Game List
Game List
Game List
Group sits in a circle and chants Ali baba and the 40 thieves, while doing an action. The group leader on the next beat changes
the action and then on the next beat the person beside him/her does that action. The action follows its way around the circle and the
whole time the group is repeating the phrase. The group leader must change the action after every beat, so that every person in the
circle eventually ends up doing a different action. (This may be compared to singing a song in a round).
Your whole team starts on one side of a volleyball net with no one on the other side. The object is to get your team to the
other side of the net and back as many times as possible. Using a balloon for a ball, each player volleys the balloon to another
player and then scoots under the net to the other side. The last player to touch the balloon taps it over the net and scoots under. The
receiving players try to keep the balloon in play and repeat the process.
The group splits up into two sub-groups which we will call A and B. Group A leaves 5 to 10 minutes before group B and must
leave clues behind ( footprints, marks, arrows, codes, pieces of paper, etc....). They must then camouflage and set up an ambush for
group B. Group B leaves and follows the footprints and clues left by group A and tries to discover the ambush site. During the
ambush the groups face each other in mock combat (stealing of scarves, indian wrestling, etc...). The meeting of the two groups
could also result in the yelling of, "AMBUSH" and a race back to home base again.
Players sit in a circle and are assigned the names of auto parts. (ie. hood, wheel, door, etc.) The storyteller tells a story of an auto
trip. As the player tells the story, the parts mentioned get up and follow him/her. When the storyteller yells "Blowout" each player
scramblers for a seat. The one left out becomes the next storyteller.
A What? (passive/circle)
Equipment: 2 objects The leader of the game starts by passing the first object to the person on their right and saying, "This is a
whit." The reply is, "A What?" The leader would then clarify, "A whit." This question sequence continues around the circle but
the question "A what?" is passed all the way back to the beginning and back again. This game can be confused by adding an
additional object called a Watt in the opposite direction.
In this version, you have a circle of however many people, and the same number of monosyllabic items. One person, the leader,
starts by choosing one oblect, let's say it is a spoon. He/she hands this object to the person on his right, and says: This is a spoon.
The person replies:
"A What?"
Leader: "A Spoon."
Person: "Oh, A spoon!"
the person then takes the spoon and hands it to the person on their right, now becoming the leader. At the same time, the
original leader has picked up a new object, and has passed it on. The second person now must carry on two conversations at the
same time, looking from one to the other.
This game is really fun, and it tends to get louder and louder as the more people play the game. we did this with a group of about 35
once, and it is so much fun. It can be really frustrating to learn, but it really is a blast!
Contributed by Mark Stephens
Backlash (cooperative/active)
Equipment: 4 round balloons Divide the group into two teams, then divide each team into pairs. This is a relay race, and the
racecourse can extend across a large field or around a building. Mark a start and finish line. Teams of pairs space themselves
equally from one end of the racecourse to the other. Pairs stand back to back with elbows linked. Blow up 4 large balloons and
give two each to the first pair from each team. One balloon is held in each hand of each player. When the leader says "Go", the
first two pairs make their way to the next pair of linked players. The first pair transfers its balloons to the next pair. The first team
to cross the finish line wins.
Equipment: Balloons, string Inflated balloons and string for each team member. Have two teams - tie balloons to ankle and
teams try to burst the others first. Team with the last balloons wins. As your balloon is burst you withdraw from the game.
Equipment: balloon with message inside The players sit in a circle. A balloon is passed around the circle. Each player has to sit
on the balloon with all their weight for 3 seconds. If someone breaks the balloon, they must do what it says on the message. (ex,
sing a song, bark like a dog, dance)
Banana (circle/passive)
Equipment: A rag or sock or a real banana Form a circle with all players sitting on the floor. It is important for the players to sit
close together with their knees up and their hands tucked under their legs. The person in the middle has to figure out where the
banana is as the people in the circle are passing the "banana" under their legs secretly. Bandit (circle/passive)
"It" stands in the middle of the circle. When he points at one of the players in the circle and says "Bandit!", that person must
put both hands over his ears. The person to the bandit's right must put the hand nearest to the bandit over his own left ear, while the
person on the bandit's left puts his nearest hand over his own right ear. If any one of the three make a mistake by covering the
wrong ear, or by using two hands when only one is to be used, or failing to react at all before the person who is "IT" counts to ten,
he becomes "IT".
Barnyard (cooperative/active)
Each child is given the name of an animal with three children having the same name. No one is allowed to tell another which
animal he is. At the signal each child makes the noise of the animal that he has been given. The first group of three animals to find
each other and sit down are the winners.
Divide into two teams. The rules are similar to regular baseball except that the fielding team may not move their feet. The
hitting team hits the volleyball with their hand, and crawls around the bases. To score a point, the batter must crawl all around the
bases back to home before the fielding team gets the ball to the catcher at home. If the fielding team gets the ball ahead of the
batter, he is out. After three people are out, the teams trade places.
Equipment: balls Two teams are needed. The object of the game is to get both teams up and down the court as many times as
possible in 15 minutes. Eg. Team 'A' and Team 'B' when at one end of the court, work together to pass the ball around pylons, then
kick or lift the ball up into the hands of one of the team members, who then shoots at the basket. If the ball goes in, they can then go
to the other end of the court and shoot for that hoop. Note: Only Team "A" can shoot at "A" basket and "B" shoots at "B" basket.
The group forms a large circle sitting at an arm's length apart. One person is chosen to be the "wind", and stands in the centre of
the circle. The game begins when the person in the middle acts like the wind ( by turning in a circle and waving their arms) and
says "THE BIG WIND BLOWS" At this point they must specifically state what the wind blows, a statement which must be true
about themselves. ie "The Big Wind Blows everyone who has blue eyes." All of the kids who have blue eyes including the wind
must stand up and run through the circle to a position that is now empty on the other side. Upon reaching this spot, they sit down.
One person will be left over, they are now the wind and the game continues. There is no winner or loser, just a lot of fun.
One player is leader. He and all the others flap their arms like birds. He calls out names of something with feathers. If a player
flaps his wings on a calling that doesn't have feathers he's out. The leader flaps his wings on almost all things to confuse the group
and calls as rapidly as possible. "Birds have feathers, bats have feathers, babies have feathers, etc."
Equipment: Blanket Spread out blanket; whole group must get on it so that no appendages are touching the ground off the
blanket. If the group completes the stand, have them get off and fold blanket in half. Repeat the above process for as long as
Equipment: Blanket and waterballoon All players should be standing around the blanket holding an edge. The leader of the
game will launch (by catapult or throwing) waterballoons into the air. The object of the game is to catch the waterballoons in the
Equipment: Blanket and beach ball A blanket should be draped over a volley-ball net. The game goes as usual except you can
not see when the ball is coming. Scary!!
Equipment: bell and blindfolds All players sit in a circle facing the centre. One person is blindfolded and is the "Blind Cow."
The "blind cow" should be spun around and then brought to the centre of the circle. The bell should then be passed around the
circle and rung. The "blind cow" will then follow the sound of the bell. The game leader points at the person who should stop the
bell. The "blind cow" now has to guess who is holding the bell (by pointing). If the person is right, the chosen person becomes the
cow in the next round. If they are wrong, he has to go again (until he guesses right).
Equipment: blindfold Blindfold one player and spin them around 3 times. The blindfolded player tries to tag one of the other
players, who may crouch low, sneak up behind the "blindman" and yell "Boo", or stand still and keep very quiet. Eventually
though, someone will get careless and be tagged. That player is then blindfolded for the nest game.
All the players lie face down, side by side, spaced about a body's width apart to form a long human breaker. A player kneels at
one end of the line of bodies and launches himself onto the surface, belly down with his/her arms outstretched. The wave action
now begins. Those at the beginning of the line start rolling over continuously in the same direction. As the surfer moves onto new
players, they roll as well. When the surfer reaches the beach at the other end of the line he lies down and becomes part of the wave
and the person at the head of the line gets to try her surfing skills.
Bola (active)
To make a Bola, stuff a rubber softball into a long sock and tie a knot in the sock just above the ball. Now tie a rope to the
sock. Lie down on your back and start spinning the Bola, slowly letting out the rope. When you've got it rotating at a full radius,
everyone can begin jumping into the circle. You may increase the speed, or have two people join hands, and jump in partners. If
you're nicked by the Bola, you may continue or sit out.
At either end of the playing space, set up in a row as many tenpins, or popbottles as there are players. Make a dividing line
across the centre of the playing space. Divide players into two teams. Each team takes one side of the field and must not step over
into the other side. One team starts the game by throwing a volleyball or playball, trying to knock down the pins on the other side.
The opponents protect their pins by catching or blocking the ball with their hands and bodies. If the ball hits outside the field and
knocks a pin down on the rebound it still counts. Play for fifteen minutes with the ball shooting back and forth rapidly. With a
large number two balls can be used. The winner is the team that knocks down all the other teams pins.
The players start sitting in a circle. The leader stands up and "bops" or dances around the inside of the circle. The players can
help out by making their own music. The leader then taps selected people on the head and says, "start bopping right now." These
tapped people will join the leader in the middle. These boppers keep dancing and tapping until they hear, "Bop Bop Over!" The
players will then stop dancing and run back to their spots. The last one there is the new leader.
The group should be split into 4 groups. Each group should form one side of the box that should be surrounding the game
leader. Each side has a name. These are: - NORTH ("North is Aaaaa Oooookay!!!) - SOUTH ("South, Wooh!) - EAST ("East
is the beast to beat") - WEST ("West is the best") The object of the game is to be the first team to be in the appropriate order in a
straight line in the right relation to the leader. Once your whole team has arrived, you should yell your team's chant (they are listed
The players are at the ends of the field, with 3 bulldogs standing in the middle. Whenever they are ready they will call: "British
Bulldog". The players must then run to the opposite side of the field without being touched.
Equipment: Volleyball net, ball Using a volleyball net, have the girls on one side and the boys on the other. Whenever a boy or
girl hits the ball over the net, they "scoot" to the other side. the idea of the game is to completely switch the teams to the other side,
but they all must work to together to succeed.
All players stand in a circle with someone in the centre. The person in the centre will choose someone in the circle to point at
and will say, "Right, Bumpety Bump Bump Bump" or "Left, Bumptey Bump Bump Bump." The person who is pointed at has to
say the name of the person to their right or left (depending upon what is asked by the person in the centre) before the phrase is
finished. If they fail to do this, they are out. The centre person is trying to eliminate all players.
Buzz (circle/passive/backpocket)
The players start counting substituting buzz for the number seven and multiples of seven. If a player makes a mistake he must
drop out or the whole group must start again.
Cat and Mouse (active/circle)
The players should stand in a circle. Two people are chosen, one to be the cat and the other to be the mouse. The object of the
game is for the mouse to catch the cat on the inside of the circle. This can achieved because when the mouse runs in between two
people, they will join hands and the cat can not pass through. This game can be repeated with a new cat and mouse.
A dragon is formed by grouping the players into a long line each with their hands on the shoulders of the one in front of him.
The first in the row is the dragon's head. The last in the row is the dragon's tail, eager to lash to the right and left in order to escape
the head. Until the signal GO is given, the dragon must be a straight line. Someone in the group counts "One, two, three, go!" On
the signal GO the head runs around toward the tail and tries to catch it. The whole body must move with the head and remain
unbroken. If the head succeeds in touching the tail, they may continue to be the head. If the body breaks before he catches the tail
the head becomes the tail and the next in line is the head and so on until each has a chance to be the head and the tail.
This is similar to "flinch". The players should be standing in a circle with their arms crossed. The person in the centre will
throw the ball to someone in the circle. They will either say, "Catch" or "Don't Catch". If they say "Catch", the player should not
catch the ball and cannot flinch (move their arms). If they say "Don't Catch" , the player should catch the ball. If a player does the
wrong thing or misses the ball, they are out. Caterpillar (active) The players must lie face down, side by side and very
close to each other. Alternate small players and older players. Player at one end must get to the other end by rolling on this
corduroy road. When this player reaches the other end, the rest player starts rolling on the carpet.
Players sit in a circle and one player goes into the middle. A topic is chosen and the rubber chicken starts at one person and is
passed around the circle. The person in the middle must list as many things as they can from the topic, but they only have however
long that the chicken makes it around the circle once. When the chicken gets back to the starting point, the person must stop
talking. A designated counter should be in the group to count how many objects they are able to list. The person that is able to list
the most objects is the winner. Topic example: Chocolate Bars (ie) hershey, crispy crunch, aero etc. etc. etc.
The players should start sitting in a circle numbered 1-4 (this can be adjusted depending upon the size of the group). The game
leader will call out a number and all players with that number will stand up and run clockwise around the circle. After one warm-up
lap, the race begins. A runner is out if another runner passes them on the outside. The run continues until one person is left. The
leader then continues to call numbers. A winners round might be a good way to end the game.
