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A Study of Bilingual Education

in the Philippines
—Difference in Pupils’ Degree of Understanding
Between Learning Mathematics
in Cebuano and English—


At present, bilingual education in the Philippines is provided

using either English or Filipino as the language of instruction
and a regional language as the auxiliary language of instruc-
tio n depe n ding o n th e subject. H owever, th e sch olastic
achievement rates for the subjects of mathematics, science,
and English taught in English are low, and the cause of this
has been indicated as being a problem with the language of
In light of this, the current study, targeted at 480 public ele-
mentary school 3rd graders, 4th graders, and 6th graders(160
pupils in each grade ), was conducted for the purpose
of(1) verifying differences in degree of understanding between
use of Cebuano ( regional language ) an d English as the lan-
guage of instruction, ( 2 ) verifying the effects of introducing
animated images ( video ) an d providing words esse ntial for
learning in advance, and ( 3 ) examining the acquisition of
unknown words by pupils during mathematics instruction.

Following the implementation of a bilingual education policy
i n 1974, pu blic e ducatio n h as bee n provid e d i n t h e

*柳原由美子 やなぎはら・ゆみこ:敬愛大学国際学部准教授 教育工学

Associate Professor of English, Faculty of International Studies, Keiai University;
educational technology.

The Keiai Journal of International Studies, No. 19, July 2007 175
Philippines from grade I of elementary school to the 4th year
of high school ( intermediate school )o n the basis of using
English as the language of instruction for science courses
(such as mathematics and science, in addition to English )
and using Filipino for liberal arts classes(such as Filipino,
social studies, civics, and physical education ). However,
as is pointed out by the Master Plan for Basic
Education(DECS: 1995, p. 5), the learning of
mathematics and science is cur-
rently not proceeding smoothly due to a lack of ability in
English, which is used for instruction in those courses, thus
resulting in a need to re-examine bilingual education policy
and improve the teaching of English. In addition, under the
Estrada administration in 1999, the use of a lingua franca
( here referring to the three languages of Tagalog, Cebuano,
and Ilokano)as the language of instruction was proposed and
actually implemented at several schools ( Kim: 2004, p.
104). Thus, although there have been some steps taken to re-
ine the language of instruction used in the Philippines, the
direction to be taken has yet to be determined.
In light of the present state of bilingual education in the
Philippines, this study was conducted for the purpose of(1)
verifying differences in degree of understanding between the
use of Cebuano ( regional language ) an d English as the lan-
guage of instruction, ( 2 ) verifying the effects of introducing
animated images ( video ) an d providing words essential for
learning in advance as means for enhancing the level of
u n derstan ding when English is used as the language of
instruction, an d(3)examining the acquisition of unknown
words by pupils themselves during the course of learning,
during mathematics instruction targeted at 480 public ele-
mentary school 3rd graders, 4th graders, and 6th graders
(160 pupils in each grade ).
An overview is first provided of elementary education in
the Philippines, particularly some issues to be raised, as part
of the background of this study. Discussions are then pro-
vided regarding the geographically and historically complex sta-
tus of language usage in the Philippines along with problems

currently encountered in bilingual education in that country.
This is followed by an experiment on the degree of under-
standing of mathematics learning according to differences in
the language of instruction and a description of a question-
naire survey given to the 480 pupils. Finally, an attempt is
made to verify the hypotheses, and a discussion is provided.

I. Background of the Study

1. Elementary Education in the Philippines

The Philippine educational system 1 consists of elementary educa-
tion ( six years, although it is provided for seven years at some
pri- vate schools), intermediate education(four years)and
higher education ( university and graduate school ) . Both
elementary an d intermediate educatio n are called basic
educatio n.
Elementary education is defined as mandatory and free of charge
according to Article 14, Paragraph 2 of the Philippine
Constitution of 1987. Although intermediate education is free of
charge, it is not mandatory.
Table 1 shows the basic indicators relating to public ele-
mentary education in 2003. According to these indicators,
despite a gross enrollment rate of 98.25%, the completion
rate of the final year of school is low at only 62.20%, and
there are a large number of dropouts. The dropout rate of
8.90% is the mean rate, which includes metropolitan areas.
However, in farming villages and other rural areas, cases of
children no longer attending school in order to work on
farms are certainly not rare. It is estimated that one of four
children in farming villages drops out of school before reach-
ing the 3rd grade(PCER: 2000, p. 117). According to a
vey co n ducted by t h e Departme n t of Educatio n of t h e
Philippines, there are 445 barangays ( the smallest municipal
unit in the Philippines ) that do not even have an elementary
school. 2 Since the adult literacy rate in the Philippines is
reported to be 92.6%, 3 this indicates the considerable dis-

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

Table 1 Basic Indicators in Public Elementary Education in 2003
Gross Enrollment Rate 98.25%
Net Enrollment Rate 81.72%
Pupil / Student-Teacher Ratio 35.73
Pupil / Student-Room Ratio 37.68
Cohort Survival Rate 64.15%
Completion Rate 62.20%
Dropout Rate 8.90%
Transition Rate* 97.00%
Achievement Rate ( MPS ) **
Mathematics 44.84% ( Grade IV )( 2002–2003 )
Science English Filipino 43.98% ( Grade IV )( 2002–2003 )
41.80% ( Grade IV )( 2002–2003 ) Not appli

Notes: * From Primary ( Grade IV ) to intermediate ( Grade V ) .

