5.8-GHz Stacked Differential Rectenna Suitable For Large-Scale Rectenna Arrays With DC Connection
5.8-GHz Stacked Differential Rectenna Suitable For Large-Scale Rectenna Arrays With DC Connection
5.8-GHz Stacked Differential Rectenna Suitable For Large-Scale Rectenna Arrays With DC Connection
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with switchable slots for polarization diversity,” IEEE Trans. Antennas proposed rectenna can effectively convert RF power to dc due to its dif-
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[11] Y. J. Sung, T. U. Jang, and Y. S. Kim, “A reconfigurable microstrip the received power density was as low as 0.041 W/m2 . The proposed
antenna for switchable polarization,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. rectenna can easily achieve large-scale rectenna arrays effectively using
Lett., vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 534–536, Nov. 2004. its simple structure. The rectenna array with DC connection provides
[12] Y. J. Sung, “Reconfigurable patch antenna for polarization diversity,” almost the same conversion efficiency and incident angle characteristics
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[13] J. S. Row and M. C. Chan, “Reconfigurable circularly-polarized patch
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[15] J. S. Row, W. L. Liu, and T. R. Chen, “Circular polarization and polar-
ization reconfigurable designs for annular slot antennas,” IEEE Trans. Recently, wireless power transmission has become an attractive
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application of the microwave technology [1]–[3]. A rectenna which
[16] K. Boonying, C. Phongcharoenpanich, and S. Kosulvit, “Polarization
reconfigurable suspended antenna using RF switches and P-I-N diodes,” receives an RF wave and converts it into dc power is one of the most
in Proc. 4th Joint Int. Conf. Inf. Commun. Technol., 2014, pp. 1–4. essential devices for the wireless power transmission systems [4], [5].
[17] H. Aïssat, L. Cirio, M. Grzeskowiak, J. M. Laheurte, and O. Picon, In such an application, improving conversion efficiency is strongly
“Reconfigurable circularly polarized antenna for short-range communi- required. Various kinds of rectenna have been proposed to solve the
cation systems,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 54, no. 6,
pp. 2856–2863, Jun. 2006. issue. In 1998, a dipole rectenna achieved 82% conversion efficiency
[18] Data Sheet of Bar50-02L PIN Diodes, Infineon Technologies, at 5.8 GHz when the input power was 50 mW [6]. The rectenna has
El Segundo, CA, USA, Application Note [Online]. Available: a harmonic rejection filter which reduces second harmonics by 21 dB.
http://www.infineon.com/ A rectenna using an artificial magnetic conductor has 61.4% conver-
[19] Q. X. Chu, W. Lin, W. X. Lin, and Z. K. Pan, “Assembled dual-band
sion efficiency for −8 dBm input power at 2.4 GHz [7]. Differential
broadband quadrifilar helix antennas with compact power divider net-
works for CNSS application,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, operating rectennas that provide an excellent dc conversion efficiency
no. 2, pp. 516–523, Feb. 2013. have been reported [8], [9]. We have also proposed a novel differential
[20] C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 3rd ed. Hoboken, rectenna unit, which achieves a good RF-to-dc conversion efficiency
NJ, USA: Wiley, 2005. even under low power conditions by applying the received RF waves to
the rectifying diode in antiphase, i.e., differential operation [10], [11].
When a large dc power that is sufficient to drive devices is required,
an array configuration is employed [8]–[13]. The two types of rectenna
arrays such as an RF-array and dc-array have been investigated [13].
In the case of the dc-array, a series, parallel and cascaded connections
have been discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of the each array
have been explained.
In this communication, a novel stacked differential rectenna is
proposed suitable for large-scale rectenna arrays that are a series con-
nection, a parallel connection, and a series–parallel connection of
rectenna units [14]. Design and features of the proposed rectenna are
described. A 30-element rectenna array (3-element rectenna × 10) is
also demonstrated as an example of the large-scale rectenna array.
Manuscript received February 13, 2014; revised May 26, 2015; accepted
September 07, 2015. Date of publication October 15, 2015; date of current ver-
sion November 25, 2015. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI under
Grant 24560465.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga
University, Saga 850-8402, Japan (e-mail: matsunaga@ceng.ec.saga-u.ac.jp;
nisiyama@ceng.ec.saga-u.ac.jp; toyoda@cc.saga-u.ac.jp).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are
available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2015.2491319
0018-926X © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Downloaded on July 12,2022 at 12:56:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
B. Equivalent Circuit
Fig. 3 shows an equivalent circuit of the proposed stacked rectenna.
