The Social Media Revolution Video Movie Activities - 97618
The Social Media Revolution Video Movie Activities - 97618
The Social Media Revolution Video Movie Activities - 97618
A. FACTS AND FIGURES: watch the film and tick the right answers. B. TRUE or FALSE? Correct the
false statements.
1. Over 50% of the world’s 7. Facebook added more then 1. Companies are using social
population is ... 200 million users in... media such as LinkedIn to
a. under 20 years old. a. two years. recruit their workers. True
b. under 30 years old. b. less than a year. 2. E-mails will always be
c. over 60 years old. c. less than a month.
necessary and popular. True
2. Over ... of millennials have 8. If Facebook were a country, 3. The opinion of bloggers of
joined a social network. it would be ... about products and brands
a. seventy % a. bigger than the US. isn’t highly valued yet. False
b. eighty % b. bigger than China. The opinion of bloggers about
c. ninety % c. bigger than India. products and brands is highly
3. In the US the highest online 9. Ashton Kutcher and Britney valued. often have a loyal
traffic is generated by ... Spears on Twitter already following and their opinions
a. Google have more followers can influence consumer
b. Facebook than ...countries put behavior and purchasing
c. YouTube together. decisions.
a. two 4. Consumers trust peer
4. Before the social media
b. four
arrived, ... was the number recommendations better than
c. six
one internet activity. traditional forms of advertising.
a. online gaming 10. The second largest search True
b. illegal downloading engine is ... 5. The circulation of the world’s
c. pornography a. Google largest newspapers has
b. YouTube increased in recent years.
5. ... couples married in the US
c. Wikipedia
met via social media. False
a. one out of three 11. Wikipedia has over ... has declined in recent years
b. one out of five articles. due to the rise of digital media
c. one out of eight a. 15,000,000 and online news consumption.
b. 50,000,000
6. To reach 50 million users the
c. 150,000,000 6. The advertisements of the
Radio took ... years while
the Internet took ... years future will find us via social
12. There are around ... Blogs.
a. thirty eight / five networks. True
a. two hundred thousand
b. thirty eight / four 7. The ROI of Social Media is lasts
b. two million
c. thirteen / three longer. False can vary and is
c. two hundred million
Aran Casals
not necessarily long-lasting. It
depends on various factors
such as the effectiveness of
the social media campaign,
target audience, and specific
goals of the campaign.