• Any solid waste codes that need to be related to solid waste handling facilities or
developed. closing open dumps. In addition, tribes can
ask for funding for a project that is a step
toward solving, but does not completely
Reasons To Develop a Solid solve, a solid waste problem. For example, an
Waste Management Plan agency might be more likely to fund clean up
Planning is the first step in designing or and closure of an open dump site if the tribe
improving a solid waste management system. offers a plan addressing the waste currently
A solid waste management plan will help being generated, such as taking waste off site
your tribe take institutional, social, financial, to an approved facility. See Chapter 7 for
economic, technical, and environmental fac more information on grants and other fund
tors into consideration as it manages its ing sources.
waste stream.
A solid waste management plan is a practical Determining the Scope of the Solid
document that can help guide your commu Waste Management Plan
nity’s solid waste management efforts. It can Several factors help determine the scope of a
help you: solid waste management plan, including
available funding and technical expertise.
• Define and understand current waste
You might not have the resources on hand to
management practices and the system in
develop a comprehensive plan initially, but
starting a plan is still useful. Solid waste
• Identify problems and deficiencies with management plans are living documents that
the current system. can be revisited and revised.
• Identify opportunities for improvement Your initial plan can describe existing waste
in the current system. management practices, identify existing sys
tem limitations and opportunities for
• Set priorities for action to address prob improvement, and delineate a plan of action
lems and affect improvement. to address these limitations and make
• Measure progress toward implementing improvements. If it is well thought out and
actions. effectively describes your tribe’s priorities,
goals, and plans, this initial plan will be suf
• Identify the resources needed and devel ficient to support your requests for funding
op budgets and schedules. future activities.
• Revisit and modify priorities as the plan The Hannahville Indian Community in north-
develops. ern Michigan prepared an initial plan present
A solid waste management plan also can sup- ing basic information about the tribe and its
port proposals for solid waste management solid waste needs, including a description of
grants. Government agencies that provide the reservation’s location and geography, exist
financial assistance to tribal communities for ing conditions, a brief waste stream analysis, an
solid waste management place a high priority evaluation of the tribal solid waste manage
on good planning to support a grant proposal. ment program, and a 3-year action plan. The
Agencies involved in funding tribal solid Washington-based Spokane Tribe of Indians’
waste management projects often prefer that solid waste management plan also presents
a tribe complete a solid waste management basic information and includes details on regu
plan as a prerequisite for grant applications latory requirements and landfill closure.
Figure 1 illustrates all of the steps in the A good way to determine your goals is to
comprehensive solid waste management develop a list of your tribe’s values and what
planning process, from planning to imple you want to accomplish. Look for problems
mentation. This diagram can help you see that require solutions, and actively solicit
where you are in the process and determine input from the tribe, including tribal mem
the path you need to take. bers. Typical considerations related to solid
waste management are:
Developing Long-Term and Short-Term • Protecting tribal members’ health and
Goals safety.
Solid waste management is a complex puzzle
• Protecting the natural environment.
with many pieces, and it is easy to get side-
tracked in your planning process. Developing • Complying with federal and tribal laws.
goals will help guide your solid waste manage
ment planning and keep you focused on your • Protecting and conserving natural and
priorities. Goals also can help you set targets cultural tribal resources.
by which your tribe can measure progress. • Contributing to the economic develop
ment of the tribe.
For each problem or proposed improvement • What opportunities exist for waste
you identify, develop a goal statement. For reduction?
example, if the community has a problem
• Which materials can be recycled?
with uncontrolled open dumping that is
impacting the natural environment, a typical • What type of waste and recyclables col
goal statement could be: Control open lection system can the tribe use?
dumping as necessary to protect the environ
ment and tribal resources. One action relat • What type of disposal system can the
ed to this goal could be developing and tribe use?
enforcing regulations that prohibit open • What will the present/future costs of the
dumping. The tribe would measure success waste management program be?
by how much open dumping decreases.