Equipment: Volley ball A circle is formed, feet apart and touching neighbours. The player inside the circle with the ball tries to
throw the ball out the circle between the players legs. Players try to stop it by using their hands. If the ball goes through, then that
person goes in the centre.
Equipment: Ball, blanket or towels or both. This game is basically group juggling with blankets and towels.
Colored Eggs
One player is chosen to be the Fox. One player is chosen to be the Hen. All the rest of the players are the colored eggs. The fox
must stand far enough away from the hen and her eggs that he can't hear them. The hen assigns a color to each egg by whispering
the color in their ear. The eggs line up facing the hen. The fox comes up behind the hen and acts like he is knocking on a door.
The hen responds, "Who is it?" The fox replys, "It's the fox." The hen says, "What do you want?" The fox says, "Colored eggs."
The hen says, "I haven't got any." At this point all the players who are eggs laugh loudly. The fox says, "I hear them laughing."
"O.K." says the hen. "What color do you want." The fox begins to guess colors. When he guesses a color that is assigned to an egg
the egg begins to run. If the fox catches the egg a new fox and a new hen are picked. If the fox doesn't catch the egg before it gets
back to the hen he must guess another color and try to catch the next egg. However,before the fox can make his/her guess the fox
must knock on the door each time and the conversation between fox and hen must be repeated each time.
Contributed by Bizzie Vunderink
Chose a colour. You must stop someone and touch part of their clothing which is of the chosen colour.
The players are split into 2 teams and the classic crab position is assumed. This position is maintained supported by at least 3
extremities, while each player tries to make the team members of the opposite team touch their rear to the ground, at which point
they win.
Two teams sit on lines a short distance apart. Team members are numbered. Soccer ball sits in the centre. Official calls
number. The member of that number from each team crab walk and attempts to get the ball over the opponents goal line. When a
point is scored, the ball is returned to the centre and another number is called. Team members may help but not score.
Divide the children into two equal teams. Name one of the teams crows and the other cranes. Line the two teams up four or five
feet apart facing each other. Flip a coin, and if it comes up heads call crows. Upon calling crows, the crows must turn in flight with
the cranes after them. If any of the cranes makes it to the safety zone he is free. If he is touched he switches teams.
Equipment: rope Tie the rope to a tree. One person should be chosen to be the bear. They should hold the rope in one hand. The
rest of the players need to run around in touching distance. With their free hand, the bear tries to touch the other players. If touched,
the player would hold hands with the bear and help catch people.
Equipment: Yogurt cups (or something else, be creative) Each player is given an empty yogurt cup and they put it on their head.
All of the players must start dancing. Whoever keeps the cup on their head the longest, wins
Dho-Dho-Dho (active)
You need a soft area that is divided into 2 equal parts with a centre line. The players should be in two teams on either side of the
centre line leaving a no-mans land in between them. One team chooses a player to go across the line, tag one or more players on the
other side, and return safely home. Clearly that could require agility-but breath control? That's where the "dho-dho-dho" comes in.
Before crossing the centre line, the player who is IT takes a deep breath. Not only must he complete his mission in one breath, but
he must use that breath to repeat aloud in a steady flow, "Dho-Dho-Dho-Dho-Dho...." If members of the opposite team can catch
and hold him in their territory until they run out of breath, they've acquired a new team member. If he makes it back across the line
with any part of their body , even a fingertip, all those he has tagged join their team.
Equipment: 1 die, a pair of oven mits, a chocolate bar or other wrapped up treat, and a hat.
A chocolate bar is wrapped up in 5-6 layers of paper and placed in front of one of the players who are sitting in a circle. The
person directly to the left of the person who has the chocolate bar starts rolling the die while the person with the chocolate bar starts
to put on the hat and oven mits. Once the oven mits and hat are on the player starts to unwrap the chocolate bar. The unwrapping
continues until the roller rolls a 6. When that happens, everything is passed to the left, and a new person starts to roll the die, and
the old roller starts to put on the mits and hat. The game continues until the chocolate bar is eaten.
Dodge Ball (active/circle)
Divide the group evenly into two teams. Team A forms a circle around team B. Team A is given a large rubber ball. At signal
team A players throw ball at team B, attempting to hit them below the waist. Team B players may avoid being hit by moving or
running aside or ducking. A player must leave the circle when hit OR a player who is hit may join team A. Leader may time the
eliminating process to determine which team eliminated its opponents fastest
Equipment: ball This game is played with the same objectives as in all dodgeball games. In this game a circle is formed and 4
people are chosen to go into the middle. The 4 people hold on to each other at the waist, forming a chain. The front and middle
protect the back of the donkey by using their bodies as a block. The players who form the circle try to hit the back end of the
donkey, below the waist with the ball. If someone does hit the last person of the donkey, then the thrower will join the front of the
donkey and the person who was hit, joins the circle.
Dracula (active)
One player is chosen (secretly) by the leader to be dracula. When the game starts, everyone starts to mingle with their eyes
closed. (Make sure that their are people watching to make sure no one gets hurt.) Dracula keeps their eyes open. Dracula picks
their victim, goes up to them and screams. This caught person, opens their eyes and becomes a Dracula as well. The game
continues and the Draculas move around together. The game is over when all of the Draculas surround the last human. Watch the
The children form a small circle and all sit down. One person is it and he walks around the outside of the circle, touching the other
children's heads saying "duck, duck, duck," and when he comes to the person whom he wants to chase him, he calls "goose". The
goose chases the it around the circle and the one who reaches the space first sits down and the other one is it.
When the leader says, "Ducks fly", and flaps his/her arms, all the players must flap their arms. The leader goes on to say, "Cats
Meow", with appropriate sounds or gestures, which must be imitated as above. He/she may continue, "hens cluck", "horses trot",
and so on with appropriate gestures and sounds. When he/she chooses, he/she may substitute a false statement and motion, such as,
"cows bark", "elephants fly", and so on. If the player imitates the false motion, he/she is penalized. If any player makes a false
motion or sound at any time, he/she's out (can be given three chances).
The players form a circle. One player is chosen to be IT. He walks around outside the circle with a handkerchief in his hand.
He drops it quietly behind one player and keeps walking trying to get around the circle before the player discovers the
handkerchief. If IT gets all the way around the player becomes a dead fish and stands in the middle of the circle. If the player
discovers it he chases IT and catches him, they are not IT. If he doesn't catch IT, he becomes IT. A dead fish can rescue himself
in two ways. He may snatch the handkerchief from behind some other player before that player sees it, or a player behind whom the
handkerchief has been dropped may toss it into the circle behind a dead fish. The dead fish then picks up the handkerchief and
chases IT.
Eco-Ball (active)
Participants split up into as many teams as you want or feel are necessary. The entire tournament site (including play, rest, food,
and sanitation areas) is divided into a like number of parts. The boundaries should be clearly described but not marked. Each team
is given one portion of the field.
Object: To transport a group over an "electrified" wire or fence using only themselves and a conductive beam.
Rules: If a participant touches the fence (rope) he is "dead" and must attempt the crossing again. Any person touching the
individual as he touches the wire must also return for another crossing. If the conductive beam touches the wire all those in contact
with that beam are dead and must attempt another crossing. An electric field extends from the wire to the ground and cannot be
penetrated. The trees or other supports which hold up the "wire" cannot be safely touched and so cannot be of assistance in the
Caution: Be careful not to let the more enthusiastic people literally throw other participants 7'- 8' in the air over the rope.
Electricity (circle/passive)
The group sits in a circle holding hands while someone sits in the center. The game commences with one person proclaiming
that they are going to send a charge to the person beside them and proceeds to squeeze the hand of their neighbour. The person in
the middle tries to figure out where the current is. If successful, he exchanges places with the immediate sender of the
charge. Elephant ball (moderate/circle)
All the players are in a circle with their legs spread apart and their feet touching the next person's feet. The ball must be punched
around the circle until it goes through someone's legs. That person is then out. This continues until there is one person left, who
would be the winner.
Form a circle with one person in the middle. The middle person will point to an individual and the person pointed to along with
the persons on each side will have to form what was called out. ELEPHANT- Middle person (one pointed to) will form an elephant
trunk by putting arms straight in front of you crossed at the wrists. Persons on each side will form the ears of the elephant by
bending toward middle person, cupping around the mouth with hands as if whispering to the middle person. GIRAFFE- Person
pointed to raise arms above head, arms extended fingers closed. Side people will grab middle ones waist bending over. PALM
TREE- Middle person raise arms above head in "Y" formation, fingers open. Side people do the same but lean toward outside,
away from the middle person. The object of the game is to try to keep changing all the time. The game has to be played quickly.
As soon as an object is formed, the person in the middle of the circle has to point to someone else.
This game is based on the same concept as rock, paper, scissors. In this game; Elves beat Wizards (they can run through their
legs) Giants beat Elves (they stomp on their heads) Wizards beat Giants (because they are smarter) The group needs to be split into
2 groups. Each group needs to choose one of these signs. The two teams come face to face in parallel lines about 2 meters apart.
Both groups will yell, "Elves, Giants, Wizards,.........."(chosen sign goes here). The side that won chases the other team back to their
home and tries to tag them. The players that are touched must join the other team. The object is to get everyone on your team. The
actions are; ELVES- swat low to the ground and put one finger to either side of your head like little pointed ears. GIANTS-
stand up on your tip toes and stretch your arms high over your head WIZARDS- turn body 90o to the left. Stretch right arm out in
front and put left hand by left shoulder. Wiggle your fingers like you are casting a spell. If both teams do the same sign,
it is a tie. (go pick again!)
The game begins by giving each team a clue that will lead them to their spaceship. These can be anywhere. Once at their
spaceship, the team finds a message for them either in a tape recorder or on a piece of paper explaining that their spaceship has
malfunctioned and they have crashed on the Planet of "What". They have 40 minutes to follow the clues that will lead them to a
new spaceship so that they will only be able to say "who", "what" and "where". Clues lead them from station to station where they
have to perform a task (such as making up a national anthem for the planet, or crawling through a laser field). The final task is to
build a spaceship out of any equipment available.
Equipment: bean bags, blindfolds, ropes and keys Four monsters are chosen and they are blindfolded and sat in the middle of a
circle that is formed by the rest of the players. In front of these Monsters sits their treasure(keys). They have bean bags for
ammunition. The leaders chose one person to go through the circle and get the treasure. This person gets 3 monster de-
activators.(ropes tied into a circle) These will de-activate the monster if it is put over their head. The monster can stop trespasser by
hitting them with a bean bag. The players in the circle can help the monsters by telling them where the trespasser is.
Equipment: six objects such as paper plates, beanbags, small boxes Divide the children into teams of equal number, each team
behind a starting line, facing a wall or finish line about twenty feet away. The first player on each team is a farmer, the second
player is a crow, the third a farmer, the fourth a crow, and so on. At a signal, the first farmer on each team takes the seeds (six
beanbags) and places them at equal intervals from the starting line to the finish line. He runs back and touches the second player, a
crow. The crow must hop over each of the beanbags, touch the finish line, change to the other foot, hop back, pick up each seed as
he comes to it. He hands them to player number 3, a farmer, who goes out to plant them again, and so on. The team finishing first
wins. Play again letting each crow be a farmer.
Equipment: small pieces of paper, peanuts or candies. The group needs to be split into small groups of at least 4 people. Each
group needs to be a different animal and decide on the sound they will make. A leader needs to be chosen for every group. The
object of the game is for each group to try and collect the most food. On the word "go", the players can start looking around the
playing area for food. The only people that can actually pick up the food are the group leaders but they can not pick up any food
they want. The rest of the team members look for the food and when they find it, they stand on it or beside it and make their animal
noise until their leader comes. Once the food is taken by the leader, the player would go and look for food again. The team that
collects the most wins.
Two people are challenged to come up to the front of the room and the audience then chooses a topic. The two people must talk
about that topic for one minute in front of the crowd, BUT they are both talking about the topic AT THE SAME TIME! The
audience must then vote on which person held their attention for longer.
Fire (cooperative/active)
'Victims' must remain motionless and not aid the rescuers until the victims are healthy again. Rescuers cannot look at signs until
victims are removed to safe area. All the group except 3 people are unconscious in that burning building. The rescuers know that
the building will explode in 4 minutes. Save as many people as you can. Go!!
Fish In A Pond
Divide children into groups of two. Give each group a name of a fish. Then have one member of each pair form a circle (Pond)
at one end of the playing area by holding hands, while the other partners do the same at the opposite end. Select one person to stand
in the space between the circles. This person calls the name of the fish and the two people who represent this fish rush to their
partner's circle to switch places. The person in the space attempts to catch one of the partners. If caught this "fish" calls a different
name and their position is taken by the person originally in that space. Position are marked by gaps in holding hands.
Flinch (circle/active)
Equipment: ball The players stand in a circle with their arms crossed. One person should be in the centre. The person in the
centre is trying to get everyone in the centre out. The person in the centre will throw the ball at the people in the circle. If they miss
the ball, they are out. The person in the centre can also pretend to throw the ball. If the people in the circle "flinch" (move their
arms from the crossed position), they are out.
