Comparing Four Model-Order Reduction Techniques, Applied To
Comparing Four Model-Order Reduction Techniques, Applied To
Comparing Four Model-Order Reduction Techniques, Applied To
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Article history: Physics-based models of lithium-ion battery dynamics are developed from fundamental electrochemical
Received 4 May 2019 principles and describe cell internal electrochemical variables in addition to terminal voltage. Real-time
Received in revised form estimates of the values taken on by internal cell variables provided by such models might be leveraged by
29 July 2019
future battery-management systems to control fast-charging and routine use of a battery pack to
Accepted 31 July 2019
maximize performance but minimize aging. These models are most naturally described as sets of coupled
Available online 6 August 2019
partial-differential equations (PDEs), and so the greatest obstacle to their adoption stems from the
computational complexity involved in finding solutions to the model equations. To make a feasible
Realization algorithm
physics-based model for battery management, we must construct reduced-order approximations to
Model-order reduction these PDE models. In this paper, we present four methods to find high-fidelity discrete-time state-space
Electrochemical variable reduced-order models (ROMs) that approximate infinite-order transcendental transfer functions that
Transfer function model the PDE relationships of all electrochemical variables of interest. These four methods are
Lithium-ion cell model compared for a single cell based on speed, memory usage, robustness, and accuracy of the predictions of
Reduced-order model the resulting reduced-order models with respect to precise numerical simulations of the PDEs. We find
that all four methods produce ROMs that match the linearized PDEs closely in the frequency domain and
that yield time-domain simulations that match those from the nonlinear PDEs as well, but that each xRA
method has distinct features so that different applications might prefer one method versus another.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction so forth) [1]. The best methods of which we are aware do so using
models (sets of mathematical equations) that describe the dy-
The commercial feasibility of electrified transportation has a namics of the cells in the battery pack. These models may be
significant dependence on the practicality of the battery pack used empirical (e.g., equivalent-circuit models, ECMs), or physics-based
in the vehicle. Since the battery pack is often the single-most [2e6]. Empirical models describe only the voltage response of a
expensive component in the vehicle, it is essential to be able to battery cell to an input-current stimulus; physics-based models
use its capabilities to the maximum extent possible while also (PBMs) furthermore have the ability to describe accurately all the
maintaining as long a service life as possible. (These objectives are internal electrochemical dynamics that occur when lithium-ion
generally in opposition since aggressive usage tends to introduce cells are operated under different conditions. Therefore, physics-
physical and electrochemical stress factors that accelerate battery based models are required by any BMS that aims to predict the
aging.) A battery-management system (BMS) continuously moni- precursors to degradation, which depend directly on the internal
tors this critical vehicle component to maintain the safety of the electrochemical dynamics and not directly on cell terminal voltage.
driver, maintain the safety of the battery pack as a whole, and While present BMS rely almost exclusively on ECMs, we believe
jointly maximize battery performance and battery service life. that future BMS will instead require PBMs to be able jointly to
A BMS must be able to compute estimates of battery-cell state- maximize battery performance and service life through improved
of-charge, state-of-health, state-of-energy, state-of-function (and power and energy management, or advanced balancing systems,
controlling the internal electrochemical state away from conditions
that would tend to accelerate degradation. For example, in some
* Corresponding author. cases it has been shown that PBM-based BMS can safely authorize
E-mail addresses: (A. Rodríguez), 22% more power than would be authorized by ECM-based BMS,
(G.L. Plett), (M.S. Trimboli).
2590-1168/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009
provide more than 212% more available energy, and that PBM- B2Rnm , C2Rqn , and D2Rqm . In this work, u½k corresponds to
based BMS can extend battery-pack life by more than 40% [7,8]. the electrical current applied to the cell (i.e., u½k ¼ iapp ½k and m ¼
The widely accepted PBM of a lithium-ion celldknown as the 1) and y½k corresponds to the set of electrochemical variables of
DoyleeFullereNewman (DFN) modeldconsists of four coupled interest. The state x½k will be selected by the model-order reduc-
partial differential equations (PDEs) and one algebraic equation tion techniques that we will describe.
[9,10]. The PDEs that govern the model arise from the fundamental This paper assumes that a set of continuous-time transfer
physical principles of charge and mass conservation in the solid and functions GðsÞ2Cq1 has already been selected for implementa-
electrolyte materials of the cell; the algebraic equation is a closure tion. Continuous-time models, however, are not directly useful to a
term that models the lithium flux from the solid electrode materials BMS since the BMS samples voltage and current at a periodic rate,
to the electrolyte. and therefore discrete-time models are of more direct use. So, we
The greatest obstacle to using PBMs in a BMS stems from their must use knowledge of GðsÞ in some way to produce the discrete-
computational complexity. The DFN model is too complex to be time model.
used directly in an embedded battery-management system, since In this paper, we present and compare four different “realization
doing so would require solving the coupled PDEs in real time. To algorithms” (generically referred to as “xRAs”) that convert GðsÞ to
make a feasible PBM for battery management, various methods are the discrete-time form of Eqs. (1) and (2):
proposed in the literature to construct approximate reduced-order
models (ROMs) of lithium-ion battery cell dynamics. These include The discrete-time realization algorithm (DRA) converts GðsÞ to
single-particle models (e.g., [11,12]) which tend not to perform well discrete-time unit-pulse response g½k and then uses either the
at high rates [13,14], and parabolic approximations of solid con- HoeKalman or eigensystem realization algorithm subspace
centrations to reduce complexity of PDE solutions (e.g., [15,16]). system-identification methods to produce a reduced-order
Other approaches such as Pade approximations and residue state-space model.
grouping have also been considered [17e19].1 The continuous-time realization algorithm (CRA) converts GðsÞ
We prefer model-order reduction methods based on finding to a reduced-order continuous-time state-space model using a
transfer functions of all electrochemical variables of interest and subspace system-identification method, and then converts the
then converting these transfer functions into low-order high-fi- continuous-time state-space model to a discrete-time state-
delity discrete-time state-space approximate models. An early space model using standard methods.
work by Smith et al. presented transfer functions for solid surface The hybrid realization algorithm (HRA) converts GðsÞ to
concentration, interfacial potential difference, and reaction flux discrete-time frequency response GðejuT Þ and then uses a sub-
[20]. Later, Lee et al. added transfer functions for solid and elec- space system-identification method to reduce the model's order.
trolyte potential, separately, and for electrolyte concentration [21]. The Lagrange-interpolated realization algorithm (LRA) first uses
Rodríguez et al. improved the computational complexity of the interpolation polynomials to create a high- but finite-order
electrolyte-concentration transfer function [22], and extended the continuous-time state-space model to approximate GðsÞ, and
transfer function models to model electrodes having multiple then uses a standard balanced model-order reduction technique
blended active materials [23]. Most recently, Rodríguez et al. to arrive at a low-order continuous-time state-space model,
improved all of these models by showing how to remove a limiting which is then converted to discrete time using standard
assumption in their derivation [24]. techniques.
