintaining reliability targets
a structural failure risk of the landing gear to aircraft attachment are achieved by performing a comprehensive set of predefined
pins. scheduled maintenance inspections, checks and tasks. [9]. See
details in Fig 2. The maintenance tasks and processes have
evolved over time with technology and materials advancements
Temp Sensor
and currently following major maintenance types are in use.
x Condition monitoring maintenance process: System is
subjected to maintenance operations after its failure. It is
used for failing parts that do not affect the safety of the
Pressure aircraft.
Sensor x Hard time maintenance process: System is subjected to
maintenance operation before a predetermined time limit.
This limitation can be expressed in flight hours, calendar
time or number of cycles.
x On-condition maintenance process: Periodically perform the
Stroke and
checking operations with the goal of controlling the
Position Sensor evolution of equipment degrading processes, before a
functional failure occurs.
E. Predictive Maintenance Approach
Predictive maintenance (PdM) approach is a step up on the
maintenance pyramid from preventive maintenance toward
improved efficiency. Within the PdM strategy is the practice of
Figure 1. Shock absorber internal design and PHM sensors condition based maintenance (CBM). The concept here is to
C. Operating Environment of Shock Absorber look, listen and feel the equipment to know what needs to be
serviced and when. This does not mean to wait until it breaks
The shock absorber design must be able to absorb and and then fix it; in contrast, this relates to collecting data while
dampen the various loads imposed on the landing gear during the equipment is running, establishing threshold limits either
aircraft landing, braking and takeoff conditions and at extreme from manufacturer’s information, vendor, or best practices, and
operating temperatures, both in hot and cold environments. This scheduling the maintenance activities accordingly. This allows
is a critical design requirement specifically when the shock maintenance staff to make sound judgments on when and what
absorber is operated at extreme cold temperature due to changes needs to be done. More advanced phases of CBM may warrant
in gas pressure and oil viscosity which adversely impacts the use of specialized predictive tools such as loads monitoring,
sealing performance and leakage control. micro-crack detection and its growth monitoring, thermal
The shock absorber dissipates kinetic energy of the aircraft analysis, thermography and vibration monitoring etc. [10].
in the form of heat by forcing hydraulic fluid through a small
orifice. A properly serviced shock absorber which has the III. HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM DESIGN
correct volume of oil and gas pressure ensures that the gear strut A. PHM Model Characteristics
loads will remain within the safe design limits.
The shock absorber PHM system develops prognostics
information based on sensors outputs and using physics-based application of ideal gas law, temperature-volume law and laws
models to provide accurate system-level predictions. While the governing the compressibility of gases and incompressibility of
majority of health condition monitoring systems use data-driven liquids and their relationship with temperature variation. The
techniques, the physics-based approach is particularly important knowledge from established physical laws etc. is used to
if high accuracy is a critical factor. In reality, all the PHM develop the model’s mathematical framework. Model-based
systems use models of some types, and are also driven by prognostics refer to approaches that use mathematical models of
appropriate data. In practice, hybrid models are typically used system behavior and its starts with defining the issue in
which are developed from a mix of system based knowledge and mathematical terms and then building models and algorithms for
system data. The advantages and benefits of both approaches solving the basic problem task.
can be combined when data-driven and physics-based A key element of PHM output is that the confidence level
techniques are applied for prognostics. of remaining useful life (RUL) predictions should be within an
acceptable level of error as high uncertainty is not acceptable.
Statistical distribution models are employed to ensure that the
RUL predictions are highly accurate and risk is minimized.
Condition Monitoring B. PHM System Design Overview
Primary The landing gear shock strut health monitoring system uses
Maintenance the following sensors:
Process Hard Time
x Gas pressure sensor
x Gas temperature sensor
x Shock absorber position, stroke sensor
On-Condition The PHM system records the significant shock absorber
parameters including gas temperature, gas pressure and
Figure 2. Shock absorber major maintenance types measures the stroke of the shock absorber piston during aircraft
touch down and landing. Necessary calculation and analysis is
Physics-based model approaches describe the deterioration completed by PHM algorithms which are developed and stored
and degradation processes of aircraft systems by building in a digital processing and monitoring unit that is installed on
mathematical models on the basis of failure mechanisms or the the aircraft [3]. The sensors are installed on landing gear shock
first principle of damage. The parameters of physics based absorber as shown in Fig 1 and they record and send their data
models are correlated to material properties and stress levels, to system monitoring unit as shown in Fig 3. Its output can be
which are generally identified by using tests, experiments, also be retrieved by a ground station unit like system health
analysis or other suitable techniques. The shock strut functional status and necessary alert / warning, if required for servicing the
design and its damping characteristics are derived by the shock absorber due to oil loss and/or gas loss.




