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International Journal of Cooperative Studies

Vol. 6, No. 1, 2017, 16-24

DOI: 10.11634/216826311706708

Role of Consumer Cooperative Society in Price Stability in the Case of

Goh Consumer Cooperatives Benchi-Maji Zone, South West of Ethiopia

Tamiru Kumsa Deresa

Department of Cooperatives, Ambo University

This research was conducted to assess the role of Goh consumer cooperative society in price stability in the case of
Benchi-Maji zone. The main objectives of the study was investigating the pricing policy of Goh consumer cooper-
atives society, assessing the difference between pricing on selected commodities charged by cooperatives society
and private sectors and examining factors affecting price setting process of the society. The samples were selected
from both user customers and members of Goh consumer cooperatives by using stratified and simple random sam-
pling techniques. Accordingly, the researcher has been selected 40 respondents from both stratus by using simple
random sampling techniques. Data was collected through semi-structured questionnaires and interviews. The study
revealed the society has significant role in stabilizing price in the market by selling very important commodities to
the user at the lower price as compared to private traders. Some of the challenge they face were like competition
from private sectors and shortage of commodity in the supplier side. To overcome these problems, the society should
have to create relation with other cooperatives like producer cooperative and SACCO to avoid the problems related
with shortage of goods and finance. Beside this, cooperative promotion union should have to give training, technical
assistance and cooperative education to societies to improve overall activities.

Key Words: Consumer cooperative, price stability, pricing policy

Introduction experience inflation or deflation. It is not common for

an economy to have price stability. It is expected co-
According to ILo cooperative society is ‘’ an autono- operatives to play a vital role in meeting the demand
mous association of persons varying in number, who of consumers to porn production by providing at rea-
are grappling with the same economic difficulties and sonable price compared to open market. Moreover, a
who, voluntarily associate on a basis of equal rights cooperative provides services to members and non-
and obligations, endeavor to solve those difficulties members for their non-consumption purpose, and con-
mainly by conducting at their own risk and undertak- sumption and processing activity by stabilizing the
ing to which they have transferred one or more of such market price. Therefore, the study was designed to as-
of their economic functions as correspond to their sess the major price stabilization role of Goh consumer
common needs and by utilizing this undertaking in cooperatives society play in Aman sub city.
joint cooperation for their common material and moral Today in Ethiopia there are major problems that
benefits. Therefore, it is tool of living that enables the hinder the development of country. Among those
individual to achieve heights that cannot be reached in problems the most frequently occurred and dominant
isolation. Consumer cooperatives are enterprises one is price fluctuation of products in the market. The
owned by consumers and managed democratically term price fluctuation means both prolonged inflation
which aim at fulfilling the needs and aspirations of and deflation of price of products without expectation
their members. They operate within the market sys- of marketers as well as users. In this case consumer
tems, independently of the state, as a form of mutual cooperatives have vital role in stabilizing the price of
aid, oriented towards services rather than pecuniary goods by providing consumption goods at reasonable
profit. Consumer cooperatives often take the form of price and it save societies from exploitation of traders
retail outlets owned and operated by their consumers,
such as health care, insurance, housing, utilities, and
personal finance or including credit unions. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
In addition, Price stability is a situation in which Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use and redistribution provided that the original author and
prices in an economy do not change much overtime.
source are credited.
Price stability would mean that an economy would not

ISSN 2168-2631 Print/ ISSN 2168-264X Online / © 2017 The Author(s)

