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Breaking IT OT Silos With ICS OT Visibility 1692284249

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Breaking IT/OT Silos

With ICS/OT Visibility
Written by Jason Christopher
June 2023

©2023 SANS™ Institute

Executive Summary
As the threat landscape continues to grow across industrial sectors, it is more important
than ever that these organizations understand their networks and gain visibility across
critical systems. In light of recent developments, including the discovery of the PIPEDREAM
modular industrial control system (ICS) attack framework last year,1 companies and
utilities in critical infrastructure must mature their security operations to gain insights
from both information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) networks in order
to prevent disruption, degradation, and even destruction of industrial environments.

In this 2023 ICS/OT Visibility survey, the results provide a glimpse into the relationship
between IT and OT security operations and provide key insights, including:

• While SOC capabilities are expanding to include more ICS/OT, there are still
significant gaps in OT-specific visibility as well as staffing and education issues
across enterprise IT.

• Even in the areas where IT and OT SOC capabilities are merging, the visibility is still

• OT security programs are less mature than their IT counterparts, specifically in the
areas of identifying, containing, and eradicating threats in their environments and
overall incident response.

• Although staffing and lack of education and training were identified as the greatest
challenges for security operations, there are also significant gaps due to legacy
technology and limitations in implementing IT capabilities in OT environments.

Survey results also indicate that these are the areas that could benefit from more
automation (because they require more resources) and where respondents feel IT and OT
could complement each other more.

This survey explores how respondents are currently tackling ICS/OT visibility challenges,
the gaps across the IT-OT boundary, the roadblocks for expanding visibility, and the
maturity comparisons from both domains.

This year’s survey had nearly 350 respondents across a wide variety of industrial sectors.
Details are shown in Figure 1 on the next page.

“Alert (AA22-103A), APT Cyber Tools Targeting ICS/SCADA Devices,” www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/alerts/aa22-103a

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 2

Top 4 Industries Represented Organizational Size
Energy (Up to 1,000)

Information (1,001–5,000)
Control Systems Medium/Large
Manufacturing Large
(More than 50,000)
Each gear represents 10 respondents.
Each building represents 10 respondents.

Operations and Headquarters Top 4 Roles Represented

Security manager or
Ops: 111 director
HQ: 22 Ops: 114
HQ: 23
Ops: 128
HQ: 56 Security administrator/
Security analyst

IT manager or director
Ops: 313 Ops: 83
HQ: 259 HQ: 8

Ops: 66 Security architect

Ops: 69 HQ: 7
Ops: 94
HQ: 8
HQ: 11
Each person represents 10 respondents.

Figure 1. Demographics of
Respondents represented organizations of various sizes, both in terms of workforce Survey Respondents
and the number of industrial facilities being operated. Roughly 20% of respondents, the
largest pool of survey results, worked in organizations with 101–500 people while nearly
30% of respondents operated 1–10 industrial facilities (and another 18.5% operated 10–25
industrial facilities). That said, some surveyed firms were more than 50,000 people strong
(14.5% of respondents) and had operations spanning more than 1,000 industrial sites
(6.3% of respondents).

IT and OT Visibility Concepts

Traditional IT visibility usually relies on a combination of network data, asset and
application data, and the ability to correlate each dataset for decision-making capabilities
during incident detection and response. Over the years, this combination has led to
specific developments across the people, processes, and technologies that support
visibility objectives in enterprise IT networks.

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 3

ICS and OT environments, however, face a different set of challenges when it comes to
determining how to achieve visibility. Historically, it has been difficult to expand network
visibility into the control system network, let alone capture other meaningful artifacts
from host-based logs, process/data historians, process controller logs, or specific ICS
software events and alarms. Network visibility expansion requires planning across
engineering and operations personnel, IT and OT security professionals, and ICS/OT
equipment vendors. The overall process to achieve ICS/OT visibility could take months or
years, depending on the environment.