• What resources does the tribe need to
The Gila River Indian Community in implement its solid waste management
Arizona identified illegal open dumping as a plan?
goal to address. The community added a pro-
vision about illegal dumping to its Solid • What resources are available to the tribe?
Waste Management Ordinance and held a
workshop for tribal officials to discuss how to
Getting Started
enforce the provision and delegate enforce
Before your tribe starts drafting its solid
ment responsibility. The community also
waste management plan, you should consider
maps dump sites and categorizes them into
a few key parameters that will provide a
three levels of risk so it can focus its limited
framework around which planning can take
resources on sites that pose the most severe
place. These include:
health threats. The tribe measures its success
by the reduction in the number of illegal • Defining the planning area.
dump sites in the community.
• Identifying the regulatory entities within
the planning area.
Key Decisions To Be Made on Basis of
• Establishing planning periods.
The solid waste management plan will pro- • Developing a community education and
vide information and guidance you need to outreach plan to solicit public input.
make critical waste management decisions,
such as whether you need a transfer station
for exporting solid waste or need to construct Defining the Planning Area
a landfill on your reservation. The plan also A natural planning area for tribal communi
can help your tribe focus on solid waste man ties or nations is defined by the reservation
agement enhancements, including waste pre boundary. Some tribes will have a contiguous
vention, materials reuse, recycling, and boundary, while other tribes will have more
household hazardous waste management. of a “checkerboard” boundary, whereby some
Key decisions your tribe can address in the areas of the reservation are not directly con
planning process include: nected to other areas. At minimum, the
planning area should reflect the extent of
• How important is waste reduction, as a the area serviced by the current solid waste
priority, compared with other solid waste management program.
management priorities?
Identifying the Regulatory Entities includes a variety of activities, such as dis
Within the Planning Area tributing newsletters, sponsoring open hous
Regulatory entities will include tribal envi es, mailing fact sheets, conducting
ronmental programs and the other tribal pro- community surveys, and distributing infor
grams that handle solid waste. Include not mation through advisory groups and commit-
only the entities actively managing your tees, public meetings, interviews, and
solid waste, but also departments that might workshops. For more information on devel
be able to contribute resources, such as the oping an education and outreach campaign,
road department for construction equipment, refer to Chapter 6.
and those that can assist with regulatory
development and implementation. Also con
sider community, county, state, and federal Steps in Developing a Solid
agencies. Tribes might fall under more than Waste Management Plan
one state regulatory entity. Look for opportu Solid waste management planning is specific
nities to pool resources and share informa to each tribe. The lack of technical or finan
tion and costs. cial resources needed to develop a solid
waste management plan can be a drawback
for many tribes. Available resources can vary
Establishing Planning Periods
greatly from one tribe to another—every
Determine the time period your plan will
tribe comes into the planning process at a
cover. Typically, a solid waste management
different place. Some tribes have access to
plan will cover 20 years, with 5-year review
landfills but are considering implementing
intervals. Longer terms may be needed to
source reduction and recycling programs to
site and construct new facilities. Siting,
reduce disposal costs. Others need to close
designing, permitting, and constructing a
open dumps, which often requires imple
new landfill may take 10 years, while it may
menting new waste management practices
take 3 years to design and construct a recy
such as finding an appropriate facility for dis
cling facility. Regardless of the planning
carding waste before the dump can be closed.
period, the tribe should build a regular
review interval into the plan. Review periods The following steps outline the general
let planners incorporate new regulations, process required to develop your solid waste
changes in waste generation rates, or experi management plan. As you go through this
ence gained from operating the solid waste process, remember to stay focused on your
management program. goals. You might wish to revisit and modify
your goals as you develop a better under-
standing of your situation.