A hinderance to using these transfer-function models in a BMS is
that they cannot be expressed as ratios of polynomials in the Lap- In the sequel, Sect. 2 first describes a procedure to convert a
lace variable “s”, as is most common for transfer functions continuous-time frequency response to a discrete-time frequency
considered in control-systems literature. Instead, they are infinite- response (directly needed by the HRA and used to validate all the
order transcendental functions of the Laplace variable. Standard xRA methods). Section 3 then shows how the four methods
controls methods are unable to work with them directly. Thus, for compute different reduced-order state-space A matrices; Sect. 4
practical use, these transcendental models need to be approxi- gives the assumed form of the B matrix; Sect. 5 shows how to solve
mated using low-order rational-polynomial function models that for the C matrix while constraining the dc gain of the ROM to agree
capture their most significant dynamics. with GðsÞ; and, Sect. 6 discusses the solution for the D matrix. Then,
The purpose of this paper is to propose and compare four Sect. 7 presents some simulation results to benchmark the methods
different techniques whose objective is to generate reduced-order against each other, and we conclude the paper with some summary
models from the infinite-order electrochemical transfer functions. comments.
These ROMs can then be used in advanced BMS controls algorithms. The details of the realization-algorithm derivations presented in
The different techniques presented here will provide reduced- Sects. 2 through 6 are important to be able to comprehend and
order discrete-time state-space models of the form implement the algorithms. However, on an initial reading of this
paper it may be beneficial first to skip the derivations and refer to
x½k þ 1 ¼ Ax½k þ Bu½k (1) the summary figure (Fig. 1) in combination with the results pre-
sented in Sect. 7 to form an initial understanding of how the al-
gorithms are used before returning to study the derivations of the
y½k ¼ Cx½k þ Du½k; (2)
where the state vector of the system is represented by x½k2 Rn1,
2. Discrete-time frequency response from a continuous-time
the input vector by u½k2Rm1 and the output vector by y½k2 Rq1.
frequency response
Note that n corresponds to the order of the model, m to the number
of inputs and q to the number of outputs. Furthermore, A2 Rnn ,
2.1. Deriving the method
The comparison between the various methods proposed in the literature to
The ultimate goal of this paper is to develop and compare
construct reduced-order approximations are out of the scope of this manuscript. methods that approximate infinite-order continuous-time transfer
Instead, our focus is on ways to produce ROMs directly from transfer functions. functions with reduced-order discrete-time models. The
A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009 3
discrete-time frequency response of the sampled-data system that Fig. 3 compares the magnitude and phase responses of the
we have set out to approximate, and GðjuÞ on the right-hand side of proposed method and the exact result in Eq. (8). We see that a
Eq. (6) is the known continuous-time frequency response as visually perfect match has been achieved between actual and
calculated by Eq. (4). This result is valid for frequencies up to the estimated discrete-time system frequency responses, as hoped,
Nyquist rate: p=Ts < u < p=Ts . showing that the method described in this section produces accu-
rate results. We also note that the discrete-time and continuous-
2.2. Summarizing the frequency-response conversion method time frequency responses for this system are different from each
other, as expected.
Eq. (6) is the key result of this section. It shows how to convert a
general continuous-time frequency response into an equivalent 3. Solving for the state-space A matrix
discrete-time frequency response.3 It will be used as part of the
validation process for all four realization algorithms presented in 3.1. Modeling integration dynamics
this paper, and also plays an integral part in the derivation of the
HRA method itself. To summarize the method: With this background, we are ready to investigate the four
different realization algorithms. These algorithms differ primarily
1. Compute GðsÞ from GðsÞ using Eq. (3). in how they determine the “A” matrix of the final reduced-order
2. Compute D ¼ gð0Þ ¼ lims/∞ GðsÞ and replace GðsÞ : ¼ GðsÞ D. discrete-time state-space model. In all cases, however, this matrix
3. Compute the continuous-time frequency response GðjuÞ using is forced to be real (because PBM dynamics are nonoscillatory) and
Eq. (4). diagonal, without loss of generality. For stability, the diagonal en-
4. Compute the discrete-time approximate frequency response tries (termed the “poles” of the model) must have magnitude
b juTs Þ at N output frequency points using Eq. (6). As we have
Gðe strictly less than 1. However, some PBM transfer functions (e.g.,
noted, only a few terms from the summationdcentered around those involving changes in cell or electrode state-of-charge) have
k ¼ 0dare required in practice, assuming that the sampling rate integration dynamics, which must be implemented using a pole
is chosen to be fast enough to avoid a great deal of aliasing. That having value exactly equal to 1. Fortunately, it is quite simple to deal
is, for some kmax , we compute with this special case.