As threats continue to target ICS/OT environments, it is critical for industrial organizations

to gain visibility across both IT and OT systems. Doing so facilitates quicker incident
response, tailored defenses based on unique OT architecture, and a more complete
picture of an organization’s attack surface.

Using the ICS Cyber Kill Chain

Because ICS/OT cyberattacks involve unique systems and
impacts, it is important to briefly visit the concept of the
ICS Cyber Kill Chain2 to understand why visibility across
the IT-OT boundary matters.

The ICS Cyber Kill Chain is a framework used to describe

the various stages of a cyberattack on ICS/OT systems.
Stage 1 of the ICS Cyber Kill Chain is identical to the IT-
specific version, as outlined in Figure 2.

Stage 1 requires:

• P
 lanning—During this stage, the attacker identifies
their target and researches potential vulnerabilities
in the target’s security defenses. The attacker
also may gather information about the target’s
employees, partners, and customers to better
understand the target’s security posture. Based on the Cyber Kill Chain® model from Lockheed Martin

• P
 reparation—In this stage, the attacker prepares Figure 2. Stage 1 of the ICS Cyber
their tools and techniques for the attack. They may create malware or phishing Kill Chain
emails, set up command and control infrastructure, or conduct reconnaissance to
identify potential targets.

• C
 yberintrusion—This is the stage where the attacker gains access to the target’s
network or system. They may use a variety of tactics, such as exploiting vulnerabilities,
using stolen credentials, or social engineering techniques to gain access.

For more information on the ICS Cyber Kill Chain, visit www.sans.org/white-papers/36297

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 4

• M
 anagement and enablement—During this stage,
the attacker establishes a foothold in the target’s
network and begins to move laterally to expand
their access. They also may install additional
tools or malware to maintain persistence and
evade detection.

• S
 ustainment, entrenchment, development,
and execution—In this final stage, the attacker
focuses on achieving their goals, such as
stealing data, disrupting operations, or installing
ransomware. The attackers also may work to
maintain their access and evade detection, and
they may continue to develop new tactics and
techniques for future attacks.

This may be the entire universe of considerations for

an IT-only cyberattack. However, this does not address Figure 3. Stage 2 of the ICS Cyber
potential ICS/OT impacts, which involve the physics of a Kill Chain

process. Figure 3 shows where Stage 2 of the ICS Cyber Kill

Chain comes into play.

Once the attacker focuses on

the ICS/OT system, they must
leverage specific techniques to
affect the process being controlled,
either through loss, denial, or
manipulation of the view, control,
or safety of the system.

Without visibility across both IT

and OT, the ability to identify an
attacker or their actions across the
IT-OT boundary (and Stage 1–Stage
2 of the kill chain, respectively) is
limited. To successfully execute an
industrial cyberattack, threat actors
need to have successful actions
across both Stage 1 and Stage 2,
similar to the 2015 cyberattack on
the Ukrainian power grid, as seen in Figure 4. ICS Cyber Kill Chain Example
from the 2015 Cyberattack on the
Figure 4. Ukrainian Power Grid3

For more information, visit https://ics.sans.org/duc5

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 5

IT and OT Convergence
Discussions around IT-OT “convergence” further muddy the conceptions around visibility
and who should be responsible for the overall protection, detection, and response
functions for ICS/OT cybersecurity. For the purposes of this survey, convergence is
understood as the integration of information technology with operational environments.
In that sense, convergence already has taken place in many industrial organizations where
computers, modern human-machine interfaces (HMIs), and historian servers reside.

Just because an IT computer exists in an OT environment, however, does not mean

that the computer is “IT.” The placement of the technology and what it interacts with
and controls matter. In simplest terms, for the purposes of this survey, anything that
interacts with, views, or controls the physical process and means of production is “OT,”
while anything that is enterprise-based would be considered traditionally IT. This paper
covers this idea further during the discussion of the Purdue Model in Section 4, Gaps in
OT-Specific Visibility.