Developing a Community Education
and Outreach Plan To Solicit Public
Input Step 1: Develop a Profile of the
The backbone of waste management plan Planning Area.
ning is public involvement, participation, Compile information on the population,
and cooperation. The planner can compile number of households, and estimated growth
data, estimate costs, and develop lists of rate of your tribe. This can include informa
potential sites and solid waste management tion on any planned economic development.
options; however, the choices and positive The tribe can use this information to esti
changes must ultimately come from within mate the present and future waste stream.
the tribal community. Tribal education and Information on climate, geology, and natural
outreach is a continuous process that resources also is important to have when you
are siting waste handling facilities. Step 4: Conduct a Waste
Identifying transportation routes, distances Assessment/Waste Audit.
to potential recycling markets, distance to Characterizing the solid waste requiring man
solid waste (Subtitle D) landfills and other agement in your tribal community is the back-
disposal sites, and infrastructure needs will bone of the whole planning process. The St.
help you when you are developing cost esti Regis Mohawk Tribe in New York used vol
mates for waste management activities. The ume-based estimates to determine the waste
Hannahville Indian Reservation in northern generated by the residential and commercial
Michigan, for example, is composed of 13 sectors. Using information from both the waste
separate parcels of land, so its plan identifies collectors and generators, along with visual
the location of the parcels and their proximi inspections of waste materials, the tribe quanti
ty to the nearest highway and landfill. fied the waste composition. Your tribe might
need to determine the quantity and composi
tion of your waste to evaluate your options and
Step 2: Define the Solid Waste
estimate their costs. Quantity information can
Generators Within the Planning Area.
include both the weight and volume of your
Examine all of the residential, commercial,
waste, and a composition analysis can tell you
and municipal solid waste (MSW) genera-
what products and materials make up your
tors in your planning area (e.g., homes, tribal
waste stream. If incineration is an option, you
government buildings, schools, restaurants,
also will need to estimate the energy content of
casinos, health care facilities). Also, deter-
your waste stream to ensure you are generating
mine whether you will have to handle solid
sufficient waste for effective burning.
waste from illegal dumping sites. The St.
Information on your waste is collected through
Regis Mohawk Tribe in New York identified
a process called a waste stream analysis, dis
100 businesses in the community. Time con
cussed later in this chapter.
straints limited the number of waste audits
the tribe could conduct, so the tribe took a
representative approach—classifying busi Step 5: Estimate Future Waste
nesses into different categories and selecting Generation Quantities.
10 percent of the businesses in each category Estimate future waste quantities using the
for a waste audit. projected growth information you gathered
in Step 1 for the established planning period.
These are the quantities that will be used to
Step 3: Identify Existing Waste
size facilities and estimate long-term waste
Management Practices Within the
management costs.
Planning Area.
Where is waste going now? Are individuals
or community organizations reusing or recy Step 6: Develop Waste Handling
cling products or materials? Identify any sig Options.
nificant amounts of waste entering and Once you have a good picture of your cur-
leaving the reservation. Don’t forget to rent situation, start looking at the waste
include waste left from illegal dumping or lit management options available. What per
ter. Many tribal members use burn barrels centage of discards can be prevented, reused,
and backyard dumps for waste disposal; your reduced, or recycled? How will you dispose of
community outreach program can help you everything else? Does the tribe collect resi
identify this portion of your waste stream. dents’ discarded materials, or will members
have to take them to a transfer station or
disposal facility? A discussion of source
Example of Estimating Future Waste Generation Quantities
The Makah Tribe of Indians in Neah Bay, Washington, had a population of 1,500 in 2002, with an estimated
population growth rate of 1.1 percent per year. The planning period is 20 years, and the waste generation
rate is 3.7 pounds per person per day (determined through an actual waste stream assessment by the tribe)
for the 20-year period.
To determine how much waste it would generate in 2002, the tribe made the following calculation:
Equation 1: (population) x (waste generation rate) x (number of days per year) ÷ (number of pounds per
(1,500 people) x (3.7 lbs/person • day) x (365 days/year) ÷ 1 ton/2,000 lbs = 1,013 tons/year
Rounding up, the tribe estimated it would generate approximately 1,020 tons of solid waste in 2002.