**Source: National Education Testing and Research Center ( NETRC ) .
Source: “Fact Sheet Basic Education Statistics” released by the Department of
Education of the Philippines.

crepancies among individual regions of the country. In addi-

tion, another important matter that should be noted in Table
1 is that the scholastic achievement rates for the main courses
of mathematics, science, and English are all below 50%.
The primary causes of the issues above are the disparity of
educational opportunity for children in different areas, the
language of instruction, a deficiency in the number and qual- ity
of mathematics / science teachers, and the lack of educa-
tional facilities, machinery, or materials( JICA: 1999, p. 98)
( Bauer & Tamaki: 2000, p. 55 ) . Among these problems,
this study focused on the languages of instruction ( bilingual
edu- cation ) in the Philippines. The following describes the
geo- graphical and historical complexity of the language
and problems currently encountered in bilingual education
in the Philippines.
2. Languages Used in the Philippines
The language situation in the Philippines, a country com- prised of
more than 7,000 islands, is both geographically and

historically complex. In terms of the number of languages,
there are said to be 171 spoken in the Philippines. 4
To begin with, from a geographical viewpoint, Tagalog is
the most prominent language. It is used in an around metro-
politan areas and is the basis of the Filipino language desig-
nated as the national language in the 1987 Constitution.
Ilokano is spoken in the north, while Cebuano is spoken in
the south, and both are used as common languages in their
respective regions. Kawahara(2003, p. 67)lists eight major
la n g u ages i n t h e P h ilippi n es— Iloka n o, Pa mp a n ga
Pa n gasi n a n , Tagalog, Bicol, H iligayn o n , Wa r ay, a n
d Cebuano—and states that after these eight major languages,
there are other languages spoken by several hundred thou-
sand speakers, and lying on the outermost edge of these lan-
guages, t h ere are la nguages sp oke n by min ority races
referred to as cultural minorities. These indigenous lan-
guages are described as not being equally and uniformly dis-
t r ib u te d a n d as h avin g social lin guistic sup eriority
or inferiority. They are most accurately perceived as being
divided among multiple levels. The geographical condition
of being an island country is primarily responsible for the
formation of this linguistic situation.
Next, from a historical perspective, the languages of the
Philippines can broadly be divided into four languages,
namely,(1)regio nal languages(local languages such as
Tagalog a n d Ceb ua n o ),(2)colo nial la n guages(suc h
Spa nish a n d English),(3)immigra n t la nguages(suc h
as C h i n6ese a n d Ca n to n ese ), a n d(4)p i d gi n 5 a n d
C reole
(Kawahara: 2003, p. 67).
The most commonly used languages at present consist of
the regional languages and English. In Japan, Japanese is the
national language, official language, and language of instruc-
tion. For many Japanese, the use of three languages consist-
i n g of a regio n al la n g u age ro u t i n ely use d i n local
communities, English, considered to be the official language
essential for advancing to higher education and acquiring a
professional occupation, and Filipino, designated as the offi-
A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1
cial national language by the Philippine government, is virtu- ally
unimaginable and effectively illustrates the complexity of the
language situation in the Philippines.
3. Bilingual Education in the Philippines
Table 2 shows the changes in the usage of the language of
instruction and auxiliary languages of instruction in public
education from the 1st year of elementary school to the 4th
year of high school ( intermediate school )from the time of
American colonization to the present. At present, in elemen-
tary education, the three subjects of mathematics, natural sci-
e nce, an d English are taught in English, while th e five
subjects of ethics, civics, MSEP(music / arts / physical educa-
tio n ) , life scie nce, a n d Filipi n o a re ta u g h t i n
Filipi n o. However, as shown in Table 1, the scholastic
rates for the subjects of mathematics, science, and English taught
in English are low at less than 50%, and the cause of this has been
indicated as being a problem with the language of instruction.
Problems with the language of instruction become more
serious in farming villages and other rural areas. The situa-
tion is not that serious where the native language of the pupil
is a relatively frequently spoken language like Tagalog, since
this only involves switching from Tagalog to English. Where
the native language of the pupil is a language spoken by a
cultural minority, however, it means that the pupil must be
fluent in not only his or her native language but also other
common regional languages, English, and Filipino in order
to matriculate to higher education and secure a professional
occupation. Thus, children of farming villages and other
rural areas end up being confronted with a social structure
that prevents them from matriculating to higher education
and joining the upper echelons of society.
The following summarizes the fin dings described in “The
Philippine National Assistance Research Report—Analysis of
Current Conditions”( JICA: 1999, p. 98): “With regard to
effect of the language of instruction on pupils’ or students’

Table 2 Legally Adopted Languages of Instruction and Auxiliary Languages of Instruction
in the Philippines

National Regional
English Native language
language languages

LI for all school

1901–40 years and all

LI for all school ALI through 4th

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines

1940–57 years and all year of elementary

subjects school

LI for all subjects

ALI starting in ALI through 4th LI for 1st and 2nd
starting in 3rd year
1957–74 5th year of year of elementary years of elementary
of elementary
elementary school school school

LI for subjects other

LI for mathematics,
than mathematics, ALI through 2nd
natural science, and
1974– natural science, and year of elementary
English for all
English for all school
school years
school years
Note: LI means language of instruction, and ALI means auxiliary language of instruction(translated by the author ).
Source: Okada(2004, p. 156).
degree of understanding, it is said that the degree of under-
standing among pupils or students is low because, for exam-
ple, science and mathematics are taught in English, and it is
felt that(this problem )cannot be considered to be insignifi-
cant. . . . Although there are various opinions regarding the
language of instruction, and the use of English is desirable
for teaching and research in advanced fields, at the stage of
basic learning, there are also those who feel that instruction
in a regional language is effective for gaining a better under-
standing of concepts.”
The experiment and questionnaire survey below were con-
ducted considering the state of bilingual education in the
Philippines. The following provides a detailed description of
the fin dings obtained.

