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BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

Lip-syncing video app sells True / False

for $1 billion a) The app Musical.ly is now owned by a
Chinese company. T / F
12th November, 2017
b) The Musical.ly app started in 2014. T / F
A Chinese media
company has bought c) Musical.ly has just fewer than 6 million
the hugely popular monthly users. T / F
social video app d) People who use the Musical.ly app are
Musical.ly for $1
called "musers". T / F
billion. Many people
pronounce Musical.ly e) The article says the app will not be
as "musically". The popular on social media. T / F
Chinese company is a
technology giant f) The article says the app will be a part of
called Bytedance. The life for older people. T / F
company hopes it will
g) Musical.ly's owner wants to get into new
become the first Chinese social media site to
become a global brand. The Musical.ly app was markets around the world. T / F
started in Shanghai in 2014. It now has 60 million h) Musical.ly's owner has a news service
active monthly users. The app is very popular with called 'Tomorrow's Headlines'. T / F
young people. On Musical.ly, users can record and
share 15-second to one-minute videos of
themselves lip-syncing to popular songs. They can Synonym Match
edit the videos, make funny faces, change the (The words in bold are from the news article.)
speed, add filters and play the videos backwards.
1. hugely a. trade name
People who use the app are called "musers".
2. pronounce b. enormous
Musical.ly is set to become the next big thing across
the social media world. It will probably become a 3. brand c. well-liked
part of life for young people, and another thing for
them to share on their mobile phones. Bytedance's 4. popular d. CEO
chief executive Zhang Yiming explained why his 5. funny e. ready
company bought the social video app. He said: "By
integrating Musical.ly's global reach with 6. set f. extremely
Bytedance's massive user base in China and key 7. chief executive g. combining
Asian markets, we are creating a significant global
platform for our content creators and brands to 8. integrating h. consumers
engage with new markets." Bytedance also owns
9. massive i. say
one of the world's biggest news apps, called
Today's Headlines. This popular news service has 10. users j. humorous
120 million active daily users.
Sources: wikipedia.org / bbc.com / scmp.com
Discussion – Student A
Writing a) What do you think of the Musical.ly app?

A lip-syncing social media app is a great idea. b) Who do you think would most like the app?
Discuss. c) What's your favourite app?
d) What song would you lip-sync to for this
Chat app?
Talk about these words from the article. e) Do you like fun apps like this?

media / popular / technology / giant / social f) Why are apps so popular?

media / young people / funny faces / app / the g) Do you spend too long using apps?
next big thing / a part of life / global / brands /
markets / news service / daily h) How many of the Musical.ly videos will be on

LOTS MORE at https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1711/171112-musical-ly.html Copyright Sean Banville 2017

BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

Phrase Match
1. hugely a. for young people
2. become a global b. backwards
3. videos of themselves lip-syncing to c. with new markets
4. play the videos d. popular
5. People who use the app e. popular songs
6. set to become the next big f. users
7. become a part of life g. thing
8. content h. are called "musers"
9. engage i. creators
10. 120 million active daily j. brand

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) What do you think about what you read? Role A – Lip-syncing
b) How important is social media for you? You think lip-syncing is the best thing to do to
music. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
c) What do you share on your mobile phone? them why their things aren't as good. Also, tell
d) What would life be like without apps? the others which is the least enjoyable of these
(and why): dancing, relaxing or exercising.
e) What app would you like designers to make?
Role B – Dancing
f) What do you think of lip-syncing? You think dancing is the best thing to do to
g) What's your favourite song and why? music. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
them why their things aren't as good. Also, tell
h) What questions would you like to ask the app the others which is the least enjoyable of these
designers? (and why): lip-syncing, relaxing or exercising.
Role C – Relaxing
Spelling You think relaxing is the best thing to do to
1. the gulehy popular social video app music. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
them why their things aren't as good. Also, tell
2. pcnunroeo Musical.ly as "musically" the others which is the least enjoyable of these
(and why): dancing, lip-syncing or exercising.
3. become a llgabo brand Role D – Exercising
You think exercising is the best thing to do to
4. 60 million iectav monthly users
music. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
5. change the speed, add etrilfs them why their things aren't as good. Also, tell
the others which is the least enjoyable of these
6. play the videos cardksawb (and why): dancing, relaxing or lip-syncing.

7. across the isacol media world

Speaking – Music
8. Bytedance's chief vxteiceeu Rank these with your partner. Put the best things to do
with at the top. Change partners often and share your
9. Bytedance's vismsea user base rankings.

10. creating a aifnsniicgt global platform • make it • lip-sync to it

• exercise to it • dance to it
11. eenagg with new markets • share it • relax to it
• talk about it • listen to it live
12. news isercve
Answers – True False
Answers – Synonym Match
1. f 2. i 3. a 4. c 5. j a T b T c F d T e F f F g T h F
6. e 7. d 8. g 9. b 10. h Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.

LOTS MORE at https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1711/171112-musical-ly.html Copyright Sean Banville 2017

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