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6. W
7. R
9. W
In his essay, "The Art of Negotiating," Rick A. Morris SEVEN (7) TYPES OF CONFLICTS
highlights the importance of mastering the art of
negotiating in both personal and professional life. 1. Conflict over project priorities
Negotiation is a complex process that involves 2. Conflict over administration procedures
communication, active listening, and creative problem 3. Conflict over technical opinions and
solving. Morris emphasizes that successful negotiation performance trade-offs
requires a thorough understanding of one's own goals 4. Conflict over human resources
and objectives as well as those of the other party. 5. Conflict over cost and budget
Morris also stresses the significance of effective 6. Conflict over schedules
communication during negotiations. He suggests that 7. Personality conflict
negotiators should be clear, concise, and confident
while expressing their ideas and needs. Additionally, THREE (3) KEY REQUIREMENTS WHEN NEGOTIATING A
active listening is an essential component of negotiation CONFLICTED ISSUE.
as it helps to identify potential areas of compromise.
Morris provides practical advice on how to negotiate 1. Conflict must be resolved with no irremediable
effectively by identifying and understanding different damage to the project’s objectives.
negotiation styles, developing a clear understanding of 2. The technique must promote honesty among
one's own goals and priorities, and recognizing potential negotiations.
barriers to reaching an agreement. He also stresses the 3. Make the resolution take place on the project
importance of active that must gratify the needs of the bargaining
listening and being able to adapt to changing parties, other parties to the conflict, and to the
circumstances during negotiations. He emphasizes the parent organizations.
importance of effective negotiation skills in both
personal and professional settings. Morris argues that CHAPTER 4: MINI- CASE STUDY
successful negotiation requires a combination of
communication, preparation, and flexibility. Finally, 1. In ‘’A tale of two projects” by Robert Howard,
Morris encourages negotiators to approach the conflict presented is one of interpersonal
negotiations with a positive attitude and an open mind. and organizational conflict. The story depicts
By being flexible and willing to explore new ideas or two projects that are seemingly similar in scope
alternatives, one can often find creative solutions that and resources but have vastly different
benefit both parties. Overall, Morris's essay provides outcomes. The first project is successful, while
valuable insights into the art of negotiating. Overall, the second project fails miserably. The root
Morris's essay offers valuable insights into the art of cause of the failure is the conflict between the
negotiating. Whether you are negotiating a salary at project manager and her team members. The
work or trying to resolve a conflict with a friend or interpersonal conflict arises due to a lack of
family member, his advice can help you achieve your communications, trust, and respect between
desired outcome while maintaining positive team members. The project manager’s
relationships with those involved. By following his tips micromanagement style leads to frustration
on communication, preparation, and flexibility, anyone among team members who feel undervalued
can become a more effective negotiator. and disrespected. This leads to a breakdown in
CHAPTER 4: LONG QUIZ communication and collaboration resulting in
missed deadlines, budgets overruns, and
1. A ultimately project failure. The organizational
2. D conflict arises from a lack of alignment between
3. C the organizational priorities.
4. B 2. The success of the customer Masterfile project
5. B has been a topic of discussion among business
6. A analysts and experts. One aspect that has been
7. D scrutinized is Dholand’s recommended key
8. D changes, which were implemented to improve
9. C the project’s performance. The question
10. D remains, did his recommendations really help in
CHAPTER 4: TRUE OR FALSE the project’s success? In my opinion, Dholand’s
1. R recommended key changes played a significant
2. W role in the success of the customer Masterfile
3. R project. His suggestions were aimed to
4. W improving data accuracy, standardizing
processes, and enhancing customer experience. project that was behind schedule and over
These changes resulted in better data budget. This project needs immediate attention
management, reduced errors and to ensure that it stays within the budget and
redundancies, and improved customer can be completed on time. To resolve this issue,
satisfaction. Moreover, Dholand’s I would assign a dedicated team to work on this
recommendations were based on extensive project exclusively until it is back on track. This
research and analysis of industry best practices. team would consist of members who have
He identified areas that needed improvement experience in managing projects that are
and provided practical solutions for them. behind schedule or over budget. Additionally, I
Overall, I believe that Dholand’s recommended would communicate with stakeholders about
key changes did contribute to the success of the the status of the project and provide regular
customer Masterfile project. updates on progress. For the project that is
ahead of schedule, I would continue to monitor
3. The fundamental issue that causes conflicts in its progress but not dedicated as many
project management is the lack of clear resources to it as the other project.
