objects in his/her hands before he/she, in turn, passes them to player #3. When the last
player in the line has received the six objects, the player calls, Turn, and all players in
the line face the opposite directions. The beanbags are now passed back in the same
manner that they were passed forward. The team wins that returns the six objects to the
original leader first. The activity can take place with 3,4, or 5 objects depending on the
Players sit on desktops. Three fluff balls are tossed around the room (good tosses, good
catches). Players toss balls to players who are looking at them continuous tossing and
catching. When a player misses the ball, or makes a bad toss, he/she sits down. When 10
players or so are sitting down, start over. No talking. If a player makes a noise, he/she sits
down also.
One player leaves the room. The teacher selects one of the room players to hide in the
closet. Everyone changes sides. The outside player comes in to the room and is given 30
seconds to guess who is missing. If the correct guess is made within 30 seconds, the
guesser gets to choose the next player.
One player leaves the room. The teacher selects one person to put a small object on
his/her desk. The class begins clapping moderately. The outside person enters the room
and quickly begins moving around the room. As he/she gets closer to the object, the
clapping gets louder softer as the player moves away. The player is given one minute to
locate the object. A new player is selected.
The relay is played by children seated in rows. Two rows constitute a team. Players on
one team sit facing each other with their feet in a common aisle. Each team has objects
placed on the starts desk. On Go, the starter hands the first object to the player directly
across the row; that player hands it to the next player across the aisle, and the object
moves in a zigzag fashion down the aisle and back. The second object is started just as
soon as the first player can play it. When all objects have gone down and back, the relay
is over.
NOTE: Start with just one object then add a second as understanding increases.
Groups are selected and allowed sufficient time to work out a charade together. A captain
is chosen for each group. The word, title, or object chosen by a group should have
syllables to make it easier to act out. In deciding upon the method to be used in acting
out the ideas, the players remember that all dramatizations are to be in pantomime. Each
group has an opportunity to act out it word, name or title in front of the class. The
Captain calls on the class members to guess the syllable or complete word. If the word
has not been guessed within a certain time, the Captain tells the class, and the next group
prepares to perform. To make the game more interesting, all groups may be asked to
decide on a certain general category from which all words must be chosen famous
names, songs, books, inventions, cities, countries.
The entire class participates in 2, 3, or 4 games, which start at the same time, each with a
leader who performs various movements by saying, Simon says, and the children are to
imitate the movement. If the leader neglects to say, Simon says, and the child performs
the move, the child is transferred to one of the other games. This way, no one is
eliminated from the game.
All players are seated except for the leader. All players have been designated to be one of
five positions on a football team quarterback, wide receivers, fullbacks, centers,
tightends. Positions are evenly distributed. The leader, who also has a position for the
game, calls out, Full-backs. All fullbacks attempt to change seats with each other while
the leader attempts to sit in a seat. One fullback is left out; he/she calls a new position,
and the game continues.
NOTE: Students can sit on desktops.
Seven children are chosen to stand side by side in front of a room. The appointed leader
of this group gives the command, Heads down Thumbs up! On this command, the
seated children close their eyes, lower their heads, and leave one thumb extended in the
air. At this time, each of the seven players quietly circulates among the tables or desks
and touches one of the seated children on the thumb. Each child returns to his/her original
position in front of the room. When all 7 players return to the front of the room, the
leader says, Heads up, Seven up! On this command, all children raise their heads, and
the 7 tagged children try to guess who it was that tagged them. If they guess correctly,
he/she takes the place and the front of the room, and the player that tagged him/her sits
down and participates.
the center of the circle, tries to guess who is the leader, and players try to confuse It by
looking at each other as they follow the changes. The leader also tries to confuse It by
looking at another player as though that player was the leader.
The whole class plays in rows, with a dictionary and one eraser for each row. One person,
from each row, comes forward and stands in front of his/her row, facing the front of the
room. As the leader reads words from the dictionary, at a fairly rapid rate, the players in
each row quickly pass the erase up and down from one person to the next. As soon as the
leader stops reading, the person with the eraser quickly hides it. At the same time, the
same time, the person standing at the front of the row whirls around to identify who has
the eraser before he/she can hide it. If the player at the front of the row identifies the
person with the erase, they change places and the game continues. Suggestion teacher
can also use a record instead of a dictionary.
One child is the leader and performs various movements which are accompanied by
either Do This or Do That. All players must execute the movements which are
accompanied by Do this. If the directions are Do That, no one is to move. Those who
move at the wrong time are eliminated and sit down in place. (take off on Simon Says).
Show child movements performed by any part of the body to music. Class will need help
building up their vocabulary of body parts.
