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NIH - State and Trends of Occupational Health and Safety in The Philippines

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State and Trends of Occupational Health and Safety

in the Philippines
Jinky Leilanie Lu, MOH, PhD

National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila


Introduction. In the Philippines, industries began to recognize the importance of workers’ health after occupational
safety and health were introduced in the early 1900s. Ever since, several legal bases have existed to protect the
people’s welfare. However, data regarding this matter is limited in the country.

Objective. This paper aimed to develop a comprehensive review of occupational safety and health data, including
hazard exposures and occupational diseases for various Filipino occupational groups.

Methods. A comprehensive analysis of the latest records and statistics from various government agencies, non-
government organizations, academe, and research institutions was done. Data analysis was completed through a
critical appraisal of the Philippines' current occupational health and safety regarding occupational diseases, injuries,
accidents, and existing occupational health and safety policies. Data were also extracted from reviews of literature
and other related research studies. Data analysis was done through a critical appraisal of the Philippines' current
occupational health and safety in terms of occupational diseases, injuries, accidents, and existing occupational health
and safety policies.

Results. Most of those working in the informal sectors do not have enough social protection in the Philippine
context. Others in the same situation involve construction workers, farmers, miners, and waste or garbage pickers.
Child labor was also seen to be prevalent, risking these children's health and safety. Another issue is on gender,
and wherein women were found to have lesser protection than their counterparts. Among the industries present
in the country, administrative and support service activities, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, financial
and insurance activities, education except for public education, and agriculture, forestry, and fishing were seen
to have a high prevalence of occupational diseases. The study has shown occupational safety and health among
various occupational groups and categories, the profile of occupational diseases in Philippine industries, and the OSH
programs implemented in industries.

Conclusion. Analysis of available data confirmed the presence of threats of unsafe and unhealthy conditions in various
jobs and workplaces. To keep up with other nations, the country should strive more with its local developments.

Key Words: Occupational Safety and Health, occupational diseases and injuries

The introduction of occupational safety and health in
the Philippines dates back to 1903 where industries provided
health services to treat their employees’ injuries and diseases.1
From then on, establishments and the government have
started to recognize the importance of the health of their
workers for them to be more productive at work. For instance,
in 1936, the Commonwealth Act No. 104, also known as
Corresponding author: Jinky Leilanie Lu, MOH, PhD the First Industry Safety Law, aimed to protect and ensure
National Institutes of Health
University of the Philippines Manila
the safety of workers in mines, quarries, and metallurgical
623 Pedro Gil St., Ermita, Manila 1000, Philippines operations. In 1954, the Republic Act 1054, also known as
Email: jdlu@up.edu.ph / jinky_lu@yahoo.com the Free Medical and Dental Law, mandated that emergency

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OSH in the Philippines

health interventions must be provided to workers. To protect 2020, 27.6% of the total number of employed persons were
the welfare of Filipino workers, there must exist a legal basis 25-34 years old. This was followed by ages 35-44 years old at
of occupational safety and health laws. Thus, Presidential 24.0% and 45-54 years old at 19.3%.12 In January 2021, the
Decree No. 442, otherwise known as the Labor Code of the number of employed males (73.9%) dominated the females
Philippines, integrating occupational safety and health was (46.9%). The same is true regarding the underemployment
promulgated. rate, and wherein there is a 4.2% gap between males (17.6%)
According to the latest estimates of the International and females (13.4%).13
Labor Organization in 2017, there are around 2.78 million Occupational health and safety in the Philippines
people who die annually due to occupational diseases and are enshrined in the Philippine Constitution as its legal
accidents, and 2.4 million of which are caused by occupational framework, which embodies the rights of employees to
diseases. Also, almost 374 million are affected by non-fatal gainful, participatory, healthy, safe, and just employment.6
occupational accidents.2 On the other hand, the World Labor Code, on the other hand, ensures that the rights of the
Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 12.2 million workers are protected. The Labor Code of the Philippines has
people, especially those in developing countries, die from seven (7) books, and Book 4 embodies the regulations and
non-communicable diseases (NCDs) while still belonging guidelines on health and safety at work in the Philippines.7
to the productive or working age. Many occupational risks The national framework for Occupational Safety and Health
and hazards exist worldwide in different industries, such as in the Philippines includes the constitution, labor code,
injuries, noise, carcinogens, airborne particles, ergonomic department orders, and company policy and program bipartite
hazards, and others.2 These contribute to the burden of (Table 1). Based on the principles and stipulations of the
chronic diseases, including back pain (37%), hearing loss Constitution and the Labor Code, there are corresponding
(16%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (13%), asthma administrative and department orders to facilitate tripartite
(11%), injuries (8%), lung cancer (9%), leukemia (2%), and dialogue among management, labor, and government. The
depression (8%).3 Meanwhile, work-related accidents and company policy and occupational health and safety program
injuries likely occur in high-risk jobs involving mining, focused on the bipartite dialogue between management and
construction, agriculture, and manufacturing activities.4 It was labor-management councils and the OSH committee.8
also found that Asia (65%)—where the Philippines is situated Occupational Health and Safety in the Philippines
has the most significant number of mortality and morbidity is a mandate of various government agencies based on the
related to work, followed by Africa (11.8%), Europe (11.7%), four structures of occupational safety in the Philippines.
America (10.9%), and Oceania (0.6%).2 These occupational Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) through
accidents and diseases negatively affect the economy. In 2017, EO 307 is concerned with the preventive aspect of OSH.
four percent of the total GDP of around US$ 3 trillion was The enforcement of OSH and its related standards is under
lost every year because of lost working time, interruptions in DOLE Regional Officers' mandate through Admin Code
production, treatment of occupational injuries and diseases, 1987. The same code governs the development and updating
rehabilitation, and compensation to injured workers.5 of OSH policies mandated under the DOLE Bureau of
In the Philippine setting, it is only estimated that 2.2 Working Conditions. Lastly, PD 626 created the Employees
million Filipino workers in medium and large enterprises Compensation Commission for the compensation and
enjoy effective occupational safety and health (OSH) Rehabilitation structure of OSH.8
protection and services. This means that 17 of 18 persons in
the nation’s workforce of 38.8 million do not have acceptable Table 1. National Framework for Occupational Safety and
working conditions and are exposed to hazards that predispose Health in the Philippines
them to occupationally related diseases and injuries.6 Labor
Origin Enforcement
and employment statistics show that a significant proportion
Constitution Constitutional Supreme Court
of the population engaged in productive work. The total Convention
population of the Philippines reached 100,981,437 by
Labor Code Specific Congress NLRC, DOLE,
2015.7 However, it was expected by POPCOM to increase Laws (OSH standards) Courts
up to 110.8 million at the onset of the year 2021).8 The Department Orders Tripartite Dialogue DOLE, Courts
Philippines has a GDP of US$ 313.6 billion with recent (Construction, drugs, (management, labor,
annual growth of 6.0% in 2019.9,10 The country’s labor force TB, HIV/AIDS, Hep government)
declined by 2.7% from 61.4% in 2019 to 58.7% in 2020. The B, maritime, etc.)
employment rate decreased by 4.1% from 95.4% in 2019 to Company Policy and Management, Labor Internal Monitoring
Program (bipartite) Collective bargaining (Bipartite)
91.3% in 2020, whereas the unemployment rate increased
agreements, labor- Joint Labor-
from 4.6% (2019) to 8.7% (2020). The underemployment management councils, Management
rate increased by 1.6% from 12.8% in 2019 to 14.4% in OSH committees Grievance Procedure
2020, warranting a national concern.11 The Philippines has DOLE = Department of Labor and Employment; NLRC = National Labor
a relatively young population and a young workforce. As of Relations Commission

