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OMA 12325 Reg. No. [ III Semester B.Sc. Degree Examination, April - 2022 MATHEMATICS (CBCS Semester Scheme ) Paper: I Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Instructions to Candidates: Answer all questions. 1 Answer any Five questions. (5*2=10) 1. Show that 0(-i)=4 where ‘i’ belongs to multiplicative group of fourth roots of unity. 2. State any two consequences of Lagrange’s theorem on groups. 3. Find the infimum and supremum of {a} en, 4, Show that the sequence {(-1)"n} is neither bounded above nor below. 5. Show that the series E2{cos “) is convergent and converges to 2. mt 2/3"! 6. Show that £3) converges to 4. 7. If LLf(O]= F(s) then show that Z[e* f()] = F(s—a). 8. Find the inverse Laplace transform of <><, 45? 45° IL Answerany Three questions. (x5=15) 9. Inagroup G, prove that O(a) = 0(a"!) where aeG. 10. Prove that every group of order less than or equal to 5 is Abelian. PTO. tana ® 12325 1. Show that every eyclie group is Abelian. 12. Find the order of each clement of a group G under addition modulo 5, where G= {01,234}. 13. ifG= {1,-Lisi) is a group and H= (-1,1} bea subgroup of G list all right and left cosets of H in G. with respect to multiplication. TH. Answer any three questions. (3x5=15) 14, If {a,} and {6,} are sequences of real numbers with lim(a,}=! and lim{b,} =m then show that lim{a, +8,} =/+m - : . 3n+5 . . 15, Show that the sequence 3c} is monotonically increasing, bounded and converges 16. Discuss the convergence of a a,=Vntl-yn. g, = 108(0+1)-logn b. so(?) a 17. Prove that “Every convergent sequence is bounded”. 18. Discuss the convergence of the series )(vi* +1—vn?=1), IV. Answer any two questions. (2x5=10) 19. State and prove D’Alembert’s Ratio test for a series of positive terms. for 43" 20. Test the convergence of 24] |. a 21. Find Sum to infinity of the series 2,25 25.8 l4S4 s+ 6 612 6.12.18 ~ TION ; @) 12325 v Answer any two questions. ae) 22. Find the Laplace transform of & — Cosh*3¢- bos nt 23. Show that L{¢"]= 5 where ‘n’is positive integer. 24. Verify the convolution theorem on Laplace transforms for the pair of functions (1) =1 and g(t)=cost. Answer any two questions. (2x5=10) 25. Acchild building a tower with blocks uses 15 for the bottom row. Each row has two fever blocks than the previous row. If there are eight rows in the tower, find the total number of blocks in the tower. 26. Avoltage £.¢~ is applied at t=0 toa circuit of inductance Land resistance R. Show Efe] by Laplace transform method that current at any time t is R-aL. 27. Using Laplace transform, solve the differential equation, Basy-e* 0 given de y(0) =2. tiga : : 11323 Reg. No. UI Semester B.Se. Degree Examination, April - 2022 MATHEMATICS, (CBCS Semester Scheme 2018 Batch and onwards) Paper : I Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Instructions to Candidates: Answer all questions. PART-A Answer any five questions. (5*2=10) 1, a) Define right coset of a subgroup of a group. b) Find all the left cosets of the subgroup / = {0,2,4) of the group(Z,,®,) . c) State Raabe’s test. 1), : ; d) Show that {3} is monotonically decreasing sequence. c) Test the convergence of the series ao eee = 4 Vo V8 ) State Cauchy's mean value theorem. g) Verify Rolle’s theorem for the function f(x) =8x—x? in [2,6]. Icosx . h) Evaluate “,[ 3] by using L - Hospitals’ rule. [PT.0. (AQ) Q) 11323 Answer one full question. PART - B (1x15=15) 2. a) Ina group G prove that O(a) = O(a"'),WaeG. b) Find all the generators of the cyclic group of order 8. ©) Find all the distinct right cosets of the subgroup H ={0,4,8}> in (Z-®)- (OR) 3. a) __ Prove that any two right (left) cosets of subgroup H ofa group G are either identical or disjoint. b) Prove that every group of order Four is abelian. ©) Ifan element ‘a’ of a group G is of order ‘n’ and ¢ is the identity in G, then prove that for some positive integer m, g* =e ifand only ifn divids m. PART-C Answer two full questions. (2*15=30) 4. a) 4 and lim, =, prove that lim(a, +8,)=a+b, 1y b) Discuss the nature of the sequence {( +4) } 5 c) Test the convergence of the sequence { 3n-4 4n+3, (OR) 5. a) Prove that every convergent sequence is bounded. b) Examine the convergence of the sequence : 2 . (Bede « (oil ~ n+3 n * n. c) Prove that a sequence which is monotonically increasing and bounded above is convergent. (NOU @) 11323 6. 1 a) State and prove D’Alembert’s ratio test for series of positive terms. b) Test the convergence of the series. ae 12. 34.507" . 1 ©) Find the sum to infinity of the series vsa(3} 3 (OR) a) State and prove Cauchy's root test for a series of positive terms. b) Discuss convergence of the series °) PART-D Answer one full questions. (1x15=15) a) Prove that every continuous function over a closed interval is bounded. b) Evaluate Jt, (1+sinx)™ using L- Hospital's rule, ©) Expand the function log!"”? up to the term containing x! by Maclaurin’s expanison. (OR) a) State and prove Lagranges mean value theorem. . oa . x if xs3 b) Examine the differentiability of the function /(x) = 6x-9ifx>3 x=3, (ty _" ©) Evaluate lim|—} by using L- Hospital's rule.

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