Published by World Scholars / http://www.worldscholars.org
International Journal of Cooperative Studies 17

and unexpected inflation and deflation so, the re- organization, from this approach to cooperation in the
searcher motivated to study this existing problem that perspective of industrialization –led development, we
restrict cooperatives societies in price stabilizing ac- can understand better the international cooperative as-
tivities in selected case area. Some of those problems sociation’s definition of cooperative as ’’an autono-
are: Due to market instability most of the time con- mous association of persons united voluntarily to meet
sumers are highly affected by middlemen exploitation their common economic, social and cultural needs and
(meaning increasing unnecessary costs on the users) aspiration through a jointly owned and democratically
the challenge force the consumers to use the product controlled enterprise.’’(Soon-Young Jung, 2006)
of cooperative at reasonable price without any exploi- Consumer cooperative is an association of person
tation. But there is some challenges which make coop- organized by the voluntary basis of an individual who
erative society not play this role. Among these: High collects their money, knowledge and effort for de-
competitions that face cooperatives from private sec- creasing their consumption cost by providing needed
tors/traders, inability of society to make integration commodity services within reasonable price for the
with other cooperative such as producer cooperatives members and to build their economic capacity, and
and Low level awareness of surrounding community controlled by active participation of all members and
about cooperatives and its role in price stability.As a its goal is satisfy the members requirements.
result the researcher is motivated to this study, to iden-
tify role of cooperatives in price stabilizing and the Consumer cooperatives development
challenge they face during market price stabilization.
In the past 150 years, since the first cooperatives en-
terprise emerged out of the excess of the industrial rev-
Literature Review
olution, cooperatives have spread over 100 countries
into a diverse range of sector and activities. Although
Definition of cooperatives
cooperatives have been demonstrated to be effective in
agriculture, Cooperatives are now significant in eco-
A cooperatives is an autonomous association of per-
nomic and social sector with membership of approxi-
sons united together voluntarily to meet their common
mately 800 million people throughout the world (ICA,
economic social and cultural need and aspiration
through a jointly owned and democratically controlled
Consumer cooperative is a business owned by its
enterprise. Cooperative are based on values of self-
customers for their mutual benefits. It is a form of free
help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality and re-
enterprise that is oriented towards service rather than
sponsibility and ethical values like honesty, openness,
pecuniary profit. Consumer cooperatives often take
social responsibility and caring for others.
the form of retail outlets owned by their customers.
In addition cooperative believes in the principle of vol-
The customer of goods and services the cooperatives
untarily and membership, democratic member con-
provides are often also the individual who have pro-
tour, member economic participation, autonomy and
vided the capital required to launch or purchase that
independence, education, training and information,
enterprise (cultivate, coop/wiki /consumer coopera-
cooperation among cooperative and concern for the
tives). In some countries, consumer cooperatives are
community. (FCA 2009)
known as cooperative retail societies or retail cooper-
atives through they should not confused with retailers
Cooperative in historical prospective
cooperatives, whose members are retailers rather than
consumers (Hajala, 2000).
The industrial revolution that has spread over the
There are many types of cooperatives. These are
world in the past 200 years, most of all, is featured by
health care insurance and housing cooperatives as well
the rising power of big businesses, forming command-
as credit unions, agricultural and housing coopera-
ing highest in marketed development. The dominant
tives. The major difference between consumer cooper-
power basically coming from economy of scale, ef-
atives and other forms of business is that; the purpose
forts to empower should focus on mobilizing scattered
of a consumer cooperative association is to provide
resources. Cooperative entrepreneurship occurs in this
quality of goods and services at the lowest price or cost
context. More than anything else, it aims at overcom-
to consumers.
ing competitive disadvantages on the side of the pow-
Rather than to sell goods and services at the high-
erless, and thus empowering by means of coopera-
est price above cost that consumers’ cooperatives price
tives. As cooperatives entrepreneurship takes business
goods and services at competitive market rates.
opportunities, it differs from charity in profit motive.
The difference is that where a for profit enterprise
Yet the spirit of cooperation sharing, so entailing
will threat that the difference between cost (including
moderation in community concern and autonomous
18 T. K. Deresa