Equipment: One penny per pair of campers, rubber chicken Players form a circle and stand beside their partners. The rubber
chicken is in the middle of the circle. One player is the flipper (with the penny) and the other is the flopper. When the leader says
go, the flipper must flip the penny on the ground. If it is heads then the flopper takes two steps forward and if it is tails then the
flopper takes one step backward. The first flopper to reach the chicken wins!!
Equipment: rubber chicken Groups are divided in half (no, not each of them in case you were wondering!). One group lines
up in a line with the rubber chicken at the front of the line. The other group forms a tight bunch, as close in as possible, and elects a
runner. The leader says "Go Foghorn!" The group in the line then passes the rubber chicken Under-Over style down the whole line.
While this is going on, the runner runs around the bunch and keeps track of the number of times they make it around. When the
rubber chicken makes it to the end of the line then the last person throws it as far as possible and shouts "Go". The group that was
in the bunch then runs to where the chicken landed and lines up behind it. They then do the Under-Over thing. The other group
forms a bunch and counts how many times the runner makes it around. This keeps on going and the count of runs is a cumulative
count, so at the end of an allotted time period the group with the most runs around is the winner.
The object of this game is to transport everyone from one end of the playground to the other. To heighten the challenge and
make the game more fun, suggest that players are fleeing a dreaded disease and can only escape if they are carried by other players.
The players may be carried by as many players as necessary. When the carried player is delivered to the other side of the
playground the others must go back and carry each other. This continues until the last player is carried by a single person. The last
player, who was not carried gets carried back triumphantly on the shoulders of the entire group.
Equipment: One slip of paper for every player. Papers should be in groups of five, and each group represents a family, for
example, the Smiths. So the first Smith paper would be Mr. Smith, the second Mrs. Smith, the third Brother Smith and so on. Each
family should have a different last name but the same characters (ie) one mom and one dad. Each player is given one slip of
paper and they must walk around trading papers with everyone else on the room. They should try to make as many exchanges as
possible, and they should not be looking at which papers they are receiving. The leader then calls out "Find your family". The
players must find the other members in their family. When they have found them, they must sit in order from dad to baby in a line
on the floor. The last family to sit down may be eliminated if you choose to do so. The leader may also give out specific
instructions, for example "Find your family without talking".
Equipment: bean bags Players should be balancing beanbags on their heads. On a signal, players move around the area at their
own pace. To change the pace or action, the leader can ask the campers to hop or skip. If the bean bag falls off a camper's head,
that child is frozen. If the bean bag falls off a camper's head, that child is frozen. Another camper (the friend) must pick up the
beanbag and replace it on the first person's head without losing his or her own bean bag. When the game is over, ask the players
how many times they helped their friends, or how many times their friends helped them.
You have a minimum of 5 players one person sits in the middle of a circle then each person picks a fruit name(short ones work best,
Kiwi, pear, etc.) You then pick one person to start the game(excluding the middle player) s/he then calls their fruit name and
someone elses, the person in the middle then tries to tag the second person before they call out their name and someone elses. For
example if I was Kiwi and it was my turn I might say "Kiwi Grape" - the person who was Grape would need to say "Grape ---"
Before the middle person tagged that Grape person. You go like that until someone on the outside gets tagged by the middle person,
then they switch places. You do this until you get bored of it. I hope you use and like this game.
Contributed by Keri
Divide the children into two large groups. One group will take the names of vegetables, the other fruit. In each large group, two
or three children take the same name of a fruit or vegetable. The children mix themselves up and form a seated circle. It, the leader
to start, sits in the centre. It call out "Peas and apples change places". While they are doing so, it tries to get to one of the vacant
seats. If he succeeds the ousted one becomes it.
The players are divided into groups of threes and are scattered into groups around the playground. Two of the three form a
'home' by facing each other and joining hands. The third one will be the rabbit and will simply stand in this house. In addition the
these groups of three, there should be two extra players, a homeless rabbit and a fox. The fox starts the game by chasing the
homeless rabbit around and around in and out of the groups. When the rabbit has grown tired, he may go into one of the homes and
at once the rabbit who was already there must leave, and this rabbit is chased by the fox. When the fox catches the rabbit the two
change places.
Equipment: Rubber chicken Players get into groups of three and form a circle so that they are standing beside the people in their
group. One person is the gate person, one is the bridge person and one person is the tunnel person. The leader should be standing in
the middle holding the rubber chicken. When Gates is called, the gate people leave their spot in the circle and run around the
outside of the circle. The two people from the group then form a gate by putting their arms together. When the gates person gets all
the way around they then run through their gate into the middle of the circle and try to grab the rubber chicken. The same thing
happens for the tunnel and the bridge people except their partners form tunnels and bridges. The first person to grab the rubber
chicken is the winner. (name your chicken, it is Fun, Fun, Fun!!!)
"George" can entertain groups for a while. To play this game everyone sits in a circle. Every one goes around the group and says
their name. This allows everyone to learn everyones name, in case they didn't already know. After the names are said the name
stays with that seat/spot. George is "it". He can starts it by saying a name of one person. Amy do you want to leave? Amy
answers: no. George says, then who? Amy will take over and repeat it with another or the same name. Scott do you want to leave?
Scott says: no. Amy says: then who? It continues until someone messes up. When some one messes up the person to the right of
George gets up and the one who messed up goes in his place (the last postion) and everyone rotates up to where the person who
messed up was sitting. Remember when everyone moves there name stays at that seat. It can get confusing to remember whose
name goes with what seat.
A good way to memorize everyone in the groups name.
Contributed by Amy Roberts
Ghost (passive)
Three or four players are chosen to be the ghosts. The rest of the group needs to scatter across the playing space and choose a
spot to stand in. All players need to close their eyes. The ghosts will roam about the playing space. They will try to kill the people
by standing close behind the players for 10 seconds without them knowing. If this happens, the ghost will tap them on their head
and they will sit down quietly. If a person suspects a person behind them, they would ask, "Is there a ghost behind me?" If they are
right then they become a ghost. If they are wrong they are out and should sit down. This is a great game is you want to quiet your
camp down.
The captain sits slightly apart from the group and is blindfolded. The leader indicates a player who says "Good Morning
Captain!" The captain tries to name the speaker. If he responds "I said good morning captain!" If the captain correctly identifies
the speaker he retains his position. If not the player becomes the new captain. Players should try to disguise their voices.
Go Tag (active)
Everyone squats in a line, alternate players facing opposite directions. The person at one end of the line will be the first runner.
They may run around the line in either direction. The person at the other end will be the first chaser. They may start running either
clockwise or counter-clockwise, but they may not switch directions once they start. The object of the game is for the chaser to tag
the runner. The chased person may change place with anyone in line. The chaser can only push out a new runner who is facing the
appropriate direction. When the chaser catches the chased, the person who tagged them becomes the starting chaser for the next
Everyone stands in the circle facing in. A pin is placed in the centre of the circle. A guard is chosen. The guard stands in the
centre of the circle and guards the pin. The object of the game is for the players in the circle to try and knock down the pin with the
ball. All throws should be thrown underhand. The person who knocks down the pin gets to be the new guard.
Equipment: pieces of paper with names on them, tape Each player needs a name taped to their back. The object of the game is to
figure out who you are. Everyone goes around and asks the other players questions. The players can only answer yes or no. This
game is great when a theme is incorporated. (ex. cartoon characters, book characters )
Ha Ha Ha (passive/cooperative)
This is a contagious laughing game. Player #1 lies on their back and places their head on the belly of player #2 . Player #2 then
places Their head on the belly of player #3, and so on. Players should end up lying in a zig zag formation. Now the first person
shouts "ha!" and the next person answers with "ha ha!".... etc. Soon everyone loses control and starts laughing hysterically.
Everyone starts in a circle, on their stomachs, with their heads towards the centre and their arms forward. The players should
have their right hand over their neighbour to the right's hand and their left hand under the hand of their neighbour to the left. Arms
should cross at the wrist. The object of the game is to pass the slap. The person who starts slaps the ground and the next hand slaps
(not the next person). Once you have the hang of it, add the option of a double slap. This skips the next hand. When a hand is
turned on it's side, start slapping the opposite way.
Hazoo (passive)
Choose someone to be it and divide the group into 2 parallel lines. The person who is it has to walk down the column without
laughing or smiling. The rest of the people, try to make the person laugh without touching them. This game can also be done in a
circle and the person in the centre can be put in the hot seat. Specific questions can be asked and if successful they become the
Grand Pooba.
This is played in the street (quiet and a not so busy street) and requires having some what of a hill, not much though. One person
is picked to be up (the hitter), stands at the bottom of the hill. The others stand scattered towards the hill. The person that is up, hits
a tennis ball (can be a grounder or fly ball) somewhere towards the top the hill. Whoever gets to the ball has a chance to run as
close as they can to the hitter, the way the hitter controls how close that person gets, is by putting the bat down whenever they
choose. The person who has the ball then rolls it towards the bat. The ball ususally bounces up when hits the bat. The hitter must
catch the ball after it hits the bat in order to remain the hitter, if not, the "catcher" now becomes the hitter. This is usually best
played with at least 5 or more people.
Contributed by Tanya Callen
See "Knots".
Equipment: ball Half of the children are horses and half are riders. The riders mount and they are given a ball to pass between
them. If they miss, either of the following are done: 1) The rider that missed the ball runs and gets the ball and when he gets it he
hollers stop which means that horses who have displaced their riders and have been running come to a stand, and if the rider throws
and hits one of the horsed, the riders ride again, and if he misses the horses become riders. 2) Every time the rider missed a ball, all
the riders immediately become horses and the horses riders, and every time the ball is missed all change.
Equipment: Ball or something to pass The potato is passed from person to person until the leader gives a signal. The person left
holding the potato is eliminated.
Players form a circle. The hostess walks around the outside of the circle and taps one player on the shoulder. She shakes her
hand and asks: "How do you do?" the reply is: "Very well thank you". Repeat three times. On the third "Very well thank you"
hostess and player leave in opposite directions. The player who is last to reach an available space becomes the hostess.
Fill a few bags with varying items. (ie. chunk of bread, a piece of soap, a candle, a stick of gum, a sock, kleenex, wet paper....).
Be sure to have things that are difficult to distinguish. Then, sit the group in a circle. Give the bags out and ask the person to pick
out an object without looking in the bag. If they pick out the wrong objects they must put it back. Then the bags are passed on to
let someone else have a turn.
Group should be divided so that they are in small groups of about five or six people. The group lies on their stomach and puts
hands in the middle of the circle with fists closed. On the count of three, everyone either sticks one thumb up or two or none, while
at the same time they are saying a number. The object of the game is to predict how many thumbs are up!
Equipment: Ball
All players except one stand in a circle, facing outwards. Spread your legs as wide as comfortable until your feet are touching
your neighbours on either side. Everyone bend down and swing your arms between your legs. (flippers) The one person left over
enters the circle as the moveable target. The flippers try to hit him by knocking a ball back and forth across the circle. If the target
is hit, the person who hit him goes in the circle and becomes the new target.
Two parallel lines are formed and told to face each other. Each person joins hands with those of the person opposite him. One
person dives onto the arms of the two rows, and is passed down the line by being thrown up in the air. It's a good idea to have a
safety spotter at the opposite end of the line.
You make a task for a person who has been asked to leave the room. When the person returns everyone hums. When the person
returns everyone hums, when the person gets closer to the area where the task is to be accomplished the humming becomes more
intense and if she goes away humming becomes quieter.
Equipment: ball The players are numbered in a circle with the captain standing in the centre. The captain says, "I am the
Captain and I have lost my hat, and I think that number ? has it." The captain then throws the ball to that person. As soon
as the ball has been caught, they must say, "who sir/maam, not me sir/maam", before the Captain says, "Back to the end of the
line." If the player does not say their line, then the player must go to the end of the number order and everyone gets bumped up a
number. If the player does say "Who sir/maam, not me sir/maam" , before the captain can say their line, then the captain will
continue the conversation saying, "yes, you sir/maam." The player replies, "Oh not I sir/maam." The captain asks, " If not you
sir/maam then who maam?" The player answers, "Number ? sir/maam" and throws the ball to that player. This game could be
simplified by using names instead of numbers.
Indy 500 (circle/active)
The group should be sitting in a circle and numbered 1-4. Give each number a name of a car. (ex. 1's are Porches, 2's are
Ferrari's... etc) The game leader calls a car name and those cars have to get up and run around the circle. The first person back to
their spot wins. There is a twist to this game. The cars can have things wrong with them as the leader chooses. Some ideas are;
FLAT TIRE (Hop around on one foot), RUN OUT OF GAS (Crab Walk), TURBO BOOST (run around), NO MUFFLER
Islands (active)
Equipment: hoops or small designated areas Several "islands" are placed on the ground. When the music stops or the leader
stops singing, everyone must be standing on a island without touching anyone else in the group. As the game continues, remove
islands until only one is left.
