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Entregable 2 Ingles II

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Lenguas extranjeras

Comunicación básica en ingles II

Profa.. Arianna Alejandra Rosas Ortiz


Fecha: 12, de octubre del 2023

ALUMNO(A): Guerrero Bonilla Michelle Karen


Practice of regular and irregular verbs

Exercise 1

Instructions: Choose the verb from the box and put them in the right category.

Cry Like Wait Stay

Enjoy Label Marry Explain

Care Bury Jog Clap

Listen Work Dance Hope

-d only -ed only -ied Double consonant + -

liked waited cried labelled
hoped stayed buried jogged
danced explained married clapped
cared enjoyed

Exercise 2

Instructions: Read the following test and fill in the gaps with the simple of the verb in brackets.

It (be) was my birthday last Friday. I (have) had an awesome day.

My Friends (give) gave me presents and cards at school. Then in the evening, my mom and
dad (take) took us to the movies. We (see) saw a really good movie, and afterwards we
(come) came home and dad (make) made a really nice meal.

Practice exercise of stative verbs

Exercise 3

Instructions: Decide if the verbs in brackets take the continuous form or the simple form. Then, fill in the
gaps with the correct form of each verb.

A) I (like) like this portrait.

B) You (seem) seem very happy.
C) They (think) think London is really interesting.
D) Charly (hate) hates carrots and lettuce.
E) We (believe) believe in ghosts.
F) Katy and Alondra (love) love poetry books.
G) Weather is bitterly cold, so I (want) want some hot soup.


Practice exercises of for and since

Exercise 1

Instructions: Fill in the gaps and for according to each sentence.

1. Kate and Andres area married. They´ve been married since 1999.
2. Brian is ill. He’s been ill for the last few days.
3. We live in Scott Road. We have lived there for a long time.
4. Catalina works in a bank. She has worked in a bank for five years.
5. Alan has a headache. He has had a headache since he got up this morning.
6. I’m learning English. I have learned English for six months.
7. Ruth is reading the newspaper. She has read it since 9:00 am.
8. Ben is in Canada. He has been in Canada for three months.
9. I like soccer. I have practiced soccer since I was eight years old.
10. She´s cooking pasta. She has cooked pasta for two hours.

Practice exercise of tag questions

Exercise 2

Instructions: Fill in the gaps with a tag question on the end of these sentences.

1. You´re tired, aren´t you? Yes, a little.

2. You travel a lot, don´t you? Yes, I love traveling.
3. You weren’t listening, were you? Yes, I was.
4. Sarah doesn’t know Ann, does she? No, they´ve never met.
5. They won´t mind if I take a photo, will they? No, of course they won´t.
6. This isn´t very interesting, is it? No, not really.
7. George cleaned the house, didn´t he? Yes, he did.
8. Don’t drop that vase, will you? Don’t worry, I won´t.
9. He wasn’t a soccer player, was he? Yes, he was very talented.
10. They look very happy, don’t they? Yes, they do.


Practice exercises of modal verbs

Exercise 1

Instructions: Fill in the gaps with have to or must according to each sentence.

1. The windows are very dirty. We must clean them.

2. I don’t usually work on Saturdays, but this Saturday I have to work.
3. Our school has a lot of rules. For example, we must wear a uniform. *
4. Sean has to be at wort at 7 am.
5. Marylin is a very interesting person. You have to meet her. *
6. This conference isn´t very interesting, but our boss say we have to stay until the end.
7. You can´t always have things immediately, you must be patient.
8. John has to work on weekends.
9. At church you must be quiet *
10. I don’t want to get a serious illness so I must stop smoking.

( HAVE TO, is not a modal verb we can use it in obligation/informal sentences.)

(MUST is modal verb but is use it for formal/obligations)


Practice exercises of infinitive verbs

Exercise 2

Instructions: Complete the sentences using the infinitive of the verb (to + verb) from the box.

Watch listen Cut

Take Learn Wake up

Send Find

Meet Write

1. We use a camera to take photographs.

2. We look at the map to find the way.
3. I turned on the radio to listen to some music.
4. They went to the airport to meet Ben´s sister.
5. Tomek used the computer to send an email.
6. Jack and Carol went to the cinema to watch a film.
7. They went to the natural History Museum to learn about the natural world.
8. You use a pen to write things.
9. He had an alarm clock to wake up in the morning.
10. She bought a knife to cut vegetable and fruit.

Exercise 3

Practice exercises of used to and didn´t use to.

Instructions: Complete the sentences with used to or didn´t use to.

1. I didn’t use to play the guitar, but I do now.

2. She used to ride a bike, but she doesn´t anymore.
3. They used to collect stamps, but they don´t anymore.
4. I didn´t use to enjoy getting up early, but I do now.
5. We didn´t use to be afraid of flying, but you aren´t anymore.
6. You used to be afraid of flying but, you aren´t.
7. I didn´t use to know how to use a computer, but now I I know.
8. He used to go to the park, but he doesn´t anymore.
9. They didn´t use to sing romantic songs, but they do now.
10. She used to wear many bracelets, but she doesn´t anymore.

Practice exercises of passive voice

Exercise 1

Instructions: Complete the sentences. Use the passive voice (present or past) of these verbs.

Damage Give Invite Make Show Steal Take Speak Play Find

1. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people were taken to hospital.

2. Paper is made from wood.
3. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms were damaged.
4. ¨Where did you get this picture? ¨. It was given to me by a friend of mine.
5. Many American programs are shown on British television.
6. ¨Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding? ¨. No, they were invited, but they didn´t go.
7. ¨How old is this film? ¨. It was made in 1965.
8. My car was stolen last week, but the next day it was found by the police.
9. Many languages are spoken in Switzerland.
10. Football is played in most countries of the world.