We begin by computing res ¼ lims/0 sGðsÞ, which is the res-
1 X
idue of the integrator pole in the original continuous-time transfer
b ejuTs
G ¼ Gðju þ j2pk=Ts Þ: (7)
Ts function. We then remove the integrator from the transfer function
by replacing GðsÞ : ¼ GðsÞ res =s. We then invoke the DRA, CRA,
HRA, or LRA to find a discrete-time state-space model of order n for
5. Finally, add back the high-frequency gain by replacing integrator-removed GðsÞ, where
Gðe b juTs Þ þ D.
b juTs Þ : ¼ Gðe 2 3
6 a1 0 / 0 7
6 0 a2 / 0 7
6 «
7; (9)
2.3. Illustrating the frequency-response conversion method 4 « 1 « 7
0 0 / an
This proposed method is able to convert continuous-time fre-
quency responses to discrete-time frequency responses for arbi- and jai j < 1 c i2½1…n for a stable model, ai 2R c i2½1…n for a
trary systems, unlike conventional methods that can be used only nonoscillatory system and a1 < a2 < … < an . Finally, we augment the
with finite-order rational-polynomial or state-space models [25]. identified model with the integration dynamics that were removed
However, we choose at this point to demonstrate the method on a previously. That is, we make the following replacements:
finite-order rational-polynomial transfer function, since that makes 2 3 2 3
it possible to compare the solution we obtain to one obtained from
A 05 B
the standard methods. In particular, we choose A : ¼4 ; B :¼ 4 5; C :¼ C res ;
0 1 1
0:1s2 þ s þ 1 1 0:1u2 þ ju
GðsÞ ¼ ; so GðjuÞ ¼ ;
s2 þ 3s þ 1 1 u2 þ 3ju and D is unchanged. The final augmented model is of order n þ 1.
Note that this first step of removing integration dynamics is com-
and sampling period Ts ¼ 0:1 s. For this simple case, we can mon to all of the xRAs we discuss next, so we will not mention it
compute the exact equivalent discrete-time system as specifically in any derivation. Also, the net effect of this step is that
the input transfer functions to all of the xRA methods are strictly
0:1ej0:2u 0:1088ej0:1u þ 0:0174 stable.
G ejuTs ¼ (8)
ej0:2u 1:732ej0:1u þ 0:7408
3.2. Discrete-time realization algorithm (DRA)
using MATLAB's c2d.m function, substituting z ¼ expðjuTs ). The
value of kmax ¼ 5 was chosen for Eq. (7), and the discrete-time
3.2.1. Deriving the DRA steps
frequency vector for building GðsÞ was chosen to comprise one
The next subsections describe four different techniques to
point at u ¼ 0 and 50 additional points spaced evenly on a loga-
obtain the reduced-order discrete-time A matrix. We first describe
rithmic scale between 105 and 100 times the Nyquist rate.
the DRA. The derivation carried out here is a simplified version of
one that appears in [2,27]; we also improve the method in this
paper to enforce correct dc gain.
While Jury [26] seems to hint at this approach for converting general
continuous-time to discrete-time frequency responses in his paper using the in-
The DRA first approximates discrete-time unit-pulse response
termediate starred Laplace transform, he does not develop the method. As far as we g½k from knowledge of GðsÞ; then, it uses a subspace system-
are aware, we have presented the first full derivation here. identification method to convert g½k to a state-space form. The
A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009 5
unit-pulse response has discrete-time transfer function GðzÞ, which emulation sampling period, T1
we can write in terms of continuous-time transfer function GðsÞ by
assuming that the input to GðsÞ is piecewise constant with period Ts
as illustrated in Fig. 2. Hence, X
1 N1
gd ½k ¼ Gd ½f expðj2pkf =NÞ: (13)
f ¼0
GðzÞ ¼ Z GðsÞ ¼ Z ð1 expð sTs ÞÞ
s The cumulative summation of this impulse response, g d ½n,
GðsÞ GðsÞ yields the approximation to the continuous-time step response
¼Z z1 Z ; (10)
s s
2 3
Gd ðzÞzGðsÞjs¼ 2 z1 ;
T1 zþ1
6 g½1 g½2 / g½j 7
6 g½2 g½3 / g½j þ 1 7
where T1 is an emulation sampling period (different from and often H i;j ¼6
6 «
4 « 1 « 5
significantly shorter than the final system sampling period Ts ). In g½i g½i þ 1 / g½i þ j 1
order to arrive at an accurate estimation of the continuous-time
transfer function, the sampling frequency f1 ¼ 1=T1 must be high
enough to capture the system dynamics. where the required length of the discrete-time unit-pulse response
We now recognize that the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a is N ¼ i þ j. Further, this approach requires H i;j to be of larger size
sequence is related to its z-transform via [29]. than we expect for a hypothesized system order, that is, i > n and
j > n. We usually choose i ¼ j, so N 2n.4
Gd ½f ¼ Gd ðzÞjz¼expðj2pf =NÞ An interesting feature of the block Hankel matrix, which is
critical for this development, is that it can be written as H i;j ¼
2 expðj2pf =NÞ 1 (12)
¼G ; 0f N O i C j , where the extended observability matrix, O i , and the
T1 expðj2pf =NÞ þ 1 extended controllability matrices, C j , are defined as
" #T response data. Hence, we can delete parts of the long unit-pulse-
T T response that do not provide “much” information about the sys-
T 2 i1
O i ¼ C ðCAÞ CA ,,, CA (15) tem dynamics when building the Hankel matrix, reducing its size.
We begin by forming an r s generalized Hankel matrix
2 3
Cj¼ B AB A2 B / Aj1 B : (16) g½k g½k þ t1 / g½k þ ts1
6 7
6 g½j1 þ k g½j1 þ k þ t1 / g½j1 þ k þ ts1 7
H r;s ½k 1 ¼ 6 7
If we are able to factor H i;j into O i and C j , then we find the A « « 1 « 7
4 5
matrix after doing some processing. g½jr1 þ k g½jr1 þ k þ t1 / g½jr1 þ k þ ts1
To do the factoring, we rely on the singular value decomposition
(SVD). That is,
where ji ði ¼ 1; …; r 1Þ and ti ði ¼ 1; …; s 1Þ are arbitrary in-
2 32 3
tegers. We now define the generalized controllability and observ-
S 0 54 V T1 5
H i;j ¼ USV T ¼ U1 U2 4 1 ability matrices as
0 S2 V T2
" #T
T j1 jr 1
where S contains the singular values of H i;j , which are ordered O r ¼ C ; CA ; ,,,; CA
from largest to smallest. S1 2Rnn contains the n largest (i.e.,
dominant) singular values and S2 is approximately zero. Hence, we
retain only H i;j zU1 S1 V T1 and compute
Cs¼ B; At1 B; /; Ats 1 B ;
1=2 1=2
O i ¼ U1 S1 and C j ¼ S1 V T1 : (17)
where we note that H r;s ½0 ¼ O r C s and H r;s ½1 ¼ O r AC s . We then
At this point the order of the reduced-order model, n, has been take the SVD of H r;s ½0. That is,
determined from the singular values. Then, the A matrix can be
found by noting the shift structure of the extended observability 2 32 3
matrix as, S 0 54 V T1 5
H r;s ½0 ¼ U1 U2 4 1 ;
0 S2 V T2
y [
Oi; (18)
where S1 2Rnn and we think of S2 being essentially zero. Hence,
where y represents the matrix pseudo inverse, O [
is equal to O i 1=2
we retain only H r;s ½0zU1 S1 V T1 and compute O r ¼ U1 S1 and
with the top block row deleted, and O Y
is equal to O i with the 1=2
C s ¼ S1 V T1 : Then, we set
bottom block row deleted. That is,
" #T A ¼ O yr H y
r;s ½1C s : (19)
Y T T 2 i2
O i
¼ C ðCAÞ CA ,,, CA ; Again, we use similarity transformations to diagonalize the
discrete-time reduced-order state-space model A matrix, we
replace any unstable poles in A by their reciprocals and complex
" #T
T T T poles by their magnitudes.
