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Artificial Intelligence and Its Impacts On Project Management

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Artificial Intelligence and Its Impacts on Project Management

Sindhu Reddy Nagireddy

Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School

in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy Business

University of the Cumberlands

August 2023

Approval for Recommendation

This dissertation is approved for recommendation to the faculty and administration of the

University of the Cumberlands.

Dissertation Chair:


Dr. Laura Dolley, PhD

Dissertation Evaluators:


Dr. Daniel Kanyam, PhD


Dr. Larry Parker, PhD

Signatures are on file in the Graduate School.



Thank you to my spouse, Rohith Reddy Kalasani, for his unwavering support throughout

the dissertation journey. The journey would not have even started without him. He keeps

reminding me that only the toughest survive and keeps me going through the journey. I am

grateful to my parents, Sucharitha and Prabhakar Reddy, for motivating me to complete the


I thank my chair, Dr. Laura Dolley, for her continuous support and advice throughout the

dissertation journey. I also thank my committee members, Dr. Daniel Kanyam, and Dr. Larry

Parker, for their valuable time in helping in the dissertation journey.

I am genuinely grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from all these

individuals. Without their help, this dissertation would not have been possible. Thank you.


The primary reason for doing this research was due to the fast-paced nature of the technology

sector and the significant progress that has been made in project management. As AI

technologies continue to evolve and become more accessible, it is increasingly important for

project managers to understand the potential benefits and challenges that AI can bring to their

work. This study reviews existing literature on AI and project management, analyzes case studies

of AI adoption in project management, and provides insights into how AI can be integrated into

project management practices. The study concludes that AI has the potential to improve project

planning, resource allocation, risk management, and decision-making but also highlights the

need for project managers to address the ethical and social implications of AI. Overall, this

dissertation offers a comprehensive analysis of the intersection of AI and project management,

providing valuable insights for practitioners and researchers.


Table of Contents

Approval for Recommendation....................................................................................................... 2

Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... 3

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter One .................................................................................................................................. 11

Introduction................................................................................................................................... 11

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 11

Background and Problem Statement............................................................................. 13

Purpose of the Project ................................................................................................... 19

Significance of the Project ............................................................................................ 19

Research Questions ....................................................................................................... 24

Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................. 25

Limitations of the Project.............................................................................................. 36

Assumptions.................................................................................................................. 37

Definitions..................................................................................................................... 38

Summary ....................................................................................................................... 42

Chapter Two.................................................................................................................................. 44

Review of Literature ..................................................................................................................... 44

Introduction................................................................................................................... 44

Project Management Overview ..................................................................................... 47

Decision-making Parameters in Project Management .............................................. 49


Role of Technology in Project Management ............................................................ 52

Artificial Intelligence In Project Management.......................................................... 55

Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management .................................. 65

Summary ....................................................................................................................... 71

Chapter Three................................................................................................................................ 74

Procedures and Methodology........................................................................................................ 74

Introduction................................................................................................................... 74

Research Method and Paradigmatic Perspective .......................................................... 74

Qualitative Research Approach .................................................................................... 76

Reliability.................................................................................................................. 78

Replicability .............................................................................................................. 79

Validity...................................................................................................................... 79

Sampling Procedures and Data Collection Sources ...................................................... 79

Participants/Sample................................................................................................... 80

Materials and Instrumentation .................................................................................. 81

Role of the Researcher .............................................................................................. 81

Data Collection Procedure ........................................................................................ 83

Ethical Considerations .............................................................................................. 84

Data Analysis ................................................................................................................ 85

Summary ....................................................................................................................... 86

Chapter Four ................................................................................................................................. 88

Research Findings ......................................................................................................................... 88

Introduction................................................................................................................... 88

Participants and Research Setting ................................................................................. 90

Project Analysis ............................................................................................................ 91

Familiarization with the Data.................................................................................... 92

Generating Initial Codes ........................................................................................... 93

Searching for Themes ............................................................................................... 94

Reviewing Themes.................................................................................................... 94

Analyses of Research Questions ................................................................................... 95

Research Question One ............................................................................................. 95

Research Question Two .......................................................................................... 103

Research Question Three ........................................................................................ 107

Supplementary Findings ............................................................................................. 116

Summary ..................................................................................................................... 132

Chapter Five ................................................................................................................................ 134

Summary, Discussion, and Implications..................................................................................... 134

Introduction................................................................................................................. 134

Practical Assessment of Project Analysis ................................................................... 134

Limitations of the Study.............................................................................................. 147

Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Systems ......................................................... 147


The Application of Artificial Intelligence to the Management of Projects in

Organizations ...................................................................................................................... 150

Implications for Future Study ..................................................................................... 154

Suggestions for Ongoing and Upcoming Research ................................................ 155

Summary ..................................................................................................................... 156

References ................................................................................................................................... 159

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................. 174

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................. 175

Appendix C ................................................................................................................................. 176

Appendix D ................................................................................................................................. 179

Appendix E ................................................................................................................................. 180


List of Tables

Table 1. SWOT Analysis (Morrison, 2008).................................................................................. 34

Table 2. AI System Types............................................................................................................. 36

Table 3. Participant Demographics – Job Title and Qualification ................................................ 91

Table 4. Research Questions - Themes ......................................................................................... 92

Table 5. Initial coding for significant challenges.......................................................................... 95

Table 6. Initial coding for AI based tools ................................................................................... 104

Table 7. Initial coding for areas where AI can be effective ........................................................ 107

List of Figures

Figure 1. Percentage of AI Systems within the Organizations ................................................... 180

Figure 2. The AI Project Manager .............................................................................................. 180

Figure 3. Iron Triangle of Project Management ......................................................................... 181

Figure 4. The Research Process for this Study ........................................................................... 181

Figure 5. Items clustered by word cloud for initial codes for significant challenges .............. 1812

Figure 6. Items clustered by word cloud for initial codes for current AI processes used in project

management. ............................................................................................................................ 1812

Figure 7. Items clustered by word cloud for initial codes for areas where AI can be effective 1812

Chapter One



Technology is being used across various sectors to enhance efficiency and effectiveness

while making it possible for management to be trustworthy, secure, and acquiescent. Integrating

human skills and technology systems has resulted in improved performance and driven culture,

with everyone participating, ensuring continual progress (Munir, 2019). Project management is

another field that has found applications for integrating technological and human skills (Edkins,

2017). Project management is distinguished by three pillars, which are as follows:

• The presence of project managers who are competent and powerful.

• Providing project managers with an atmosphere that is favorable to the completion of

their work.

• Ensuring that everyone across the company is held accountable.

AI is increasing the capacities of humans. This dissertation investigated the advantages of

incorporating artificial intelligence into project management while studying the function that

artificial intelligence plays in project management, including how it may be used in project

management. In addition, it investigated how AI might improve performance in project


Project managers have access to various AI-based solutions, such as Chatbots, Stratejos,

ZiveBox, Rescoper, Click Up, Clarizen, and PolyOne, to aid them in managing a variety of

activities (Lahmann et al., 2018). For example, they assisted the manager in putting together the

team working on the project and delegating tasks and duties to each team member (Butt, 2018).

AI technologies are important in ensuring project managers efficiently manage and stick to

deadlines, which is another benefit of using these tools. The use of artificial intelligence provides

project managers with a variety of advantages. To begin, AI is helpful to project managers

because machines lighten the load and relieve some of the strain associated with project

management. AI is also beneficial in supplying project managers with correct results since the

jobs conducted using AI do not include mistakes or errors due to the absence of human

intervention (McCarthy, 2007).

Additionally, the use of AI assists project managers with gaining insights and developing

strategies. For instance, software that uses AI suggests alternate or extra procedures for project

managers working on challenging projects. In addition to assisting project managers in carrying

out the activities mentioned above, it improved both effectiveness and efficiency, increasing their

productivity. This is accomplished by fostering the managers' creative potential while boosting

their emotional intelligence (Abduh & Soemardi, 2002).

The fourth industrial revolution, more often known as Industry 4.0, is causing substantial

shifts within the human race. Advances in technology are bringing about these shifts. The

introduction of coal-powered steam engines marked the first industrial revolution, while the

widespread adoption of electrification and automation characterized the second . Subsequently,

the third industrial revolution emerged with digitization, closely tied to the rise of the internet

(Brettel et al., 2014). According to Rüßmann et al. (2015), the critical aspects upon which

Industry 4.0 is being nurtured and developed include technical developments in digitalization,

artificial intelligence, augmented reality, big data analytics, and the internet of things, to name a

few others. In this new age, there have already been successful tests of self-driving automobiles

and robots that mimic human behavior in the real world. As a result of the ongoing digital

revolution, human-machine contact inside businesses is becoming an unavoidable reality for the


Consequently, there has been a rapid shift in the requirements placed on the future

workforce in light of the real prospect that people and robots may collaborate on specific

projects. For businesses to maintain their competitiveness in a market often shaken up by the

introduction of novel products and services, they need to re-evaluate their business methods.

According to Albach et al. (2015), managers must adjust their firms under perpetual change, and

they state that late arrivals struggle to keep up with the quick speed of changes in the industry.

Therefore, the solution is to keep ahead of the curve by studying the possibilities of integrating

new solutions, such as those brought on by artificial intelligence, into day-to-day company

operations. This artificial intelligence is the key to success.

Background and Problem Statement

Within computer science, the subfield known as artificial intelligence is a field in which

researchers aim to generate higher levels of intelligence inside computer systems (Nilsson,

2010). AI was defined by Russel and Norvig (1995) as the art of developing computers that

execute activities that need intelligence when performed by humans. One possible interpretation

of this definition is that it has unparalleled potential for the future of human-machine

collaboration; there has been a huge increase in the amount of money invested in research and

development within this sector in the last several years. In the first half of 2016, the market was

responsible for funding 200 AI-related businesses for USD 1.5 billion (Pan, 2016). Artificial

intelligence's practical applications are quite diverse and may range anywhere from clever

personal assistants to intelligent systems that allow face recognition. AI proponents believe that

intelligent computers are the only way to ensure the long-term survival of the human race, while

opponents of the technology, sometimes known as skeptics, are concerned about the

unanticipated and uncontrolled adverse effects of AI (Gurkaynak et al., 2016). According to

Gurkaynak et al. (2016), the three known categories (rule-based, learning-based, cognitive) are

used in the scientific classification of artificial intelligence systems. Rule-based systems use a set

of predetermined rules to make decisions. Learning-based systems use machine learning

algorithms to learn from data and improve their performance over time. Cognitive systems aim

to replicate human-like intelligence and perception, including the ability to reason, understand

language, and recognize objects.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

ANI systems, also known as Weak AI, are the type of AI that was developed to perform a

specific task and can only be specialized within a narrow functional area. This type of AI was

named because it was initially proposed as an acronym for artificial narrow intelligence. These

kinds of computers and systems can do several hundred thousand computations per second if

they are designed to do so; nevertheless, their performance possibilities are limited by the

parameters that were pre-defined by the designers who created them (Gurkaynak et al., 2016).

For instance, IBM produced a supercomputer called Deep Blue, which was capable of playing

chess and was given that task by its creators. In February of 1996, Deep Blue faced off for the

first time against Garry Kasparov, who was at the time the reigning world chess champion. This

first match was a loss for the ANI. In the rematch in May of 1997, Deep Blue made history by

being the first computer program to win against a human player. This Deep Blue computer

program was a significant turning point in the development of artificial intelligence systems at

the time. Deep Blue could recognize and evaluate up to 60 billion moves in the three minutes

typically allotted for competitors to make their next move. Still, since it was incapable of

learning, it was doomed to repeat the same errors repeatedly (Makridakis, 2017). Because its

coding was built on a straightforward if-then logic, the ANI could not go beyond this point in its


IBM moved one step further to construct their next supercomputer, Watson, which upset

two reigning champions in the iconic live-quiz program Jeopardy in the United States of

America in February of 2011. Apart from their ability to process and comprehend the English

language, Watson, the result of a five-year research and development endeavor, also possess the

capability to recognize and interpret puns (TechRepublic, 2018). In addition, the supercomputer

could gain knowledge from its blunders (Makridakis, 2017), which unquestionably represented a

step forward for ANI systems.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

AGI systems, also known as Human-Level AI (Goertzel, 2007), are AI systems that can

imitate humans at every level and, in principle, execute all of the activities humans are capable

of. Another name for AGI systems is Human-Level AI. Alan Turing, who designed the Turing

Test in 1950 to investigate the prospect of human-level artificial intelligence, is credited with

being the first to propose the concept of thinking machines (McCarthy, 2007). The examination

is constructed by setting up a series of textual conversations between the following participants:

A participant in a test on humans and other types of human AI systems being tested .

The artificial intelligence (AI) system being evaluated is being built to imitate and

converse like a person. The artificial intelligence system is considered to have failed the test if

the human tester can correctly differentiate between the test participants and identify the AI

system while participating in the text exchange and vice versa. The Turing test is now widely

recognized as a benchmark for the ongoing development of artificial general intelligence (AGI)

systems and is notoriously known as The Imitation Game. However, some AI theorists do not

think this is adequate. Millican et al. (1996) went so far as to criticize the exam by arguing that

the rush for computer equipment and intelligence has distracted attention away from the much-

needed emphasis on producing artificial intelligence with intellectual tools rather than

intellectual monuments.

Several tests have been carried out over the years, and the conclusions from these

investigations imply that actions that are laborious and time-consuming for humans, such as

complicated computations, may be carried out by AGI systems in seconds. Nonetheless,

researchers and engineers in the artificial intelligence domain have observed tasks that come

naturally to humans, like utilizing cognitive skills to open a door or recognize voices, present a

more significant challenge for artificial intelligence systems. This is mainly owing to the

difficulty of giving specified circumstances for AI systems to recognize all of the possibilities in

any given situation, which are highly prone to change, and thus become random scenarios for the

AGI in the real-world (Gurkaynak et al., 2016). This necessitates the development of AI systems

to a new level, which may be classified as machine learning or deep learning; both emphasize

creating AI systems capable of thinking for themselves (Makridakis, 2017). The point at which

AGI systems will have reached maturity is when cognitive abilities are fully incorporated into

their systematic development. This systematic development will allow these supercomputers to

carry out simple human tasks, marking the point at which AGI systems will fully mature.

Artificial Super Intelligence(ASI)

ASI systems are projected to be the sort of AGI systems that would expand exponentially

to exceed humans in nearly every discipline, including science, cognitive thinking, and social

skills. The term artificial superintelligence (ASI) refers to these systems. They also symbolize

artificial intelligence that will, some theorists predict, take over civilization and bring about a

phenomenon notoriously referred to as singularity. When it comes to whether the actual

occurrence of the point of singularity can be predicted, the scientific community is split along

several different lines. According to the hypothesis presented by Kurzweil (2005), the singularity

may be achieved as early as 2045. Authors argue that due to the human bias toward the linear

progression of nature, humans will fail to notice the arrival of ASI systems until they become a

part of daily life for humans. This is because humans are biased toward the progression of nature

linearly. This suggests that humans may be closer to approaching singularity than was previously

believed - or vice versa (Gurkaynak et al., 2016).

