Hodograph: A Useful Geometrical Tool For Solving Some Difficult Problems in Dynamics
Hodograph: A Useful Geometrical Tool For Solving Some Difficult Problems in Dynamics
Hodograph: A Useful Geometrical Tool For Solving Some Difficult Problems in Dynamics
problems in dynamics
Theocharis A. Apostolatosa)
Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy, and Mechanics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Department of Physics, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos GR-15783, Athens, Greece
共Received 29 January 2002; accepted 17 October 2002兲
The hodograph is very useful for solving complicated problems in dynamics. By simple geometrical
arguments students can directly obtain the answer to problems that would otherwise be complicated
exercises in algebra. Although beyond the level of undergraduates, we also use the hodograph to
calculate by variational geometrical techniques, the well-known brachistochrone curve, thus
illustrating this approach. © 2003 American Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.1527948兴
I. INTRODUCTION tool that will be used in Sec. II to demonstrate the beauty and
power of the hodograph technique. In Sec. III we use the
In 1847, Hamilton1 invented the hodograph and used it to hodograph to solve the brachistochrone problem. Although
solve the famous problem that was first attacked with success we will use the classical variational technique to solve the
by Newton; namely, to deduce the law of gravitation that problem, the use of the hodograph will make the analysis far
makes the planets revolve in elliptical orbits around the Sun. easier than the usual analysis, and the cycloidal curve will
Later, Maxwell2 used the hodograph to introduce a short arise much more naturally.
variation of Hamilton’s solution. Feynman resurrected the
geometrical technique of the hodograph to present an el-
ementary way to solve Newton’s problem.3 Sadly the II. THE HODOGRAPH OF A PROJECTILE
hodograph has almost entirely disappeared from most mod- As was outlined in Sec. I, the tip of the velocity of a
ern treatments of mechanics with the present emphasis being particle that is moving in a uniform force field traces a
on analytical methods for deriving the orbits for the inverse straight line parallel to the direction of the field. Without loss
square law. Also, the background of contemporary students of generality, we will assume that the field is that of uniform
in Euclidean geometry is not as strong as that of students a gravity near the Earth’s surface. The equation of motion,
hundred years ago. du/dt⫽g, where u is the velocity of the particle and g is the
What is a hodograph? If the instantaneous velocity vectors constant acceleration of free fall, can easily be integrated to
of a moving particle are translated to the same initial point, produce the well-known relation between velocities at differ-
the tip of the velocity vector traces a curve known as the ent times for uniform acceleration:
hodograph. What makes the hodograph a useful tool is the
fact that although Newton’s law of motion is a second-order u2 ⫽u1 ⫹g共 t 2 ⫺t 1 兲 . 共3兲
differential equation for the displacement We now discuss the physical content hidden in the geometri-
d 2r cal picture formed by the initial and final velocity vectors
⫽F/m, 共1兲 共see, for example, the triangle of Fig. 2兲. The height of the
dt 2
triangle (u 0 cos ) perpendicular to its vertical side is easily
it is a first-order differential equation for the velocity identified as the constant horizontal velocity 共in general, the
du velocity component that is perpendicular to the direction of
⫽F/m, 共2兲 the field兲. The vertical side, g(t 2 ⫺t 1 ), of the triangle is pro-
dt portional to the time of flight. Therefore, the area, 21 g(t 2
and thus the dynamics are more clearly reflected by the ⫺t 1 )u 0 cos , of this triangle is proportional to the horizontal
hodographic curve than by the trajectory itself 共see Fig. 1兲. distance, u 0 cos (t2⫺t1), traveled by the particle during its
The hodograph that corresponds to planetary motion can flight. This is the main idea that will be further explored in
be shown to be a circle, and this property can be used to Sec. II A.
prove that the orbit follows from the inverse square force law
共see, for example, Ref. 2兲. In this paper, we will use the A. The maximum range of a projectile
hodograph for a much simpler force: the one produced by a
uniform field, such as gravity near the Earth’s surface. Be- First consider a particle thrown with initial velocity u 0
cause du/dt⫽g⫽constant, the velocity vector of a particle from the edge of a cliff that is a height H above a plane
共for example, a projectile兲 that is moving freely in the uni- valley. We want to determine the shot angle that will make
form gravitational field traces a vertical line on which it the projectile land the farthest from the cliff. According to
moves at a constant rate. In velocity space, the initial and our previous discussion, we must maximize the area of the
final states of the projectile can be pictured as a triangle, one triangle ABC of Fig. 2 to maximize the horizontal distance.