labor etc) and selling price as financial gain or inves- Factors affecting price decision
tors, the consumer owned enterprise may retain this to
accumulate capital in common ownership, distribute it The principle of decision of price affected by several
to meet the customers social objectives or refund this factors. They are;
sum to the consumer owners as an over payment (J.van • The nature and the extent of consumer de-
dooren). Large consumer’s cooperatives are run much mand.
any other business and required women mangers, • Cost of manufacturing
clerks, product and customers to keep the doors open • Channels of distribution
and the business running. In small business the cus- • Promotion strategy
tomers (owners) are often workers as well (ibid). • Taxation and government regulation (Learn-
ing material, principle of marketing).
Benefits of consumer cooperatives
Basic approaches to price policy
A consumer cooperative is an independent group that
is an independent group that is made up of individuals There are two basic approaches to price:
who voluntarily organize to provide themselves and • Cost approach
their families with services they need since, coopera-
• Market competitive approach.
tive represents a group of people; it has the buying
The cost approach is based on cost of production. The
bower to relieve discounts value added services and
fixed cost, variable cost, margin required and rate of
accesses of exclusive offers. The consumer coopera- returns are the determinants of pricing in this ap-
tives have the following advantages; like facilitating
proaches. The second approaches starts from the con-
its members in getting pure and unadultered goods at
sumer pricing is based price, which in turn will deter-
a competitive price, develops a state of morale booster
mine the retail price, whole sale price and the producer
to the poor people who develop greater confidence
price of goods. In this approach the cost is adjusted to
among themselves as societies purchasing goods in
the markets (Kotler, 2003).
bulk quantities from the producers these are better po-
sition to supply the goods at a competitive price to its
Price stability and purpose
members and it improves purchasing power of mem-
bers (Wikipedia 2017).
Price stability is a situation in which prices in an econ-
omy do not change much over time. Price stability
Function of consumer cooperatives would mean that an economy would not experience in-
flation or deflation. It is not common for an economy
Consumer cooperative society that the society which
to have price stability. It is shortly defined as avoiding
procure assortment of household goods to its mem-
both prolonged inflation and deflation. Price stability
bers at a cheapest possible price and ensures availa-
contributes to achieving high levels of economic ac-
bility of goods to its members at any time is been
tivity and employment by:
• Improving the transparency of price mecha-
Some of the functions are listed blow as follows:
• Selling pure and unadultered goods.
• Reducing inflation risk premium interest rates
• Ensuring the availability of goods in the mar-
• Avoiding unproductive activities to hedge
against the negative impact of inflation or defla-
• Selling at a very reasonable price. tion.
• Ensuring that the goods are sold with goods
• Reducing or preventing an arbitrary redistribu-
measure and weights.
tion of wealth and income as a result of unexpected
• Helping the government in distribution pol- defilation or inflation and contributing to financial
icy the period of scarcity and educating its stability (European Central Bank 2017).
members (Hajala, 2000).
Cooperative marketing in price stability
Definition of price
The main objective of cooperative marketing is to give
Price is value that will purchase goods at finite quan- fair prices to farmers, especially small farmers. This
tity weights or other measure of a good or service. It is will also save farmers from the exploitation of middle
also the values in exchange of goods, pricing can be men. Thus, the cooperative marketing will result in es-
used at a tool of management by manipulating de- tablishment of fair system.
mands and supply (Kotele 2003).
International Journal of Cooperative Studies 19