Gas Temperature Data input Shock Strut Servicing
Analysis Required
Gas Pressure
Data output Hard Landing Checks Required
Shock Strut Stroke Position

Figure 3. LG Health monitoring system block diagram

The shock strut monitoring system records the stroke and data recorded from the earlier flights, the monitoring system can
variations in gas pressure and temperature during aircraft calculate the rate of oil loss or gas loss. This is processed for
landing event and processes this data to determine available oil trend analysis and used to provide an urgent action warning for
volume and gas pressure inside the shock absorber. From this, immediate servicing or one that asks to schedule shock strut
the algorithm detects the deviation (loss) of shock strut gas servicing in the near future before a predetermined number of
pressure and oil volume from the design nominal values [2]. flights are completed. A diagnostics algorithm is performed by
Based on current landing data comparison with available monitoring system using above noted parameters and oil volume
loss and gas pressure loss are determined and reported for stroke elements and solves them for the shock absorber as a
necessary servicing if required [2]. system [2], [3].
The PHM system digital processor unit includes necessary
C. Key Indicators and Abilities of PHM
software and hardware elements as shown in Fig 3. The PHM
system calculates the threshold value for shock strut fluids The concept of prognostics is to diagnose and predict the
considering the performance requirement and operational RUL of an item (e.g. component or system). Systems with
temperature value etc. Its algorithm detects oil volume loss and prognostic capability will be able to identify potential failures in
gas pressure deterioration. PHM system also contains the shock advance and provide information about its health, and this
absorber diagnostic and servicing algorithm which is to help and information could be used to reduce unscheduled maintenance
guide maintenance staff. The algorithm implements the or to extend the scheduled maintenance intervals. [11]. See Fig
equations that govern the behavior of oil, gas and shock absorber 4 for PHM system block diagram.

Shock Absorber Trend Analysis,

Shock Absorber Functional Shock Absorber Fault Detection Estimate Time to Failure, Advance
Parameters Data Collection and Isolation Capability Warning for Required Maintenance



To reduce uncertainty and retain To complete required maintenance Extend time between scheduled maint
conservatism in estimating as needed, when fault is observed tasks. Detect incipient failures in real
scheduled maintenance interval and return to service time and calculate time to failure