side of which is vertical and linearly proportional to the time Note that the two sides of this triangle have fixed magni-
of flight, while the other two sides have magnitudes equal to tudes; u 0 is the initial speed, and u f is the final landing
the initial and final velocities, with these velocities related to velocity at the valley, which by conservation of energy is
each other by energy conservation. This triangle is the main u f ⫽ 冑u 20 ⫹2gH. This triangle assumes its maximum area
261 Am. J. Phys. 71 共3兲, March 2003 http://ojps.aip.org/ajp/ © 2003 American Association of Physics Teachers 261
Fig. 1. While the force vector points along the instantaneous center of
curvature of a particle’s trajectory, it is simply tangential to the hodographic
curve. Therefore, the connection between the hodograph and the force law is
much more direct.
冉 冊
which is described by the function y(x).
⫽tan⫺1 . 共4兲
冑 u 0 ⫹2gH
Equation 共4兲 is valid even for negative values of H 共such as We next investigate a more general projectile problem. We
will assume that the particle is shot from a point on the
when a particle is thrown from the bottom of a well兲 as long
ground, the topography of which is described by the mono-
as the trajectory does not intersect the topography of the
ground. The maximum horizontal range achieved when a tonic function y(x), where x is the horizontal distance and y
projectile is shot at this angle is then easy to calculate. The is directed down 共see Fig. 3兲. Initially the particle is located
area of the velocity triangle EABC is g/2 times the horizontal at (x⫽0,y⫽0). A trajectory that ends on the ground at
distance. Thus (x f ,y f ⫽y(x f )) corresponds to a velocity triangle, the two
sides of which have magnitudes AB⫽u 0 , and AC
2EABC u 0 冑u 20 ⫹2gH ⫽ 冑u 20 ⫹2gy f , respectively 共see Fig. 4兲. If we keep the angle
R max⫽ ⫽ . 共5兲
g g between initial and final velocity fixed, then the intersec-
tion of the curves
For H⫽0 we obtain the well-known value u 20 /g that corre-
sponds to ⫽45° inclination angle 关see Eq. 共4兲兴. u 0 冑u 20 ⫹2gy
f 1 共 y 兲 ⫽sin 共6兲
Fig. 2. This triangle is formed by the initial and final velocities of flight. The
vertical side of triangle ABC is the hodograph of motion, while the area of
the triangle is proportional to the horizontal distance traveled. The angle is Fig. 4. The velocity triangle for a projectile that is shot from the top of a
the initial shot angle that has to be optimized. hill.
262 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 71, No. 3, March 2003 Theocharis A. Apostolatos 262
u 20
␣⬅ . 共9兲
Then, we can express the optimal value of that is given in
Eq. 共8兲 as
tan ⫽ . 共10兲
冑1⫹y 쐓 / ␣
Also, because the graphical solution assumes that f (90°)
1 (y)
⫽ f 2 (y) 共where the superscript (90°) refers to the angle be-
tween the initial and final velocities兲, that is,
u 0 冑u 20 ⫹2gy 쐓 /g⫽x 쐓 ,
Fig. 5. The graphical solution of the maximum range for the three cases 共a,
冑 1⫹
y쐓 x쐓
␣ 2␣
, 共11兲
b, and c兲 are shown in the corresponding diagrams 共a兲, 共b兲, and 共c兲. In case and thus tan ⫽2␣/x쐓 , which can be transformed after some
共b兲, the solution is not the one that corresponds to the critical sin ⫽sc algebra to
value, but rather, as discussed in the main text, the one with even lower
sin value (s 쐓 ). Diagram 共d兲 shows the graphical solution when the pro- tan 2 ⫽x 쐓 /y 쐓 . 共12兲
jectile is shot from the deepest point. The black lines correspond to the
simple case of continuously rising ground, while the gray lines correspond But x 쐓 /y 쐓 is the cotangent of the inclination angle of the line
to more complicated ground morphologies, for example, with cavity forma- connecting the initial and final points. This form of the solu-
tions. tion gives a straightforward answer to the case where the
ground has constant slope b: the particle should be shot at an
angle ⫽45°⫺ /2.