Based on a constant growth rate of 1.1 percent per year and using a simple compound interest equation,
the Makah Tribe’s population will be approximately 1,866 in 2022
Equation 2: P(1 + r) T where: P = initial population = 1,500 people
r = percent growth rate/100= 1.1/100 or 0.011
T = years= 20 years
1,500(1 + 0.011)20 = 1,866 people
Using Equation 1 again, the tribe calculate that these 1,866 people will generate 1,260 tons of waste during
the year.
(1,866 people) x (3.7 lbs/person • day) x
(365 days/year) ÷ 1 ton/2,000 lbs =
1,260 tons/year Figure 2. Population and Waste Generation
The easiest way to determine the total
amount of waste generated over this 20- Year Population Annual Waste
year period is to set up a spreadsheet, Generation (Tons)
similar to the one depicted in Figure 2,
2002 (base year) 1,500 1,013
that tracks the tribe’s population and
waste generated increases year by year. 2003 (year 1) 1,517 1,024
Summing the annual waste generated
2004 (year 2) 1,537 1,037
amounts from 2003 through 2022 shows
that a total of 22,802 tons of waste will 2005 (year 3) 1,554 1,049
be generated during this time period.
Using these projected waste quantities in
its planning process, the Makah Tribe 2020 (year 18) 1,830 1,235
would know that a transfer station would 2021 (year 19) 1,847 1,247
need to be large enough to accommo
date the 1,260 tons of waste expected in 2022 (year 20) 1,866 1,260
2022, while a landfill would need to be
20-year Total — 22,802
large enough to hold the 22,802 tons
generated during this 20-year period.
reduction, recycling, and composting is pre options and associated costs for solid waste
sented in Chapter 5. Waste collection and handling and disposal. Cost estimates should
disposal options are presented in Chapter 4. include both capital costs and operation and
maintenance costs for the facilities for each
option. Capital costs include costs to design
Step 7: Identify Existing Regional
and construct new facilities and purchase
Programs or Infrastructure That the
equipment. Operation and maintenance
Planning Area Might Use.
costs are those necessary for the day-to-day
When evaluating the potential benefits of
operation of the solid waste management sys
developing or participating in regional pro-
tem and include employee salaries, employee
grams, the following questions should be
benefits, utility costs, equipment fuel, equip
answered: Where is the closest permitted
ment maintenance, and other expenses relat
landfill? Do other tribes in your region
ed to handling and disposing of the materials
export their waste? Is there an opportunity to
in the waste stream.
combine your efforts and share certain
resources? What types of collection and dis
posal programs does the county or state cur Step 9: Compare Options Based on
rently run? Does the county or state hold Criteria Defined by the Tribe.
annual household hazardous waste collection Look to your goals to help you develop the
events near your tribe? criteria for comparing options, and prioritize
your criteria. Some common criteria include:
Planners and managers involved in solid
waste management usually find that it is ben • Environmental impacts
eficial to participate in regional solid waste
• Relative cost
advisory committees or work groups to gain
an understanding of how others are dealing • Potential to create jobs in the tribe
with their challenges. Often, tribes involved
in regional partnerships can use their • Operation and maintenance challenges
increased size and associated bargaining power • Regulatory requirements
to gain economic advantages. In the Prince
William Sound regions of Alaska, for exam • Degree of tribal control
ple, seven Native villages and two Alaska • Cost of closure, post-closure care, and
Native Claims Settlement Act corporations financial assurance for municipal landfills
have formed the Nunagpet/Chugachmiut
Environmental Consortium. This coalition The Metlakatla Indian Community, a com
covers all aspects of environmental protection munity of 1,600 residents located on the
for the region, supporting solid waste manage Annette Islands Reserve in southeast Alaska,
ment and recycling efforts. Most recycling developed a solid waste management plan in
revenue is used to cover transportation costs; 1999 with funding from an EPA grant. The
it takes the commitment of the member vil community had to address many of the issues
lages to keep the program viable. faced by tribes today, including its remote
location, open dumping, lack of infrastruc
ture, and competing environmental con
Step 8: Develop Costs for Waste cerns. The plan includes the results of a
Handling Options. waste stream analysis, a discussion of solid
Once a tribe has compiled information on waste management options and costs, and a
the quantity and composition of its waste list of the criteria used to evaluate sites for
stream, planners and managers can develop waste handling facilities.
