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Lee Milteer's Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program by Lee Milteer

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Lee Milteer’s Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program

Abundance is a Mindset
By Lee Milteer
IV. Prosperity Consciousness

Dear Millionaire Smarts® Member:

I want to remind you that you always have to pay attention to the amount of “prosperity consciousness”
you are building in your life. Increasing the level of awareness about your ability to create prosperity
enables you to create more self-confidence, self-trust, and self-esteem. These new empowering traits
will help you generate and create wealth and financial security.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Ralph Waldo Emerson and he described prosperity as the
law of compensation whereby like attracts like, meaning what you radiate out in your thoughts, feelings,
mental pictures, and words, you also attract into your life. Your beliefs about money will determine how
you relate to it and how you spend it. If you see the world as having unlimited resources, which it does,
then you tend to feel more relaxed about money. You know you can earn it or attract it whenever you
need it, if you’re willing to do whatever it takes.

Conversely, if you think you can only receive money by working extremely hard, through toil and sweat,
then that is exactly what you’ll end up doing. Why not make life a little easier for ourselves? Why
exhaust ourselves with so much toil and sweat when we could apply our mental capacities and achieve
even more?

Great spiritual teachers have taught us over history that we can learn to
create our destiny through our thoughts. We can use our thought energy
rather than physical effort to produce results that go beyond anything you
will be able to create with just physical effort alone.

Folks, it is a truth in life that you have to accept that you must open your
mind to the perspective that creating wealth and abundance has a lot to do
with internal decisions and external knowledge, and little to do with the state
of the national economy. We must rise above the popular belief that it is
necessary to be affected by the economy. Abundance is a mindset, not an
external condition that controls your destiny. You can claim the abundance
you so richly deserve because there are no limits to what we can create
with these unlimited resources around us.

How many times have you thought to yourself: If I only had more money, all my problems would be
solved? In truth, money usually has very little to do with your personal level of happiness. In and of
itself, money possesses no value. As Tony Robbins used to say, “Money is just small green paper with
dead notables on it.” It’s not the money! It’s how you use it that determines its true worth.

Pay close attention: it is very important to realize money for what it really is, which is just a tool, no
more and no less. Money is simply a symbol of energy. Just as your lights turn on when you hit the
electric switch, just as your car gets you from one location to another, money is simply a financial tool
that, when used correctly, can assist you in reaching your goals.

Stuart Wilde said in his book, The Trick to Money is Having Some! “Abundance will never be a factor of
how much money one has. Rather, it is always a factor of how one feels about what money one does
You must start to take action to create whatever you want out of life. The real truth is You Build Your
Own Wealth by Your Actions. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to build your confidence by simply
taking small steps in the direction of your goals. Try something new every single day. It’s very
interesting to note that changing just a few small actions or habits in your life will compound itself. In a
few months, these changes can produce dramatic results in your professional and personal life.

If there was ever a real secret of life, it would be that you must focus on
what you want to occur in your life instead of what you don’t want to
occur. Whatever you focus on is what you will get–energy follows
thought. Pay attention to this one folks! I have said this before but it bears
repeating so you can remember: the more you focus on being poor, the
poorer you will become. The more you focus on, picture, and talk about
abundance, the more you will do to get it. Further, by keeping your mind
filled with thoughts of abundance, the more all elements of abundance are
attracted to you.

To attract great prosperity into your life you must pay attention to the quality of information you put into
your computer, your brain. It truly is your success mechanism. For a strong prosperity consciousness,
pay even closer attention to your self-talk, because it is your self-talk that guides you to live in poverty
consciousness or prosperity consciousness. The decision is up to you. Your success depends on the
caliber of information you allow in your environment.

Your success and your future success will depend on your inner self-talk as well as your spoken word.
You must be aware of what you are saying to yourself and others. You must also replace those
thoughts that do not serve you. When you say things like “I don’t have enough money,” replace that
with “I have an abundance of money.” Our positive thoughts are more powerful than our negative ones,
so remember that you can reprogram your mind-computer with your thoughts. Use the supporting
statements called affirmations. They can serve and help you create your own destiny since you are the
controller of your wealth through your thoughts.

Obviously your intention is to create abundance and the prosperity to obtain the things you want in your
life. By using affirmations you will actually be reprogramming your subconscious mind to accept these
new thoughts as reality. As you imprint this information on your mind, it begins to create changes in
your life to match this new inner reality.

Your goal is to focus on the new reality you want to create for yourself. Take on the spirit of creating
something new rather than changing or resisting what is now. You do have the power to create a new
destiny for yourself by giving yourself permission to go for what you want. Whatever we think about
ourselves and our abilities on a consistent basis will determine how successful and prosperous we

Take Charge of Your Internal Self Talk

Here are some examples of self-talk statements called affirmations that you can use to make you feel
more abundant and wealthy. Try to use your affirmations many times per day with as much emotion as
possible to imprint them on your mind-computer. For example, say them first thing in the morning and
just before you start your day. As you are going from one appointment to the next, cut off your radio
and simply say your affirmations with as much gusto as possible. Notice how good you feel when you
walk into that next appointment. They will feel your good vibrations! Hey, don’t take my word for it
about the power of this technique, just give it a try.

