X-Ray Diffraction Journal
X-Ray Diffraction Journal
X-Ray Diffraction Journal
Abstract. Friction St ir Welding (FSW) is co mmonly developed for welding of metals of the
same kind like alu miniu m copper, steel and titanium. However, FSW also has the potential to
produce high-quality joints between dissimilar metals which are differ in physical and
mechanica l properties. In this work dissimilar alu miniu m alloys plates of AA 6101-T6 and AA
6351-T6 with 6 mm thick were frict ion stir butt welded under the influence of different process
parameters. The influence of various parameters, particularly the rotational speed on
microstructures and hardness properties of the joints has been addressed. The microstructure
of weld jo ints has been studied using an optical microscope and distinct zones are also identified.
Fine-equiaxed and refined grains are observed at nugget zone of dissimilar joints due to effective
stirring action of cylindrical profile tool pin at higher tool rotational speeds. The intermetallic
compounds that form in the joints has been examined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the
presence of intermetallic co mpound Mg2 Si in base metals and FSW joints was detected.
Therefore, it can be understood that the intermetallic co mpound affects the hardness of butt
joints. The highest and lowest SZ hardness are obtained with the welds fabricated with 1300rp m,
60 m/ min, 4kN and with 900 rp m, 60 mm/ min and 8kN respectively.
1. Introduction
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a new welding technique invented at The Welding Institute (TWI) in
1991[1]. High quality welds can be produced in metals mostly aluminum, nickel, magnesium, titanium
and steel which have large application in automobiles, aerospace and shipbuilding industries [2]. It has
been proved that FSW widely used for joining the un-weld able metals [3]. In FSW, a non-consumable
rotating tool has been plunged between the interface of two plates to be joined and traversed along the
joint line at selected speed and welding speed [4,5] . In FSW, the work pieces do not melt and needs a
proper thermal metal flow dynamics [6]. Recently the FSW technique has been used for joining
aluminum, magnesium alloys, copper, steel, composites and dissimilar metals [7-8]. By FSW, a better
quality of joint can be fabricated using aluminum alloy mostly AA6XXX series which are heat
treatable comparing to fusion welding process and similar to gas metal arc welding process [9, 10]. In
this experimental study, AA6351aluminum alloy has been selected and this alloy has very useful
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ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012071
applications in shipbuilding because of its high strength capacity, corrosion resistance, better
processibility and weldability [11]. AA6101-T6 aluminum alloys are mostly applicable in electrical
industries for its high electrical conductivity and good mechanical properties. Therefore joining of these
two dissimilar alloys has great importance in electrical industries. T6 is the temper designation for two
dissimilar aluminum alloys to get maximum mechanical property i.e. solution heat treated and
artificially aged. N. T. Kumbhar et al. [12] worked on FSW of two aluminum alloys AA6061 and
AA5052 at different level of tool rotation speeds and tool welding speeds. From the microstructure
studies, they observed that in the nugget zone there was no severe inter mixing of both materials. They
observed that tensile strength of the dissimilar FSW joints (AA5052&AA6061) is better than the tensile
strength of FSW joints between AA6061&AA6061.Ranjith R. et al. [13] worked on FSW of dissimilar
aluminum alloys AA2014 T651 and AA6063 T651. They observed satisfactory intermixing and
bonding of metals formed by tool tilt angle 40° .They found better tensile property keeping the tool
offset towards AA2014 side by complete fusion of harder metal. S. Ravikumar et al. [14] studied the
influence of rotational and welding speeds with the pin prof iles on micro hardness and tensile strength
of the dissimilar Aluminum AA6061-T651 and AA7075- T651 joints. They found that at lower welding
and higher rotational speed, good intermixing of both the metals occurs at weld joint interface. Aging
heat-treated aluminum alloys (A2xxx, A6xxx, A7xxx) and solid solution-hardened (A5xxx) alloy have
vital industrial uses which are discussed in [15, 16]. These material microstructure and mechanical
characterization changed severely during FSW. The age heat-treated alloys hardness depends on the
density distribution of strengthening precipitates.
To the best of our knowledge, There is limited work reported on dissimilar FSW of AA6101 Aluminum
alloy and AA6351 Aluminum alloy is done at varying rotational speed .The objective of this work is to
study the metallurgical characterization and hardness evaluation on dissimilar aluminum alloys joints
fabricated via FSW .
2. Experimental procedure:
AA6101-T6 and AA6351-T6 aluminum alloys in plate form of 6 mm thick are used as base metals in
this study. Two plates are kept in the butt joint manner and the weld direction is perpendicular to the
rolling direction of both plates.AA6101-T6 and AA6351-T6 alloys chemical compositions are shown in
Tables 1. AA6101-T6 and AA6351-T6 alloys mechanical properties are shown in Table 2. In this study,
four different joints are made by computerized FSW machine shown in Figure 1. At the advancing side
AA 6101-T6 was placed and in the retreating side AA6351-T6. The plates were rigidly clamped with
zero root gaps to prevent separation during welding from the joint line. The FSW tool was fabricated
with EN32 tool steel having a surface hardness of 65 HRC and then oil hardened. The cylindrical
ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012071
threaded pin profile having tool tilt angle 2º has been use for this study. The flat faced shoulder diameter
and pin diameter were fixed at 18 mm and 6 mm respectively. The tool geometry, welding speed and
rotational speed are selected based on combinations as per literature and the capability of the FSW
machine used for this study. Four welded samples are prepared with different rotational speeds keeping
welding speed constant. The welding process parameters used for study are presented in Table 3.