60 VOL. 56 NO. 1 2022

OSH in the Philippines

This paper aimed to show a comprehensive review of sector is characterized by minimal social protection, including
data on occupational safety and health in the Philippines. non-provision of proper health care and the enforcement of
occupational health and safety standards. ILO stated that
METHODOLOGY independent, self-employed small-scale producers and goods
and services distributors comprise the informal economy.14
The study also extracted data sources and statistical According to the National Statistical Coordination Board
records from government agencies, academe and research (NSCB) Resolution No. 15 in the Philippines, the informal
institutions, and non-government organizations. The metho- sector is officially referred to as “household unincorporated
dology consists of a comprehensive analysis of the latest enterprises which consist of both own-account enterprises
documents and statistics on occupational safety and health and enterprises of informal employers.” Own-account
and related variables from the Integrated Survey of Labor and enterprises are household enterprises owned by own-account
Employment (ISLE) under the Philippine Statistics Authority workers, alone or in partnership with member/s of the same
(PSA), which is a new government authority created from or other households. They employ occasionally or seasonally
four former national agencies namely the National Statistics hired workers but not continually.
Office (NSO), National Statistical Coordination Board On the other hand, enterprises of informal employers
(NSCB), Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS), and Bureau are almost the same as the own-account enterprises except
of Labor and Employment Statistics (BLES); as well as that the latter employs one or more workers frequently.
from the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), Employees in corporations, quasi-corporations, units with
International Labor Organization (ILO); World Health more than ten employees, corporate farms, commercial
Organization (WHO), and non-government organizations. livestock raising, and commercial fishing are excluded in the
Data were also extracted from reviews of literature and other informal economy.15 Labor relations in this sector are under
related research studies. Data analysis was done through a the basis of casual employment, kinship, or personal and social
critical appraisal of the Philippines' current occupational relations instead of formal or contractual arrangements.16 A
health and safety in terms of occupational diseases, injuries, study under OSHC showed that the working conditions of
accidents, and existing occupational health and safety policies. jeepney drivers, market vendors, and tricycle drivers – self-
This paper aimed to develop a comprehensive review of employed workers – are poor, with exposure to extreme heat,
data on occupational safety and health in the Philippines. air pollutants, biological agents, and ergonomic risk factors.
A complete data on occupational safety and health in the
Philippines, including hazard exposures and occupational Farmers
diseases for various occupational groups, can provide an Farming is considered one of the critical and most
understanding to stakeholders, both private industries and prevalent income-generating activities in the Philippines;
the government bodies, to improve the health and safety it is even supposed to be a generational occupation because
conditions of the workers. This will also enable concerned almost all family members are involved in farming and its
industries and entities where the gaps in OSH are, and corollary related activities. The agriculture and fishing sector is vital
intervention measures can be crafted and implemented. in the Philippines’s economy as it contributed 8.49% to
This study deals with online resources, grey literature, the country’s Gross Domestic Product, registering a 4.01%
and various statistics from government agencies. A sampling increase in the year 2017.17 It also has contributed to 25%
of population or sampling frame was not warranted. All of the country’s total employment employing about 10.26
study covers 2012-2017 (latest data and statistics available on million workers out of the 40.33 million total workers in
OSH in the Philippines). This has its merit as a descriptive 2017.18 This, however, dropped to 24.4% in January 2021.13
analysis of the status of OSH in the Philippines. The research The Filipinos are inclined to get into farming, a fishing job or
question being pursued in this paper is- What is the quality of both which needs stricter monitoring of occupational safety
Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines, covering and health conditions because this sector presents different
three domains of variables- 1.) OSH of various occupational types of occupational risks and hazards. There is extensive use
groups and categories; 2.) Occupational Diseases and Hazards of pesticides among Filipino farmers; in fact, the Philippines
in Industries in the Philippines; and 3.) Occupational Safety is one of the Southeast Asian countries recorded with the
and Health Standards and Programs in Philippine Industries. highest usage of pesticides for farming.19 Two different
studies by Lu showed that farmers are exposed to pesticides
RESULTS and their harmful effects. Farmers in Benguet and Pangasinan
showed adverse health effects of pesticide exposure, including
OSH of various Occupational Groups and Categories easy fatigability, decreased appetite and weight, dermal
itchiness, eye redness, muscle pains, headaches, and abnormal
The Informal Sector laboratory findings.20,21 There were even death reports in the
The majority of workers belong to the informal sector in country caused by pesticide poisoning.19 In addition to these,
many countries, especially developing countries. The informal this sector is dangerous as it requires long working hours,