A pair of RF sources corresponds to the two microstrip anten-
nas connected to a diode. The microstrip line (MSL) between the
diode and RF source is a feeder line of the antenna. The quarter-
Fig. 1. Structure and concept of the stacked differential rectenna. (a) Proposed
wavelength transmission lines (E = 90◦ .) shown in Fig. 3 are the
rectenna structure. (b) Stacked structure concept.
shorted stubs connected at the anode and cathode of the diodes. Source
power of each RF source is determined by the received RF power at
each microstrip antenna. RF power received by the center patch is
divided to two RF sources because the center patch has two output
C. Simulated Performance Fig. 2. RF voltage applied to the diode. Twice of RF voltage is applied to each
Fig. 4(a) shows the simulated conversion efficiency defined in (1)
versus the input impedance of the patch antenna. The conversion effi-
D. Antenna Design
ciency reaches a maximum at Zin = 160 Ω, where the total input
power is −11 dBm and the frequency is 5.8 GHz. The maximum Fig. 5(a) and (b) shows 1-port and 2-port simulation models of the
conversion efficiency is 23.5%. microstrip patch antennas, respectively. The 2-port model is simulated
Fig. 4(b) and (c) shows the output voltage, output current and con- in a half region using a perfect electric conductor (PEC) plane due to
version efficiency as a function of the load resistance RL , respectively. its symmetrical structure. The quarter-wavelength shorted stub is also
The output dc voltage increases and current decreases as the load resis- included in the model. The patches #1 and #3 are simulated as the 1-
tance increases. The conversion efficiency of 23.6% is obtained at the port model. The shared center patch #2 having two ports is simulated
load resistance of 1140 Ω. In this simulation, Agilent Technologies’ as the 2-port model. The patch is 17.05 mm square and the size of
ADS is used. the notch is designed to change the antenna impedance. Teflon fiber
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Fig. 5. Antenna design. (a) 1-port model. (b) 2-port model. (c) Simulated
reflection coefficient. (d) Simulated directivity of antennas.
Fig. 4. Simulated results of equivalent circuit at 5.80 GHz. (a) Conversion effi-
ciency versus input impedance of patch antenna. (b) Output dc voltage and
current versus load resistance. (c) Conversion efficiency versus load resistance Fig. 6. Concept of the large-scale rectenna array. (a) Single-diode rectenna
(input power = −11 dBm). (N = 1). (b) Stacked rectenna (N = 2). (c) Large-scale rectenna array.
substrate (εr = 2.15, thickness = 0.8 mm) is used in this design. The narrow due to the high-gain antenna with large aperture. Another way
design frequency is 5.8 GHz. Agilent Technologies’ ADS momentum is a dc connection. Because output dc voltage is obtained between
and EMPro (FEM) are used in this design. separated ground planes in the proposed structure, the dc connection
Fig. 5(c) and (d) shows the simulated reflection coefficient and can be achieved by simply connecting these ground planes. Hence, we
antenna directivity, respectively. The reflection is better than −20 dB chose the dc connection which allows us to use low breakdown diodes
at 5.8 GHz. The radiation patterns of the two antennas are almost and also provides a wide angle reception.
B. Method of Large-Scale Array
III. L ARGE -S CALE R ECTENNA A RRAY Fig. 6 shows the concept of a large-scale rectenna array employing
the proposed stacked rectenna. Fig. 6(a) shows a single-diode rectenna
A. Concept
(N = 1) which is the basic element of the large-scale rectenna array
There are two ways to achieve a high-voltage/large-current [10], [11]. Fig. 6(b) shows the proposed stacked rectenna (N = 2)
rectenna. Using a high-gain array antenna is one way. Here, RF waves which integrates two rectifying diodes and three patch antennas.
received by each antenna element are combined in RF and the com- Fig. 7(a) and (b) shows the output voltage and conversion effi-
bined wave is applied to a diode. In this rectenna, the diode works well ciency of the rectennas (N = 1 and 2). The stacked structure, i.e.,
because high RF voltage can be applied to the diode [13]. However, N = 2, provides a higher voltage than the single-diode rectenna.
the configuration requires a high breakdown diode and it may limit This is because the stacked rectenna has three microstrip patch anten-
the applications because the input power of the diode cannot be higher nas and receives more RF power than the single-diode rectenna [14].
than its breakdown voltage. Furthermore, the directivity becomes very On the other hand, the maximum RF-to-dc conversion efficiencies
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Fig. 13. Measured performance of the proposed rectenna arrays. (a) Output
voltage versus load resistance in series connection. (b) Output cur-
rent versus load resistance in parallel connection (frequency = 5.81 GHz,
PPD = 0.041 W/m2 , Zin = 140 Ω).
Fig. 10. Conversion efficiency versus input impedance Zin in compari-
son with the measured and simulated results (frequency = 5.80 GHz, PPD =
0.036 W/m2 ).
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[9] Y.-J. Ren and K. Chang, “New 5.8-GHz circularly polarized retrodirective
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[14] T. Matsunaga, E. Nishiyama, and I. Toyoda, “5.8-GHz stacked differential
Fig. 15. Characteristic of incident angle in comparison with 1-unit rectenna mode rectenna suitable for large-scale arrays,” in Proc. Asia-Pac. Microw.
and 10-unit rectenna array (frequency = 5.81 GHz, PPD = 0.041 W/m2 , Conf. (APMC’13), Nov. 2013, pp. 1200–1202.
Zin = 140 Ω).
5- and 10-unit rectenna arrays. Fig. 14 also shows that the optimum
load resistance depends on the connection and the number of units.
The performance variation of 1-unit rectennas causes the performance Dual-Cap Mushroom-Like Metasurface Used in CP
difference as shown Fig. 12.
Reconfigurable Monopole Antenna for Performance
Fig. 15 shows the normalized output dc power versus incident angle.
As shown in this figure, the incident angle characteristics are almost
the same even though the output power is different, i.e., it does not Y. F. Cao, S. W. Cheung, and T. I. Yuk
depend on the number of rectenna units. This is because of the dc
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