communication and collaboration among team
members. This was evident in the case of “A CHAPTER 5
tale of two projects” where two teams were
working on similar projects but with different CHAPTER 5: REINFORCEMENT
approaches, leading to disagreements and 1. College students are often compared to a
delays. Another cause of conflict is the absence matrix environment due to the numerous
of a well= defined project scope and goals. In challenges we faced. This comparison is based
this case, both teams had different objectives, on the fact that college student have to
which led to confusion and misunderstandings. navigate through different courses,
Additionally, inadequate resources such as assignments, and exams while trying to balance
funding, personnel, or technology can also lead their social life and personal responsibilities.
to conflicts as team resources. Finally, poor However, this situation generates several
leadership and management can also be a difficulties for college us students. Firstly, we
significant cause of conflict of the project college students are facing a high level of
management. If leaders fail to provide clear competition as we strive for academic
direction or support to their teams or if there excellence. This can lead to stress and anxiety
are issues with accountability or decision- as we try to meet up with the expectations of
making processes, it can lead to frustration and our peers and lecturers. Secondly, the pressure
resentment among team members. All these of choosing a career path can be overwhelming
issues can ultimately lead to failure in project for some students as they try to make informed
delivery if not addressed effectively. decisions about their futures. Thirdly, financial
4. In “A tale of two Project” by Robert Howard, constraints can limit access to educational
Dholand is a project manager who is facing s resources such as textbooks and technological
difficult situation where he needs to negotiate devices needed for academic success. In
with his stakeholders to get the project back on conclusion, being a college student is
track. Dholand’s approach towards negotiation comparable to navigating through a matrix
shows that he uses principled negotiation which environment where one has to overcome
is based on mutual in interests and objective several obstacles in order to succeed
criteria. Dholand’s approach towards academically.
negotiation starts with understanding the other 2. Attending a number of classes can have both
party’s interest and concerns. He listens positive and negative effects on our
carefully to their issues and tries to understand performance. On the one hand, attending more
their perspective. He also presents his own classes means that you are exposed to more
concerns in a clear and concise manner, without information, which can help us better
being aggressive or confrontational. understand the subject matter and perform
Furthermore, Dholand uses objectives criteria well in exam. Attending multiple classes also
to support his arguments during the negotiation means that you have more opportunities to
process. He presents data and facts that participate in class discussions, ask questions,
support his position, making it easier for the and clarify doubts. On the other hand, attending
both parties to reach an agreement based on too many can be overwhelming and lead to
rational thinking rather than emotions. Overall, burnout. Trying to keep up with multiple
Dholand’s use of principled negotiation in “A courses simultaneously can result in decreased
tale of two projects” helps him achieve a win- focus, reduced productivity, and even physical
win solution that benefits both parties involved. exhaustion. It can also lead to procrastination
5. In “A tale of two project” by Robert Howard, and poor time management skills if not
Dholand is faced with the challenge of managed properly. In general, it is essential to
managing two projects at once. One project is strike a balance between attending enough
ahead of schedule and over budget. If I were in classes to acquire knowledge while avoiding
Dholand’s shoes, I would first prioritize the overloading oneself with too much work.
Proper time management skills are crucial for
this balance so that students can prioritize their
tasks effectively while avoiding burnout.
3. The current system has its flaws, and many
people are dissatisfied with how it operates.
However, there are ways to improved the
system to make life more complicated,
enjoyable, and faithful. Firstly, the education
system should be revised to cater for various
learning styles and abilities. This can include
incorporating more practical and hands-on
activities in class work. Secondly, there should
be more job opportunities created for young
people entering the workforce. This could be
achieved through government incentives for
businesses that employ young adults or proving
training programs for those who lack skills.
Lastly, faith-based organizations should
collaborate with the government to promote
moral values and ethics in society. The
government can also create policies that
support these organizations in their efforts to
provide social services such as healthcare or
education. In conclusion, improving the system
requires a collective effort from all stakeholders
involved. It is essential to identify areas of
weakness and find solutions that benefit for


1. B
2. B
4. SG
5. SG
6. SWG
7. SG
8. SEF
9. SG

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