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Ref No: AAI/VNS/AGM(E-E)/Gem/e-NIT-12/2023-24 Date 20.10.

(Gem ID: GEM/2023/B/4107219)

1. Item rate e-tenders are invited through the e-tendering Gem portal by Asst. General
Manager (E-E), Airports Authority of India, LBSI Airport, Varanasi -221006 (Bid Manager) on
behalf of Chairman, AAI from the eligible contractors for the work of “Replacement of
LED fittings at LBSI Airport Varanasi” at an estimated cost of Rs. 54,22,448.00
(including GST) with completion period of 03 (Three) Months.
The bidding process is online at GeM portal URL address https://gem.gov.in. Prospective
Bidders may download and go through the bid document. The tenders will not be accepted
in any other form.
2. Following are critical data/schedule for processing bid online at GeM Portal by the bidders:


Bid Document Download/Sale Start Date As per GeM
Clarification Start Date As per GeM
Clarification End Date As per GeM
Bid Submission End Date As per GeM
Bid Opening Date (Envelope-I) As per GeM
Bid Opening Date (Envelope-II) Will be intimated on GeM Portal.
Tender Processing Fee Rs. 1180 (i/c GST), non-refundable will be
accepted online via Net Banking/Mobile
Banking via bank deposit at any of the bank
branches, in favour of Airports Authority of
India, SBI A/c No. 30141204943 (IFSC
Code- SBIN0002512), Branch - Air cargo
Complex, Babatpur, Varanasi.
Earnest Money Deposit. EMD amounting to Rs. 1,08,449.00 will be
accepted online via Net Banking/Mobile
Banking via bank deposit at any of the bank
branches, in favour of Airports Authority of
India, SBI A/c No. 30141204943 (IFSC Code-
SBIN0002512). Branch - Air cargo Complex,
Babatpur, Varanasi.

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Any amendment or corrigendum to the tender document will be posted on GeM Portal only.
As the tendering process is online on GeM portal, it is bidders’ responsibility to check for
any amendment/corrigendum on GeM Portal before submitting the bid online on GeM
portal. Also, the bidders are advised to get themselves acquainted with the e-tendering
process on GeM portal which requires registration at GeM portal, obtain ‘User ID’ &
‘Password’ and go through the ‘Bid for Services-Service Provider side’ available in the home
page after login to the GeM portal http://gem.gov.in.
GeM portal –procurement system shall not allow bidders to submit their tender, after the
scheduled date and time. Bidders shall submit tender before the schedule deadline specified
in GeM bid document or the extended deadline notified by issue of corrigendum, as the
case may be.

The non-refundable tender processing fee & Earnest Money will be required to be paid
online via Net Banking/Mobile Banking via bank deposit at any of the bank branches, in
favour of Airports Authority of India SBI A/c No. 30141204943 (IFSC Code-
SBIN0002512), Branch - Air cargo Complex, Babatpur, Varanasi and the proof of the same
has to be submitted on GeM Portal. No Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee/FDR would be
accepted in this regard. EMD deposit made by the bidders would be refunded directly in
their respective bank accounts of all except the successful bidder to whom the contract is
awarded. Scanned copy of cancelled cheque or scanned signed copy of bank details needs
to be submitted for refund.
Envelope-I (Tender processing fee, EMD, Technical Bid and Pre-qualification): Bid
Containing following:
(A) Technical Bid containing the following:

(i) Scanned copy of Tender Acceptance Letter on Bidder Letter head. (As per Annexure-
(ii) Scanned copy of Permanents Account Number (PAN) and GST Registration Number.
(iii) Scanned copy of 'Undertaking' regarding Blacklisting/Debarment on Bidder’s letter
head (as per Annexure-II/page-17).
(iv) Scanned copy of Form-A-details of similar works completed during last seven years
with completion certificate issued by client (as per Form-A/page-12).
(v) Scanned copy of Form-B-Financial Information (as per Form-B/page-13)and clause 13
of eNIT.
(vi) Scanned copy of Form-C-Net Worth (as per Form-C/page-14)and clause 13 of eNIT.
(vii) Bidder other than propriety firm shall submit, scanned copy of Authorization
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Letter/Power of Attorney along with copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the
Company under Companies Act showing CIN/LLPIN/Name of Directors of the
Company & Copy of Board Resolution regarding Authority to assign Power of
Proprietary firm shall submit scanned copy of Authorization Letter/Power of
Attorney only if the tender is processed by a person other than proprietor.
(viii) PQ Performa duly filled.
(ix) Technical compliance data sheet to be filled by the bidder.
(x) Scanned copy of details of payment made towards Tender Processing Fee & EMD
shall be uploaded in Gem Portal.
(xi) Scanned copy of canceled cheque and scanned signed copy of Bank details for
refund of EMD to unsuccessful bidders (Annexure-IVpage-19).
FIRM(As per Annexure-V/Page-20-21) and all other related documents required as
per clause 2, Note-4 e-NIT page – 5 & 6 below.
(B) Qualifying requirements of contractor / tenderers containing the following:
(C) Should have satisfactorily completed (# Phase/Part completion of the scope of work
in a contract shall not be considered, however pre-determined phasing of the work
will be accepted) three works, each of Rs. 21,68,979.00 or two works, each of Rs.
27,11,224.00 or one work of Rs. 43,37,958.00 in single contract of similar nature of
“Supply of LED fittings” during last seven years ending on last day of month previous
to the one in which tender are invited.
The details of similar works completed during last seven years to be submitted in the
given format-Form-A with supporting documents issued by client.

1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre-GST era; Completion amount
will be divided by 1.12 (to exclude pre-GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era.

2. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is

acceptable in the following conditions:
a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.
(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.

3. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertise & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e., main
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contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and
specialized agency for specialized work(s) from the main contractor.
In this situation, the experience certificate of either specialized agency or main
agency having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually executed the
specialized work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in
similar specialized nature of work(s).
“The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of
completion to the last date of submission of bid.
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of
work done, date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of
completion and satisfactory completion of work. Tenderers showing work
experience certificate from non-government/non-PSU organizations should submit
copy of tax deduction at sources (TDS) certificate along with a certificate issued by
registered Chartered Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work, total
payment received against work and TDS amount for the work.

(i) Should have annualized average financial turnover of Rs. 16,26,734.00 on

construction works during last three years ending 31st March of the previous
financial year. The financial information shall be submitted in the given format-Form-
B. Tenderer showing continuous losses for the last three years in the balance sheet
shall be summarily rejected. Tenderer as a proof, shall submit copy of Abridged
Balance Sheet along with Profit and Loss Account Statement of the firm in line with
clause 13.

(ii) The tenderer should have minimum net worth of Rs. 8,13,367.00 issued by certified
Chartered Accountant. The certificate should be submitted in the given format-
Form-C. (page-15) and in line with clause 13.

4. If any foreign / Indian subsidiary company / firm of foreign / Indian principal

company / firm, having functioning in the relevant field, participates in the tendering
process and claims the experience in specific field of another foreign / Indian
subsidiary company / firm of the same foreign / Indian principal company / firm or
on the basis of experience of foreign / Indian principal company / firm, the bidding
foreign / Indian subsidiary company / firm on the basis of such experience shall be
qualified and considered for further evaluation in the tendering process subject to
submission of :

i) Documentary evidence which proves that both the foreign / Indian companies /
firms are indeed 100% wholly owned subsidiaries or branch of the same foreign /
Indian principal company / firm.

ii) An undertaking from the foreign / Indian principal company / firm that they will
provide all required technical support, technical know-how and will take full
responsibility and liability of bidding foreign / Indian subsidiary company / firm or
branch till the successful completion of project including defects liability / warrantee
/ guarantee period as per Annexure - V.

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iii) Balance sheet showing equity holdings or certificate by the company Chartered
Accountant / Auditor of foreign / Indian principal company / firm showing equity
holding patterns between the foreign / Indian principal company / firm and their
wholly owned foreign / Indian subsidiary companies / firms or a duly notarized
certificate by the foreign / Indian principal company / firm that company(ies) / firm
(s) are their wholly owned subsidiary(ies) / branch(es) and subsidiary company /
branch may be allowed to participate in the AAI tender.

iv) Consolidated Audited Balance Sheet of foreign / Indian Principal company / firm.

v) Foreign / Indian principal company / firm shall also undertake that the said work
experience credentials have not been used by any of their other foreign / Indian
subsidiary company / firm or by them, i.e., the principal company / firm itself for the
same tender.

vi) In case above statement / undertaking under above para (v) is found violated, the
application of company / firm tenderer, who had submitted the work experience
credentials of other foreign / Indian subsidiary / principal company / firm along with
required undertaking from their foreign / Indian principal company / firm (as per
Annexure-V/page-22-23). as well as the applications of the foreign / Indian principal
company / firm & it's other foreign / Indian subsidiary(ies) for the same tender shall
be summarily rejected and their entire EMD amounts shall be forfeited.