Integrated IT-OT SOC Capabilities

Lastly, before reviewing the survey results, let’s define the technical and procedural
differences between IT and OT security operation center (SOC) capabilities. A SOC
is a combination of people, processes, and technology that proactively searches for
abnormalities in the respective environment to identify and respond to security incidents.
Due to the evolution, and relative successes, of IT-based SOCs, organizations have recently
explored applying similar concepts to OT.

As SOCs expand in OT environments, they not only must determine what data can be
integrated to increase visibility but also what services will be performed by an OT-capable
SOC. This determination could include anything from passive defense to threat hunting
to intelligence functions—each of which may have its own prerequisites, metrics, and
feasibility in any given environment.

Furthermore, within security operations, there are three levels of analysts that will need to
have some level of OT training to be successful. They are:

• T
 ier 1—This is the first level of analysts in a SOC. Their primary responsibility is to
monitor security alerts and events, triage incidents, and perform initial investigation
and analysis. Tier 1 analysts typically have entry-level security skills and use
predefined playbooks and workflows to investigate alerts.

• T
 ier 2—If an incident requires further investigation, it is escalated to Tier 2 analysts.
These analysts have more experience and knowledge than Tier 1 analysts and are
responsible for conducting more in-depth analysis and investigation of security
incidents. They also may be responsible for identifying and documenting new
threats, creating custom playbooks, and working with Tier 1 analysts to improve
overall SOC efficiency.

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 6

• T
 ier 3—Tier 3 analysts are the most experienced and knowledgeable analysts in a
SOC. They are responsible for investigating and resolving the most complex and
sophisticated security incidents. They also provide guidance and training to Tier 1
and Tier 2 analysts, as well as working with other departments in the organization to
improve overall security posture. Tier 3 analysts also may be involved in developing
new security policies and procedures.

It’s important to note that some routine tasks performed by Tier 1 analysts in an IT-
specific SOC may cause large problems in an integrated OT SOC. For example, if a Tier 1
analyst were to leverage endpoint protections to quarantine or delete files in an infected
ICS/OT asset, or reimage it entirely, such an action could have impacts on the industrial
process being controlled, depending on the system or the timing of such actions. As such,
an OT-specific (or integrated) SOC likely would need to escalate more often to the Tier 3
ICS/OT analyst with knowledge of those systems and the people operating them.

Expanding Visibility
With that foundation, we can now explore the survey results specific to ICS/OT visibility
and larger discussions around IT and/or OT security operation centers. Out of the nearly
350 respondents operating industrial facilities, 80% have monitoring capabilities within
their ICS/IT environment. As observed throughout the survey responses, however, the
lower level of the Purdue Model significantly lacks visibility across industrial facilities. Of
the respondents, approximately 50% claim that their enterprise SOC includes some level
of ICS/OT visibility.4 With or without an enterprise SOC, 37% of respondents indicated that
they had an ICS/OT-specific SOC.

Interestingly, survey results from the energy sector largely indicated a preference for
an enterprise-wide SOC with OT visibility, while engineering and critical manufacturing
sectors preferred an OT-specific SOC, which tends to have smaller workforces, according
to survey respondents. These preferences could suggest that the OT SOC functions are
performed locally at plant locations compared to the energy sector, which traditionally
has pockets of centralized operations.

Of the survey respondents that had no ICS/OT visibility in their SOC (or a standalone
OT-specific SOC), 67% indicated there were plans to expand their SOC to include
these capabilities.

As mentioned previously, the SOC may perform several different services for the
organization’s business units. When asked about one of the more foundational services,
incident response for OT, nearly 40% of respondents indicated that only IT staff would
respond to the incident. An additional 6% stated that there was no OT-specific incident
response plan. Unfortunately, OT cybersecurity incidents require a combination of IT and
OT expertise, specific to the safety and reliability of the ICS/OT environment. In a related
statistic, 54% of respondents also identified training for IT staff in OT cybersecurity as the
No. 1 challenge for expanding security operations.