The arthiyas and commission agents not only exploit

Sample size and sampling techniques
the small farmers, but they also charge higher price
from urban consumers through speculation, black mar-
40 respondents were selected from members and non
keting and hoarding. Thus, their behavior contributes
members of Goh consumer cooperatives society by us-
to inflation. Therefore, for the sake of price stability co-
ing first stratified sampling techniques followed by
operative marketing becomes necessary.
simple random sampling To make strata researcher
With the help of cooperative marketing facilities
first categorize respondents into members and non
the farmers can get rid of the problems of transporta-
members. The researcher selected 20 respondents
tion of produce, processing of agricultural goods and
from each stratum by using simple random sampling
storage of agricultural goods. To provide this service
technique from both categories. Primary data were
cooperative societies must protect interest of custom-
collected from members, non-members, and manger
ers in addition to framers while formulating coopera-
of society. Secondary data were collected from
tive marketing societies the democratic values must be
minutes meeting of the society. Annual performance
kept in view and more and more educated person be
reports by laws of societies and other relevant docu-
members of the societies to protect inters of users.
ment of Goh consumer cooperatives society.
(economics; exposed.com/ co-operative…)
The researchers have been gathered relevant data
by using semi-structured interview with management
Methods committee and paid employees. Open ended and close
ended questionnaires were prepared for members and
Description of the study area users of the society. The data has been analyzed and
interpreted by using descriptive statistics such as ta-
The study was conducted in SNNPR in Benchi-Maji bles and percentages and qualitative data were ana-
Zone at Aman sub town, Goh consumer cooperative lyzed through brief interpretation qualitatively.
societies. Benchi-Maji Zone is one of the zones in
SNNPR that located in south west of Addis Ababa and Results
it found in 561 Km away from Addis. Based on the
2007 census conducted by CSA this zone has a total Under this topic the researcher analyzed and inter-
population of 652,531; of whom 325348 were males preted the data that gathered from respondents through
and 329183 were women’s. The total area of this zone open ended; close ended questionnaires and semi
was estimated to 19252km2. Benchi-Maji zone popu- structured interview. In addition to this the data col-
lation density is about 33.89 while 75,241 or 11.53% lected from secondary sources were also analyzed and
are urban habitants, and the remaining are rurals. The interpreted in this chapter by using tables, percentages
six largest ethnic groups reside in the zone were the and numerically as follows;
Benchi (42.04%), the Me’en (15%), the Kafficho
(7.46%), the Amahara (6.95%), the Dizi( 6.46%) and Members and period of their membership
suri (6%); and also there are other ethnic groups made
up of 15.03% total population of these zone.

Table 1: Data of membership period

Description Periods in E.C Frequency Percentage (%)

When you have joined Goh consumer co- Since establishment 21 52.5%
operatives? In 2006 7 17.5
In 2007 12 30
Total 40 100

The above table shows that out of the total 40 respond- members in the society is increasing through its oper-
ents 21(52.5%) were joined the society in its establish- ation period.
ment and the remaining 7 (17.5%) and 12 (30%) joined
the society in 2006 and 2007 E.C respectively. From Share Contribution of members
this the researcher concludes that the numbers of
20 T. K. Deresa

Table 2: Summary of share contribution

Particular Number of shares Frequency Percentage (%)
How many shares do you have from 3 4 10
the total share of the society? 2 11 27.5
1 25 62.5
Total 40 100

Based on the information that depicted on the above have only one share out of societies total share and this
table, from total 40 respondent 25(62.5%) were own- shows that the living standards of societies members
ers of one share and the remaining 11 (27.5%) and was underdeveloped and not more depended on ser-
4(10%) were holds 2 and 3 shares respectively from vices of societies.
the total share of society. From this one can conclude
that majority of Goh consumer cooperative members Reason of membership

Table 3: Reason of being member of the society

Alternatives Frequency Percentage (%)

To get good at fair price 23 57.5
Why do you join Goh consumer coopera- To sell their own commodity 5 12.5
tives? to the society
To avoid exploitation of mid- 12 30
dle men
Total 40 100

Table 3 reveals that out of 40 respondents 23(57.5%) that the main targets of peoples when joining to this
were responded that they joined the society to get cooperative society is to get goods at fair price and the
goods at fair price and the remaining 30% and 12.5% remaining benefits comes due to this case. Then based
of the respondents were joined to avoid the exploita- on this data Goh consumer cooperatives has contribu-
tion of middle man, private traders and to sell the com- tion in stabilizing the price goods in market.
modities to society respectively. Therefore, depending
on the response of societies the researcher conclude Users and members satisfaction

Table 4: Summary of member satisfactions

Item After you have joined this coopera- Alternatives Frequency Percentage ( %)
1 tive society do you get service you as yes 16 40%
you expect from the society? No 24 60%
Total 40 100
2 Do you satisfied with the services of Description Frequency Percentage (%)
your coop? Very satisfied 5 12.5
Satisfied 13 32.5
Moderate 18 45
Unsatisfied at all 4 10
Total 40 100

