Electrochemical Modeling and Parameterization Towards Co - 2022 - Control Engine
Electrochemical Modeling and Parameterization Towards Co - 2022 - Control Engine
Electrochemical Modeling and Parameterization Towards Co - 2022 - Control Engine
1. Introduction divided into two categories: equivalent circuit models (ECMs) and
electrochemical models.
Clean, renewable energy sources are needed to help create a sus- For the ECMs (Jin et al., 2018; Lekshmi & PS, 2019), one or
tainable society. Due to the superiorities in terms of energy density, more parallel resistor–capacitor sub-circuits are applied to perform
efficiency, low discharge rate, and environmental friendliness (Wang phenomenological emulations of cell external responses, where battery
et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2021), lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have current, voltage and aging behavior could be also well matched (Li,
become one of mainstream energy storage components in numerous Jiao, & Li, 2021; Ouyang, Wang, Liu, Xu, & Li, 2019). Due to the sim-
sustainable applications such as electric vehicles (EVs) (Klintberg, Zou, ple structure and low computational burden, ECMs have been widely
Fridholm, & Wik, 2019; Shafikhani et al., 2021), renewable energy adopted in BMSs for control-oriented management (He, Ye, He, Song,
storage, and smart grid (Ferro, Laureri, Minciardi, & Robba, 2019). & Shi, 2020; Li, Li, Xiao, & Wong, 2019; Liu, Li, & Zhang, 2017).
Battery management systems (BMSs) generally implement model-based In contrast, electrochemical models allow the enhanced monitoring
algorithms to protect battery from abuse, prolong battery service life, and prediction of battery individual mechanisms (Liu, Li, Peng, &
and maintain battery operated in an efficient status (Fang, Wang, Zhang, 2019). Given the capability of capturing cell-intrinsic phys-
Sahinoglu, Wada, & Hara, 2014; Li, Li, Liu, Wang, & Zhang, 2021). As a ical states, electrochemical model-based BMSs enable health-aware
key functional part for achieving control-oriented battery management, control of Li-ion batteries to improve their operational safety, reliabil-
Li-ion battery modeling techniques with a specific form can be mainly ity, and efficiency (Gao, Liu, Zhu, Zhang, & Zhang, 2021; Hu et al.,
∗ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: kailong.liu@warwick.ac.uk (K. Liu), gaoyizhao@sjtu.edu.cn (Y. Gao), chong.zhu@sjtu.edu.cn (C. Zhu), k.li1@leeds.ac.uk (K. Li),
mrfei@staff.shu.edu.cn (M. Fei), c.peng@i.shu.edu.cn (C. Peng), braver1980@sjtu.edu.cn (X. Zhang), qhan@swin.edu.au (Q.-L. Han).
Received 18 November 2021; Received in revised form 4 March 2022; Accepted 3 April 2022
Available online 23 April 2022
0967-0661/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
model (Lee, Chemistruck, & Plett, 2012a). Some researchers also use
Abbreviations Padé approximation to match the frequency responses of PDEs (Yuan,
EV Electric vehicle Jiang, Yin, Wu, & Zhang, 2017b). Furthermore, the polynomial profiles
P2D Pseudo-two-dimensional (PP) are fast approximations of electrolyte concentration and potential
along the 𝑥 direction (Sharma et al., 2019), while the solid-phase
BMS Battery management system
diffusion along the r direction (Subramanian, Tapriyal, & White, 2004).
PDE Partial differential equation
The PP model poses simple structure and converts PDEs into the Differ-
SPM Single particle model
ential Algebraic Equations (DAEs). The spatial discretization methods
SPMe Single particle model with electrolyte dy- including the finite difference (Xiong, Li, Li, Yu, & Mu, 2018) and finite
namics volume method (Ashwin, McGordon, & Jennings, 2017), are effective
CCCV Constant-current constant-voltage tools for numerical solutions of PDEs (Wang, Ma, & Zhang, 2017). The
DAE Differential algebraic equation discretization methods could achieve high accuracy because they divide
MPM Many particle model the feasible region into multiple cells (Dickinson, Ekström, & Fontes,
DFN Doyle–Fuller–Newman 2014). Some researchers combine the ECM and electrochemical models
FVM Finite volume method to make best of the two approaches, e.g. high computational speed with
LFP LiFePO4 physical meaning (Zhang, Lu, Yuan, Yang, & Zhou, 2017). A recent
SOC State of charge trend of research is to use the asymptotic techniques for achieving
the order reduction of the electrochemical model (Marquis, Timms,
ECM Equivalent circuit model
Sulzer, Please, & Chapman, 2020). The asymptotic reduction approach
IMA Integral method approximation
is based on exploiting the vastly different time scales of various physical
DRA Discrete-time realization algorithm
processes, leading to a more organic simplification (Tranter et al.,
PSD Particle size distribution 2020).
ROM Reduced order model On the other hand, P2D model is formulated under the homo-
SEI Solid electrolyte interphase geneity assumptions. For example, the P2D model assumes that the
EIS Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy active material particles are spherical and distribute uniformly with
GITT Galvanostatic intermittent titration tech- identical radius (Forouzan, Mazzeo, & Wheeler, 2018). However, prac-
nique tical electrodes have non-spherical particle shapes that exhibit large
dispersity (Sacci et al., 2015). This indicates that the P2D model
would be limited in the cases where cells have dispersed particle
shapes. Therefore, the accuracy of P2D model would be degraded
2019; Zou, Hu, Wei, Wik, & Egardt, 2017). However, the electro- in predicting cell voltage under extreme circumstances, such as low
chemical models generally consist of a series of partial differential SOC range, resting period (Kirk, Please, & Jon Chapman, 2021), and
equations (PDEs), which would inevitably increase the computational high temperatures (Kraft et al., 2015). In addition, volume average
complexity in battery practical applications (Feng et al., 2020). As approach does not consider the actual topology and electrode morphol-
the most widely-adopted electrochemical model, battery pseudo-two- ogy (Pereira et al., 2020). Porosity and active volume fraction are not
dimensional (P2D) model is derived from the porous electrode theory, constant throughout battery lifespan due to the volume changes, cracks,
concentrated solution theory, and kinetics equations (Eapen, Suresh, lithium plating and stress effects occurring in the electrodes during cell
Patil, & Rengaswamy, 2021). The P2D model is established using the charge and discharge (Avdeev et al., 2017). The lithiation/delithiation
volume averaging technique and treats the electrode as a homogeneous mechanisms describing the intra-particle phase transformation of P2D
medium (Li, Cui, Wang, & Zhang, 2021), where the full order P2D model fail to analyze the coexistence of Li-poor phase and Li-rich
model is computationally expensive and difficult to be implemented phase within LFP crystals (Koltypin, Aurbach, Nazar, & Ellis, 2007).
on the hardware. Therefore, it is necessary to simplify the P2D model The coexistence of two phases is the major cause of the flat open-
before the control-oriented applications can be realized. circuit-potential within LFP electrodes (Anseán et al., 2016). Therefore,
To reduce computational complexity of electrochemical models, it can be inferred that the limitations of the P2D model arise from
various simplified versions of the P2D model have been investigated. the model simplification process. Many researchers have extended P2D
To be specific, by simplifying each electrode as a single solid spher- model to consider the inhomogeneity of particle and electrode (Bistri
ical particle, single particle model (SPM) becomes the most popular & Di Leo, 2021). A simplified electrochemical multi-particle model for
simplified P2D model (Tian, Wang, & Chen, 2021a). However, due LFP cathodes in Li-ion batteries was developed (Mastali Majdabadi,
to electrolyte concentration and potential are considered to be con- Farhad, Farkhondeh, Fraser, & Fowler, 2015). Therein, the active ma-
stant for the cell, the performance of SPM can only match as well terial particles of non-uniform properties (e.g., size, contact resistance,
as the rigorous P2D model in the cases where the current rate is material chemistry etc.) were incorporated. The multi-particle model
less than 1C. To overcome this limitation, both electrolyte are tem- could accurately simulate the cell charge/discharge current rates up to
perature dynamics are integrated with SPM (Han, Ouyang, Lu, & Li, 5C. The realistic 3D anode structures using a stochastic microstructure
2015), where the acceptable accuracy and low-cost computational model was generated, which is parameterized using tomography data.
effort enable these SPMs become competent for developing battery The results show that the deviations between uniform and realistic
state estimation strategies (Li, Fan, Ringbeck, J?st, Han, Ouyang, & electrodes are pronounced at high current rates (Hein et al., 2016). Mul-
Sauer, 2020) and optimal control approaches (Pramanik & Anwar, tiple cases of heterogeneities, such as non-uniform ionic resistance and
2016). Another promising approach is to linearize the coupled PDEs active material loading, are studied at different charge and discharge
of rigorous P2D porous electrode and develop analytic Laplace-domain current rates (Fang, Ge, Wang, Li, & Zhang, 2020). The results indicate
transfer functions from the linearized model (Yuan, Jiang, Yin, Wu, & that higher current rates increase the non-uniformities of temperature,
Zhang, 2017a). For example, the transfer functions of reaction flux, current density, positive and negative electrode SOC, especially in the
solid-electrolyte potential difference, overpotential, and solid particle case of charging (Forouzan et al., 2018).
surface concentration versus input current were derived (Smith, Rahn, Accurate model parameterization is also crucial for efficient and
& Wang, 2007). Then a low-order model was generated through a reliable electrochemical model-based prediction, state estimation, and
residue-grouping approach. A novel discrete-time realization algorithm control (Xia et al., 2016). Generally, there are two main solutions for
(DRA) was used to produce a reduced-order discrete-time state–space identifying parameters of electrochemical models: direct measurements
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Table 1
An overview of the published literature related to battery electrochemical models.
