A Study of Effect Process Parameters On Tensile Strength
A Study of Effect Process Parameters On Tensile Strength
A Study of Effect Process Parameters On Tensile Strength
Volume 10, Issue 2, March - April 2019, pp. 482-490, Article ID: IJARET_10_02_047
Available online at http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJARET?Volume=10&Issue=2
ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499
© IAEME Publication
Dr. R. S. Dalu
Professor and I/C Principal, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of
Engineering, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India.
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a comparatively innovative solids-state joining
process. This joining mechanism is very energy efficient, environment friendly and
multitalented. The aim of this paper is improvement an affiliation between in the welding
parameters and mechanical properties of the AA6061T-6 type of aluminum alloy using
the friction stir welding mechanism .The effects of the various processing parameters
they are, tool rotational speed, traverse speed, axial force and geometry play tool they
are play an important role on the quality of welded joining. The FSW joints mechanism
have advanced tensile strength to the heaviness ratio. The present work of this paper is
done to think about the impact of the contribution parameters on the tensile strength.
The tensile welding parameters mainly influenced by the following variables they are
weld speed, feed, and tilt angle. The parameters are taking these of the examiner
attributes they are the attributes are rotational speed, weld speed, axial force, shoulder
diameter and tilt angle. From this examination it is found that the square tool pin profile
producers are mechanically sound defect free welds compare to the tool to pin effects.
Key words: Friction stir welding, 6061 aluminium alloy, tool in profile, parameters,
tensile properties.
Cite this Article: G. C. Jadhav and Dr. R. S. Dalu, A Study of Effect Process Parameters
on Tensile Strength, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and
Technology, 10(2), 2019, pp 482-490.
In the welding institute (TWI) of United Kingdom in 1991 developed an innovative solid-state
joining process and it was the first and foremost initiated to aluminum alloys. The aluminum
alloys are normally classified as non-weld-able and the reason of the disadvantaged
solidification microstructure along with the porosity in the fusion zone. And also, the losses in
the mechanical attributes are dissimilarity to the base material in very significant. These factors
compose to joining of these aluminum alloys by the traditional welding processes are
unappealing. In the resistance welding are sometimes used aluminum alloys, but it is very
expensive in exterior preparation. And it will create a major problem in surface oxide.
In the FSW procedure utilizing the revolution device is utilized to do the welding procedure.
In the pivot device contain the undersized stick (test) undersized the unrivaled shoulder. The
device contain three essential capacities they are known as work piece warming, material
development for joint generation and the concealment to the hot metal underneath the device
bear, The FSW instrument containing the joining plates and the revolution bear device powers
to the warmth and it recently created from the grinding flanked by the welding apparatus (They
together with the shoulder and the test) and they utilize the welded material. The welded
material is form into the gentler at the temperature less than the softening point. As far as
possible to the diminish material and underneath to the shoulder and they prompt the further
advancement of material from the front of the stick and to the back of the stick through to the
device revolution and the change development. It contrasted with the combination welding
strategies, and it is unsurprising that this system will naturally and makes a weld with a
practically identical measure of suffering pressure and disfigurement and no softening of
material will happen at certain stages in the welding. The aluminum amalgams have a broad
assortment of the properties. Amidst all aluminum amalgams, AA 6061 compound acting a
most basic job in the airplane business wherein silicon (0.3-1.5 w%, Si, Mg) and magnesium
are the preeminent alloying properties [6-7]. It contrasted with other aluminum compounds like
[1, 2, and 5]. This instrument constantly utilized in the aviation applications as a result of its
great formability, welds capacity, matches failure, erosion opposition and great quality. The
grating blend welding is likewise viewed as the huge measure of the earth-shattering
advancement in the metal participates till ten years. They have no utilization of the twist gas or
vacillation in the contact blend welding in the welding procedure and are the conservational
vitality effectiveness and adaptability or it is a green innovation. The metal joining process does
not permit any utilization of channel metals and that much of the time. Whichever aluminum
composite can be joined with no worry for the similarity of artful culmination, this is the issue
of combination welding. There is less utilization of the twist gas or variance and they
association of any utilization in the metal channel I FSW, and the properties of the metal joining
that are improved contrast with the parent metal [4]. The contact blend welding utilized
distinctive kinds of metal joining. They are T butt joints, lap joints, filet and pipes. In these
joining procedures each join have diverse thickness and distinctive profile. In the foundation of
FSW system was produced for Al-combinations. Furthermore, the gainful blending apparatuses
and they are vital for metal welding. In this circumstance the titanium and steel compounds are
used as a metal framework of composite materials and those material are have taking off
liquefying temperatures. The instrument material, apparatus pivot, weld speed along the joint
line, device plan and descending power are the vital parameters chiefly consider in this
procedure. Making the frictional warming loosens up the material underneath the mechanical
assembly. The casual material streams in the blueprint of the mechanical assembly through
broad plastic bending and it is consolidated at the back of the gadget to shape a solid-state
steady joint. The attempt has been developed to understand the consequence of equipment stick
profiles and rotational speed on FSP zone progression. The relationship between the FSP zone
progression and moldable properties of disintegration mix welded AA2219 aluminum amalgam
joints was dismembered [8]. He clear up the effects of rotational speed of the contraption, tilt
purpose of equipment, similarly as turning course of the gadget on the macrostructure,
microstructure, and mechanical characteristics of Al 5754 butt joints [9]. The impact of
improvement imperatives in FSW on the weld metals was resolved and determined. The
Vickers strength, malleable power and radiography are estimated for investigation by means of
changing the speed of hardware, apparatus feed and at weld the profundity of infiltration is
keeping up at steady [10]. According to the requirements and highlights the Taguchi test
structure and choice of symmetrical cluster was finished [11]. The fundamental capacity of the
non-consumable rotating instrument stick is to mix the plasticized metal and it has a decent
joint. Stick profile is a critical position in material stream and furthermore the speed of welding
is controls by the FSW procedure [13, 14]. Stick profiles with smooth articulation (square and
triangular) are connected with capriciousness. This capricious conduct empowers the
incompressible material to circumvent the stick profile [15]. The instrument of onion ring
improvement in the erosion mix welds of aluminum composites and furthermore he found that
the dimension of material combination and entomb dispersion, the thickness of disfigured
aluminum lamellae, just as material stream designs exceedingly dependent on the geometry of
the apparatus, welding meteorology, successively dependent on the hub constrain the material
stream pressure happens [16]. Analyze the effect of hardware stick profile (straight round and
hollow and square) on the advancement of grinding blend preparing zone in a singular and back
to back double-sided rubbing mix weld in AA6061 [17].