Implementing technology is critical to improving people's quality of life and enhancing

the ease of activities that, in the absence of technology, would demand a substantial amount of

human labor and time (Kutschenreiter-Praszkiewicz, 2009). The next phase in the development

process that is now taking place is the use of artificial intelligence (AI), which merges human

skills with machine learning and decision-making capabilities (Humanly, 1995). AI is helpful

because it makes the execution of repetitive and cyclic jobs more straightforward, especially

those tasks that require more from manufacturing lines.

AI was created for various functions, including managing cybersecurity concerns,

diagnosing medical ailments, and monitoring animals, among other applications (Lahmann,

Keiser et al., 2018). It is essential to highlight, however, that one of the primary impediments to

the widespread use of AI has been the worry that it may one day be superior to human intellect

and, as a result, its contributions to the workplace. This is because AI can do activities previously

carried out by humans(Seedahmed, 2019).On the plus side, AI has been used to execute

laborious and time-consuming jobs, freeing up time for people to devote to activities that cannot

be automated. In terms of the project and artificial management, a significant amount of headway

has been accomplished, even though a significant amount of territory is yet to be covered.

Artificial intelligence is gradually integrating into project management, and people

working in the sector are demonstrating a growing interest in technology (Duchessi et al., 1993).

Project management is one of the most prominent applications of artificial intelligence across

many different industries. According to McCarthy (2007), several advantages come into play

when project managers use AI. The intelligence shown by machines is one definition of artificial

intelligence (AI). In project management, cognitive tasks tied to the project manager's mind,

such as making choices and solving issues, can now be replicated by computers. This has the

potential to revolutionize the sector. AI concepts are used by various search engines and voice

recognition systems, like Google and Siri, amongst others, to carry out their responsibilities

(Lahmann, Keiser et al., 2018).

Concepts from artificial intelligence are also used in self-driving vehicles, for simulating

military exercises, and in content delivery networks. Regarding games of strategy like chess, it is

very unlikely that computers would ever outperform human players. Despite this, the

overarching goal of AI research and development is to create computers and other devices

capable of functioning efficiently (Vesma, 2009). This necessitates using methods and

techniques for optimization, automation intelligence, and mathematical research. According to

Munir (2019), programming AI methods requires technical, psychological, neurological, and

linguistic interpretation.

Concerning the use of AI, it is yet unclear whether or not it will be possible to properly

characterize the thinking of a project manager in such a way that it will be possible to simulate

their actions using the approaches described above. This will become conceivable in the future,

and the likelihood of it happening is growing due to the development and widespread use of

microcomputers, advances in machine learning technology, and the widespread use of cloud

computing (Duchessi et al., 1993). The present research investigated how AI may be helpful to

project managers.

Purpose of the Project

The primary reason for doing this research was due to the fast-paced nature of the

technology sector and the significant progress that has been made in project management.

Because project managers' work is so vital, this work must be carried out as effectively and

efficiently as possible (Vesma, 2009). As a result of technological advances, several technical

improvements explicitly aimed at assisting project managers in this area have been produced

(Anastasi et al., 2011). As a result, this research aimed to investigate how AI benefits managers.

Significance of the Project

Various applications of artificial intelligence have been created to make the job of project

managers easier. This has led to conflicting limitations, which makes analyzing trade-offs more

difficult when added to the existing constraints. It is anticipated that the use of a variety of AI

technologies by project managers would render project management simpler than it has ever

been before. According to McCarthy (2007), the idea that the limitations and assumptions

presented to the project team at the beginning of the project do not alter during the project's

lifetime has traditionally been accepted as a given. Since then, this is not the case, and now

tracking of all constraints and assumptions must occur for the whole of a project's lifespan; this

is where AI finds greater utility (Abduh & Soemardi, 2002). For example, executives seldom

know when exactly they will be able to step in and help throughout the process of putting a

project into action.


Most firms nowadays use AI technologies such as crisis dashboards which are among

those tools. Figure E1 shows the percentage of AI systems used within the organizations (see

Appendix E). By monitoring the crisis dashboards on the computer, executives can determine

which projects are experiencing various problems, which of the project's limitations do not meet

the acceptable level, and which projects might be considered at a critical level (Tonchia, 2018).

Therefore, executives can identify projects that require immediate action by utilizing AI. They

can also identify the specific actions that project managers need to take and the stage of the

project implementation at which the action ought to be taken according to the AI's

recommendations (Hennings & Munter, 1985). This is crucial to drastically reduce the time

needed to respond to concerns with the project that have been detected as falling outside of an

acceptable range.

Without labor limits, it may be difficult for executives to assess the quantity of work that

must be done or schedule it. In most cases, additional work is completed on time without respect

to technology restrictions, talent requirements, resource limits, and AI (Edkins, 2017). AI helps

develop the project portfolio, which increases the possibility that the project will increase the

business's value. Additionally, AI assists in the identification of methods that are successful in

resource management. It is important to note that several algorithmic software programs have

been built specifically for this objective (Salini et al., 2015). Despite this, project scheduling and

optimization techniques rely on manual processes and tactics involving trial and error.

According to Maga Martnez and Fernandez-Rodriguez (2015), utilizing AI in project

management helps optimize schedules by identifying the organization's current and future

projects. This AI utilization contrasts with only considering a select number of projects. Without

the assistance of AI, project managers are constantly put under additional pressure to quickly

make judgments based on their gut feelings instead of using automated deductions (Humanly,

1995). To make the assumptions, this presupposes that everything is either usually false or

generally true. Because of the increased availability of knowledge, fewer assumptions will be


Artificial intelligence provides access to a sufficient database of specialized knowledge,

improving problem-solving and reasoning based on incomplete information (Butt, 2018).

Artificial intelligence makes it possible to make predictions while also presenting alternatives

that improve the usefulness of judgments already taken. According to the research, using various

AI tools with more information resulted in better decision outcomes (Schreck et al., 2018). As a

starting point, this necessitates consolidating intellectual property associated with project

management and acquiring information access for AI technologies.


AI helps project managers by giving automatic warnings and providing task scheduling,

which is crucial for completing normal processes. Additionally, AI offers workforce assistance

by simplifying some of the most challenging job procedures, saving time, and aiding in

performance assessment. According to Tonchia (2018), using AI in project management helps in

measuring and analyzing outcomes, which in turn assists in developing novel project methods.

Figure E2 shows that AI solutions also give project managers decision-useful information, which

will result in the future execution of projects being carried out more effectively and efficiently

(see Appendix E) (Lahmann, Probst, et al., 2018).


The process of entering data about project management is notoriously inconsistent. While

some workers may be meticulous, to the point where they can provide minute data about duties

and time, others may not be as diligent as the former group. In this respect, AI offers improved

help based on the data that is already accessible while simultaneously allowing users to develop

more accurate data in accordance with their needs (Seedahmed, 2019). The improved accuracy

makes it easier for project managers to avoid making errors that might result in expensive costs

throughout project execution (Lahmann, Keiser, et al., 2018).

Insight and Strategy

In relation to project management and artificial intelligence, there has been growing

acceptance of equipment executing certain challenging activities that humans previously carried

out. Digital technology is more independent regarding automation, number crunching, and

associated regular operations. AI is now assisting management by sending warnings when

deadlines are getting close, supporting them in constructing different project teams and

allocating duties to particular team members regularly according to certain criteria (Lahmann et

al., 2018). The capabilities of these machines and software aid in compiling data that may be

used for forecasting. The use of a wide range of testing procedures is required to evaluate

different prototypes (Seedahmed, 2019). Before the prototypes can be made available to users,

software engineers may put them through various tests using artificial intelligence (AI). Before a

project can even be started, AI is helping project managers reduce the number of mistakes and

costs connected with the project (Munir, 2019).

Getting Rid of Biases in the Information

Even when working with data, humans are emotionally driven creatures by nature.

Therefore, it is inevitable that they will allow their own biases to influence the choices they

make. The eradication of such biases is helped by AI (Humanly, 1995). This eradication suggests

that the use of AI by project managers results in enhanced accuracy that is free of the mistakes

and biases caused by humans.

Using Emotional Intelligence

Project managers will inevitably get exhausted while dealing with statistics and managing

human resources. On the other hand, AI can help them by analyzing enormous volumes of data

and crunching figures while managers are still in charge of the human management elements

(Duchessi et al., 1993). Project managers can create patterns in a more timely and effective

manner with the help of AI. For instance, according to IBM's Watson, the computer can read 22

million pages of text in under three seconds (McCarthy, 2007). Meanwhile, managers are free to

concentrate on the human components of project management, such as assigning staff members

to specific projects based on the capabilities they bring to the table. AI is also beneficial in the

identification of tasks for all projects while also aiding in the monitoring of real progress. These

kinds of judgments depend on numbers (Munir, 2019).

However, according to the research, the deployment of AI is believed to be more relevant

in scenarios that include interpersonal relationships between different team members (Salini et

al., 2015). This is because even if a project seems to be financially feasible on paper, its real

execution could be a catastrophe if the team members cannot function correctly. In this respect,

artificial intelligence serves to offer emotional intelligence and, as a result, enables the flexibility

to refocus the time and energy that are required in such circumstances by ensuring that the team

is calculated in a way that enables it to be as successful as possible (Kutschenreiter-

Praszkiewicz, 2009).

Exercising Imagination

It is also important to analyze how and where AI may assist organizations and how

creative use of AI by the project manager might be achieved (Duchessi et al., 1993). Artificial

intelligence helps make projections about future events and patterns

when a significant quantity of data is involved. However, the usefulness of such forecasts

is contingent on whether or not they can be used inventively. AI has the potential to be used in

properly anticipating monthly financial performance. Considering this, project managers can use

AI resources when forecasting and preparing for the future, which may help them be more

creative. Because of this, companies can get the assistance they need from AI without necessarily

recruiting full-time personnel (Wang, 2019). This human-centered approach illustrates the

crucial usage that project managers may use artificial intelligence to work. Every stakeholder's

job has become more effective and efficient due to increased automation inside the firm.

Research Questions

The primary research questions of the study were built around the benefits and challenges

of IT project management in implementing AI solutions. The research aimed to study the

impacts of AI on Project Management itself.

RQ1: What are the most significant challenges that the project team members face while working

on the project?

RQ2: When managing a project, do project team members use any AI-based tools? What are the

current processes you follow to manage a project?

RQ3: Do project team members believe that AI agents will be effective for their daily activities?

If so, what are the areas in the project team that believe AI might give more effective assistance

for project management?


Theoretical Framework

Project management Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to incorporating a system that can

manage a task independently of any support from a human being. Making use of the potential of

AI does not imply automating activities; instead, it requires concluding a variety of insights,

which results in the formulation of process suggestions, the conclusion of project-related matters,

and the disclosure of team insights (Schreck et al., 2018). For instance, because of advances in

technology, in the not-too-distant future, there will most likely be a certain kind of technology

that can match the appropriate level of expertise and responsibility with the appropriate level of

resources. The departments of human resources have been investing more money in technology

in recent years, intending to make their recruiting procedures more efficient.

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was first proposed by Fred Davis in 1986 in

his seminal paper - A Technology Acceptance Model for Empirically Testing New End -User

Information Systems: Theory and Results (Davis, 1986). The main purpose of the TAM is to

provide a theoretical framework for understanding and predicting user acceptance and adoption

of new technologies. It specifically focuses on end-users’ attitudes toward using technology and

how these attitudes influence their behavioral intention to use it. Since then, the model has been

widely used in information systems and technology research to understand how users adopt and

use new technologies.

The TAM is based on the idea that user acceptance of technology depends on two main

factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (Davis, 1986). Perceived usefulness

refers to the degree to which a user believes a particular technology will help them perform their

tasks more effectively. On the other hand, perceived ease of use refers to the extent to which a

user believes the technology will be easy to learn and use.


With the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in project management, it is

important to consider how the TAM can be applied to study the impacts of AI on project

management. One of the key factors in the TAM is perceived usefulness, which refers to the

extent to which a user believes that technology will help them perform their tasks more

effectively. In the context of AI in project management, perceived usefulness could refer to how

AI can assist with tasks such as project scheduling, risk assessment, and resource allocation. For

example, an AI system that can analyze project data and generate optimized schedules could be

seen as highly useful by project managers (Zhang et al., 2021). Another important factor in the

TAM is perceived ease of use, which refers to the degree to which a user believes that

technology will be easy to learn and use. In the context of AI in project management, perceived

ease of use could refer to how easy it is for project managers to interact with AI systems and

integrate them into their workflows. For example, an AI system that has a user-friendly interface

and can easily integrate with existing project management software could be seen as highly easy

to use by project managers (Venkatesh et al., 2003).

In addition to perceived usefulness and ease of use, the TAM also considers other factors

that may influence user acceptance, such as social influence and cognitive instrumental

processes. Social influence refers to the impact that the opinions and behaviors of others may

have on a user's decision to adopt a technology. In contrast, cognitive instrumental processes

refer to the mental processes a user goes through when evaluating the benefits and costs of using

technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003).

In the context of AI in project management, social influence could refer to how other

project managers' or industry experts' opinions and experiences can influence a manager's

decision to adopt AI tools. Cognitive instrumental processes could refer to project managers'

mental processes when weighing the benefits and risks of using AI tools in project management

(Zhang et al., 2021). Overall, the TAM provides a useful framework for studying the impacts of

AI on project management. By considering factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease

of use, social influence, and cognitive instrumental processes, researchers can better understand

how AI tools are adopted and used by project managers and the potential benefits and risks of

using AI in project management.

According to Helsgaun (2008), businesses that use AI in their recruiting procedures are

anticipated to enjoy a 20 percent boost in employee performance. This prediction is based on the

findings of a study that was conducted in 2008. On the other hand, Auth et al. (2019) believed

that using AI in recruiting leads to a 4% increase in revenues while simultaneously resulting in a

35% reduction in employee turnover rate. This is essential to significantly reduce the amount of

time employees waste sitting around doing nothing. Using AI, project managers can examine the

output of their teams' members and frequently allocate work depending on the capabilities of

each team member. This eliminates the need for the project managers to put in additional effort.

AI is also beneficial in developing a knowledge management ecosystem, which is vital in saving

information that can be used even after an employee has left the firm. This is another situation in

which keeping this knowledge is essential. According to (Passenheim, 2002), AI is also helpful

in aggregating behavioral patterns in the workplace while centralizing employees' knowledge.