When and How To Use a Consultant
Most tribes and Alaskan Native villages have found that they do not need a consultant to develop their solid
waste management plans. Tribes and Native villages already possess or are able to obtain most of the infor
mation needed for developing a plan. Additional information and resources are available to tribes and
Native villages free of charge through federal agencies such as EPA, other tribes and villages, tribal and
regional associations, or state environmental agencies.
Some tribes and villages have hired consultants to help them develop solid waste management plans. These
consultants helped organize the planning process, provided technical assistance, facilitated planning ses
sions, and in some cases, wrote the plan. While consultants often do have expertise in developing plans in
general, they still do not have as much expertise and knowledge of your tribe or village as a tribal member
does. The consensus among many tribes and Alaskan Native villages is that tribes and villages possess
enough expertise and knowledge and have access to enough free resources to develop a basic solid waste
management plan without hiring outside consultants.
When the time comes to implement your solid waste management plan, you might find that obtaining the
help of a consultant is necessary. Designing and building a landfill, transfer station, or recycling center, for
example, will require the expertise of a trained and certified engineer. If your tribe or village does not have
this expertise in-house, hiring a consultant is one method of obtaining it. Contacting IHS or your state envi
ronmental agency and asking the agency to provide an engineer is another potential option.
To find a qualified consultant, contact your regional EPA office, IHS, or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
These agencies can usually provide the names of several consultants that offer professional engineering and
consulting services to tribes. Another place to look is in tribal newspapers and publications, such Indian
Times, Indian Country Today, or American Indian Report. You can also check with other tribes and villages to
ask for references and recommendations for consultants they have worked with in the past.
Before hiring a consultant, ask for a statement of qualifications and references from former clients. If it is a
large project, or if it is being performed through an EPA grant, a formal award process might be necessary.
This involves fully describing your technical need, advertising the requirement, and requesting and reviewing
several consultants’ technical and cost proposals. These need to specifically state what, where, when, and
how the work will be done. The technical proposal needs to address past performance, including references
from clients. Always check their references.
The Alaska Native Health Board’s (ANHB) Solid Waste Management & Planning for Rural Communities in
Alaska provides helpful tips on using consultants effectively while maintaining control over your solid waste
management decisions. Some of these tips include:
• Only ask a consultant to prepare parts of your solid waste management plan that no one else in your
community or agency can do for you, or to provide technical/engineering expertise that you can not
provide internally.
• Have a get-acquainted meeting. Make sure the consultant understands your needs and exactly what you
• Encourage the consultant to ask questions about your community; this will ensure that you receive a
plan or design that meets your tribe or village’s specific needs and situation.
• Ask your consultant for suggestions, and carefully weigh the advice. Accept advice, not direction.
Conducting a Waste Stream such as: How much of your waste can be
recycled? and, What percentage will require
disposal? It gives your tribe the data it needs
to develop an effective solid waste manage
“Know your waste stream. A waste assessment ment plan.
provides information about potential recycling
opportunities and helps you choose a transfer Purpose and Outcome of a Waste
station design.” Stream Analysis
What solid waste management goals has your
~Calvin Murphy,
tribe developed during the planning process?
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
A tribe’s goals dictate the information and
accuracy needed in a waste stream analysis.
As discussed in Step 4, conducting a waste A tribe that is interested in the economic
stream analysis or audit will lay the founda benefits of recycling might want to deter-
tion for your planning process. A waste mine the quantities of higher-valued materi
stream analysis helps estimate the amount of als (such as aluminum cans) it generates. On
solid waste generated within a planning area. the other hand, a tribe that is interested in
The process involves compiling reliable preserving landfill space might need to know
information on the types and quantities of the quantities of all materials it generates
solid waste being generated. The weight or that it can reduce. Source reduction and
volume of materials and products that enter landfill projects require knowledge of gross
the waste stream are measured before any waste volumes. Recycling and waste-to-ener
recycling, composting, burning, or landfilling gy programs require knowledge of the quanti
takes place. For example, in 2001 the U.S. ty and composition of wastes, not only for
waste generation rate was 4.4 pounds of dis value of the material, but also for sizing stor
cards per person per day. In rural areas, how- age and handling areas.
ever, the generation rate is commonly lower.
