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Planets Move in Circles !

A Different View of Orbits

T Padmanabhan

The orbits of planets, or any other bodies moving under an

inverse square law force, can be understood with fresh
insight using the idea of velocity space. Surprisingly, a
particle moving on an ellipse or even a hyperbola still
moves on a circle in this space. Other aspects of orbits
such as conservation laws are discussed.
T Padmanabhan works at
the Inter University
Centre for Astronomy and Yes, it is true. And no, it is not the cheap trick of tilting the paper
Astrophysics (IUCAA) at to see an ellipse as a circle. The trick, as you will see, is a bit more
Pune. His research
sophisticated. It turns out that the trajectory of a particle, moving
interests are in the area of
cosmology, in particular under the attractive inverse square law force, is a circle (or part of
the formation of large a circle) in the velocity space (The high-tech name for the path in
scale structures in the velocity space is hodograph). The proof is quite straightforward.
universe, a subject on
Start with the text book result that, for particles moving under
which he has written two
books. The other area in any central force f (r) ~, the angular momentum J=r x p is
which he works is the conserved. Here r is the position vector, p is the linear
interface between gravity momentum and r is the unit vector in the direction of r. This
and quantum mechanics.
implies, among other things, that the motion is confined to the
He writes extensively for
general readers, on topics plane perpendicular to J. Let us introduce in this plane the polar
ranging over physics, coordinates (r, 8) and the cartesian coordinates {X, y). The
mathematics, and just conservation law for J implies
plain brain teasers.

= constantlr 2 == hr 2, (1)

which is equivalent to Kepler's second law, since (r 28/2) = h/2 is

the area swept by the radius vector in unit time. Newton's laws
of motion give

dv dv
m _x = fer) cos 8; m 2 =f(r) sin 8. (2)
dt dt


Di viding (2) by (1) we get The high-tech

name for the path
m dv x = fer) r2 cos e; m dvy = fer) r2 sin e . in velocity space is
de h de h hodograph.

The miracle is now in sight for the inverse square law force, for
whichf(r) r2 is a constant. For planetary motion we can set it
to fer) r2 = - GMm and write the resulting equations as

dv x -GM dv -GM.
= - cose; --L = __ Sine. (4)
de h de h

Integrating these equations, with the initial conditions Vx (e=O)

=0; Vy (8 = 0) = u, squaring and adding, we get the equation to
the hodograph:

v 2x +(vy - u + GM/h)2 = (GM/h)2 (5)

which is a circle with center at (0, u - GM/h) and radius GM/h.

So you see, planets do move in circles!

Some thought shows that the structure depends vitally on the

ratio between u and GM/h, motivating one to introduce a
quantity e by defining (u - GM/h) =e (GM/h). The geometrical
meaning of e is clear from Figure 1. If e = 0, i.e, if we had chosen
the initial conditions such that u = GM/h, then the center of the
hodograph is at the origin of the velocity space and the
magnitude of the velocity remains constant. Writing h=ur, we
get u 2 = GM/r2 leading to a circular orbit in the real space as
well. When 0 <e < 1, the origin of the velocity space is inside the
circle of the hodograph. As the particle moves the magnitude of
the velocity changes between a maximum of (1 +e) (GM/h) and
a minimum of (1-e) (GM/h). When e=l, the origin of velocity
space is at the circumference of the hodograph and the
magnitude of the velocity vanishes at this point. In this case, the
particle goes from a finite distance of closest approach, to



-~-----l~-----1-~ V'&

infinity, reaching infinity with zero speed. Clearly,e = 1 implies Figure 1 Velocity Space:
The x and y components
u2=2GM/rinitial which is just the text book condition for escape
of the velocity vector v are
velocity and a parabolic orbit.
plotted. The origin repre-
sents zero velocity, and
When e > 1, the origin of velocity space is outside the hodograph the circle gives the velocity
and Figure 2 shows the behaviour in this case. The maximum of the planet at different
velocity achieved by the particle is DB when the particle is at the times i.e it is the orbit in
point of closest approach in real space. The asymptotic velocities velocity space. The radius
vector in real space is
of the particle are DA and DC obtained by drawing the tangents
parallel to the tangent to
from D to the circle. From the figure it is clear that sin ~ = e- 1• this circle, because chan-
During the unbound motion of the particle, the velocity vector ges in velocity are parallel
traverses the part ABC. It is circles all the way! (Incidentally, can to the force which is
you find a physical situation in which the minor arc AC could be central. The angle e turned
meaningful ?) by the tangent is thus the
same as that turned by the
radius vector. Real space
Gi ven the veloci ties, it is quite easy to get the real space tra jectories.
orbit at top right.
Knowing Vx (9) and Vy (9) from (4) one can find the kinetic
energy as a function of 9 and equate it to (E+GMm/r), thereby
recovering the conic sections. Except that, there is a more elegant
way of doing it.



There is a theorem proved by Newton through (rather than in) Figure 2 Velocity space
representation of a
Principia, which states that 'anything that can be done by
hyperbolic orbit. Note that
calculus can be done by geometry' and our problem is no
the origin is now outside
exception. The geometrical derivation is quite simple: In a small the circle. Only the arc ABC
time interval ot, the magnitude of the velocity changes by ~V= is traversed. OB is the
f (GM/r2) ot according to Newton's law. The angle changes by maximum velocity, attain-
~e = (h/r2) ot from the conservation of angular momentum. ed at closest approach, 2cp
is the angle of scattering.
Dividing the two relations, we get
Real space orbit shown at
~Ivl = GM (6)
~e h

But in velocity space ~V is the arc length and ~eis the angle of
turn and if the ratio between the two is a constant, then the curve
is a circle. So there you are.