Creation of a Knowledge Management Ecosystem

AI is also used in aggregating a range of behavioral patterns in the workplace, and it is

beneficial in centralizing employees' knowledge in the interest of quality improvement and

consistency. Both applications may be found in project management (Edkins, 2017). Artificial

intelligence may be beneficial in averting the re-invention of anything when modifications are

anticipated. Even if this is just theoretical at the moment, in the not-too-distant future,

commercial businesses will have access to this function at a price they can pay.

Foster a Safe Environment

The use of AI assists in identifying invisible warning indications about the risk of

accidents occurring during the execution of a project, which is especially helpful for those

projects that demand different working circumstances. For instance, in the management of

construction projects, artificial intelligence can monitor equipment's performance, detect an

unsafe working environment, detect different facial expressions made by employees to predict

their performance, monitor air quality, and alert participants of possible accident scenarios, as

stated by (Tonchia, 2018).

Maintaining a Constant Level of Impartiality and Attentiveness

AI systems do not suffer weariness, they do not provide excuses, and they do not

compromise or become fatigued while doing the project. This might make identifying quality

and accurate deliverables laborious for project managers (Wang, 2019). It might be challenging

to locate a method that successfully combines all the above qualities. However, using AI results

in project managers receiving advantages that benefit the project (Hennings & Munter, 1985).

Since the industry has been reluctant to embrace artificial intelligence and machine learning, few

AI solutions are used for project management.

Project Management

A transitory endeavor to generate a one-of-a-kind product, service, or outcome is what

the Project Management Institute (PMI, 2018) describes as the definition of project management.

According to Seymour and Hussein (2014), the primary responsibility of project management is

to create an atmosphere where people can work together to accomplish a shared aim, with the

end goal of delivering successful projects on time and within budget. In a setting that is fast

changing, the ultimate goal is to include and influence all of the relevant stakeholders to produce

something new and different and to bring about change (Boddy, 2002). People from various

departments within a business, and even from other companies, get together to form a project

team. After the completion of the project, it is not certain that these individuals will work

together again (PMI, 2018). It is possible to date the beginning of project management back to

the period when the pyramids of Egypt were being constructed. It is unknown who initially

established the words to refer to this managerial role as project management. However, the

discipline has been developed and improved over time, with the earliest strategic usage being

confined to the building sector more than seven decades ago. In the early 1950s, organizations

started applying and documenting specific tools and processes to complex projects. This trend

continued throughout the decade (Kerzner, 2013).

Fundamentals of Project Management. The notorious restrictions, also known as the

Iron Triangle, are at the center of the fundamental principles of project management. These

concepts are shown graphically in Figure E3 (see Appendix E).

The project's set cost, sometimes referred to as the project's budget, is an essential aspect

that must be carefully managed to ensure the project's successful completion (Wysocki, 2013). It

is a factor that contributes to success when a project is finished at or below the budget that was

authorized for it. In generating the budget, forecasting plays a significant role, and the accuracy

of the predicted budget is often used to determine whether or not a project will be allowed to go

beyond the planning stage (Marle & Vidal, 2016).

Time is a vital but uncontrolled part of project management. Time is connected to the

deadline that was given for the project. It has an inverse relationship with cost, meaning that if

the amount of time allotted for the project is cut down, the overall expenditures required to finish

the project will increase (Wysocki, 2013). Due to the impossibility of making up for lost time, a

project manager must keep the project on track and moving forward.

The scope defines a project's restrictions, also called the business case or specification.

This helps explain what components of the project are included and what aspects are not

(Wysocki, 2013). It is part of the project that, more often than not, is susceptible to change. As a

result, it necessitates the ongoing modification of the other essential parts of the endeavor.

According to Wysocki (2013), quality may be broken down into two categories (Product Quality

and Process Quality). Product Quality relates to the quality of the final product that was created

due to the project. Ensuring the final product is of a high standard often involves rigorous


Process Quality refers to the quality of the project management process and focuses on

how well the process has been performed in the past and how it can be improved. It also focuses

on how well the process has been executed in the past and how it can be improved (Wysocki,

2013). Marle and Vidal (2016) assert that ensuring a good quality of the project also means

satisfying all of the stakeholders, who can frequently hold varying opinions regarding the success

of a project. Marle and Vidal argue that this is necessary to maintain the good quality of the

project. A change to one component of the project management constraints forms an independent

set so that a change to one aspect impacts the others and needs modifications to one or more

aspects within the triangle to maintain an equilibrium based on the pre-defined parameters of the

project (Wysocki, 2013). The Project Management Institute's (PMI) Project Management Body

of Knowledge (PMBOK, 2013) is a worldwide reference for project management. The PMBOK

guide defines and discusses the five major phases of the project management process.

Initiation of the Project. This is the stage at which it is determined that there will be

advantages to carrying out the project, and the project is approved (Kerzner, 2013).

Planning the Project. The second stage in the process is the Planning stage. During this

stage of the project, planning takes place. During this stage, the fundamental aspects of the

project, such as those outlined in the Iron Triangle, are specified. Activities are also planned, and

risks are assessed (Kerzner, 2013). This location has also been assigned to the project team.

Executing the Project. During this stage, the team members begin working on the

project, and the project manager is responsible for directing and managing the work (Kerzner,


The Monitoring and Control of the Project. At this point in the process, the project's

progression is being monitored and assessed from the very beginning of the process. When the

previously specified goals seem not to be achieved as intended, appropriate adjustments are

made where necessary (Marle & Vidal, 2016).

Closure of the Project. This is the ultimate step of the project management process. At

this point, all activities associated with the project have been completed, the contract has been

settled, and the finances associated with the charged numbers have been closed (Marle and

Vidal, 2016). According to Kerzner (2013), effective project management entails the client's

acceptance of the end result and the project being finished on time, within the budget, at the

intended level of quality, and via the efficient allocation of resources.

Future of Project Management. The heads of a variety of organizations have realized

that to find answers to the majority of the issues confronting their companies in light of new

technological developments, the management team of those companies needs to make an effort

to investigate how the organization as a whole manages its myriad of activities and functions.

This calls for an all-encompassing strategy that focuses inside rather than looking outside to find

solutions (Kerzner, 2013). As a result, project management is one of the roles for which attempts

have been made to reassess and reorganize operations on a wide scale.

An organization known as Arup, The Bartlett School of Construction and Project

Management at University College London, and the Association for Project Management (APM)

have collaborated on a report titled Future of Project Management. This effort is an example of

the type of joint effort that can be made in this regard (Arup; UCL; APM, 2018). The inquiry

looked at three areas: megatrend analysis, future projections, and community impact assessment

(Arup; UCL; APM, 2018).

Artificial Intelligence For Project Management. Experts have already begun building

intelligent solutions that use AI systems to assist project managers in making it possible for

project managers to become more efficient. AI enthusiasts from Feature Labs in the United

States, Accenture, and MIT worked together (Feature Labs, 2016) to design a clever artificial

intelligence system explicitly tailored for project managers. The professionals used the training

data from 1,762 prior projects, which had a total of 438,580 reports, which equates to an average

of 249 reports for each project. The total number of reports was discovered to be 438,580. The

specialists working on this project decided to construct a predictive model to locate potentially

significant problems with the project in advance. This was done to assist the project managers in

being ready to deal with the identified problems. The developers made care to include project

managers, also known as subject matter experts, in this process so that the final product would be

tailored to fix the difficulties presented to them.

They created the system to forecast concerns four weeks in advance after having multiple

conversations with project managers. As a result, past projects that comprised training data from

at least 28 days were incorporated into the process's development, testing, and validation phases.

Consequently, the engineers could effectively construct a system that generated predictions using

historical data and made forecasts using data that was now being collected (Feature Labs, 2016).

An interactive user interface (UI) was incorporated into the system, specifically tailored

to cater to micro, small, and medium businesses' (SMEs) needs. This adaptation ensures the

system is well-suited and user-friendly for SMEs, facilitating ease of use and efficient operations

for businesses of varying sizes. The technology allows project managers to log in and check

whether any forecasts have been made on their projects. The system is powered by machine

learning models responsible for producing predictions (Feature Labs, 2016). The scientists who

work on AI believe that the particular set of problems used to develop this specific application

can be transferred to a broader range of problems that occur in the real world. As a result, the AI

system designed to help project managers will be quite adaptable for various use cases in the

future. This project is the successful outcome of two different stakeholders working closely

together to achieve the desired results. It will be used as the foundation for recommendations that

will be made for AI-led solutions within the project management area to fulfill the purpose of

this research (Kerzner, 2013).

Swot Analysis

SWOT refers to a company's "Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats"

assessment. While working on a study at Stanford University to examine why corporate planning

was unsuccessful, Albert Humphrey is credited with being the person who first used this method,

which dates back to the 1960s (Morrison, 2008). When it comes to analyzing accomplishments,

formulating strategies, and making choices for the future, analysis is a beneficial tool that both

people and organizations can use. The matrix was created to provide a dual perspective on the

following aspects, as shown below in Table 1.

Table 1

SWOT Analysis (Morrison, 2008)

SWOT Analysis Helpful towards achieving a goal Risks towards achieving a goal

Internal Perspective Strengths Weaknesses

Factors of the Activities working well currently; Activities that are not working well
organization or should be maintained and used as and should be either improved
individual leverage. upon or stopped
External Perspective Opportunities Threats

Factors of the
environment in Activities that are good for the Activities that are bad for the
which the future; should be prioritized and built future and need a strategy to be
organization or upon managed or countered
individual operates

According to what is described in the table above, the SWOT analysis may assist in

identifying important elements such as competitive advantages and possibilities for future

growth while protecting the firm from impending dangers. Similarly, it may equip a person with

the ability to prepare for a profitable future professional path and provide instructions for

differentiating oneself from other rivals. Project management is a function that may use the

SWOT matrix to analyze the possible possibilities and hazards facing the future under the

scrutiny of artificial intelligence systems. In this investigation, the study shall strive to

accomplish this task.

Impact Of AI On Project Managers

Because AI serves as a 'virtual partner' for project management, those in charge of

projects must have an imaginative frame of mind and tailor their existing expertise to move the

needle on digital transformation. In addition to being aware of security and privacy, having

strong "digital know-how" and data science abilities is essential. To effectively handle contracts,

having legal and regulatory expertise is also essential. Within the context of the digital era, AI

and project managers will need to work together (Morrison, 2008).

It is anticipated that as awareness of the profession continues to grow, a more significant

proportion of project work will earn more distinct attribution for the project management

profession itself, giving more recognition and appreciation to the role of the project manager.

This will result in a greater proportion of projects being completed. Robots and artificial

intelligence may be able to automate the tedious tasks that consume a small part of a project

manager's time, such as taking information from multiple sources and putting together

PowerPoint decks, focusing on proper messaging to the appropriate audience, and or normalizing

project data from incompatible systems. These tasks include taking information from multiple

sources and putting together nice PowerPoint decks. Nevertheless, a project manager's most

fundamental responsibilities are leadership and communication. AI does not seem capable of

achieving the "humanness" part of project management at this time, as was covered in the

sections that came before it. This humanness indicates that the project manager's function will

either continue in its current form or potentially extend into fresh areas, some of which will be

covered in the next section(Kerzner, 2013).

AI Tools and Techniques for the Project Manager Role

The impact that the future of AI technologies and approaches will have on the function of

a project manager. A survey by the PMI identified six different artificial intelligence

technologies that are influencing enterprises worldwide. It was discovered that the following

three AI technologies now have the most influence on the largest number of enterprises.

Furthermore, it was also discovered that project managers estimate that the impact of the

following three AI technologies will expand over the next three years.

Table 2

AI System Types

AI System Types Description

Understands the context of the data being processed, helping
Knowledge-based systems
support human learning and decision-making.
Decision management Creates an intelligent process or set of processes based on rules
systems and logic to automate decision-making.
Emulates and mimics human intelligence, skills, or behavior in a
particular field, topic, or skill. Artificial intelligence/expert
systems (AI/ES) software can help project managers capture their
Expert systems experiences of managing projects so that they can share such
experiences with others. The software also offers the field the
opportunity to transmit key information such as PMI's Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
Limitations of the Project

During the topic finding, it was identified that there is a gap in the studies concerning the

exploration of the use of AI in the project management field. An essential issue must be

answered: can artificial intelligence help project team members manage human and physical

resources? Machines would make decisions such as resource planning, estimate, distribution and

maintenance, scheduling, job allocation, and prioritizing team development and management.

These machines would assess the project's present status based on a time-cost quality paradigm

and carry out the relevant measures to ensure the project's development would be carried out

efficiently. Artificial intelligence would not be able to replace Project Management in its present

state of development; nonetheless, it takes into account the function that Project Management

plays in the Project in terms of managing human and physical resources. This research will give

insight into how Artificial Intelligence may assist or enhance Project Management as a robust

software tool.

The research focused on the impacts of AI on the Project Management field. However,

the study’s findings might seem less relevant in a few years as AI constantly evolves, leading to

new inventions every day. There was constant discussion in the industry on the computational

power required for more extensive artificial intelligence technologies and if it was beneficial in

the long term.

The research study has a limited sample size affected the generalizability of the results.

The study results cannot be representative of the broader population. The study did not fully

capture the full range of AI applications and their impacts on project management. The study

was possibly influenced by the research participants' prior beliefs or drawbacks of AI in project

management. The current state of technology limited the study and did not account for future

advancements in AI and their impacts on project management.


Real-world applications of artificial intelligence are already being used in businesses,

where they are automating corporate operations to provide superior customer service. When it

comes to commercial applications, on the other hand, the study identified an increasing number

of urban legends. The assumptions made for the study are as follows.

I. A single AI solution would not work for all use cases, and questions should be asked

about what consumers are trying to accomplish.

II. The terms Artificial intelligence and machine learning cannot be interchanged. Artificial

intelligence (AI) combines robotic process automation (RPA) and machine learning.

III. The importance of data cannot be overstated in comparison to that of algorithms. The

design of an algorithm is dictated by the data structure they are designed to operate with,

which means that, in practice, data is more essential than the algorithm itself.

IV. Artificial intelligence lacks an essential characteristic of human employees and brings

unique qualities, such as empathy and judgment, which machines do not possess.

V. Anticipate a change in both culture and capabilities. The widespread use of AI in

workplaces will increase the number of jobs handled by apps that are part of a system of


VI. AI is a disruptive technology that can potentially transform project management practices

and processes.

VII. The adoption of AI in project management is likely to increase in the future.

VIII. AI can improve project outcomes by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and decision-


IX. The benefits of AI in project management outweigh the potential risks and challenges.

X. Project managers and other stakeholders are open to adopting and integrating AI into

project management practices.


The study used the below definitions in alphabetical order.

Analytics: The process of using data, statistical and quantitative analysis, and computational

techniques to identify meaningful patterns and insights in data sets (Davenport & Harris, 2007, p.


Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): An emerging field aiming at creating intelligent agents that

can autonomously carry out any intellectual task that a human being can do (Goertzel &

Pennachin, 2007, p. 1).