O i
¼ ðCAÞT CA2 CA3 ,,, CAi1 :
Finally, we use similarity transformations to diagonalize the 3.2.2. Summarizing the DRA
discrete-time reduced-order state-space model A matrix. Further, To summarize the steps of the DRA:
for our application, we expect A to have real, stable poles, which is
not guaranteed by the method as presented so far. So, we elect to 1. Select an emulation sampling period T1 such that 1 =T1 is
replace unstable poles in A by their reciprocals (maintaining the significantly greater than the bandwidth of GðsÞ, and the length
magnitude response) and complex poles by their magnitudes of the unit-pulse response N is at least twice as large as the
(largely maintaining the magnitude response).5 assumed reduced-order model dimension n. Compute Gd ½f us-
Improving memory efficiency. The algorithm explained above ing Eq. (12).
requires very long unit-pulse-response data in order to retain a 2. Compute the approximate continuous-time impulse response
wide range of frequency information, which is not memory effi- via Eq. (13), which is the inverse FFT of Gd ½f .
cient. Several steps from the eigensystem realization algorithm 3. Find the approximate continuous-time step response of GðsÞ via
(ERA) in [32] can replace the HoeKalman steps; this is of interest to Eq. (14) and interpolate at the final desired sample rate Ts to give
us because it allows us to work with incomplete unit-pulse- gs ½k.
4. Compute the unit-pulse response g½k from gs ½k via Eq. (11).
5. Populate the Hankel matrix H i;j (or H r;s ½k 1) with (part of)
This approach to guaranteeing stability and nonoscillatory responses is ad hoc
the discrete-time unit-pulse response values g½k and perform
but effective. A more rigorous alternative to guaranteeing stability and non-
oscillatory response is to enforce eigenvalue constraints on the subspace solution the SVD. Then, determine from the singular values the system
using linear matrix inequality (LMI) methods, such as presented in [31]. Our order n.
experience when applying the xRA methods in this paper to lithium-ion battery- 6. Partition the SVD to give the matrices U1 , S1 , and V T1 . From these,
cell transfer functions is that the ad hoc approach gives results of equivalent quality compute O i and C j (or O r and C s ) via Eq. (17).
to the more rigorous LMI approach. Both methods guarantee stability and non-
oscillatory response. Both methods result in ROMs having similar matches to the
7. Compute ROM matrix A via Eq. (18) (or Eq. (19)).
frequency-responses and time-response behaviors of the PDE models. Thus, we 8. Diagonalize A and replace any unstable poles by their reciprocals
present only the simpler method here. and any complex poles by their magnitudes.
A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009 7
3.3. Continuous-time realization algorithm (CRA) u_ ss ðtÞ ¼ ðjuÞuss ðtÞ; furthermore, the state equation gives x_ss ðtÞ ¼
Ac xss ðtÞ þ Bc uss ðtÞ. For multiple differentiations of the output, we
3.3.1. Deriving the CRA steps can then write
The continuous-time realization algorithm (CRA) was developed
by DePalma et al. [33,34], based on a subspace system-
identification approach presented in [35].6 The first goal of the ðjuÞi1 GðjuÞ ¼ CAi1
c XðjuÞ þ CAc Bc Im þ ðjuÞCAc Bc Im þ /
i2 i3
resulting in
We include the full derivation here since the method has not previously been
published in a readily accessible archival format. We also improve the method in
this paper to enforce correct dc gain. G ¼ Gi X þ Qi I: (20)
Note that continuous-time Ac and Bc matrices have different values from the
corresponding discrete-time system's A and B matrices, while the continuous-time If we project Eq. (20) onto the orthogonal complement of I, we
C and D matrices are the same as the discrete-time system's C and D matrices. eliminate the second term and obtain
8 A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009
Gi ¼ U1 S1=2
1 : 1=2
Yi ¼ U1 S1 :
The continuous-time Ac matrix can be obtained directly by
The Ac matrix can now be computed as
Ac ¼ GYi G[i (21) y [[
Ac ¼ D1 Yh
; (23)
" #
GYi ¼ C T ðCAc ÞT CA2c ,,, CAi2
c ; D1 ¼ diag Z 1=2 Z
; Z
1=2 1=2
Z ; /; Z
1=2 1=2
1 2 2 3 i2 i1
T T #T
T D2 ¼ diag Z1 ðZ0 Z2 Þ1=2 ; /; Zi2 ðZi3 Zi1 Þ1=2 ;
G[i ¼ ðCAc Þ T
CA2c CA3c ,,, CAi1
c :
7. Diagonalize A and replace unstable poles by their reciprocals We can further evaluate the terms of this equation at multiple
and complex poles by their magnitudes. frequency points u1 …uN , giving
The HRA determines the state-space A matrix from the discrete- |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
time frequency responses of the electrochemical variables, which
themselves are computed using the method explained in Sect. 2. A final step yields matrices containing only real values
The HRA derivation is based on a subspace system-identification
method from [37], and begins with the assumed discrete-time real G c imag G c ¼ O i real X c imag X c
state-space model of Eqs. (1) and (2). Taking z-transforms of |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
r r
these equations gives G X
þ T i real U c imag U c : (24)
zXðzÞ ¼ AXðzÞ þ BUðzÞ |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
YðzÞ ¼ CXðzÞ þ DUðzÞ: U r
We note that multiplying the output equation by z has the In this equation, we use values computed via the method from
following effect Sect. 2 to populate G r . U r can be computed from the chosen fre-
quency vector fu1 …uN g. X r is unknown but we will see that we do
zYðzÞ ¼ CðzXðzÞÞ þ DðzUðzÞÞ ¼ CAXðzÞ þ CBUðzÞ þ DðzUðzÞÞ: not require knowledge of its values.