To get the real space trajectory from the hodograph, we could

reason as follows: Consider the transverse velocity v T at any
instant. This is clearly the component perpendicular to the
instantaneous radius vector. But in the central force problem,
the velocity change ~V is parallel to the radius vector. So v T is
also perpendicular to .i\v; or in other words, the v T must be the

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,AAnAA,_ _ _ _ _ __ _
RESONANCE I September1996 v V VVV v 37

component of velocity parallel to the radius vector in the velocity There is a theorem
space. Voila! From Figure 1, it is just proved by Newton
through (rather
GM GM GM h than in) Principia,
vT =- h + - h e cos 9 = -
(1 +e cos 9) = -r (7)
which states that
'anything that can
with the last relation following from the definition of angular be done by
momentum. One immediately sees the old friend - the conic calculus can be
section - with a latus rectum of l=h 2/GM and eccentricity of e done by geometry'
(Good we didn't denote the ratio between (u - GM/h) and (GM/h)
by k or something!).

The elegance of geometry over calculus in the above analysis (or

anywhere for that matter, though lots of people disagree) is a bit
fake with calculus entering through the back door. But even with 1 This is a space obtained by
combining the three
calculus, the more general way to think about the Kepler problem
coordinates xyz with three
is as follows. For any time-independent central force, we have momentum components mv)(,
constancy of energy E and angular momentum J. Originally, a mv)" m vz . This is a good way of
particle moving in 3 space dimensions has a phase space l which describing the current state of
the system. since one can use
is 6 dimensional. Conservation of the four quantities (E,Jx ' Jy'
this information to predict the
Jz) confines the motion to a region of 6 - 4 =2 dimensions. The future.
projection of the trajectory onto the xy-plane will, in general, fill


As w£'IlE IN oRBIT IN ~E



a two-dimensional region of space. That is, the orbit should fill a finite
region of the space in this plane, if there are no other conserved
quantities. But we are always taught that the bound motion is an ellipse
in the xy-plane, which is an one-dimensional curve. So, there must
exist yet another conserved quantity for the inverse square law force
which keeps the planet in one dimension rather than two. And indeed
there is, which provides a really nice way of solving the Kepler pro blem.

To discover this last constant, consider the time derivative of the

quantity p x J in any central force f(r) r. With a little bit of algebra, you
can show that

- (px J) =- mf(r)r2 ~ (8)
dt dt

The miracle of inverse square force is again in sight: When

f (r)r2 = constant =- GMm, we find that the vector

GMm 2
A=pxJ---r (9)

is conserved. But we needed only one more constant of motion, now we

have got three which will prevent the particle from moving at all! No,
it is not an overkill; one can easily show that A satisfies the following

A2 = 2 mp E + (GMm) 2; A· J = O. (10)

The first one tells you that the magnitude of A is fixed in terms of
other constants of motion and so is not independent; and the second
shows that A lies in the orbital plane. These two constraints reduce the
number of independent constants in A from 3 to 1, exactly what we
needed. It is this extra constant that keeps the planet on a sensible orbit
(i.e. a closed curve!). To find that orbit, we only have to take the dot
product of (9) with the radius vector r and use the identity r' (p X
J) = J. ( r x p) = p. This gives

I September1996

Stepping into Kepler's shoes

You must have read that Kepler analysed the astronomical data of Tycho Brahe and arrived at his laws
of planetary motion. Ever wondered how exactly he went about it? Remember that the observations are
made from the Earth which itself moves with an unknown trajectory! Suppose you were given the
angular positions of all the major astronomical objects over a long period of time, obtained from some
fixed location on Earth. This is roughly what Kepler had. How will you go about devising an algorithm
that will let you find the trajectories of the planets? Think about it!

A.r =Ar cos e = ] 2 - GMm 2 r (11)

or, in more familiar form,


As a bonus we see that A is in the direction of the major axis of

the ellipse. One can also verify that the offset of the centre in the
hodograph, (GM/h) e, is equal to (A/h). Thus A also has a geo-
metrical interpretation in the velocity space. It all goes to show
how special the inverse square law force is! If we add a component
1Ir3 to the force, (which can arise if the central body is not a
sphere) ] andE are still conserved but not A. If the inverse cube
perturbation is small, it will make the direction of A slowly
Address for Correspondence change in space and we get a 'precessing' ellipse.
T Padmanabhan
Inter-University Centre for Suggested Reading
Astronomy and AstrophYSiCS
Post Bag No.4, Ganeshkhind • Sommerfeld A. Lectures on Theoretical Physics. Mechanics. Academic
Press. YoU, p.40
Pune 411 007, India
• Rana N C and Joag P S. Classical Mechanics. Tata McGraw Hill. p.140

Poisson Mathematics
That Poisson liked teaching can be seen from his own words: -Life is made
beautiful by two things - studing mathematics and teaching W. ( From:
The Malhemalicallnlelligencer.VoI.l7.No.1. 1995 )


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