Topic Reference Content
Jokar, Rajabloo, Désilets, and Lacroix (2016) Simplified P2D models.
P2D model simplification
Li, Ralahamilage et al. (2021) P2D model order reduction techniques.
Li and Monroe (2020) Multiscale Lithium-ion battery modeling from materials to cells.
Enhanced electrochemical model
Franco (2013) Multiscale modeling of rechargeable batteries.
Waldmann et al. (2018) Post-mortem analysis of lithium-ion batteries.
Miguel et al. (2021b) Computational parameter estimation methods.
Parameter identification method
Dos Reis, Strange, Yadav, and Li (2021) Battery testing and experimental datasets.
Wang et al. (2021) Summarization of methods to measure or infer parameters.
and invasive parameter estimations. For the direct measurement, after • Current research challenges are discussed in Section 5. Feasible
dismantling battery cell, its internal structures, compositions, and prop- solutions to address these challenges are suggested as future
erties would be analyzed with specific instruments (Sturm et al., 2019). research direction towards the improvement of battery control-
This type of solution is robust as the physical parameters of battery oriented electrochemical modeling technologies.
can be directly measured. A detailed review for the post-mortem tech-
niques and subsequent electrochemical analysis of cell performance and
2. P2D model and simplifications
physical–chemical properties can be found in Stiaszny, Ziegler, Krau?,
Schmidt, and Ivers-Tiffée (2014) and Waldmann, Wilka, Kasper, Fleis-
chhammer, and Wohlfahrt-Mehrens (2014), respectively. The invasive The pseudo-2-dimension (P2D) model pioneered by Doyle et al.
parameter estimation refers to the methods that estimate model pa- is one of the most popular electrochemical models for Li-ion bat-
rameters by fitting electrochemical model output to the measured cell teries (Chen, Liu, Su, & Zhuang, 2021; Doyle, Fuller, & Newman,
quantities (e.g., terminal voltage, temperature) (Zhang et al., 2015). 1993). This type of model consists of numerous PDEs and is compu-
Due to most of the parameters are weakly correlated with the bat- tationally complex for control-oriented applications (Reddy, Scharrer,
tery terminal voltage, complete set of parameters is difficult to be Pichler, Watzenig, & Dulikravich, 2019), where various model reduc-
identified simultaneously (Namor, Torregrossa, Cherkaoui, & Paolone, tion techniques are required to simplify P2D model. In this section,
2017). Therefore, a stepwise solution is generally adopted to identify the development of rigorous P2D model is first introduced, followed
these parameters (Zhang et al., 2014). Both these two parameteriza- by the summary and comparison of various P2D model order reduction
tion methods have their own merits and drawbacks. Cell postmortem methods and their control-oriented applications.
analysis could provide visualized insights into material properties.
However, this method is time-consuming and the related equipment 2.1. Definitions and derivations of the basic P2D model
used in the analysis is often expensive (Waldmann, Hogg, & Wohlfahrt-
Mehrens, 2018). Parameter estimation method could save identification
P2D model is a classical electrochemical model and has been widely
time but the robustness as well as validity of the estimated parame-
investigated. For the macroscopic model of Li-ion batteries, concen-
ters need to be further verified (López C, Wozny, Flores-Tlacuahuac,
trated solution theory is generally utilized to describe the transport
Vasquez-Medrano, & Zavala, 2016).
properties in the solution phase, while porous electrode theory is
To date, a few review articles regarding the battery P2D model
simplification, enhanced electrochemical model, and parameter iden- adopted to analyze the composite electrodes (Doyle, Newman, Gozdz,
tification method are presented, as summarized in Table 1. It should Schmutz, & Tarascon, 1996). Here the concentrated solution theory
be known that all these reviews mainly focus on one aspect alone. As assumes that electrolyte consists of a binary salt system (Li+ and 𝑋 − )
battery electrochemical model towards control-oriented management in a single solvent. For the porous electrode theory, a solution phase,
generally requires to conduct all of the following steps, namely model a solid active-material phase, and any conductive filler or binding
simplification, improvement, and parameter identification, where these additives are considered as superimposed continua, hence all points of
aspects are heavily correlated. In this context, a review article covering the electrode are perfectly connected. The active material is supposed
all these aspects is urgently required especially for promoting battery to be comprised of multiple spherical particles with a diameter 𝑅𝑠,𝑘
electrochemical model-based control applications. Here, a systematical (𝑘 ∈ 𝑛 = 𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒, 𝑝 = 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑒). Based upon above
review of electrochemical modeling and parameterization methods to- assumptions, the P2D model could be established, as shown in Fig. 1. To
wards control-oriented management of Li-ion batteries is given, while be specific, the spherical electrode particles are defined in the domain
their challenges and prospects are also discussed. The review is targeted 0 ≤ 𝑟 ≤ 𝑅𝑠,𝑘 . The electrolyte traverses across the two porous electrodes
to inform control-oriented technology choices and academic research and separator (0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝐿), where the anode, separator and cathode are
agendas alike, thus advancing battery electrochemical model develop- defined in 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝐿𝑛 , 𝐿𝑛 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝐿𝑛 +𝐿𝑚 , and 𝐿𝑛 +𝐿𝑚 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝐿𝑛 +𝐿𝑚 +𝐿𝑝 ,
ment at different technology readiness levels. The following topics are respectively. Here the subscripts 𝑛, 𝑚, and 𝑝 denote the variables in
covered as: negative electrode, separator, and positive electrode, respectively. The
Li+ diffusion in the solid particles with boundary conditions follows
• In Section 2, typical battery P2D model with different simplifi-
Fick’s second law as (Khalik, Donkers, Sturm, & Bergveld, 2021):
cation solutions are comprehensively reviewed. Their merits and
drawbacks are also thoroughly compared and discussed. 𝜕𝑐𝑠 𝐷 𝜕 𝜕𝑐
= 𝑠 (𝑟2 𝑠 ) (1)
• For the enhanced electrochemical modeling technology, battery 𝜕𝑡 𝑟2 𝜕𝑟 𝜕𝑟
multi-particle model, electrochemical model with multiple scales, 𝜕𝑐𝑠 || 𝜕𝑐 | 𝑗
= 0, 𝐷𝑠 𝑠 || =− (2)
𝜕𝑟 ||𝑟=0
electrochemical model with aging and thermal effects are re-
𝜕𝑟 |𝑟=𝑅𝑠 𝑎𝑠 𝐹
viewed in Section 3, and their advantages and disadvantages are
discussed. where 𝑐𝑠 is the solid concentration, 𝑗 denotes the lithium flux across the
• For the parameterization of battery electrochemical model, tech- boundary of solid phase, 𝐷𝑠 is the solid diffusion coefficient, 𝑎𝑠 is the
nologies including physical parameter measurements and non- specific interfacial area, 𝑅𝑠 is the particle radius, and 𝐹 is the Faraday
invasive parameter estimation are comprehensively surveyed in constant. The lithium concentration at particle surface is denoted as
Section 4. 𝑐𝑠,𝑒 .