I Spy (backpocket)
One person says " I spy with my little eye, something that is ....(colour)". Then others try to guess what the object is and the one
who guesses it takes the next turn.
All of the players should be standing on side of a line on the ground. The leader will call out, "on the shore" and "in the river".
The players follow the commands by jumping on the side of the line that applies. The players get out if they are not listening. The
leader could call out, "in the shore" and "on the river". The players move, they are out.
Jamaquack (active/circle)
Jamaquacks are rare birds from Australia. Being from down under, they always stand bent over, with their hands grasping their
calves or ankles and shuffle along backward. They are nocturnal by preference, and when they are out in daylight, they always try
to wander off somewhere, only a third of the players can be jamaquacks at a time. The rest must form a jamaquack pen by holding
hands in a circle facing the center. Two players create a hole in the pen by dropping their hands. The jamaquacks gather in the
middle of the pen, heads together and begin quacking and moving backward with their eyes closed, trying to find the way out.
While the birds are trying to escape, those forming the circle do their best to jam the quacks back inside the pen by GENTLY knee-
bumping them. Once outside the circle the jamaquacks can finally stand upright and open their eyes but they should keep quacking
to let their species mated locate the hole.
This game is ideal for groups that either don't feel completely comfortable with one another, or are difficult to assemble quickly.
Divide the large group into smaller groups by means of colour of clothing, birthdays or counting to group them together. Have them
get into these groups, hold hands in one long line and then roll from one end to the other into a "jelly roll" and sit down.
This can be used when you need to explain something , break them into groups quickly etc. All you need to do is yell "jelly roll".
Equipment: A roll of crepe paper. Divide the group into teams of three. Each team receives a roll of crepe paper. Mark two
parallel boundary lines about 10 yards apart. Each team lines up behind on of the boundaries. When the leader says "Go" , two
player on each team get down on their hands and knees, one behind the other. The rear player places his or her hands on the ankles
of the front player. The third team member becomes the connector and connects the two players by wrapping the crepe paper
around the wrists and ankles of the players. After the players have been connected, they begin to creep toward the opposite
boundary. If the crepe paper tears, the two crawlers must stop while the third player repairs the connection. Once the two crawlers
reach the boundary they switch so that everyone gets a chance to be the connector. The first team to cross the boundary line after all
three team members have been crawlers and connectors is the winner.
Players stand in a circle, hands in the air. The leader throws the ball to a player on the other side of the circle. The player throws
the ball to a third and so on. When a player has caught the ball once, he puts his arms down. The last player to catch the ball throws
it back to the leader and the game starts over again only faster. A 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ball is added.
Keep it up (cooperative/circle/moderate)
Equipment: ball Players start in a circle with their feet towards the middle. A ball is put in the canter and the players have to
keep the ball up in the air with their feet. If the ball is dropped, it is a point against themselves.
Someone is chosen to be the picker all the other kids line up facing the wall and should close their eyes.
The picker goes by and taps each of the kids. He taps each of them once but whomever he picks as the killer he is to tap twice.
Once everyone is tapped they all turn around. (Sometimes the killer is given away here because of
smiling :)
Everyone begins shaking hands with one another one at a time in a normal shaking manner. If you are the killer when you shake
hands with people you bend your index finger in and sort of poke the palm of the person's hand your shaking. If you feel this when
you shake someone's hand then you go and shake two more hands (normal shake) and then silently fall to the ground. Eventually
the killer gets everyone and then the games over and a new killer gets picked.
Contributed by Julianne Brewer
[See also "Murder Wink"]
Campers sit in a circle with one person in the middle of the circle. The person in the middle goes up to different people and
says "Kitty Wanna Cracker?". The players in the circle say "No, thankyou". While this is going on, the people who the kitty has
her/his back to try to catch each other's eye and change places. The kitty tries to steal the empty spots. If you are left without a spot
then you become the kitty.
This game is similar to musical chairs in that when the rhythm stops an action must be performed. In this game 2 equal circles
are formed, with one inside the other. The people of the inside circle will pair up with someone on the outside circle and remain
with that partner for the rest of the game. the inside circle will walk clockwise clapping their hands and the outside circle, also
clapping, will walk in the opposite direction. When the leader calls out Horses, the individuals stop clapping and run to find their
partner. Once together, one partner will go on all fours, like a horse, and the other partner will straddle their back. The last partner
group to form that position will be asked to act out a simple situation of their choice that makes use of a rider and a horse. Once this
game continues in the same fashion as before. If Knights is called, one partner will sit on the other partner's knee. The partner
therefore has one knee up to be sat on and the other on the ground for support. If Cavaliers is called, then one of the partners will
lift their partner up into their arms. However, one leg lifted by their partner is allowed.
Equipment: hoola hoop and sword The players should be in a circle with one knight in the canter with the sword. The knight
tries to touch a person in the circle with the sword, run to the middle, put the sword on the table (hoola hoop) and get to their spot in
the circle without being touched by the sword. The person touched has to chase the knight, get the sword from the table and touch
them with it before they get to the spot or they are the new knight. If for some reason the sword does not land on the table, the rest
of the players must yell, "THE SWORD IS NOT ON THE TABLE!" This means the play is cancelled and the knight must try
Knots (moderate/circle/cooperative)
Groups of eight stand in a circle facing into the canter. Shake hands with person directly across from you, then join left hands
with a different person in the group. Must untangle the human knot without letting go of hands.
Ladders (active)
Two lines are formed, facing each other. Sit down, legs straight out, feet just touching. Each pair is numbered or given a name.
When a name or number is called, the two jump up, run over the legs of the other pairs in one direction, then run outside until they
get to the opposite end of the line and then continue to run over the legs of the other pairs until they get back to their original place
in line. The first person back to their original position gets a point for their team.
Choose a partner and sit in front of them. Take 3 minutes to study how your partner is dressed. Turn around. Now your partner
will change 5 things on his clothes. Again the partners face each other and the first partner tries to determine what is different.
Form a circle, shoulders close to people beside you. Everyone turn 90 degrees to the left. Put hands on person's hips. Everyone
sits down on knees of person behind them. Try to sit, stand up, turn around and sit down again. Then try to walk while in lap sit.
Leader (circle)
The children all sit in a large circle. A person is picked to be it. He leaves the room or sits with his back to the circle. The group
then decides on a leader who is to start a motion in which all the children copy. The motion can be anything at all, and the person
who is it, comes in to find the leader of the motion. The leader changes the motion from time to time and the person who is it has
three guesses to determine who the leader is. If 'it' guesses correctly then the leader becomes 'it'. If 'it' does not guess correctly a
new games is started by choosing a new 'it'.
Lemonade (active/drama)
The group is divided into two teams. Team A: Actors, Team B: Guessers. Actors decide on a geographical location and a related
occupation. Dialogue between A and B:
A: Here we come. B: Where from? A: From New Airlines. B: What's your name? A: Lemonade. B: What's your trade? A: Goes
like this.
At this point group A acts out their occupation. Group B is given 3 tries to guess. If the guess is correct, group A must run to a
safety line without being touched by a group B player. If all 3 guesses are wrong group B must run to a safety line without being
touched. Any player touched must switch teams.
Players sit in a circle. Two children on the opposite sides of the circle, hold small objects, (stone ball etc.). One is called a lion,
and the other a tiger. On a signal the players pass the objects to the right as quickly as they can. The fun is in trying to get one
animal to overtake the other. (see Beat the Bunny)
Equipment: Card The group is divided into 2 lines, boy-girl-boy-girl if possible. A card is then given to the first person in the
line. He puts the card between his lip and his nose and passes it down the line. The first line to pass the card down first wins.
A lonely ghost would love some company. He wants to make a ghost friend.
His ghost friend won't be me.
One child is chosen to be the lonely little ghost. He sits on a chair in the haunted house. Indicate a certain area for that purpose.
The other children speak the verse and sneak into the haunted house. They tease the ghost. Any child he catches or tags within the
boundries of his haunted house becomes a ghost and joins him to try to catch the remaining children, who return again and again to
tease and try to avoid being caught by the ghosts. The last child caught is the winner and may be the lonely little ghost the next time
the game is played.
Contributed by Colleen Murphy
Select a player to be the Loose Caboose. Divide the rest of the group into trains of three. Each player is in a train car and holds
the waist of the person in front. The first player in a train is the engine. The object is for the loose caboose the try to attach to a
train. When all are aboard, the trains chug around the train yard (sound effects should be encouraged) Trying to dodge and turn to
keep away form the Caboose. When the Caboose attaches to a train, the engine of that train becomes the new loose caboose.
Lumberjack (active)
Two lumberjacks per team, - the rest are trees (people). The lumberjack must fill the trees transport them to the lumber yard
(carry the people on his team), stack the lumber (pile the people on top of their team) and replant new trees ( carry the same people
back and leave them standing upright).
Machines (cooperative/drama)
Groups of 6-10 must create a moving machine by miming it all together, (each person is a part of the machine). Others must try
to guess what the machine is. No talking or noises are allowed.
Form a circle of players. You stand in the middle. Start the group off with a slow clapping rhythm, such as 2 slow claps
followed by 3 quick claps. Repeat this over and over. Walk around the inside of the circle to the clapping rhythm and stop in front
of someone. Do a simple step with your feet in time to the beat. the person you're standing in front of must try to repeat your step.
If he doesn't, move around the circle and stop in front of someone else. If he does, you take his place in the circle, and he becomes
the leader. He may change the rhythm and try to "outstep" another player.
Minefield (active/cooperative)
Split the group into 3 (not each of them). One group will be the mines. They will be stationary in the playing area. One group
will be the rowers trying to get across the playing field. The trick is, they will have their eyes closed. The third group will be the
assistants. They will be located on the other side of the playing field and will direct the rowers safely across. If a rower bumps into
a mine, they blow up. The groups should rotate so everyone gets to be everything.
One player stands blindfolded in the centre of the room. Have the other children stand in a circle or a line. Have the children
switch places in the circle and take one person out of the room. Then unblindfold the child in the centre, and give him one minute to
name the missing player. Let the person who was removed now be blindfolded.
Equipment: ball
Two teams should be standing in lines side to side, arms linked and numbered 1 and up. The ball will be placed in the centre of
the playing space. The game leader will call out one number. The player from each team that has that number will run to the centre
to get the ball. The rest of the team will act as the moving goalie. The players in the middle attempt to hit the ball with their hand
on the ground past the opposing team's goalie line. The goalie lines can only move side to side and must stay attached. The play is
over if the ball goes out of bounds and when a shot is made. Mount / Dismount (active)
The players should be split into 2 groups. One group will form a circle and be the horses,. The second group will be the runners
or the riders. There should be more riders than horses. The horses run around the outside of the circle until the game leader calls
out "Mount!". The riders then need to find a horse to mount. If a rider is horseless, they are out. When the leader calls out,
"Dismount" the riders jump off their horse go under their legs and run around the circle again ready to remount. Both teams should
get a chance to be the riders.
Mouse Trap (circle/active)
The group needs to be split into 2 groups. One group is the trap and the other are mice. The trap stands in a circle holding hands
in the air. The leader should not be facing the group. The mice have to run through the trap. When the leader yells, "MOUSE
TRAP", the trap lowers their arms. Whoever is inside the trap at this point is caught and becomes a part of the trap. The last mouse
left is the winner. At this point the 2 groups should switch roles.
This game starts with a leader and a camper in one room or area of the playground and another leader with the rest of the
campers in another room or area. Every camper is given a name ie. mama greenjean, baby greenjean, tall greenjean, short
greenjean, green greenjean etc... One camper at a time comes into the room that originally had only a leader and one camper and
introduces himself. Everyone who is in the room repeats all of the actions of the new person for a few seconds up to a few minutes.
The amount of time is very dependent on how the camper responds to this type of attention. Some campers will do the funniest
things when they know everyone is going to repeat it.
Killer winks at his victim. The victim waits 5 seconds and then falls. The victim chooses his own way of falling. If a player
thinks he can identify the killer, he points and says "I accuse you". If he is wrong, both players are dead.
[See Also "Killer"]
Musical Roper/Hoops
Equipment: music This game is similar to musical chairs, but does not eliminate anybody. Scatter a number of hoops and ropes
around the area in which you are playing the game The number of ropes or hoops will vary with the number of people playing. Play
music loud enough for everyone to hear and instruct them to move around (hop, skip, backwards, run etc.) When the music is
stopped, the group must be holding onto one of the ropes or hoops. Each time the music stops you remove one hoop or rope until
everyone is holding onto or standing inside one.