Exercise 2

Practice exercises of the first conditional

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct structure of the first conditional. Use the
words in the brackets.

1. If you study (study) hard, you will pass (pass) all your exams.
2. He will have (have) an accident if he isn´t (not be) careful.
3. If they miss (miss) the bus, they will be (be) late.
4. We will be (be) angry if you don´t do (not do) do your homework.
5. If she goes (go) to bed late, she will feel (feel) tired in the morning.
6. If you invite (invite) me to your party, I will help (help) you with the chores.
7. If I work (work) more, I will have (have) more money.
8. We will sing (sing) at the concert if we are (be) are happy.
9. If they arrive (arrive) on time, they will get (get) a discount at the store.
10. If they stays (stay) at home, he will watch (watch) a movie.
Exercise 3

Practice exercises of the second conditional

Instructions: Use the prompts below to write sentences with the second conditional.

1. Go on holiday / meet a beautiful woman or handsome man.

If went on holiday, I would meet a beautiful woman or handsome man.

2. Meet a beautiful woman or a handsome man / get married.

If I met a beautiful woman or a handsome man, I would get married.

3. Have a lot of money / buy a house.

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a house.

4. Buy a car / need more money.

If I bought a car, I would need more money.

5. Break my leg / go to the hospital.

If I broke my leg, I would go to the hospital.

Exercise 4

Practice exercises of articles

Instructions: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate article a, an, the or leave the space in blank if no
article is needed.

1. The church on the corner is progressive.

2. Miss Linn speaks * Chinese.
3. I borrowed a pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.
4. One of the students said ¨ The professor is late today¨.
5. Eli likes to play * volleyball.
6. I bought an umbrella to go out in the rain.
7. My daughter is learning to play the violin at her school.
8. Please give me the cake that is on the counter.
9. I lived * on Main Street when I first came to town.
10. Albany is the capital of * New York State.

Exercise 1

Practice exercises of narrative tenses.

Instructions: Use the verbs in the brackets to fill in the gaps with the correct from of past simple, past
continuous or past perfect.

Incident on a plane

This happened (happen) about five years ago. I was coming (came) back home from

Turkey where I had been (be) on holiday with some friends who had rented (rent) a bungalow in the
mountains not far from Ankara, the capital.

Anyway, we were sitting (sit) in the plane and had just taken (just/take) off when there was (be) a loud
bang from the right hand side of the plane and I could see a lot of smoke coming from one of the
engines. Of course, everyone started (start) looking around but the plane carried (carry) on flying
normally. And then a few minutes later the pilot came (come) on to the PA and said there was a
problem with one of the engines and we´d have to return to the airport.

I felt pretty nervous, I can tell you, but I tried (try) to concentrate on my book, and about ten minutes
later we landed (land) without any problems. We had (have) to wait for about an hour and then we got
back on the plane. Actually, it was a different plane and I was pretty relieved that it was.

Exercise 2

Practice exercises of conjunctions

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the conjunction (and, but, so or because) that fits best.

1. I like sugar in my tea, but I don’t like milk in it.

2. Listen to the story and answer the questions with full sentences.
3. He was late but the bus didn´t come.
4. Jeremy was cold, so he put a jacket.
5. Lucy tried to read a novel in French, but it was too difficult.
6. I bought a bottle of wine, and we drank it together.
7. The waiter was not very nice, but the food was delicious.
8. Alice needed some money, so she took a part-time job.
9. Ernesto is really excited because he is traveling to London.
10. The concert was cancelled, so we went to a nightclub instead.
Exercise 3

Practice exercises of so and such

Instructions: Complete the sentences with so, such, or such a.

1. It´s so warm today that i´m going to the beach.

2. It was a great holiday. We had such a good time.
3. We´re so a pleased with these towels that we´ll buy more.
4. He has done such foolish things that he will get into serious trouble.
5. This hedge grows so fast that we need to trim it often.
6. The thief came in so quietly that the sleeping couple never heard him.
7. Those are such a great moments that will never be forgotten.
8. She has read that book so many times that she knows it by heart.
9. This is such a beautiful piano that I’m sorry I have to sell it.
10. They are so stingy that they never want to eat out.

Exercise 4

Practice exercises of reported speech

Instructions: Rewrite the direct speech as reported speech to complete the sentences.

1. ¨We´ve bought a new car¨. They told me they had bought a new car.
2. ¨I don´t speak German¨. She said that she didn´t speak German.
3. ¨You failed your art exam¨. You said that we had failed our art exam.
4. ¨I´ll drive¨. He said he would drive.
5. ¨You look nice¨. He told me that I looked nice
6. ¨We´re going ice-skating¨, They said they were going to ice-skating.
7. ¨The students aren´t listening to me¨. The teacher said the students weren´t listening to her.
8. ¨We are best friends¨. They said they were best friends.
9. ¨I have gone to Paris twice¨. She said she had gone to Paris twice.
10. ¨We have didn´t eat cake at the party¨. They told me they hadn´t eaten cake at the party.

My opinion

These exercises have helped me strenght the grammar topics that I have already seen, practicing also
helps me recognize what my errors are and focus on them to correct them.

Vocabulary is also important so it also helps me add words that I don´t know.

The truth is that the exercises were simple and quick to do, that´s what I liked too.

I believe that practicing is never too much and that is the only way you learn.

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