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OSH in the Philippines

exposing farmers to cuts, injuries, and harmful chemicals with inadequate personal protective equipment like gloves,
such as pesticides.22 In response to observations of farmers facemasks, goggles, and safety attire.35 These risks may be
having lung problems after using commercial fertilizers and adequately managed by developed countries; however, the
pesticides, a city in Ilocos Sur mobilized farmers to shift to opposite is happening in developing countries as there is
organic farming and eliminate the use of chemicals.23 low saliency and limited resources available for solid waste
Other occupational risks associated with farming are improvement.36
biological risks such as parasitic infections. Schistosomiasis In the Philippines, thousands of Filipino workers
is considered endemic in the Philippines, and farmers have informally collect, segregate, and sell solid wastes. Most
acquired these diseases from water-contaminated farm garbage or waste pickers are included in the informal waste
areas.24,25 Lymphatic Filariasis is also prevalent among male sector, and they are primarily found in dumpsites and collect
adults who farm in abaca plantations as the disease’s vectors trash from neighbors and households. The majority of these
breed and inhabit the axilla of abaca plants.26 Besides this, informal waste or garbage pickers are migrants who lack
farmers may contract skin infections such as dermatitis opportunities and properties. They often are found in informal
because of exposure to certain tropical plants with an irritant settlements trying to make ends meet by engaging in jobs with
or allergic properties.27 little and unstable income, such as waste picking, handling,
and or/collecting.37 The most common hazard encountered
Miners by waste pickers is the presence of sharp objects.36,38
Miners, especially those employed in small-scale or Osteomuscular disorders, arboviruses, intestinal diseases like
artisanal mining, face several hazards and risks associated diarrhea and constipation, hypertension, bronchitis, intestinal
with their job. This industry is characterized by laborious worms, breathing issues, sore throat, and diabetes are the usual
work, simple and traditional tools, and dangerous working diseases of the said population and that some of which can
conditions. Inadequate lighting and ventilation and exposure be linked to their poor living and working conditions (such as
to toxic chemicals like mercury and cyanide are examples of the minimal access to clean water supply).33,38 Light wounds,
workplace hazards that miners encounter.28,29 A study by Lu insect bites, and eye irritation were the most common injuries
showed that small-scale miners were exposed to dangerous reported by waste pickers. Due to their laborious work,
chemicals, including mercury and cyanide. The most-reported discomfort is most commonly felt in their shoulders, hips/
health problems of small-scale miners were hypertension buttocks, and thighs. The workers are also at a very high risk
and heart diseases. Dermatitis and peripheral neuropathy, of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) due to their
which were typical symptoms of cyanide poisoning, were posture in grabbing waste.35
also reported. Risks of falls due to the absence of scaffolds,
manual extraction activities, handling of explosive tools, dark Child Labour
underground areas, and exposure to noise and dust were Child labor has been a serious problem in the Philippines.
some of the unsafe conditions that miners have to deal with Child labor is defined as the illegal employment of children
while working.30 For large-scale miners, the most common below 15 to 18 years old in dangerous occupations.39 This
accidents were contusions and lacerations, while respiratory may also refer to any economic activity of children under 18
infections and skin irritations are the most common disease years old that predisposes them to exploitation and is harmful
diagnoses.31 An accident in one of the largest coal-producing to their health and safety and physical and psychological
mining companies in the Philippines became an issue as some development.40 According to the Annual Poverty Indicator
of their miners were buried alive when one of their mining Survey results of PSA in 2019, around 7.6% (1.19 million)
pits collapsed.32 of the 15.64 million families with members aged 5 and 17
years old had a working child.41 In the latest 2017 data on
Waste or Garbage Pickers Philippine child labor, the total working children are 1.3
In many developing countries such as the Philippines, million, which is relatively lower than the figures in 2011; still,
waste or garbage pickers handling solid wastes are faced the age group of 15 to 17 has the most significant population
with several work-related health hazards and risks associated of working children (894,000 children) (Tables 2 and 3).42 In
with the type and content of materials handled, equipment terms of residence, rural areas (9.5% or 745,000 households)
and tools used, and the harmful substances emitted by have a higher rate of families with working children than
things they managed. Some of these are neglected medicine, urban areas (5.7% or 442,000 households). Child laborers
hospital and healthcare wastes, and dead animals.33,34 The are common in agriculture, services, and industry sectors.43
risk further increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, According to a recent ILO report, around 152 million are
wherein the percentage of healthcare waste generated in child labor globally, and 73 million of them do hazardous
dramatically increased by 496% compared to its pre- work.44 Hazardous work is defined as work wherein a
pandemic counterpart.34 Adverse health effects are likely to child laborer is exposed to occupational risks threatening
occur secondary to these workers' unhygienic and unsafe children’s health, safety, and moral values.44 In addition, due
working conditions. The workers are exposed to materials to the economic and social crisis brought by the COVID-19