For the study the microstructure and hardness properties, the FSW joints were sliced using a power
hacksaw and then machined to as per dimensions. The test specimens having 30mm length,10mm width
and 6mm thick are taken from the cross-section, ground, polished and then etched with Keller’s reagent.
The microstructures study was carried out by optical microscope. Hardness across the weld joint was
taken on a cross-section perpendicular to the weld direction using micro-Vickers hardness tester at 10
gram force and 15 seconds dwell time. The intermetallic compounds present in weld zone of dissimilar
joints were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
Friction Stir Welding of dissimilar aluminum alloys of AA6101- T6 and AA6351-T6 were carried out
by varying rotational speeds. Dissimilar joint of Aluminum AA6101- T6 to AA6351-T6 found
satisfactory in visual inspection and surface morphology. The crown and macrostructures of the FSW
joints are shown in Figure. 2. The crown shows the smooth appearance with absence of voids, cracks,
depressions and excessive flashes. The macrostructure of the dissimilar joints reveals evident that the
ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012071
joint has no defects such as tunnels, piping or worm hole. The various well-defined zones have been
observed in all welds joints made by FSW. The macrostructure consists of base metal zone (BMZ), heat
affected zone (HAZ), thermo mechanically affected zone (TMAZ) and nugget zone (NZ) or stirred zone
(SZ). A distinct boundary exists between the TMAZ& HAZ.
DS2 1100
DS3 1300
DS4 1500
Figure 2.Crown appearance and Macrostructure of dissimilar joints at different rotational speeds
ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012071
Figure3. Optical microstructure of base metals: (a) AA6101 Al alloy; (b) AA6351Al alloy
The stir zones microstructures of all dissimilar joints are shown in Figure. 4(a-d). It is evident from
the figures that at 900 rpm and 1100rpm microstructure of SZ shows mixed flow of two metals. It is
due to the friction generated between the shoulder and the pin with the base metal surfaces being
welded by effective stirring action of toolat definite rotational speed.
Figure4.Microstructures of stir zones shows banded structure using different rotational speeds of (a) 900rp m (b)
1100rp m (c) 1300rp m (d) 1500rp m.
Microstructure of alternating band structure in the form of "onion rings" was observed in SZ at rotational speed
1300rp m because of high heat generation and uniform distribution of intermetallic co mpound Mg 2 Si with fine
refined grain structures. The temperature in the SZ sufficiently high at 1500rp m which lead to the dissolution or
growth of some precipitates which affect the hardness of the weld joint. The grains are elongated in TMAZ and
shows considerable distortions because of the mechanical action generated by welding tool. The grain structure in
HAZ resemb les with base metal and this zone is mechanically not affected by the FSW tool. Figure 5(a-h ) shows
the interfacial boundary between the TMAZ and HAZ revealing the difference in the grain size clearly fro m
respective side.
ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012071
Figure 5. Weld interface microstructure at different rotational speeds of (a-b) 900rpm (c-d) 1100rpm
(e-f) 1300rpm (g-h) 1500rpm
3.3XRD study
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis has been taken on transverse cross-sections of the FSW welds and the
corresponding patterns for the base metals and FSW joints are shown in Fig. 6. Based on XRD peaks the presence
of Al phase and Mg2 Si was confirmed in parent metals and FSW joints. All FSW jo ints (disimillar) were shows
comparable strength than base metals due to the presence of intermetallic co mpound Mg 2 Si.
ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012071
Figure6. XRD patterns obtained from base metals and dissimilar weldsat variable tool rotational speed.
85 DS1@900rpm
DS3@1300rpm NZ HAZ
75 DS4@1500rpm)
65 HAZ
55 6101
4. Conclusions
FSW of dissimilar aluminum alloys carried out at successfully with selected welding process parameters
which produces sound welds without any welding discontinuities. In the optical microstructure, the SZ,
HAZ and TMAZ were clearly observed for all the FSW joints. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis
confirmed the presence of intermetallic compound Mg2 Si in base metals and FSW joints. Fine-equiaxed
ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012071
and refined grains are observed at nugget zone of dissimilar joints due to effective stirring action of
cylindrical profile tool pin at higher tool rotational speeds. The grain structure in heat affected zone (HAZ)
resembles with the base metal and this zone is not mechanically affected by the FSW tool. The peaks presence of
Al phase and Mg 2 Si was confirmed in parent metals and FSW joints with XRD study. The joint made by the
rotating speed of 1300 rp m & welding speed of 60 mm/ min exh ibits optimu m hardness value at weld nugget zone.
This is because of uniform distribution of fine equiaxed grains of strengthening precipitates (Mg2 Si) and when
rotational speed increases to 1500rp m there is drop in the hardness due to high heat softening occur sat SZ which
leads to breaking of strengthening precipitates (Mg 2 Si).