II. Experiment and Questionnaire Survey

1. Objective
The objective of this experiment was to clarify the following four
hypotheses during mathematics instruction at an elementary
school in Cebu:
(1) Providing instruction in a regional
language (Cebuano ) is more effective than instructing
in English in terms of
the degree of understanding of mathematics.
(2) Even if the language of instruction is English, if
pupils are familiar with the minimum essential words for
a par- ticular class in advance, the degree of
understanding of
mathematics is the same as when taught in a regional lan-
(3) The presentation of animated images(video)is a sig-
nificant aid to understanding in the case of lear ning
mathematics. Th us, the degree of u n derstan ding of
mathematics is low when taught only in English without
presenting animated images.
(4) Eve n if pupils are u nfamiliar with certain English

Figure 1 Arrangement of Equilateral Triangles

words before learning, they are able to acquire those words

during the course of learning.
The learning of mathematics here refers to learning about
“Triangles and Their Perimeters”(cf. chapter II, section 3. 3)
“Experiment Materials”(1),(2). The learning objectives
con- sisted of(1)being able to state the perimeter of 20
equilat- eral triangles arranged side by side(measuring 1 cm on
a side) as shown in Figure 1, an d(2)being able to state the
rela- tional expression between the number and perimeter of
lateral triangles arranged side by side as shown in Figure 1.

2. Experiment Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were established in line with the
objective of the experiment. The VE, VC, E, and C groups
indicate four experiment groups who learned mathematics in the
form of “Triangles and Their Perimeters” using the meth- ods
indicated below:
(1) VE group: Instructed using an English video
(2) VC group: Instructed using a Cebuano video
(3)E group: Instructed using oral explanations in English
(by an instructor )an d shown only Figure 1 above
(4)C group: I nst r ucte d usi n g oral ex pla n atio ns i
n Cebuano (by an instructor )an d shown only Figure
1 above
Hypothesis 1:
The VC group has a higher degree of understanding of
“Triangles and Their Perimeters” than the VE group. In
addition, the C group has a higher degree of understand- ing
than the E group.
Hypothesis 2:
The degree of understanding of pupils in the VE group

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

who were familiar with the words “triangle,” “perimeter,”
and “twenty” ( minimum essential words ) prior to learn-
ing about “Triangles and Their Perimeters” is no differ-
ent than the degree of understanding of pupils in the VC
group. In additio n, the degree of u n derstan ding of pupils in
the E group who were familiar with these words prior to
learning is no different from the degree of understanding of
pupils in the C group.
Hypothesis 3:
The VE group has a higher degree of understanding of
“Triangles and Their Perimeters” than the E group.
Hypothesis 4:
The word test scores of the VE and E groups when learn- ing
about “Triangles and Their Perimeters” are higher after
learning than before learning.
3. Experiment Method
1) Subjects
The subjects consisted of 480 3rd, 4th, and 6th graders(40
st ud e n ts × 4 groups × 3 gr a d es ) of t h e G u a d
alup e Elementary School in Cebu. The reasons for
selecting 3rd,
4th, and 6th graders as subjects are indicated below.
(1) Although mathematics is taught in English starting
in the first year of elementary school in the Philippines,
use of a regional language ( Cebuano in the case of
Cebu ) is permitted as an auxiliary language of instruction
ing grades I and II. However, mathematics is only taught
in English starting in grade III(see Table 2 ). Third,
4th, and 6th graders were therefore selected while adding
graders as representatives of the first year in which math-
ematics is taught in English.
(2) The reason for selecting subjects ranging from
grade III to grade VI was to verify differences in the
degree of
understanding of mathematics ( as related to “Triangles
and Their Perimeters” in this study )by school year rang-
ing from 3rd graders, who can be presumed to be rela-
tively inexperienced in learning English, to 6th graders,

who are thought to have progressed considerably in their
English ability.
(3) Fifth graders were not included in the study due to
cir- cumstances at the school on the day of the
The four experiment groups ( VE, VC, E, an d C )were
assig n e d to classes alrea dy bei n g h eld at t h e sc h ool.
According to the instructors, the pupils in those classes were
grouped in alphabetical order and not according to scholas-
tic ability, and their overall scholastic ability was reported to
be about the same. In this experiment, however, the pupils
were given an English test and mathematics test to determine
homogeneity among the four experiment groups. The details
are described in section 4. 1)entitled “Test of Homogeneity
of the Four Experiment Groups,” and homogeneity among
the groups was confirmed. In addition, when the instructors
at this elementary school were asked about the native lan-
guage of the pupils prior to the experiment, it was found that
the regional language, Cebuano, was the native language for
nearly all of the pupils.