As it’s depicted on the table 4 above 12% of the re- satisfied with provision goods in the society. Gener-
spondents were satisfied by the supply of goods qual- ally researcher concludes that 90% of members were
ity supply at time and etc in different levels of satis- satisfied with society’s service according to their
faction i.e. very satisfied, satisfied, moderate and this needs and capacity of the society. Because they can get
idea were supported by 12.5%;32.5%,45%, respec- the product at fair price when compared to other mar-
tively. The remaining 10% of the respondents were not ket, they get supply of consumption goods at a given
time, relatively high quality, continuity of supply and
International Journal of Cooperative Studies 21

save members and non members from exploitation of Kind of commodity the society supply
private traders.

Table 5: Summary of available commodity

Products Frequency Percentage (%)
What kind of goods you get from this society? Sugar 10 25
Grain 4 10
Oil 12 30
Others 14 35
Total 40 100

On the above table 5 the researcher depicted the data the researcher conclude that the society highly provide
that gathered from respondents numerically as 25% of sugar, oil, and grain to users and members at fair price.
respondents answered they get sugar, 10% are get
grain, 30%get oil and the remaining 35% purchase Purchasing frequency of respondents
other products (macaroni, paper, soap, etc.). From this

Table 6: Summary of users purchasing frequency

Description Alternatives Frequency Percentage (%)

How often do you purchase goods from this coop- Always 13 32.5
erative society? Rarely 9 22.5
Sometimes 18 45
Total 40 100

This table shows as that out of total 40 respondents of cooperatives such as from private shops. This indi-
about 32% were purchase goods always, 22.5% rarely cates that low level of purchasing frequency also affect
and 45% purchase sometimes. Considering this illus- the society’s contribution to stabilize price of goods in
tration the researcher concludes that members of Goh market.
consumer cooperatives society purchase goods some-
times. Because the income of users and members not The living standards of members after the join co-
permanent seasonal and also users purchase goods out operatives

Table 7: Member’s living standards after membership

Do you think your living standard improved Alternatives Frequency Percentage (%)
after you join Goh cooperative society?
Yes 32 80
No 8 20
Total 40 100

As we have seen from the above table 7, out of 40 re- that Goh consumer cooperatives play role on improv-
spondents 32(80%) were responded ‘Yes’ and the re- ing living standard of community and members as well
maining 8(20%) responded ‘No’. From this one can as in stabilizing price of commodity in market.
conclude that the living standard of Goh cooperatives
society members improved after they joined the soci- Comparison of selling price of consumer coopera-
ety through its services and it create job opportunities tives and private traders
,increase income for members ,and also for non mem-
bers provide goods at comparative price. This indicate
22 T. K. Deresa

Table 8: Consumer cooperative selling price

Description Alternatives Frequency Percentage (%)

Does a consumer cooperative sell goods at fair price Yes 40 100
with regard to private traders? No 0 0
Total 40 100

As we can understand from the above table whole re- Comparison between selling price of Goh con-
spondents responded that society sell goods at fair sumer cooperatives with other private sectors for
price regarding to private traders. selected commodities

Table 9: Price comparison of some selected items

Types of items Unit per cost Price Difference

Cooperatives Private market
Unit Price Unit Price In price
Packed food oil 3 liter 75 birr 3 liter 80-85 5-10 birr
Sugar flavor 1 Kg 18 birr 1 Kg 25 birr 7 birr
Macaroni 1 Kg 17 birr 1 Kg 18 birr 1 birr
‘Misir’ 1 Kg 30 birr 1Kg 32 birr 2 birr
Soap 1 Soap 9 birr 1 Soap 10 birr 1 birr

