Endocr 5
Endocr 5
Endocr 5
C o m m e n t a r y
Context: The United States lacks timely reliable mechanisms for assessing the professional work of
subspecialty physicians.
Objective: The aim was to use early-career members of The Endocrine Society as a model to estimate
subspecialty physician involvement in patient care, teaching, research, and administration among
clinical, academic, federal, and pharmaceutical/biotech workplaces and to assess the workforce for
research within individual workplaces.
Methods: Physicians joining The Endocrine Society from 1991–2005 and residing in North America
were invited to complete a Web-based survey. This report relies on 817 early-career endocrinol-
ogists or 29.6% of eligible respondents.
Results: Respondents from all types of workplaces engaged in patient care, teaching, research, and
administration. The time committed to the four tasks, however, differed significantly among
workplaces. Research (basic, translational, disease, patient, population, and prevention) was ac-
complished within all workplaces, but the scope and scale of investigative work was employer
dependent. Recipients of National Institutes of Health K08/23 awards succeeded in receiving fed-
eral research project grants (P ⬍ 0.001). Respondents associated research with lowered incomes,
a perception validated by an estimated drop in annual earnings of 2.8% per half-day spent on
research (P ⬍ 0.001). Women in academic settings earned less than men (P ⬍ 0.01) and were less
likely to occupy tenure-eligible positions (P ⬍ 0.01).
Conclusions: Web-based surveys offer a simple tool for estimating the work of subspecialty phy-
sicians and provide a framework for improving biomedical investigation. Several interventions
should be considered for endocrinology: recruit physicians from underrepresented demographic
groups, increase K08/23 awards, incentivize investigative careers, and improve the national infra-
structure for biomedical research. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96: 923–933, 2011)
o national mechanism is in place for an informed, United States between 1991 and 2005 (9). A total of 641 indi-
N penetrating, and systematic assessment of the phy-
sician workforce such as that achieved by the National
viduals are excluded from this survey for reasons that follow:
faulty e-mail address (n ⫽ 437), declined to participate (n ⫽ 89),
started but failed to return a questionnaire or completed less than
Science Foundation (NSF) for the periodic evaluation of
75% of survey questions (n ⫽ 43), or lacked a license to practice
the nation’s scientists and engineers (1, 2). Likewise, medicine (n ⫽ 72). A total of 817 of the 2757 prospective re-
knowledge of the workforce for clinical research is enig- spondents are included in this analysis, yielding a response of
matic and fragmentary despite the serial recommenda- 29.6%.
tions of “blue-ribbon” panels to establish a protocol for The Survey Research Institute at Cornell University distrib-
the recurrent assessment of clinical investigators early in uted materials to respondent e-mail addresses between February
their careers (3–5). Failure to adopt a national system for and April 2008. Participants submitted questionnaires anony-
mously over the Internet via a secure server. Participant instruc-
Respondent sample
Workplace assessment
Our results are based on a cohort of 817 physician
The results indicate that clinical care providers, for in-
members of TES from a sample of 2757 prospective re-
stance, devote 7.8 half-days/wk to clinical service. The
spondents, yielding a response rate of 29.6%. Statistical
clinical service obligations of academic, federal, and phar-
estimates of sample size indicate that a response rate of
maceutical respondents, by comparison, are less (P ⬍
21.7% is consistent with achieving a confidence level of
0.01), averaging 3.6, 2.8, and 1.0 half-days/wk, respec-
95% for a survey with 2757 prospective participants. We
tively (Table 2).
tested the cohort of actual vs. prospective respondents to
Endocrinologists from all workplaces participate in
determine whether the year in which respondents joined
teaching medical students, residents, or fellows. The di-
TES and the fractions of respondents residing in Canada
dactic commitments of academic and federal respondents,
and the United States differed in the two populations. Test
however, are greater (P ⬍ 0.05) than those from other
results established that the distributions of actual and pro-
employment sectors (Table 2).
spective respondents are similar (P ⬎ 0.25), an indication
Turning to investigative work, clinical care providers
that the respondent cohort is representative of early-career
spend 1.9 half-days/wk on research. Respondents from
endocrinologists identified for this study.