2) Time of Experiment: September

2003 3)Experiment Materials

(1) Vi d eo e n title d “Tria ngles a n d T h eir Perim
( English and Cebuano versions ) : This video is a
mathe- matics learning video created by the author. It is
prised of 47 scenes of animation.7 The English version was
used to instruct the VE group, while the Cebuano version was
used to instruct the VC group.
(2) Script for oral explanation of “Triangles and Their
Perim eters” ( E nglish a n d Cebua n o versio ns ) :
T his is completely identical to the narration script of the
videos used i n( 1)a bove. Th e English versio n was
used to
instruct the E group, while the Cebuano version was used
to instruct the C group.
(3) English Test: This test was used to verify
homogeneity among the four experiment groups of each
A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1
having a maximum score of 10 points were used for the 3rd
and 4th graders, while that having a maximum score of 20
points was used for the 6th graders.)
(4) Word Test(English and Cebuano versions): These tests
were used before and after learning ( the same tests were
given ) to verify hypotheses 2 and 4. The Cebuano ver-
sion was used for the VC and C groups, while the English
version was used for the VE and E groups ( maximum
score: 40).
(5) Math Test ( English and Cebuano versions ) : These
tests were used before and after learning ( the same tests
were given ). The tests given before learning were used
to mea-
sure the mathematics ability of the pupils with respect to
“Triangles and Their Perimeters,” while the tests given
after learning were used to measure the degree of under-
standing of the pupils after learning. In addition, the
tests given before learning were also used to verify homo-
geneity amo ng the four experiment groups of each
grade. The Cebuano version was used for the VC and C
groups, while the English version was used for the VE
and E groups(maximum score: 40 ).
(6) Questionnaire: The pupils were asked about their
use of English and Cebuano.

4) Experiment Procedure
The experiment was conducted by following the learning
procedure(cf. Figure 2)for each of the experiment groups.

Figure 2 Learning Procedure

(5 min.)
(7 min.)
②English Test (All subjects were ①Word
(3 min.) given “Triangles Test(Post)
� and Perimeters”
③Word � with each (2 min.)
Test(Pre) learning � ②Math
(2 min.) method)�
④Math (10 min.)�

Table 3 Analysis of Variance on English Pre-Test Scores
Source of Sum of Mean
Grade d.f. F calc.
variation squares square
Among groups 8.07 3 2.69 1.53
III Within groups 274.27 156 1.76 (NS)
Total 282.34 159
Among groups 11.85 3 3.95 2.10
IV Within groups 293.25 156 1.88 (NS)
Total 305.10 159
Among groups 24.67 3 8.22 1.08
VI Within groups 1,182.10 156 7.58 (NS)
Total 1,206.77 159

5) Analytical Methods
Analysis8 of variance, Tukey’s multiple range test ( Tukey
HSD), and the T-Test were used to analyze the results.
4. Experiment Results
1) Test of H o m oge n eity Am o n g t h e Fo ur Exp erim
e n t Groups
As shown in Table 3, the result of analyzing the variance of
the English pre-test scores indicated the absence of a signifi-
cant difference among the four experiment groups in each
grade at the 1% significant level. In addition, the result of
analyzing the variance of math pre-test scores as shown in
Table 4 again indicated the absence of a significant differ-
ence among each experiment group at the 1% significant
level. Thus, the four experiment groups of each grade were
able to be treated as being homogeneous.

2) Test of Differences in Learning Results due to

Learning Method
As a result of analyzing the variance of math post-test scores
as sh own in Table 5, t h ere were significant differe nces
observed in learning results among the four experiment
groups in each grade at the 1% significant level. Namely, dif-

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

Table 4 Analysis of Variance on Math Pre-Test Scores
Source of Sum of Mean
Grade d.f. F calc.
variation squares square
Among groups 44.5 3 14.83 1.47
III Within groups 1,571.4 156 10.07 (NS)
Total 1,615.9 159
Among groups 65.9 3 21.97 2.15
IV Within groups 1,598.0 156 10.24 (NS)
Total 1,663.9 159
Among groups 104.3 3 3.477 3.33
VI Within groups 1,630.8 156 10.45 (NS)
Total 1,735.1 159

Table 5 Analysis of Variance on Math Post-Test Scores

GradeSource of Sum of squares Mean
variation 4,049.62 squareF calc.
Among groups 4,210.35
3 1,349.8750.01
Within groups Total 8,259.97
156 26.99 ( α= 0.01 )
Among groups 2,690.70
Within groups Total 4,105.20 896.9034.08
Among groups 6,795.90
156 26.32 ( α= 0.01 )
VIWithin groups Total 2,575.50 858.5020.48
3 41.92 ( α= 0.01 )

ferences were observed in learning results that were attribut- able

to the learning method.
Moreover, a multiple range test using the Tukey method
was performed to examine differences in learning results
between each of the learning methods. The q value for α =
0.01, r = 4(n umber of learning meth ods ), an d d.f. =
( degree of freedom ) was 4.40 according to the “Table of
Student-Transformed Ranges” ( Yamauchi: 1990 ) . The
values for grade III consisted of HSD = 3.61 ( α= 0.01 ) /
HSD = 2.98
( α= 0.05 ), the values for grade IV consisted of HSD =


