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B/L No. (also to be used as payment ref.) Booking No.

Export References


Shipper information -
Forwarding Agent-References

Notify Party (see cl. 9)

not part of this
Point and country of origin

Domestic Routing Instructions / Also Notify / Agent at Port of Discharge

Place of Receipt
* Pre-carriage by
* contract
Port of Loading Ocean Vessel Voyage Document to be released at Freight payable at

Port of Discharge Place of Delivery

* Mode Load Area Mode Disch. Area

Marks & Nos. Cont./Seal Nos. No. of Pkgs. Description of Goods PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY SHIPPER Gross Weight Measurement
HS SWB 02-21

Tariff Item No. Total No. of Pkgs. Declared value (see cl. 4.2.(b))

*Applicable only when used for MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION. Hamburg Süd A/S is a secondary name of Maersk A/S
Sea-Waybill Not Negotiable - TERMS AND CONDITIONS – ALSO AVAILABLE ON www.hamburgsud.com

1. DEFINITIONS (3) abandon the Carriage of the Goods and place them at Merchant’s disposal at any place or port which Carrier may deem safe and convenient,
"Carrier" means Hamburg Süd A/S, Esplanaden 50, Copenhagen K, 1098, Denmark. Hamburg Süd A/S is a secondary name of Maersk A/S, reg. no. 32345794. whereupon the responsibility of Carrier in respect of such Goods shall cease. Carrier shall nevertheless be entitled to full freight on the Goods received for
“Carriage” means the whole or any part of the operations and services undertaken by Carrier in respect of the Goods covered by this bill of lading whether the Carriage as well as any additional costs and Charges of the Carriage to, and delivery and storage at, such place or port.
by water, land, or air. Carrier election to use an alternative route or to suspend the Carriage under this clause shall not prejudice Carrier’s right to subsequently to abandon the
"Charges" includes freight, deadfreight, demurrage and all expenses and money obligations incurred or payable in accordance with the applicable tariff or Carriage.
this bill of lading.
“COGSA” means the U.S. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act. 8. DECK CARGO
"Container" includes any open or closed container, van, trailer, flatbed, flatrack, transportable tank or any similar receptacle whatsoever used to consolidate Goods, whether containerized or not, may be carried on or under deck without notice to Merchant and at Carrier’s sole option, and Merchant expressly
the Goods and any connected equipment. agrees that: (i) Containers carried on deck are considered for all legal purposes to be stowed under deck; (ii) Carrier shall not be required to note, mark or
"Goods" means the cargo, in whole or part, received from the shipper and any Container not supplied by or on behalf of Carrier. stamp on the bill of lading any statement of such on deck Carriage; (iii) Carriage of Goods on deck not in Container(s) is solely at Merchant’s risk; (iv) Carrier
“Hague Rules” means the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading of 1924 including the Visby Amendment and is not responsible for any expense, loss, damage or delay to the Goods resulting from Carriage on deck; (v) Carriage of Goods on deck is subject to all
the 1979 Protocol. terms and conditions of this bill of lading.
"Merchant” includes the booking party, shipper, consignee, receiver, holder of this bill of lading, or any person owning or entitled to possession of the Goods 9. DELIVERY
or of this bill of lading, and the servants and agents and principals of any of these, all of whom shall be jointly and severally liable to Carrier for the payment
9.1 Neither Carrier nor any Subcontractors are obliged to inform Merchant or Notify Party of Vessel’s estimated or actual date or time of arrival, and if given,
of all Charges, and for the performance of the obligations of any of them under this bill of lading.
“Subcontractor” includes the owners, managers, charterers, slot or space charterers, and operators of any Vessel (other than Carrier); underlying or such information (e.g. arrival notice or track and trace data) shall be considered gratuitous and non-binding.
substitute carriers; stevedores and terminal operators; and any direct or indirect servant, agent, or subcontractor (including their own subcontractors), or 9.2 Merchant shall take delivery of the Goods within the time provided in Carrier’s applicable Tariff(s). If Merchant fails to do so, Carrier may without notice
any other party employed by or on behalf of Carrier, or whose services or equipment have been used to perform this contract whether in contractual privity take any reasonable measure at Merchant’s sole risk and expense, including devanning, selling, disposing, or storing the Goods. Such measures shall
with Carrier or not. constitute due delivery hereunder and all liability whatsoever of Carrier in respect of the Goods shall cease.
"Vessel" means the ocean vessel named on the face side hereof, and any substitute vessel, feedership, barge or other means of conveyance by water used 9.3 After discharge of the Goods, Carrier shall not be responsible for any claims, loss, liability, penalties, damage, delay, fines, attorney fees, costs, and/or
