Final Exam Summary
Final Exam Summary
Final Exam Summary
Introduction to Mineralogy
• Polymorphs have same chemical composition but different structure
• Crystal formation occurs when dissolved ionic species precipitate from a solution
• Crystals of the same mineral have the same angle between corresponding crystal faces
• Chemical classes are defined on the anion present
• Nature of bonds has a major impact on physical properties of a mineral
Mineral Properties
• Crystal form – The potential shape a mineral may attain under ideal conditions
• Habit ‐ Overall shape of a crystal, crystal fragment or aggregate of crystals
• Cleavage – Regular form of breakage along preferential planes of weakness – May not be
parallel to crystal face
• Hardness – Moh’s hardness scale from 1 to 10
• Density
• Streak
• Lustre – How light is reflected from a fresh surface
• Crystal from is characteristic for a particular mineral and is related to the coordination of
elements in complexes making up the mineral
• Anions are usually bigger than cations so anions coordinate around a central cation
• Carbonates consist of a discrete complex involving a carbon atom surrounded by three
oxygen atoms in triangular coordination
• Oxides often form via weathering near the surface of the earth
• Sulfides are sulfur atoms surrounded by metal cations
• Coordination number is the number of oxygen ions arranged around the central cation
Single chain
Bonded by cations
Each tetrahedron shares all its Felspar
oxygens – Strong bonds in all Quartz
directions – van der Waals
• Montmorillonite and smectite have a tendency to absorb water and swell, causing damage
• Plagioclase demonstrates striations due to twinning – a crystal defect due to a change in the
orientation of growth direction
• K‐feldspar demonstrates Perthite structure – an intergrowth of Na feldspar within K feldspar
due to physical segregation during fractional crystallisation, as earlier former higher
temperature feldspars start to become unstable as the magma continues to cool.
• Perthite structure is evidence for intergrowth of Na and K feldspar phases and slow cooling
Introduction to Plate Tectonics
• Apparent Polar Wandering
o Provides evidence that the continents have moved relative to on another
o Magnetic poles of the earth have apparently moved significantly through geologic
o Used to determine relative plate movements through geologic time
• Divergent Margins – Caused by mantle plumes inside the earth – Weakens the crust causing
it to break apart
• Convergent Margins
o Subduction occurs when oceanic plate rides beneath a continental plate
o Collision of continental plates produce fold mountains
• Internal heat of earth drives plate tectonics
• Linked closely to plate tectonics:
o Results in rock cycle of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
o Fold mountains
Igneous Rocks
• Igneous rocks form when molten material or magma cools and crystallizes
• Plutonic (Intrusive)
o Crystallize slowly within the crust
o Coarse grained (phaneritic)
• Volcanic (Extrusive)
o Crystallize rapidly at surface of the earth
o Fine grained (microcrystalline, aphaitic) and amorphous texture
• Felsic
o Higher concentration of SiO2
o Lighter in color
o K‐ Feldspars, Biotite, Hornblende, Quartz
• Mafic
o Lower concentration of SiO2
o Darker in color
o Plagioclase, Pyroxene, Olivine
Stability of Common Minerals under Weathering Conditions at the Earth’s Surface = Reverse of
Bowen’s Reaction Series:
1. Fe oxides 7. Biotite
2. Al oxides 8. Na‐Feldspar
3. Quartz 9. Amphibole
4. Clay minerals 10. Pyroxene
5. Muscovite 11. Ca‐feldspar
6. K‐Feldspar 12. Olivine
Metamorphic Rocks
• Metamorphic rocks form in the subsurface from pre‐existing igneous, sedimentary or
metamorphic rocks
• Environmental factors include depth, temperature, stress state and fluid composition
• Lithostatic stress (ߪଵ ൌ ߪଶ ൌ ߪଷ ) – Influences mineral stability
• Deviatoric stress (ߪଵ ߪଶ ߪଷ ) – Influences texture
• Regional metamorphism
o Takes place over large scales
o Often has well developed foliation – Forces applied in one principal direction
o Driven by heat, deformation and pressure
o Can have slaty cleavage, schistosity and gneissic banding
• Contact metamorphism
o Smaller, local scale version of regional metamorphism
o Localised and driven by heat sources
o No foliation
• Lineations are the parallel arrangement of rod‐like minerals on foliation surface
• Foliation – A planar structure produced during regional metamorphism
Foliated Non‐Foliated
Large Grain Size Quartzite
Gneiss Marble
Small Grain Size Phyllite
Slate Hornfels
• Failure is most likely to occur where foliation planes or other discontinuities in a rock mass
are more or less parallel to the excavation surface.
• Arranged in order of increasing metamorphic grade: Phyllite, schist, gneiss
• Age Dating
o 238U > 206 PB = 4.5 billion years half life
o 40K >40Ar = 1.3 billion years half life
o 14C > 14N = 5730 years half life