Visibility gaps are covered in the next section, Gaps in OT-Specific Visibility, and this result does not imply full ICS/OT visibility.

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 7

Gaps in OT-Specific Visibility
Whereas SOCs are more formal constructs around the centralized people, processes,
and technologies that are monitoring, detecting, responding to, and analyzing
cybersecurity incidents, there are several capabilities that may or may not involve a
SOC but still account for OT-specific visibility. OT-specific visibility is reliant upon what
data sources can be collected and analyzed, which may require dedicated resources
and maturity across the industrial organization, as highlighted by the SANS Institute’s
Five ICS Cybersecurity Critical Controls (see Figure 5).5


Fully integrated visibility,

larger dedicated teams,

dedicated budgets


Near complete visibility,
expanded resources

Limited visibility,
existing resources

Host Net Limited Robust RT Net Aggregation ISOC Operations

Only Tap Span Capture Collection Nodes Integration


Figure 5. ICS Visibility, Maturity,
Even in the case where respondents had a more expansive SOC, only 53% of their and Capability Considerations
ICS/OT environments provided data for detection purposes. from the SANS Five ICS
Cybersecurity Critical Controls
To understand where more of these gaps may lie, we asked explicitly about endpoint
detection and response tools on assets and what capabilities exist for internal network
security monitoring specific to ICS/OT environments.

The whitepaper on the Five ICS Cybersecurity Critical Controls can be found here: www.sans.org/white-papers/five-ics-cybersecurity-critical-controls

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 8

Endpoint Detection and Response
As shown in Figure 5, host-based controls are the initial starting point for many ICS/OT
visibility programs. As such, we asked respondents where endpoint detection and
response (EDR) technologies were deployed, based on the asset classifications in Figures
6, 7, and 8.

Engineering (engineering workstations, Operator assets

Server Assets
instrumentation laptops, callibration (HMI, workstations)
Running Commercial OS
and test equipment) assets running running commercial OS
(Windows, Linux, Unix)
commercial OS (Windows, Linux, Unix) (Windows, Linux, Unix)
No/Unknown Yes No/Unknown Yes No/Unknown Yes

34% 33%

59% 66% 67%

Figure 6. Server Assets Running Figure 7. Engineering Assets Running Figure 8. Operator Assets Running
Commercial OS Commercial OS Commercial OS

Unsurprisingly, most EDR solutions were deployed on servers running commercial

operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Unix. However, the coverage varied wildly
based on industrial sector and the number of industrial facilities being monitored. For
example, the energy sector and engineering sectors were nearly identical in coverage
across servers (51–52% had EDR deployed where possible), engineering assets (such
as workstations, instrumentation laptops, and calibration and test equipment), and
operator assets (HMIs and workstations) were both similar with over 40% having EDR
where possible. However, in critical manufacturing, 68% of servers had EDR deployed
where possible and only 30% of engineering assets had it. Critical manufacturing had a
similar amount of coverage for operator assets as the energy and engineering sectors, but
respondents in the chemical sector reported that only 10% of operator assets had EDR
installed, one of the lowest percentages across the survey.

Organizational size absolutely scaled with EDR deployments. Smaller organizations (1–25
industrial facilities) had EDR on 50% of their servers, while mid-sized organizations
(100–500 industrial facilities) reported 75–80% EDR coverage on their server assets. The
coverage dipped again for organizations between 500–1,000 industrial facilities, but then
for organizations with more than 1,000 industrial sites, more than 80% of server assets
with EDR was deployed where possible. Size had no discernable impact on engineering or
operator assets—and, in fact, having an enterprise-wide SOC correlated with higher server
EDR deployments, implying that the server assets are centrally managed compared to the
on-site engineering and operator assets.

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 9

Regardless of the current coverage, if EDR is already deployed, 76% of respondents said they
had plans to expand their EDR deployments in ICS/OT environments over the next 24 months,
with a full 23% saying that coverage would expand by 50% or more in those environments.