In case 共b兲 there is no graphical solution for sin ⬎sc , and
(2/g times the area of the velocity triangle兲, and
the solution that corresponds to sin ⫽sc 关where the two
f 2 共 y 兲 ⫽x 共 y 兲 共7兲 graphs f 1 (y) and f 2 (y) are tangent to each other兴 seems to
give the required answer. However, this assumption is not
共the inverse of y(x) of the ground morphology兲, gives the true. The graph of f 1 (y) for slightly lower values of sin
coordinates of the ground point 共if it exists兲 where the par- intersects the graph of f 2 (y) at even higher x. The appar-
ticle will fall, given the angle between the initial and the final ently paradoxical fact that the plot of f 1 (y) goes ‘‘under’’ the
velocity of the trajectory. It is easy to see why this is so. ground 关there is a region of y where f 1 (y)⬍ f 2 (y)] does not
Because f 1 (y) equals the horizontal distance traveled by the mean that the trajectory penetrates the ground. Remember
particle 共as was explained in the previous section兲, the inter- that f 1 (y) does not describe an actual trajectory, because
section point of the curves f 1 and f 2 corresponds to the point ( f 1 (y),y) is the locus of points of different trajectories,
where the projectile trajectory meets the ground. where the angle between the initial and final velocities is
We will examine the three possible cases that exhaust all held fixed, while for an actual trajectory this angle varies
possible downhill ground morphologies for which the initial from point to point. As long as the angle 2 共the angle be-
point is the highest one: 共a兲 The graph of f 2 has only one tween the final velocity and the horizon兲 is larger than the
intersection point with f 1 regardless of the value of 关see inclination of the ground, the intersection of the plots of f 1
Fig. 5共a兲兴; 共b兲 f 2 (y) does not increase as fast as f 1 (y); con- and f 2 corresponds to arrival at this point from above the
sequently, there is no intersection point for sin ⬎sc 关see Fig. ground, while if the angle 2 is smaller than the inclination
5共b兲兴; 共c兲 there are multiple solutions of the equation f 1 (y) of the ground, the intersection point corresponds to arrival
⫽ f 2 (y) for a range of , including the extreme case from beneath the ground, and thus, it has no physical mean-
⫽90° 关see Fig. 5共c兲兴. ing. For example, at the critical value of (sin c⫽sc),
In case 共a兲 we can easily find the maximum horizontal where the two curves just touch each other, it is easy to show
distance, because f 1 (y) and f 2 (y) are both monotonically 共see Ref. 4兲 that the slope of the ground is not equal to 2 .
increasing functions, and there is only one intersection point; If c ⬍ /2, then the ground at the intersection point is
the higher the value of sin , the higher the value of x at the steeper than the trajectory of the projectile, while, if c
intersection point. Therefore, we achieve the longest range ⬎ /2, then the trajectory is steeper. Therefore, this graphical
when ⫽90°, just as in the simple case analyzed previously solution point cannot be reached with the oblique angle so-
The optimal inclination angle can be estimated, given the lution of sin c⫽sc , but it can be reached with the corre-
graphical solution for ⫽90°: sponding obtuse angle solution. In the latter case, even
冉 冊
higher values of will yield even longer range. The longest
u0 range will be obtained at an obtuse angle ⫽ 쐓 关see Fig.
⫽tan⫺1 , 共8兲
冑u 20 ⫹2gy 쐓 5共b兲兴, that at the intersection point the slope of the ground
equals the inclination of the final velocity, 2 .
where y 쐓 is the y coordinate of the graphical solution. We Finally, in case 共c兲, where there are multiple solutions for
can simplify the calculations that follow by introducing the ⫽90°, the longest range x 쐓 that the projectile can reach is
characteristic length ␣: the first 共the one with the smallest y 쐓 value兲 graphical solu-
263 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 71, No. 3, March 2003 Theocharis A. Apostolatos 263
line that leaves all three parabolas at the same half-plane.
