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Lesson 3

W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1
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Destiny’s Gift
Test Record Form

Possible Criterion Student

Score Score Score

Skills in Context: Understanding Characters, Target Vocabulary 10 8

Vocabulary: Target Vocabulary, Antonyms 10 8

Comprehension: Understanding Characters, Selection Test 10 8

Phonics: Common Vowel Pairs ai, ay, ee, ea 10 8

Language Arts: Sentence Fragments and Run-ons 10 8

TOTAL 50 40

Total Student Score × 2 = %

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Test Record Form 32 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 2
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Destiny’s Gift
Understanding Characters, Skills in Context

Target Vocabulary
Read the selection. Then read each question that follows the selection.
Decide which is the best answer to each question. Mark the space for the
answer you have chosen.

Garden Chores
1 Sunlight streamed into the bedroom window, waking
Amy from a deep sleep. Amy’s mom tapped on her
door. “Time to get up,” she said. “It’s a perfect day for
2 Amy groaned. She had almost forgotten that they were
going to the neighborhood garden. Everyone who lived
on Amy’s block was working together to turn the vacant
lot on the corner into a vegetable garden.
3 Work had started the weekend before. Amy and her
neighbors had spent many hours pulling weeds and
preparing the hard soil. Her arms and legs were still
4 Amy dragged herself out of bed. As she ate breakfast,
Amy asked, “Mom, why do I have to help today? I want
to stay at home and play.”
5 Amy’s mom gave her an impatient look. “If we work
together, it will get done faster. Besides,” she added, “the
people who help get to eat some of the vegetables that we

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Skills in Context 33 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 3
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Destiny’s Gift
Skills in Context

6 “It’s such a big garden!” said Amy. “We don’t need that
many vegetables.”
7 “If the garden has extra vegetables,” answered Mom,
“we will set up a neighborhood stand where customers can
come to buy them. It will be a good way to earn money.”
8 After washing their breakfast dishes, Mom and Amy
left for the garden. There was already a big crowd
gathered. Amy saw her neighbor, Miss Alma, holding a
notebook and waving her arms. She was dividing people
into groups and giving each one a task. One group had
the task of mixing the compost into the soil and spreading
it. Another had to measure and mark the rows. Amy sat
down behind a wheelbarrow, but it was no use. “I see you
back there, Amy!” laughed Miss Alma. “Can you and Sam
rake up those leaves and place them in trash bags?”
9 Sam was a boy who lived down the street from Amy. “I
love raking!” he chirped. “This will be easy.”
10 “Maybe,” grumbled Amy. Once she started raking,
however, she was surprised to find that Sam was right.
They had all the leaves and weeds cleaned up in just a
few minutes.
11 Miss Alma gave them another job. “Please plant these
beans. First, make two rows of small holes and then
drop a few seeds in each one.”
12 Sam and Amy got down on their knees in the soft dirt.
“You make one row, and I’ll make another,” said Sam.
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“We’ll race!”
Skills in Context 34 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens
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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 4
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Destiny’s Gift
Skills in Context

13 Amy forgot about the sun on her neck as she made her
way down the row. It was fun to make the little holes
and sprinkle the seeds. When she reached the end of her
row, she looked up and laughed. Sam’s row wobbled and
wiggled its way to the end, and his face and shirt were
covered with dirt.
14 He grinned. “I won! I finished my row first.”
15 “Sure, but you won’t win any prizes for being neat!”
Amy laughed.
16 A cloud passed overhead. Sam scowled. “Are those
storm clouds? We aren’t done with the garden.”
17 “I don’t think so,” said Amy. “See? Here comes the sun.”
She hopped up and brushed the dirt from her knees.
“Come on, Sam! Let’s see if Miss Alma has another job
for us!”
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Skills in Context 35 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 5
Name Date

Destiny’s Gift
Skills in Context

1 Where does most of this story 3 Why is Mom impatient with

take place? Amy at the beginning of the
In a garden story?
In a kitchen Amy complains about
In a bedroom having to help in the
In a store garden.
Amy wants to play
while she is eating her
2 What is Amy’s main problem
for most of this story?
Amy forgot to work in the
Her arms and legs are garden last week.
sore. Amy doesn’t want to wash
She has to wash the the dishes.
She runs out of seeds to
plant. 4 Why does Amy sit down
She has to work in a behind the wheelbarrow?
garden. She wants to plan the
She wants to hide from
Miss Alma.
She hopes to use the
She wants to play hide
and seek with Sam.