The players form one circle. The leader begins to meet people by shuffling like a train across the circle, stopping when he or she
comes face to face with a player. The leader will say to the player for example, "Hi, my name is Al". The person facing the leader
returns with, "Hi Al, my name is John." The leader raises one arm and then the other saying "John,...John,...John, John, John, John,
John." The leader turns and John now holds on to the back of Al and both shuffle out across the circle. Keep repeating until
everyone has joined the circle.
Get the campers in a circle. The leader shoots (not really - pretend) the campers around the circle. They then ask "who did I
shoot?" The first person that talks is the one that was shot.
The leader needs a helper who understands how the trick works. The helper leaves the circle. While they are gone, the group
decides on an object. The helper then comes back to the group, their task is to guess what the object is. The leader asks questions
like, "Is it the swings?" or "Is it the bench". The helper replies no. The trick is that the object will be the first one after a black
The leader starts with 2 sticks. They hold the sticks crossed or uncrossed and says "These sticks are crossed" or "these sticks are
uncrossed". The leader then passes the sticks around and each camper tries to figure it out. The trick is that the sticks are crossed if
their legs are crossed and if they aren't crossed either are the sticks.
The leader begins by saying, "repeat after me". Then the leader clears their throat and says: "peaches, peaches very fine peaches,
the very best peaches in town." The leader tries to get the campers to repeat. The poem is not correct until the throat is
cleared. Phantom (circle / passive) The leader begins by walking around a circle of campers saying "The phantom
walks and walks and walks and walks..... The leader then stops behind a camper and says "Where's the Phantom?" The campers
will guess whoever the leader is standing behind. This is the incorrect guess. Tell the campers who the Phantom really is. Repeat
the above process. The correct location of the Phantom is behind the camper who speaks first. Keep the trick a secret. If the
campers figure out, don't tell or change the secret.
Have the campers in a circle. The leader explains that Silly Sally has a really cool club. The only way that the campers can join is
if they can figure out what Sally likes and doesn't like. Sally only likes things that have double letters in them. Sally likes soccer but
she doesn't like golf. Sally likes bananas but she doesn't like beans. etc
Equipment: tarp and blanket Group is divided in half (no, not each of them!). Leaders hold up a tarp so that the two groups are
unable to see each other (hence the name no see em's). One person from each group crawls up to the tarp and puts their nose up to
it. The leaders drop the tarp and the two people must shout out the other person's name. The person who says the correct name first
takes the other person to their team.
The players are numbered 1,2,3,4 etc. The leader calls out two numbers. These players must change seats quickly, while the
leader tries to secure a seat. He continues until he succeeds. The one left out becomes the leader.
Objectification (drama)
Give them the names of objects that they must act out. Each person in the group must be a part of the object and they cannot act
as a person. So for example, if the object was a lawn mower. 2 people might work together to be the mower and those left over
could be the grass. No one would be a person pushing the lawn mower. The groups then present them and the other groups must
guess what the objects are.
Octopus (active)
Players (fish) are at one end of the hall, inside defined limits. The octopus lives in the ocean inside the limits. The octopus tells
the fish that the can cross the ocean by saying "Fish , fish come swim in the ocean". At this signal the fish try to cross over to the
other side. Players who try to cross over to the other limit. Player who are touched by the octopus must stop moving and become
tentacles of the octopus
Oh Deer (active/nature)
A game where a herd of deer seeks food, water and shelter to survive. The group should be spilt into 2 even groups and they
should be at either end of the playing space facing opposite directions. One group will be the environment and the other will be the
deer. The environment and the deer will pick one of three signs; WATER (hand over mouth), FOOD (hands on stomach) or
SHELTER (hands in a peak over head). On the go signal from the leader, both groups will turn around and make their symbol. The
deer will run towards the environment that is the same as their sign. If they get an environment, both players become deer. If the
deer can not find the appropriate symbol, they will die and become part of the environment. Fluctuations in the deer population due
to different causes can be shown in different rounds.
One child chosen as the witch walks along in front of the other players who poke, pull, and tease her in every way possible. As
they follow after her they call, "Old mother witch, fell in the ditch, picked up a penny, and thought she was rich!" The witch turns
around and yells, "Whose children are you?" any name may be given and the witch carries on, but when they say " yours " the
witch chases them. The first child caught takes her place.
Ooh-Ahh (circle/passive)
Start with everyone in a circle holding hands. Now one of you gives a quick squeeze to the hand of the person on the right.
This gets passed along to the next person and around the circle. Once the squeeze is being passed smoothly, speed up and add
sound. Say "Ooh" while going to the right and "Aah" when going to the left. A player gets zapped when they squeeze the wrong
hand. Both sounds can travel in opposite directions and you can play tag.
The group is blindfolded. Each member is assigned a number. Once the members are distributed in a defined area, the members
must line up in a proper numerical order without verbal communication. Another task would be to assign each member the name of
an animal. Nonverbally, the members arrange themselves in order of size, form largest to smallest.
Players lie in a circle with their hands in the middle. One person is out of the circle. Players in the circle must pass the ring
around the circle without the person guessing where it is.
This is a good way to divide campers into groups in an interesting way. The campers should mingle while snapping and saying,
"people to people". The leader will call out commands like, "back to back" or "knee to knee". The leader can also throw in group
commands like, "a group that uses the same toothpaste" or "same colour eyes". Be creative!
Pina (circle/passive)
Everyone is in a circle. One person takes a deep breath and begins walking around the circle tapping everyone on the head and
saying "Pina." The idea is to get back to your place before taking another breath. Your success in this game will depend as much
on the size of the circle as it does on the size of the circle as it does on the size of your lungs.
Arrange the children in groups of three. One person in each group is Pip, one Wilbur, and one Squeek. These groups are
arranged in one big circle. The leader calls out one of the three names; this person runs around the outside of this big circle until he
gets back to his group. Then he runs under the arch that the other two have made and into the centre of the circle and tries to grab
one of the bean bags in the middle and return to his group. There should be two less bean bags than there is groups. If the runner
gets a bean bag, his group scores a point. The group with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Poison (moderate)
A pot or kettle is placed on the ground. Five or more players join hands, forming a circle around the pot. One player is the
leader. He tries to push or pull the other players so that one of them knocks his foot against the pot. As soon as any player touches
the pot, he is 'poison' and all the other players run away from him. The player who is poison chases them until he catches someone.
The that player becomes the leader. And another game is started.
Pompadour (cooperative/icebreaker)
Equipment: Name tags Players must find another player with at least four letters in their name that are the same. Join hands.
Idea is for the entire group to be joined at the end of the game.
The children are arranged in a circle, sitting down. The one child is the "poor kitty" and he goes up to another child purring and
meowing. The person approached must pat the kitty on the head and say, "Poor Poor kitty". If the child laughs, then he must
become the kitty and try to make others laugh.
Choose one child to be the weasel. Have the rest of the children divided into even groups. In each group number the children off
1,2,3, and so on The weasel stands in the centre as the groups dance around him in their own circles singing "pop goes the weasel".
When a number is called all the children of that number and the weasel join in a circle in the middle dancing and singing "pop goes
the weasel" while the other children remain in their own group's circle around the outside. When 'pop goes the weasel' is reached all
those children run to find an empty circle, the other groups have formed on the outside. The remaining child is the weasel.
The children imagine themselves on a ship. The Captain gives out orders to his mates on board. The mates respond with
physical actions as follows:
1. Captain's coming - salute 2. Stand at ease - hands behind back 3. All hands on deck - kneeling position 4. Hit the deck - lying flat
on the floor 5. Submarine - lying on back one leg up in the air. 6. Port - run to the left side 7. Starboard - run to the right side
These are only a few examples of movements. Feel free to add your own. Children are eliminated from the game after each order
given by the Captain. The last to obey are counted as out.
There are 2 teams, each with its own home base. Also mark out a prison - both teams will use it. The members of each team
links hands, stretching out from their home bases. The last person in the chain (the one farthest from the base) breaks away and runs
into the field. Then the last link on the opposite team's chain breaks away and chases them. While that chase goes on., the players
continue to break from their team's chain and pair off with a member of the opposite team. In this way, each chaser has a particular
player they must tag. When a player is tagged, they go to prison and their captor stands on guard. The prisoner can be released only
if a member of their own team runs through the prison and tags any would-be rescuer. If several players of the same team are in
prison, they may call out "ELECTRICITY!" and join hands, stretching a chain out and away from the prison boundaries. A
teammate may touch the last person in the chain and release all the prisoners. The game is finished when all the members of the
first team are captured.
Each game began with one person, usually the youngest and smallest player from each team, being a prisoner. The object was for
each team to free its captured members. There were three lines drawn across the vacant lot: a centre line and each team's end line.
The "prisons" were on opposite corners of the lot. Team A's prison line was in the south east corner of the lot; Team B's prison line
was in the north west corner of the lot. The prisoner had to have one foot on the opposing team's endline. He/she would stand at
right angles to the captor's prison line with his/her legs spread apart and arm extended. As the team members ran across the centre
line to touch their team member's hand to free their captured team member, the opposing team would try to catch them. The centre
line was the safety line. You were safe only if you were on your side of the vacant lot. If a player was tagged by a member of the
opposite team while he/she was across the centre line, he/she also became a prisoner and was taken to the corner of the lot and put in
prison. The most recently captured team member had to go to the back of the prisoner line with his/her foot on the captors' end line
and the previously captured prisoners would move up closer to the centre line. A player could only free one prisoner at a time.
After a prisoner was freed, the liberator and the freed prisoner had to run all the way to the other end of the vacant lot, without being
re-captured, and cross the end line before they could go and free a new prisoner.
Contributed by Fred Reekie
Pruie (moderate)
Everyone walks around with their eyes closed in a small space. When you bump into someone say "pruie?" If they say "pruie?"
back to you then they are not the person you are looking for and you continue looking amongst the crowd. The referee has
whispered to one person, telling him that he is the "Pruie". The pruie does not have to close their eyes and if someone bumps into
them and asks "pruie?" they do not respond. This is your clue to join onto their hand and open your eyes. The fun comes when
there is only one person left to find the Pruie!
Each player chooses a number (1,2,or 3). Each player seeks out fellow players by shaking hands right and left. The hand is
squeezed the number of times which corresponds to the number the player has chosen. It is a secret code; all must be done in
silence. The "spirits" should see to it that the group divides into three separate groups.
Equipment: bucket with holes, water, pot Object: The group must attempt to fill the drum to overflowing. Rules: Only portions
of the participants' anatomies may be used to plug holes. Considerations: The number of holes must necessarily vary with the size
of the group. Puncture 120 holes (large nail size) in the bucket which duplicates the number of fingers in a 12 man group.
Quack (icebreaker)
This game is played in the same formation as jamaquacks. The group forms a circle and about six players are chosen to go into
the middle of the circle, where they bend over and grab their ankles, and walk around backwards. If they bump another player then
they must introduce themselves by sticking their head between their legs and shaking the other player's hand.
One player is blind folded and is given a cane or stick. The other players march around him in a circle. As soon as he taps his
cane loudly, everyone stops. The blindfolded player points his cane at someone and that person must say "quack quack" . The
blindfolded player tries to guess who it is. If he guesses correctly the first time, he trades places with that player. If the child does
not guess correctly he just continues until he does guess right.
Nobody can keep a straight face in this game! Players sit in a circle, fairly close together. the leader solemnly taps the knee of
the person to his right, and each player in turn does the same. When that action gets back around to the leader, he then taps the
cheek of the player to his right. And so on, with the nose, ear, eye, mouth, or until a player dissolves into laughter.
Queenie (moderate)
Equipment: ball One player is chosen to be queenie and he stands with his back towards the other players. Queenie throws the
ball over his head and one of the players catches it. Then the players stand with their hands behind their backs and Queenie turns
around. The players say "Queenie, queenie, who's hot the ball?" Then queenie has three guesses to decide who's got the ball. If he
guesses incorrectly the player with the ball becomes queenie. Otherwise he remains.
Equipment: tails, food, hoola-hoops The players will be split into 2 teams. One team are rabbits and the other team are foxes.
The object of the game is for the rabbits to cross the open playing field retrieve food and bring it back to their home. The rabbits
can not be killed when they are frozen. The foxes are trying to take the rabbit's tail when they are moving. If this happens, the
rabbit is dead. Both teams should get a change to be both animals.
Quickity-Quick recites the verse above while walking behind the children. He pretends to take the different objects to fool the
children, who must not look behing them. While he is pretending, he does actually take one object. Whenever one of the three
children think their object has been taken, they immediately try to catch Quickity-Quick before he reaches a safety goal which has
been previously established. If Quickity-Quick is caught with the obbject that was behind the child who chased him, they exchange
The game is then repeated with the new Quickity-Quick. However, if the child catches Quickity-Quick with an object that was not
his object, he is disqualified. Quickity-Quick may try again. Also, if Quickity-Quick is not caught at all, he has another turn until
he is caught.