Artificial Intelligence (AI): A field of computer science that focuses on developing intelligent

machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual

perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation (Russell & Norvig,

2010, p. 2).

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): This is a system designed to efficiently perform a specific

task, typically in a narrow domain, by using a fixed set of algorithms and data structures (Poole

et al., 1998, p. 6).

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI): A type of artificial intelligence that would surpass human

intelligence in all cognitive domains and be capable of performing tasks beyond human ability

(Bostrom, 2014, p. 2).

Change Management: Process of planning, implementing, and monitoring changes to an

organization's systems, processes, or structures in a controlled and systematic way (Hiatt &

Creasey, 2012, p. 1).

Chatbots: Computer programs that simulate conversation with human users through natural

language processing. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms enable them to learn

from user interactions and improve their responses over time (Li et al., 2017, p. 11).

Cognitive Skills: Processes involved in the acquisition and use of knowledge, such as perception,

attention, memory, language, reasoning, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for

learning, decision-making, and adapting to new situations (Flavell, 1976).

Data visualization: Graphical representation of data and information can help users better

understand and interpret complex data sets. By transforming data into visual formats such as

charts, graphs, and maps, data visualization can provide insights into patterns, trends, and

relationships that may be difficult to discern from raw data (Few, 2013).

Deep Learning: The subfield of machine learning involves using artificial neural networks with

multiple layers. These networks can learn to recognize complex patterns and relationships in

data, such as images, speech, and text, through training on large datasets (LeCun et al., 2015).

Emotional Intelligence: Ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as

well as the emotions of others. This includes empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, and social

skills (Salovey & Mayer, 1990).

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): Non-invasive neuroimaging technique that

allows researchers to investigate brain activity in response to different stimuli or tasks. fMRI

uses a strong magnetic field to measure changes in blood oxygenation levels in the brain, which

are thought to be related to changes in neural activity (Logothetis, 2008).

Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT): A language model developed by Open AI that uses

deep learning techniques to generate human-like text. GPT models are trained on large amounts

of text data and can generate new text that is coherent and semantically meaningful (Radford et

al., 2018).

Interactive Machine Learning(IMI): Subfield of machine learning that focuses on developing

systems that can learn from human feedback and interaction. IML techniques can improve the

accuracy and efficiency of machine-learning models by incorporating feedback from human

users (Amershi et al., 2014).

Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Metrics that are used to measure the performance of an

organization, department, or individual against a set of goals or objectives. KPIs are used to track

progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions (Parmenter, 2015).

Machine learning (ML): Subfield of artificial intelligence that involves using algorithms and

statistical models to enable computer systems to learn and improve from experience without

being explicitly programmed. Machine learning algorithms can be used for classification,

regression, and clustering tasks and have a wide range of applications in areas such as natural

language processing, computer vision, and data analysis (Alpaydin, 2010).

Organization: Social entity created to achieve a specific goal or set of goals, typically through a

coordinated effort by a group of individuals. Organizations can be of various sizes and types,

from small businesses and non-profit organizations to large corporations and government

agencies (Robbins & Judge, 2017).

Project Management: The process of planning, organizing, and controlling resources (including

time, money, and people) to achieve specific project objectives. Project management involves a

wide range of activities, including defining project goals, developing a project plan, assigning

tasks and responsibilities, monitoring progress, and adjusting the plan as needed to ensure the

successful completion of the project (Kerzner, 2017).

Push Structure: Type of supply chain management strategy in which goods are produced and

shipped to customers based on forecasts and predictions of future demand. In a push system,

production is driven by anticipated demand rather than actual customer orders (Chopra &

Meindl, 2016).

Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Type of automation technology uses software robots (also

known as "bots") to automate repetitive, routine, and rule-based tasks. RPA bots can be

programmed to interact with different software systems and applications, perform data entry and

manipulation, and execute other tasks typically performed by human workers (Lacity &

Willcocks, 2016).

Supercomputer: A computer designed to perform complex calculations and simulations at

extremely high speeds. Supercomputers are typically used for scientific research, weather

forecasting, and other applications that require massive computational power. They are

characterized by their large-scale parallel processing capabilities and high-performance

computing architectures (Dongarra et al., 2017).

SWOT: Strategic planning tool used to evaluate an organization's strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. The analysis involves identifying the internal and external factors

affecting the organization's ability to achieve its objectives and developing strategies for

improving organizational performance (Helms & Nixon, 2010).


The most up-to-date tools and software for project management may assist programmers

and project managers in maximizing their efficiency and monitoring critical metrics in relation to

KPIs and project milestones. On the other hand, they cannot foresee what if and future situations

or provide project managers with proactive warnings before a significant problem emerges. In

addition, the information these technologies give is organized in a pull rather than a push

structure. According to PwC's Workforce of the Future Report, 2018, it is projected that there is

a growing need for project management processes and approaches that are quicker, more

flexible, and simpler to learn. Thanks to the rapidly shifting world of technology, which includes

anything from web-based tools and social media platforms to learning management systems,

there will be a great deal of room for research and experimentation. The application of AI will

increasingly facilitate on-demand, problem-specific, and individualized learning to the learner's

needs. Learning technology advancements will continue to make it feasible for new workers to

acquire knowledge about anything at any time and location. In the increasingly complex

environments for project management that we are seeing today, it is abundantly clear that such

tools are required to proactively think and do on behalf of the project manager and provide

information on demand to support the project manager's efficiency and effectiveness.

AI is increasingly used in the project management field. Therefore, the study further

evaluated the impact of AI on project management in the subsequent chapters of the research.

The next chapter, Chapter Two, reviews the literature about the origins of AI and its applications

across industries, particularly project management in the Information Technology industry

(Kerzner, 2013).

Chapter Two

Review of Literature


Artificial Intelligence has been surfacing for the last few decades, and it is the science

and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is

related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not

have to confine itself to biologically observable methods. The statement emphasizes that

artificial intelligence (AI) is a scientific and engineering field focusing on creating intelligent

machines and brilliant computer programs. AI aims to enable machines to perform tasks that

require human intelligence, such as recognizing patterns in data, making decisions, and

understanding natural language. AI is closely related to the study of human intelligence, as both

fields share a common goal of understanding and replicating intelligent behavior. However, AI

does not have to confine itself to biologically observable methods, such as studying the brain and

cognitive processes. Instead, AI can use various computational methods and techniques to

achieve intelligent behavior.

One of the key approaches to achieving AI is through machine learning algorithms,

which enable the system to learn from data and improve its performance over time. Machine

learning algorithms can be applied to various tasks, including speech recognition, image

recognition, and natural language processing. Another important aspect of AI is its ability to

interact with the environment and make decisions based on incomplete or uncertain information.

This is achieved through probabilistic reasoning and decision theory, which enable the system to

make optimal decisions in complex and dynamic environments. Overall, the statement highlights

the broad scope of AI as a field that encompasses a range of techniques and methods that can be

used to create intelligent machines. While AI is related to studying human intelligence,

biological constraints do not limit it. It can use various computational methods to achieve

intelligent behavior (McCarthy, 2004).

The work of Artificial Intelligence started with computer machinery and intelligence,

now known as Turing Test, where a human interrogator would distinguish the response between

a human and a computer. This test has undergone significant scrutiny since it was published, but

this remains an integral part of the history of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence can be

distinguished into different approaches; one would be Human Approach which involves systems

that think like humans and systems that act like humans. The ideal approach should include

systems that think and act rationally (Turing, 1950).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) combines computer science and datasets used for problem-

solving. AI refers to developing computer systems that can perform tasks requiring human

intellect, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language

translation. One of the primary subfields of AI is machine learning, which involves using

algorithms that can learn from data without being explicitly programmed . In machine learning,

the computer system is trained on a dataset and then uses that training to make predictions or

decisions about new data. This approach is particularly useful when the rules for decision-

making are difficult to define or where traditional programming methods are ineffective. Another

important subfield of AI is deep learning, a specific machine learning approach involving

artificial neural networks. In deep learning, the computer system is trained on large amounts of

data using a hierarchical approach, allowing it to learn and extract features. This approach is

instrumental in image and speech recognition tasks, where traditional machine learning

approaches may be less effective. AI is not just a single technology but a combination of

different techniques and approaches. By combining computer science and large datasets,

researchers and developers can create intelligent systems that can solve complex problems and

perform tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of human beings. Overall, AI in

modern technology and its subfields of machine learning and deep learning help solve complex

problems. With the continued development of AI, intelligent systems are expected to become

even more sophisticated and capable in the years to come (Nadikattu, 2016).

Artificial Intelligence can be mainly of two types Weak Artificial Intelligence, also called

Narrow AI, or Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI). In ANI, artificial intelligence is trained and

focused on performing certain tasks. This is the primary type of AI that drives the world today

and has been used in robust applications, Voice Assistant technologies like Alexa, Siri, and

Google Home, and Robot Vacuums like Irobots and Roborocks (Johnson, 2021). The next type

of artificial intelligence mainly consists of artificial generic intelligence (AGI) and artificial

superintelligence (ASI). AGI is where a machine would have intelligence equivalent to that of

humans and will have self-aware consciousness, which also can solve problems, learn, and plan

for the future (Brown, 2022).

ASI is where a machine would have superintelligence that goes beyond human

intelligence and is entirely theoretical. ASI surpasses human intelligence in all respects. This

would mean that machines with ASI would have the ability to understand and solve problems

that are currently beyond human comprehension. Unlike human intelligence, which is limited by

factors such as biological constraints, ASI has the potential to be infinitely more powerful and

versatile. This infinite potential means that machines with ASI could learn and adapt at an

unprecedented rate, making them capable of solving complex problems within fractions of how

much a human being would take. However, it is important to note that no practical examples of

ASI exist. Major advances have been made in AI, but we are still far from achieving a

superintelligence level beyond human intelligence. The concept of ASI raises important

questions about the potential implications of creating machines that are more intelligent than

humans. Some experts have expressed concerns about the risks of creating machines beyond

human control, while others argue that the benefits of ASI could far outweigh any potential risks.

While there is currently no practical example of ASI, it remains an essential area of research in

AI (IBM Cloud Education, 2020).

Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of many industries, which include

information technology, healthcare, cybersecurity, and art. AI mainly works onset of algorithms

for the execution of a problem or a situation, and an algorithm is a set of instructions that a

computer can run. Artificial intelligence algorithms can learn from previous cases' data and can

be evolved by learning new strategies. Artificial Intelligence has been impacting the lives of

people in modern society. It has been helping people in many ways, which include reading out

the text loud, auto switch and switching off lights, getting directions to the unknown place, being

directed to newer routes when the current routes have high traffic, shopping recommendations,

and movie recommendations (Nadikattu, 2016).

Project Management Overview

Project Management can be defined as the use of specific knowledge, skills, tools, and

techniques to deliver something valuable to people. Project management is the application of

knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet specific project requirements. It involves

initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve the project

objectives within defined parameters such as time, cost, quality, and scope. Project management

is not limited to a particular industry or sector. Instead, it can be applied in various fields such as

software development, construction, marketing, healthcare, etc. Project management is essential

for ensuring that a project is completed successfully, and it involves coordinating resources,

managing stakeholders, monitoring progress, and communicating effectively. For instance, in

software development, project management can involve the planning and execution of the

development process to ensure the timely delivery of high-quality software. Project management

can involve managing a team of contractors, engineers, and architects to ensure a building

project is completed within budget and schedule. In business expansion, project management can

involve identifying the necessary resources and planning the expansion process to ensure the

new division's success. The statement also emphasizes that project management is not limited to

a particular type of project but can be applied to any project that requires a defined set of

objectives to be met. This includes both small and large projects and project management

principles can be applied to both. By applying project management principles and techniques,

organizations can ensure the successful completion of projects and the achievement of their

objectives (Project Management Institute, 2022).

In human history, people have practiced project management informally for centuries.

Project management formally began in the mid-20th century when a group of individuals in the

aerospace, engineering, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunication fields saw the need to address

scheduling and resource issues for complex projects. This led to the birth of the Project

Management Institute (PMI). Project management has proven its value as a recognized and

strategic organizational competence, a subject for training and education in today's world. A

typical project in an organization would have a project manager with a specific set of goals and

strategies, which involves materials and resources going through a specified scope with

particular specifications and requirements that need to be achieved within a specific time and

budget (Project Management Institute, 2022).

Decision-making Parameters in Project Management

In project management, the four main factors of top priority include time, cost, quality,

and scope, which are the most important parameters from the time planning for the project has

started (Clegg, 2015). The project deadline is one of the most critical parameters. To achieve the

final project deadline, a project manager must work within a particular financial year over a

critical period. The amount associated with the project needs to be carefully spent, and phasing

of the money for the project is done so that money would be sufficient for project needs. A

project manager should have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of the project. This

includes identifying the primary source of funding for the project, which could come from

internal budgets, external funding, or a combination of both. By understanding the source of the

funds, the project manager can allocate resources appropriately and ensure that the project

remains within budget. The project manager should also identify the main activities on which the

money can be spent. This involves determining the project's scope and identifying the specific

tasks that need to be completed. By understanding the main activities, the project manager can

allocate resources effectively and ensure the project is completed on time and within budget.

Furthermore, the project manager should have a clear understanding of the potential

revenue that the project is going to generate. This includes identifying the key performance

indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the project's success. By clearly understanding the

potential revenue, the project manager can allocate resources effectively and ensure that the

project is financially viable. Finally, the project manager should use discretion for changing the

budget details. This involves establishing clear guidelines for making changes to the budget and

ensuring that any changes are communicated effectively to all stakeholders. By defining

discretion for changing budget details, the project manager can ensure that the project remains

financially stable and that any changes are made transparently and effectively. A project manager

should have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of the project, including the source of

funding, the main activities on which the money can be spent, the potential revenue that the

project will generate, and discretion for changing details of the budget. By clearly understanding

these aspects, the project manager can ensure the project is completed on time, within budget,

and meets the desired goals and objectives (Sajja, 2021).

Project scope is defined in the planning stages of any project, and scope greatly helps

manage the expectations of clients and stakeholders. Well-defined scope in any project will help

to avoid frequent changes to the requirements. The outcomes of the project not being

satisfactory, overrunning of the budgets, and the project not being completed within provided

timeline and scope will help to analyze what should be allowed in a project and what needs to be

executed. (Dontigney, 2017). Scope management helps establish control factors that can address

elements that result in changes during the project's lifecycle. Project scope is a crucial

component of project management. Project scope refers to the specific tasks, deliverables, and

objectives that must be achieved as part of a project.

Without a clear understanding of the project scope, project managers may not be able to

accurately estimate the time and budget required to complete the project. Project scope forms the

basis for every decision that needs to be taken during the project. It provides a clear

understanding of what needs to be achieved and helps project managers to prioritize tasks,

allocate resources, and make informed decisions about project changes. For example, suppose a

new task or requirement arises during the project. In that case, project managers can evaluate it

against the project scope and determine whether it aligns with its objectives and priorities. The

project scope also helps to define the project's boundaries and limitations. This includes

identifying any constraints, risks, and assumptions associated with the project. By understanding

these limitations, project managers can decide how to allocate resources based on project risks.

