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1st QTR English10 Lesson 1

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Using Information from

Informative Speeches
in Everyday Conversations
and Exchanges
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Define informative speech;

2. Identify the different types of informative speeches;

3. Explain the different types of conversations/exchanges (news reports,

speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc.);

4. Participate effectively in a conversation/exchange about relevant

issues building on ideas obtained from informative speeches

Informative Speech
An informative speech shares information to an audience to
enhance their understanding of a topic, provide alternatives, or to
raise awareness.
Methods of Gathering Information
Types of informational speeches

Definition Speech Demonstrative Speech

• It informs the audience of • It explains how something
the meaning of an idea. is done, focusing on the
• It also helps clarify or steps that comprise a
simplify concepts, theories, process.
or ideas that are unfamiliar
to them.

sample topic: sample topic:

Explore the term “SCIENCE” Tips to Help You Stay Safe
During a Natural Disaster
Types of informational speeches

Descriptive Speech Explanatory Speech

• It provides details to • It gives the audience a deeper
understanding of a given topic
allow the audience to by explaining, describing, and
form a mental image of a informing the audience about
person, place, or thing. the hows and whys of a

sample topics:
How have you experienced a
typhoon or any other natural
Group Activity
01 1. Prepare a 5-minute news broadcast
about current issues in the Philippines.
02 2. Have each group select anchors, news
presenters, technical directors, and
03 3. You may use props and costumes.
4. The presentations will be on Monday.
(September 11)
04 5. You will be evaluated using the rubric
Group Activity
Present the following speeches in 3-5 minutes. You can choose any topic that
interests your group.

GROUP 1: Definition Speech

GROUP 2: Demonstrative Speech
GROUP 3: Descriptive Speech
GROUP 4: Explanation Speech

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