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Skills in Context 36 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 6
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Destiny’s Gift
Skills in Context

5 How does Amy feel after Miss 8 How does Amy change by the
Alma sees her behind the end of the selection?
wheelbarrow? She thinks raking leaves
Sore from pulling weeds is more fun than playing.
Surprised that she was She knows that her
found neighbors work hard.
Unhappy to have a job to do She believes that the
Excited to be working garden is a waste of time.
with Sam She feels happier about
working in the garden.
6 Sam can best be described as —
playful 9 What does the word raise
lazy mean in paragraph 5?
sneaky eat
boastful grow
7 How does Sam feel when the
cloud passes overhead?
Worried that it will rain 10 What does the word spreading
before they finish mean in paragraph 8?
Happy that he can stop digging
working plowing
Sad that he forgot his scattering
umbrella watering
Surprised that they have
not finished yet


Skills in Context 37 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 7
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Destiny’s Gift
Target Vocabulary, Vocabulary

Use what you know about the target vocabulary and antonyms to answer
questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 What does the word customers 3 What does the word block
mean in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
There were only a few Dahlia took her dog for a walk
customers buying food in the around the block.
People who are hungry Top part of a hill
People who like to cook Area between streets
People who need money Space between two
People who are shopping windows

2 What does the word spreading 4 What does the word afford
mean in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
Van likes spreading jam on his Marty asked, “Can you afford
bread. to buy a new bike?”
Pouring Able to pay
Putting Able to see
Breaking Able to ride
Baking Able to try

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Vocabulary 38 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 8
Name Date

Destiny’s Gift

5 What does the word contacted 7 Which word means the

mean in the sentence below? opposite of the word give in
When the teachers contacted the sentence below?
the mayor, he told them about Can you please give me a
the new city park. pencil?

Talked to Find
Voted for Hand
Looked at Send
Read about Take

6 Which word means the 8 Which word means the

opposite of the word catch in opposite of the word right in
the sentence below? the sentence below?
Dillon was learning how to Turn right at the next stop
catch the ball. sign.

Drop Up
Hold Inside
Roll Left
Spin Around

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Vocabulary 39 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 9
Name Date

Destiny’s Gift

9 Which word means the 10 Which word means the

opposite of the word first in opposite of the word lower in
the sentence below? the sentence below?
Cherry was the first child in The water in the river is lower
line. than it was last night.

Last Colder
Middle Higher
Only Thicker
Second Wider


Vocabulary 40 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1 0
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Destiny’s Gift
Understanding Characters, Comprehension

Selection Test
Think back to the selection “Destiny’s Gift” to answer questions 1–10. Mark the
space for the best answer to each question.

1 Which word best describes 4 Why is the notebook important

Mrs. Wade? to Destiny?
Angry It has a dictionary.
Curious It has her homework.
Foolish It has things she has
Loving written.
It has pictures she has
2 What does Mrs. Wade do to
show how she feels about
Destiny? 5 How does Destiny know that
She hugs Destiny. the letter has bad news?
She yells at Destiny. Mrs. Wade looks sad.
She asks Destiny to leave. Mrs. Wade goes outside.
She complains to Mrs. Wade closes the
Destiny’s parents. store.
Mrs. Wade forgets to
make tea.
3 How can the reader tell that
the big, thick dictionary is
special? 6 What is Mrs. Wade’s problem?
It is in a box. She has too much help.
It is on a pedestal. She needs more books.
It is on fluffy pillows. She needs more money.
It is under a piece of She has too many
glass. neighbors. '/ /.