Furthermore, project scope helps ensure that all stakeholders clearly understand what the

project aims to achieve. This includes defining the project's goals and objectives and the specific

deliverables that need to be produced. By clearly communicating the project scope to all

stakeholders, project managers can ensure everyone is working towards the same goals and

objectives. Project scope is critical for project management because it helps project managers to

understand the time and budget required to complete the project, forms the basis for every

decision taken during the project, defines the project's boundaries and limitations, and ensures

that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project's goals and objectives (Team

Clarizen, 2021).

Quality factors are applied to a project's inputs, outputs, and processes. Quality factors

refer to the standards or criteria used to measure the quality of the raw materials, the results

produced, and the processes used to convert inputs into outputs. By maintaining the quality of

these factors, project managers can ensure that the project meets its objectives and delivers value

to stakeholders. One of the key benefits of maintaining project quality is that it can significantly

reduce costs in the later stages of the project. Investing upfront in high-quality raw materials or

components can help prevent issues down the line, such as defects, rework, or delays, which can

be costly to address. By ensuring that quality standards are met at every project stage, project

managers can minimize the risk of costly errors or defects and prevent waste. In addition,

maintaining quality in a project can help boost stakeholders' confidence in the project's success.

If stakeholders are confident in the quality of the project's inputs, outputs, and processes, they are

more likely to support and invest in its success. This can help secure funding, attract new

stakeholders, and improve the project's reputation. Maintaining quality in a project can also

improve efficiency and effectiveness in the project's lifecycle. Project managers can use high-

quality raw materials and components to ensure that the project runs at peak efficiency and that

processes are optimized for maximum effectiveness. This can help reduce the time and resources

required to complete the project and improve the overall productivity of the project team.

Furthermore, maintaining project quality is critical for delivering value to stakeholders and

meeting project objectives. By applying quality factors to inputs, outputs, and processes, project

managers can reduce costs, boost stakeholder confidence, and improve efficiency and

effectiveness in the project lifecycle (Sajja, 2021).

Role of Technology in Project Management

A project manager cannot solve all the problems about a project; innovative ways and

technology will significantly help solve most of the problems the project manager faces. The size

and complexity of the projects that are worked on make it essential to use technology. New

technology capabilities will help lead to more expectations from customers and senior

management, and results can be achieved less quickly than before with proper technology usage

(Sajja, 2021). Project managers always focus on communication as the most crucial part of

project success. The technology used in the project will help ensure proper communication

between all the team members and stakeholders. Using cloud-based project management

software that is not only cost-effective but can also be easily managed, allows for mobile access,

and helps in precise solutions for the project manager that match the overall project. Gathering

updates for a project is a critical and essential task for a project manager, and after the updates, a

project plan is prepared accordingly. The latest reports should be distributed to project team

members, and using cloud-based project management software helps project managers check the

task status, update project documentation, and send alerts to team members when necessary. In

the past days, it was believed that a project team worked effectively only when the team

members met face to face. Today with the improvement in technology and the development of

new software for project management, organizations can build project teams with employees and

contractors across the globe in different time zones. This helps to enhance the speed at which the

project is completed. Project team members can use technology to organize all the interactions

and share ideas with the broader audience, which helps complete tasks faster (Clarizen, 2019).

According to William (2005), businesses are becoming increasingly project-oriented, and

the annual global project expenditure has been rising and hitting billions of dollars. The

companies primary focus is setting up related factors that can influence the success of a project.

Information technology is pivotal in managing a project and helps store a large amount of data. A

study reveals that humans are slower when compared to technology systems when converting

data into information (William,2005). Major organizations around the globe have been investing

in new technologies which can help in perform better and help them compete better. We can say

that technology has a positive impact on business performance. Technology must be carefully

applied to areas in the organization that will help in performing business operations and helps

increase the performance of the business (Prieto & Revilla 2004). Technology usage in projects

also depends on how well the technology has been designed. While creating new technological

systems, we should always consider designing them according to the project's individual needs

(Anantatmuula & Kanungo, 2005).


There are various problems when managing the projects, including failure to meet set

targets, time and money, ethics involved while managing the projects, and poor communication

skills and relations. Technology can help effectively tackle these issues (Sajja, 2021). Strong and

effective leadership is key to project success. With the help of technology, the tasks associated

with the project can be automated, which takes some burden off the project manager. Technology

helps automate tasks, send alerts, capture and store data, review historical data, and provide

necessary projections. According to Anantatmula (2008), technology is pivotal in helping project

managers perform their job effectively and efficiently. Many studies are focused on the

importance of the leadership style of project managers. Research conducted by Anantatmula in

2008 gathered structured personal interviews to study the relation amount people-related factors

in project management, and a model was developed using interpretive structural modeling

methodology. This model helped determine the role of the project manager in managing the

project and improving project performance. Results indicated that both leadership and

management roles are equally important. This study helped the project manager understand the

supportive function of technology to help improve project performance.

Technology plays a crucial role in project management by providing various tools and

programs that aid in efficient project completion. With the help of technology, project teams can

easily collaborate, share information, and manage their tasks, thereby improving their

productivity and overall project outcomes. The benefit of using AI technology in project

management is the ability to streamline communication between team members. With the help of

collaboration software, project teams can easily communicate with one another, share

information, and receive feedback in real-time. This not only speeds up the decision-making

process but also helps in avoiding miscommunication and errors. Project management programs

also provide various features that help manage tasks and responsibilities. For instance, they allow

team members to set deadlines, assign tasks to specific individuals, and track progress. This

ensures that each team member knows their roles and responsibilities and can work towards

achieving the project's objectives effectively. In the coming decade, we expect to see further

improvements in project management techniques that will significantly enhance project teams'

ability to manage various tasks and responsibilities. For example, we can expect more artificial

intelligence-based tools to automate routine tasks and help predict potential issues during the

project's lifecycle. Additionally, we can expect to see more advanced data analytics tools that

will provide project teams with insights into project performance, enabling them to make

informed decisions. Overall, the role of technology in project management is essential, and we

can expect to see further advancements in the future that will help project teams achieve their

goals more efficiently and effectively (The Editorial Team, 2019).

Artificial Intelligence In Project Management

The world is undergoing numerous changes, with technology constantly evolving and

improving people's life. Different organizations are implementing project management

technologies that will help improve efficiency and effectiveness while enabling management to

be dependable and providing a secure environment. Artificial Intelligence in project management

can be viewed as a system that can help activities associated with the project without much

human intervention (Edkins, 2017).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way organizations handle projects. It

has the potential to streamline project management by automating mundane and repetitive tasks,

which allows project managers and team members to focus on more critical tasks. One of the

significant benefits of AI in project management is its ability to analyze data and provide

valuable insights. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data from various sources, such as

project management software, social media, and other databases, to identify patterns and

correlations. By analyzing this data, AI can help project teams gain insights into project

performance, identify potential risks and opportunities, and make informed decisions (Lahmann

et al., 2018).

Moreover, AI can help automate many routine tasks in project management, such as

scheduling, resource allocation, and budget tracking. AI not only saves time but also helps

reduce errors and improve accuracy. Another essential application of AI in project management

is its ability to provide process recommendations. Based on the analysis of historical project data,

AI can recommend process improvements that can help streamline project workflows and

increase efficiency. For example, AI can identify bottlenecks in the project timeline and

recommend solutions to overcome them (William,2005).

Additionally, AI can unveil team insights by analyzing team communication and behavior

patterns. This can help project managers identify potential issues within the team and take

appropriate steps to address them. AI can also help identify high-performing team members,

enabling project managers to allocate tasks more effectively. AI in project management can help

automate tasks, make inferences from insights, provide process recommendations, make

decisions, and unveil team insights. It has the potential to significantly improve project outcomes

by increasing efficiency, reducing errors, and providing valuable insights. With further

advancements in AI, we can expect to see even more benefits in project management in the

coming years (Schrek et al.,2018).

Developing a new technology will help match the right skills and responsibilities

assigned to resources in the project. Investing in new technology has increased interest, which

will help organizations reach their goals. One of the significant benefits of using AI in project

management is its ability to help project managers assign tasks to team members based on their

capabilities. AI algorithms can analyze data on the skills and capabilities of team members,

including their past performance, training, and qualifications, to identify the best candidate for a

particular task. By using AI to analyze the capabilities of team members, project managers can

ensure that tasks are assigned to the right person, which can lead to better project outcomes. For

example, if a team member has shown excellent problem-solving skills, the AI algorithm can

suggest that they be assigned to a task that requires similar skills (Anantatmuula & Kanungo,


Moreover, AI can help project managers study the output of team members, which can

help identify areas where additional training or support may be required. For instance, if a team

member consistently produces work below the expected standard, the AI algorithm can identify

this and suggest that they be given additional training or support to improve their performance.

AI can also help predict team members' performance, which can help project managers plan

effectively for resource allocation. For example, suppose the AI algorithm predicts that a

particular team member will take longer to complete a task. In that case, the project manager can

allocate additional resources or adjust the timeline accordingly. Using AI in project management

can help project managers assign tasks to team members based on their capabilities, study the

output of team members, and predict team performance. This AI usage can lead to better project

outcomes, improved efficiency, and more effective use of resources. As AI continues to develop

and become more advanced, we can expect to see more benefits in project management in the

future (The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Project Management | LIGS University,

2020).AI is beneficial in creating a knowledge management ecosystem that can be very helpful

when an employee is leaving an organization.

According to Passenheim (2002), artificial intelligence is beneficial in aggregating

workplace behavior patterns and centralizing employee knowledge, which helps improve quality

and consistency regarding project management. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained

widespread popularity among different sectors, and project management is no exception. AI in

project management involves using technology and algorithms to automate repetitive and time-

consuming tasks, analyze data, and make predictions based on historical data. AI can be used in

project management to improve behavior in the workplace by automating certain tasks and

helping employees to focus on more strategic and creative work. For instance, AI can explore

data to identify patterns and trends, which can be used to make more learned decisions. This can

help project managers to identify potential issues before they become major problems, allowing

them to take proactive steps to address them. In addition, AI can help to centralize workers'

knowledge by creating a knowledge base that all employees can access. This can help to improve

collaboration and communication between team members, leading to better decision-making and

increased productivity.

Furthermore, AI can also help improve quality and consistency in project management.

By analyzing data and identifying patterns, AI can help to identify areas where quality is lacking

and provide recommendations for improvement. This can help to ensure that all projects are

completed to the same high standards, improving consistency across the organization. Overall,

the use of AI in project management can revolutionize how we work. By automating specific

tasks, centralizing knowledge, and improving quality and consistency, AI can help improve

workplace behavior and drive success across the organization (Edkins, 2017).

AI also helps detect warning signs for projects requiring different working conditions and

will help prevent mishaps during project implementation. Artificial intelligence (AI) machines

are designed to mimic or replicate some of the cognitive functions of human beings. One such

function is making decisions and solving problems, which are crucial skills for project managers.

Project management involves overseeing complex operations, coordinating resources, and

ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. AI machines can assist project

managers in various ways, such as providing real-time data analysis, identifying potential risks,

and recommending actions based on data insights. AI machines can also help project managers

automate routine tasks, freeing more time to focus on strategic decision-making (Prieto &

Revilla 2004).

Moreover, AI machines can learn from past project management experiences and data,

which can help them make better future decisions. Machines can become more sophisticated and

effectively perform project management tasks over time. However, it is important to note that

while AI machines can replicate some cognitive functions of humans, they cannot replicate all of

them. For example, AI machines may lack the emotional intelligence and creativity that human

project managers possess. Therefore, it is important to balance using AI machines to support

project management and relying on human expertise to make strategic decisions. AI machines

can copy some cognitive functions of project managers, including decision-making and problem-

solving capabilities. By using AI machines to support project management, project managers can

save time, reduce costs, and improve the quality of their work. However, it is important to

acknowledge that AI machines are not a substitute for human expertise and creativity but should

complement human skills (Lahmann et al., 2018).


The employment of AI tools in project management has made project management work

more accessible, while the project management team gives the constraints and assumptions.

Executives are sometimes unaware when an objection might stop a project implementation, and

AI tools, when employed by an organization, will have crisis dashboards and, with the help of

the executives, identify issues faced by different projects (Tonchia, 2018).In this manner, AI

helps executives identify projects that require immediate actions, and project managers work

towards resolving them. This helps reduce the response time for the project issues putting them

into an acceptable range (The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Project Management |

LIGS University, 2020). It becomes difficult for executives to determine the amount of work that

should be done without having labor constraints.

AI can play a crucial role in project portfolio management, which involves selecting and

prioritizing projects to align with the organization's strategic objectives. Project portfolio

management aims to increase the value of the project portfolio while optimizing the use of

resources, including people, time, and budget. With the help of AI algorithms, project managers

can analyze large volumes of data and identify patterns and trends that can inform decision-

making. AI algorithms can help select the best projects for the organization by assessing the

potential risks and rewards associated with each project. AI algorithms can also help identify the

best resource management practices for the project portfolio. For example, AI can optimize

resource allocation across multiple projects, identifying where resources are over-allocated or

under-utilized. This helps project managers ensure that resources are used efficiently and

effectively, leading to better project outcomes.

Moreover, AI can assist in forecasting the impact of potential changes to the project

portfolio, such as the addition or removal of projects. This helps project managers to understand

the potential consequences of decisions before they are implemented; reducing the risk of

negative outcomes.AI can be highly beneficial in project portfolio management by analyzing

data, identifying trends, and optimizing resource allocation. By utilizing AI algorithms, project

managers can improve the project's probability, increasing the organization's value while

ensuring that the best resource management practices are in place. This helps organizations to

achieve their strategic objectives and remain competitive in the market (Salini et al., 2015).

The following literature review depicts a few types of research done to know problems

faced in project management and suggestions for reducing them. AI's growing popularity has led

organizations to incorporate AI tools into project management processes and software systems.

Still, using these capabilities has created a few challenges for project managers using intelligent

project management tools. A study by the author Weese explored the challenges project managers

encountered while using artificial intelligence tools and technologies to manage project work.