We then perform the LQ decomposition
Repeating this process i 1 times (where i is again termed the
“oversizing parameter”) and combining the i modified output 2 3 2 32 3
equations gives 4 U r 5 ¼ LQ ¼ 4 L11 0 5 4 Q1 5
; (25)
2 3 2 3 2 3 G L21 L22 Q2
6 YðzÞ 7 6 C 7 6 UðzÞ 7 data matrix
6 zYðzÞ 7 6 CA 7 6 zUðzÞ 7
6 7¼6 7 6 7;
6 7 6 « 7 XðzÞ þ T i6 7
4 i1« 5 4 i1 5 4 i1« 5 where L has the same dimension as the “data matrix” on the left
z YðzÞ CA z UðzÞ side of Eq. (25), and where Q1 and Q2 are orthonormal. Then,
O i
U r ¼ L11 Q1
G r ¼ L21 Q1 þ L22 Q2 :
where T i is a block-Toeplitz matrix for the discrete-time system
that has the same form (but different values) from the continuous- Multiplying the second equation by Q T2 on the right gives
time block-Topelitz matrix Qi seen earlier, and O i is the extended G Q T2 ¼ L22 . Multiplying Eq. (24) by Q T2 and substituting this result
3.4.2. Summarizing of the HRA the parameters and standard least-squares methods can be used to
To summarize the steps of the HRA: solve for the vector of unknown ak and bk coefficients using the
system of equations describing all frequencies. But, while large-
1. Compute GðejuTs Þ from GðjuÞ using the method of Sect. 2. order n will produce a very accurate approximation of GðsÞ, the
2. Form the data matrices G r and U r in Eq. (24). computational requirements to solve the linear system of equations
3. Perform the LQ decomposition in Eq. (25) to find L22 . also increases.
4. Compute the SVD of L22 to give U1 and S1 . The model order n is Once we have obtained a high-order continuous-time rational
selected by counting the number of “significant” singular values transfer function HðsÞ that accurately approximates the true
in S1 . (infinite-order) frequency response, we can easily convert it to
5. Compute O i ¼ U1 S1 . state-space representation (e.g., using tf2ss.m in MATLAB), that is,
6. Compute A via Eq. (26). HðsÞ ¼ CðsI AÞB þ D. We convert this state-space model from
7. Diagonalize A and replace unstable poles by their reciprocals continuous-time to discrete time using c2d.m in MATLAB and we
and complex poles by their magnitudes. reduce model order using balred.m in MATLAB.
For our application, we expect A to have real, stable poles, which
is not guaranteed by the method as presented so far. So, we replace
3.5. Lagrange-interpolated realization algorithm (LRA)
unstable poles by their reciprocals and complex poles by their
3.5.1. Deriving the LRA steps
Notice that the approach explained above is valid only for
The LRA is a realization procedure that approximates the actual
single-output systems and therefore needs to be extended to multi-
infinite-order transfer function frequency response using a
output systems. Since we are interested at this point only in a high-
continuous-time high-order model (HOM). The continuous-time
order approximation (i.e., we do not care about the model order),
HOM is discretized and reduced using balanced model-order-
we can easily extend the approach to this case by assembling the
reduction techniques, generating a final ROM of order n.
different single-output high-order models. That is,
A single-input single-output continuous-time rational transfer
function of order n > n has the form 2 3 2 3
6 A1 0 0 0 7 B
6 17
bn1 sn1 þ / þ b1 s þ b0 6 0 A2 0 0 7 6 B2 7
HðsÞ ¼ þ d0 ; (27) A¼6
6 0
7; B¼6 7
6 « 7; (28)
sn þ an1 sn1 þ / þ a1 s þ a0 4 0 1 0 75 4 5
0 0 0 Aq Bq
where d0 is a direct feed through term and the coefficients ai and bi
for i2½0…n 1 will determine the pole and zero locations of the 2 3 2 3
transfer function. Notice we can accurately approximate any given
6 C1 0 … 0 7 6 D1 7
transfer function GðsÞ (even an infinite-order transfer function) by 6 0 C2 0 0 7 6 D2 7
using Lagrange interpolation. C¼6
6 0
7; D¼6 7
6 « 7; (29)
4 0 1 0 75 4 5
The Lagrange interpolation approach consists of estimating
0 0 0 Cq Dq
values between known data points. In the frequency domain, we
would like Hðsi Þ ¼ Gðsi Þ at different frequency points si , i2 ½1…n.
Note that we have 2n degrees of freedom corresponding to the where the state-space matrices Ak , Bk , C k and Dk correspond to the
number of a and b coefficients to be estimated. However, we use continuous-time HOM approximation for the transfer function k.
only n different frequency points in order to obtain real valued Thus, the A, B, C and D matrices estimate a total of q continuous-
coefficients since the other n points will correspond to their time transfer functions. Then, the continuous-time state-space
negative frequencies, that is, Hðsi Þ ¼ Gðsi Þ and Hð si Þ ¼ Gð si Þ ¼ model can be discretized with a given sampling time Ts by
Gðsi Þ . Therefore, we need to solve a system of 2n equations to computing the discrete-time state-space matrices using known
determine the coefficients a and b from Eq. (27). The system of methods (e.g., using c2d.m in MATLAB). Finally, a balanced model-
equations to be solved looks like order reduction is performed to the high-order discrete-time state-
space model (e.g., using balred.m in MATLAB) to produce the
bn1 sn1
1 þ / þ b 1 s1 þ b 0 discrete-time reduced-order model of order n.