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
where 𝑖0 is the exchange current density, 𝑖0 = 𝐹 𝑘(𝑐𝑒 )𝛼𝑎 (𝑐𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑐𝑠,𝑒 )𝛼𝑎
(𝑐𝑠,𝑒 )𝛼𝑐 , 𝑘 is a kinetic rate constant. 𝜂 is overpotential, which is an extra
force required to overcome the surface reaction as :
where 𝑈𝑜𝑐𝑝 is the electrode open circuit potential and can be de-
scribed by lithium surface concentration 𝑐𝑠,𝑒 . Cell voltage could be
described by the potential difference between the positive and negative
current-collectors, and voltage drop due to film resistance as (Farag,
Fleckenstein, & Habibi, 2017):
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
2.1.4. Discretization-based method electric potentials are spatially homogeneous after asymptotic reduc-
For nonlinear PDE models, analytical solutions would become dif- tion and cell voltage behavior can be understood through a sequence
ficult to be derived. In this context, numerical methods could be of asymptotic regimes, which elucidates simple underlying physical
employed to discretize the governing equations of PDE (Qadir, Li, & processes. The asymptotic methods were used to reduce a thermo-
Chen, 2022). Finite-Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique electrochemical model and obtain solutions for common battery opera-
for discovering approximate solutions to PDEs. The FEM discretized the tion modes (Hennessy & Moyles, 2020). Asymptotic techniques were
domain 𝑥 ∈ (0, 𝐿) into 𝑁 − 1 subdomains. The 𝑁th-order FEM approx- used to derive a thermal-electrochemical model systematically. The
imation has 𝑁 nodes. A FEM was used to develop three-dimensional physical parameters and variables were nondimensionalized as:
thermal abuse model on lithium-ion batteries. A thermal model for 𝛷0 𝐹
a cylindrical battery was developed based on the FEM (Wang et al., 𝜆= , 𝛿 = 𝜆−1 (15)
2017). A particle-resolved 3D finite element model was implemented
where 𝑅 is the gas constant, 𝑇 is the temperature, 𝐹 is Faraday
to study the effect of cathode microstructure on the electrochemical
constant. All the variables could be expanded in powers of 𝛿, using the
and mechanical responses of Li-ion batteries (Mai, Yang, & Soghrati,
notation as:
Finite Difference method (FDM) is the simplest and widely-utilized 𝛷𝑘 = 𝛷𝑘0 + 𝛿𝛷𝑘1 + 𝑜(𝛿 2 )
approach to handle the PDEs of battery electrochemical models. In the 𝑖𝑘 = 𝑖𝑘0 + 𝛿𝑖𝑘1 + 𝑜(𝛿 2 )
FDM, spatial domain is discretized into 𝑁 nodes at 𝑥 = 0, ℎ, … , (𝑁 −1)ℎ, The leading order expansion was taken for model approximation.
where ℎ = 𝐿∕(𝑁 − 1) is assumed constant for simplicity. Spatial deriva- The reduced model was validated against a thermal P2D model and
tives are approximated by forward−dif ference, backward−dif ference, or demonstrated very high accuracy with a computational cost reduced
central-difference. The mixed FDM was selected to discretize the spatial by over forty times (Brosa Planella, Sheikh, & Widanage, 2021).
𝑟, where the node points are unevenly spaced (Sharma et al., 2019).
The mixed FDM can yield higher resolution with fewer node points in
2.2. Comparison and discussion
contrast to equally-spaced node points. The FDM was used to mesh the
active particles along radial direction (Xiong et al., 2018). Then the
Table 2 summarizes various types of reduction methods for P2D
complex PDE were discretized into ODEs and the state space expression
model in terms of their reference, advantages and drawbacks. It should
of system was obtained. The governing equations were discretized with
be known that the SPM based methods are the most widely utilized
central difference scheme for the first and second derivatives (Kong,
solution to simplify the P2D model. This method requires minimum
Wetton, & Gopaluni, 2019).
computation resources and is able to provide sufficient model accuracy
at low current rates. As an improved version of SPM, the SPM with
2.1.5. Physics-based equivalent circuit models electrolyte dynamics (SPMe) could predict the cell voltage at a high
Due to the involvement of electric circuit elements to describe cell C-rate with lower computation burden than P2D model. However, due
responses, ECMs can be identified rapidly. Here simplicity and practi- to the electrode width is much larger than particle radius, while only
cability are two obvious merits for the application of ECMs (Carnevale, one particle for one electrode is insufficient, this SPMe would be limited
Possieri, & Sassano, 2019). However, ECMs also present the limited ca- for cells with thick electrodes. For the transfer-function based solutions,
pability in terms of electrochemical mechanisms. Recently, P2D models although they are much more complicated than SPM based methods
have been simplified into the form of ECMs, which could significantly especially for transcendental transfer functions, this type of solutions
reduce the computational burden and enrich the physical meanings of could provide high accuracy in both frequency range and time domain.
ECMs. Finite volume method (FVM) was applied to a P2D model of Li- Specifically, residue grouping methods reduce the model order by op-
ion batteries (Li, Vilathgamuwa, Farrell, Choi, Tran, & Teague, 2019). timizing the eigenvalues and residue vectors, while the residues would
The standard passive components were used to construct ECMs, indicat- be grouped with similar eigenvalues. However, the electrochemical
ing the energy storage nature of Li-ion battery. The parametric values parameters must be given before residue grouping. DRA could also
of circuit elements were expressed as the functions of Li-ion concentra- simplify P2D model to a low-order approximation and accurately match
tions and temperature. Results illustrated that the developed ECM could the frequency range. However, the battery electrochemical parameters
achieve close agreement with P2D model under a wide range of applied must be known a priori, further making it difficult to parameterize DRA
current rates, but occupies a much reduced computational resource. in an iteration process. The Padé approximation is an effective tool to
A novel implementation for P2D model was presented (Geng, Wang, convert transcendental transfer functions into polynomial expressions.
Lacey, Brandell, & Thiringer, 2021). This model had a circuit-based The accuracy of the reduced model relies on the order selection of
structure without any simplification of the physical origins. A classic Padé approximant. A high-order approximation could provide sufficient
transmission line structure was used to replace the governing equations accuracy at high frequency but at the cost of increased computational
of current distribution within electrode. The concentration distributions efficiency. Under the assumption of Li-ion concentration distributions,
were solved with the FDM. A new empirically parameterized physics- the integral approximation method is a much simplified approach to
informed ECM was derived, as depicted in Fig. 3 (Merla, Wu, Yufit, derive the transfer functions of reduced models.
Martinez-Botas, & Offer, 2018). The P2D physics is discretized and For the polynomial expression-based solution, the polynomial ex-
represented as circuit elements in a network, requiring only 3 low-cost pressions of battery electrochemical variables are capable of provid-
in-situ experiments: slow discharge, pulse discharge, and electrochem- ing accurate prediction with significantly reduced computational ef-
ical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) under load. The model showed an fort. However, in general, the coefficients of parabolic functions are
accuracy of 19.6 mV compared to the multiple C-rate pulse loading empirically fitted, hence lacking physical meanings.
experiments. Spatial discretization-based solutions belong to the commonly uti-
lized numerical approaches for simplifying P2D models. Here the FEM
2.1.6. Asymptotic reduction methods discretizes the domain into multiple subdomains. Due to the way of
Asymptotic techniques provide an effective means for model reduc- approximating solutions with numerous basic elements, FEM becomes
tion and solution construction with clear ranges of validity. For exam- the most accurate one with a heavy computational burden. For the
ple, the asymptotic reduction of P2D model was performed by Moyle FDM, it can also simplify P2D model with high accuracy. However, the
et al. based on the fact that reaction kinetics dominate electrical ef- spaces and number of discretized nodes for all numerical methods must
fects (Moyles, Hennessy, Myers, & Wetton, 2019). They showed that the be carefully determined to ensure reasonable convergence.
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Fig. 3. Cell level model schematic diagram for a single particle model (Merla et al., 2018).
Table 2
Different P2D model reduction techniques and their control-oriented applications.
Category Simplification technique Refs Strengths Weaknesses
SPM Guo et al. (2011) Simple; Low Limited capability at
SPM Guo and White (2012) computation burden; high C-rates.
based Ning and Popov (2004)
Santhanagopalan, Guo, Ramadass,
and White (2006)
SPMe (Improved with Li, Adewuyi, Lotfi, Landers, and Low computation Limited capability for
electrolyte dynamics) Park (2018) Malik, Li, and Chen burden; Enhanced cells with thick
(2021) Moura et al. (2017) Han performances at high electrodes.
et al. (2015) Mehta and Gupta C-rates, cell aging, and
(2021) Perez, Dey, Hu, and thermal behavior; Easy
Moura (2017) for control-oriented
Residue Smith et al. (2007) Baba, Low-order; Accurate in Requiring pole/residue
Transfer- grouping Yoshida, Nagaoka, Okuda, and partial frequency range; optimization;
function Kawauchi (2014) Computation efficient; Prior-known
type parameters.
Discrete-Time Lee et al. (2012a) Ortiz-Ricardez, Low-order; Accurate in Prior-known
Realization Romero-Becerril, and overall frequency parameters; Hard-to
Algorithm (DRA) Alvarez-Icaza (2021) range; Computation parameterize.
efficient; Easy for
Padé Tran et al. (2018) Yuan et al. Low-order; Accurate in Trade-off between order
approximation (2017a) Yuan et al. (2017b) Xu partial frequency range; selection(accuracy) and
et al. (2020) Computation efficient; computation burden.
Easy for
Integral method Gopalakrishnan, Zhang, and Offer Low-order; Assumed Li-ion
approximation (2017) Subramanian et al. (2004) Easy-to-derive; concentration profiles.
(IMA) Computation efficient
Polynomial Parabolic functions Khaleghi Rahimian et al. (2013) Low-order; Lacking physical
expression Deng et al. (2018) Tanim and Easy-to-derive; meanings of polynomial
Rahn (2015) Subramanian, Computation efficient; coefficients.