The research was conducted by sampling experienced PMP-certified project managers by

interviewing them on the current usage of artificial intelligence tools, adaption to changes, time

of adoption of new technology, level of artificial intelligent knowledge, project data, and

knowledge management. Project managers were also interviewed about integrating artificial

intelligence tools and advising new project managers. The research concluded that project

managers encounter numerous problems and individual challenges when using artificial

intelligence tools and technologies to manage projects. Exploring these challenges can lead to

developing new best practices, methods, and additional knowledge for project managers


Erin Brown (2013) studied data-driven decision-making as a tool for improving software

development productivity. The author collected worldwide project failure rates based on survey

information on project managers' views on user satisfaction, quality of the product, and staff

productivity. The result was 24% - 36% of software project success has not kept pace with

advances in the hardware. Software managers have limited knowledge about data-driven

decision-making in agile-driven software development projects. Research conducted by Erin

Brown mainly focuses on how software managers can use data-driven decision-making to

improve productivity. The study was primarily based on three critical dimensions of software

organization productivity improvement: people, processes, and tools. The author concluded that

positive change could lead to a better understanding of data-driven decision-making in agile

environments, which can help organizations create more products, offer more jobs, and help

better compete in the global economy.

Jagtiani (2017) conducted a study focusing on enhancing software project outcomes.

Many factors influence technology factors where. Some can be known during the planning

phase, and others require a real-time gathering and analysis that can last through the project's

lifecycle. The data collected is often neglected, misclassified, and misinterpreted during the

project execution, which will cause project delays, elevated project risk, and missed business

opportunities. Project managers overseeing these projects tend to be given inputs provided by

technical leads, which tend to be more technical. In this case, project managers tend to perform

more arduous tasks; therefore, more research should go into developing new processes which can

help in the proper utilization of real-time project execution data to help project managers attain

the outcomes.

Davahli's (2020) study investigated the current state of artificial intelligence (AI)

applications in project management. The study reviewed 652 articles from various databases and

classified them based on the PM knowledge areas, processes followed by project managers, and

AI techniques used. The study concluded that the application of AI in project management is in

its early stages, and many opportunities remain untapped. Most studies reviewed focused on

applying AI to the planning, scheduling, and risk management processes. However, the AI

models have not been applied to process groups of stakeholder management, procurements

management, and communication management of the project, indicating a gap in the literature.

Moreover, the study found that machine learning, natural language processing, and expert

systems were the most common AI techniques used in project management. These techniques

were used to predict project outcomes, optimize schedules, and identify risks. However, research

on other AI techniques, such as fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms, is absent in project

management. Overall, the study highlights the potential benefits of applying AI in project

management, such as improving project performance, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency.

Nevertheless, more research is needed to explore the application of AI in all PM knowledge areas

and processes, especially those related to stakeholder management, procurement management,

and communication management (Sajja, 2021).

The usage of AI in project management can also raise some ethical challenges. In the

article written by Prieto (2019), research was conducted on projects where a proper scope was

provided. Specific AI algorithms have been given where transparency and verification processes

are essential for using AI to predict project estimates and performance. Prieto (2019) points out

that while significant efforts have been made to apply artificial intelligence (AI) in project

management, much of this work focused on performance prediction rather than understanding

the changing role of project management within an AI system. As a result, there is a need for

more research that addresses the impact of AI on project management systems. The author argues

that the role of the project manager is changing due to AI and that there is a need for a better

understanding of how project management systems can adapt to these changes. For example, AI

systems may automate certain aspects of project management, such as risk assessment or

scheduling, which can free up project managers to focus on more strategic tasks. However, this

also means that project managers must be trained in new skills, such as understanding and

working with AI systems. Prieto also notes a need to understand better how AI can improve

project management processes beyond performance prediction. For instance, AI could optimize

resource allocation, improve communication and collaboration between team members, or

identify and mitigate project risks. Overall, Prieto highlights the need for more research to

understand better the changing role of project management in AI systems and to identify how AI

can improve project management processes beyond performance prediction. This research will

be crucial in helping organizations adapt to the changing landscape of project management and

take full advantage of AI's benefits (Prieto, 2019).

Gil et al. (2021) highlight the growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in various

fields, such as science, finance, and engineering. The authors state that AI has been experiencing

tremendous growth in recent years, with many models in the research and development phases.

They also note that hybrid computational models of learning techniques are currently in the early

development stages and require significant improvement. The authors emphasize that analyzing

AI techniques in the current scenario can serve as a starting point for research on AI and product

leadership and management. They suggest that AI can enhance decision-making processes,

improve product design and development, and increase efficiency in various aspects of product


Furthermore, the authors argue that AI can enhance customer experience and satisfaction

by providing personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and intelligent automation.


They also highlight the importance of understanding ethical considerations related to AI in

product management and leadership. In summary, Gil et al. suggest that AI has the potential to

transform product leadership and management by providing advanced decision-making

capabilities, improving product design and development, enhancing customer experience, and

increasing efficiency. Nonetheless, they also stress the need for further research to develop and

enhance hybrid computational models of learning techniques and to address ethical

considerations related to AI in product management and leadership(Sajja, 2021).

Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management

This part of the literature review will discuss how artificial intelligence has helped project

management. According to Shah (2019), everyone around the globe is striving for success and

safe and effective management, and it is a similar situation in project management. When

technical systems are combined with human capabilities, high-performance systems evolve,

engaging everyone on board for continuous improvement. There are three pillars for project

management: building a strong and effective project manager, creating an environment that

enables project managers to be successful, and ensuring accountability. Artificial Intelligence

greatly helps excellence in project management (Shah, 2019). Research conducted by Belharet in

2020 sheds light on the intersection between artificial intelligence and project management. AI

and project management are interdependent. A project manager who tends to be relevant should

be open to developing a skill set that will help manage and complement AI capabilities. Smart

tools and machines will occupy most of the project management work, and there will be a

significant increase in product evolution and organizational governance by 2030 (Belharet et al.,

2020). This finding revealed that there will be a massive digital transformation that will

positively impact IT professionals in the coming decade (Belharet et al., 2020).


Artificial intelligence affects different knowledge areas of project management, and a

study conducted in 2021 illustrates how ten categories of project management depicted in

PMBOK are affected. The study was conducted by chosen individuals who graduated with a

Master's in Project Management from Icelandic Universities between 2007 and 2019. These

individuals were selected because of their knowledge and experience. Each individual who

participated in the study was given 53 questions divided into two parts. The first part consisted of

background questions, and the second part predicted the effect of AI in project management

knowledge areas. The study reveals AI's effect on project integration management. The study

participants believe that AI will most affect the monitoring and controlling of project work.

Forty-Nine percent of the participants believe it will have a high effect(Tonchia, 2018).

Within the project integration management, the highest effect of AI will be on the

development of the project management plan, charter development for the project, and

performance of change control for the project. The least effect of project integration management

will be on the closure of the project, management of project knowledge, direction, and

management of project work. The effect of AI was based on gender, and males were more likely

to think that AI would have a low effect, whereas females believed AI would have a high effect.

The study reveals AI's effect on project scope management. The areas where AI would have a

higher impact would be creating a work breakdown structure, controlling scope and validation of

scope, and having a relatively low impact on defining the scope. Within the project schedule

management knowledge area, a higher impact was on the processes and controlling the schedule

for the project. The lowest impact of AI would be on defining activities within the project

(Fridgeirsson et al., 2021).


The results of AI’s effect on project cost management indicate a higher impact on the cost

of controlling the project. There was no significant effect between age, gender, and project cost

management process. With respect to the project resource management knowledge area, AI has a

lesser effect on managing and developing a team, a medium effect on acquiring new resources

for the project, and a high effect on the planning of resource management, controlling the

resource, and estimation of activity resources. For the project communication management

knowledge area, AI has a lesser impact. The study participants estimated that AI would have a

high to medium effect on communication monitoring (Fridgeirsson et al., 2021). When the

project risk management knowledge area was studied, results revealed that AI would greatly

affect project risk management processes, monitoring risks, and performing quantitative risk

analysis. The lowest effect would be on the planning and implementation of risk response. For

project procurement management, AI would have a high effect on the processes similar to other

knowledge areas and a medium effect on conducting procurement, controlling procurement, and

planning procurement management. Among all the knowledge areas, AI had a significantly low

effect on project stakeholder management, particularly in identifying stakeholders, planning, and

stakeholder management. The study shows that AI is very useful for processes when historical

data is available. It can be used for similar estimation and planning (Fridgeirsson et al., 2021). AI

can greatly be used to monitor schedules, adjust forecasts, and it requires less human leadership

skills. (Fridgeirsson et al., 2021).

In research conducted in 2019, it was known that AI has a potentially significant effect on

agile project management. It can help with many uncertainties from various human aspects like

customer needs, developers' performance, and team dynamics (Dam et al., 2019). Artificial

Intelligence will help project managers and team members by automating repetitive tasks and

helping in project analytics which will help in project risk prediction, providing

recommendations for actionable items, and making decisions. The study by Dem et al. (2019) is

a game-changer in helping boost productivity and help increase the project success rate and help

propose a framework where the usage of AI technologies can be increased, which will help better

manage agile projects. The authors note that AI can help predict customer needs and preferences,

allowing agile teams to tailor their products to meet those needs better. AI can also identify

potential team dynamics or performance issues and suggest solutions to improve collaboration

and productivity.

Furthermore, AI can help agile teams estimate the time and resources required for project

tasks, reducing the risk of delays and improving project planning. This can also help reduce the

burden on project managers, who rely on AI to automate certain project planning and

management aspects. Overall, the research by Dam et al. (2019) highlights the potential benefits

of using AI in agile project management. By leveraging AI to understand better and manage

uncertainties, agile teams can improve their ability to deliver high-quality products that meet

customer needs while also improving team dynamics and productivity. However, the authors

note that more investigation is needed to fully understand the potential impact of AI on agile

project management and to identify best practices for incorporating AI into agile project

management processes (Dam et al., 2019).

Another research by Mhlari in 2020 mainly focuses on artificial intelligence techniques

that can be applied to projects for reducing risk and better project risk management. The author

studied risk monitoring challenges faced in the project and tried to investigate if any existing AI

technologies can help address them. Machine learning, a subset of AI, was considered to help

assist and optimize how organizations identify and access exposed risks. People were

interviewed to understand risk monitoring processes, tools, and techniques. Results of the

research indicated that risk monitoring challenges would improve with the usage of machine

learning applications. The author notes that while there are challenges to implementing machine

learning in project risk management, such as the need for large amounts of high-quality data and

specialized technical expertise, the benefits of using machine learning outweigh the challenges.

By leveraging machine learning, organizations can improve their ability to monitor risks and

respond quickly to potential issues, improving project outcomes and reducing the risk of project

failure. Overall, the research by Mhlari highlights the potential benefits of using machine

learning in project risk management. By analyzing large amounts of project data and identifying

potential risks in real-time, machine learning can help organizations manage project risks better

and improve project outcomes. However, the author notes that more research is needed to fully

understand the potential impact of machine learning on project risk management and to identify

best practices for incorporating machine learning into project risk management processes

(Mhlari, 2020).

Research conducted in 2022 provided insights into the expectations of project managers

from artificial intelligence. A Delphi study was conducted with 52 project management experts

who reflected on the future potential for AI applications. The results indicate that all the

visionary perspectives can be translated into practical solutions shortly, and project management

practices can be significantly improved (Holzmann et al., 2022).

The next study helps us know the collaboration of AI and humans in project decision-

making. A perfect collaboration helps evolve AI at an extraordinary pace. AI can be used to

process more information and use the data efficiently. Many types of information are considered

in the decision-making process. Big data is a type of information that has been rapidly growing

recently. Vedamuthu (2020) discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in processing

big data, which can be challenging for humans to process effectively. The author notes that AI

tools like machine learning can process large amounts of data, extract information, and build

patterns to help organizations make better decisions. However, it is important to note that

machine learning can only process coded and quantified data, which means that it may not be

effective in analyzing unstructured data, such as text or images.

Additionally, machine learning algorithms require high-quality data to be effective, which

can be challenging when dealing with large amounts of data from diverse sources. Despite these

challenges, the author argues that AI tools can be highly effective in processing big data and

extracting insights that would be difficult for humans to identify. For instance, machine learning

can identify patterns in customer data, such as purchasing behavior or product preferences, that

can help organizations improve their products and services. Furthermore, AI tools can be used to

automate certain aspects of data processing, such as data cleansing and normalization, which can

help organizations save time and improve the accuracy of their analyses. Overall, the research by

Vedamuthu highlights the potential benefits of using AI tools in processing big data. By

leveraging machine learning and other AI tools, organizations can more effectively process and

analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and make more informed decisions.

However, it is important to recognize the limitations of machine learning and other AI tools and

to carefully consider how they can best be used in specific contexts.

Decision-making consists of many levels of complexity with the ability to set parts from

each other.AI is now capable of accomplishing tasks accurately that the human brain cannot do.

Humans are instead capable of abstracting and intuitive thinking and making better judgments.

Both AI and human have their strengths and weakness in decision-making skills. In this scenario,

AI can be used to run monotonous tasks, which can include the processing of quantitative data,

and humans can focus on human relation skills, leadership, emotional intelligence, and empathy

which cannot be performed by AI (Jarrahi, 2018; Metcalf et al., 2019).

The subsequent research conducted by Vayyavur in 2016 mainly focuses on an intelligent

project portfolio management system to help enhance project maturity, performance, and success

rate. A project performance rate is necessary for any organization and helps efficiently allocate

scarce resources to the more valuable tasks. Project portfolio management can help companies

achieve a competitive edge by focusing on the projects that add the most value. Project portfolio

management should be carefully measured, as inaccuracies can lead to undesired consequences.

Poor estimates in the project may be the reason for project failure. A few other reasons for a

project failure may include poor project selection, low performance, and a low maturity rate. The

study conducted with 20 panelists in four rounds revealed that project portfolio management

systems implemented with AI techniques could help screen projects better, with better time and

resource allocation. AI techniques will improve the success rate, maturity time, and resource

estimation. These results within the organization can greatly help in the long run with impacts on

social and organizational levels. Another research conducted by Alshaikhi and Khayyat in 2021

revealed that AI techniques could automate the process and tools but cannot replace the human

mind. All the machines need help from humans to operate and monitor.


This literature review has analyzed project management, artificial intelligence, and

various studies on applying AI in project management. As the implementation of artificial

intelligence (AI) in project management continues to grow, it is important to recognize that many

challenges are associated with its implementation. One of the main challenges is that AI is still a

relatively new technology and a great deal of research needs to be done to fully understand how

it can be effectively applied in project management. AI is being used primarily to automate

routine tasks and optimize resource allocation. For example, AI can be used to study great

amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, which can help project managers make more

informed decisions about resource allocation and project scheduling.

Additionally, AI can automate tasks such as data entry or report generation, freeing

project team members to focus on more strategic tasks. Despite its potential benefits, AI's use in

project management has limitations. One of the main limitations is that human interaction is

often necessary for a project to succeed. This is particularly true with regard to stakeholder

management, which is a critical aspect of project management. Effective stakeholder

management requires human interaction and communication to build relationships, manage

expectations, and address concerns.