Hðs1 Þ ¼ þ d0 ¼ Gðs1 Þ
sn1 þ an1 sn1
1 þ / þ a1 s1 þ a0
bn1 ð s1 Þn1 þ / þ b0
Hðs1 Þ ¼ þ d0 ¼ Gðs1 Þ
ð s1 Þn þ an1 ð s1 Þn1 þ / þ a0 3.5.2. Summarizing the LRA
« To summarize the steps of the LRA:
bn1 sn1
n þ / þ b 1 sn þ b0 1. Approximate the actual continuous-time frequency response
Hðsn Þ ¼ þ d0 ¼ Gðsn Þ
sn þ an1 sn1
n þ / þ a 1 sn þ a0 GðsÞ using a rational continuous-time high-order model HðsÞ via
solving Gðsi Þ ¼ Hðsi Þ and Gðsi Þ ¼ Hðsi Þ for i2½1…n.
bn1 ð sn Þn1 þ / þ b0
Hðsn Þ ¼ þ d0 ¼ Gðsn Þ : 2. Repeat Step 1 for each transfer function to be estimated. Then,
ð sn Þn þ an1 ð sn Þn1 þ / þ a0 assemble the individual high-order models via Eqs. (28) and
(29) to build HðsÞ.
Note that the ith equation can be written as 3. Discretize the rational high-order model HðsÞ to obtain a
discrete-time high-order model HðzÞ using c2d.m in MATLAB.
ðGðsi Þ d0 Þ sni þ an1 sn1
i þ / þ a0 ¼ bn1 sn1
i þ / þ b 1 si 4. Perform a balanced realization of the discrete-time HOM HðzÞ to
þ b0 : obtain the discrete-time diagonal state-space A matrix. Replace
unstable poles by their reciprocals and complex poles by their
Assuming that d0 is known (cf. Sect. 6), this equation is linear in magnitudes.
A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009 11
N h
nX i h io
J¼ Gðuk Þ Hðuk Þ Gðuk Þ Hðuk Þ þ l ðGð0Þ Hð0ÞÞ
N h i h i h i h io h i
¼ Tr G uk G uk Tr G uk M uk C T Tr CM uk G uk þ Tr CM uk M uk C T þ Tr ðGð0Þ CMð0ÞÞlT
¼ Gð0Þ CMð0Þ ¼ 0
Gðuk ÞM ðuk Þ þ ðMðuk ÞG ðuk ÞÞ þ C Mðuk ÞM ðuk Þ þ ðMðuk ÞM ðuk ÞÞT lMð0ÞT ¼ 0:
k¼1 k¼1
magnitude of solideelectrolyte interphase (SEI) layer growth rate). (the rest are similar): we compare the true discrete-time frequency
We would now like to know whether the different xRA methods response of the solideelectrolyte potential difference at four cross-
produce ROMs of differing quality, and whether there are other sectional locations in the cell at 50 % state-of-charge and 25+ C and
considerations that might be important when selecting among at 100 % state-of-charge and 15+ C, computed from the transfer
them for the one to use for a particular application. functions using the method in Sect. 2, to the ROM's discrete-time
We assume that the parameter values of the PDE full-order frequency response.11 This variable is especially interesting as it is
model (FOM) have already been identified for a cell of interest.8 a predictor of the onset and magnitude of side reactions such as
Therefore, we assume that FOM predictions match true-cell vari- solideelectrolyte interphase growth or lithium plating [41,42]. If it
ables with acceptable accuracy. So, if the ROMs produced by the can be predicted well, BMS control algorithms might be designed
xRAs match the FOM in meaningful ways, then we can claim that that can regulate battery use to slow the rate of degradation due to
the xRAs have been successful in their objective. No physical cell side reaction.
tests or lab data are needed to do this evaluation. In this paper, we A ROM that can jointly simulate time-domain profiles from
choose to use FOM parameter values from the literature, already these 21 transfer functions yields (more than) enough information
validated on a physical cell (see the Appendix). When comparing to predict cell voltage. So, to illustrate the relative ability of the xRAs
the FOM to the ROMs, we can directly compare the frequency re- to produce ROMs that predict voltage well, we present root-mean-
sponses; we can also simulate both model types for the same input squared (rms) voltage modeling error for a simple experiment
stimulus to compare their time-domain responses. performed at different ambient temperatures and initial state-of-
Accordingly, this section presents a sample of time- and charge points. The “true” voltage is produced by a COMSOL simu-
frequency-domain results to illustrate the level of performance that lation of the full PDE model for a “pulse-test” input-current profile
can be expected of each method. We have chosen to implement the comprising a 3-min 0.5C constant-current discharge pulse followed
four xRA methods on a set of q ¼ 21 lithium-ion battery-cell by a 2-min rest.12 The estimated voltage was produced by each ROM
transfer functions, using five nonintegrator states plus one inte- for the same input-current profile. Voltage error was computed as
grator state for a final n þ 1 ¼ 6.9 The mathematical equations of “true” voltage minus estimated voltage.
the transfer functions are not reproduced here since the focus of We point out that the xRA process must be executed one time
this paper is on the xRAs and not on the transfer functions them- only to produce a ROM that can be executed any number of times
selves.10 However, it is still important to report the set of transfer after that. So, the computational requirements of the individual
functions being jointly estimated by a single 6-state ROM corre- xRAs is not as important as those of the ROMs they produce.13
sponding to a one-dimensional FOM, which are (where x ¼ 0 de- Therefore, we did not focus on optimizing our xRA codes. Howev-
notes the negative-electrode/current-collector interface, x ¼ 1 the er, it is of interest to have a rough idea of the relative computational
negative-electrode/separator interface, x ¼ 2 the positive- demand of each xRA so we present execution-time and memory
electrode/separator interface, and x ¼ 3 the positive-electrode/ requirements of each of the methods in the sequel.
current-collector interface): Also, note that all of the ROMs produced by all methods were
constrained to have only real poles with magnitude less than 1
~ s;e ðx; zÞ =Iapp ðzÞ, which is the integrator-removed debiased
½C (except for the integrator pole having magnitude exactly equal to
solid surface concentration of lithium, at x ¼ ½0; 1; 2; 3 1). Therefore, all ROMs were nonoscillatory and stable.