Diwakar, and Tapriyal (2005)
Spatial Finite-Element method Li, Cui et al. (2021) Dickinson High accuracy Heavy computation
Discretiza- (FEM) et al. (2014) Guo et al. (2010) burden. Convergence
tion Wang et al. (2017) requirement. Difficult
for control-oriented
Finite Difference Kong et al. (2019) Xiong et al. High accuracy Sensitive to spaces and
method (FDM) (2018) Sung and Shin (2015) number of discretized
nodes. Convergence
Physics-based Physical analogies and Li, Vilathgamuwa et al. (2019) Low-order; Lumped parameters.
ECMs interpretation Geng et al. (2021) Ashwin et al. Easy-to-parameterize. Sensitive to the number
(2017) Merla et al. (2018) Computation efficient; of elementary sections;
Asymptotic Leading-order Brosa Planella et al. (2021) High accuracy; Nondimensionalized
reduction approximation Hennessy and Moyles (2020) Computation efficient; parameters;
Leading-order Moyles et al. (2019) Labor-intensive model
approximation derivation; Hard for
The physics-based ECMs are essentially physical interpretation of reduced by lumping the parameters, while its performance highly relies
electrochemical mechanisms. Similar to ECMs, this type of solutions on the selection of the number of elementary sections.
can be implemented easily but also reflects the electrochemical process The asymptotic reduction simplifies the P2D model by using a
to some degree. For the physics-based ECM, its model parameters are leading-order approximation. Here the electrochemical reactions at
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
different time scales are considered. All the known electrochemical accelerate the side reaction rate and contribute to lithium plating. In
parameters are nondimensionalized. The derivation of the asymptotic order to minimize degradation rate and reduce charging time simul-
reduction is relatively complicated. taneously, a charging method considering different limiting factors,
The electrochemical model could enhance the battery control per- including surface ion concentrations and side reaction rate, are crucial
formances on cell state estimation, fault diagnosis, and health-aware for cell health-aware charging protocol. Based on SPMe, the dynamic
optimal charging. The physical model parameters reflect the inherent programming (DP) technique was employed to find the trade-off be-
characteristics of the cell. For example, the volume fraction of active tween charging duration, solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) growth, and
materials and maximum lithium-ion concentration determine the cell lithium plating. The experimental results showed that the optimized
capacity. Thus, the cell degradation mechanisms including the loss of fast charging strategy could reduce the capacity fade significantly com-
recyclable lithium ions and active materials can be identified by observ- pared with the widely used constant-current constant-voltage (CCCV)
ing these parameters. Similarly, the cell fault can be diagnosed through charging method without sacrificing battery health (Lin, Hao, Liu, &
the estimation of the variation of the physical parameters. In addition, Jia, 2018). An optimal charging current at different SOCs was found
the electrochemical model could provide cell internal states such as using nonlinear model predictive control, which reduces side reaction
the lithium-ion concentrations in the electrolyte and solid phase, side rate and lithium plating rate. Pulse discharging current was added to
reaction overpotential, and reaction flux across the electrodes. These promote the lithium stripping. With a comparable capacity fade, the
electrochemical states are related to the cell aging process. Hence, cell proposed charging method was tested to reduce 39% of charging time
health-aware control could be realized by optimizing these electro- compared with 1C CCCV charging method (Yin & Choe, 2020).
chemical states. To sum up, the electrochemical model represents the Similarly, the fast charging protocol considering side reaction rate
cell interior dynamics. This could be helpful to achieve accurate cell and ion concentration was proved to reduce more than 40% in charging
state estimation, fault diagnosis, and efficient charging control. time compared with normal charging method but with less capacity
To be specific, the SPM model has better controllability and observ- and power fade (Yin, Hu, Choe, Cho, & Joe, 2019). To prevent the
ability than the P2D model (Muddappa & Anwar, 2014). An adaptive internal short circuit caused by lithium plating at the negative elec-
unscented Kalman filter based on SPM was proposed to estimate the trode, a fast charging control algorithm with two closed loops were
SOC, lithium-ion concentrations, and potentials (Li, Fan et al., 2020). presented. One loop was an anode over-potential observer, whereas
The estimated internal information is valuable to avoid lithium plating. the second loop includes a feedback structure that adjusted the cur-
All estimated states were verified to demonstrate fast convergence, rent based on estimated status of lithium plating. The results showed
robustness, and high accuracy even with a 20% initial SOC error. By as- that the cell can be fully charged within 52 min without lithium
suming that the total amount of lithium in the cell is known, the dynam- deposition (Chu et al., 2017). The electrochemical model parameters
ical properties of the SPMe observer, including the marginal stability, have rich physical meanings and were considered as the referenced
local invertibility, and conservation of lithium can be exploited (Moura values for a healthy battery. However, the battery fault conditions
et al., 2017). such as aging, overcharge/discharge cause significant variations of
Besides, the convergent estimates of solid and electrolyte phase parameters from nominal values. An output error injection-based par-
concentrations on high C-rate cycles and transient electric vehicle tial differential–algebraic equation observer was applied to produce
charge/discharge cycles were also illustrated. For phase-transition ma- voltage error signals. These imposed error values could be used to
terials during the battery’s normal charge and discharge operation detect the ongoing fault conditions of the battery (Rahman, Anwar, &
such as LiFePO4 , a novel boundary observer to estimate the concen- Izadian, 2015). The fuzzy logic system was used to detect any variation
tration of lithium ions together with a moving boundary radius from in battery cell parameters and diagnose battery faults accurately in
the SPM via the backstepping method for PDEs was derived (Koga, real-time (Muddappa & Anwar, 2014).
Camacho-Solorio, & Krstic, 2021). During the lithium ions intercalation Table 3 summarizes different P2D model-order reduction techniques
and deintercalation, the stress generation contributes to the electrode and their control-oriented applications to cell state estimation, optimal
particle fracture. A coupled SPM-mechanical stress model was used to control, and fault diagnostics. It can be noted that SPM based models
design an adaptive observer for cell SOC, electrode particle stress, and are suitable for developing cell state estimation, optimal control strat-
solid-phase diffusivity. The internal stress and SOH-related parameters egy, and fault diagnosis algorithms. The spatial discretization method
are predicted from real-time electric current and terminal voltage is the most accurate technique. Commercial software such as COMSOL
measurements (Zhang, Dey, Couto, & Moura, 2019). A model from the uses the FEM to solve the PDEs and is often used as the benchmark
pre-compute set of physics-based reduced-order components that span for evaluating the simplified models (Dickinson et al., 2014). However,
the expected dynamics of the cell over its lifetime was presented. Two FEM is difficult to be implemented for control-oriented applications.
significant aging mechanisms were considered: solid-electrolyte inter- The polynomial profiles and physics-based ECMs could significantly
phase layer formation in the negative electrode and material dissolution reduce the computational complexity. The transfer-function type and
in the positive electrode. An interacting multiple-model Kalman filter asymptotic reduction models could achieve high accuracy as well.
was used to select the pre-computed model for accurate estimations However, the computational complexity of the asymptotic reduction
of cell internal electrochemical variables and output terminal volt- approach is relatively high, further limiting its applications in real
age (Smiley & Plett, 2018). A composite LiMn2 O4 −LiNi1∕3 Mn1∕3 Co1∕3 O2 battery control-oriented management.
electrode battery model was used in dual-nonlinear observers to esti-
mate the cell SOC and loss of cyclable lithium over time (Bartlett et al., 3. Extension of P2D model
2016). The surface and bulk lithium concentration of each material
as well as the current split between each material were predicted. As discussed in Section 2, battery P2D model is mainly based
The reduced-order model was incorporated in a sigma-point Kalman on the porous electrode theory. The P2D model would simplify the
filter to enable measurement feedback to improve voltage and internal- modeling of complex electrode microstructure with the volume-average
variable estimates. The system was implemented in a microcontroller method at a macroscopic scale where the ion transport dynamics in the
and proved to be valid for BMSs (Miguel et al., 2021a). An electro- electrolyte and electronic conduction process in the solid phase are all
chemical model-based solution provided a basis for an output-injection captured, and a microscopic scale on which the ionic diffusion inside
observer to estimate the SOC over a wide range of operations, especially the electroactive particles is also considered. Due to the computational
at high discharge rates (Lotfi, Landers, Li, & Park, 2017). burden and accuracy, the P2D model is mainly adopted for battery
Battery fast charging is one of the most effective techniques that electrode structure design. However, the P2D model has several issues
affect the acceptance of EVs. Increasing the charging current could when it is used for the development of battery simulation technologies:
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Table 3
Different P2D model reduction techniques and their control-oriented applications.
Category Cell state estimation Optimal charge control Fault diagnosis
SPM based Li, Fan et al. (2020) Moura et al. (2017) Lin et al. (2018) Yin et al. (2019) Yin Rahman et al.