Figure 4 Progression of LG Shock Absorber Functional Health Monitoring

Finding the key indicators that are linked to aircraft system x Sensing – Monitor specific functions on the aircraft via
functional and operational failures is the fundamental task in sensors Acquisition – Gather data and correlate those
developing diagnostics and prognostics health management readings from data collection (on aircraft / on ground
(DPHM) system. Initially the system designers establish a few capability for trends, identification of outliers)
significant point indicators that can identify the need for x Transfer – Send the collected data and readings to
preventive maintenance tasks and the next step is to expand its maintenance personnel
scope and integrate it with the aircraft other PHM sensors that x Analysis – Interpret the readings – remaining useful life,
collectively facilitate the identification of service-related events. trend analysis, etc
The four vital abilities of a well-designed aircraft health x Recommend necessary actions - By issuing caution and
management system are: [12]. warning after completing the analysis (in the form of
x Fault detection needed maintenance). Facilitate maintenance planning for
x Fault isolation remedial actions.
x Fault prognosis, and The PHM system functional, diagnostic and prognostic
x Prediction of remaining useful life capabilities can be leveraged to implement use of existing data
The landing gear PHM system design uses multiple sensors to develop analytical solutions to help airlines’ operations and
installed on shock strut that monitor and record the different maintenance planning functions as reviewed in next section.
shock absorber parameters including gas temperature, gas
pressure and measure the stroke and travel of shock absorber
piston during aircraft landing event. Such a system could also be A. Advance Service Alert / Warning
used to detect hard and heavy landing (HHL) cases in which the
Shock absorber PHM design is required to have high
landing gear and aircraft structure may sustain higher than
accuracy and determine the severity level of oil loss and gas loss
normal fatigue and static damage due to exposure to critical
in shock absorber. By comparing it with nominal design
loads which exceed the design loads [6], [8].
parameters, it can send service alerts like “caution” and
D. Main Elements of Shock Absorber PHM “warning” depending on the severity of degradation detected. If
fluids loss is high and requires urgent maintenance servicing
A mature aircraft landing gear shock absorber health
before next flight, it will be announced. If it requires priority
monitoring (HM) design features requires necessary hardware
maintenance servicing, it may be performed before completion
and software to perform following basic functions:
of 10 more flights (short span of time), or it can be delayed to a maintenance for the current time-based maintenance practices.
future date (e.g. before the completion of 50 flights). It could replace one or more time / flight hour / cycle based
maintenance actions with CBM approach with cost savings.
B. Trend Analysis
G. Accurate Detection of Hard Landing Occurrence
Shock absorber PHM software algorithm can determine the
deviation of shock absorber gas and oil volumes from the Airlines are required to fully inspect the landing gear and
nominal levels after each aircraft landing. By recording this data aircraft if a hard landing event has occurred or suspected of
over many flights, it can perform a trend analysis and is able to occurring. Presently, hard landing detection mostly relies upon
determine the RUL for the system. RUL estimates are calculated the pilot's senses (e.g., feels, hears or possibly sees) during
by prognostic algorithms based on individual states of health and flight, especially during landing and takeoff. Thus, if the pilot
(estimated) future degeneration processes. This data can also be feels an unusually large force during landing, a hard landing is
transmitted to the ground station for detailed study by the reported and maintenance must inspect the landing gear to
maintenance staff. [11]. determine if an “event” has caused any damage to the landing
gear or airplane structure. This may not accurately indicate
C. Maintenance Optimization
whether an event did occur. Consequently, fallback position for
The availability of accurate trend analysis of oil and gas the airlines in such a situation is to perform an often unwarranted
levels over a length of time permits scheduling of any required detailed inspection of landing gear system. [14].
servicing maintenance at a convenient time / place without A PHM system with in-built design capability to detect hard
impacting aircraft availability. This allows the adoption of and heavy landings (HHL) occurrences or LG design parameter
condition-based maintenance approach which results in exceedances removes any ambiguity as real-time landing gear
operational cost reduction as it also reduces maintenance time threshold exceedance reports from the PHM system would
and aircraft downtime. As the shock absorber PHM system uses notify the maintenance staff when a specific event has occurred.
multiple sensors to monitors different parameters to perform With real-time alerts, the maintenance staff is guided when and
RUL calculations, its output would allow planning and where to look for conditions that may require immediate action
scheduling of any required component replacement and or further investigation. The PHM system can therefore assist to
preventing disruption to flight schedules. undertake necessary maintenance inspections and clear the