Network Security Monitoring

Internal network security monitoring (NSM) within ICS/OT environments comes in all
shapes. Where is the monitoring occurring? Can the technology detect abnormalities
specific to ICS/OT traffic? What’s the coverage in each environment based on ICS protocols?
Each of these questions requires additional investigation by industrial organizations when
examining NSM capabilities.

Using the Purdue Model as a reference architecture, we asked our respondents about where
NSM technology was deployed. The averages across all respondents are shown in Figure 9.

No/Unknown Yes









Figure 9. NSM deployments

On average, only 30% of respondents had network monitoring on their IT enterprise networks,
Across IT and OT
while 38% had NSM deployed at Purdue Level 3 (Operations Systems) and 35% within the DMZ
between those two levels. As things get deeper into ICS/OT networks, there is less and less
visibility; fewer than 20% of respondents monitored devices at Level 2 and fewer than 10% and
Level 0/1. Those that are monitoring at Level 1 and Level 2, however, are not necessarily more
mature—those respondents equally lack coverage in Level 3, Level 3.5, and Level 4.

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 10

Our survey indicated that the energy sector has deployed
How often are monitoring activities occurring
more networking monitoring technologies; on average, (either internally or through a third party)?
10% more than all other sectors combined. Interestingly, Monitoring performed Unknown No monitoring
unlike EDR, having a SOC (enterprise-wide or with OT
capabilities) had no bearing on NSM deployments.
Similar to EDR, 70% of respondents indicated that there
are plans to expand NSM over the next two years if they 32.1%

already have it deployed in ICS/OT environments, with

23% saying that expansion would be more than 50% of
their current visibility. 11.7%
Deploying technologies, however, is not enough. Having
logs and data across IT and OT environments is useful
for identifying the root cause during an incident, but Monitoring Performed
what about detecting something before an incident? That Continuous 26.0%
is where reviewing logs becomes an important ask. As
Hourly 4.2%
seen in Figure 10, roughly 30% of respondents monitor
Daily 8.1%
their ICS/OT environments at least hourly.
Weekly 8.1%
Having an enterprise SOC slightly improved the numbers More than once 3.9%
per month
in favor of more frequent monitoring. A drastic spike is
Monthly 1.3%
seen, however, in “continuous monitoring” of the ICS/OT
Quarterly 1.6%
environment when the enterprise-wide SOC has visibility
More than once
into ICS/OT environments (up to 38%) or a dedicated per year, but not 0.3%
on a regular basis
ICS/OT SOC (up to 30%). Regardless of having a SOC, if
Annually 0.3%
EDR and NSM are deployed at all, monitoring activity Only after an 1.0%
event or incident
frequency jumps, increasing an additional 6-10% among
Other 1.3%
respondents with continuous monitoring when those
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
technologies are present. It appears that if people invest
Figure 10. Monitoring Event
in technology in their ICS/OT environments, they also want to see how well Frequency for ICS/OT
they are doing and will increase monitoring capabilities as well.

Relative Maturity and Level-of-Effort for OT Security

Monitoring the ICS/OT environment is only one aspect of overall OT security.
We delved further into the responses to understand how ICS/OT security
operations compared to their IT equivalents. We leveraged the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to
organize various activities and asked survey participants if, when performing
the same activities in IT and OT, was OT less mature, more mature, or at the
same relative level of maturity. See Figure 11 on the next page.