Contributed by Colleen Murphy
Equipment: One crate of tennis balls (approximately 30) An enclosed area ( difficult to play on the grass)
Tennis balls are strewn around the room on the ground. The leader yells "RAPID NUGGETS" and the object of the game is to
keep the tennis balls moving. They may only use their feet. If the leader spots a tennis ball lying still, she/he shouts "DEAD
NUGGET...3,2......",. If a player has not made the ball moving by the time that the leader says 1, the group has one strike against
them. The leader may time how long the group keeps the nuggets moving before they get three strikes against them.
This is a game for a small group. The leader designates a stream area, then scatters clams and crayfish in the stream. The leader
stay at the far end. The leader is a fox. The rest of the group are raccoons. When the fox calls "raccoons', the raccoons move up the
stream slowly and pick up the food as they go. When the fox calls "dinnertime" the raccoons must freeze. If the fox calls "paws in
the air" the raccoons must put up their paws (hands) up in the air and they are not allowed to use their thumbs. The game ends
when the raccoons reach the fox but the winner is the racoon with the most clams and / or crayfish. That person then becomes the
Newspaper Race - Two newspaper sheets required per player. Each player must race to the turning point and back, stepping only
on his newspapers. He steps on one, lays the other in front of him steps on it, moves the first forward, and steps on it and so on.
No hand get up - Players run to turning point, stop, lie down on their backs, fold hands across chest and get up without moving
their arms, and run back to finish line.
Skip and Through - Children stand in partners i a double circle. The partners skip around the circle. On signal, inside person
stops, folds arms and puts legs apart. The outside person runs around the circle, goes through partner's tunnel and sits cross-legged
on the inside of the circle.
Spider Race - Team formation, Players #1 stand facing the goal. Player #2 stands beside him, with his back to the goal. The two
players link elbows and on the signal, the pair run to the goal and back. One person runs backward each time. The rest of the
players repeat the same action until every person has a turn.
Toe and heel (circle) - Runner advances by placing one foot in front of the other so that the heel of the advancing foot touches
the toes of the hind foot. Great for small places
Wheel Barrow Race - Partners assume the Wheel barrow and pusher position and on the signal advance to the turning point
where they change positions and return to the starting line.
Rainmakers (circle/passive/coop)
All of the participants need to sit in a circle. This activity will create a rain storm at your camp without actual rain. Each action
that is to be done will start with the leader. As the action comes to each player, they will join in. You can not start the action until
it is your turn. The action sequence is; - Rubbing hands together - Snapping - Clapping - Slap thighs - Stomp feet Then reverse the
whole process. This will sound like a rain storm starting and then slowing down again.
First you find lots of kids. Then everyone hold hands one person on one end stands and holds onto something like a wall. The
person on the other end will start the game by singing the song and going under the arm of the person that's on the wall after
everyone is under the person should have their arms crossed. Then keep singing the song and repeat the motion going under the
second persons arm. Keep doing this until everyone is twisted. Then the people at the ends hold hands finally everyone is joined
and they jump up and down singing the song one more time.
Everyone forms a circle and one person is chosen as IT stands in the centre of the circle. While IT closes their eyes, the other
players pass a small object (like a marble or a stone) from person to person. The sneakiest method of passing is to hold the marble
in one fist, palm down, and drop in into the palm-up hand of the next person. Then they pass it from one fist to the other and on.
With a little practice, you'll be able to accomplish a quick and sneaky pass without even looking. IT signals and opens their eyes.
Who among all these innocent looking people has the marble? If they detect a suspicious look on someone's face, she walks up and
taps one of his fists. If they are empty handed, she moves on. Meanwhile everyone has been passing the marble around, virtually
under IT's nose. (Fake passes, as decoys, by people who don't have the marble are an integral part of the game.)
Rattlers (active/cooperative/circle)
Everyone forms a circle around two players. They are both blindfolded and given a rattle. One is trying to tag the other. The
rattlers enter the snake pit, and the game begins. To get a fix on each others positions, either rattler may shake his rattle at anytime
and the other must immediately respond by shaking hers. However, the pursuer is allowed to initiate only 5 shakes to locate his
quarry while the pursued can rattle away as much as she dares. The rest of the people in the circle move around, changing the size
and shape of the snake pit. Once the person has got the snake or the person has used 5 shakes, switch snakes.
Players stand in a straight line about 50 ft. from IT. IT turns his back and says "green light", counts to ten, and says "red light"
and then turns around. Meanwhile the players have moved as far forward as possible. Whomever he sees moving must return to the
starting place. The first person to pass IT wins.
One lion and one gate keeper need to be chosen at the beginning of this game. The lion should stand in a small marked off area.
The lion keeper should have their arm out, keeping the lion inside the den. The rest of the players should be standing as close to the
lion as possible and should chant, "RED LION, RED LION, COME OUT OF YOUR DEN...WHOEVER YOU CATCH WILL BE
ONE OF YOUR MEN....." The players should continue to chant until the lion keeper lets the lion go. Anyone who is caught,
becomes a lion. The game continues until everyone is caught.
There are two teams both of which form lines and grasp hands together. One team starts by saying "Red Rover, Red Rover,
will come over". The name called can be anyone from the opposite team.. That person called runs over and tries to break through
the line. If he does get through, then he can take someone back over to his own team with him. If he doesn't break through he stays
with the opposite team. Then the other team takes a turn at calling someone over. ** N.B. EXTREME CAUTION MUST BE
Animal Relay - The players form two lines with equal numbers on each team. The first animal on each team is an animal, the
second a different animal. On the word"go", the first person acts like the animal they represent, run, hop or crawl to a given place
and back. The next person then acts like their animals and so on until one team is finished and sitting down. Use animals such as
kangaroos, bunnies, dogs, cats etc...
Ball of String Relay- The players should be in two teams standing in two circles with a ball of string. The captain holds one
end, while the ball is passed rapidly from hand to hand until it is unwound. It is then passed back and rewound.
Car Relay - Have teams line up and each person in the team has a certain action to do ie. First person in each group is a flat tire
and hops on one foot. Second person is a broken steering wheel and runs zig-zag. The third person is a rusty transmission and
takes three steps forward and two backwards. Fourth person is stuck in reverse and runs backwards. Fifth and sixth people are a
car with a trailer one runs behind the other grabbing on.
Corner Spry Relay - Teams arrange themselves in lines at the four corners of the playing space. Each team has a captain. The
four captains stand in the centre, facing their teams. Each team has one beanbag, ball, or even an apple. The Captain throws the
bean bag to each player on is team in turn. The players toss it back. As the captain throws to the last he calls "corner spry" and runs
to the head of the line. The last player in the line rushes to the centre and begins to throw the bean bag. This continues until the
captain is back in the centre with the bean bag.
Jumpball Relay - Teams line up with team members behind their team captains in file formation. At a distance of about 10
yards are placed play balls. One for each one on another straight line. On the word GO, the first member of each team runs to his
team's ball and places it between his ankles. The next person then runs back to the far line, places the ball between his feet and hops
back. If the ball is dropped, the player must return to the line and start over. the first team finished and sitting down is the winner.
Obstacle Relay - Players run the course from the head of the team to the turning point and back to the head of the tam
performing along the course of the run three or more stunts, with or without apparatus. The use of hoops, skipping ropes, Indian
clubs, mats, low vaulting boxes, basketball hoops, or what-have-you offer an almost endless selection of obstacles.
Over and Under - Team assumes astride position and all bend over and place their hands on their knees. The rear man of the
team is runner No. 1. He must leap frog the first man in front of him, crawl under the legs of the second, leap the third and so on the
front of the team.
Paul Revere Relay - Divide children into teams of 6 -12. Place teams in column 20 feet or more apart, the back man being the
latest and the most active on the team. On the work "go" he dashes forward and jumps pick-a-back on number 2, who dashes
forward to #3 and the transfer of the light rider must be made. The rider must not touch the ground. First team to have their rider
reach the beginning of the line wins.
Stunt Relay - In stunt relays, the runners advance to the turning point, stop, perform a stunt and return to tag the next runner on
their team. There is hardly and end to the number of stunts which can be performed.
Tunnel Relay - All members in the team stand astride. Runners must first crawl under the legs of all players in the team, run
forward to the turning point and return to tag the next man of the team who does the same.
Wiggle Worm Relay- Form relay lines. Everyone in each line puts their left hand between their legs and the person behind,
then signals to grab them from behind with their right hand. Then they run at a given signal to the other end of the playing area and
back. The first team to return 'intact' wins!
Two equal groups. Paper covers rock, scissors cut paper, rock breaks scissors. Groups that throws winning figure runs to tag
other group before they get behind their safe line.
Same principal as pin the tail on the donkey. Instead of a donkey, you make a map. All you need is a large piece of plain paper
about a metre square. A double page from a newspaper will do in a pinch. Attach the paper to a tree with tape or lay it on the
ground. The paper represents a space map of the universe. The with a heavy red crayon draw a solid colour disc about 3" in
diameter on the space map. This red ball will be Mars. Next draw on several other planets. Each player gets to make a spaceship.
Blindfold each player, spin him around and see if he can land his ship on mars. Make sure each ship has the child's name on it so
you can tell who is the closest.
First, everyone chooses a partner, If someone is left over he or she can be your partner. One member goes to an inside circle and
the other stands beside that person on the outside circle. The circles rotate in opposite directions. The leader yells out either
"Romeo and Juliet", "Wheelbarrow" or "Siamese Twins". The last couple to perform the action is out. The game continues until
there is one remaining couple. The partners remain with the same partner throughout the entire game.
Romeo and Juliet - One partner sits on the other's knee Wheelbarrow - One holds the other's legs upright Siamese Twins - Back to
Back and bent over, hands held between their legs.
Roundabout (active)
Players stand in a circle facing each other front to back. When the leader says "Go" everyone begins running around the circle.
Always passing on the outside, each player tries to pass the person ahead. Players try and tag players as they pass. Tagged players
are out. When the leader calls "Switch", the players must reverse direction. This turns the tables on the fast runner who is just
about to overtake another player.
Equipment: ball The players should be split into 2 groups. Each team should sit with their legs extended in a row. The teams
should be facing opposite directions and should be about a meter apart. The object of the game is to hit the ball out the end of the
row in the direction that your team is facing. The players can only use their inside arm and the ball should be on the ground at all
Group is divided in half (no not each of them). One group is the sheep and the other group is the foxes. The sheep are the hiding
group and the foxes are the hunting group. A home base and boundaries must be designated before the game begins. The sheep
elect a group leader. The whole group then goes and hides, as a group, they must stay together. The foxes may not look while the
sheep are hiding. The group leader from the sheep goes back to the foxes and tells them that the group is ready. The foxes then
hunt for the sheep, as a group, they must stay together. The group leader from the sheep stays with the foxes and when the foxes are
not near the sheep OR the home base, the leader shouts out "Run sheep Run!!" The object of the game is for the sheep to make it
back to the home base before the foxes do. If they succeed then they get to be the sheep again.
Running bases
There are two "bases" which could be anything including just two squares on the sidewalk. Three people minimum, probably 5 max
but there could be more than one game going on at once....basically two people had mits and are basemen they throw the ball back
and forth and the "runner" runs back and forth daring the catchers to tag them out. This went on indefinitely until the runner got
tagged out three times and had to become a thrower. The person who tagged the third time became the runner.
Contributed by Kristel
Each player is given the name of a veggie. The main rule of this game is that you are not allowed to show your teeth at all. Your
gums must always be covering them. You then must say the name of your vegetable and the name of another person's vegetable.
That person then must say the same thing. If you make a mistake or show your teeth in any way at all then you are out.
Equipment: Sword Warriors are in a circle with Samurai in the middle. Samurai salutes in his own way. Samurai then goes
around inside the circle. If the Samurai passes the sword over the heads of the warriors they must duck if he passes the sword near
the ground they must jump. Any sounds made by the players should be encouraged. (ie. war scream for warrior etc...)
Sculpture (passive)
Equipment: Blindfolds. Three people are required with one person blindfolded and another person takes some shape and stays
like that. The person who is blindfolded must feel the person who is a shape, and must sculpture the third person into that shape.
Scavenger Hunt
This is a great activity. Make sure to send campers in groups. You might want them holding onto a rope to ensure that they stay
together and everyone is participating. Make your hunt challenging. Ask for a mouthful of water, something fuzzy - BE
Spilt campers into 2 circles. Laying on their backs and heads toward the centre. An object will be passed in one direction and
then the other in both circles. No more than 3 objects but other instructions can be called, ie: calling names out in order or clapping
hands. Neutral game leader calls instructions for 2-5 minutes. Each drop or mistake costs the circle a point. Circle with the least
amount of points wins.