for the Carriage. expenses: (i) arising out of the Goods being in the custody of Customs or other authority and/or (ii) in the event the Goods are improperly released or
"VGM" means the verified gross mass obtained by a method prescribed by SOLAS and any laws in force at the port of loading. delivered by Customs or other authority to a third party without the consent of Carrier.
All terms and conditions of Carrier’s applicable tariff(s), including but not limited to those pertaining to demurrage and detention are incorporated herein. If notice of loss, damage or claim is not given at time of discharge/removal of Goods by Merchant or, if not then apparent, within 3 (three) consecutive days
Copies of the tariff(s) or relevant provisions thereof are obtainable from Carrier or the applicable regulatory body on request. In the event of a conflict thereafter, a presumption of discharge/delivery in good order shall arise. In any event, Carrier shall be discharged from all liability whatsoever in respect of
between the terms and conditions of such tariff(s) and this bill of lading, the bill of lading shall prevail. the Goods, including any claims for indemnity or contribution, unless suit is brought within 1 (one) year after their delivery or the date when they should have
3. CHARGES been delivered, provided however that if a shorter period for commencement of suit applies under applicable law, any liability whatsoever of Carrier shall
3.1 Charges shall be deemed earned on acceptance of Goods or Containers or other packages for shipment by Carrier and shall be paid by Merchant in cease unless suit is brought within such shorter period.
full, without any offset, counterclaim or deduction, Goods and/or Vessel or other conveyance lost or not lost, and shall be non-returnable in any event. 11. CARRIER’S LIEN
3.2 Merchant shall remain responsible for all Charges, regardless whether the bill of lading be marked, in words or symbols, “Prepaid“, or “Collect“. Carrier shall have a lien on Goods and any Charges and documents relating thereto for all sums due under this contract or any other contract or
3.3 In case of non-payment of Charges or any other amount(s) due under this contract, Carrier is entitled to pursue the relevant amount(s) against Merchant undertaking to which Merchant was party or otherwise involved, which lien shall also extend to General Average contributions, salvage and cost of
or Goods and Merchant shall also be liable for interest on any overdue amount(s) as well as Carrier’s reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in recovering such sums, inclusive of attorney fees, and shall survive delivery. Such lien may be enforced by Carrier by public or private sale at expense of
collecting any amount(s) due. and without notice to Merchant.
3.4 In arranging for any services with respect to Goods, Carrier shall be considered Merchant’s agent for all purposes. Charges and any payment of
Charges to parties other than Carrier shall not, in any event, be considered payment to Carrier. 12. MERCHANT’S RESPONSIBILITY
3.5 Charges for cold treatment are for administration only and do not impose any responsibility on Carrier for completion or success of cold treatment as 12.1 In case of damage to the Goods the Merchant is obliged to mitigate such damage, including but not limited to taking delivery of the Goods, to
per the applicable regulations. arranging for a best possible salvage sale and to arrange for destruction only upon receipt of a destruction order from the Carrier.
4. CARRIER’S RESPONSIBILITY 12.2 Merchant warrants that in agreeing to the terms and conditions hereof, he is, or has the authority of, the person owning or entitled to the possession of
4.1 Except as otherwise noted herein, Carrier shall be responsible for loss of or damage to Goods under the following circumstances only: the Goods and this bill of lading. Merchant further warrants that: (i) the particulars relating to the Goods as set out on the reverse hereof have been checked
(a) PORT-TO-PORT SHIPMENT and that such particulars, and any other particulars furnished by or on behalf of Merchant are adequate and correct, and (ii) it has complied with all
(1) When Goods have been lost or damaged from the time of loading on the Vessel until the time of discharge from the Vessel, Carrier’s responsibility is statutes, ordinances, regulations and requirements of whatsoever nature relative to the Goods, Containers or other packages, its/their documentation or in
governed by German law making the Hague-Rules compulsorily applicable. However, if the bill of lading covers a shipment to or from the USA, COGSA any other way relating thereto.
governs Carrier’s responsibility and shall apply during the time from loading the Goods on the Vessel until discharge as well as during all times before 12.3 Merchant acknowledges that carriage of bullion, precious metals or minerals, diamonds, precious or semi-precious stones or coinage, artworks,