62 VOL. 56 NO. 1 2022

OSH in the Philippines

Table 2. Child Labor in the Philippines according to Sex and Age, 2017
Total household Economic activity rate of Working children not
Sex and Total working
population of children children as a percentage of currently attending school Percentage (%)
Age Group children (000)
(000) children population (%) (000)
Both Sexes 29,398 1,344 4.6 526 39.1
5-9 11,448 57 0.5 1 1.8
10-14 11,289 393 3.5 56 14.2
15-17 6,661 894 13.4 569 52.5
Male 15,153 907 6.0 425 46.9
5-9 5,883 30 0.5 1 3.3
10-14 5,808 241 4.1 47 19.5
15-17 3,462 636 18.4 378 59.4
Female 14,245 438 3.1 101 23.2
5-9 5,566 27 0.5 1 3.7
10-14 5,480 152 2.8 9 5.9
15-17 3,199 258 8.1 92 35.7
Source: Adapted from Philippine Statistics Authority, Statistics on Working Children, 2019

Table 3. Percent Distribution of Working Children 5-17 Years Gender Issues-Women Laborers
Old by Major Industry Group and Sex, Philippines: According to the latest employment situation in the
2017 (In Percent) Philippines, there are 41.2 million Filipinos employed as
Industry Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) of January 2021. Of these employed Filipinos, a total of
Agriculture, Hunting, and 42.3 50.8 24.5 46.9% (19.3 million) were women.48 Even though there is
Forestry increased participation of women in the labor force, gender
Fishing 4.8 6.7 0.9 issues still exist, such as wage gap, discrimination, and work-
Mining and Quarrying 0.7 0.9 0.5 related health and safety issues. Four sectors were mentioned
Manufacturing 5.4 5.4 5.5 by the ILO to be significantly affected by the COVID-19
pandemic, namely accommodation and food services; real
Construction 4.2 6.2 —
estate, business, and administrative activities; manufacturing;
Wholesale and Retail Trade 28.5 19.7 46.8
and the wholesale/retail trade. These are represented by 527
Other Service Activities/ 6.7 2.5 14.2
million women (41% of the world’s total female employment),
Activities of Household
as Employers higher than their male counterparts suggesting more hits
Other Industries Not 7.7 7.7 7.8
to them. This is especially felt in the low-income countries
Elsewhere Classified regarding the reduced working hours and cuts to wages and
Source: Adapted from Philippine Statistics Authority, Statistics on layoffs.48,49 The impositions of lockdowns and curfews and
Working Children, 2019 limited to no access to essential needs further worsen their
living conditions. Furthermore, the said outbreak led the
world to see the importance of the sectors providing critical
pandemic started in 2019, around 42-66 million children are services like health care, maintenance of communication
estimated to fall under the category of extreme poverty in and utilities, and emergency services participated by 96
the next coming years.45 These numbers can be attributed to million women.45
the massive education disruption, household job loss, and In the Philippines, a study among women workers in the
health shocks. In a review about child labor in developing business process outsourcing (BPO) sector showed women
countries, including the Philippines, it was found that around workers face general and specific health concerns. Public
200 million were in child labor, and 20 million of them were health issues include monotony of work, stress, negative
subjected to forced labor. The primary concerns identified work culture, and lack of promotion and career growth
in the review were physical exposures such as ergonomic opportunities. On the other hand, specific health issues
hazards, chemical hazards, and absenteeism at school.46 include eye strain, back pain, headache, and musculoskeletal
Chemical hazards include possible mercury poisoning in and sleeping problems. Women workers, especially those
gold mining. During an investigation in Camarines Norte employed in private households, also face a lack of social
and Masbate, 65 child miners were interviewed, and they protection and are more likely to be exposed to verbal,
described experiencing back pain, skin infections, and muscle physical, or sexual harassment. Moreover, women in the
spasms which are usual symptoms of mercury poisoning.47 manufacturing sector experience occupational difficulties