A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

Table 6 Tukey’s Multiple Range Test(Tukey HSD)�
Means 6.75 8.48 16.05 18.78
E 6.75 ― 1.73 9.30* 12.30*
Grade III
C 8.48 ― 7.57* 10.30*
VE 16.05 ― 2.73 �
VC 18.78 ― ―�
Means 9.60 11.80 18.60 18.90
E 9.60 ― 2.20 9.00* 9.03*
Grade IV
C 11.80 ― 6.80* 7.10*
VE 18.60 ― 0.30 �
VC 18.90 ―�
Means 13.65 19.35 21.75 24.55
E 13.65 ― 5.70* 8.10* 10.90*
Grade VI
C 19.35 ― 2.40 5.20*
VE 21.75 ― 2.80 �
VC 24.55 ―�
(*P <0.01)�

( α= 0.01)/ HSD = 2.94( α= 0.05), and the values for

grade VI co nsiste d of HSD = 4.50( α= 0.01 )/ HSD =
3.72 ( α= 0.05 ) . According to Table 6, significa n t
differe nces were
observed at the 1% significant level between the VE and E
groups, VE and C groups, VC and E groups, and VC and C
groups in grade III, between the VE and E groups, VE and C
groups, VC and E groups, and VC and C groups in grade IV,
and between the E and C groups, VC and C groups, VE and
C groups, and VE and E groups in grade VI.

3) Other Results Relating to Test Scores(For Hypotheses

2 and 4)
Table 7 shows the means of all pupils in the VC and C groups
and pupils in the VE and E groups who were familiar with the
three minimum essential words ( triangle, perimeter, and
twenty)for understanding “Triangles and Their Perimeters” prior
to learning.
In addition, Table 8 shows the word test score differences

Table 7 Means of Math Post-Test Scores of the Subjects Who Knew
Minimum Essential Words Before Math Learning and All Subjects
Means of the subjects (15) (23)
who knew the three words 16.93 ― ―
Grade III before learning
Means of all subjects ―
(40)� ―
18.78 8.48
Means of the subjects (28) (29)
who knew the three words 18.43 ― ―
Grade IV before learning
Means of all subjects ―
(40)� ―
18.90 11.80
Means of the subjects (38) (32)
who knew the three words 24.58 ― ―
Grade VI before learning
Means of all subjects ―
(40)� ―
21.75 13.65
Note: Number inside each parenthesis is subjects.

Table 8 Word Test Score Differences Before and After Learning and
Means of the Differences in Each Grade and in Each Group
Means of the
VE VC E C differences
in each grade
Grade III +11.40 +6.20 +9.60 +11.20 9.60
before and
after Grade IV +5.20 +3.30 +11.10 +8.00 6.90
learning Grade VI +3.60 +7.40 +5.00 +6.30 5.58

Means of the
differences in each 6.73 5.63 8.57 8.50

from the means before and after learning, along with the means of
the differences in each grade and the means of the differences in
each group.

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

Figure 3 Results of Questionnaire
(1) Which language do you speak at home, Cebuano or English?

6th Grade 89% 11%

4th Grade
78% 22%

3rd Grade
83% 17%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

(2) Which language do you like to speak, Cebuano or English?

6th Grade 31% 69%

4th Grade
41% 59%

3rd Grade
47% 53%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

(3) Which language do you want your teachers to speak, Cebuano
or English?

6th Grade
11% 89%

4th Grade
38% 62%

3rd Grade
39% 61%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

■ Cebuano ■
4) Questionnaire Results
The results of a questionnaire given to the 480 pupils(160
subjects × 3 grades)are shown in Figure 3.

5. Verification of Hypotheses and Discussion
1) Hypothesis 1
Hypothesis 1 was not supported in this experiment. As shown
in Table 6, there were no significant differences between the
VE and VC groups or between the E and C groups observed
in any of grades III, IV, or VI for supporting the hypothesis
that using Cebuano instead of English for the language of
instruction when learning mathematics results in a higher
degree of understanding.
However, the difference of 2.73 between the VE and VC
groups in grade III(cf. Table 6)approaches the value of HSD =
2.98(α= 0.05). In addition, the differences in means in
math tests(between before and after learning )for the E and C
groups in grade III shown in Figure 4 indicate that, although
both groups demonstrated a low level of understanding, use of
Cebuano for the language of instruction resulted in a degree of
understanding more than twice as high as that in the case of
using English. This most likely suggests that learning about
“Triangles and Their Perimeters” may be difficult for 3rd
graders. In the case of having to understand based solely on
words without being assisted by a video, as in the VE and VC
groups, 3rd graders would be expected to encounter difficulty
in learning using English alone, since only one year has passed
since they were using a regional language as an auxiliary lan-
guage of instruction. The use of auxiliary materials such as
videos and illustrations to aid learning and understanding and
the use of a regional language as an auxiliary language of
instruction at the minimally required level are desirable when
teaching mathematics to 3rd graders.
In addition, what is interesting about Table 6 is that in con-
trast to the math post-test means for grades III and IV being
highest for the VC group followed by the VE group, C group,
and E group in that order, in the case of grade VI, the means
were highest for the VE group followed by the VC group, E
group, and C group, with the rankings for English and Cebuano
being inverted. Moreover, the relationship between the C and E

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

Figure 4 Differences of Means of Math Test Scores in Pre-Test and Post-Test


20.00 18.65

15.20 14.98 15.15

11.10 11.55

10.00 9.50


VE Group ( 40 )� VC Group ( 40 )� E Group ( 40 )� C Group ( 40
3rd Grade ■ 4th Grade6th Grade

groups in grade VI was such that a hypothesis completely oppo-

site from hypothesis 1 was supported at the 1% significant level,
namely, that using English for the language of instruction
instead of Cebuano results in a higher degree of understanding
( cf. Table 6 ) . On t h e basis of Figur e 4 as well,
alt h o ugh Cebuano was determined to be more easily
understood than
English in grades III and IV ( VE < VC, E < C ) , English
appears to be more easily understood than Cebuano in grade
VI ( VC < VE, C < E ) . This finding that mathematics is
more easily under- stood when taught in English rather than in
Cebuano among
6th graders can be said to demonstrate that English is more suit-
able than Cebuano for the language of instruction when learn- ing
mathematics for those pupils who have English ability.