aircraft for service. [14].
D. Digital Assistant Role for Maintenance Tasks
The shock absorber HM sensors monitor in real-time, the
status of oil and gas levels and during any maintenance A. Improved Inventory Optimization
servicing, this information allows the maintenance staff to
In addition to data analytics for predictive maintenance, the
improve the servicing accuracy. It ensures consistency as the
PHM scope can be easily extended to be integrated with
landing gear (LG) sensors provide a real-time status of servicing
inventory optimization tools. It will be well received in airline
progress, volume and pressure outputs and the servicing task is
industry as this solution brings a new perspective to planning,
able to achieve actual parameters values very close to the
ordering, stocking and optimizing inventory levels. It will
nominal values. The PHM system can also have added feature
provide a new intelligent layer, wrapped around existing rules
to assist the maintenance staff by providing real-time
and policies that continuously evaluate many different
instructions and guidance for the servicing task.
parameters before making recommendations.
E. Reducing No-Fault Found Cases If the PHM system design uses an industry standard open
architecture, it facilitates modularity and insertion of new
A successful failure prognosis enables a repair or
hardware and software. New innovative inventory management
replacement of the degraded item before the critical failure
tools can be tightly integrated with the PHM system predictive
occurs. In addition, no-fault-founds (NFFs) can be reduced
maintenance platform. [15].
based on the health monitoring capability of PHM, which
localizes the failure root causes. This can lead to significant B. Support Migration to Condition-Based Maintenance
reductions in maintenance downtime and costs. Furthermore,
PHM promotes the global concept of CBM, as it brings
the prevention of NFFs reduces the number of component
maintenance from a position of monitoring fleet level
removals and dispatch to the component repair shops and related
conditions by inspecting every aircraft of a fleet, to manage the
logistics costs. [11]
individual aircraft systems airworthiness against predetermined
F. Reduction in Life-Cycle Costs safety and economic limits with built-in monitoring
capabilities. See Fig 4 for the advancement in shock absorber
The PHM system introduces fully automated diagnosis for
DPHM scope and objectives.
loss of shock absorber fluids and hard landing occurrence. The
Aircraft scheduled maintenance program is developed
early detection of an impending failure results in less costly
using maintenance steering group (MSG) methodology (MSG-
repairs. Further, it promotes the substitution of condition-based
3) [16]. It has now embraced the idea of using structural health
monitoring (SHM) to escalate maintenance task intervals if the HMS Health Monitoring System
SHM sensors are able to detect the condition and status of the LG Landing Gear
concerned part / structure, [17]. The term S-SHM (scheduled- MPD Maintenance Planning Document
SHM) is introduced as a new scheduled structural maintenance MSG-3 Maintenance Steering Group-3
task level in the MSG-3 process. Many inspection tasks in NFF No Fault Found
existing aircraft maintenance planning document (MPD) can PdM Predictive Maintenance
now be selected for interval escalation if accurate real time PHM Prognostic Health Management
health monitoring is offered by the SHM system. This same RUL Remaining Useful Life
logic could be used in the future for the LG shock absorbers SHM Structural Health Monitoring
scheduled servicing task and its interval can be optimized
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Email: Syed.haider@utas.utc.com
maintenance. Syed Haider graduated with BSc (Hon) in Aerospace
[16] Ahmadi, Alireza & Söderholm, Peter & Kumar, Uday. Engineering from the PAF College of Aeronautical Engineering
(2010). Reviews and case studies: On aircraft and later earned an MBA from Rotman School of Business,
scheduledmaintenance program development. Journal of University of Toronto. He was commissioned in Pakistan Air
Quality in Maintenance Engineering. Force in the aircraft engineering branch and worked in aircraft
[17] Dr. Clemens Bockenheimer, et. al. Validation, weapon systems management, quality assurance and flight
Verification and Implementation of SHM at Airbus, safety. He subsequently joined Bombardier Aerospace,
International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, deHavilland (Downsview location) where he supported
2013 assembly of Global Express and Dash-8 Aircrafts and later
[18] ATA MSG-3 Volume 1 (Fixed Wing Aircraft), Operator / worked to refurbish the flight test aircraft for commercial use.
Manufacturer Scheduled Maintenance Development, He currently works for UTC Aerospace Systems (formerly
Revision 2015.1. Goodrich Aerospace) in its Landing Systems division as a
[19] Flight Airworthiness Support Technology Airbus technical Reliability and Safety Engineer. He actively supports Design-
magazine #54, 2014. FMEA, Quality, Flight Test Programs, Failure Analysis and
,http://www.airbus.com/content/dam/corporate-topics/ Investigation, Audit and Assurance functions for the Landing
publications /fast/FAST-054.pdf Gear Design Engineering Team. He is a senior member of ASQ
and holds CRE designation. His research interests include
functional safety, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement
Syed Haider and process excellence initiatives.
RMS Engineer

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