On the above table 9, the researcher provided the real the prices of the goods in Goh consumer cooperative
price comparison between the two. As it shows that society were relatively fair and reasonable to purchase
packed food oil is sold in birr 75 for litters in Goh con- consumption goods. Because the objective of Goh
sumer cooperative society while it sold for 80-85 birr consumer cooperative is not to maximize profit but
for 3 liters in private market, as one can understand they serve society with reasonable price. Based on the
from this amounted price, there were from 5-10 birr information gathered and analyzed above, the one can
difference between the price of the two. Also other decide on the price of goods in Goh consumer cooper-
goods that mentioned in above or out of those men- ative society were fair and has major contribution to
tioned that exist in the society sold comparatively stabilize market price of goods.
lower price when compared with other private sectors.
According to the survey data illustrated on the table, Consumer cooperatives selling price

Table 10: Reason of cooperatives to sell their product at fair price

Why do Goh consumer cooperatives Reasoning of respondents Frequency Percentage (%)

sell product at fair price? Because of its own aim/goal 14 35
To solve the problems of members(commu- 21 52.5
To get support from government 5 12.5
Total 40 100

Table 10 shows that 35% of respondents said that they man at fair price on the time of need and in the area
sell their products at fair price due to its own aim, that they required more the products. Generally the
52.5%responded that to solve the problems of mem- primary objective of cooperative society is to solve the
bers and the remaining 12.5% said that in order to get problem of members and non members.
support from government. Based on the respondents
answer the researcher conclude that societies through Favorability of price of goods to users
providing products without involvement of middle
International Journal of Cooperative Studies 23

Table 11: Summary of user’s perception on price of goods

Do you think the price of goods charged by cooperative Alternatives Frequency Percentage (%)
is favorable to users and reasonable?
Yes 37 92.5
No 3 7.5
Total 40 100

Table 11 shows that 92.5% of respondents answered in Goh cooperative society was reasonable when com-
price changed by cooperative is favorable to users pared with private traders because the price of prod-
while only 3(7.5%) responded ‘’No’’. From this re- ucts reduced at least 0.50 cents on each goods when
sponse of selected respondents, the researcher gener- compared with private soaps. From those both re-
alizes that price of goods changed by Goh consumer sponses of user and manger the researcher conclude
cooperative society is favorable to users. According to that price of goods in goods consumer cooperative so-
data collected through interviewing the manager to the ciety is reasonable as well as favorable to users.
society about the reasonability of price changes by co-
operative to goods he responded that, price commodity Factors affecting pricing process of society

Table 12: Factors affect price setting process of society

Factors Frequency Percentages (%)

External factors (competitors) 10 25
Internal factors 7 17.5
Government regulation 5 12.5
Both external and internal 18 45
Total 40 100

As depicted on the table 12, majority respondents 45% may affect pricing policy were; low level supply of
responded that both external and internal factors affect goods of seasonal fluctuation of supply, problem fi-
pricing process of the society, 25% of respondents an- nance and etc. externals were competitors from private
swered external factors, and the remaining 17.5% and business sector.
12.5% said that internal and government regulation re-
spectively. When these tabulated idea of respondents Interview data analysis
concluded to the general existing situation of society;
the pricing policy of society was affected by both ex- What types of pricing policy your society use
ternal and internal factors. In this internal factors that

Table 13: Pricing policy of society

Description Frequency Percentage (%)
Market approach
Cost approach √ 100%

Manger responded that Goh consumer cooperatives Manger answered ‘Yes’ for this question because our
use cost approach to price their products. Because the societies base to pricing good is not the market price
main objectives of society is to serve society by and it lower than market price goods with the same
providing consumption good at fair price rather than quality at least by 0.50 cents. So we can conclude that
collecting capital /profit by exploiting users. From this the society’s price of good is reasonable.
one can conclude that the base for pricing of goods for
Do you think this cooperative society contribute to
Goh consumer cooperatives is cost based that do not
price stabilization
consider the existing market price changed by private
traders for goods in the existing area.
For this question manger Mr. Tilahun responded that
‘Yes’ but there are some problems that restrict socie-
Do you think price charged by your society is rea-
ties ability to contribute for price stability in the mar-
ket i.e. scarcity of commodity in society, fluctuation of
24 T. K. Deresa