loading and after discharge of the Goods from the Vessel. antiques, jewellery or rare or precious artefacts, documents of value including but not limited to currency notes, bonds, bearer documents, negotiable
(2) Carrier shall not be responsible for any fault of its personnel and of the Vessel’s crew in cases of damage or loss caused by fire or explosion on board instruments, bank drafts, checks, or payment orders, is subject to particulars furnished with the booking of the Goods and Carrier’s written approval prior
the Vessel ("Fire"), or caused by the navigation or management of the Vessel save for damage or loss caused when executing measures which were to shipment.
predominantly taken in the interest of the Goods ("Error in Navigation"). 12.4 The party booking FCL shipments shall provide the VGM of each Container to the Carrier not later than the VGM-Cut-off-Date in a format pursuant to
(3) Carrier shall not be responsible for any fault of other persons involved in the navigation or management of the Vessel, in particular, a pilot on board of www.hamburgsud.com/howtovgm. Non-compliance herewith will bar the Carrier from loading the Container on the intended Vessel, in which case the
the Vessel or the Crew of a tug boat assisting the Vessel, in cases of damage or loss caused by the navigation or the management of the Vessel, except for Carrier shall be entitled to demurrage, detention and / or storage fees under the applicable Tariff. The booking party shall also be liable to the Carrier for
damage or loss caused, when executing measures, which were predominantly taken in the interest of the Goods ("Error in Navigation"). any costs, damages and fees resulting from such non-compliance. Same applies to the shipper and the consignee named overleaf to the extent they are
(4) Carrier is not deemed to have custody of the Goods before loading and after discharge, and Carrier is not responsible for acts or omissions of a terminal liable under the applicable law.
operator to which the Goods were submitted either by Carrier or by Merchant. 12.5 When a Container is stuffed by or on behalf of Merchant, such Container shall be deemed shipped as “Shipper’s weight, load, stow, count and seal”
(b) MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT and Carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the Goods caused by the: (i) manner in which Container has been stuffed; (ii) unsuitability of Goods
(1) If it is established that loss or damage to Goods occurred during the port-to-port leg, Carrier’s responsibility is governed by clause 4.1(a) and if it is for Carriage in Containers, or (iii) Merchant’s failure to seal the Container at the commencement of Carriage. Merchant agrees Carrier has no reasonable
established that loss or damage to Goods occurred during any other leg, the law applicable to such leg of transport shall apply except that if the bill of means of checking quantity, weight, condition, identity or existence of contents or manner in which Goods are stuffed, stowed and secured within Container
lading covers a shipment to or from the USA, COGSA shall apply for all legs of transport. If the law thus applicable is not compulsory Carrier’s liability shall or breakbulk cargo is packaged, or that same is accurate or proper.
never exceed 2 Special Drawing Rights (“SDR”) per kilo of gross weight of Goods lost or damaged. 12.6 When a Container is supplied by Carrier and has been stuffed by or on behalf of Merchant, Carrier shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the
(2) If it is not established during which leg of transport loss of or damage to Goods has occurred, Carrier’s liability shall be determined in accordance with Goods caused by the unsuitability or defective condition of the Container, which would have been apparent upon reasonable inspection by Merchant at or
German law incorporating the Hague Rules, except for shipments to or from the USA in which case COGSA shall apply. Unless otherwise provided for prior to time Container was stuffed. It is the Merchant’s obligation to set and/or check that the temperature controls on the container are at the required
herein, in no event shall the liability of Carrier exceed 2 SDR per kilo of gross weight of Goods lost or damaged. carrying temperature and to properly set the ventilation / gas level (CO2/O2) settings.
(3) The Carrier’s limitation of liability to 2 SDR per kilo of gross weight of Goods lost or damaged provided for in Clause 4.1 (b) (1) and (2) do not apply if 12.7 In absence of a written request to the contrary, Carrier is not under an obligation to provide a Container of any particular type or quality.
such loss or damage was caused by an act or omission of the Carrier, its servants or agents done with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with 12.8 When any Container is owned or leased by Carrier, Merchant shall be liable, at tariff rates, for any delay beyond time allowed for the use of such
knowledge that such damage would probably result. Container, and for any loss, damage or expense incurred by Carrier as a result of failure to return the Container to Carrier in sound condition and state of
