Narayana Engineering College Nellore: Witricity
Narayana Engineering College Nellore: Witricity
Narayana Engineering College Nellore: Witricity
A paper presentation
Wireless transmission of electricity
Development & Possibility
compatible receiving
Fig.5. Two optical forms of wireless antennae formed Fig.6. System and method for wireless electrical power
of search. Transmission (directional ultrasound for power
Transmission) [6].
It has been proven that electrical energy can be
propagated around the world between the surface of the
A series of innovations that may solve the many
Earth and the ionosphere at extreme low frequencies in
macro-problems of transportation energy in space, and
what is known as the Schumann Cavity. Knowing that a
the transportation and storage energy within Earth’s
resonant cavity can be excited and that power can be
biosphere. Below are some of them.
delivered to that cavity similar to the methods used in
microwave ovens for home use, it should be possible to
1) Transfer of electrical energy in outer space using the
resonate and deliver power via the Schumann Cavity to
conductive cord from plasma.
any point on Earth. This will result in practical wireless
2) Method of construction for space electric lines and
transmission of electrical power. The intent of the
electric devices.
experiments and the laboratory Tesla had constructed
3) Method of utilization of the plasma cable electric
was to prove that wireless transmission of electrical
power was possible. Although Tesla was not able to
4) A new very perspective gigantic plasma MagSail for
commercially market a system to transmit power
use in outer space as well as a new method for
around the globe, modern scientific theory and
Connection the plasma MagSail to spaceship.
mathematical calculations support his contention that
5) a new method of projecting a big electric energy
the wireless propagation of electrical power is possible
through the Earth's ionosphere.
and a feasible alternative to the extensive and costly
6) a new method for storage of a big electric energy
grid of electrical transmission lines used today for
used Earth as a gigantic spherical condenser.
electrical power distribution. Power transmission
7) a new propulsion system used longitudinal (cable 3 - electric source, 4 - electric receiver, 5 - electric
axis) force of electric currency. currency, 6 - back plasma line.
The parallel cables having opposed currency
1. Transferring electric energy in Space. repels one from other (Fig.1a). They also can be
The electric source (generator, station) is connected separated by a special plasma reflector as it shown in
to a space apparatus, space station or other planet by figs. 1b, 2c. The electric cable of the plasma transfer
two artificial rare plasma cables (Fig.1a). These cables can be made circular .The radial compressed magnetic
can be created by plasma beam [7] sent from the space force from a circle currency may be balanced a small
station or other apparatus. rotation of the plasma cable (see theoretical section).
The circle form is comfortable for building the big
plasma cable lines for spaceship not having equipment
for building own electric lines or before a space launch.
We uild small circle and gradually increase the
diameter up to requisite value (or up spaceship). The
spaceship connects to line in suitable point. Change the
diameter and direction of plasma circle we support the
energy of space apparatus. At any time the spaceship
can disconnect from line and circle line can exist
without user. The electric tension (voltage) in a plasma
cable is made two nets in issue electric station (electric
Fig.6. Long distance plasma transfer electric energy in generator) [7]-[8]. The author offers two methods for
outer space. a - Parallel plasma transfer, b – Triangle extraction of energy from the electric cable (Fig.3) by
plasma transfer, c - circle plasma transfer. Notations: 1 customer (energy addresses). The plasma cable
- current source (generator), 2 - plasma wire (cable), 3 - currency has two flows: electrons (negative) flow and
spaceship, orbital station or other energy addresses, 4 - opposed ions (positive) flow in one cable. These flows
plasma reflector, 5 - central body. create an electric current. (It may be instances when ion
The plasma beam may be also made the space flow is stopped and current is transferred only the
apparatus from an ultra-cold plasma [7] when apparatus electron flow as in a solid metal or by the ions flow as
starting from the source or a special rocket. The plasma in a liquid electrolyte. It may be the case when electron-
cable is self-supported in cable form by magnetic field ion flow is moved in same direction but electrons and
created by electric currency in plasma cable because the ions have different speeds). In the first method the two
magnetic field produces a magnetic pressure opposed to nets create the opposed electrostatic field in plasma
a gas dynamic plasma pressure (teta-pinch)(Fig. 2). The cable (resistance in the electric cable [7]-[8]) (figs.1,
plasma has a good conductivity (equal silver and more) 3b). This apparatus resistance utilizes the electric
and the plasma cable can have a very big cross-section energy for the spaceship or space station. In the second
area (up thousands of square meter). The plasma method the charged particles are collected a set of thin
conductivity does not depend on its density. That way films (Fig. 3a) and emit (after utilization in apparatus)
the plasma cable has a no large resistance although the back into continued plasma cable
length of plasma cable is hundreds millions of
kilometers. The needed minimum electric currency 2. Transmitting of the electric energy to
from parameters of a plasma cable researched in
satellite, Earth's Space Station, or Moon.
theoretical section of this article.
The suggested method can be applied for
transferring of electric energy to space satellites and the
Moon. For transmitting energy from Earth we need a
space tower of height up 100 km, because the Earth's
atmosphere will wash out the plasma cable or we must
spend a lot of energy for plasma support. It is possible
this problem may be solved with an air balloon located
at 30-45 km altitude and connected by conventional
wire with Earth's electric generator. Further
computation can make clear this possibility.
If transferring valid for one occasion only, that
can be made as the straight plasma cable 4 For multi-
Fig.7. A plasma cable supported by self-magnetic field. applications the elliptic closed-loop plasma cable 6 is
Notations: 1 -plasma cable, 2 - compressing magnetic better. For permanent transmission the
Earth must have a minimum two space towers (Fig.4).
Many solar panels can be located on Moon and Moon
can transfer energy to Earth.