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OSH in the Philippines

as they have lesser representation through unionization. of the total percentage, followed by call centers and other
Maintaining their work after childbirth also is a challenge.50 related activities (14.9%).51
This sector generated 1,430,520 employees in 2018. Call
Occupational Diseases and Hazards in Industries centers employed the highest number of workers at 631,400.
in the Philippines Followed by temporary employment agency activities with
The Philippines had a total of 101,851 cases of 384,600 workers, then private security agencies with 124,028
occupational diseases across all industries in 2017. The workers (11.8%).51
sector with the highest cases of occupational diseases was The call center industry has boomed since 2007, making
administrative and support service activities (31.8%, 32,344). the Philippines the call center hub of the world. However,
This is followed by manufacturing (28.9%, 29,458) and occupational health and safety concerns also emerged,
wholesale and retail trade industry with 9,733 cases (9.6%). including computer-related health disorders, hearing and
The sector with the least cases of occupational diseases, on voice problems associated with calls, prolonged night work
the other hand, is the repair of computers and personal or shift work, and work stress.52 Among all industries in the
household goods (0.1%, 138)15 (Table 4). Philippines, call center activities had the highest number of
According to the Philippine Business and Industry Census cases (31,270) of occupational diseases in 2015. By type of
in 2017, the administrative and support service sectors had disease, workers in call centers usually suffer from back pain
8,471 establishments in the formal economy. Encompassed (23.8%), followed by occupational lung disease (16.8%),
in this sector were activities related to employment placement occupational asthma (13.8%), work-related musculoskeletal
agencies, call centers, and travel agency and tour operator disorders (12%), neck-shoulder pain (10.9%), essential
activities. Employment placement agencies garnered the hypertension (10.0%), and other occupational diseases
most significant number of establishments comprising 24.8% (12.8%) (Table 5). The nature of the job among call center
agents, including prolonged sitting and repetitive work
resulting in physical and psychological stress, may be
Table 4. Distribution of Occupational Diseases according to associated with increased occupational diseases.53 To provide
Major Industry Group, 2017
services to international clients with different time zones, it
Percent is not uncommon for Filipino call center workers to work
Major Industry Group 2017
share (%)
at graveyard shifts. This consequently affects their health,
All Industries 101,851 100.00
by which sleep disturbances or disorders and fatigue are
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 2,066 2.00 commonly reported. Besides this, safety is also a concern,
Mining and Quarrying 1,660 1.60 especially when commuting to and from work at late hours
Manufacturing 29,458 28.90 since many are being mugged during their commute.54
Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning 894 0.90
Supply Manufacturing
Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste 366 0.36 The manufacturing industry, consisting of about
Management, and Remediation Activities 28,968 establishments in 2018, is one of the significant
Construction 2,886 2.80 contributors to the Philippines’ economy. It is one of the
Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor 9,733 9.60 leading industries generating employment across the country
Vehicles and Motorcycles as it employs 1,260,512 workers as of 2018. Manufacturing
Transportation and Storage 2,379 2.30
Accommodation and Food Service Activities 2,388 2.30
Table 5. Cases of Occupational Diseases in Call Center
Information and Communication 2,431 2.40 Activities according to Type, 2015
Financial and Insurance Activities 4,311 4.20
Type of Occupational Diseases
Number Percentage
Real Estate Activities 566 0.60 in Call Center Activities
Professional, Scientific, and Technical 964 0.90 Total 31,270 100.0
Back pain 7,428 23.8
Administrative and Support Service Activities 32,344 31.80
Occupational lung diseases 5,266 16.8
Education Except for Public Education 4,201 4.10
Occupational asthma 4,305 13.8
Human Health and Social Work Activities 3,523 3.50
Other work-related musculoskeletal 3,745 12.0
Except for Public Health Activities
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 1,542 1.50
Neck-shoulder pain 3,410 10.9
Repair of Computers and Personal and House- 138 0.10
Essential hypertension 3,124 10.0
hold Goods; Other Personal Service Activities
Other occupational diseases 3,992 12.8
Note: Details may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Source: Adapted from Philippine Statistics Authority, 2017/2018 Source: Adapted from Philippine Statistics Authority, Integrated Survey
Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment, 2020 on Labor and Employment, 2018