The intersection of all such half-planes formed by consecu-
tive parabolas is the region of points that can be reached by
some fragment. Next, we will calculate the locus of all such
intersection points at a given vertical plane, and then we will
obtain the entire safe region by revolving this envelope
around the vertical axis that passes through the explosion
Let us draw the velocity triangle for two projectile trajec-
tories, slightly different with respect to the initial inclination
angle. The intersection point of these two parabolas will have
the same ( ,z) coordinates, and thus both triangles will have
equal velocity sides and equal corresponding areas. But two
triangles with the same pair of sides and different opening
angles between the corresponding pairs have the same area
only if these opening angles are supplementary. On the other
hand, because the values of of the two triangles are infini-
Fig. 6. Three consecutive parabolas (g, h, and l) that correspond to trajec-
tories with the same initial velocity, but with slightly different shot angles.
tesimally different 共see Fig. 4兲, the triangles will be almost
Intersection points A and B of g and h, and h and l, respectively, define a orthogonal. This observation leads naturally to the desired
line that leaves all three parabolas at the same half-plane. The locus of all envelope shape; that is, the locus of the points with coordi-
such intersection points between neighboring parabolas forms the boundary nates ( ⫽2/g times the area of each triangle, z). Because the
of the safe region. triangles are orthogonal
⫽ u 0 冑u 20 ⫺2gz, 共13兲
tion of f (90°)
1 (y)⫽ f 2 (y),
because the projectile cannot go g
any further than the curve f (90°)
1 (y). Thus, no other graphical and thus the envelope is given by
solution can be achieved, because otherwise the projectile
would penetrate the ground 关see Fig. 5共c兲兴. Again, the opti- u 20 g 2
⫺ 2 ⫽␣⫺ 共14兲
z⫽ .
mal inclination angle can be calculated exactly as in case 共a兲. 2g 2u 0 4␣
For completeness, we describe the case where the initial
point is now the lowest point on the ground. Again, we can If we identify with the distance from the vertical axis z,
resort to the graphical solution by extending the graph f 1 (y) and use the axial symmetry of the problem, we recognize in
to y⬍0. Depending on the ground morphology, we can find Eq. 共14兲 the analytical description of the parabolic safe
‘‘cup’’ that surrounds the explosion. The extra information
the maximum x 쐓 by trying various values of . For ground we directly obtain with this method is that at each point of
that is constantly uphill, it is obvious that the maximum the envelope, the corresponding parabolic orbit that passes
range will be accomplished for ⫽90° 共see the black curves from this point has an initial direction that is perpendicular to
in Fig. 5共d兲兲. If there are cavity-like formations on the the tangent of the envelope at that point.
ground, the maximum horizontal range 共deep in the cavity兲
can be achieved at ⬍90° 关see the gray curves in Fig. 5共d兲兴.
B. The safe region around an explosion CURVE VIA THE HODOGRAPH TECHNIQUE
We now apply the geometrical method to solve another Next, we use the hodograph to calculate the curve that
projectile problem. For a given maximum initial velocity u 0 connects two points at the same height on which a body that
of the fragments of an explosion, how far from the explosion slides freely under a uniform gravitational field goes from
should one stand to be safe? The classical way to solve such one point to the other in the shortest time. Instead of directly
a problem is by determining, for a given z value 共vertical trying to find the curve that minimizes the time, we instead
distance above the explosion兲, the maximum horizontal dis- determine the hodograph curve that corresponds to minimum
tance from the explosion, , so that the initial and final point travel time. We first point out that there is a one-to-one cor-
can be connected by a parabolic projectile orbit with initial respondence between a real curve in space and the corre-
velocity u 0 . Although, such a solution is neither difficult nor sponding hodograph, because at each point (x,y) of the
especially lengthy, it is not direct, because, we should first curve, the corresponding velocity is 冑⫺2gy, which is tan-
optimize the angle for a given and then use that angle as a gential to the curve 共see Fig. 7兲. Thus, if we determine the
function of in the orbital equation to yield the safe region hodograph, we can go back and calculate the actual curve.