Koga et al. (2021) Zhang et al. (2019) Bi and Choe (2020) (2015)
and Choe (2020) Li, Landers, and Park
(2020) Dey, Ayalew, and Pisu (2015)
Transfer-function Smiley and Plett (2018) Stetzel, Aldrich, Perez, Shahmohammadhamedani, and
type Trimboli, and Plett (2015) Bartlett et al. Moura (2015) Xavier, de Souza, Karami,
(2016) Miguel et al. (2021a) Plett, and Trimboli (2021) Lin, Wang,
and Kim (2019)
Polynomial Sturm et al. (2018) Zou, Hu, Wei, Wik, and Egardt (2018) Muddappa and
expression Lotfi et al. (2017) Hu, Cao, and Egardt Gao et al. (2020) Chu et al. (2017) Anwar (2014)
Spatial Ashwin, Chung, and Wang (2016) Pozzi, Torchio, Braatz, and Raimondo
Discretization (2020)
Physics-based ECMs Li, Vilathgamuwa et al. (2019) Fleischer, Li, Vilathgamuwa et al. (2021)
Waag, Heyn, and Sauer (2014)
Asymptotic None None None
First, the particle size is assumed to be uniform in a P2D model, active cathode particle based on multi-particle theory was derived. The
which does not accurately represent the electrode topology such as dimensionality reduction is based on the volume averaging of dynamic
the actual size distribution of particles, the agglomerate structure of equations (Zelič & Katrašnik, 2019). The obtained 0D model has an ex-
particle in the cathode. Second, the positive electrode is regarded as plicit advantage of short computation time and high level of accuracy.
a single component without considering the blended cathode active A simplified physics-based model was derived combining the porous-
materials. Third, the Bruggeman equation is used to model the effects of electrode theory and multi-particles to predict a LFP-based electrode
porous structure on the ionic transport and taken as constant, ignoring performance (Mastali Majdabadi et al., 2015). As shown in Fig. 5,
the microstructure variability. The Fick’s diffusion law oversimplifies four-particle bins were considered to represent the apparent particle
the intra-particle ionic transport. To address these aforementioned size distribution (PSD) of the cathode. A polynomial approximation
limitations, some attempts including the development of multi-particle method was incorporated to model the effects of electrolyte. A funda-
model, multiple-scale model, coupled aging and thermal model have mental analysis of the effect of particle size distribution on graphite
been made and summarized in this section. electrodes and their performances was presented. The effects of parti-
cle heterogeneity on surface overpotentials were investigated (Röder,
3.1. Multi-particle model Sonntag, Schröder, & Krewer, 2016). It was concluded that for a
graphite electrode, the surface-area- and volume-based approximations
Many intercalation materials exhibit phase changes during bat- are sufficiently accurate for large- and small-scale PSDs.
tery charging/discharging process. Phase transitions strongly affect the The commercially available positive materials such as lithium fer-
lithium distribution inside particles and change the particle potentials. rous phosphate (LFP), lithium cobalt oxides (LCO), lithium nickel man-
LFP is a typical cathode chemistry with phase change (Sharma et al., ganese cobalt oxides (NMCs), lithium manganese spinel (LMO), and
2019). The coexistence of Li-poor and Li-rich phases should be ac- lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA), have their own charac-
counted for and the boundaries between these two phases should be teristics in terms of power and energy costs. To obtain an acceptable
tracked, while the P2D model fails to analyze this phenomenon (Biz- trade-off between these characteristics, battery manufacturers would
eray, Zhao, Duncan, & Howey, 2015). A many-particle model was mix two or more positive materials to form a blend electrode. However,
introduced where particles within a porous electrode are allowed to the P2D model assumes the single composition of the active material.
randomly exchange Li+ ions and electrons through the electrolyte and A Li-ion mathematical model was developed to treat two positive-
conductive matrix, respectively (Dreyer et al., 2010). A general expla- electrode materials (Li𝑦 Ni0.80 Co0.15 Al0.05 O2 and Li𝑦 Mn2 O4 ) (Albertus,
nation of the occurrence of non-monotonic chemical-potential behavior Christensen, & Newman, 2009). To match the behavior of high rate
in LFP electrodes was presented through two possible scenarios of new discharge and impedance data, multiple types of electronic connections
phase formation in a many-particle system, as shown in Fig. 4. At between particles and particle-conductive matrix were required. An ex-
location A, all particles behave as a single phase. At location B, two tension of P2D model, accounting for the agglomerate of active material
alternative scenarios are available to the particle ensemble. The bottom particles, LiNi1∕3 Mn1∕3 Co1∕3 O2 (NCM) and LiNi1∕3 Co1∕3 Al1∕3 O2 (NCA),
path is that a single particle will hose a two-phase region, the top was derived by Lueth, Sauter, and Bessler (2015). The morphology of
alternative is that the other particles will contribute lithium to the agglomerates can be seen in Fig. 6a. Micro-sized spherical secondary
filling particle so that the relaxed result will be either fully lithiated or particles are the agglomerate of nanometer-sized primary particles
delithiated particles. At location C, particles can internally host phase which would be held together by binder (Huang, Ge, Li, & Zhang, 2014)
boundaries, or the particles can either be lithiated or delithiated to the as shown in Fig. 6b. The model assumes that the liquid-transport is
stable locations (B and D). faster than the solid phase transport, while the electronic conductiv-
To develop an adequate modeling representation of the topology of ity within agglomerate is sufficiently high. Therefore, the concentra-
the anode and cathode particles, Farkhondeh et al. used a multi-particle tion polarization is significantly smaller than compact particles, which
model with variable solid-state diffusivity (Farkhondeh & Delacourt, alleviates the rate-limiting effect of the solid diffusion on compact
2011). The memory effect of LFP electrodes was also analyzed. Sim- particles.
ulation/experiment comparison for cells with the current rates up to A LiNi1∕3 Mn1∕3 Co1∕3 O2 − LiMn2 O4 (NMC-LMO) blended cathode ob-
1C demonstrated the robust particle-size distribution estimation for tained from a commercial Li-ion battery was considered (Mao, Farkhon-
galvanostatic charges/discharges. A 0D model of a phase separating deh, Pritzker, Fowler, & Chen, 2015). As NMC forms agglomerates, it
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Fig. 4. Chemical potential of LFP cathode evolution with two possible scenarios.
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the LFP cathode that is assumed to contain four particle sizes.
was divided into two classes of particles, i.e., primary particles and these reduced-order multi-particle models are promising for control-
secondary particles. The secondary particles are assumed to be large oriented applications (Santos-Mendoza, Henquín, Vazquez-Arenas, &
non-porous NMC agglomerates. Three distributions from LMO particles, Aguirre, 2020).
NMC primary particles, and NMC secondary particles were accounted
for the multiple particle sizes of the active materials. The model could 3.2. Electrochemical model with multiple scales
accurately capture the galvanostatic discharge at various current rates.
The P2D model was modified to accommodate a composite electrode The P2D model was derived by using volume averaging method
of LiMn2 O4 (LMO) and Li1∕3 Ni1∕3 Mn1∕3 Co1∕3 O2 (NMC), as shown in (VAM), where the local microstructure features such as pore shape and
Fig. 6c (Bartlett et al., 2016). A composite electrode is viewed as two localized current density distribution are neglected. This causes the P2D
parallel particles, one representing each active material. The negative model become insufficient for applications involving active material
electrode is a single material graphite electrode. The presented model utilization. The cell multi-scale is depicted in Fig. 7. The macroscopic
structure was applied to battery SOC/SOH co-estimation. A high-power models from microscopic processes with one smaller length scale to
cell with lithium manganese spinel and lithium cobalt oxide at the pos- account for geometric microstructure features such as pore shape was
itive while lithium titanate at the negative with 2 particle populations derived by mathematical homogenization theory derives.
was studied with an SPMe model (Petit, Calas, & Bernard, 2020). A The multi-scaled homogenized model is developed using asymptotic
simplified electrochemical model was developed to describe and maxi- analysis of the microscopic model. The homogenization assumes that
mize the specific capacity of battery cells through the variation of active the porous electrode is composed of periodic micro-units. Each micro
(LFP)/inactive (carbon conductor and binder) ratios. The computation unit is composed of solid active materials 𝑆, electrolyte 𝐿, and solid-
time was significantly reduced with these simplified models. Therefore, electrolyte interface 𝑇 , as shown in Fig. 8. The ratio of micro unit
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Fig. 6. Multi-particle agglomerate coupling with P2D model(a), agglomerate model(b), and simplified multi-particle model(c).
length 𝑙 to macro length 𝐿 is denoted as spatial multiscale factor So both the concentration and current density are dominated by the
𝛿. 𝛿 = 𝑙∕𝐿. Microdomain coordinate 𝑦 and macrodomain coordinate variations of battery length scale with relatively smaller variations on
𝑥 is converted by 𝑦 = 𝑥∕𝛿. The basic idea of the homogenization the electrode-particle length scale. The current density 𝑗 flows around
method is to expand the system variables at multiple scales, and then the electrode particles and hence displays significant variations on the
substitute these expansions into microscopic equations to obtain PDEs particle scale.
with different scale components. Then, the expanded PDE is analyzed A comparative analysis of the full homogenized model and P2D
by 𝛿 at different orders (Taralova & Lai, 2011). The central ansatz for model was conducted (Arunachalam & Onori, 2019). The results illus-
the expansions of the variables is: trate that the predictability of P2D model deteriorates when predicting
battery voltage response at low SOC for high operational tempera-
𝑐 = 𝑐0 (𝑥, 𝑡) + 𝛿𝑐1 (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑡) + 𝛿 2 𝑐2 (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑡) + ⋯ , ture under 1C discharging case. The P2D model failed to capture the
𝑗 = 𝑗0 (𝑥, 𝑡) + 𝛿𝑗1 (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑡) + 𝛿 2 𝑗2 (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑡) + ⋯ , polarization of electrolyte under these scenarios, as shown in Fig. 9.
