Relativistic Energy
Relativistic Energy
Relativistic Energy
and space. Now we will see how it affects the energy of an object and its mass. Kinetic Energy A few months ago we learned that the kinetic energy KE of an object is mov2, where mo is the object's mass and v is its speed. Special relativity shows that the kinetic energy of an object is actually KE=mo c 2 1
v2 1 2 c
Although it doesn't look like it at first glance, this equation gives approximately the same value at low speeds as KE = mov2. 1. Imagine a 1000 kg train traveling at a speed of 0.5c. (a) What is the kinetic energy of the train according to the classical formula?
(b) What is the kinetic energy of the train according to the relativistic formula?
(c) What is the percent difference between the classical and relativistic kinetic energy? Recall that percent difference is given by actual valueincorrect value 100 . actual value
2. Now imagine a 1000 kg train traveling at a speed of 0.01c. (a) What is the kinetic energy of the train according to the classical formula?
(b) What is the kinetic energy of the train according to the relativistic formula?
(c) What is the percent difference between the classical and relativistic kinetic energy?
Total Energy mo c 2 Notice that in the equation for kinetic energy there are two terms. The first term is
2 v ; from 2 c this term is subtracted moc2. Each of these terms has a special meaning. The first term is the total energy E of the object. That is, the total of all types of energies the object has (kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, electrical potential energy, thermal energy, etc.) must be equal to
mo c 2
v2 1 2 c
where mo is the mass of the object when it is at rest, called the rest mass. When the object moves with a speed v, its mass m is m= mo
2 v . 2 c
Special relativity therefore tells us that the motion of an object affects its mass. 3. What is the total energy and mass of a 1000 kg train: (a) moving at a speed of 0.9c?
(d) at rest?
4. The rest mass of a proton is 1.67x1027 kg. (a) What is the total energy of a proton at rest?
(b) At what speed must a proton travel to double its total energy?
(c) At what speed must a proton travel to increase its total energy by a factor of 100x?
Rest Energy The second term in the equation for kinetic energy is called the rest energy of the object, equal to moc2. Notice that the total energy of an object is equal to its kinetic energy plus its rest energy: E=KEmo c2 . But this must mean that all types of energy possessed by an object other than kinetic energy (various potential energies, thermal energy, etc.) are reflected by the rest mass of the object. Therefore when an object gains energy other than kinetic energy, its rest mass increases. This also means that an object's mass reveals how much energy the object contains. If we were to vaporize this mass, the amount of energy from it would be moc2. 5. How much rest energy is contained in: (a) a glass of water, approximately 500 g? Be careful with units!
(c) a proton?
6. The mass of a paper clip is around 1 g. Suppose we vaporize this mass and utilize its energy. (a) How much energy would be produced?
(b) Human civilization uses energy for industries, transportation, entertainment, etc., at a rate of approximately 1x1012 W. If we vaporized a single paper clip and used its energy for such purposes, for how long could it supply such demand for energy?
7. Suppose a 70 kg person climbs steps from the first floor of Roberts Hall to the third floor. This height is approximately 10 m. (a) How much gravitational potential energy does the person gain in doing this?
(b) How much rest mass does the person gain in doing this?
8. To melt 1 kg of ice requires the addition of 333,550 J of thermal energy. How much rest mass does the water gain in this process?
9. If an object such as a glass of water is supposed to gain rest mass when it gains energy other than kinetic energy, why doesn't a glass of water feel more massive when you heat it?