Furthermore, there is a risk that over-reliance on AI could result in a loss of critical

thinking and creativity, which are essential for solving complex problems and making innovative

decisions. This is because AI is programmed to follow predefined rules and algorithms. In

contrast, humans can think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to unexpected

challenges. In conclusion, while AI can significantly benefit project management, many

challenges must be addressed before AI can be effectively implemented. Further research is

needed to understand how AI can be applied to project management to maximize its potential

benefits while recognizing the limitations and the importance of human interaction and critical


The next Chapter overviews this project’s research methodology and design. Specifically,

the Chapter discusses the research paradigm, methodology, design, sample, material,

instruments, and data collection and analysis procedures. Further, the Chapter briefly discusses

the importance of data trustworthiness and ethical considerations.


Chapter Three

Procedures and Methodology


The current research study utilized the qualitative approach to learn the impacts of

Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Project Management methodologies. Qualitative

researchers operate under the assumption that people’s actions hold deeper meanings beyond

what may be apparent on the surface. According to Willig and Rogers (2017), probing into these

meanings can offer a greater understanding of pertinent social and psychological processes. This

methodology investigates how individuals comprehend and give meaning to their experiences

and how their interpretations intersect with broader social and cultural narratives. This study

aimed to understand the impact of AI on project management utilization in organizations.

Chapter Three of the study presents a synopsis of this project's research methodology and

design. It delves into the research paradigm, methodology, design, sample, materials,

instruments, and data collection and analysis procedures. Additionally, this chapter briefly

touches on the significance of data trustworthiness and ethical considerations.

Research Method and Paradigmatic Perspective

Qualitative methodology is an effective research approach for investigating complex

phenomena that cannot be easily quantified, such as the social and cultural implications of AI

and the challenges of project management. This methodology explores subjective experiences

and meanings, providing a more nuanced understanding of these phenomena (Willig & Rogers,

2017). In the context of AI research, qualitative methodology can be used to examine people's

attitudes and beliefs about AI and the ethical and societal implications of AI adoption (Bryman,

2016). Qualitative research can also help identify potential biases and limitations of AI

algorithms and systems (Kitchin et al., 2015).

Similarly, qualitative methodology can be applied to project management research to

explore the social and cultural dimensions of project success and failure. For example,

researchers can use qualitative methods to investigate the impact of cultural differences on

project teams' communication and collaboration (Geraldi et al., 2011). Additionally, qualitative

research can help identify factors contributing to project failure, such as poor stakeholder

engagement and communication (Kerzner, 2013).

When conducting qualitative research, it is essential to consider data trustworthiness and

ethical considerations (Willig & Rogers, 2017). To ensure data trustworthiness, researchers must

demonstrate that their findings are credible, transferable, dependable, and confirmable (Lincoln

& Guba, 1985). Ethical considerations must also be addressed, such as obtaining informed

consent from research participants, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity, and avoiding harm

to participants (Willig & Rogers, 2017).

An exploratory design was utilized to provide a theoretical perspective for this study, as

limited research was conducted on combining artificial intelligence, information technology, and

project management. This gap in the literature is filled by using the qualitative research

paradigm. According to Creswell and Creswell (2018), the exploratory design model is

advantageous when there is little prior research or theory. It involves collecting data through

various methods and analyzing it through techniques such as coding and clustering. The study

emphasized the importance of reflexivity throughout the research process, as the study biases and

assumptions can shape the interpretation of the data.


This study has been carried out by analyzing empirical data from project managers

working for various firms via questionnaires and interviews. The scope covers factors such as the

identification of issues that project managers confront in the course of their daily operations, the

assessment of the awareness and utilization, if any, of artificial intelligence systems, and the

subsequent creation of use cases for the prospective inclusion of AI systems into the project

management lifecycle. This study does not include the scientific or technological development of

AI systems; instead, it focuses only on the theoretical evaluation and empirical analysis of the

possible managerial and operational effects of AI systems on project management. This research

has also been restricted to the subjective data from project managers regarding the organizational

environment in which they were functioning at the time this study was conducted . The data

collected were deidentified, and all names of individuals, organizations, or other participants in

discussions were removed.

In conclusion, qualitative methodology is valuable for investigating AI's social and

cultural implications and project management challenges. By exploring subjective experiences

and meanings, qualitative research can provide a more comprehensive understanding of these

phenomena. However, researchers must be mindful of data trustworthiness and ethical

considerations to ensure the quality and integrity of their research findings.

Qualitative Research Approach

Qualitative research approaches have been increasingly employed to investigate various

AI-related topics and project management. Ghezzi et al. (2021) used a qualitative case study

approach to investigate the factors that influence the adoption and implementation of AI in

project management. The study involved in-depth interviews with project managers and analyzed

the data using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that the adoption and implementation of

AI in project management are influenced by factors such as organizational culture, project

complexity, and AI's perceived benefits and risks.

Janssen et al. (2019) employed a qualitative approach to investigate the ethical

implications of using AI in project management. The study included a systematic literature

review and analyzed the data using content analysis. The findings revealed that the ethical

implications of using AI in project management include privacy, transparency, bias, and

accountability issues.

Kihara et al. (2020) used a qualitative approach to investigate the use of AI in project risk

management. The study conducted in-depth interviews with project managers and risk

management experts and analyzed the data using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that

using AI in project risk management could improve risk identification, assessment, and response

planning but also pose data quality and trust challenges. Qualitative research provides in-depth

insights into the complex and nuanced issues surrounding the adoption and use of AI in project

management, highlighting the factors that influence adoption and implementation, ethical

implications, and potential benefits and challenges.

This research aimed to understand how artificial intelligence systems may be utilized to

aid project managers in enhancing the efficiency of their day-to-day working lives. As such, the

nature of this study is highly exploratory. This research objective is regarded as exploratory

because there was not enough previous research or theoretical groundwork completed in this

particular area of focus when this study was being carried out. Another reason for this

classification is that there is currently a lack of sufficient research. The kind of research that was

used in this investigation is comparable to what is known as a cross-sectional methodology.

Research of this kind is often carried out at a particular moment to accumulate quantitative or

measurable data via several case studies (Bryman & Bell, 2015, pp. 53). Qualitative research

methodology provides researchers with the flexibility to describe, interpret and investigate the

meaning of a phenomenon and can lead to the development of new theories or hypotheses

(Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Therefore, the qualitative methodology is used when a researcher

seeks to generate a meaningful interpretation of the phenomena under study. It is also important

to note that qualitative studies are small in sample size but generate a detailed description of the

phenomenon under study. According to Yin (2011), the qualitative methodology offers a range of

research designs, such as case studies, grounded theory, ethnography, and phenomenology, and is

flexible and evolving.


This concept relates to the consistency of a study's research design, which is often

connected to the question of whether or not the findings of a study can be replicated (Bryman &

Bell, 2015). Stability is one of the most important aspects to consider when determining whether

a measurement can be trusted. There should ideally be little or no difference in outcomes if the

same study technique is applied to the same group at two different times as long as both times

the same approach is used (Bryman & Bell, 2015, p. 158). When it comes to quantitative

research methodologies, these aspects are almost always considered potential quality measures.

The results of the online interviews carried out as part of this investigation consisted of

answers collected over two months. As a result of the fact that the respondents were not given

any new information on the research throughout this time, it is possible to conclude that this

measure is dependable. However, suppose the online poll was redone a year later; it is possible

that the respondents' understanding of AI systems would have evolved over that time. As a

result, their responses will be different at the new point in time. This is something that may be

contested. This indicates that the stability of this particular research metric cannot be maintained.


According to Bryman and Bell (2015), dependability is strongly connected to

replicability, which may be defined as the ease with which the research techniques employed in

one study can be replicated to perform a different investigation. In this sense, it will be hard for

another researcher to reproduce the study if the first researcher does not explain the research

procedure sufficiently. The research strategy, methodology, and procedure used in this

investigation have been described extensively in various sections of this report. The interview

guide is made accessible to other researchers so they may use them in their work. As a result, the

research findings may be regarded as very dependable and reproducible.


Bryman and Bell (2015) define validity as pertaining to the inquiry of whether an

indicator crafted to evaluate a concept genuinely measures that concept. This notion is also used

in a more particular sense to explain the concept of measurement validity. If a measurement

cannot be relied upon, it cannot be considered legitimate since the two concepts are intricately

intertwined. It is possible to assert that the validity of this research may be simultaneously

asserted because the reliability of this study was successfully proven earlier in this section. At the

study's conclusion, it was determined that the research methods used to answer the primary

research question were effective and conclusive in answering the question.

Sampling Procedures and Data Collection Sources

In the subsequent sub-sections, a comprehensive discussion on the sources of data

collection, such as participants and sample size, materials and instrumentation, data collection

procedure, and ethical considerations, is provided. The population for the qualitative study was

working professionals with a minimum of three years in the project management field.


Qualitative research emphasizes a detailed investigation of a specific phenomenon rather

than generalizing to a larger population. As a result, the sample size in qualitative research is

usually smaller than in quantitative research. Guest et al. (2006) state that data saturation can be

attained with a relatively small sample size, typically between 12 and 15 participants.

Considering various factors, such as the research questions, study scope, research methodology,

and data analysis techniques, the decision was made to gather data from 15-20 research


In implementation research, qualitative data collection is a critical process that requires

careful consideration of the sampling technique used. Palinkas et al. (2015) assert that purposeful

sampling is a beneficial approach for this type of research. Purposeful sampling involves

selecting participants based on specific criteria relevant to the research questions and objectives.

This technique enabled the study to collect data from participants likely to provide valuable

insights into the implementation process. Purposeful sampling allowed the study to select

participants with diverse perspectives and experiences related to the implementation process. By

doing so, the study can comprehensively understand the factors that influence the

implementation of a program or intervention. Palinkas et al. (2015) also suggest that purposeful

sampling is beneficial in implementation research because it helps to overcome the challenge of

limited access to study participants. By selecting participants most relevant to the research

questions, a researcher can collect high-quality data even when the target population is small or

difficult to access.

Materials and Instrumentation

The primary data collection method used a questionnaire created on a Microsoft Forms

web-based application. This platform enables users to design and distribute questionnaires

seamlessly. In qualitative research, the role of the study researcher in the data collection process

is central. According to Usher and Jackson (2014), the study researcher is the primary data

collection tool in qualitative research. This means the study researcher is responsible for

collecting and analyzing data through various techniques such as questionnaires, observations,

and document analysis. The study serves as the primary data collection tool in qualitative

research. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of the research topic and

emphasizes the importance of reflexivity in maintaining the rigor and trustworthiness of the

research findings.

Role of the Researcher

In qualitative research, the study researcher assumes an active role within the study,

serving as a vital instrument in interpreting the research data (Sutton & Austin, 2015). In this

investigation, the principal investigator interprets and codes the participants' words and

experiences concerning artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on project management. Project

management professionals' written responses to the interview protocol are carefully examined

and analyzed through the principal investigator's lens.

This qualitative study provides insights into their perspectives, worldviews, and biases

through reflexivity. This approach grants readers valuable context for understanding data

interpretation. By acknowledging subjectivity, the study ensures a comprehensive and

transparent representation of the research data (Sutton & Austin, 2015).


To further minimize potential preconceptions that might influence data analysis and

coding, the research design incorporates a process known as bracketing (Tufford & Newman,

2010). Bracketing aids in mitigating any pre-existing assumptions the study might have, thus

promoting a more objective examination of the data. In summary, qualitative research

necessitates active involvement from the study researcher, who interprets the participants'

perspectives. The study contributes to the authenticity and richness of the research findings

through reflexivity and bracketing.

Hence, the study must recognize any preconceived biases associated with the research

topic to prevent them from inadvertently influencing the interviewees and, consequently, the

overall research outcomes. Strategies such as member checking, triangulation, clear

documentation, and reflexivity play vital roles in minimizing the impact of biases on the data and

enhancing the overall quality of the research. The strategies discussed in this chapter aim to

ensure these biases do not impact the gathered data.

The first stage of this research procedure consisted of administering a questionnaire made

available to project managers over the Internet. The questions for this interview were grouped

into the following three categories:

a. Project Management

b. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

c. Organizational Business

In order to get a comprehensive view, the questionnaire was sent to those in charge of

managing projects at a variety of businesses and organizations operating in a wide variety of

fields. The nature of the questions in the questionnaire covered project managers from different

sectors. Some of the questions required them to provide either Yes or No answers, while others

allowed them to multi-select options and provided them with the opportunity to provide their

responses. After that, the study used the interview findings to detect patterns, and we also used

them to construct the questions for the second stage of the research process, which will be

discussed in the next paragraph. The in-depth interviews were performed with fifteen project

managers from different companies, all of whom had previously participated in the survey and

given their responses. The entire research process is illustrated in Figure 4E (see Appendix E).

The first and second research steps were contrasted with knowledge of project managers'

demands, as well as discovering opportunities and threats in the field of artificial intelligence that

might be utilized to aid them, as well as strengths, shortcomings, and opportunities in AI systems

for project managers. To obtain knowledge of the demands of project managers, these results

were compared and analyzed; this was done to identify areas of potential within the field of

artificial intelligence that might be utilized to aid project managers.

Reliability, reproducibility, and validity are critical criteria for evaluating the quality of

business and management research. According to Bryman and Bell (2015), reliability refers to

the consistency of the research findings over time and across different researchers or research

settings. Reproducibility refers to the ability of other researchers to reproduce the same results as

the original study using the same research methods and data. Validity concerns whether the

research findings accurately represent the phenomenon being studied.

Data Collection Procedure

Before collecting data, approval from the University's Institutional Review Board (IRB)

was obtained to ensure the research study complied with ethical standards (refer to Appendix A).

Once approval was granted, the study used snowball sampling to recruit participants. The current

research study used LinkedIn's social networking platform to identify potential participants.

Specific criteria were applied in selecting IT industry professionals with at least three (3) years

of relevant experience.

The collection of data continued until the point of data saturation was reached in the

qualitative research study. This term refers to the point where no new information or

perspectives arise from the data collected. The interview responses were thoroughly examined,

and when there were repeated keywords and themes in the responses, the interview link was

paused, and the responses were checked for data saturation.

The interview link for data collection was kept active until it was determined that no new

insights or information could be gained. All the research responses were securely stored on a

password-protected weblink that only the researcher could access. The data collected will be

retained for three (3) years from the data collection date and will not be disclosed to any other


Ethical Considerations

During the course of carrying out this research, a number of ethical factors were carefully

considered and taken into account. Before conducting the online interviews, every participant

was assured that their replies would be kept anonymous. This meant their feedback would be

presented in an aggregate setting, divorced from any relation to their individual histories or

companies. The respondents' personal information was made anonymous before the presentation

of the findings, and the only features utilized for relativity were their experience levels and

industrial backgrounds. Before conducting the interviews, all respondents were informed about

the process, which involved recording the conversations, which would only be used to transcribe

the interviews to ensure the accuracy of the data prior to its analysis. In addition, the respondents

were assured that the interview was only being conducted for research and educational purposes.