Children mimic animals, merry-go-round, airplane, etc. when the music stops, everyone
freezes in the same position. Teacher brings attention of everyone to the funniest
One person is chosen to leave the room. Players stand shoulder to shoulder, in a row,
with their hands behind their backs. One player is given a bell. When the person chosen
to leave returns, the player with the bell rings it once. The person hen decides who rand
the bell. If the person guesses right, he/she gets another turn. If not, the one with the bell
gets to leave the room. Have 3 teams; only 2 or 3 guesses.
EQUIPMENT: 5 balloons
FORMATION: Yarn across the middle of the classroom
This is an informal game with children trying to bat the ball back and forth across the
rope. Two balloons should be used for variation. If children are sitting on the floor, put
yarn 3 from floor; if children are at their seats, put yarn 5 high. Scoring is done when
side fails to control a ball and allows it to touch the floor or wall. The balloon can be
batted as often as possible.
VARIATION: If a marble or button is put inside the balloon, the balloon will take an
erratic path adding interest to the game. Could be 2 against 2 or more.
All players are seated players must remain seated the entire time. (No raising of the
bottoms off of the seat.) The teacher passes out 10,11,12,13,14,15 balloons. Students top
them up at the same time. The class keeps all of the balloons topped up as long as
possible. Set a new record for elapsed time. Break the record move from this activity to
classroom balloon volleyball. Note: Begin with a few balloons.
The entire class uses erasers of similar objects. Someone is chosen to lave the class while
another person in the class puts the erase in plain sight. The person outside is called back
into the room to look for it. The class counts aloud while the person looks for the object.
As he/she gets closer, the class counts louder; and as he/she gets father away, the class
counts softer. Suggesstion: Have the person who finds the eraser choose another person
to go out. Have the class determine what number they are going to count to before time is
up and the time bomb explodes.
Find a magazine with some great picture inside. Cut out a picture of a face, ear, or
something that interest you. Now, cut the picture in half vertically. Paste half of the
picture on a piece of ditto paper and see if you can draw the other half of the picture
without looking at it.
VARIATION: Distort the picture. Draw the other half of a car make it much longer or
much shorter than actual size.
Find another interesting picture in a magazine. Cut out a 2 x 2 square of some part of
that picture. Now, paste the 2 x 2 square on a piece of ditto paper and create an
interesting picture while using the square as a beginning for your creation.
Find a small picture that you like in a magazine. Draw 1/4 lines both vertically and
horizontally across the small picture. Now, draw 1 lines both vertically and horizontally
on a piece of ditto paper. Match the lines and spaces and draw just what you see in a
square of a larger grid. Result: a copy of the smaller picture enlarged. (Four times larger
than before.)
Players sit on the floor with legs crossed and are facing each other. Each player is holding
two rhythm sticks. Players exchange sticks by tossing sticks that are held in the same
hands. Right hand toss right catch (exchange). In between exchanges, players create
taps and stick flips simultaneously.
NOTE: Toss sticks toward partners chest, not towards hand.
EQUIPMENT: Penny per couple
Divide class into pairs. Students stand facing each other with hands on corner of desk.
Place a penny on desk in middle and on Go students attempt to cover penny with one
hand. One point for each time they cover first.
Divide class into pairs. Students join hands with thumbs pointing up and four fingers
hooked together. On Go they attempt to pint opponents thumb.
Have all students cover their eyes except Clue Giver and Hider. Place Hider behind
teachers desk and have class ask for clues as to whos missing, allow one guess every 35 questions.
Have Finder go outside, select object or one student as target. When finder returns, class
claps faster as finder gets closer to target and slower as finder moves away. Allow finder
only 3 guesses.
EQUIPMENT: Tape recorder with music
Students lay on the floor or sit in desk with lights off. With music playing softly lead
students through story visualization and body relaxation.
EQUIPMENT: 2-4 Nerf Balls
Students sit on desk and they are not allowed to speak. Ball is thrown from player to
player; if ball is caught then you stay on desk. If ball is dropped then you sit down. Bad
throws cause the thrower to sit down.
EQUIPMENT: Chalk Board/White Board
Using 5 symbols 0 ? * or others, assign each one an exercise. (Example) 0 means student
turns in a circle, ? means hop on one foot. Compose a series of exercises. After a few
tries let students design exercises for the class.
EQUIPMENT: Chalk Erasers (2)
Students sit on desks with one boy and one girl standing with an eraser on their head. If
King chases Queen is called, boy chases girl attempting to knock off eraser. Switch
means reverse chase.
EQUIPMENT: One 8 ft. rope per couple
Have students perform carious tasks using ropes: shapes, letters, pictures, balance,
locomotor skills.
EQUIPMENT: 3 Nerf Balls
Each group sits in a circle with legs crossed, on Go they roll back and forth in random
pattern until Freeze is called. The student with the ball on freeze gets a point against
them. Play game to five, also change ball movement.