Results show solid connection and vigorous examination between the weldment quality and
procedure parameters and determination of ideal procedure parameters for effective weld. The
welding parameters are the key craft of erosion blend welding process. In the present
examination, the impact of parameters on mechanical properties of grating mix welded
aluminum amalgam AA6061T-6 was contemplated. In all trials instrument stick measurement
and its length kept steady.
2.3. Frictions stir welding on universal milling machine with vertical attachment.
To take the process of FSW in universal milling machine (Model BFU-5) was used to metal
joining. In this process we primarily use fifty pieces of AA6061 material are organized up for
the purpose of friction stir welding. The total number of experimentations is given by the
Taguchi optimum design technique. The vertical attachment is that shown in the Figure 4.
utilizing the business programming MINITAB 17. This system enables the quantity of
information to decide as the variables that for the most part influence the item quality with least
number of experimentations along these lines sparing time and assets. The principle favorable
circumstances of this technique is the sparing of leading of analyses and furthermore sparing
exploratory time, diminish the expense of the procedure and decide the critical factor rapidly.
Welding parameters are utilized to try the instrument speed, table feed and hub constrain bear
distance across and tilt point.
S.N. Speed(rpm) Feed(mm/min) Axial Force(kN) Tilt angle(degree)
1 500 14 5 16 0
2 500 20 6 17 1
3 500 28 7 18 1.5
4 500 40 8 19 2
5 500 56 9 20 3
6 710 14 6 19 1.5
7 710 20 7 20 2
8 710 28 8 16 3
9 710 40 9 17 0
10 710 56 5 18 1
11 1000 14 7 17 3
12 1000 20 8 18 0
13 1000 28 9 19 1
14 1000 40 5 20 1.5
15 1000 56 6 16 2
16 1400 14 6 20 1
17 1400 20 8 16 1.5
18 1400 28 9 17 2
19 1400 40 5 18 3
20 1400 56 6 19 0
21 2000 14 5 18 2
22 2000 20 1 19 3
23 2000 28 2 20 0
24 2000 40 3 16 1
25 2000 56 4 17 1.5
2.7. Methods
2.7.1 Fabrication of FSW samples on milling machine as per Taguchi Design for cylindrical
profile as shown in figure 5.
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S 10 S 11 S 12 S 13
0.185 0.193 0.186 0.162 0.152 0.221 0.218 0.199 0.077 0.106 0.234 0.126 0.132
S 14 S 15 S 16 S 17 S 18 S 19 S 20 S 21 S 22 S 23 S 24 S 25 ---
0.151 0.103 0.171 0.140 0.169 0.165 0.035 0.162 0.213 0.098 0.072 0.042 ---
S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31 S732 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37 S 38
0.175 0.202 0.215 0.238 0.230 0.240 0.255 0.168 0.169 0.172 0.215 0.201 0.212
S39 S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S 45 S46 S47 S48 S49 S50 ---
0.225 0.123 0.171 0.238 0.149 0.171 0.169 0.142 0.170 0.182 0.180 0.083 ---
Speed vs Tensile Strength
1 to 25 Tensile…
Tensile Strength
500 500 500 710 710 1000 1000 1000 1400 1400 2000 2000 2000
Experiments were led for different mixes of hardware speed, feed, stick profile, bear infiltration
and tilt edge at five dimensions in Taguchi's symmetrical cluster. The quality of the joint was
examined by malleable test.
1. Pin profiles with cylindrical and square shapes impacts to produces great quality weld.
Of the twenty-five joints, the joints manufactured by square stick profiled device showed better
elastic properties looked at than tube shaped device profile.
2. At the point when the welding velocity and feed is quicker than the specific esteem then
elasticity continues diminishing.
3. Speed, feed, hub constrain, tilt edge is expanding and bear distance across diminishing at
that point welding deserts happens which prompts diminishing in rigidity.
4. Axial force is the vertical descending power connected to dive the work piece in to the
weld line. Adequate pivotal power is required to frame the sound weld on the grounds that amid
the procedure will control the measure of plasticized material and the temperature is relying
upon the hub constrain.
5. Rigidity get from square profile is higher than barrel shaped profile which is
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