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Therefore, the homogenized macroscopic model presents a wider range and Lai (2011). The results indicated that the classical Doyle–Fuller–
of applications. A homogenized model was developed, which considers Newman (DFN) model is only the 0th order terms of the expansion.
lithium diffusion within particles, lithium transfer from particles to the More specifically, the DFN-based approach is only valid under the
electrolyte and transport within the electrolyte. It was found that for assumption that 𝛿 ≪ 1. Ciucci’s analysis was extended by computing
the asymptotic order of interface exchange current densities, which is
low discharging currents, battery acts almost uniformly (Richardson,
an important factor in the homogenization study (Taralova, Iliev, &
Denuault, & Please, 2011). When the current is increased to a critical Efendiev, 2016). As the commonly used Bruggeman’s formula may in
value, Li-ions in some regions of the battery are depleted, leading to the fact violate the physical bounds in some regimes, the exact values of
spatially nonuniform use of electrode. The conversion of homogenized the different effective transport coefficients were investigated (Gully
equations to P2D model was carried out by Ciucci et al. Taralova et al., 2014). An extended homogenized porous electrode model was
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Fig. 8. Representation of the porous electrode of a lithium-ion battery in the form of spatially periodical unit. Every unit cell y is composed of active particles S and electrolyte
solution L, that are separately by an interface T.
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
to the fifteenth, while its accuracy can be still maintained. It should models. Illustrative results indicate that the cracking and fracture of SEI
be known that various simplified versions of coupled models have layer would be significantly affected by cycling operating conditions
been proposed. For example, the accurate electrochemical and ther- and play an important role in accelerating the electrochemical mecha-
mal response of Li-ion cells were explored (Gambhire et al., 2015). nisms. A growth rate of around 0.64 nm/hr at 1C for the SEI film on
Here the local heat generation and spatial temperature variation are the negative electrode was observed. In addition, for a convective heat
volume averaged to derive the reduced-order coupled PDEs of battery transfer coefficient (ℎ) larger than 1𝑊 ∕(𝑚2 𝐾), there is limited effects
electrochemical-thermal model. This ROM structure could be easily of battery aging model on surface cell temperature (Lamorgese, Mauri,
utilized for parameter identification of controlling processes at high & Tellini, 2018).
current rates. A control-oriented thermal-electrochemical model was In theory, mechanical strain would also play a pivotal role in af-
developed and well validated for the commercial prismatic battery (Li, fecting battery durability. In this context, the coupling between battery
Yang, & Li, 2021). Here the multilayer thermal model and polynomial electrochemical and mechanical dynamics can also provide significant
approximation method are applied to describe battery thermal behavior insights into cell degradation. The thermo-mechanical behavior within
and electrochemical process, respectively. This 3D battery model is a multilayer section of lithium 18650 cell during discharge (Valentin,
divided into dozens of thermal nodes connecting by the thermal resis- Thivel, Kareemulla, Cadiou, & Bultel, 2017) was evaluated.
tances. The multiplayer thermal model is constructed by using thermal The equation of heat transfer in each part of the cell is expressed
balance equations for all thermal nodes. by:
In addition, the coupled electrochemical-thermal model also allows 𝑑
the investigation of aging effects concurrently. It should be known (𝜌𝐶𝑝 𝑇 ) = −𝑑𝑖𝑣(−𝜆𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑(𝑇 )) + 𝑞̇ (19)
that battery aging significantly depends on temperature and could
where 𝑇 denotes temperature, 𝜌 density, 𝐶𝑝 specific heat capacity, 𝜆
lead to significant heat release. Aging would generally occur at the
thermal conductivity and 𝑞̇ heat sources.
active material particle scale, while heat transport occurs at the cell
The heat generation 𝑞̇ per unit volume of the cell is given as:
scale. Kupper et al. investigated the battery multiscale heat, mass
transport and complex electrochemical reaction mechanisms based on 1 𝑑𝐸𝑂𝐶𝑉
𝑞̇ = [𝑖(𝑉 − 𝐸𝑂𝐶𝑉 ) + 𝑖(𝑇 )] (20)
a coupled model (Kupper & Bessler, 2016). Here this coupled model is 𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑇
derived by considering the homogenization of three 1D models: one for where 𝑖 is cell current,𝑉 is battery potential, 𝐸𝑂𝐶𝑉 open-circuit voltage
intra-particle lithium diffusion, one for electrode-pair mass and charge and 𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡 battery volume. The partition of strains leads to write the total
transport, and one for cell-level heat transport. The main and side strain as the sum of all possible strains:
reactions are described with the flexible multi-phase electrochemistry.
Besides, the thermal model is able to provide a feedback between 𝜀𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝜀𝑒 + 𝜀𝑇 + 𝜀𝐿 (21)
temperature and battery electric dynamics as well as aging. One of the where 𝜀𝑒 the elastic strain tensor, 𝜀𝑇 is the thermal strain tensor and 𝜀𝐿
challenges for anode side is that dendritic and mossy lithium surface is the lithiation/delithiation expansion of electrodes. The stress–strain
can form solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) easily during cycling, as relationship is:
shown in Fig. 11 (Louli, Ellis, & Dahn, 2019). For fresh anode surface,
the particles are covered with an SEI layer. When the anode is lithiated 𝐸 𝜐
𝜀𝑒 = 𝜎 − 𝑡𝑟(𝜎)𝐼 (22)
1+𝜐 𝐸
during charge process, a large volume expansion occurs as shown in
Fig. 11B. The SEI layer could be damaged, leading to the exposure E being the Young’s Modulus, 𝜐 the Poisson ratio and I the identity
of the particles to electrolyte. Hence, a thicker SEI layer would form tensor. The thermal strain is expressed by:
consuming the lithium inventory as depicted in Fig. 11C. After many 𝜀𝑇 = 𝛼(𝑇 − 𝑇0 ) (23)
cycles, a much thickened SEI evolves as shown in Fig. 11D. For the
cathode side, higher mechanical stress would accelerate the cracks and where 𝛼 is the coefficient of thermal expansion and 𝑇0 the initial
de-cohesion of particles. Furthermore, the cathode-induced oxidation temperature and 𝑇 is the actual temperature.
of solvents will cause gas generation (Mai et al., 2019). As shown in Fig. 12, lithium diffuses in the lattice of electrode struc-
A simplified electrochemical and thermal aging model (Prada et al., ture at the electrode scale, further leading to structural changes and
2013) was presented. Here the mechanism of porosity modification mechanical stresses. At the same time, the macroscopic electrochemical
caused by the growth of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) film at the model calculates the heat generation caused by the ohmic losses, charge
negative electrode is incorporated into the electrochemical and thermal transfer over-potentials at the interface, and mass transport limitations.
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Fig. 11. Scheme of negative electrode degradation mechanisms (Louli et al., 2019).
These factors contribute to the mechanical stresses. It is illustrated at low SOCs and high temperatures. The aging and thermal effects
that the gradients of lithium concentration determine the stress level, are critical aspects of long-time battery modeling (Zhao, Liu, & Ji,
and large stresses are generated at the electrode-separator interface 2018). In general, the aging and thermal effects are coupled with the
when high current rates are applied (Ai, Kraft, Sturm, Jossen, & Wu, electrochemistry phenomenon. The combined electrochemical-aging-
2019). A coupled electrochemical-thermal-mechanical model was used thermal models are powerful tools to depict the multi-physics cells.
to investigate Li-ion battery degradation. It was found that high temper- In summary, these extended electrochemical models are promising for
ature can accelerate battery SEI growth, while low temperature would achieving effective performance under control-oriented applications
cause severe lithium-plating. Current with high rates would increase where the typical P2D model fails.
the diffusion-induced stress significantly and result in severe cathode
active material loss (Yang et al., 2019). These reduced electrochemical- 4. P2D model parameterization
thermal models could benefit the accurate cell state estimation and
optimal charge control, especially for all-climate electric vehicles. Parameter identification of electrochemical model is also important
for accurate model-based battery state estimation and optimal control
3.4. Discussion design. As the PDEs within P2D model contain many physical param-
eters, it is a key but challenging task to identify all these parameters.