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 11

CSF Category Activity More Mature Same Level Less Mature
Asset inventory 24.7% 35.4% 35.4%
Identify Cyber risk management and impact evaluation 17.5% 39.0% 35.9%
Threat management and intelligence 14.3% 41.3% 39.9%
Configuration management 23.3% 36.3% 37.2%
Identity and access management 18.4% 32.7% 42.6%
Protect Cybersecurity workforce management 17.5% 39.5% 35.4%
Cybersecurity policies and procedures 19.3% 40.8% 33.6%
Vulnerability management 17.5% 32.7% 43.5%
Cyber event detection 15.7% 33.6% 45.7%
Detect Cyber event analysis 17.0% 34.5% 40.8%
Cyber incident determination 15.7% 38.1% 39.5%
Cyber incident containment 17.0% 35.4% 41.3%
Cyber incident eradication 15.2% 35.9% 40.8%
Cyber incident recovery 17.5% 36.8% 40.4%
Cyber incident lessons learned 19.3% 34.1% 40.4%

Figure 11. Comparison of ICS/OT

Across the board, respondents believe—overwhelmingly so—that OT is the same Security Capabilities to IT Security
or less mature than IT in every NIST CSF function.6 Diving a bit further into specific Capabilities as Grouped by the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework Functions
capabilities provides additional insights. For example, asset inventories and
configuration management scored nearly identically in the same level of maturity
as the IT counterparts (35 and 36%) and had the highest scores for “more mature”
than IT at 23 and 24%. This makes sense because asset management in ICS/OT deals
with far fewer assets overall, though the specific activities involved in inventorying
and configuring those assets may be more labor-intensive. This is why we also asked
about how labor-intensive these activities are in ICS/OT security (see Figure 12).

CSF Category Activity Low Labor Intensity Moderate Labor Intensity High Labor Intensity
Asset inventory 13.6% 43.0% 42.1%
Identify Cyber risk management and impact evaluation 11.3% 47.5% 38.0%
Threat management and intelligence 12.7% 42.1% 35.3%
Configuration management 12.2% 38.0% 47.5%
Identity and access management 12.7% 46.2% 38.0%
Protect Cybersecurity workforce management 11.3% 49.3% 33.9%
Cybersecurity policies and procedures 13.6% 49.3% 34.8%
Vulnerability management 10.4% 42.1% 45.2%
Cyber event detection 14.5% 43.0% 39.4%
Detect Cyber event analysis 10.9% 43.9% 41.2%
Cyber incident determination 9.0% 44.3% 41.6%
Cyber incident containment 7.7% 38.9% 46.2%
Cyber incident eradication 5.9% 33.9% 54.3%
Cyber incident recovery 8.1% 37.1% 47.5%
Cyber incident lessons learned 12.2% 45.7% 35.7%

Figure 12. Labor Intensity of ICS/OT Security

Capabilities as Grouped by the NIST CSF Functions

More information about the NIST CSF can be found at www.nist.gov/cyberframework.

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 12

As mentioned, respondents viewed configuration management as requiring a high
level of effort to manage in ICS/OT security programs with 47.5% of respondents
reporting it as a highly labor intensive. Similarly, vulnerability management also
was listed as requiring a higher level of effort, with 45.2% of respondents agreeing.

One theme became readily apparent when looking at both the level of effort and
the relative maturity compared to traditional IT practices: ICS/OT incident response
and recovery is difficult. Survey respondents overwhelmingly listed cyber incident
containment, eradication, and recovery as requiring the highest levels of effort
(46.2%, 54.3%, and 47.5% of respondents, respectively). Meanwhile, every single task
in the following list for incident response was listed as less mature compared to IT.

• Cyber event detection (45.7% of respondents listed it as less mature than IT)

• Cyber event analysis (40.8% of respondents listed it as less mature than IT)

• Cyber incident determination (39.5% of respondents listed it as less mature

than IT)

• Cyber incident containment (41.3% of respondents listed it as less mature

than IT)

• Cyber incident eradication (40.8% of respondents listed it as less mature

than IT)

• Cyber incident recovery (40.4% of respondents listed it as less mature than IT)

• C
 yber incident lessons learned (40.4% of respondents listed it as less mature
than IT)

These results indicate that there are likely areas where further education and
automation not only can help improve the relative maturity of incident response
capabilities but also help decrease the overall manual labor required.