4.2 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY cleanliness as when received, even if a condition caused by Goods does not then manifest itself and/or results in loss, damage or expense at a subsequent
(a) In no event shall Carrier’s liability under or in connection with this bill of lading exceed 2 SDR per kilo of the gross weight of the Goods lost or damaged, time. Payment therefor is due upon presentation of written cost estimates.
except that if COGSA applies compulsorily, liability shall not exceed US$ 500 per package or per customary freight unit, as the case may be. The Carrier’s 12.9 Carrier is committed to the concept of supply chain security. Merchant ensures the sealing of all packed Containers immediately after stuffing is
limitation of liability to 2 SDR per kilo of gross weight of Goods lost or damaged does not apply if it is proven that the loss or damage was caused by an act completed and before placing them at Carrier’s disposal for all destinations. Only high security seals must be used. All seals must meet the specifications
or omission of the Carrier, its servants or agents done with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that such damage would probably for high security seals issued by the International Organization for Standardization under ISO/PAS 17712 and any subsequent amendment or new definition
result. thereof.
(b) The limitations of liability provided herein apply unless the nature and value of the Goods have been declared by Merchant prior to shipment and 12.10 When a Container is supplied by Merchant, Merchant warrants that: (i) the Container complies with CSC, ISO standards and all applicable rules and
inserted in the box “Declared value” and extra freight paid if required. In no event shall the limitation amount exceed the declared value and nothing herein regulations established by IMO or other competent authorities or bodies, and (ii) the Container(s) meet or exceed applicable stacking weight and racking
shall be construed as a waiver of limitation. test load minimums.
(c) The terms and conditions in Carrier’s tariff(s) and herein (including the limitation of liability of US$ 500 per package or per customary freight unit and law 12.11 Merchant shall be liable for and shall indemnify, defend and hold Carrier harmless against all claims, loss, liability, penalties, damage, delay, fines,
and jurisdiction clauses in this bill of lading) shall apply to all multimodal shipments originating in the USA unless Merchant selects full value Carmack attorney fees, costs, and/or expenses arising from any failure of Merchant to comply with the above-mentioned obligations or otherwise provided in this bill
liability coverage under 49 U.S.C. § 11706 by notifying Carrier at the time of booking the Goods and prepaying a negotiated Carmack freight rate obtained of lading or in any way related to the Goods or Container or which results from the acts or omissions of Merchant, its agents or servants or third parties for
from Carrier. whom Merchant, its agents or servants are responsible.
(a) Unless specifically agreed in writing (estimated time of arrival / estimated time of delivery not sufficient), Carrier does not undertake that Goods or any 13. DANGEROUS OR HAZARDOUS GOODS
documents relating thereto will arrive at a particular time at the Port of Discharge or at the Place of Delivery and Carrier shall not be liable for any direct, 13.1 No Goods which are or may become dangerous, hazardous, flammable, explosive, noxious or damaging (including radioactive material), or which are
indirect or consequential loss or damage caused by delay. or may become liable to damage any person or property whatsoever, or whose carriage violates or may violate sanction or export control law regardless of
(b) If Carrier is found liable for loss or damage caused by delay, such liability shall not exceed 3 (three) times the freight. whether such Goods are listed in any international or national code, convention, listing or table, shall be tendered to Carrier for Carriage without its express
(c) The exclusions / limitations of liability in clauses 4.3 (a) and (b) shall not apply if such delay was caused by an act or omission of the Carrier, its servants consent in writing and without distinctly marking the Goods and the Container or other covering on the outside so as to indicate the nature and character of
or agents done with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that such damage would probably result. any such Goods and so as to comply with any applicable laws, regulations or requirements. If any such Goods are delivered to Carrier without such written
4.4 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS consent and marking, or if in the opinion of Carrier the Goods are or are liable to become of a dangerous, hazardous, flammable, explosive, noxious or
Except as otherwise provided herein, Carrier shall not be liable for indirect or consequential loss or damage or for loss of profit or business from any cause damaging nature, the same may at any time or place be unloaded, destroyed, disposed of, abandoned or rendered harmless without compensation to