Equipment: A box of chalk and a clock. Players must become private eyes as they follow the mysterious movements of the
"Shadow." The shadow has been accused of slowly travelling up and down the sides of the buildings and creeping across
playgrounds and yards. Collection substantial evidence requires an all-day stakeout and should be planned as a supplement to other
investigations. For this project you will need the sun, a shadow to trace - such as that of a tree, flagpole, or building- and a paved
surface on which to draw with chalk. Give each play a piece of chalk. Start the investigation first thing in the morning. At first,
shadows will be stretched out and long. Have players trace whatever shadow is cast on the pavement. Allegedly, shadows get
shorter because the sun gets higher in the sky. Private eyes will have to check this out every hour by tracing the shadow and
checking the sun's position. As detectives keep tabs on the sun's route, they might notice the shadows shrinking to almost nothing
by midday and the reversing their position to grow again.
One person is chosen as Smaug stands guard over their jewel's (a beanbag, handkerchief etc). Everyone else forms a circle
around him and tries to steal the treasure without being tagged. If you are touched by the Smaug, you are instantly frozen in place
until the end of the game. The snatcher becomes the Smaug.
Everyone takes off one shoe and puts it in the centre of the circle. Everyone joins hands. On "Go", everyone gets a shoe from
centre and finds the person who owns it, and puts it back on that person without letting go of hands of people beside them.
Shoes (active)
The group is split up into four teams and each tam lines up behind a mat. On a signal one member from each team runs to get
one shoe and put it on his mat at which the text team member may go to get another shoe. The object is to get 3 shoes on the team
mat. Shoes may be taken from other team mats and those teams may not resist. When a team has 3 shoes they yell "SHOES!"
The players should be sitting in a circle. The leader should choose 2 players to shoe wrestle. These players should be of similar
age and size. The object of the game is to take off the shoes of your opponent. The first one to do so is the winner. Players should
stay on the ground, NO STANDING. Be careful!
Fasten a sheet of paper to a wall. Players take turns. With a pencil in hand, standing in front of the paper, he starts to swing his
left leg in a circle. Doing this, he tries to write his name on the paper. And tries and tries ...
Silent Statue
A group of ten or more boys starts by running of to an arranged point to see who will be the silent statue.The rest will form a tight
corridor on which the silent statue is supposed to pass. When the statue goes in he must say out loud:
I am the silent statue and I'm coming in...
I don't want any teeth, I don't want any moves.
Everybody must keep as quiet and still as possible and never show their teeth, but when the statue is not looking they can hit them
in the shoulders or the back.
The game ends when the statue finds out that someone is smiling or has moved...
Contributed by Lums Espada (from Portugal)
Players form a line facing the leader, who performs any action saying Simon says do this. If He doesn't say " Simon says" before
an action then anyone who imitates the action is out of the game. Continue until one person is left.
The group is in a straight line. Each player puts their right hand forward as if they were shaking a person's hand. Put left hand
through own legs behind to shake hands with person behind you. Last person in the line lies down, everyone else backs up to be
able to lie down also. When whole group is lying down, first person stands up, and walks forward over all the other people until
"Snake" has skinned itself.
Smugglers (active)
The players should be split into 2 teams. One team is the "ins" and the other is the "outs". The Ins have a den while the Outs
plan their strategy in the field. One member of the Outs has the "jewel" (stone etc). The identity of the player who carries the jewel
must remain a closely guarded secret among teammates. The Ins count to 50 while the Outs move farther and farther away. After
the count is finished, the Ins yell, "SMUGGLERS!" , and the chase is on. As each member of the Out team is tagged, he must open
his hands to show whether or not he has the jewel. Of course, the jewel should be passed around among teammates as quickly and
as inconspicuously as possible. There are lots of opportunities for playing the decoy in this game. When the holder of the jewel is
tagged, the game is over and the sides change.
One person is the snake, who lies on the ground on his stomach. Everyone else gathers fearlessly around to touch him. When
the referee shouts "snake-in-the- grass" everyone runs, staying within the bounds of the snake area, while the snake, moving on his
belly, tries to tag as many as he can. Those touched become snakes. The last person caught is the snake starter in the next game.
Make the safe area fairly small.
Snowblind (active)
Equipment: boffer Establish boundaries and choose one person as the snowman. He arms himself with a boffer and must keep
his eyes closed. The rest of the players crouch on the ground, eyes open, and wait for the snowman to start the action by chanting:
"Snowman, snowman, all in white, blinding everyone in sight!" While they chant, the other players run around in the predetermined
boundaries; but must return to a stationary crouching position by the time the chant ends. Now the snowman moves around while
the other players remain in their positions. Still snowblind, the snowman tries to tag one of the players with the bopper. When he
succeeds, the tagged player becomes snowblind, too, and he/she must join forces with the snowman, who gives the bopper to
her/him and stands behind her/him with their hands on his/her hips. They both close their eyes and say the chant while the rest run
for safety again. The game continues until the last person is tagged.
Spirals (circle)
Everyone joins hands in a circle. Then one person releases the hand of their neighbour and pulling the giant human rope behind,
begins to walk around the outside of the circle. The other people who broke hands remains in position on the end person. The chain
of people spirals around and around the stationary person, drawing people tighter and tighter in a coil until all the people - still
holding hands are wrapped around each other. The best way to unfold the spiral is from the centre. Still holding hands, the person
in the middle ducks down, and the rope of people follows.
Spokes (active)
The group needs to divide into at least 4 equal groups. Each group needs to sit in a single file facing the centre of the circle.
(The lines should look like spokes on a wheel) The leader can start by walking on the outside of the spokes. The leader will touch
the head of the last person in that line. That whole line would have to get up and run around. The last person to sit down is "it" and
then must walk around and pick a new group.
Spud (active)
Equipment: Ball Throw the ball up in the air and call a number. Ask number 1 is called, if he catches the ball he calls another
number. (Each player has been given his own number.) If he doesn't catch the ball he calls "FREEZE" and takes three giant steps
and tries to hit a person with the ball below the waist. If he hits the person then they get a point against them and get to call a new
number. If the player misses the person he is trying to hit then he gets a point against him and has to throw the ball up.
Players are divided into teams. They close their eyes or cannot speak. They form lines according to height, dates of birth, or
alphabetically according to their first names.
Stay Sober (moderate) Children form 2 teams and stand facing each other. The children on the first team are given one
minute to make anyone on the other team laugh. They make faces, gestures, funny or teasing remarks, but they cannot touch the
other players. Then the action is reversed, and members of the second team try to make the other team laugh. Any child that does
laugh must leave the line. The team with the most remaining players after several times is the winner.
The field is divided into two parts by a well defined line. At the centre end of each side, five or more sticks are placed in a pile.
A prison is marked off about 4 feet square in one corner. The players are in two teams, each scattered over its own side. The object
of the game is to steal the opponents sticks without being caught. As soon as the player crosses the centre line he may be caught
and put in prison. A player may be release from prison if one of his teammates can touch his hand. He may then come back to his
own side without being tagged. The team that gets all the opponent's sticks and has all its members safely out of prison wins the
Select one player to be Sticky fingers. Start the game by saying " This is a stick up!" as players scatter around the playground.
When Sticky fingers tags a player, the tagged player must place a hand on the place touched while still continuing to run. As more
and more players become stuck on themselves, sticky fingers has a better chance to totally immobilize one player. Usually when
both hands of a player are stuck, the third touch stick him or her with being the next Sticky Fingers.
Sticky Popcorn (active) The children begin by " popping " around the gym as pieces of sticky popcorn, searching for other
pieces of popcorn. When two pieces of popcorn meet, they stick together. Once stuck together, they continue to pop around
together, sticking to even more pieces, until they end up in a big popcorn ball.
Equipment: ropes Four people should be chosen to be snakes ( this can be adjusted according to the size of the group). These
snakes will get a piece of rope. When the leader says "go", the snakes will run holding the rope with 2 fingers behind them as they
run. The rest of the players try to stomp on the snake by jumping on the piece of rope. If someone gets the rope from the snake,
they are the new snake and get to run.
Players get into groups of 2 and are given names of fish (eg. perch, cat, salmon) One team is called the "whales". The whales
run around the "safe area". The whales yell the names of the fish at random. When a team's name is called, they run after the
whales. When the whales yell "stormy sea" the teams must dash for the "safe area". The team left out becomes the whales.
This game is played with a lot of children. One child is the mouse and one is the cat. The rest of the group line up in rows with
arms joined and all facing the same way.. The cat chases the mouse up and down the streets until the leader yells alleys. Then all the
streets change direction. When the cat catches the mouse the game is over, or pick a new mouse and cat.
Equipment: tails Players are divided into 2 or more teams. Each player has a strip of cloth tucked in his belt. When the signal is
given, all players rush to a central point where there is a treasure (eg. peanuts). Players try to get some the treasure and return to
their home base. A player may be killed by another by treasure and return to their home base. A player may be killed by another by
having their tail pulled off. This puts the player out of the game and voids any treasure they have captured on that particular raid.
At the end of the game, each peanut counts as 1 point and each tail counts as 5 points. The team with the most points wins.
Swat (active/circle)
Equipment: frisbee, sword. Players form a circle. In the centre of the circle a sword is placed on top of a frisbee. Player A grabs
the sword and swats a player from the circle. "A" replaces the sword on top of the frisbee. "B" runs behind "A" to pick up the sword
after it has been placed upon the frisbee. He tries to hit "A" before he goes back to his own place in the circle. If he doesn't make it
he (B) becomes the new "hitter".
The players are divided evenly into 2 teams, the taffy team and the taffy pulling machine team. The taffy's all sit down and link
hands, arms and legs in a tangled mass of sweet humanity. They might want to decide what flavour they are and chant an
appropriate confectionary cheer, like "Butterscotch, Butterscotch..." The taffy pulling machine team tries to pull the taffy mass into
human sized bits. Firmly (but gently) tug at the pieces until they come lose. Be VERY careful with this game. If you have violent
campers, do not play this game.
TAG (active)
Arch Tag The children are in a circle. One couple forms an arch. Circle rotates through the arch. On signal, circle stops and
arch traps someone. The person trapped goes in centre and waits for another person to be caught. Then they form a second arch.
The last person caught is the winner.
Ball Tag Equipment: Ball Like simple tag, but you run with ball, and must throw it at the person and hit them below the waist
to tag them. If a person is hit then he becomes IT.
Catch one Catch all One player is chosen as IT. When IT tags another player that other player also becomes IT. ITS must
keep an arm raised overhead so that they may be identified.
Colour Tag Scatter - Leader calls a colour. If you are wearing that colour you are It and proceed to tag other children. If a
child is tagged he must walk in a crab walk until a new colour is called.
Elbow Tag (circle) Partners stand scattered over play area, inside arms linked, outside hand on hip. Runner reaches safety by
hooking on to an arm, thus securing a partner. The other partner must drop off to be chased. If caught before reaching safety, then
the runner becomes IT. If the runner is constantly evading the chaser, the supervisor can call "Switch!" which means that now the
runner is the chaser.
This game can also be played in a more confined circular area with a very large group. The IT is in the middle of the circle along
with the person being chased. In order for the person to avoid being caught he may link elbows with someone forming the circle.
The runner is now on the other side of the person with whom the old runner linked elbows. Epidemic Tag See "Sticky
Follow Tag Ask all players to find a partner. One person in each pair is the "leader" and the other is the "follower". The
follower must follow as closely as possible (without touching) the leader. The instructor may control the form of locomotion by
asking them to skip, walk, run, hop, etc. or the leader may be given the option of choosing or changing the form of locomotion as he
chooses with the follower being obligated to do the same as the leader. The leader tries to make it difficult for the follower to
follow. And it's always fun to stop abruptly.
Frozen Tag Children scatter in a designated area of the park. Two children are IT. When the others are touched by IT, they
freeze. A frozen person may become unfrozen by one of the other children crawling through his legs. The object is to try to
unfreeze people as fast as they are frozen. If you are frozen 3 times then you also become an IT.
Follow Tag Ask all players to find a partner. One person in each pair is the "leader" and the other is the "follower". The
follower must follow as closely as possible (without Touching) the leader. The instructor may control the form of locomotion by
asking them to skip, walk, run, hop, etc. or the leader may be given the option of choosing or changing the form of locomotion he
chooses with the follower being obligated to do the same as the leader. The leader tries to make it difficult for the follower to
follow. And its always fun to stop abruptly!
Hip One player is IT. Any player that IT tags becomes IT's helper. The Helpers must try to catch those not yet caught and
hold them until IT can come to tag them. They signal to IT that they are holding someone by calling "HIP! HIP!"
Hug Tag A player is safe from being tagged only when they are hugging another player. For more hugging, propose that only
three children hugging are safe, then four, then five.....
Imitation Tag Simple tag but with the manner of locomotion set by the chaser. The chaser may change his manner of running
to hopping, skipping, crawling, crab walking etc. and all players must imitate his style.
Immunity Tag There is a number of variations of this game, however the general structure is as follows: Play is the same as
simple tag except that those that are being chased can make themselves immune by doing some predetermined activity which gives
them immunity. Beginner gymnasts for example may be able to make themselves immune by balancing on one foot. For more
advanced gymnasts it may be doing a handstand. IT is not permitted to guard the immune person , for example waiting until the
person comes down from the handstand. NB. you can only be immune 3 times then you are IT.
