How To Make Hose
How To Make Hose
How To Make Hose
Drawing from Marc Carlson based on a compilation of a number of hose fragments found at Baynards
Castle Dock - specifically finds: [55] <1645/2B> TB 41; [55] <1645/5> TB42; [79] <1830/4> TB51; and [150]
<3612.1> TB 78. All are mixed spinning wool tabby cloth.
Drawing from Marc Carlson based on a compilation of a number of hose fragments found at Baynards
Castle Dock - specifically finds: [55] <1645/2B> TB 41; [55] <1645/5> TB42; [79] <1830/4> TB51; and [150]
<3612.1> TB 78. All are mixed spinning wool tabby cloth.
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Be a Hoser - THL Lucrece de Montsoreau - Revised Feb 2011
Hose, making a custom pattern. Steps 1 and 2 are just to help you determine the size piece of fabric
you need without too much waste. You can always choose to start with a larger piece (just not
smaller one!)
1 To start you will need two rectangles of fabric cut on the bias. To determine the size:
a) for the leg: measure from the center of the sole of your heel and up the side of your leg to the height you
want the hose to be (knee for ladies, thigh high for men); add two or three inches to give you some room for
error and allow for seams. Measure around the thickest part of your leg that the hose are to cover (calf for
ladies, thigh for men) add two inches.
b) for the foot: measure the length of your foot (no need to add any) and around the thickest part of the
instep, add three inches.
2 Cut out:
You'll want to ensure you are cutting exactly on the bias; use a ruler or square to assist.
3 Start with the foot piece. Good sides together, fold in in half so that the fold is parallel with the sides of the
rectangle representing the length of your foot. From one end, doesn't matter which, cut along the fold about
3". This will become the "V" seam in the foot mentioned later.
4 With the good side of the fabric toward your skin, pin and baste the foot piece to fit your foot. This is hard to
describe in writing; follow the demonstration.
5 Once the foot fits to your liking, trim the seam allowances to 1" from the basted seam. These will be
trimmed narrower later, leave them a bit wider for now "just in case".
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6 Next, we will be starting to make the "M" shape in the Leg piece at the ankle which will fit with the "V" in the
foot piece later.
a) The M needs to be about the width of the front of your ankle. It's a judgment call but making it too wide
seems to cause more problems so when in doubt err a bit on the side of narrow. It helps to measure the
distance from ankle bone to ankle bone around the front of your ankle (top of foot). Write it down here for
reference. 4 to 4.5 inches is fairly typical.
b) Now we need to know how high to make the M. Measure the distance from your inside ankle bone to the
outside ankle bone around the bottom of your foot (under the arch) Add 1 1/2" to 2" (easiest to round up to
the next full number too). Divide this in half - this gives you the HEIGHT of the "M".
Put the prepared foot piece back on your foot with the good side of the fabric toward your skin, pin and
baste the leg piece to the foot and fit the leg. This is hard to describe in writing; follow the demonstration.
9 Once all is fit to your liking. Trim all the seam allowances to 1/2". Follow the demonstration to mark and
trim the "M" of the leg and "V" of the foot.
10 Take the basting out, and trace them onto paper for a permanent pattern you can keep.
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Important tips.
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3 Drape the now-joined hose over your foot and leg. Pin the sole-seam of foot piece starting at the toe and
ending at the "M/V" seam, adjusting to fit. Baste following the pins, try it on again adjust and re-baste as
necessary. You can pin the leg around your upper calf to keep it out of your way during this.
4 Sew the M/V seam permanently. Working from the good side, sew a line of backstitch close to the edge of
the fabric (1/8" ish). On the wrong side, whip/hem stitch the edge to finish it. Pull out the basting either as
you go, or once you're done.
5 Permanently sew the sole of the foot seam from the toe to the "M/V" seam using backstitch.
6 With the hose on, pin from the top of the heel at the ankle down to the "M/V" seam which you just finished.
Also pin about 4" up the leg (do not baste this part of the leg yet). Baste from the top of the heel to the M/V
seam, try on, adjust as necessary until you are satisfied. Try to make the ankle fairly tight, you must be able
to get your foot in and out, but it shouldn't fit through very easily. Take out the pins from the ankle up the
Using backstitch, sew the seam from the top of the heel to the M/V seam permanently. Remove basting.
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8 Finish the foot seams. It's much easier to do this now, before the leg is sewn up.
Trim the seams to 1/2" if necessary. You can go narrower but I find if you do, you'll feel them more. Clip or
notch the seam allowance at the toe and heel where necessary taking care not to clip any closer to the
seam than 3/16".
Parallel to the sole seam, sew two lines of back stitch, one on either side, close to the seam (~1/8"). Sew
through both layers of fabric. Do this from the toe to 1" before the seam stops at the top of the heel. (if you
sew too close to where the seam stops it will be hard to sew up the back of the leg). This will make the
seams lie very flat which is important if you don't want a nasty feeling bump under your foot or heel.
9 Finish the edge of the seam allowance by Whip/hem stitching it down (stop about a 1 1/2" before the seam
stops at the top of the heel).
Put the hose on, pin, fit, baste, repeat as necessary to fit the leg. Also you'll want to trim them for height at
this point. Do not finish the height until you've fit the leg. The bias stretch effects the height; tightening the
leg will make them shorter, loosening it will make them taller, due to the stretch. Leave enough seam
allowance at the top for either a single turned, or double turned hem of about 3/4". A. double turn can be
helpful with thinner wools as it will help to keep the hose from slipping under the garters.
11 Starting where you left off at the ankle, permanently sew the back seam using running stitch (you can use
back stitch if you like but it's not necessary). DO take one back stitch every inch or two so the seam has
give and the thread won't snap when you're pulling up your hose.
12 Trim the seams to 1/2" if necessary. You can go narrower if you wish.
13 Finish the seams by hem/whip stitching them down (starting where you left off at the ankle). You can sew a
line of stitching next to the seam as you did with the foot if you like, or if you find the seam isn't very flat, but
it's normally not necessary for the leg.
14 Turn a hem at the top (single turn or double) hem stitch it down. Fini!
For wool I like to pre-wash in the washer, in hot water, then hang to dry. This felts/fulls the wool a bit more
which helps it not fray. Be careful though, too much felting spoils the stretch. Use this tip at your own risk!
If you choose a fabric that will fray you will need to do more seam finishing
1) When sewing the M/V: from the good side turn under a thin hem of fabric and then backstitch as
instructed in step 4. From the inside you can do the same, or just whip stitch using close-together stitches
ensuring your stitch bites far enough into the seam allowance that it won't just pull out.
2) When finishing the foot seam: Do NOT double turn this seam - it will be too lumpy. Instead, sew
backstitch as in step 9, but repeat it three or four times on each side of the sole seam, each time getting
further from the seam. Whip the edge of the seam.
3) When finishing the leg, double turn the seam as you would in most sewing.
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