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, for example, The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in
determined its waste generation rate to be North Carolina conducted a weight-based
1.5 pounds per person per day. Conversely, waste assessment. The tribe’s Public Utilities
Alaskan Native villages tend to be above the Department randomly selected 212 houses
national average. According the Alaskan and several businesses to participate in the
Native Health Board’s Solid Waste study. Department staff visited each partici
Management & Planning for Rural pant to obtain consent and explain study
Communities in Alaska, the average Alaskan procedures. For a specified period of time,
generates 6 pounds of waste per day. The participants placed all of their solid waste and
Tribal Association of Solid Waste and recyclable materials in special garbage bags.
Emergency Response (TASWER) and the At the end of the study period, department
Solid Waste Association of North America’s staff collected the bags and separated the
(SWANA) joint training course guide, waste by hand, weighing paper, food scraps,
Developing and Implementing Integrated Solid and glass separately. The tribe used the waste
Waste Management Systems for Tribal Nations, assessment data to estimate its waste genera
provides several approaches to estimating tion rates and identify recycling opportuni
tribal waste generation rates. ties. For example, the study revealed that
homes and businesses generate large quanti
A waste stream analysis will give you the ties of cardboard. The tribe found a market to
information you need to answer questions sell its recovered cardboard to make money
to support other, less profitable,
recycling activities. Table 1. Average Waste Densities
Waste Type Density of uncompacted
Methods of Conducting waste (pounds/yard3)
Waste Stream Analysis
General household waste (organic and
Two basic approaches a tribe can
inorganic wastes including food wastes,
use to analyze its waste stream are
paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, rubber,
1) desktop estimates and 2) field
leather, wood, aluminum, tin, other metal,
surveys. The desktop estimate
glass, dirt, and ashes)
uses existing data to quantify the
amount of waste generated. A Uncompacted 150-300
desktop estimate will provide a Compacted 500-1,000
first-cut estimate. Existing data Large metal scrap (depending on
can come from your state, or a metal type) 750-3,000
nearby county, city, or tribe. Table Mixed wood, plastic, metal waste 150-300
1 provides the average densities of Miscellaneous plastics 70-120
common waste categories that Commercial waste
might also prove useful in making (uncompacted) 300-600
initial estimates. Many tribes use
the EPA national generation rate Special wastes
and characterization data for their Tires (non-shredded) 45-110
first-cut estimate. Visit the EPA Furniture (large, e.g., couches, armchairs) 75-400
Web page for the most current Refrigerator 160-280
update of Municipal Solid Waste In Other appliances (white goods) 230-340
the United States: Facts and Automobiles 1,000-5,000 lbs/vehicle
Figures. Keep in mind, however,
that tribes and other communities Yard and agricultural wastes
in rural areas often generate less Yard trimmings (e.g., tree
waste per capita than the amount trimmings, brush, leaves) 100-300
reflected in EPA’s numbers. For Grass clippings 500-1,000
example, for 2001, EPA reports Agricultural wastes (mixed) 675-1265
the per capita waste generation Dead animals 605
rate to be 4.4 pounds per person Fruit or vegetable waste 605
per day, while the Makah Tribe of
Indians, referenced earlier in this Construction and Demolition Debris
chapter reported a rate of 3.7 Wood (unstacked) 180-350 (well stacked
pounds per person per day in wood is 2 to 4 times larger)
waste generation. Conducting a Broken concrete 2,020-3,035
field survey will provide you with Mixed construction 305-605
more tribal-specific data. Mixed demolition
Desktop estimates can use an (non-combustible) 1,685-2,695
average generation rate or a more Mixed demolition
sector-specific generation rate. (combustible) 505-675
Both approaches use generation Source: TASWER and SWANA. Developing and Implementing Integrated Solid Waste
rate (pounds per person per day) Management Systems for Tribes. Spring 2003, pp. 41 & 66.