supply of products, lack of enough capital to purchase are a lot of challenges which affect the normal opera-
at good season of production season, lack of awareness tion of this society; among these external pressure by
about in market center and customer’s low level un- private traders, shortage of commodity in the market
derstanding about cooperative societies and it contri- and price fluctuation.
bution to the livelihood of society. Rather this prob-
lems restriction Goh consumer cooperative society has Recommendations
major contribution in stabilizing price of product in
market. From this, researcher conclude that the society Based on the fact of discussion in the last chapter four,
contribute to price stability even there was hindering the researcher forwarded some recommendation that
factors for their contribution. will help the society to improve their activity and
achieve their objectives effectively. According to the
Conclusion finding of the study the society has significant role in
stabilizing price in the market. Even though they are
Consumer cooperatives are very significant in stabiliz- playing crucial role in society’s economy and provi-
ing the price of goods in today’s markets and accord- sion consumption goods to society at reasonable prices
ing the study finding Goh consumer cooperative soci- the societies suffer from different problems that hinder
ety is one which is playing crucial role in price stabili- their activity. So, the researcher has forwarded the fol-
zation in the study area. As the study finding shows lowing suggestions and recommendation for society to
that Goh consumer cooperative is supposing goods as deal with those problems and achieve their objectives.
fair price for the society and also for the members as The researcher’s recommendations are;-
57.5% of respondents responded; and the society more • Goh consumer cooperative society should have
focuses on supplying sugar as 32.5% of respondents to create relation with other cooperatives like
responded and next to this Goh consumer cooperative producer cooperative and SACCO to avoid the
society is delivering oil as 30% of respondents re- problems related with shortage of goods and fi-
sponded. nance.
Regarding to the improvement of the living stand- • Government and cooperative promotion union
ard of members of the society after they join this co- should have to give training, technical assistance
operatives, accordingly 80% of respondents responded and cooperative education to societies to im-
that majority of the members have improved their liv- prove overall activities.
ing standard after joining this society by getting good • Benchi-Maji Zone cooperative promotion bu-
at reasonable prices, in getting dividend to increase reau should work with marketing office and co-
their income, in getting education and this shows that operatives in collaboration to create awareness
Goh consumer cooperatives society is playing crucial about cooperatives to the community.
role in improving member’s living standard. • The society should pay special attention on the
In addition, the respondents were compared the quality of supply and their relative price to sat-
price charged by Goh society and other private traders isfy society and consumers effectively rather
on the same goods or items. Accordingly, majority of than competing with private markets.
the re respondents responded as Goh consumer coop-
eratives society has been selling goods at fair price References
when they compare with private sectors, this is be-
cause to solve the problems of members as well as the Hajala (2000) Cooperation Principles problems and practice
community. ,6th edition.
As the to the factors which affect the setting mar- J.Vaan Dooren (2001) Cooperative for developing countries
ket price by Goha consumer cooperatives society; the Kottler. P (2003) Marketing Management Delhi, India.
majority of respondents ( 45%) responded that exter- Soon .Young Jung (2006) Guide book on developing
nal and internal factors affect the price setting process women’s entrepreneurship among agricultural cooper-
atives in Asian and pacific country.
of the society. Among these factors scarcity of com-
Survey data 2014, Members, users and manger of Goh con-
modity is the most dominant internal factors that af- sumer cooperatives (unpublished).
fected the society’s price setting process. Regarding Veer kumara (2003) Cooperative theory and practice,
to pricing policy, the society currently use cost ap- Mekelle University.
proaches as the 100% of the respondents responded. Wikipedia (2017) Consumers' co-operative
Generally, Goh consumer cooperatives society is http//www.wiki.consumer cooperatives
providing significant benefits for the members as well Eatpank (2017) http://www.eestipank.ee/
as non members/communities of the study area by im- European Central Bank (2017) www.ecb. eu-
proving the living standard of society. However, there ropa.reul..Index.en html.

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