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Study Guide Second Grade

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Colegio Bilingüe Mundo de Galileo

Ciclo Escolar 2023-2024

List of content for 1rst trimester examen
Grade: Second
Group: Blue – Yellow
Teacher: Amy Bueno

Grammar Listening Reading Writing Speaking Vocabulary

Simple present Words that Scholastic Complete Body changes Body parts
Affirmative with start and end books, sentences. from infancy to
like, love, hate. with a comprehensive late adulthood
consonant. questions.
Simple Present Words with a Poetry Statements Describes The five
Negative with consonant in and questions environment senses
don’t and the middle. changes
doesn’t. across the
Do/Does Words that Rhyme and Commands Short a long a The season
Questions with start and end rhythm and of the year
have and like. with a exclamations
Adverbs of Sentence Short i, long i Biome
Frequency. capitalization characterist
Prepositions Short e, o, u. Challenge
in, under, next words
to, behind.
Singular and Short o long u
plural nouns
Short u long u
Describes how
humans use
plants and
Presenting a
Present simple affirmative: like, love, hate
Write the correct form of the verbs.
1. Ollie _____ (like) to watch videos.
2. Mom and Dad ______ (love) to watch movies.
3. My sister ______ (like) popcorn.
4. The children _____ (hate) news program.
5. We _____ (like) action movies.
6. Grace ______ (like) to play videogames.
7. Jorge ______ (love) to eat popcorn.
8. My cousins _____ (hate) to watch soccer on TV.
9. They _____ (love) to play soccer.
10. My dad _____ (like) action movies.

Present simple THIRD PERSON (He, she it).

Choose the correct option.

1. Jane like/likes to play videogames.

2. Your dad hate/hates cartoons.
3. Billy love/loves to eat snacks.
4. The child like/likes to eat pizza.
5. Ana love/loves to watch sports.
6. Ellie like/likes to watch soap operas.
7. My sister hate/hates roaches.
8. Jenny like/likes to watch horror movies.
9. Jason hate/hates videos.
10. Pau like/likes to play in the park.


Complete with the correct form of negative present simple.

1. He ______ (not/go) to school every day.
2. I ______ (not/watch) TV at nine O’clock every night.
3. Paul ______ (not(clean) his room on Fridays.
4. She ______ (not/have) breakfast at 7:00 am.
5. We ______ (not/eat) chocolates at store.
6. Jimmy ______ (not/read) stories at night.
7. Adriana ______ (not/take) a shower in the mornings.
8. They ______ (not/have) dinner at two O’clock.
9. John _____ (not/have) a toy.
10. Mariane ______ (not/play) with her cousins.
Circle the correct word: Do or Does.
1. Do/Does I sing well?
2. Do/Does you play football?
3. Do/Does he read books?
4. Do/Does she speak English?
5. Do/Does it eat bananas?
6. Do/Does we play videogames?
7. Do/Does you travel by bus?
8. Do/Does your teacher live in London?
9. Do/Does dogs like cats?
10. Do/Does they go to school?
Unscramble the questions.
a. In the exhibition / Does / have / he / a painting / ?
b. Have / yellow paint / you / Do / ?
c. You / know / Do / this artist / ?
d. Draw well / Does / Mayra / ?
e. Art class / they / enjoy / Do / ?
Adverbs of Sequence: First, next, then, after that, finally.
Circle the correct option:
1. First, / Next, wash your hands.
2. Finally, / Then, peel the fruit.
3. Next, / First, cut the fruit into small pieces.
4. After that, / Finally, pour some lemon juice.
5. First, / Finally, sprinkle some sugar on top!
Unscramble the instructions.
How to make a sweet potato snack:
a. olive oil, salt / in a bowl /Mix / and chili powder.
b. your / Wash / hands.
c. into slices / Cut / sweet potato / the
d. the slices / Mix / in the bowl / with the mixture
e. in the oven / until they / the slices / Cook / are brown
f. oven tray / on an / Put / the slices.
Write the instructions using the sequence adverbs.
Prepositions of place:
in, on, under, next to, behind
Complete with the words from the box.
1. There is some pizza ____ the box.
2. There is a window _____ the sofa.
3. There is a lamp _______ the shelf.
4. The dog is ________ the cake.
5. The dog is _______ the table.
6. The fruit is ____ the basket.
7. The girl is _______ the tree.
8. The cats are _______ the bed.
9. The tv is ____ the wall.
10. The children are _______ the door.

Singular and plural nouns.

Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1. Three _____ are by the tree. rock rocks
2. Six _______ are on the rocks bug bugs
3. One ______ eats the bugs. frog frogs
4. Two ______ sit on a log. bird birds
5. One ______ eats the nuts. bear bears
6. Three _____ have flowers plant plants
7. I see a squirrel eating two _____. nut nuts

1. Write words that start with the same consonant:

2. Classify the words according to their first letter.

Hippo – head – jacket – jellyfish – top – fan – four – truck
______________ ____________ _____________ _______________
______________ ____________ ______________ _______________
3. Write words that have the same middle consonant:
pp ll tt

4. Words that end with a consonant.

Unscramble the words that end with a consonant.
Isgn ________
Tan _________
Nahd ________
Dolg ________
Fhels _______
Kilm ________

Listening and writing.

List of words from Challenge words, high frequency words, phonic words.
Listen and write the words that you hear.
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________
9. __________________________
10. __________________________
List of readings content:
 Birds
 Can it float?
 Color it blue
 Fish
 Balls
 I can do it all.
 Being me

Comprehensive questions about the readings:

 Birds
1. Mention three birds.
2. How can you say “Pavo” in English?
3. Is it a penguin a bird?

 Can it float?
4. Can a boat float on water?
5. Can a car float on water?
6. Mention two things that can float on water.

 Color it blue
7. What is the color of the sky?
8. Is there frogs blue?
9. Mention 3 things color blue?

 Fish
10. Mention some of the colors of the fish in the reading.
11. Can fish look like balls?
12. Can fish look like little horses?

 Balls
13. What can balls do? Mention three things.
14. What is the meaning of bounce?
15. How many balls are in the whole reading?
 I can do it all
16. Mention five things the girl can do.
17. What is race?
18. What can you do?

 Being me
19. What is add and subtract?
20. Does the girl like to paint?
21. Do you like being you?

Poetry: Lecture of poems.

Read this poem aloud.
Identify rhymes in a poem.
1. Underline with color red the rhymes that you can find in this poem.

Realistic fiction:
Mention three characteristic of realistic fiction.

1. Writing sentences.
For example: We are happy in the new house.
Create at least 10 sentences using the structure of the simple present:
Subject + verb + complement.
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________

2. Complete sentences and sentence fragments.

Write a S or F if the statement is a sentence or a fragment.

3. Statements and questions.

Write if it is statement or question.
-Where did the snowman go? _____________
-Have you ever seen a snowman? _______________
-Water exists in many places on Earth ______________
-Are you going to a river? _______________
-The water in the lake is cold _________________
4. Write 5 statements and 5 questions by your own.
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________

5. Commands and exclamations.

Write a C or E if the statements are commands or exclamations.

Write 3 commands and 3 exclamations by your own.

1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________

6. Sentence capitalization and punctuation.

Read the sentences bellow. Some of the words need capital letters, but they are
missing. Think about what words need capital letters and punctuation, and rewrite
the sentences.
1. next sunday i am having my birthday party
2. i invite manny, robert, and kyle
3. my mom asked dante the clown to come and entertain all off my friends
4. we are having the party at fun palace
5. last year, my mom and dad took me to disney world for my birthday
6. but this year’s party will be just as fun
7. what i want most is a super stretchy man toy!
8. the baby is crying and luckas is watching tv

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________

Talk about these topics for a minute.
 Body changes from infancy to late adulthood.
 Describes environment changes across the seasons.
 Describes how humans use plants and animals.
1. Phonic words “short a” and “long a”.
Write the following words according to their sound in the chart.
Cane, Vane, Fade, Laugh, Ham, Shame, Pane, Skate, Lab, Fad, Van, Grape, Pan,
Sat, Mat, Can, Jan, Cab, Fan, Plate, Paste, Made, Brake.
Short a Long a

2. Phonic words: short i, long i.

Write the following words according to their sound in the chart.
Fin, Rip, Is, Slid, Shin, Fine, Ripe, Ice, Slide, Shine.
Short i Long i
3. Short vowels e, o, u.
Classify the sound according to if it has e, o, u sounds.
Sell, mess, wet, egg, dot, ox, drop, duck, hut, bug.
e o u

Spelling bee from the Challenge words.

Practice the pronunciation of these words.
Remember the English alphabet.
Challenge 1.
o Change o Clothes
o Fear o Welcome
o Manage o Insecurity
o Seasons o Warm
o Community o Solid
o Heat o Gas
o Cold o Liquid
o Weather

Challenge 2.
o Biome o Rainfall
o Tundra o Guard
o Grasslands o Reforestation
o Marsh o React
o Prairie o Habitat
o Farming o Dangerous
o Cotton o Desire
o Damage

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