64 VOL. 56 NO. 1 2022

OSH in the Philippines

establishments with the highest number of employed workers quarter of this is on secondary/high school education
were the manufacture of food products (151,514 workers), (23.4%; n=3,409), followed by private primary/elementary
Manufacture of electronic components (142,340 workers), education at 21.4% or 3,125 establishments. Third on the list
and Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel is the pre-primary/pre-school education at 20.8% or 3,025
(98,868 workers) amongst others.55 establishments.61 This sector generated 412,077 employees
As employment increases in the manufacturing in 2018. Higher education employed the highest number
industry, the health and safety of workers must still be kept of workers at 186,373. This was followed by secondary/
in mind, especially that there will be higher chances of it high school education with 110,142 workers, then private
being overlooked since the focus of management would primary/elementary education with 32,738 workers.61
be on meeting the increasing demands of a global and A local study showed that employees in the academe
competitive market. A local study in the country described or universities suffer from several occupational hazards
the healthy work environment and health concerns among and risks, including ergonomic, chemical, physical, and
workers (n = 275) in an electronic manufacturing company. psychosocial hazards. The study found that employees
Said study showed that workers have health concerns in experienced ergonomic hazards from manual handling,
areas of illumination (i.e., eye fatigue), noise (i.e., tinnitus), workplace structure, and visual display units (VDUs).
temperature, and ventilation (i.e., dehydration). Some of the Among the reported health illnesses were repetitive strain
workers even reported occupational stress and occasional injuries (RSIs) and work-related musculoskeletal disorders
accidents such as slips and falls.56 In a review done by OHSE, (MSDs) accompanied by adverse health symptoms such as
it was found that the manufacturing sector has the highest asymmetric shoulders/poor posture, tingling sensation at
number of medical reimbursements claims from 2012-2017, fingertips, joint restriction, visual fatigue, and pain in upper
and the majority of them are from the laborers with usual extremities and digits, amongst others.62 Musculoskeletal
reports of end-stage renal (genitourinary diseases).57 disorders were prevalent among schoolteachers; back pain was
a frequent complaint of primary and secondary educators in
Wholesale and retail trade the Philippines and Brazil.63 Lower back pain was positively
The administrative and support service activities sector correlated with being female, having a previous back injury,
held 137,674 establishments. Encompassed in this sector awkward arm position, and high work demand, while it
were activities related to the retail sale of other goods was negatively associated with regular physical activity.64 It
in specialized stores and retail sale of other household was also found that workload and extrinsic satisfaction in
equipment in specialized stores. Retail sale of other goods their job influence the likelihood of having work-related
in specialized stores garnered the most significant number musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD), with those less satisfied
of establishments comprising 28.8% (n=39,585) of the and have more workload more likely to have WMSDs.65
total percentage. This was followed by the retail sale of
other household equipment in specialized stores at 12.6% Agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry
or 17,389 establishments and retail sales in non-specialized The agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector held 3,285
stores at 9.8% or 13,478 establishments. This sector generated establishments. This sector encompassed activities in animal
1,410,967 employees in 2018. Retail sale of other goods in production, growing of perennial and non-perennial crops,
specialized stores employed the highest number of workers fishing, aquaculture. Animal production garnered the most
at 276,442. Followed by retail sales in non-specialized stores number at 48.5% or 1,593 establishments. This is followed
with 245,299 workers, then the retail sale of other household by growing of non-perennial (15.2%; n=500) and perennial
equipment in specialized stores with 170,220 workers.58 crops (10.4%; n=341).66 This sector generated 154,910
Workers in the sales industry usually stand during their employees in 2018. Growing perennial crops employed the
entire shift; this is also the same case in factory workers.59 In highest number of workers (n=59,644), followed by growing
a study regarding the relationship of prolonged standing and animal production with 37,618 workers, then growing non-
musculoskeletal symptoms, prolonged standing is experienced perennial crops with 25,351 workers (16.7%).66 Workers
by 70% of the respondents; 86% of all respondents also have in agriculture, forestry, and fishing experience a wide array
musculoskeletal symptoms and commonly associated with of occupational hazards compromising their health. These
the upper back, shoulders, and lower back.60 economic activities are one of the most hazardous jobs in the
country. They are usually informal and characterized by poor
Education working conditions that threaten the health and safety of
All private education establishments by industry sub- workers. As of late, 59.1% of workers in this sector acquired
class held 14,576 establishments. This sector encompasses occupational injuries due to stepping on, striking against,
private general secondary education, private pre-primary/ or being struck by objects. Usage of hand tools (37.9%)
pre-school and primary/elementary education for children also increased their prevalence of acquiring work-related
without special needs, private higher education, and other injuries.15 In a study by Lu, Filipino farmers reported their
private education-related industries. A little less than a common health complaints, which were headaches (69.4%)

VOL. 56 NO. 1 2022 65

OSH in the Philippines

and dizziness (41.0%) usually experienced after pesticide measures or activities in the interest of protecting their
exposure.20 Respiratory health was also compromised, and employees from preventable occupational hazards. Posting
related health symptoms reported were cough (39.4%), of safety signages or warnings (86.4%) in the establishment
difficulty breathing (15.6%), breathlessness (14.9%), and was the most common preventive and control measure
presence of pulmonary secretions (13.3%). Among the hazards practiced. This was followed by smoke-free workplace
and risks of agriculture are occupational injuries (that may (85.4%), emergency preparedness and response activities
cause permanent or temporary incapacity and even death), for earthquake, fire, chemical spills, etc. (84.2%), appointed
occupational respiratory diseases, noise-induced hearing loss, safety or health officers, first aiders (81.3%) or both, and
dermal diseases, or even cancer that may be due to acute or regular inspection and maintenance of equipment (80.4%)15
chronic exposure from biological, chemical, physical, and (Table 8).
extreme temperature hazards.67 Not only are the workers of Out of the total 32,288 establishments, 30,770 or
agriculture affected but their families and communities as 95.3% implemented occupational safety and health policies
well. This is so because pesticide residues were seen in crops in and programs to ensure compliance and protection of
the country, and some of them even exceeded the maximum employees. Most establishments conducted fire prevention
residue limits (MRLs) set by the European Union.21 Heat and control programs at 82.6%, followed by drug-free
stroke is also likely to happen due to prolonged exposure of workplace policy and programs at 77.0%, and emergency
farmers under the sun.68 With the continuous increase of response preparedness programs at 75.1%. Other prioritized
environmental temperature due to climate change, farmers OSH-related policies and programs were the accident
and fisherfolks also have increased vulnerability to "climate- prevention program (68.4%) and monitoring or surveillance
sensitive" illnesses, such as heat stress and heat stroke, because of occupational and work-related injuries (63.5%)26 (Table
of their prolonged exposure to the heat of the sun.69 8). There were 22,303 out of the 32,288 total establishments
Back pain was the leading occupational disease in 2017. (69.1%) that conducted OSH-related training or seminars.
It was prevalent among workers engaged in manual labor The top OSH-related training or seminar conducted among
and prolonged sitting, such as administrative and support establishments was the fire safety training at 51.9%. This
services and manufacturing. Other common occupational
diseases in 2017 were essential hypertension (15.5%, 15,809),
neck and shoulder pain (11.4%, 11,576), occupational asthma Table 7. Distribution of Occupational Diseases according to
Type of Disease, 2017
(5.4%, 5,506) and other infections (5.3%, 5,394). The least
common occupational diseases were occupational kidney Percent
Type of Disease 2017
disease (0.3%), cataract (0.3%), and chilblain, frostbite, and
Total 101,851 100.0
freezing (0.2%)15 (Tables 6 and 7).
Back Pain 31,903 31.3
Occupational Safety and Health Standards and Essential Hypertension 15,806 15.5
Programs in Philippine Industries. Neck-shoulder Pain 11,576 11.4
Almost all of the establishments in 2017 (31,675 out Occupational Asthma 5,506 5.4
of 32,288; 98.1%) conducted several preventive and control Other Infections 5,394 5.3
Occupational Dermatitis 5,349 5.3