academic, federal, and pharmaceutical/biotech work-
Respondent profile places, by comparison, spend 5.1, 5.7, and 7.5 half-days/
The fractions of Canadian and U.S. respondents are 5 wk, respectively, on research (Table 2). Administrative
and 95%, respectively. The distribution of citizens, per- responsibilities including committee assignments require
manent residents, and noncitizens from the United States 1.0 half-day/wk among clinical care providers; 1.4 and 1.2
is 86, 8, and 6%, respectively; and the ratio of women to half-days/wk in the academic and federal workplaces, re-
men is 48:52. We merged the responses of endocrinolo- spectively; and 2.8 half-days/wk in the pharmaceutical/
gists from the United States and Canada, except when biotech industry (Table 2).
specified, because every measured aspect (age, gender, ed-
ucation) of their profiles is indistinguishable (P ⬎ 0.50) Workforce analysis
based on multiple statistical estimates. We examined the amount and types of investigative
A respective 11.4 and 21.9% of respondents earned work pursued within all employment sectors: clinical ser-
baccalaureate and M.D. or equivalent degrees outside of vice, academic, federal, and pharmaceutical (Table 3). An
926 Desjardins et al. Professional Activities of Endocrinologists J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2011, 96(4):923–933
TABLE 1. Self-identified ethnic backgrounds of clinically trained members of TES, early in their careers, and
graduates of allopathic schools of medicine in the United States
Self-identified backgrounds
(mean %)a Graduates of U.S.
Ethnic background Women Men Both genders medical schools (%)b
American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.3 0 0.1 0.7
Asian-American 21.8 16.2 18.9 16.9
Black or African-American 3.2 2.5 2.8 6.5
Caucasian 65.5 72.8 69.3 68.7
Hispanic or Latino-American 6.2 5.0 5.6 6.4
Multiethnic 0.8 0.7 0.8 Unreported
estimated 35.9% of respondents from the clinical care sic-, translational-, and prevention-oriented research is
workplace reported research efforts, albeit at efforts that pursued by clinical care providers, but on the order of 3.2
are more modest than workplaces offering protected re- to 0.6% (Table 3).
search time (Table 3). Patient-oriented studies are pursued Respondents affiliated with the federal workforce re-
by about 21.2% of clinical care providers, an effort 4-fold ported a research commitment of 87.5%. Disease-oriented
greater than other research activities (P ⬍ 0.01). A respec- research is a priority among federal respondents (P ⬍ 0.05),
tive 5.1 and 4.5% of the clinical care providers are con- involving 28.1% of this workforce. Federal respondents
cerned with population- and disease-oriented work. Ba- report similar commitments (P ⬎ 0.15) to translation-,
TABLE 2. Assessment of the number of half-days per week devoted to clinical service, teaching, research, and
administration among all types of workplaces employing clinically trained members of TES
Time commitment in half-days/wka
Clinical care AMC or teaching Federal government Pharmaceutical
Activity providersb hospitalc (HHS/DOD/VA)d biotech/industry
Clinical service 7.8 ⫾ 0.2 (69.1) 3.6 ⫾ 0.1 (31.4) 2.8 ⫾ 0.4 (26.6) 1.0 ⫾ 0.4 (8.8)
Teachinge 0.8 ⫾ 0.1 (6.6) 1.4 ⫾ 0.1 (11.6) 1.5 ⫾ 0.1 (13.5) 0.3 ⫾ 0.1 (2.4)
Research 1.9 ⫾ 0.1 (16.9) 5.1 ⫾ 0.2 (45.2) 5.7 ⫾ 0.6 (49.6) 7.5 ⫾ 0.5 (67.2)
Administrationf 1.0 ⫾ 0.1 (7.4) 1.4 ⫾ 0.1 (11.8) 1.2 ⫾ 0.2 (10.3) 2.8 ⫾ 0.6 (21.6)
Total 11.3 ⫾ 0.2 11.4 ⫾ 0.1 11.3 ⫾ 0.5 11.7 ⫾ 0.7
Data are expressed as mean ⫾ SEM (percentage effort).