2) Hypothesis 2
Hypothesis 2 was supported in this experiment. Namely, in the
case of using English for the language of instruction when
learning mathematics, being familiar with the minimum essen-

tial words for learning mathematics in advance was verified to
be effective for understanding. According to Table 7, there
were hardly any differences observed in the means of math
post-test scores between the VE and VC groups and E and C
groups in grade III, between the VE and VC groups and E and
C groups in grade IV, and between the VE and VC groups in
grade VI. Namely, there were no differences in the degree of
understanding regardless of whether English or Cebuano was
used for the language of instruction provided that the pupils
already were familiar with the three minimum essential words
(“triangle,” “perimeter,” and “twenty” )for learning the mathe-
matics used in this experiment.
However, there was a large difference of 6.48 between the
means of the E and C groups in grade VI(Table 7).
When these results were tested with the T-Test, a significant
differ- ence was observed between the means of both
sid e d test: (t 78)9 = 3.38, P < 0.01). T his m ea ns t h at
pupils of group E who knew these three words before learn-
ing had a higher degree of understanding than the pupils of
group C and does not mean that the pupils of group E had a
lower degree of understanding than group C despite having
been familiar with these three words. This in dicates the
opposite phenomenon, namely, as was previously described
with respect to hypothesis 1, that the use of English for the
language of instruction is better for learning mathematics for
pupils who have a high English ability.
In the case of using English for the language of instruction
for 3 rd an d 4th graders wh o do n ot yet have adequate
English ability, it is important to learn English words thought
to be important for a particular class prior to learning and to
create a schema in their minds, so as to not to cause an
obstruction to learning and understanding due to interrup-
tion of the thought process as a result of not understanding
the words.

3) Hypothesis 3
Hypothesis 3 was supported by the experiment. Significant dif-
A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1
ferences were observed between the VE and E groups for
grades III, IV, and VI at the 1% significant level(cf. Table
6 ) . Namely, the presentation of a video was verified to be
for enhancing the degree of understanding of pupils in the
case of learning mathematics using English as the language of
instruction. This finding is also prominently indicated by Figure
4. In the case of 3rd and 4th grade pupils in particular who still
have inadequate English ability, the presence or absence of a
video was found to be intimately related to degree of under-
standing. Although differences were still observed among 6th
graders, they were not as pronounced.
In addition, although only groups VE and E were assessed
to demonstrate hypothesis 3, there were also significant dif-
ferences observed in the learning methods between groups
VC and C and between groups VE and C for grades III,
and VI at the 1% significant level ( cf. Table 6 ) . This
indicates how important the presentation of animated images
is for the
degree of understanding when learning mathematics.
Although a TV monitor, videocassette deck, computer, and
other expensive equipment are required to use videos as aux-
iliary teaching materials, and it may not be possible to imme-
diately provide all classrooms with such equipment, it is felt that
such equipment is required to be installed in schools in the future
through budgetary allocations and international aid programs.

4) Hypothesis 4
Hyp ot h esis 4 was also supp orte d by t h e ex p erim e n t
According to the values shown in Table 8, although there
were differences in the degree of understanding in grades
III, IV, and VI, the pupils clearly learned words that they did
not know prior to learning through the learning of mathe-
matics in this experiment. The unknown words are under-
stood, learned, and used to achieve the learning objective.
Krashen ( 1985 ) mentioned the input hypothesis in a moni-
tor model of his second-language learning theory, and these
results accurately reflected that hypothesis. 10
Figure 5 Differences of Means of Word Test Scores in Pre-Test and Post-Test

12.00 11.40
11.10 11.20

10.00 9.60

8.00 7.40

6.20 6.30
5.20 5.00

4.00 3.60


VE Group ( 40 )� VC Group ( 40 )� E Group ( 40 )� C Group ( 40
3rd Grade ■ 4th Grade6th Grade

Figure 5 represents differences in the means of word test scores

in pre-test and post-test. The value in the 3rd grade VE group was
extremely high compared with other grades. This suggests that
since 3rd graders were still not accustomed to using English for
the language of instruction, they were able to learn numerous
unknown words while being assisted by the video. In addition, the
value for the 6th grade in the VC group shown in Figure 5
appears to be somewhat peculiar. Although these values would be
expected to be lower than those for 4th graders, they were actual-
ly higher than the values for 3rd graders. A possible reason for
this is that, since these pupils had been using English for the
language of instruction when learning mathematics since the 1st
grade and had learned words for mathematics in English, the
Cebuano lan- guage conversely becomes unfamiliar to them, and
they therefore learned numerous new words in Cebuano by being
assisted by the video.
In addition, the means of difference in each group were such
that the E group demonstrated the highest scores followed by the

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

C group, VE group, and VC group, while the groups that were not
shown the video scored higher than the groups that were (cf.
Table 8). As was previously mentioned, if animated images
assist in the learning of unknown words, then the opposite must
true. Whether the presentation of animated images is effective in
learning unknown words, in which situations they are effective,
and other questions will require further verification.