Table 6. Distribution of Cases of Back Pain by Industry Type, Other Work-Related Musculoskeletal Diseases 5,188 5.1
2017 Other Diseases 4,748 4.7
Type of industry with Percent Tuberculosis 3,466 3.4
Rank Number
complaints of back pain share (%) Shoulder Tendinitis 3,244 3.2
Total cases of back pain 31,903 100.0 Other Diseases Caused by Chemicals 2,570 2.5
1 Administrative and support service 10,156 31.8 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 1,982 1.9
Heat, Stroke, Cramps, Exhaustion 1,309 1.3
2 Manufacturing 9,456 29.6
Occupational Lung Diseases 1,309 1.3
3 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of 3,941 12.4
motor vehicles and motorcycles Cardiovascular Disease 987 1.0

4 Education except for public education 1,433 4.5 Deafness 596 0.6

5 Accommodation and Food Service 1,031 3.2 Occupational Kidney Disease 351 0.3
Activities Cataract 313 0.3
6 Other industries 5,886 18.4 Chilblain, Frostbite, Freezing 253 0.2
Note: Details may not add up to totals due to rounding. Note: Details may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Source: Adapted from Philippine Statistics Authority, 2017/2018 Source: Adapted from Philippine Statistics Authority, 2017/2018
Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment, 2020 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment, 2020

66 VOL. 56 NO. 1 2022

OSH in the Philippines

was followed by 40-hour basic occupational safety and health 39.2% of the establishments which conducted OSH training
training (41.9%), emergency preparedness and response were started by their own company. Other functioning
(32.3%), drug-free workplace training (24.6%), and smoke- agencies were the OSHNet (24.5%), DOLE accredited
free or tobacco-controlled workplace (21.5%). The Bureau safety training organization (14.9%), and DOLE regional or
of Fire Protection (BFP) conducted several OSH-related provincial office (14.6%)15 (Table 8).
training or seminars in 45.1% or 14,562. On the other hand,

Table 8. Distribution of OSH Programs in Industries and Establishments, 2017

Rank Preventive & control measure/ activities Number of establishments Percent share (%)
Total establishments 32,288 100.0
Total establishments that conducted preventive and control measures or activities 31,675 98.1
1 Posting of safety signages or warnings 27,897 86.4
2 Smoke-free workplace 27,574 85.4
3 Emergency preparedness & response activities for earthquake, fire, chemical spills, etc. 27,186 84.2
4 Appointed safety or health officers and/or first aiders 26,250 81.3
5 Regular inspection and maintenance of equipment 25,960 80.4
Rank OSH policies or programs implemented Number of establishments Percent share (%)
Total establishments 32,288 100.0
Total establishments that implemented OSH policies or programs 30,770 95.3
1 Fire prevention and control program 26,670 82.6
2 Drug-free workplace policy and program 24,862 77.0
3 Emergency response preparedness program 24,248 75.1
4 Accident prevention program 22,085 68.4
5 Monitoring/surveillance of occupational and work-related injuries and illnesses 20,503 63.5
Rank OSH training or seminars Number of establishments Percent share (%)
Total establishments 32,288 100.0
Total establishments with OSH training or seminars 22,303 69.1
1 Fire safety training 16,756 51.9
2 40-hour basic occupational safety and health training 13,527 41.9
3 Emergency preparedness and response 10,413 32.3
4 Drug-free workplace training 7,937 24.6
5 Smoke-free workplace or tobacco control in the workplace 6,958 21.5
Rank Conducting agency Number of establishments Percent share (%)
Total establishments 32,288 100.0
Total establishments with OSH training or seminars 22,303 69.1
1 Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) 14,562 45.1
2 Own company 12,657 39.2
3 Occupational Safety and Health Center/OSHNEt 7,911 24.5
4 DOLE Accredited Safety Training Organizations 4,811 14.9
5 DOLE Regional/Provincial Office 4,714 14.6
Rank Designated personnel Number of establishments Percent share (%)
Total establishments 32,288 100.0
Total establishments with designated health and safety personnel 27,671 85.7
1 Trained first-aiders 26,250 81.3
2 Safety officer 14,917 46.2
3 Occupational health nurse 8,072 25.0
4 Occupational health physician 5,231 16.2
5 Dentist 2,002 6.2
6 Industrial Hygienist 226 0.7
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment, 2020