Challenges in Collaborating Across

the IT-OT Divide
As industrial sectors continue to look at digital transformation and advancements
in Industry 4.0, the lines between IT and OT will continue to blur. As mentioned in
the discussion about convergence,
there are many “IT assets” that now
operate within ICS/OT environments.
Shifts to edge cloud connectivity Improved Reduced
Increased Error Better Safety
System Workforce
have, in several sectors, already been Efficiency Reduction Management
Maintenance Constraints
implemented. The proposed benefits
are shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Proposed Benefits for Digital

Transformation Across Industrial Organizations

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 13

As these boundaries become more
What capabilities do you think should be integrated across IT and OT organizational silos?
porous, we asked respondents Select all that apply.
what, if any, capabilities should be
Cyber event detection 63.6%
integrated across IT and OT. The
Asset inventory 57.3%
results are shown in Figure 14.
Identity and access management 57.0%
The top categories absolutely align
Cyber event analysis 55.6%
with increased visibility across
Threat management
Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the ICS Cyber and intelligence

Kill Chain—having convergence Cyber incident determination 50.7%

where logs and security operations Cyber incident lessons learned 50.3%

can track potential malicious Vulnerability management 49.0%

traffic across IT and OT is vital Cyber incident containment 48.3%

for root cause analysis after an Cyber risk management
and impact evaluation
event. As organizations expand Cyber incident recovery 45.8%
their monitoring capabilities, this Cyber incident eradication 42.3%
could even lead to preventing
Configuration management 41.6%
Stage 2 attacks and impacts. The Cybersecurity policies
and procedures
bottom categories also make sense
Cybersecurity workforce
as to where this is less likely to
Other 2.8%
have some overlap. From security
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
workforce training and management
Figure 14. Potential Areas for
to policies and procedures to IT-OT Convergence
configuration management, there are more likely to be unique considerations for ICS/OT
that will have minimal overlap with IT. Similarly, incident eradication and recovery activities
will need to have operations and engineering considerations baked in.
IT incident response plans can have unintended consequences in ICS/ What do you consider the area which
represents your greatest challenge in aligning
OT environments, as noted by the US Department of Homeland Security,
IT and OT/ICS within your organization?
which states that “standard cyber incident remediation actions deployed
in IT business systems may result in ineffective and even disastrous
results when applied to ICS cyber incidents, if prior thought and planning
specific to operational ICS is not done.”7 People
While there are noted benefits of aligning some parts of the IT and OT Process
security programs, there are also plenty of barriers to success. When 51.2%
asked about the greatest challenge in aligning security operations across
the IT-OT boundary, 51.2% of respondents listed “people” as the biggest Other

obstacle. See Figure 15.

Figure 15. Challenges for IT-OT Alignment

Based on People, Processes, and Technology

“Developing an Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Incident Response Capability,” The Department of Homeland Security,

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 14

We wanted to revisit this concept based
What are the top three challenges (e.g., barriers) for expanding visibility
on our original premise concerning to cover all critical sites and systems within ICS/OT environments?
IT-OT monitoring; respondents shared Select the top three not in any specific order.
their top barriers to expanding ICS/OT
Technology limitations on legacy devices and networks 44.8%
visibility as seen in Figure 16.
IT staff does not understand OT operational requirements 39.6%
The top technology concern was
Traditional IT security technologies are not designed for 37.2%
limitations on legacy devices and control systems and cause disruptions in OT environments
Scalability of site-specific personnel either due 28.5%
networks, which may require extensive to lack of training or skills for OT visibility
testing prior to deploying monitoring Insufficient resources (people, funding, 27.1%
or tools) not specified above
technologies—if it is even possible. Lack of clear organizational responsibilities for 25.7%
IT and OT visibility and/or incident response
Many ICS/OT environments have
Lack of management buy-in 16.7%
decades-old technology that will always Integrating OT data and tools into SOC workflows 16.7%
be limited in their capabilities, in which or otherwise centralizing OT visibility