This section summarizes the extended variants of the P2D model, First, battery manufacturers generally do not disclose this information
including the multi-particle models, multi-scale models, aging, and in their manufactured battery specification sheet. Second, the measur-
thermal models. These models make up for the deficiency of the P2D able signals including voltage, current, and temperature present the
model. Specifically, the multi-particle models are suitable for cathode complicated nonlinear relations with these parameters. The parameter
materials with significant phase-transition such as LFP, where the identifiability would vary for different operating conditions, further
particle interactions dominate the electrode performance. The inho- complicating the parameterization goal. Third, various characterization
mogeneity of the particle distributions can be captured by the multi- and expensive instruments are required to measure these parameters.
particle models. Thus, they are appropriate for composite electrodes, Furthermore, the parameters are specific to each cell design (including
where two or three types of active materials are mixed, and electrodes geometry and chemistry), leading to the fact that not all parameters
composed of agglomerated particles. The multi-scale models are of could be transferable from one cell design to another. One common-
great interest when the electrode microstructures are concerned. They utilized approach is to fit the parameters of electrochemical model for
are derived with asymptotic methods and could outperform P2D model matching the measured cell terminal voltage, which is sensitive to the
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
initial set of these parameters (Fan, 2020). In many related research, 4.2. Noninvasive parameter estimation
these parameter sets are generally adopted from literatures, while
their origins are seldom traced. Another typical solution is to measure On the other hand, noninvasive parameter identification methods
these parameters experimentally. In this section, two widely adopted have been investigated widely without the need of tearing down battery
methods, including direct measurements and noninvasive parameter cells, where related parameters are estimated by fitting the model
estimation, are summarized and discussed. responses to the experimentally measured voltage (Lu, Trimboli, Fan,
Zhang, & Plett, 2021b). Parameter identifiability belongs to a model
basic property to describe whether the parameters of model can be
4.1. Physical parameter measurements
identified from its output for a specific input. In general, parameters
with high sensitivity could be identified accurately with designed ex-
For the physical parameter measurements, parameters of battery periments (Baker & Verbrugge, 2018). For instance, an effective way
electrochemical model would be obtained directly through cell post- through combining parameter analysis and identification to determine
mortem analysis (Oca et al., 2021). For example,a physio-chemical a battery electrochemical model (Schmidt, Bitzer, Imre, & Guzzella,
model was fully parameterized for a high-energy pouch battery cell 2010) was presented. Here the Fisher-information matrix approach in
(Ecker, Tran, Dechent, Käbitz, Warnecke, & Sauer, 2015). Specifi- combination with a sensitivity analysis was derived to estimate the
cally, battery cell was opened under argon atmosphere for the mea- identifiability of each parameter. Then the number of experiments
surements of geometrical data. The porosity, particle radius, and tor- would be reduced to a relatively small one, while 33 electrochemical
tuosity of the electrodes and the separator were determined with parameters could be fully parameterized based on this sensitivity in-
Hg-porosimetry. Electrolyte conductivity and diffusion constants, as formation. The full set of P2D model parameters were identified from
well as electronic conductivity were detected by using the voltage cycling data based on a genetic algorithm, where the accuracy and
response to a dc current. The electrode open circuit voltage curves, dif- identifiability of the resulting full parameter set were assessed using
fusion coefficient, and charge transfer kinetics, were measured on the Fisher information (Forman, Moura, Stein, & Fathy, 2012). The most
reconstructed coin cells. The parameterized physico-electrochemical identifiable condition for each parameter was proposed based on the
model was validated against the commercial cells with same chem- sensitivity analysis and clustering analysis. Then the highly sensitive
istry (Ecker, Käbitz, Laresgoiti, & Sauer, 2015). Johannes extracted the parameters were identified under such condition (Zhang et al., 2014).
physical parameters from a high-power prismatic cell. The composition Some researchers determined the specific subsets of parameters rather
as well as the porous structure were measured using optical emission than identifying all the parameters, while other parameters were taken
spectroscopy and Hg-porosimetry. The electrochemical properties of from the literature (Marcicki et al., 2013).
electrode materials were determined using coin cells with lithium as The adopted optimization algorithms, number of estimated param-
counter electrode (Schmalstieg, Rahe, Ecker, & Sauer, 2018). Relative eters, optimization objectives, and experiments for estimating param-
validation showed that the behavior of full cell can be reproduced eters of battery electrochemical model are summarized in Table 5. As
from the parameterization of individual material parameters with small shown in Table 5, the number of estimated parameters would vary sig-
errors (Schmalstieg & Sauer, 2018). The experimental methodologies nificantly on different publications. This difference is mainly caused by
for cell teardown and subsequent chemical, physical, electrochemical the model complexity, estimation procedure, and optimization objec-
kinetics, and thermodynamic analysis was presented. The cell consists tive (e.g., whether temperatures and EIS-based frequency responses are
of a NMC positive electrode and graphite-SiOx negative electrode. The modeled). Here the most commonly used optimization algorithm is the
electrode open-circuit-voltages (OCVs) and lithium stoichiometry were gradient-based algorithm, such as the least-square algorithm (Schmidt
obtained using galvanostatic intermittent titration technique(GITT) in et al., 2010), Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm (Park et al., 2018), and
half cells. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measure- Genetic algorithm (Marcicki et al., 2013). Recently, the neural network
ments were used to determine the activation energy and exchange based algorithms have been also used to estimate the parameters of
electrochemical model. For example, a deep Bayesian neural network
current coefficient (Chen et al., 2020).
was used to identify optimal parameters (Kim et al., 2019). Results
Table 4 summarizes several physical parameters of electrochemical
illustrated that the neural network based method require less calcu-
model and their related measurements. The geometric configuration
lation time than genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and
of a cell, as well as the domain morphologies within the cell, are
Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Apart from time-domain signals of
determined by manufacturing processes. The electrode plating area,
battery such as terminal voltage and temperature, the frequency test
current collector/electrode/separator thickness are straightforward to
via EIS was incorporated in the parameterization (Chu et al., 2020). The
be understood and are relatively easy to be measured through us-
identification process was divided into four tests and eight steps, where
ing calipers or a micrometer gauge. Scanning electron microscopy
the number of parameters to be identified in each step is significantly
(SEM) is an effective tool for 2D image acquisition. These obtained reduced (Chu et al., 2020).
2D images can be then processed to extract measurements for layer
thickness, particle radius, and particle size distributions (Schmalstieg 4.3. Discussion
et al., 2018). SEM was combined with FIB to investigate the 3D mi-
crostructure of electrode, while the porosity was calculated based on This section summarizes two practical model parameterization meth-
these images (Chen et al., 2020). The tortuosity can also be calculated ods: direct parameter measurements and noninvasive parameter iden-
from these images. Mercury porosimetry is a destructive technique to tification. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses. The direct
measure porosity, pore volume, and pore size distribution. The mercury parameter measurements could provide the exact parameter values
is forced into small void spaces in the porous medium, and the volume through post-mortem analysis, which is robust and accurate. However,
of intruded mercury was recorded (Ecker, Tran et al., 2015). GITT this process is costly and time-consuming, since the cell teardown and
is a method that can measure the open circuit potential and solid- subsequent chemical, physical, electrochemical kinetics and thermody-
phase diffusion coefficients (Birkl, McTurk, Roberts, Bruce, & Howey, namic analysis should be carefully conducted. The specific instruments
2015). The activation energy and exchange current density can be for conducting these studies are expensive. For noninvasive parameter
determined by using EIS (Ecker, Käbitz et al., 2015). In terms of the estimation, this method is highly dependent on the identifiability
chemical properties, elemental composition of the active materials can and sensitivity of these parameters. The quality of training data and
be analyzed by using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and preset parameter variation range are critical to achieving ideal results.
inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). This method indeed could save much parameterization efforts if these
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Table 4
Physical parameters and their characterization method.