Each value is expressed as the mean ⫾ SEM of half-days per week reported by 760 respondents from a total of 817 survey participants. The
number of respondents within each employment sector is as follows: 288 clinical care providers, 411 AMCs, 31 federal, and 30 pharmaceutical/
biotech. Note that the ⬙total⬙ half-days per week deviate from the expected value of 10; values were not normalized to 40 h/wk to allow the data
to reflect the effort reported for each workplace. The percentage effort (shown in parentheses) allows comparisons within and among workplaces.
Respondents were asked to specify the half-days per week devoted to each of the indicated activities during the 12 months preceding the survey
based on the time they negotiated with their supervisors or themselves in the case of practitioners in a solo or group practice. The results provide
an estimate of the time/effort reported for a putative 40-h work week because respondents were advised to exclude ⬙off-the-clock⬙ commitments
for any activity that might be accomplished after normal working hours or on weekends, holidays, or vacation periods.
Clinical care providers refer to respondents that are private practitioners and are owners/partners of a solo or group practice, or are employed by
a group practice, health system, or hospital.
AMC refers to respondents employed at any medical school or teaching hospital accredited to sponsor a residency program in internal medicine
or pediatrics, or a fellowship program in adult or pediatric endocrinology, or both as approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education (http://www.acgme.org).
Federal government includes all respondents employed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of Defense (DOD),
or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Includes the total time devoted to teaching medical students, residents, or fellows.
Includes the total time devoted to administrative work including committee assignments.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2011, 96(4):923–933 jcem.endojournals.org 927
TABLE 3. Dissection of employers and the investigative work pursued by clinically trained members of TES early in
their careers
Workplace and/or employer (%)a
Clinical care Federal government Pharmaceutical or
Type of investigative work providerb (HHS/DOD/VA)c biotech industry AMCsd
None 64.1 12.5 9.3 9.8
Basic 0.6 12.5 9.3 13.9
Translational 1.3 20.3 14.8 16.1
Disease-oriented 4.5 28.1 13.0 21.3
Patient-oriented 21.2 15.6 40.7 22.9
Population-oriented 5.1 4.7 11.4 9.8
patient-, and basic-oriented research as indicated by re- workplace may be confounded by disproportionate num-
spective efforts of 20.3, 15.6, and 12.5%. A respective 4.7 bers of academics with clinical service commitments of
and 6.3% of federal respondents are involved in preven- 80% or more. This outcome is unlikely because respon-
tion- and population-oriented studies (Table 3). dent time commitments—for all tasks—are normally and
About 90.7% of the pharmaceutical/biotech workforce randomly distributed within and among employment sec-
is involved in research (Table 3). Patient-oriented studies tors, and estimates of the variance are consistent within
prevail among industrial respondents, as indicated by and among employment sectors as determined by the SEM
commitments of 40.7% (P ⬍ 0.01). Participation in trans- (Table 2).
lation-, disease-, population-, and basic-oriented research
is comparable (P ⬎ 0.25), as noted by respective efforts of Research funding
14.8, 13.0, 11.4, and 9.3%. Prevention research is limited We examined the sources of extra- and intramural
to 1.9% within the pharmaceutical/biotech workforce funds used to pay a portion of respondent salaries for time
(Table 3). spent on research. The estimates are independent of per-
The research activities of academic respondents differ sonal compensation but establish the fraction of respon-
from those of other workplaces. Respondent interest in dents that rely on extra- or intramural funds to pursue
patient-, disease-, translation-, and basic-oriented studies, research (Table 4).
for instance, is distributed rather uniformly, with efforts We found that 27.7% of respondents used grants/con-
ranging from 13.9 to 22.9% (Table 3). Population- and tracts awarded by federal, industrial, or philanthropic
prevention-oriented studies involve a respective 9.8 and sources to defray portions of their salaries for time spent
6.2% of academics. Only prevention research ranks below on research. The remaining 72.3% of respondents have
other research activities (P ⬍ 0.05). We considered the intramural funds to cover a portion of their salaries for
possibility that mean research time within the academic time spent on research. Intramural funding sources in-
928 Desjardins et al. Professional Activities of Endocrinologists J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2011, 96(4):923–933
TABLE 4. Analysis of proposals submitted and awards received by clinically trained members of TES early in their
careers for postfellowship research training and research project grants
Sources of funding available to clinically trained endocrinologists
clude: clinical earnings, 24.7%; medical schools and/or a career success rate of 48.4% (Table 4). Applications
hospitals, 21.3%; and endowments or other sources, submitted to the Veterans Administration and Depart-
9.3%. Federal and pharmaceutical/biotech employers ment of Health and Human Services agencies (excluding
support the full salaries of 13.2 and 3.8% of respondents, NIH) are as successful as those considered by NIH (Table
respectively. 4). The success rate of proposals considered by philan-
We examined the number of proposals submitted and thropy and industry is 53.5 and 76.9%, respectively (Ta-
grants/contracts awarded to endocrinologists (Table 4). ble 4). Applications for research project grants involving
An estimated 24.7% of endocrinologists produced pro- co-PIs are as successful (P ⬎ 0.15) as those produced by PIs
posals for postfellowship research training from federal (Table 4).