multiplied by population (number
of residents or employees). Using generation mines the composition of the waste stream
rates from a community of similar size will by sorting and weighing individual compo
improve the reliability of the estimate. The nents. A brief overview of the steps to per-
sector estimate uses generation rates for differ form a field waste sort follows:
ent generators, then combines the data to
1. Obtain a guide on how to perform a field
derive the total generation rate. EPA’s Waste
waste sort and talk to other tribes that
Prevention, Recycling, and Composting Options:
have performed a waste sort.
Lessons from 30 Communities lists waste gener
ation rates for 30 urban, suburban, and rural 2. Decide whether you want to conduct the
communities discussed in the report. Your waste sort in-house, using tribal staff, or
tribe might be able to use one of these genera whether you want to hire an outside
tion rates from a similar size community for a contractor.
desktop estimate.
3. Define the waste categories to be sam
The Spokane Tribe of Indians in pled. Based on your tribal community’s
Washington state used desktop methods to goals, select the components you will use
estimate its volume and tonnage of waste. for the field sampling.
The Tribal Solid Waste Program did not
keep track of the waste managed through its 4. Select containers for the waste compo
collection and landfill services. The tribe nents. Make sure containers are of a
derived estimates using a combination of manageable size for weighing. A 55-gal-
state-wide averages, observations by the col lon container filled with glass can weigh
lection employee, billing records for com between 200 and 500 pounds. The size
mercial accounts, and general demographic and weight capacity of the scale you will
data. The tribe developed separate estimates be using also will influence your con
for the waste stream from the collection tainer choices.
service, the commercial accounts, and the 5. Determine the number of samples and
commercial accounts not serviced by collec the physical sizes of the samples.
tion. Then they combined these three esti Consider the following factors: the con
mates for a reservation-wide estimate. sistency of the waste stream, the amount
Field surveys can help you obtain a more of solid waste delivered to a facility by
accurate measure of your waste stream. the different generators, and the number
Three tasks are required to develop reliable of vehicles delivering solid waste to the
data—planning, execution, and data analy facility each day. Sampling 10 percent of
sis. The importance of planning cannot be the vehicles using the facility (daily or
overemphasized. Planning considerations weekly) is a good guide.
include determining what type and how 6. Arrange for a crew and set up the equip
much waste is generated in the area and ment.
what equipment and personnel are available,
and calculating bias factors. 7. Sort and weigh the waste, recording
weight on category forms.
Several approaches are available for execut
ing the field survey. One is a field weighing 8. Compile and analyze the data.
program, where tribal staff or contractors Estimating Composition and Quantity of Solid
weigh all vehicles entering the landfill, or a Waste Generation, by the National
randomly selected subset. The other is a field Environmental Training Center for Small
composition study, where tribal staff deter- Communities, provides technical guidance
for performing a waste stream analysis. The
guide has worksheets and checklists for both
desktop and field surveys. For a less technical
approach, consult Counting Your Community’s
Trash. This two-page fact sheet provides an
overview for small communities on how to
calculate the materials in the residential
waste stream.
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Environment
Division’s Solid Waste Handbook provides
examples of two different approaches to field
surveys. Appendix B of the Solid Waste
Handbook describes in detail how the St.
Regis Mohawk Tribe performed a volume
based waste audit, while the Eastern Band of
Cherokee Indians in North Carolina per- The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe collecting waste as a part of its waste stream
formed a weighted-based audit. The Solid analysis.