Physical parameters Characterization method
Electrode plating area Disassembly and direct measurements (Chen et al., 2020;
Ecker, Tran et al., 2015; Schmalstieg & Sauer, 2018)
Geometrical Current collector thickness Disassembly and direct measurements (Chen et al., 2020);
spectrocopy (Ecker, Tran et al., 2015); SEM images
(Schmalstieg et al., 2018)
Electrode/separator thickness Disassembly and direct measurements (Chen et al., 2020;
Ecker, Tran et al., 2015);
SEM images (Schmalstieg & Sauer, 2018)
Particle radius SEM images (Chen et al., 2020); Hg-porosimetry (Ecker, Tran
et al., 2015; Schmalstieg & Sauer, 2018)
Porosity SEM-FIB (Chen et al., 2020); Mercury porosimetry (Ecker,
Tran et al., 2015; Schmalstieg & Sauer, 2018);
liquid absorption (Venugopal, Moore, Howard, & Pendalwar,
1999); X-ray micro CT (Channagiri, Nagpure, Babu, Noble, &
Hart, 2013)
Tortuosity SEM-FIB (Chen et al., 2020); Hg-porosimetry (Ecker, Tran
et al., 2015; Schmalstieg et al., 2018)
Solid-phase lithium diffusivity GITT (Chen et al., 2020) (Schmalstieg et al., 2018) (Cabanero
et al., 2018) (Geng et al., 2021; Tang et al., 2019); EIS
(Ecker, Tran et al., 2015); CV (Tang, Lai, & Lu, 2008);
PITT (Xia, Lu, & Ceder, 2006)
Solid-phase electronic conductivity Four-point probe (Chen et al., 2020)
electrolyte electronic conductivity EIS (Sauerteig et al., 2018)
Open circuit potential GITT (Bizeray et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2020); Slow charge
discharge (Schmalstieg & Sauer, 2018) (Verbrugge, Baker,
Koch, Xiao, & Gu, 2017) (Lu, Trimboli, Fan, Zhang, & Plett,
2021a); Three-electrode method (Chen et al., 2020)
Activation energy EIS (Chen et al., 2020); GITT& EIS (Ecker, Tran et al.,
2015); GITT (Schmalstieg et al., 2018);
Reaction rate constant EIS (Chen et al., 2020; Ecker, Tran et al., 2015); CV
(Buschmann, Berendts, Mogwitz, & Janek, 2012; Streeter,
Wildgoose, Shao, & Compton, 2008);
Active material composition EDS (Chen et al., 2020); ICP-OES (Schmalstieg et al., 2018)
Electrolyte composition Gas chromatography (Schmalstieg et al., 2018); Ion
chromatography (Kraft et al., 2015)
requirements are met. The parameter identification results determine details of electrode microstructure and describes them as homogeneous
the efficiency of the electrochemical-model-based applications. There- media in which electrolyte and solid materials coexist at each point.
fore, the researchers should pay attention to the detailed parameter This assumption is invalid when it is necessary to capture local mi-
identification method and select the appropriate protocols. croscopic effects, especially the interaction between microstructure,
degradation, and heat. Thus, macroscopic P2D model cannot fully
5. Challenges and perspectives depict the cell dynamics at extreme operating conditions, such as low
SOCs and low temperatures. Furthermore, P2D model employs Fick’s
In this section, the challenges for tackling the limitations of clas- law to determine the lithium diffusion in active materials. For phase-
sical battery P2D model, incapability of model-order reduction tech- change materials, such as LFP, the P2D model fails to provide accurate
niques, and bottlenecks of model parameter identification are dis- predictions on intra-particle diffusions. Fast charging remains the bot-
tleneck technique to increase the willingness of consumers to purchase
cussed. Then some perspectives to further handle these issues towards
EVs. The physical model-based optimal charge protocol is promising
battery electrochemical model-based control-oriented management are
to accelerate charging speed and alleviate cell degradation (Yin &
Choe, 2020). However, most of the published works on battery elec-
trochemical modeling were validated to achieve accurate predictions
5.1. Challenges
with constant discharge scenarios (Khaleghi Rahimian et al., 2013). The
evaluation of model performance with charging condition, especially at
Limitations of P2D model: Battery electrochemical model presents high C-rates is rarely-seen and worth exploring.
great promise for understanding the fundamental mechanisms of ex- The incapability of model-order reduction techniques: The rig-
isting battery materials and components, while the dynamics and per- orous P2D model should be properly simplified and tailored for control-
formance of new battery materials and components could be also oriented applications. SPM based algorithms are among the most prac-
predicted. The P2D-based battery modeling framework has become tical applications (Li, Ren et al., 2021). In general, ROMs are lin-
an ubiquitous tool to perform cell-scale simulations of Li-ion batter- earized around preset equilibrium points. For example, the Butler–
ies. This accelerates the wide deployments of electrochemical model- Volmer equation was linearized around a set-point that includes zero
based control algorithms for onboard battery state estimation, optimal reaction flux (i.e., 𝑗0 = 0) (16). However, as the input current and
charge/discharge control, and fault diagnostics. Despite the widespread reaction flux increase, ROM derived from 𝑗0 = 0 would become no
usage of battery electrochemical model, its challenges towards control- longer accurate. In this context, model performance far from equilib-
oriented battery management still remain. P2D model ignores the rium conditions need further investigation. Prior knowledge of battery
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
Table 5
Parameter estimation algorithm, number of estimated parameters, used optimization objectives, and required experiments for model identification.
References Optimization Number of Optimized Experiment
algorithm estimated objectives
Schmidt et al. (2010) Least-square 33 Voltage C-rate and pulse tests
Forman et al. (2012) Genetic algorithm 88 Voltage Drive cycles
Edouard, Petit, Forgez, Bernard, and Tuned 41 Voltage C-rate tests
Revel (2016) Temperature
Park, Kato, Gima, Klein, and Moura Levenberg–Marquardt 21 Voltage C-rate and pulse tests
(2018) algorithm
Dangwal and Canova (2021) Particle swarm 4 Voltage C-rate and pulse tests
Kostetzer, Nebl, Stich, Bund, and Evolutionary 11 Voltage C-rate tests
Schweiger (2020) algorithm
Namor et al. (2017) Least-square 7 Voltage Pulse tests
Reddy et al. (2019) Hybrid optimization 44 Voltage C-rate and pulse tests
Kim et al. (2019) Deep Bayesian neural 6 Voltage C-rate and pulse tests
Chu et al. (2020) Particle swarm 14 Voltage, C-rate and pulse tests,
optimization EIS data EIS test.
Baker, Verbrugge, and Gu (2019) Generalized reduced 20 Voltage Linear-sweep voltammetry
Li et al. (2022) Cuckoo search algorithm 26 Voltage C-rate and drive cycles
Lu, Trimboli, Fan, Zhang, and Plett Particle swarm 28 Voltage Pulse test
(2021c) optimization
characteristics, including battery chemistry, rate capability, and param- the interactions of multiple particles, the charge–discharge mecha-
eter sets of electrochemical models, is necessary to develop ROMs. Each nism inside active particles has not been fully understood. Besides,
model order reduction technique has its strengths and weaknesses. It typical P2D model cannot describe the microstructure of battery elec-
is an ultimate goal of control-oriented model simplification to reduce trode, while the relevant developed microscopic model solution is
the computational burden while maintaining the predictability of in- still computationally more demanding than the P2D model. In this
tegrated model. Unfortunately, no such a simplified model could meet context, a reduced-order 3D microscopic model is urgently required.
all requirements to our best knowledge. Alleviating the computational The aging effects such as lithium plating are distributed within an
burden while maintaining the comprehensive model predictability is inhomogeneous electrode structure. Lithium electroplating would cause
an ultimate goal for control-oriented model simplification, where none the growth of lithium dendrites, which presents the risk of causing
such simplified model could solve all current issues. thermal runaway. This demands the development of coupled elec-
Model parameter identification bottlenecks: The parameter iden- trochemical models allowing the combination of local temperature,
tification of battery electrochemical model lays the foundation for the concentration fluctuations, and aging processes. Similarly, the coupling
development of model-based control algorithms. However, as some of stress development from both the particle and electrode levels needs
parameters are difficult to be obtained through battery disassembly to be considered. For battery pack applications, the inevitable cell
analysis, it becomes challenging to obtain a suitable set of parameters inconsistencies would lead to electrical imbalances. In this context,
for battery electrochemical model. Currently, many parameters are still deriving efficient pack-level electrochemical model considering cell
difficult to be fully identified from direct current and voltage measure- inconsistency becomes necessary.
ments (Bizeray, Kim, Duncan, & Howey, 2019). On the other hand, Model parameterization: Model parameterization is still a bottle-
when using computational methods to estimate the model parameters, neck for wider applications of battery electrochemical model in control-
oriented battery management. The consistency of assumptions for many
there are always some redundant parameters that cannot be identified
parameters is still unclear. For example, numerous assumptions are
directly. In this context, the lumped parameter reformulated models
typically made to parameterize a model (e.g., whether insertion mate-
that minimize the set of parameters to be estimated by normalizing the
rials are treated as spherical or planar for solid-state diffusivity inferred
geometric coordinates and grouping parameters that always appear to-
by EIS). Identifiability issue further complicates this parameterization
gether on the PDEs are recommended (Chu, Plett, Trimboli, & Ouyang,
challenge. In this context, more robust and efficient parameter identifi-
cation methods are required (Ali, Mukhopadhyay, Rehman, & Khurram,
5.2. Perspectives
6. Conclusions
The existing research rarely brings significant improvements on the
aforementioned aspects. To further improve the performance of battery With the rapid development of battery electrochemical models,
control-oriented electrochemical model so as to promote the develop- the advanced electrochemical model-based BMS could achieve safe,
ment of next-generation BMS, the following aspects are suggested to be efficient, and reliable control strategies for onboard Li-ion batteries.
considered in future research, as illustrated in Fig. 13. As a classical type of electrochemical models, the P2D model is dif-
Model extension and improvements: For cases of great practi- ficult to be adopted directly for control-oriented applications such as
cal interest, such as LFP active material in Li-ion batteries, due to cell state estimation, charging control, and fault diagnostics. Model
K. Liu, Y. Gao, C. Zhu et al. Control Engineering Practice 124 (2022) 105176
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