Jðx; zÞ =Iapp ðzÞ, which is the flux of lithium from solid to elec-
trolyte, at x ¼ ½0; 1; 2; 3 7.1. DRA
~ s;e ðx; zÞ =Iapp ðzÞ, which is the integrator-removed debiased
solideelectrolyte potential difference, at x ¼ ½0; 1; 2; 3 The performance of the DRA is addressed in this section. It is
~ e ðx; zÞ =Iapp ðzÞ, which is the debiased electrolyte potential, at
F worth mentioning up front that the overall performance of the DRA
x ¼ ½1; 2; 3 (it is zero at x ¼ 0) depends strongly on its tuning parameters. The results shown in
~ s ðx;zÞ =Iapp ðzÞ, which is the debiased solid potential, at x ¼ ½1; 2
F this section correspond to the following set of tuning parameters:
(it is zero at x ¼ 0 and x ¼ 3)
~ e ðx; zÞ =Iapp ðzÞ, which is the debiased concentration of lithium
in the electrolyte, at x ¼ ½0; 1; 2; 3 11
Note that we have implemented the xRAs on transfer functions corresponding
to a 1-d FOM. For either a 1-d FOM or resulting 1-d ROM to produce physically
The PBM parameter values used for these results are the same as meaningful results, there must either be a high degree of uniformity in the 1-
those presented in [24] and are listed in Table 2. d dynamics experienced at different 3-d spatial locations in the cell, or models
corresponding to “worst-case” spatial locations must be used. In practice, unifor-
While we could examine the ability of ROMs produced by the mity can be enhanced by careful cell design (e.g., placing tabs of pouch cells on
xRAs to approximate the frequency responses of any or all of these opposite ends, or welding together many current-collector tabs along the length of
six variables at any set of locations fxg across the cell cross section, a prismatic or cylindrical cell). Note also that the limitation in the results is not due
we have chosen to illustrate only two representative examples here to the xRAs themselves but rather to the fact that we are unaware of existing 3-
d transfer functions. Should 3-d transfer functions be developed, the xRAs could
be applied to predict electrochemical variables at any 3-d spatial location in the cell.
This is an area open to future research.
This “system-identification” or “parameter-identification” process is outside the 12
This profile was chosen (1) since its SOC does not diverge far from the setpoint,
scope of this paper, but see [39]. allowing evaluation of time-domain results without the need to blend models as
The model order effects a tradeoff between ROM accuracy and computational discussed in [40] and (2) since it is relatively simpledthe results of 640 time-
complexity of ROM execution. In our experience, we find that models having 5e6 domain simulations are reported in summary form in this paper and we desired
nonintegrator poles tend to give good performance while retaining similar a FOM simulation that would execute in reasonable time. However, our experience
computational complexity to equivalent-circuit models being used in practice with other input-current profiles that might be more representative of automotive
today. However, the “best” model order might vary depending on the application/ applications is that they produce qualitatively similar results. The interested reader
purpose of the final model. can confer [24], where numerous other time-domain results are presented showing
The interested reader can find a full derivation of these transfer functions in how a DRA-ROM can predict internal electrochemical variables and external ter-
[24], along with a description of how to use the ROM produced using these transfer minal voltage (including multiple C-rates, UDDS profiles, etc.).
functions in a time-domain simulation; reference [40] shows how to use the ROMs The ROMs produced by each of the xRAs have exactly identical computational
to produce simulations spanning a wide range of cell SOC and temperature by requirements, roughly equivalent to an equivalent-circuit model having n
blending between models. resistorecapacitor branches.
A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009 13
Emulation sampling period T1 ¼ 2 Hz. discrete-time unit-pulse responses and since this step is shared by
Length of the impulse response 220 s; that is, N ¼ 221 . the DRA method presented here and the work in [43], we do not
expect significant speedup.
The unit-pulse-response data used to build the generalized Memory. The largest matrix size used by the DRA for this study
Hankel matrix H r;s corresponds to ti ¼ ji ¼ 0 to 4; 000; 5; 000 to was 3; 573:451 MB, which corresponds to H r;s ½0 and H r;s ½1. The
5; 100; and 51 values starting at 6; 000; 7; 000; 8; 000; 10; 000; matrices H r;s ½0 and H r;s ½1 have as many rows as number of
12; 000; 14; 000; 16; 000; 18; 000; 19; 000 and 20.000 (e.g., 6; 000 to outputs times the length of ti and as many columns as the length of
6; 050; 7; 000 to 7; 050; etc.). ji . In our example, the size of H r;s ½0 and H r;s ½1 is 96; 852 4; 612.
These parameters were selected to give good overall perfor- Hence, increasing the size of ti and ji will increase the size of the
mance, but by no means represent an “optimal” choice. largest matrix used by the DRA. Again, memory requirements of the
Speed. The DRA average run time was 214:07 s, which is quite DRA might be improved using the refinements presented in [43].
slow considering we are using the ERA submethod which does not Accuracy. We are most interested in the time-domain perfor-
require processing the complete unit-pulse response. In order to mance of physics-based ROMs generated using the DRA. The top-
generate individual ROMs from 15+ C to 55+ C in 10 C+ increments left frame of Fig. 4 shows in a “heatmap” format the cell voltage
and from 0 % to 100 % state-of-charge in 5 % increments (as required rms error between the full-order model and the physics-based
to compute the results presented in Fig. 4), we need to generate a ROM generated using the DRA for the pulse tests starting at
total of 168 models, which takes approximately 10 h. The speed of different states-of-charge and temperatures. The smallest cell
the DRA might be improved using the refined numerical methods voltage root-mean squared error is 0:23 mV corresponding to 90 %
in [43]; however, the bulk of the time is spent computing the state-of-charge and 55+ C. The top row of Figs. 5 and 6 show the
Fig. 4. Pulse-response voltage-prediction rms error for ROMs produced by all four xRA methods at different temperature and SOC setpoints.
14 A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009
frequency-domain performance of the DRA when approximating Speed. The HRA average run time is 32.07 seconds, which is
the interphase potential difference transfer function at the cell's much faster than the DRA but slower than the CRA. It takes
internal region boundaries at two different setpoints (50 % SOC and approximately 90 min to generate 168 models.