EQUIPMENT: 3 Bean Bags per student
Using beanbags, scarves, tennis balls, have students attempt to juggle. *For pattern and
helpful hints see Juggling for the Complete Klutz.
EQUIPMENT: 30 paper balls
Students try to throw as many snowballs on opposing sides of class as possible. Both
teams pick up balls and continue to throw until the teacher calls out stop. Count the
balls on each side, the team with the fewest snowballs wins.
EQUIPMENT: One flag per student
Partners stand back to back with their hands on ther head and a flag hanging from their
waistlines. On go they turn around and attempt to pull their opponents flag. Variation:
red flags vs. yellow / boys vs. girls
EQUIPMENT: Table and ping pong balls
Divide class into groups of eight. Teams of 4 kneel on sides on the tale with their hand
behind their backs. On go each team attempts to blow ping pong ball off opposing side
of table, no hands or bodies allowed.
EQUIPMENT: Desks, chairs, tables, etc.
Arrange furniture for students to go over, through, around and under. Variation: Let
students arrange their own row as a course for self then others.
Form teams of 6-8 students. Using equipment ranging from ping pong paddles to Frisbees
to spoons and beyond plan relays for students to take part in.
Games include; volleyball, silly stomp, movement challenges, swordfights, and bombs
Have students play ping pong on a variety of desks and tables. Net can be tape or space
between desks.
Use balloons, Nerf balls or beach balls to play the following games: sit down volleyball,
sit down basketball, indoor bowling, indoor boomerball, balloon soccer, nylon tennis.
EQUIPMENT: PVC clubs and Balls
Using notebooks, books, and hula hoops set up obstacles for miniature golf. Plastic
cups work great for holes. *Let students set up holes.
Several 1 x 1 posterboard chips should be available to players. The first player sets 2
chips on the back of his forearms, near the elbow, which is bent backward and is parallel
with the ground. He/she then straightens arm and catches chips in mid air with the hand.
The partner must then repeat this trick. If the partner is successful, he/she then adds a
couple of chips and repeats the trick and challenges. How many chips can you catch?
NOTE: Use pennies or plastic chips also. Try the trick with your other hand.
Use a stopwatch and a deck of playing cards. One player times and the other sorts. The
task is the separate the cards into two piles.
1. Red and Black (face up)
1. _______________
2. Red and black (face down)
2. _______________
3. Suits (face up)
3. _______________
4. Suits (face down)
4. _______________
5. By number (1, 2, 3 face up)
5. _______________
6. By number (face down)
6. _______________
7. 7 & below, 8 & above (face up)
7. _______________
8. 7 & below, 8 & above (face down)
8. _______________
Two players use pencil and paper. Prepare a sheet of paper for each pair of players with 5
or more vertical rows of dots. Players take turns connecting any 2 dots with a straight
line. No diagonal line may be drawn. Each places his/her initial in each square his/her
line completes. Each completed square rates an extra turn. When all dots are connected,
player with the most completed squares wins.
The object of Go is to get five markers in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally,
and be the first of the two players to do so. Play on the 100 square board and use two
different sets of markers. Set up an open-ended situation.
Play on a 36 square board (6 squares x 6 squares). Players play a total of 6 markers each.
The object of the game is to be the first player to get 4 in a row horizontally, vertically or
diagonally. When the 12 markers are down and no one has a 4 in a row, the player who
took the first turn can move one marker and slide one space or jump over another marker
(either his/her own or his/her opponents) to continue to try to get 4 in a row.
Play on a 3 x 3 square board (2 1/2 squares). The object of the game is to get 3 in a row
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Players play a total of 3 markers each. When all 6
markers are down and no one has 3 in a row, the player who took the first turn can move
one marker (his/her own or his/her opponents to continue to try to get 3 in a row. Take
Using Jacks and ball, players play regular rules for Jacks pick up ones, two, etc. Players
can also play Can You Challenge? Jacks and make up challenges for each other.
Use a set of pick up sticks. Players play regular or classroom rules for pick up sticks a
floor activity.
Use three X sheets, 8 x 10, and three O sheets, 8 x 10, with strings attached so that they
hang in front of the players. Teams of three put on tagboard Xs and Os. Nine mats or
squares are laid out on the floor. One team goes first, a player places himself/herself on a
mat; the next team goes, etc. When all six players are on the mats and there is not a tic tac
toe, the first team can move one player. Then the other team can move one player until
one team out-maneuvers the other team.
Use three Xs and three Os, 8 x 10 sheets with string to hang around players necks and
hang in front; mats or squares to stand on, 7 per group of 6 players. The object of the
game is to have the three Xs change places with the three Os in the fewest amount of
moves possible. Players are allowed to step sideways one place or jump over one player.
Players must move one at a time. This is a team effort with team decision-making (15