case security practitioners must focus Lack of buy-in from OT/engineering/operations 15.6%

on optimizing within those constraints Lack of testing in ICS/OT environments with visibility tools 14.2%

or leveraging other sources of data to Compliance risks or uncertainties and/ 12.8%

or lack of compliance buy-in
check for abnormalities. The next top Lack of vendor support for visibility solutions 9.4%
challenges are both related to IT not
Lack of buy-in from IT/enterprise security 7.6%
understanding OT, whether it be the
Other 4.2%
communication between staff members
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
themselves or the technology being
Figure 16. Top Barriers to
deployed. As mentioned previously,
Expanding ICS/OT Visibility
ICS networks use different protocols than traditional IT networks and many
IT-specific technologies will not work properly as a result. Or worse, they can
cause a production outage. For example, active scanning on an ICS/OT network
may overwhelm controllers and other operation assets, affecting their ability
to function and even requiring a resetting of the device. The same can be true
for a well-intentioned but untrained
IT professional in an industrial What are the top three challenges (e.g., barriers) for expanding security operations
environment that may be unaware across IT and ICS/OT environments? Select the top three not in any specific order.
of the safety or reliability impacts Training for IT staff in 53.6%
associated with IT-specific tools and OT cybersecurity
Lack of communication among 38.8%
methods. relevant departments
Obtaining and retaining staff 38.4%
It is not surprising, then, that when who understand cybersecurity
Training for OT staff in 38.1%
we asked about the top concern for IT cybersecurity
Insufficient cybersecurity risk 38.1%
aligning IT and OT security operations, visibility across IT and OT domains
the top concern was training for IT staff Unable to collect sufficient data 22.8%
to contextualize possible threats
in OT environments. See Figure 17. Increased burden of 19.0%
managing security tools
These results further highlight the Unable to analyze data collected 15.9%
from relevant departments
need to help enable the workforce Too many alerts from security tools 13.5%
as the “people” part of the issues No appropriate technology for 10.4%
detection and response automation
that arise from aligning IT and OT Unable to develop and 8.7%
security operations. Training, as well maintain a playbook
Other 2.8%
as recruitment and retention of talent,
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
was a common theme throughout the
Figure 17. Top Barriers in Expanding
reported challenges from respondents.
Security Operations Across IT and OT

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 15

Conclusions and Next Steps for Industry
Digital transformation and further IT-OT convergence is not only coming, it is already here
for many industrial organizations. What were once isolated and rarely connected ICS/OT
environments are now enabled with growing remote access connections and edge cloud
connectivity to aid in both vendor management and business analytics. In order to better
manage the associated industrial cyber risk, visibility across IT and OT environments
needs to be a top priority for organizations.

This survey outlines the challenges—and opportunities—associated with aligning IT and OT

security operations and increasing visibility. We explored the trends around SOCs and their
impact on overall visibility, as well as the expansion of EDR and NSM deployments within
industrial environments, noting that increasing technology usage in these areas greatly
affects the overall coverage of visibility for those facilities and sites that have them.

On the relative maturity between IT and OT, the industry needs to understand not only
where OT security can continue to improve but also where the fundamental differences
between IT and OT need to be accounted for, such as incident response plans and
capabilities. Understanding these challenges and opportunities is especially helpful for
teams that are growing in ICS/OT security. This paper outlined which capabilities may
require additional resources. These would be smart areas to further invest in as an ICS/OT
security program matures.

As global regulations continue to focus on ICS/OT environments, it is vital to understand

the impact and added value that visibility provides while acknowledging that IT security
alone cannot solve these problems. It must be a collaborative effort among security
professionals, engineers, and operators. Cross-training teams for security operations,
understanding how cyber incidents traverse IT and OT boundaries, and working to
alleviate the barriers listed across this survey will create a foundation of success for any
ICS/OT security program.


SANS would like to thank this survey’s sponsor:

Breaking IT/OT Silos With ICS/OT Visibility 16

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