and nonfederal sources. Respondents submitted an aver-
age of 1.8 proposals for NIH K08/23 awards, with a suc- Research commitments: individuals and
cess rate of 20.1% (Table 4). We tested, by multiple re- institutions
gression, whether an association exists between receiving We queried respondents about their enthusiasm for in-
a K08/23 award and explanatory variables: gender, years vestigative careers as first-year medical students, resi-
post fellowship, and the receipt of federal research project dents, or fellows. The proportion of positive responses
grants as either a PI or co-PI. A decided association is (yes) increased from 38.7% as medical students to 60.0%
evident (P ⬍ 0.001) between receiving a K08/23 award as residents and 74.3% as fellows. We asked whether re-
and the subsequent receipt of research project grants from spondents were aware of opportunities to pursue faculty-
federal and nonfederal agencies as a PI, but not as a co-PI. sponsored research projects. Positive responses (yes) in-
The association between K08/23 awards and research creased from 26.2% as medical students to 27.9% as
project grants is independent of gender but dependent on residents and 75.2% as fellows. We tested whether first-
postfellowship experience (P ⬍ 0.001). year residents and fellows are coached or encouraged to
Respondents submitted a total of 1170 proposals for participate in faculty-directed research. We found that
research project grants as PIs and co-PIs (Table 4). Pro- 27.3% of respondents reported being encouraged to par-
spective PIs produced an average of 2.8 proposals for con- ticipate in faculty research as residents, whereas 69.3%
sideration by NIH and received an average of 2.1 awards, were encouraged similarly as fellows.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2011, 96(4):923–933 jcem.endojournals.org 929
research (P ⬍ 0.01) relative to respondents spending 1 tors (Table 3). Note that patient-oriented research is the
half-day/wk or less on research (Fig. 1, bottom). The an- principal activity within pharmaceutical workplaces, ex-
nual earnings loss of women and men are similar if they ceeding other types of research by about 3-fold. Research
spend 2 or more half-days/wk on research. Based on our interests within the federal and academic sectors, in con-
model (Fig. 1, bottom), respondents devoting 3 half- trast to other workplaces, are distributed rather uni-
days/wk to research with pretax earnings of $135,000/yr formly, except for the minimal involvement in population
would earn about $1,134 less than counterparts spending and prevention studies.
1 half-day/wk or less on research. Respondent participation in prevention-oriented re-
search, compared with other research activities, is trivial
among all workplaces (Table 3). We did not determine
to unpredictable changes in health care reimbursement. In crine-based clinical research because the ethnic back-
addition, postfellowship research training in the form of ground of physicians directing clinical protocols shapes
K08/23 awards is limited to an estimated 4.0% of respon- the ethnic profile of volunteers agreeing to participate in a
dents (Table 4). clinical trial or study (31). Participation of underrepre-
Beyond the set of constraints identified above resides an sented ethnic groups in clinical trials and studies is essen-
anachronistic, ailing, and highly fragmented federal-insti- tial (32, 33) because reliable estimates of the safety and
tutional partnership for supporting clinical research (11, efficacy of new and existing drugs or treatments are un-
22, 23). For instance, assessments of extramural research achievable unless the subjects enrolling in clinical trials
funding among individual institutes within NIH highlight mirror the demographic norm of the U.S. population at
the difficulty of supporting clinical research in general and large (31). The need to reconcile ethnic disparities in the
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