z( ). What we are really trying to find is the envelope of all The body is assumed to start from rest, and by conserva-
free fall parabolas, emanating from the location where the tion of energy, it will end its trip with zero velocity. There-
explosion takes place, with velocity u 0 at various angles. The fore, the hodograph will be a closed curve described by the
envelope of all such parabolas with a common initial point is polar graph u( ), where is the inclination angle of the
the locus of all intersection points between coplanar parabo- instantaneous velocity with respect to the horizontal line. For
las with slightly different initial inclination angles 共see Fig. ⫽0, the velocity has its maximum value 冑⫺2gy min 共if the
6兲. The argument goes as follows: Imagine three such suc- curve has a unique minimum兲. If we consider an infinitesi-
cessive parabolas g, h, and l. The points A and B, where g mal part ds of the curve where the body passes by with
and h, and h and l intersect each other, respectively, define a velocity u( ), the Cartesian components of velocity are
264 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 71, No. 3, March 2003 Theocharis A. Apostolatos 264
order variation of A with respect to ⑀. The constraint of fixed
horizontal distance between the end points is provided by
⫽0. 共20兲
The required hodograph curve, then, arises by expanding A
with respect to ⑀ and setting the first-order term equal to
zero. That is,
冕 du
g sin2
共 cos ⫺u 兲 ⫽0. 共21兲
⫽ 冑
. 共22兲
g sin
, 共17兲 t tot⫽ 冑 2L
. 共24兲
冋冕 册
move with initial velocity u 0 . A system of two charged par-
A 关 共 u 兲 ; 兴 ⫽⫺ 冕 du
g sin
⫺ ⫺
cot ⫺L ,
allel plates is used to deflect the beam. The uniform electric
field between the two plates is E and the distance between
共19兲 the two plates is d. Use the hodograph technique to find the
angle at which the plates should be placed with respect to the
where L is the horizontal distance between the departure and
initial electron beam so that the beam deflection is a maxi-
arrival points, and the integration is calculated along the
mum. Consider both cases: 共a兲 the beam passes from one
closed hodograph curve. Assume now that we deform the
side of the plates to the other side, 共b兲 the beam is reflected
space curve slightly so that the slope of the curve at a fixed y back to the side that is initially moving.
is not , but ⫹ ⑀ , where ⑀ is a very small positive number,
and is an arbitrary continuous function of position that is
zero at the end points. Minimizing5 the functional A means
that we are trying to find a function (y), or equivalently I wish to thank P. Ioannou for helpful comments on the
(u), 6 such that the above deformation results in a second- manuscript, and A. Gupta for his numerous corrections with
265 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 71, No. 3, March 2003 Theocharis A. Apostolatos 265
the English syntax. This research was supported by the Grant the last relation comes from the geometry of Fig. 4. With a little algebra
No. 70/4/4056 of the Special Account for Research Grants of we obtain tan 2⫽冑(1⫹y 0 /a)/s c ⫺cot c . Therefore if c is the oblique
the University of Athens. angle that satisfies sin c⫽sc , the slope of the projectile trajectory is
smaller than the slope of the ground at the landing point, which is impos-
a兲 sible 共because this would mean that the projectile arrives at this point from
Electronic mail: tapostol@cc.uoa.gr
William Rowan Hamilton, ‘‘The Hodograph, or a new method of express- inside the ground兲. Thus, only the corresponding obtuse-angle solution can
ing in symbolical language the Newtonian law of attraction,’’ Proc. R. Ir. lead the projectile to this point. The same reasoning holds for values of
Acad. 3, 344 –353 共1847兲. such that sin is slightly less than s c . Both intersection points then can be
James Clerk Maxwell, Matter and Motion 共Dover, New York, 1991兲. reached by the obtuse-angle solution, and the nearest point can be reached
David and Judith Goodstein, Feynman’s Lost Lecture 共W. W. Norton, New by the oblique-angle solution only if dy ground /dx⭐tan 2 .
York, 1996兲. The stationary point we calculated here corresponds to a minimum, be-
If sin ⫽sc , so that the two graphs just touch each other 关see Fig. 5共b兲兴, cause an infinitely deep well would lead to infinite time travel.
the slope of the ground at the intersection point is equal to the inverse of Because all expressions are written as functions of u, we try to optimize
the slope of f 1 , because 关 dy ground /dx 兴 0 ⫽ 关 d f 2 /dy 兴 ⫺1 ⫺1
0 ⫽ 关 d f 1 /dy 兴 0 the inverse function of u( ); namely, (u).
⫽ 关 (d/dy)s c 2a 冑1⫹y/a 兴 0 ⫽( 冑1⫹y 0 /a)/s c . If we call 1 and 2 the
⫺1 7
The end points of are in⫽⫺ /2, and fin⫽ /2, because these values
angles formed by the initial and final velocities, respectively, with the lead to zero velocities when substituted in u⫽(1/)cos , the hodographic
horizon we have that 1 ⫹ 2 ⫽ c , and cos 1⫽冑1⫹y 0 /a cos 2 , where curve.
Jennett Conant, Tuxedo Park 共Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 2002兲, p. 139.
266 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 71, No. 3, March 2003 Theocharis A. Apostolatos 266