Plant Seeds for Success with Abundance Mindset Thoughts
I am in this world to experience and enjoy success.
I have every natural right to be wealthy and successful.
I am confident of my talent to create success.
I am enthusiastic and confident.
I choose to be prosperous.
I love myself more and more daily.
I have the energy, resources and time to be successful and prosperous.
I am more intelligent every day, in every way.
I think of new creative ways to attract money.
I am powerful and confident and that attracts to me the right people and the right situations.
I am willing to be powerful and successful.
I have valuable contributions.
I reinforce my successes as I correct my errors.

Enjoy Your Successes

If we really face life and look back on what we have been able to accomplish in the past, we are already
successful. You already have knowledge, experience, people who love you, and the freedom to make
choices that serve you. It’s time for you to recognize your own unlimited opportunities. Start to catch
yourself doing things right and congratulate yourself often. Begin to appreciate yourself and count your

Isn’t it interesting how most people look ahead to the next mountain peak in life, without ever taking the
time to appreciate the heights they just conquered? Salespeople are famous for only enjoying their
sales successes for a few minutes. When you have a successful day you should celebrate! Get into
the habit of celebrating life whenever possible. When you celebrate
your successes you are training your subconscious mind to create
more of an awareness of success and aim you in those directions. In
support of the joy of success, your intuition will kick in and tell you to
call on a certain client, perhaps assisting you to make sales you would
not have made.

Also, be sure to look at the small things in your life that give you
pleasure, like a sunset, a great meal, playing with your children, or
reading a good book. That is the true wealth of life.

By appreciating and acknowledging your successes, you will not only enjoy them more, but you will
have more energy and confidence to create even more success, abundance, and prosperity for your
future. All of our energy will create some type of result. If we focus on remembering the feelings of
mastery in the various areas of our lives, those feelings will actually imprint on our mind-computer and
help us create success for the future. Remember, your thoughts create your beliefs, and your beliefs
create your reality.

Create a Success Evidence Book

To assist you on your journey, it is important to track your successes and acknowledge your efforts in
achieving goals. I suggest that you create a “Success Evidence Book.” The Success Evidence Book is
a tool to help you feel in control and powerful in your life. For this fun project, invest in a large,
inexpensive photo album and fill it with all your past successes, such as pictures, awards, articles about
yourself, and letters of congratulation, contest mementoes, and graphic charts of your top sales
records. This is not a “brag book” to show other people; it is a tool that is only for you. Let it remind you
of just how successful you really are.
I have found that people who review their successes before they go out to make sales calls tend to have more
sales that day. You are tuning your mind-computer to vibrational harmony with successful selling. You might want
to review your book every morning before you start making business calls to reinforce your beliefs that you have
the skills, talent, knowledge, and persistence to be successful. When you take just three to five minutes a day to
remember how great you felt when you met your goals, you guarantee that, no matter what challenges come your
way, you have the resources to handle it. After all, the evidence is right there before you in your Evidence Book!

I have personally used this technique for confidence-boosting for many years.
Even today, when I have a bad day or I have made a mistake or failed at
something, I take the time to go back over my Evidence Books. I have them
lined up in my personal office, so that any time I need a boost, I can easily pull
them out and acknowledge my hard work, my devotion, and my tenacity. There
is nothing that can give you more motivation than acknowledging the success
you’ve already enjoyed.

As a side note, since you are the role model for your children, you might want to
start a different kind of evidence book called a Victory Book for each of your
children. Every time they get a good report card or do something that they are
proud of, please take the time to record that achievement in your child’s book. This is a wonderful way to boost
their confidence. Next time your child comes home fearful about not being able to do something, you can pull out
their Victory Book and remind them how they were successful in the past.

As a business owner or a sales manager you should have all of your salespeople create one of these powerful
tools to review every workday morning to help them create a high level of confidence before they start their day.
This one tool will build self-confidence for anyone. Remember, what you focus on expands. I do want to remind
you that since money is a symbol of energy be aware if you start to lose your energy of confidence you will then
start to see the symbol of energy of money start to change. Do things daily that build your belief in yourself. You
are your best investment. Don’t let anyone or anything cause you to doubt yourself. You have always landed on
your feet and you always will!

Love yourself enough to take the time daily to invest in the information that feeds your success. It’s your best
investment. I promise!

Daily Improve your Abundance with your Thoughts and Actions!!

Work Smart,

Lee Milteer
Business and Life Strategist
P.S. How to Access the Millionaire Smarts® Membership Site: Go to www.milteer.com and put in your code for the month,
358263 at the bottom of the web page where it says COACHING SIGN IN. It will take you to the private and password
protected Millionaire Smarts® Coaching membership site.

I invite you to send feedback and requests for topics you would like to see covered to leemilteeroffice@gmail.com. We always
appreciate the opportunity to hear from our members.

Lee Milteer Inc. (757) 363-5800 Fax: (757) 363-5801

Permission granted for reprint for Lee Milteer Inc., Sponsors and their members only for personal use.
©2004-2018 Lee Milteer Inc.

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