Waste Handbook also provides a link to a
waste audit manual. Chapter Highlights
• Prepare a solid waste management plan
as the first step in developing a solid
Potential Bias Factors waste management program. It is the
Accounting for potential bias factors that foundation upon which you will build
can affect the estimates of waste generation your tribe or village’s program.
rates is important. Seasonal variations
account for most of the potential bias. The • Use your solid waste management plan
quantity of waste generated in any area will to define, prioritize, and focus your tribe
vary from month to month. Lack of yard or village’s solid waste management
trimmings in the winter months reduces the goals.
amount of residential waste. Retail wastes
• Conduct a waste stream analysis to
are higher during peak sales periods like
understand the types and amounts of
Christmas. School-related wastes decrease
waste your tribe or village generates.
during the summer. Tourism causes varia
tions in population and types of waste, • Complete your solid waste management
which impacts waste generation. Work force plan before applying for federal solid
fluctuations affect population and also waste waste grants. Many grant programs place
types and quantities generated. Subsistence a premium on having a solid waste man
activities can generate specific types of waste agement plan—for a few it is even a pre-
only at certain times of the year. requisite.
To help control potential bias factors caused • Revisit and update your solid waste man
by the increased population during tourist agement plan as your program develops
season, the Eastern Band of Cherokee and as your tribe or village’s solid waste-
Indians, for example, conducted its waste sort related goals change.
twice, once during the height of tourism sea-
son and once during the tourism low point.
Resources Solid Waste Management & Planning for Rural
EPA’s Decision-Maker’s Guide to Solid Waste Communities in Alaska: Community Resource
Management, Second Edition (EPA530-R-95- Guide & Planning Workbook, Draft 2003. By
023), available on EPA’s Web site at the Alaskan Native Health Board. Contact
< your ANHB contact for more information.
dmg2.htm> or by contacting the RCRA Call 7 Generations: Addressing Village
Center at 800 424-9346. Environmental Issues for the Future
EPA’s Solid Waste Management: A Local Generations of Rural Alaska, March 1999,
Challenge with Global Impacts (EPA530-F-02- available on the Web at <www.state.ak.
026), available on EPA’s Web site at us/local/akpages/ENV.CONSERV/dsps/
< compasst/7generations/7gen.htm>.
ghg/f02026.pdf> or by contacting the RCRA Regular updates of Municipal Solid Waste In
Call Center at 800 424-9346. the United States: Facts and Figures, available
EPA’s Waste Prevention, Recycling, and on EPA’s Web site at <
Composting Options: Lessons from 30 epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/ msw99.htm>.
Communities (EPA530- R-92-015), available Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria
on EPA’s Web site at < (EPA530-R-93-017), November 1993, avail-
epaoswer/non-hw/reduce/recy-com/ toc.pdf> able on EPA’s Web site at <
or by contacting the RCRA Call Center at epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/landfill/
800 424-9346. techman/index.htm>or by contacting the
Estimating Composition and Quantity of Solid RCRA Call Center at 800 424-9346.
Waste Generation, by the National
Environmental Training Center for Small Sample Solid Waste Management Plans
Communities. Available by calling 800 624- The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.,
8301 or through the Center at <www.nesc.wvu. Model Tribal Solid Waste Management Code,
edu/netcsc/pdf/NETCSC2000catalog.pdf>. available on the Web at <
Counting Your Community’s Trash, available tribalmsw/pdftxt/itc10746.wpd>, includes
on the Web at < information on how the tribe developed its
counting_trash_final.pdf>. solid waste management plan.
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe-Environment Solid Waste Management Plan for the
Division’s Solid Waste Handbook available at Hannahville Indian Community, available
< swhandbk.pdf>. on the Web at < tribalmsw/
Developing and Implementing Integrated Solid
Waste Management Systems for Tribal Nations: Solid Waste Handbook, by the St. Regis
A Training Course Prepared by the Tribal Mohawk Tribe of New York, available on the
Association for Solid Waste and Emergency Web at <>.
Response (TASWER) and the Solid Waste Description of the Metlakatla Community
Association of North America (SWANA), Integrated Waste Management Plan, avail-
Spring 2003. Contact TASWER able on the Web at <
<> or SWANA Annette/IWMP.index.html>.
<> for more information.