VOL. 56 NO. 1 2022 67

OSH in the Philippines

Out of the 32,288 total establishments, 27,671 or were not aware of maintaining a safe working environment.75
85.7% provided designated health and safety personnel A mere well-established safety system does not work inde-
to protect the welfare of their employees. The majority of pendently as safety knowledge and training are also essential
establishments hired trained first-aiders (81.3%), followed in increasing occupational safety and health literacy.76-78
by safety officers (46.2%), occupational health nurses Another issue in the Philippines that needs to be tackled
(25.0%), occupational health physicians (16.2%), dentists is the high prevalence of working children. The latest data
(6.2%), and industrial hygienists (0.7%).15 (Table 8) In on child labor revealed that around 1.3 million or 13.4% of
a study done under OSHC, 3 of 4 participating television the total Filipino children aged 5-17 years old were recorded
and broadcasting networks have their respective safety and to be engaged in different types of jobs, commonly in the
health committees with occupational health personnel. The agriculture, service, and industry sectors.42
personnel include first aiders, nurses, and physicians.70 In Among the Philippine industries where child labor
a separate study, only 45% of responding supermalls and is rampant are mining and agricultural farming.79,80 One
supermarkets in NCR have safety and health committees explanation of this is that agriculture and mining are
and rely on Human Resource departments to create health considered familial jobs in the country where family members,
programs for contractors and sub-contractors.71 including children, are expected to participate while their
parents are working to help increase their family’s income.
DISCUSSION Wide gender gaps are also important matters to be
discussed, especially in this modern era in which women's
The study has shown that threats to the health and participation in work settings is increasing. This study cited
safety of workers in the Philippines exist in various examples of women workers under the threat of unsafe,
sectors. Informal, marginalized workers or both are even unhealthy, and indecent work conditions. In the Philippines,
disproportionately threatened due to multiple factors putting there are multiple reports of women experiencing dangerous
them at risk of occupational diseases and accidents. Globally, circumstances in their occupations. For instance, one report
an estimated 2.78 million people die due to occupational was about a woman working at a call center who was robbed,
diseases and accidents, while nonfatal ones leave around abused, and slain after getting off from work.81 In several
374 million workers injured every year.2 These statistics are studies on women workers, health illnesses were correlated
alarming and should be given more attention as occupational with occupational risks, including unsafe work practices,
hazards affect not only workers and employers but also a overtime, and work environment stress, among others;82,83
country’s productivity. women workers in the informal sector have it even worse
as they were more vulnerable to exploitation.84
OSH of various Occupational Groups and Categories
According to the study results, there are specific Occupational Diseases and Hazards in the Philip-
occupational groups vulnerable to occupational hazards and pines
risks. These are the workers in the informal sector and/or the This study revealed that the top five industries with a high
marginalized groups such as construction workers, farmers, prevalence of occupational diseases were (1) administrative
miners, and waste or garbage pickers. Occupational hazards and support service activities, (2) manufacturing, (3)
exist in both formal and informal workers; however, the latter wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and
are more vulnerable because laws and policies protecting the remediation activities, (4) financial and insurance activities,
safety and health of workers are almost nonexistent in the and (5) education except for public education. This can be
informal sector. They are also more prone to unknowingly backed up by the employment rates in January 2021, showing
violate basic health and safety precautions as they do not the sectors of services (57.2%) and agriculture (24.4%) to have
have enough workplace facilities (e.g., inaccessible basic some of the most significant numbers.13 It was also reported
services such as clean water and sanitation) and health that 61.4% of the employed population work about 40 hours
education, unlike in the formal sector.72,73 These results are per week, resulting in various health and safety issues.13 The
consistent with other studies stating that informal workers most common occupational diseases experienced by workers
are more vulnerable to occupational accidents and diseases. were back pain, essential hypertension, neck-shoulder pain,
For instance, informal waste workers were at high risk of other musculoskeletal disorders, and occupational asthma.
acquiring work-related injuries due to unsafe work practices Philippine manufacturing industries are associated
in Nepal. Some even acquire diseases that can be prevented with several occupational hazards, and even abroad, the
through vaccinations showing their lack of protection towards manufacturing sector has a reputation of being dangerous in
preventable occupational diseases.74 In Pakistan, informal which workers need to take extra caution. For instance, in an
workers, particularly in the manufacturing and construction international study on a rice mill manufacturing establishment,
industries, were seen working in poor and unsafe conditions airborne hazards were caused by rice grain dust and noise
adjunct with exposure to noise, chemical, and ergonomic hazards caused by rice mill machinery, ranging from 78-92
hazards. It was also realized that both employers and employees dBA. Rice grain dust may lead to adverse health symptoms

68 VOL. 56 NO. 1 2022

OSH in the Philippines

affecting the visual (eye pain and irritation), integumentary Author Disclosure
(allergies), and respiratory systems. Occupational accidents The author declared no conflicts of interest.
commonly occur through slips and trips from rice grain
dust, inadequate lighting, uncovered cables, obstructed view, Funding Source
and uneven walking paths. Being hit by falling objects may This study was carried out under the National Institutes
also be experienced by workers as objects are often stored of Health, University of the Philippines Manila.
above head level.85
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