5) Questionnaire Results
According to Figure 3, roughly 80% of the pupils of the 3rd, 4th,
and 6th grades responded that they speak Cebuano rather than
English at home(question(1). In response to question(2),
it is interesting to note that the number of pupils who responded
English was their preferred language gradually increases,
although only slightly, from 3rd grade to 4th grade to 6th grade in
that order. As is clear from question ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , in
contrast to
many of the pupils having spoken Cebuano since they were very
young, are more familiar with it, and understand it better, more
than half of the pupils indicated that they prefer to speak English.
This may indicate that pupils naturally become aware of the fact
that being able to speak English provides various advantages for
the future in Philippine society. A question should have been
asked regarding the reason for their preference for English.
Although roughly the same number(about 60%)of 3rd
and 4th graders responded that they wanted their teachers to
speak English in response to questio n(3), roughly 90%
of the 6th graders indicated English. This is believed to
that, as pupils progress in school and their English ability
develops, they begin to sense less difficulty in using English
for the language of instruction and conversely welcome the
use of English by their teachers. These results are thought to
be t h e ac h ieve m e n ts of bili n g u al e ducatio n i n t h e
Philippines. However, in looking at the results of lingua fran-
ca education started in 1999 and the results of a question-
naire to instructors conducted by Kim ( 2004: 107 ) ,11
whether or not this is truly the case remains somewhat

and further studies will be required in the future.

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 1

This study focused on the issue of language of instruction
when learning mathematics at an elementary school in Cebu.
The study consisted of comparing and verifying the degree of
understanding of learning mathematics in English from the
1st grade with the case of being taught in the regional lan-
guage of Cebuan o ( hyp oth esis 1 ) , the effect of
minimum essential words for learning in advance on the
degree of understanding(hypothesis 2), the use of video
as an effective aid for enhancing the degree of
( hypot h esis 3 ) , an d th e co n ditio ns surrou n ding
learning unknown words during the course of
learning(hypothesis 4).
Although hypotheses 2, 3, and 4 were supported in this
experiment, only hypothesis 1 was not supported. For the
pupils at Guadalupe Elementary School located in the center
of Cebu, Cebuano is both a regional language and a native
language, and for 3rd and 4th graders who lack adequate
English ability in particular, the experiment was begun with
the prediction that it would be self-evident that hypothesis 1
be supported. Why, then, was hypothesis 1 not supported? In
order to answer this, one must consider whether the fin dings
obtained in this experiment should be taken at face value,
namely, since English used in mathematics an d science
courses is used as the language of instruction starting in 1st
grade in the Philippines, although the English ability of 3rd
graders is still underdeveloped, this is not that serious of a
problem to the extent that a significant difference would
appear, or whether an additional experiment is required in
consideration of such factors as the degree of difficulty of the
mathematics taught in this experiment or the degree of diffi-
culty in achieving the learning objectives. Even when consider-
ing that the achievement rates for mathematics, science, and
English are all below 50%, as shown in the basic indicators

relating to public elementary education in 2003 in Table 1,
or considering the fact that, although an experiment was
conducted involving the use of Tagalog, Ilokano, or Filipino
as the language of instruction at elementary schools starting
in 1999 in the Philippines(lingua franca education ),
that project has currently been terminated due to lack of
(Kim: 2004), additional verification would be desirable.
It is also considered necessary to verify the following mat-
(1) Verificatio n of the school age at which it would
be appr o priate to switch from a regio n al la nguage
to English during the course of bilingual education.
(2) Verification of the appropriate time when the use of
a regional language for the language of instruction
be discontinued during the course of bilingual educa- tion,
along with the manner in which the use of that regional
language should be implemented.
(3) Verification of effective measures for assisting in
under- standing of subject matter by pupils who lack
ability in
the language of instruction during the course of bilin- gual
(4) Verification of which unknown words are learned
easily during the course of learning, which words are
to learn, and if they are learned easily, what type of learn- ing
environment facilitated their learning.
(5) Verification of whether video presentations are effec-
tive in learning unknown words and the types of situa-
tions in which they function effectively.
I would like to express my deep appreciation to Mr. Koichiro Katsurai, for- mer
JICA expert member, Dr. Antonino Ogdoc, former chief of the sec- ondary
education division of DepED-Region VII, and Mr. Kazuyoshi Nakai, technical
advisor for SBTP, to the teachers and pupils of Guadalupe Elementary School in
Cebu for their kind cooperation in the experiment, and to Ms. Sol Torres for her
assistance in conducting the experiment.