25+ C, and 100 % SOC and 15+ C, respectively). The ROM generated Memory. The largest matrix size used by the HRA is 3.696 MB,
using the DRA is able to approximate the actual transfer-function which corresponds to the data matrix in Eq. (25). The data matrix
frequency response very accurately. (We have chosen not to dimension is 2ði þ 1Þq 2N where N corresponds to the total fre-
include figures plotting the time-domain results directly, since the quency points used to build GðsÞ. In our example, the data matrix
voltage difference between the FOM and ROM is not visually dimension is 462 1; 000. Notice the largest matrix size of the HRA
discernible for these low levels of error, and since it would not be is the smallest of all realization algorithms introduced.
reasonable to include time-domain plots for all 640 simulations.) Accuracy. The bottom-left frame of Fig. 4 shows the cell-voltage
rms error between the full-order model and the physics-based
7.2. CRA ROM generated using the HRA for the pulse tests starting at
different states-of-charge and temperatures. In general, we see the
The performance of the CRA is addressed in this section. Again, HRA obtains better results than both the DRA and CRA for most of
the overall performance of the CRA depends on its tuning param- the hot temperatures. The smallest cell-voltage rms error is
eters. The results shown correspond to the following set of tuning 0:40 mV corresponding to 30 % state-of-charge and 55+ C. The third
parameters: row of Figs. 5 and 6 show the frequency-domain performance of the
HRA when approximating the phase potential difference transfer
The continuous-time frequency vector for building GðjuÞ was function at the cell boundaries at two different setpoints (50 % SOC
chosen to comprise one point at u ¼ 0 and 140 additional points and 25+ C, and 100 % SOC and 15+ C, respectively). Notice the HRA
spaced evenly on a logarithmic scale between 106 and produces different results from the DRA and the CRA but it is still
103 rad s1 . capable of approximating the actual transfer function frequency
The oversizing parameter i was chosen to be i ¼ 40. response very accurately.
The high fidelity model order n1 was chosen to be equal to the
number of singular values greater than 1010 .
7.4. LRA
Speed. The CRA average run time is 6.15 seconds: it is able to
produce a ROM much faster than the DRA. It takes approximately The performance of the LRA is addressed in this section. The
18 min to generate 168 models. overall performance of the LRA depends on its tuning parameters.
Memory. The largest matrix size used by the CRA is 5.094 MB, The results shown correspond to the following set of tuning
which corresponds to D1 and D2 . The matrices D1 and D2 are square parameters:
of size equal to i 2 times the number of outputs q. In our example,
the size of D1 and D2 is equal to 798 798. Hence, increasing the The continuous-time frequency vector for building GðsÞ was
oversizing parameter i or the number of transfer functions q to be chosen to comprise one point at u ¼ 0, 30 additional points
estimated will increase the size of the largest matrix used by the spaced evenly on a logarithmic scale between 1012 and 106
CRA. (to capture slow dynamics) and 500 additional points spaced
Accuracy. The top-right frame of Fig. 4 shows the cell-voltage evenly on a logarithmic scale between 106 and 107 (to capture
rms error between the full-order model and the physics-based faster dynamics).
ROM generated using the CRA for the pulse tests starting at The order of each estimated transfer function was chosen to be
different state-of-charge and temperatures. The smallest cell ni ¼ 40 for i2½1…q. Hence, the order of the complete high-
voltage rms error for the CRA is 0:26 mV corresponding to 90 % order system is n ¼ ni q.
state-of-charge and 55+ C. The second row of Figs. 5 and 6 show the
frequency-domain performance of the CRA when approximating Speed. The LRA average run time is 66.00 seconds where most of
the phase potential difference transfer function at the cell bound- the time is used to solve the linear system of equations. The LRA is
aries at two different setpoints (50 % SOC and 25+ C, and 100 % SOC much faster than the DRA but slower than the CRA and HRA. It takes
and 15+ C, respectively). We see that the CRA generates a approximately 3 h to generate 168 models.
different approximation from the DRA but it is still able to Memory. The largest matrix size used by LRA is 5.645 MB, which
approximate the actual transfer function frequency response corresponds to the high-order model A matrix. The A matrix
accurately. dimension is ni q ni q.
Accuracy. The bottom-right frame of Fig. 4 shows the cell-voltage
7.3. HRA rms error between the full-order model and the physics-based
ROM generated using LRA for the pulse tests starting at different
The performance of the HRA is addressed in this section. Again, states-of-charge and temperatures. In general, we see the LRA ob-
the overall performance of the HRA depends on its tuning param- tains better results than the DRA, CRA and HRA, especially at hot
eters. The results shown correspond to the following set of tuning temperatures. The smallest cell-voltage rms error is 0:14 mV cor-
parameters: responding to 85 % state-of-charge and 45+ C. The bottom row of
Figs. 5 and 6 show the frequency-domain performance of the LRA
The oversizing parameter was chosen to be i ¼ 10. when approximating the phase potential difference transfer func-
The discrete-time frequency vector for building GðzÞ was chosen tion at the cell boundaries at two different setpoints (50 % SOC and
to comprise one point at u ¼ 0 and 499 additional points spaced 25+ C, and 100 % SOC and 15+ C, respectively). We see that the
evenly on a logarithmic scale between 105 and 100 times the ROM generated using the LRA approach is in very close agreement
Nyquist rate. with the actual transfer function. Recall that the actual transfer
The value of kmax to estimate the discrete-time frequency function has an infinite number of poles and zeros and the reduced-
response from the continuous-time infinite-order transfer order model is approximating a total of 21 transfer functions using
function was chosen to be kmax ¼ 5. only 6 poles.
16 A. Rodríguez et al. / eTransportation 1 (2019) 100009
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þ1:5094 1010 c3e 1:6018 1014 c4e :
For the negative electrode, the open-circuit potential function is: Nomenclature
Uocp ðqÞ ¼ 0:16 þ 1:32 expð 3:0qÞ þ 10:0 expð 2000:0qÞ:
For the positive electrode, the open-circuit potential function is: A: state transition matrix of the state-space model
Uocp ðqÞ ¼ 4:19829 þ 0:0565661 tanhð14:5546q þ 8:60942Þ B: input matrix of the state-space model
" #
1 Cx : concentration of lithium transfer function in phase indicated by subscript x,
0:0275479 1:90111 mol m3
ð0:998432 qÞ0:492465 C: output matrix of the state-space model
0:157123 expð0:04738q8 Þ C : controllability matrix
D: input-output coupling matrix of the state-space model
þ0:810239 exp½40ðq 0:133875Þ: g: time-domain response of a system
G: transfer function of a system
H: approximated transfer function of a system
H : block Hankel matrix
References iapp : applied cell current, A
I: identity matrix
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