Scanned copy of all the Document of Envelope-I mentioned above shall be submitted on
the GEM portal.
Envelope-II: - (Financial Bid): TheFinancial e-Bid through Gem Portal.
All rates shall be quoted in the format provided on GeM portal and no other format is
acceptable. Bidders are required to submit their quoted rates on the GEM portal or via
downloading, filling and submitting the excel BOQ bid on GeM portal as per applicability on
GEM portal. The BOQ bid shall be submitted only on GeM portal and no other means shall
be accepted.
3. Refund of EMD:
EMD amount of the rejected bidders will be refunded to their account as per the submitted
bank details after submission of Technical/Financial evaluation report on Gem Portal by bid
4. Bid Submission:
The tenderer shall submit their application only at Gem Portal: https://gem.gov.in
Tenderer/Contractor are advised to follow the instruction provided in the tender document
for online submission of bids. Tenderers are required to upload the scanned documents as
per Para2. Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which
helps in reducing size of the scanned document.
Uploading of application in location other than specified above shall not be considered.
Hard copy of application shall not be entertained.
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5. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderers having business
relationship. Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who
have business relationship with one another (i.e., when one or more partner(s)/director(s)
are common) be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach
of this condition will render the tenders of both parties liable to rejection.
6. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Gem Portal website https://gem.gov.in,
shall not tamper/modify the tender form including downloaded price bid template in any
manner. In case if the same is found to be tampered / modified in any manner, tender will
be completely rejected and EMD would be forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned
from doing business with AAI.
7. Bids Opening Process is as below:
Envelope-I: (Technical bid and Pre-qualification):
Envelope-I containing document as per Para 2(A) and (B) (uploaded by the tenderers) shall
be opened online through GeM Portal as per schedule of the Bid or as per intimation of Bid
Opening Date and time to the bidders.
If the bidder has any query related to the Bid Document of the work, they should use ‘Seek
Clarification’ on GEM portal to seek clarifications. No other means of communication in this
regard shall be entertained.
If any clarification is needed from the tenderer about the deficiency in his uploaded
documents in Envelope-I, he will be asked to provide it through Gem Portal, if required. The
tenderer shall upload the requisite clarification/documents within time specified by AAI,
failing which it shall be presumed that bidder does not have anything to submit and bid shall
be evaluated accordingly.
The intimation regarding acceptance/rejection of their bid will be intimated to the tenderers
through Gem Portal.
Envelope-II: (Financial Bid):
Envelope-II containing financial bid of the tenderers found to be meeting the technical
criteria and qualifying requirements shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL
DATA SHEET. (In case the date and time for opening of Envelope-II (Financial Bid) is
required to be changed, the same shall be intimated through Gem Portal).
8. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any
reasons. AAI also reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning
any reason.
9. AAI reserves the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at ongoing
project(s) is below par and unusually poor and has been issued letter of restrain /
Temporary /Permanent debarment/black listing by any department of AAI or Central/State
Govt. Depts./PSUs/World Bank/ ADB etc. AAI reserves the right to verify the credential
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submitted by the tenderer at any stage (before or after the award of the work). If at any
stage, any information / documents submitted by the applicant is found to be incorrect /
false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the tenderer then AAI shall take the
following action:
a) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the tenderer.
b) The tenderer shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, including termination of
the contract apart from any other appropriate contractual/legal action.
10. Consortium /JV companies shall not be permitted.
11. Purchase preference to Central Public sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the
directive of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
12. Concessions to Indian Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units registered with
DIC/NSIC/KVIC/KVIB/Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom etc., to be given as per the
provisions of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order 2012 with up-to-date amendments,
shall be applicable for tenders of supply/services and shall not be extended to construction
13. Tenderers have to submit Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated
documents like Balance Sheet/Turnover certificate, Working Capital Certificate (works done
during last 5 financial years & works in hand), Net worth Certificate, Tax Deduction at
Source (TDS) Certificate for Non-Govt. works etc. as per NIT conditions duly certified by CA
and having UDIN. The documents submitted by bidders without UDIN shall not be

Asst. General Manager (E-E)

AAI, LBSI Airport, Varanasi
For & on behalf of Chairman, AAI

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