Endurity Core DR PM2152
Endurity Core DR PM2152
Endurity Core DR PM2152
Endurity™ Core
Dual-Chamber Pacemaker
Model Number Description Insulation Fixation Introducer (F) Connector Length (cm)
2088TC Tendril STS Pacing Leads
Optim ™
Ext/Ret helix 6 IS-1 bipolar 46, 52, 58
1944 (J-shaped) IsoFlex™ Optim™ Pacing Leads Optim™ Tines 7 IS-1 bipolar 46,52
1948 (Straight) IsoFlex Optim Pacing Leads Optim ™
Tines 7 IS-1 bipolar 52, 58
Indications: Implantation is indicated in one or more of the following permanent conditions: syncope, Single-Chamber Ventricular Demand Pacing is relatively contraindicated in patients who have demonstrated
presyncope, fatigue, disorientation due to arrhythmia/bradycardia or any combination of those symptoms. pacemaker syndrome, have retrograde VA conduction or suffer a drop in arterial blood pressure with the
Rate-Modulated Pacing is indicated for patients with chronotropic incompetence, and for those who would onset of ventricular pacing. Single-Chamber Atrial Pacing is relatively contraindicated in patients who have
benefit from increased stimulation rates concurrent with physical activity. Dual-Chamber Pacing is indicated demonstrated compromise of AV conduction.
for those patients exhibiting: sick sinus syndrome, chronic, symptomatic second- and third-degree AV
block, recurrent Adams-Stokes syndrome, symptomatic bilateral bundle branch block when tachyarrhythmia Potential Adverse Events: The following are potential complications associated with the use of any pacing
and other causes have been ruled out. Atrial Pacing is indicated for patients with sinus node dysfunction system: arrhythmia, heart block, thrombosis, threshold elevation, valve damage, pneumothorax, myopotential
and normal AV and intraventricular conduction systems. Ventricular Pacing is indicated for patients sensing, vessel damage, air embolism, body rejection phenomena, cardiac tamponade or perforation,
with significant bradycardia and normal sinus rhythm with only rare episodes of A-V block or sinus arrest, formation of fibrotic tissue/local tissue reaction, inability to interrogate or program a device because of
chronic atrial fibrillation, severe physical disability. AF Suppression algorithm is indicated for suppression programmer malfunction, infection, interruption of desired device function due to electrical interference,
of paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation episodes in patients with one or more of the above pacing loss of desired pacing and/or sensing due to lead displacement, body reaction at electrode interface or
indications. lead malfunction (fracture or damage to insulation), loss of normal device function due to battery failure or
component malfunction, device migration, pocket erosion or hematoma, pectoral muscle stimulation, phrenic
Contraindications: Dual-chamber pulse generators are contraindicated in patients with an implanted nerve or diaphragmatic stimulation. The following, in addition to the above, are potential complications
cardioverter-defibrillator. Rate-Adaptive Pacing may be inappropriate for patients who experience angina associated with the use of rate-modulated pacing systems: inappropriate, rapid pacing rates due to sensor
or other symptoms of myocardial dysfunction at higher sensor-driven rates. An appropriate Maximum Sensor failure or to the detection of signals other than patient activity, loss of activity-response due to sensor failure,
Rate should be selected based on assessment of the highest stimulation rate tolerated by the patient. palpitations with high-rate pacing.
AF Suppression stimulation is not recommended in patients who cannot tolerate high atrial-rate stimulation.
Dual-Chamber Pacing, though not contraindicated for patients with chronic atrial flutter, chronic atrial Refer to the User’s Manual for detailed indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and potential
fibrillation or silent atria, may provide no benefit beyond that of single-chamber pacing in such patients. adverse events.
Endurity™ Core
Dual-Chamber Pacemaker
4 2 2
Threshold Auto (-0,5); Auto (+0,0); Auto (+0,5); Auto (+1,0); Tendril 2088TC Lead 46, 52, 58 cm 1.5T ≤ 2 W/kg
Auto (+1,5); Auto (+2,0); 1-7 in steps of 0,5 IsoFlex 1944 Lead 46, 52 cm 1.5T 1.5T ≤ 2 W/kg
AF Management 1.5T 1.5T
IsoFlex 1948 Lead 52, 58 cm 1.5T ≤ 2 W/kg
AF Suppression™ Algorithm Off; On
Lower Rate Overdrive (min-1) 103 1. ± 0,5 cc
Upper Rate Overdrive (min-1) 53 2. Programming options dependent on pacing mode.
No. of Overdrive Pacing Cycles 15-40 in steps of 5 3. This parameter is not programmable.
Rate Recovery (ms) 8; 123 90%
4. The highest available setting for hysteresis rate will be 5 min-1 below the programmed base rate. Reduction
Maximum AF 5. In dual-chamber modes, the maximum ventricular refractory period is 325 ms.
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Suppression Rate (min-1) 80-200 in steps of 10; 225-300 in steps of 25 6. Values 0,1-0,4 not available in a unipolar sense configuration. SAR SAR SAR
Atrial Tachycardia 7. Sensitivity is with respect to a 20 ms haversine test signal.
Detection Rate (min-1) 110-200 in steps of 10; 225-300 in steps of 25 1.5T 1.5T
8. During atrial NIPS in dual-chamber modes, the shortest Coupling Interval will be limited by the programmed AV/PV delay. 1.5T
Auto Mode Switch Off; DDD(R) to DDI(R); DDD(R) to DDT(R); DDD(R) to VVI(R); 9. S1 Burst Cycle is applied at the preprogrammed S1 cycle length.
DDD(R) to VVT(R); VDD(R) to VVI(R); VDD(R) to VVT(R) 10. A,V = 2,5 V @ 0,4 ms; 500 ohms; 100% DDD pacing @ 60 bpm; AutoCapture™ Pacing System OFF; SEGMs ON
AMS Base Rate (min-1) 40-170 in steps of 5 11. Terms and conditions apply; refer to the warranty for details.
12. Healey JS, Connolly SJ, Gold MR, et al. on behalf of the ASSERT investigators. Sub-clinical atrial fibrillation and the risk of stroke:
ASymptomatic atrial fibrillation and Stroke Evaluation in pacemaker patients and the AF Reduction atrial pacing Trial (ASSERT). N Engl J
Med 2012; 366:120 –129. 80% Reduction
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