whatsoever, unless such loss or damage was caused by an act or omission of the Carrier, its servants or agents done with intent to cause damage, or Merchant.
recklessly and with knowledge that such damage would probably result. 13.2 Merchant undertakes that such Goods are packed in a manner adequate to withstand the risk of Carriage having regard to their nature and in
5. SUBCONTRACTING compliance with all laws, regulations or requirements which may be applicable to the Goods or Carriage including IMDG Code, ADR, RID, and CFR.
(a) Carrier shall be entitled to sub-contract on any terms the whole or any part of the Carriage, loading, unloading, storing, warehousing or other handling 13.3 Merchant shall indemnify and defend Carrier against all claims, loss, liability, damage, delay, fines, attorney fees, costs, and/or expenses arising from
whatsoever as well as any and all duties whatsoever undertaken by it in relation to the Goods or Containers or in performance of this contract. or related to the Carriage of such Goods and/or breach of any of the warranties and obligations provided herein whether or not Merchant was aware of the
(b) No Subcontractor shall in any circumstances be under any liability whatsoever to Merchant for any loss, damage or delay whether arising or resulting nature of such Goods.
directly or indirectly from any act, neglect or default on the Subcontractor’s part, and Merchant undertakes that no claim or allegation, whether in contract,
bailment, tort, or otherwise, shall be made against any Subcontractor seeking to impose any liability whatsoever in connection with this contract. If any such 14. REEFER CONTAINERS
claim or allegation should nevertheless be made, Merchant will indemnify Carrier against all consequences thereof. Containers with temperature- or atmosphere-controlled apparatus will not be furnished unless expressly contracted for in writing at time of booking and,
(c) Without prejudice to the foregoing, every liberty, exemption, limitation of and exoneration from liability, condition, right, defense and immunity contained when furnished, may entail increased Charges. In absence of an express request, it shall be conclusively presumed that use of a dry Container is
herein or available to Carrier including the right to enforce any law or jurisdiction provision contained herein shall also be available to and extend to every appropriate for the Goods. Merchant must provide Carrier with desired set-temperature when delivering Containers to Carrier. Carrier shall not be
Subcontractor and Vessel which shall be entitled to enforce same against Merchant. responsible for: (i) the functioning of temperature- or atmosphere-controlled Containers not supplied by Carrier or related companies or (ii) the
consequences of the Goods, when placed in any Container, being at a higher temperature than that required for the Carriage (hot stuffing) or (iii) the
6. METHODS AND ROUTES OF CARRIAGE recording of temperatures or O2/CO2 atmosphere levels in any form. The Carrier is not obliged to comply with governmental programs requiring the
6.1 Carrier may at any time and without notice to Merchant: disclosure of container recordings and is not responsible for the Goods’ compliance with national treatment requirements including but not limited to cold
(a) Use any means of transport (water, land and/or air) or storage whatsoever; treatment requirements.
(b) Transfer the Goods from one conveyance to another including transshipping or carrying them on a Vessel other than the Vessel named on the reverse Merchant acknowledges that temperature- or atmosphere-controlled Containers are not designed to freeze down cargo which has not been presented for
side hereof or by any other means of transport or conveyance whatsoever; stuffing at or below its designated carrying temperature or to monitor and control humidity levels, albeit a setting facility exists, in that humidity is influenced
(c) Sail with or without pilots, proceed by any route, place or port, in its discretion and at any speed and in any order, and omit, proceed to or stay at any by many external factors and Carrier does not guarantee the maintenance of any intended level of humidity inside any Container.
place or port whatsoever, whether scheduled or not; Merchant acknowledges that Goods, which require refrigeration, ventilation or other specialized attention, were not verified by Carrier, when received, as
(d) Load and unload the Goods at any place or port (whether or not any such port is named on the reverse side hereof as the port of loading or port of being at the carrying temperature, humidity level or other condition designated by Merchant.
discharge) and store the Goods at any such port or place;
(e) Terminate the transportation and discharge Goods or Containers, and require Merchant to take delivery. Upon Merchant’s failure to do so, Carrier can 15. BOTH-TO-BLAME COLLISION CLAUSE