Jump The Shot One person in the centre swings a long rope in a circle while holding it low, this person may vary the speed he
swings it. Everyone must jump over it to stay in the game. When touched by the rope that person must drop out of the circle.
Line Tag This is played on a gym floor or similar area on which lines are marked. The game continues as simple tag with the
restriction that chaser and chased must run on the lines. To go off the line means you become an IT.
Mount Tag A man to be safe must be mounted on the back of another player. Then both horse and rider are safe.
Partner Tag Divide the group into pairs. Partners decide who will be it and who will be the runner. When the leader says "Go",
partners begin to run around, then its trying to tag the runners. When a partner tags the other, they switch roles.
Serpent Tag
Four players link their arms together forming a chain, these people are the serpent. The serpent runs around and tries to catch as
many players at one time as it can by forming a circle around them. As soon as one or more of the players is circled by the serpent,
they must link arms with the others in the serpent and help capture the remaining players.
Shadow Tag
One player is chosen to be it. The object of the game is for the person who is it to try and tag another player by stepping on his
or her shadow. Define boundaries. When the person who is it steps on someone's shadow, he or she shouts "Sun Tag!". The player
whose shadow was tagged becomes the next person to be IT, but that player must stand still for three counts before chasing the
Spoke Tag
A bicycle wheel picture is drawn or taped to the floor, the players are not allowed to move off of the spokes, and the IT must also
move on the spokes. When a player is tagged, they become IT. There is also a ball that may be thrown around amongst the players,
when a player has the ball, they are safe from IT. Triangle Tag The group needs to be split into groups of four. Three
people hold hands. One player in the triangle is chosen to be chased. The person who is not in the circle is "it" and chases the
person. The other two people are the chased person's shield. Keep changing roles.
Piggyback Tag Play is same as simple tag but players are in pairs with one mounted on the other's back.
Simple Tag Players are free to run anywhere they wish. One player (or more if desired) chases the other players. If he
succeeds in tagging a player the tagged player becomes the chaser and the game continues without interruption. Rhythm
Tag While the music plays (or the leader sings), campers walk around the area. When the music stops, the players should stop
moving. Without taking a step, the players must try to tag another player. Two people can not tag each other, therefore the first tag
counts. All the players that were tagged must make another movement when the music starts again. (hopping, crawling etc) Each
time the music stops, those previously tagged try to tag those who have not been tagged. Walkers may also try to tag each other.
The winner is the last walker remaining untagged.
Equipment: tents, blindfolds Object: To erect a tent within a given time period to house all members of the group. Rules:
All members but two are blindfolded. Seeing people may not move, nor may they call people by their proper names.
Considerations: Tent must be large enough to house all members of the group. Different types of tents within the same bag makes
for added confusion and laughs. Setting: "A new type of bomb has been dropped blinding all the people in the world except for
2 - you and you - unfortunately these 2 people are paralyzed. You can all regain your sight and movement by getting into these
super special tents within a short time. Once inside don't touch the walls! Time is short and of essence! Go!!
You obviously need a thicket or a forest for this game. Blindfold one person to be the predator. The predator counts to 15
slowly while the others hide. The hiding players must be able to see the predator at all times. The predator can not move location
but can swat and turn. The object of the game is for the players to try and get as close to the predator as possible without being
Things (passive/backpocket)
Decide on 4 letters of the alphabet, then divide the group into 4 groups and they must write down, all the objects in the room
starting with that letter.
Equipment: Several household articles - cutlery, hair pins, plastic jewellery etc. Each child must choose an object, study and
make up a story about it. The story must not be typical of the object, but must be a new and different use for it. Example,
(Hairbrush) this may look like a hairbrush but what it really is a toothbrush for a giant. Since there are no giants left in the world
and haven't been for some time, there are very few of these toothbrushes remaining.
This is a fantasy game that makes the whole group work together to achieve a common role. Each person is asked to write down
their "thrill of a lifetime" on a piece of paper and place it in a bowl or a hat. Draw one or more of these papers (depending on time)
and challenge the group to create this "thrill of a lifetime" within a certain time limit. This activity also uses the creative time limit.
Thumper (circle/passive)
The players sit in a circle. The leader instructs everyone to select a different Indian sign. Examples: - Rain in the face (hand
held above brow, fingers twiddling) - Bow and arrow ( arms extended as if holding bow and shooting arrow) - Drums (hands
tapping on an imaginary drum) -How! (hand upheld, palm forward) - Teepee ( formed with hands, fingertips touching) - Feathers
(two fingers held up behind head) - Swimming ( swimming motion) etc..... One player starts by telling what he is and suits the
action to the words. For instance, "I'm drums" and pretends to beat. Going around the circle each player tells what he is. Then all
start clapping hands on knees in a rhythmic beat. Leader (in rhythm): What's the name of the game? Players: Thumper!
Leader: How do you play it? Players: You thump! The leader gives his own signal and follows it with someone else's sign. Each
successive person does his own and then another one action.
Tiddly - Button Golf (moderate)
Equipment: 9 small cat food/tuna fish cans. Take the label off the can and put a number on it from one to nine. Large button and a
small button for each player. Buttons must be flat. Set out the cans like the 9 holes of a golf course. Keep 2 or 3 feet between
the cans. Try to shoot the small button into the cans by pressing on the edge of it with the larger button. Start from the tee off spot
and shoot for can number one. After you get the button in this can, take it out, put it next to the can and try for can number two.
Count one point for each shot it takes to get the button in a can. The player with the lowest score wins.
Players are divided into pairs. Players face their opponent holding hands. They then try to tap the tops of each other's toes with
their own. When one player scores three hits, it's time to switch to a new partner.
Toeies (cooperative)
Partners lie stretched out on the floor, feet to feet, or big toe to big toe, and try to roll across the floor with their toes touching all the
The children form two straight lines, six feet apart, with a bean bag, or tomahawk, etc. in the middle. Number the children from
opposite ends so that the highest number of one team is opposite the lowest number of the other team. Leader calls a number and the
who players of that number run forward, try to snatch the tomahawk and return to their place without being touched by their
opponent. If he succeeds he scores a point. If the opponent tags him, then that team gets a point.
The game begins with everyone in a circle. The leader will call out, "Touch Blue" and everyone must touch something that is
blue. (someone's shorts, piece of a shirt) Colours can be added on and different body parts can be specified.
The player are divided into 2 equal teams standing on either side of a centre line. One of these is the "True" team and the other is
the "False" team. Each team has a goal on either side of the centre line. When the leader gives a true statement, such as "Grass is
Green", the true players run for their goal, chased by the false team. If tagged, the members of the true team become members of
the false team run for their goal. The team that has the most players at the end of the playing time is the winner.
Group forms tight circle around person who stands straight and stiff as a log. The group gently moves that stiff person around
taking care to be gentle. The Purpose is for the individual to gain trust. Once comfortable, the person in the centre closes their
eyes. Everyone in the group should try this. The next step is to have 3 people of the same relative size match up. Two people stand
behind the other and act as catchers. The 'Faller' is to remain stiff as a log and fall backwards. The catchers first stop the fall after a
drop of a foot or so and then straighten the individual up. The faller falls again and the catcher let him fall a little further than
before. Continue several times and rotate positions.
Two circles of equal numbers of players are formed, and one circle stands outside the other. Inside circle turns around so that
they are facing the outside circle and each member of the circles takes the person opposite them as their partner. Each pair in the
circle has formed into a tunnel, IT walks through the tunnel and tags any pair, then sits in their position. The pair runs through the
tunnel in opposite directions until they return to their home position. The last person to return home is IT for the next game.
Object is to get the whole group 12 feet off the ground. Timed event, easy solution is to lift 12 feet off the ground.
Ultimate Frisbee (active) This game is a modification of football. There are two teams and instead of a football a frisbee is
used. The object of the game is to get the frisbee across the end zone. Players may not run with the frisbee. The only way to get a
turnover is to drop the frisbee or to intercept. This is a non contact game.
The same as ultimate frisbee but a foxtail is used. You can easily make a foxtail by putting a tennis ball inside a nylon. For
older campers, make sure you use the rule that you may only catch the foxtail by its tail and not the ball. Younger campers may
catch it by the ball.
The person who is IT is situated in the middle of the playground and the others are lined up in a long line at the side. The object
of the game is to get across to the other side of the playground without being caught. The children at the side call out "Uncle Sam,
Uncle Sam, may we cross your river dam?" The leader answers "Yes you may, yes you may, if you're wearing green today!" Those
who are in green attempt to cross to the other side without being caught. If you are caught you must help catch the others when new
colours are called.
Viking (circle/passive)
All of the players sit in a circle. One person starts as the viking by putting their fingers at their side of their head like horns on
their hat. This viking passes the role of being a viking by pointing their horns at someone. If you are pointed at, you become a
viking (horns and all) and the person on the right has to start paddling to the right and the person on the left has to start paddling on
the left. The last person of the threesome to assume their position is out. The rest of the players slap their legs during the game in a
constant rhythm.
Equipment: A frisbee or a paper plate for each pair of players. Divide group into pairs. Give each pair a frisbee or a paper plate.
Mark a start and finish line. Pairs line up at the start line. Partners hold their plate or frisbee between them. The object of the game
is to race to the finish line as fast as possible while steeping over the frisbee or paper plate, one foot at a time, without letting go of
it. When the leader says "Go", partners twist and turn each taking a turn to step. Although this is not difficult to do, it can be
confusing so players should start off slowly. Players that let go of their frisbee must go back to the line and start again.
Have a tray with a number of different objects (ie. pens, crayons, scissors etc...). Have the children study it for 30 seconds, then
cover it up and remove one article. Rearrange the objects, and show it to the children again. The first child to guess what is
missing gets to organize the tray for the next time.
The children line up at one end with Mr. Wolf at the opposite end of the playing area with his back to the rest of the group. The
children advance together asking " What time is it Mr. Wolf?". The wolf responds with any time (for each hour the children take
one step forward. ie. 2 O'clock is 2 steps forward) but when he calls "Dinnertime", the children must run back to the starting line
without getting caught by the wolf. If the wolf catches someone then that person also becomes a wolf. The last person left wins.
Who am I? (moderate/icebreaker)
Each person has pinned on his back a picture or name of a famous person. By asking questions to the other people that can be
only answered "yes" or "no", he must figure out who is on his back.
Wink (passive)
Players are arranged in partners, one squatting and one kneeling behind the circle. One person is it. He winks as unobtrusively
as possible at one of the seated persons who try to get to it before his partner can prevent it by placing his hands on the person's
shoulders. Guards must keep their hands by their sides except when they wink at their partners.
You need a witch, a mother, a babysitter and at least two children. The mother says to the babysitter:
"I'm going downtown to smoke my pipe, and I won't be back until Saturday night. And don't let that witch take any of my
Then as she walks around the ouside of the house (or yard) the witch comes to the door to "borrow" a cup of sugar. While the
babysitter is getting it, the witch "bribes" a child to come with her and they leave for the witch's house. The mother comes home
and gets mad at the babysitter, but this doesn't stop her from going out again. Repeat the same game until all children have been
"kidnapped". The babysitter follows the witch with the last child but also gets kidnapped. The witch then gives each child a new
name which will be a category (IE colours, fruits, cereal, etc). The mother comes to the witch's house and has to guess the new
names of her children before they can go home!
Contributed by Barb Enright
This is a game for two teams of at least four players on each team, and a referee. The referee gives everyone a cracker. As soon
as he blows a whistle, or, "calls on your mark, get set go!" the first person on each team eats his cracker and tries to whistle "Yankee
Doodle Went to Town". As soon as he has succeeded the next person does the same. The first team to finish wins.
This game should only be played by older campers. Each word has a separate action. Ying:hand on top of head, pointing in one
(either left or right) direction. Yang: hand under chin pointing in one direction. Yoo: Regular pointing action. These three words
may only be spoken in the correct order, it always must be Ying Yang Yoo. The first person starts and says Ying, doing the
motion. If they point to the left then the person to the left must respond Yang, also doing the motion. The person that was pointed
at must say Yoo and point to anyone in the circle. That person then starts again by saying Ying.
Zip Zap (passive) It points to a person in the circle repeating the word "zip" or "zap" and counting to five. If they say "zip"
the person must reply with the name of the person on his right, "zap" he must reply with the name on his left. If he is wrong then
he goes into the centre of the circle.
Players sit in a circle on the ground. The first person starts by looking at someone and saying Zoom. That person may then look
at someone else and say Zoom. Whenever you say Zoom, you look at the person who you are Zooming. If you want to send the
Zoom back to the same person , you must say Schwartz, but you may not look at the person. That person then has the option of
Zooming it to a new player. However, if the player wants to get the same person back again then they must say Pifigliano. It is a
pure concentration game and a lot of fun, but do not expect campers to get it the first time they play it.