Comprehension 41 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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3_246239RTXEAN_U1W3.indd 41 6/11/09 6:35:58 PM

Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1 1
Name Date

Destiny’s Gift

7 Which word best describes 9 What is Destiny’s gift to

Destiny’s parents? Mrs. Wade?
Amusing A hug
Caring A story
Lazy A cookie
Selfish A notebook

8 Why do Mama and Daddy 10 How does Destiny feel at the

offer to help Mrs. Wade? end of the story?
Mrs. Wade is part of their Brave
family. Disappointed
Mrs. Wade writes a letter Hopeful
to them. Useless
They want to buy the
store for Destiny.
They know the store
means a lot to Destiny.

Mark Student Reading Level: 34/0

____ Independent ____ Instructional ____ Listening

Comprehension 42 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1 2
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Destiny’s Gift
Common Vowel Pairs Phonics

ai, ay, ee, ea

Use what you know about the vowel pairs ai, ay, ee, ea to answer questions 1–10.
Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 The field is full of cows and — 4 That large bird in the sky is
shap an —
sheep eagle
sheepe aigle
shepe egle
2 Barb went to the shore and
found a pretty — 5 We will sing a tune —
seashell todae
seshell todi
sesheell toda
seyshell today

3 The honey tastes — 6 The hikers walked on the

swat forest —
swete trale
sweet trail
swet trile

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Phonics 43 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1 3
Name Date

Destiny’s Gift

7 My knees are shaking because 9 The actors are putting on a —

I am — plae
afrade pli
afraed play
afraid plye
10 Your letter came in the —
8 Our bathtub has a — mile
leak male
laek myle
lek mail


Phonics 44 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1 4
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Destiny’s Gift
Sentence Fragments and Language Arts

Use what you know about sentence fragments and run-ons to answer questions 1–10.
Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 Which of the following is a 3 Which of the following is a

complete sentence? complete sentence?
Lives upstairs from us. My best friend.
Our neighbor, Mrs. Green. My best friend has.
We like our neighbor a lot. Is a good chess player.
Asks us to take care of She has a new chess
her cat. board.

2 Which of the following is a 4 Which of the following is a

complete sentence? complete sentence?
Ate some popcorn, too. Ate a banana.
Last night Sam and Jen. I had a snack.
Sam and Jen watched a Feeling very hungry.
movie. A banana on the table.
An exciting movie about

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Language Arts 45 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1 5
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Destiny’s Gift
Language Arts

5 Which of the following is a 7 Read the sentence below.

complete sentence? Can you carry this box it is
The mother dog. heavy.
Black and white fur.
The puppies are running. What is the best way to revise
Chase each other across the sentence?
the room. Can you carry this box? It
is heavy.
Can you? Carry this box it
6 Read the sentence below. is heavy.
Cody likes music, he plays the Can you carry? This box
drums. it is heavy.
Can you carry this box,
What is the best way to revise
and it is heavy?
the sentence?
Cody, likes and plays the
Cody likes music, plays
the drums.
Cody likes music. He
plays the drums.
Cody. Likes music and
plays the drums.

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Language Arts 46 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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Lesson 3
W E E K LY T E S T S 3 . 1 6
Name Date

Destiny’s Gift
Language Arts

8 Read the sentence below. 10 Read the sentence below.

Jerry’s new jacket is red, it has Uncle Jim lives in Alaska he
four pockets. likes to visit Texas.

What is the best way to revise What is the best way to revise
the sentence? the sentence?
Jerry’s new jacket is red Uncle Jim lives in Alaska,
has four pockets. likes to visit Texas.
Jerry’s new jacket. It has Uncle Jim lives in Alaska.
four red pockets. Likes to visit Texas.
Jerry’s new red jacket and Uncle Jim lives in Alaska.
has four pockets. He likes to visit Texas.
Jerry’s new jacket is red. It Uncle Jim lives in Alaska,
has four pockets. Uncle Jim likes to visit

9 Read the sentence below.

Who is at the door it is David.

What is the best way to revise

the sentence?
Who is at the door?
Who? At the door it is
Who is at the door, it is
Who is at the door? It is

Language Arts 47 Grade 3, Unit 1: Good Citizens

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