take any measures including devanning, selling, disposing or storing the Goods at risk and expense of Merchant and Goods; The Both-to-Blame Collision Clause published by the Baltic and International Maritime Council and obtainable from Carrier or its agents upon request is
(f) Open any Container to inspect the contents, and if it appears that any part thereof cannot safely or properly be carried, either at all or without incurring hereby incorporated herein.
additional expense, Carrier may terminate the transportation and/or incur any reasonable additional expenses to continue Carriage at Merchant’s risk and
expense; 16. GENERAL AVERAGE
(g) Unpack and remove the Goods which have been packed into a Container and forward them in a Container or otherwise; 16.1 General Average shall be adjusted, stated and settled according to York-Antwerp Rules 2016. Merchant shall give such cash deposit or other security
(h) Carry livestock, explosives, munitions, warlike stores, dangerous or hazardous Goods or lawful Goods of any and all kinds; and/or as Carrier may deem sufficient to cover estimated General Average contribution of Goods before delivery as Carrier requires, or, if not so required, within 3
(i) Comply with any orders, directions or recommendations given by any government or authority. (three) months of delivery of Goods, whether or not at the time of delivery Merchant had notice of Carrier’s lien. Carrier shall be under no obligation to
6.2 The liberties set out in 6.1 above may be invoked by Carrier for any purpose whatsoever and whether or not connected with the Carriage of the Goods, exercise any lien for General Average contribution due from Merchant(s).
including but not limited to loading or unloading the Goods, bunkering, repairs and/or dry docking of the Vessel. Anything done in accordance with clause 16.2 Cargo’s contribution in General Average shall be paid even when such Average is result of fault, neglect or error of the Master, pilot, officers or crew.
6.1 or any delay arising therefrom (i) shall be deemed within the contractual Carriage and shall not be a deviation and (ii) Carrier shall be entitled to full The New Jason Clause published by the Baltic and International Maritime Council and obtainable from Carrier or its agents upon request is hereby
Charges and any additional freight, storage and all other expenses related thereto incurred by or on behalf of Carrier, all of which shall be due and owing incorporated herein.
from Merchant, and Carrier shall have a lien on the Goods for same.
7. MATTERS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE Unless otherwise provided herein, any claim, dispute, suit or proceeding arising under or relating to this bill of lading shall be governed by the laws of
If at any time the Carriage (whether commenced or not) (i) is or is likely to be affected by any hindrance, risk, danger, delay, difficulty or disadvantage of Germany and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the City of Hamburg, except that at Carrier’s sole option, it may commence proceedings
any kind and however arising, including but not limited to Force Majeure Events like Acts of God, epidemics and pandemics including Covid-19, disruption against Merchant at any court or tribunal having jurisdiction.
in labor, war, civil commotion, political unrest, piracy, act of terrorism, and threat thereof, which cannot be avoided by the exercise of reasonable endeavors
(and even though the circumstances affecting performance hereunder existed at the time this contract was entered into or when the Goods were received 18. NON-WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY
for Carriage), or (ii) violates or may violate any sanction or export control law Carrier may, at its sole discretion and without prior notice to Merchant, either: 18.1 No servant or agent of Carrier shall have the power to waive or vary any of the terms hereof unless such waiver or variation is in writing and is
(1) Carry the Goods to the contracted port of discharge or place of delivery, whichever is applicable, by an alternative route to that indicated on the reverse specifically authorized or ratified in writing by an officer or director of Carrier having actual authority to bind Carrier to such waiver or variation.
side hereof or that which is usual for Goods consigned to that port of discharge or place of delivery and shall be entitled to charge such additional freight 18.2 Nothing herein shall operate to deprive Carrier of any statutory protection or defense, immunity, exemption, limitation of or exoneration from liability
as Carrier may determine; or contained in applicable laws.
(2) Suspend the Carriage of the Goods and store them ashore or afloat under these terms and conditions and endeavor to forward them as soon as 18.3 The terms and conditions of this bill of lading (including those of the applicable tariff(s)) are separable, and if any part or term is held invalid, such
reasonably possible and shall be entitled to such storage costs and additional freight as Carrier may determine; or holding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part or term hereof.
325-072 02-21-758264 v

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