1. The education system in the Philippines is intimately related to that in the United
States, as a result of the establishment of the modern public education system in

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 2

the Philippines ( 1901 ) by the colonial government during the time when the
Philippines was a colony of the US ( 1898–1941 ) that continues to have a consider-
able effect even today.
2. “Fact Sheet Basic Education Statistics” published by the Department of Education
of the Philippines.
3. “The World Factbook 2007(Philippines)” by the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA)of the United States.
4. The number of languages listed for the Philippines is 175. Of those, 171 are living
languages and 4 are extinct(Ethnologue Report for Philippines ).
5. A pidgin, which is said to refer to the Chinese pronunciation of the word “busi-
ness,” is a hybrid proto-language used in trade between local residents and colonies. In
particular, the hybrid English used in such former British colonies as China, Southeast
Asia, and Melanesia is referred to as Pidgin English. This lan- guage does not have any
native speakers, the grammar is simplified, and the
vocabulary tends to be limited(source: Kojien Dictionary).
6. Creole is a language resulting from the acquisition by a subordinate group of the
language of a dominant group, with phonological changes, simplification of gram- mar,
and an admixture of the subordinate group’s vocabulary, and serving as the mother
tongue of its speakers, not solely for communication between people of
different languages(source: Webster’s International Dictionary).
7. Excerpts from scenes 0001 to 0004 of the video “Triangles and Their Perimeters”:
Scene English Cebuano
0001 Triangle & Their Triyangulo ug ang sukod
Perimeters. sa daplin.
0002 Today’s question. Ang pangutana karon.
How long is the perimeter Unsay gitas-on sa daplin kung
when we place twenty sumpayon ang baynte ka triayangulo
equilateral triangles? nga may managsama ang daplin?
0003 There is one equilateral Anaay usa ka triyangulo nga may
triangle. managsama ang daplin.
The length of each side of Ang gitas-on matag daplin sa
the triangle is; triyangulo;
0004 One, one, one. Usa, usa, usa.
All the same. Managsama ang isig ka daplin.
8. Although multiple range tests ( such as the LSD method, Scheffe method, Tukey
HSD method, or Bonferroni method )are used to determine the presence of a dif-
ference among methods of treatment, in this study a multiple range test according
to the Tukey HSD method was used. In this experiment, although six comparisons
were made between the means of the VE and C groups, VE and E groups, VE and
VC groups, VC and C groups, VC and E groups, and E and C groups, in general,
the greater the number of times comparisons are repeated, the higher the proba-
bility of making a type I error at least once. The Tukey HSD method is able to sup-
press this problem and is the most commonly used method for this type of
analysis. In addition, although the number of data points(n)of each group must
be equal when using the Tukey HSD method, the number of data points in each
group in this study was 40, thus being equal for each group.
9. The reason why the value for df is 78 is because the number of students of both
groups was taken to be the same number ( 40 ) for the purpose of calculation.
Since the number of students in the VE group who knew the three words before-
hand was 32, the mean for the VE group was calculated after adding the number

of students that was lacking(8).
10. Krashen emphasized that learning of a second language is not the result of
speaking language but rather the result of inputting language that is able to be
understood and stated that inputs can be understood by being assisted by the con-
text. Krashen further stated that the ability to communicate in a second language
is not acquired directly through guidance but rather the result of a student who is
learning the language naturally acquiring the language structure when he or she
has received an understandable input, resulting in the second language occurring
spontaneously during the course of understanding input of the second language.
11. According to a questionnaire conducted by Kim ( 2004: 107 ) , among all
instruc- tors at an experimental lingua franca school in the Caraga region, nearly
90% of
the instructors replied that they recognized the efficacy of native language educa- tion,
75% were in favor of native language education, and 75% indicated they desired to
teach using the native language.

Bauer, A. & Tamaki, T. ( 2000 ) . Report for Education Finance.
Journal of Research Institute for Development and Finance, pp. 3, 55–66. Japan
Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC).
DECS ( 1995 ) . Master Plan for Basic Education ( 1996–2005
Philippine Education.” Manila: Department of Education, Cultures and
—— ( 1996 ) . Master Plan for Basic Education ( 1998–2005
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Morato, Jr. ). Manila: Department of Education, Cultures and Sports.
Department of Education of the Philippines ( 2002 ) . The 2002 Basic
Education Curriculum, Order No. 43, Aug. 29.
—— ( 2006 ) . Fact Sheet Basic Education Statistics. 〈 http: / /
www.deped.gov. p h / cp a n el / uploa ds / issu a nceIm ag /
factsh eet2006(Au g31). pdf〉(17 September 2006 access).
Ethnologue Report for Philippines. Languages of Philippines 〈 h ttp: //
www.et hn ologue.com / sh ow_cou n t ry.asp?name=PH 〉( 21 July
2006 access).
JICA(1999). The Philippine National Assistance Research Report: Analysis
Current Conditions. Tokyo: Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Kawahara, T.(2003). Philippin e n o Kokugo Seisaku n o Rekishi. In
Kawahara ( Ed. ) , Sekai no Gengo Seisaku ( pp. 65–97 ) . Tokyo:
Kim, M.(2004). Philippine Policy on Medium of Instruction: A Study
on Effective Medium of Instruction in a Multilingual Country. Forum of
International Development Studies, pp. 25, 99–112.
Krashen, S. ( 1985 ) . The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications.
Lon don: Longman.
Okada, T.(2004). Un derstan ding the Bilingual Education Policy of
the Philippines: Academic Discourse on Language-of-Instruction
Language and Society, pp. 8, 153–174.
PCER ( 2000 ) . Philippine agenda for educational reform: the PCER
report. Manila: Presidential Committee for Educational Reform. 117.
Yamauchi, M. ( 1990 ) . Statistics for Psychology and Education. Tokyo:
Science Press, p. 227.

A Study of Bilingual Education in the Philippines 2

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