In addition, before conducting the interviews, everyone was informed of the goal of this research

in detail. The respondents were reassured that any private data and corporate information would

be entirely anonymized, which was maintained throughout the presentation of the findings. The

results of this research are meant to be utilized to benefit the project management professional

community as a whole. No particular person or organization is implicated in any way by the

findings of this study.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis is an adaptable and versatile method used to analyze various types of

data and research questions. This method involves reviewing responses to open-ended questions

and detecting recurring patterns or phrases to develop overarching themes. By identifying these

themes, the study can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the data and develop

meaningful conclusions to inform future research and practice. Braun and Clarke (2013) suggest

that thematic analysis is a flexible and adaptable method that can be applied to a wide range of

research questions and data types.

Braun and Clarke (2013) proposed a six-phase methodological framework for conducting

thematic analysis. The first phase involves becoming familiar with the data, the second phase

generates initial codes, the third phase involves searching for themes, the fourth phase reviews

themes, the fifth phase defines and names themes, and the final phase is creating the report. This

approach provides a structured and comprehensive framework for analyzing qualitative data,

emphasizing the importance of carefully reviewing and interpreting the data to identify

meaningful themes and patterns. By following these six phases, the study ensured the analysis

was rigorous, systematic, and transparent (Braun & Clarke, 2013).


The survey results were processed using NVivo 14, facilitating a comprehensive

examination of participants' responses and their interrelationships. This critical step ensured an

optimal environment for reviewing and analyzing the gathered data. To organize the data

effectively, nodes were established in NVivo 14, each corresponding to participants' responses to

specific questions.

In this context, a node serves as a grouping mechanism for references that revolve around

a particular theme, circumstance, or connection. Relevant references are gathered and organized

cohesively by coding the data sources to these nodes. The study can create and manage various

types of nodes, such as topic, case, and relationship nodes, to gather evidence and insights

regarding the connections between different components of the projects.

NVivo 14's nodes play a crucial role in the research process, as they centralize pertinent

information in one location, making it easier to track and analyze emerging trends and ideas.

This feature enhances the efficiency of using NVivo 14 and enables the study to

comprehensively understand the data at hand (NVivo, n.d.).


In the final step of the methodology section, the respondents are questioned regarding

whether or not they have previously interacted with AI agents, whether or not they have used AI

agents in projects, whether or not they have used AI agents to manage resources in projects, and

whether or not they believe it would be beneficial to have an AI agent supporting their daily

tasks in projects. The utility of a particular technology is contingent upon how its users perceive

it, and their perceived ease of use plays a pivotal role in determining their intention to adopt and

utilize that technology. This perceived ease of use is a moderator, influencing the perceived

usefulness of the technology. The experience that they have had with AI is a condition that

determines whether AI could be useful for projects. Using the technology for Project Resource

Management may be advantageous for a user who has previously used AI solutions for other

areas. However, users who have not previously used this technology may have some reservations

about adopting it.

The subsequent Chapter delved into the data collection and analysis procedures and a

detailed discussion of the ethical considerations and conflict resolution approaches used in this

study. Thematic analysis was performed on the collected data after the participants met the

inclusion and exclusion criteria and were interviewed. The following Chapter will provide an in-

depth analysis of the study's findings, addressing the research questions.


Chapter Four

Research Findings


This qualitative study explored the participants’ perspectives regarding using artificial

intelligence (AI) in information technology (IT) project management. The study participants

included professionals related to project management in the IT domain of an organization.

Exploring the perspectives could inform IT professionals of the impacts of AI on the project

management function. Then, IT professionals can potentially utilize AI models to improve

project management in the organization. The following chapter provides a review of the research

findings. More specifically, the chapter begins with a review of the data collection procedure, a

description of the study participants, the data analysis procedure used, and the thematic analysis


Improvements in the field's inherent dynamism, workforce, and unpredictability will

follow the widespread use of AI across all industries. To help traditional operations thrive in the

face of increasing digitalization and automation, AI may play a crucial role in prediction, growth,

and decision-making. Machine learning algorithms are used to understand the aggregation of

data that would be put into PM software to aid in decision-making and insights analysis instead

of depending on human intuition alone. Data-driven methods force these viewpoints to zero in on

the issues plaguing the Project at hand, allowing project managers to dig deeper and uncover the

undiscovered gems of wisdom buried within their projects' histories. Drones and sensors may

replace laborious, error-prone human monitoring by taking pictures and videos for enhanced data

visualization whenever on-site tracking is required. The next part provides an analysis of the

data, beginning with a description of the respondent population and continuing with a statistical

examination of the variables and commentary on these results.

Project managers/Technical Experts were targeted for this poll, with no restrictions

placed on the size of their Company, the industry they work in, or their specific roles within the

Projects department with the sector they work in specific to Information Technology. Questions

on the respondents' prior Experience with Projects and with the management of Human and

Physical Resources were included to ensure the reliability and validity of the responses. Those

who replied No were disregarded since they could not have provided a valid response for the

made-up research because they lacked the necessary expertise in either Project management or

Resource management.

The primary research questions that guided this dissertation included the following:

• What are the most significant challenges the project team members face while


• When managing a project, do members of the project team make use of any AI-

based tools? What are the current processes you follow to manage a project?

• Do project team members believe AI agents will be effective for daily activities?

If so, what are the areas in the project team believe AI might give more effective

assistance for project management?

The empirical results of this study are presented in Chapter Four of the dissertation, based

on these research questions. It provides a comprehensive account of the study's findings,

describing its participants and context. The results of the study are then dissected in depth.

Specifically, it achieves this by systematically addressing each issue. In the next section, the

findings of the research are summarized.


Participants and Research Setting

The people included in a study and from whose data is gathered are known as the study

population (Bazeley & Jackson, 2013). Events, individuals, groups, institutions, or even

documents might all make up a study's population. Business-level project management experts

were the intended participants. In Grbich's (2012) view, reaching a large audience is a formid able

challenge while researching a dissertation. This is why employing a subset of the population

rather than the whole is more appropriate.

To conclude, let us discuss the people who participated in this research. As they are in

charge of the Project's day-to-day operations, project managers are vital to any unit analysis.

Managers know all aspects of a project's lifecycle, time, people, money, and methods.

The dissertation was conducted by utilizing qualitative surveys and interviews with the

participants. These surveys and interviews were used to acquire data for the dissertation. The

research used a method known as purposive sampling. According to Longhurst (2003), purposive

sampling aims to identify study participants who will benefit the research subject. For this

specific research, project team members served as the primary focus, and their contributions to

the investigation were valuable because they supplied information based on the projects they had

handled in the past. The dissertation used 15 project team members until the data was saturated,

and after the 15 interviews, nothing else could be gained. Table 3 below lists the demographics

of the research participants.


Table 3

Participant Demographics – Job Title and Qualification

ID Current Position Educational Qualification Experience

Master in Business
1 Project Control Manager Administration 25
Masters in Information
2 Product Manager Systems 10
Masters I. Organizational
3 CEO Founder management 20
4 Product Data Scientist Currently pursuing PH.D. 3
5 Technical Lead B Tech 0
Business Architect and Head of
6 Product Innovation Masters 10
Senior Business Development
7 Manager M.S 11
8 Program Manager Masters 2
9 AI & RD dept. Manager MSc 15+
Not more than
10 Councillor Masters two years
11 Data Scientist Masters 3
12 Engineering Project Manager Masters 4
Master in Business
13 Product Owner Administration 6
14 Lead Data Scientist MS (Master of Science) 3
15 Senior Technical Project Manager Masters 11

Project Analysis

As mentioned in chapter three, Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six-phase thematic analysis

was used to analyze the qualitative data. After conducting the preliminary analysis, all transcripts

were uploaded to NVivo 14 software program for further analysis. NVivo 14 is better suited for

qualitative data analysis. After being uploaded into NVivo 14, the initial coding process began,

involving the segmentation of participants' comments into specific codes, which were

subsequently organized into themes. Each theme underwent a thorough evaluation for relevance

and was compared with other participants' responses. Throughout this analysis, efforts were

made to minimize redundancies in theme identification. Once the key themes emerged, they

were precisely defined and presented in this chapter.

In the first step of Thematic Analysis, all the data and the survey responses were

reviewed and analyzed for meaning. In the initial review, 20 codes were identified as meaningful

experiences for AI's impact on project management professionals. The subsequent reviews of the

data codes were merged, split, or eliminated, resulting in six themes for the research questions –

1, 2 & 3. Thus, the analysis and coding determined twelve themes around the challenges of AI

and the effectiveness of AI. Table 4 outlines the themes generated.

Table 4

Research Questions - Themes

Research Question Themes

What are the most significant challenges that the Documentation
members of the project team face while working on Scope Creep
the project? Time

When managing the project, do members of the Agile
project team make use of any AI-based tools? What Scrum
are the current processes you follow to manage a Execution
project? PM Tools

Do members of the project team believe that AI Monitoring
agents will be effective for the activities they do Prediction
daily? If so, what are the areas in the project team that Resource
believe AI might give more effective assistance for optimization
project management? Technology
Time management
Familiarization with the Data

Familiarization with the data began with reviewing the survey responses. A thorough

review of the participant's responses was conducted to identify potential codes and themes. The

research team identified similarities between the participant's responses to each questionnaire

and grouped all responses under their respective questions. The responses were reviewed both

within and between each group. The study began the familiarization process by examining each

group's responses separately before analyzing them collectively. The study identified recurring

words that helped generate common themes during the review process. As a result, a list of

themes was generated for each questionnaire response.

As previously mentioned, the survey results were imported into NVivo 14 to facilitate a

comprehensive examination of participants' responses in relation to one another. This step

ensured optimal conditions for reviewing and analyzing the data. Nodes were created in NVivo

14 based on participants' responses to each question. A node is a group of references that discuss

a single theme, circumstance, or connection. By coding the source to a node, the references are

assembled. One can develop and organize topic, case, and relationship nodes to gather evidence

of the connections between the project components. Nodes are essential to using and

comprehending NVivo 14 because they enable collecting relevant information in one location

and searching for developing trends and ideas (NVivo, n.d.).

During the review of participants' responses, recurring words were identified to establish

common themes and generate corresponding theme nodes. A theme node represents a collection

of references within a file relevant to a specific subject, topic, idea, or experience. These nodes

can be either analytical or descriptive. Through the initial exploration of the research, key topics

emerged, which were subsequently coded to unveil the evolving themes (NVivo, n.d.).

Generating Initial Codes

An inductive analysis approach generated an initial set of codes based on the participants'

responses. These codes were compared against the research questions to ensure the analysis of

participants' responses centered around the variables identified in the research questions. To

minimize redundancies, the initially generated codes underwent a review process facilitated by

NVivo 14, utilizing a word similarity map to cluster-related items. The use of cluster analysis

can aid in identifying patterns in the data. Cluster analysis is an exploratory tool that can uncover

project trends by putting nodes with similar terms, attributing values, or coding together. With

cluster analysis diagrams, seeing similarities and differences between sources or nodes is simple.

In the cluster analysis diagram, sources or nodes close to one another appear more similar than

sources or nodes far apart. A cluster analysis diagram is used to see the similarities and contrasts

between the sources. The demographic distribution of the survey respondents based on attribute

value can be helped by the similarities and differences between the nodes (NVivo, n.d.).

Searching for Themes

To search for themes, the study utilized categorization, a crucial qualitative research

process. Categorization involves analyzing the collected data to identify patterns, themes, and

similarities. This process enabled the study to identify the defining characteristics of each

category and compare the data to develop new insights and theories about the phenomenon being

studied. Data can be grouped based on similarities being categorized (Morse, 2008).

Reviewing Themes

Iterative analysis is a crucial part of the qualitative research process, allowing the critical

analysis of the data and developing a rich understanding of the phenomenon under investigation.

During this process, the themes generated from the data were refined and clarified to ensure

accuracy and consistency. The next section of this study will discuss the final themes that

emerged from the research questions.


Analyses of Research Questions

The three research questions were built around the benefits and challenges of

implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in managing projects in the information technology (IT)

sector. These questions were answered based on participants’ responses. The following section

will review the participants’ responses in conjunction with the research questions.

Research Question One

Survey question six was selected for analysis as it addressed RQ1. Once initial codes

were created based on participants’ responses; a word similarity tree was generated using the

NVivo 14 program. This revealed several redundancies in participants' responses. Identifying

redundancies is of utmost importance as the failure to do so can compromise the integrity of the

data analysis results and hinder the ability to answer the research questions effectively. The items

clustered by word cloud for initial codes are presented in Figure 5E (see Appendix E) for a clear


Once redundancies were removed, six initial codes were identified. Table 5 below

provides the initial code, an example of participants supporting responses, and the number of

participants that had responses supporting the initial codes defined.

Table 5

Initial coding for significant challenges

Participant supporting Number of participant responses

Code response supporting the initial code
Awareness and user
Awareness 7
Rapid changes in AI
Changes 4
Lack of communication,
Communication budget restrictions, unclear 8
Documentation Documentation 1

Deviations from the initial

scope on the stakeholder
Scope Creep end due to several factors 4
that are, at times, out of our
Time to accomplish some
Time 3

The six initial codes identified were awareness, changes, communication, documentation,

scope creep, and time. Communication was mainly identified as the most significant challenge of

various challenges associated with implementing AI in the project management field. Rapid

changes in AI protocol, unexpected tasks, and delays are common challenges in project


Theme: Awareness. In project management, several factors contribute to successful

project execution. Awareness of the project's objectives, scope, and stakeholder needs is

essential. Additionally, designing a user-friendly interface that meets user requirements can

enhance the overall project experience and user satisfaction. Clearly defining roles and

responsibilities for team members is crucial for effective project management. Clear role

definition helps avoid confusion, duplication of efforts and improves collaboration. A thorough

understanding of project requirements, constraints, and objectives is vital for success. This

project's success includes analyzing user needs, conducting feasibility studies, and designing a

solution that aligns with project goals. Investing time in understanding and designing the project

upfront can minimize rework and ensure a more efficient implementation.

Tracking team members' time on specific tasks or activities is crucial for resource

management. It allows project managers to monitor resource utilization, identify bottlenecks or

areas where additional support may be needed, and make informed decisions to optimize

resource allocation. Project timelines and deliverables can be better controlled by effectively

managing available resources. Providing adequate training to team members on new tools,

technologies, or processes is essential for project success. Proper training ensures team members

have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their tasks efficiently. It reduces the

likelihood of errors, boosts productivity, and enhances the overall quality of project deliverables.

Lack of communication among team members or stakeholders can lead to

misunderstandings and delays. Budget restrictions can limit resources and affect project scope or

quality. Unclear goals can cause confusion, hinder progress, and result in unsatisfactory

outcomes. Addressing these challenges requires effective communication, proactive budget

management, and precise goal setting. Efficient resource planning ensures personnel, equipment,

and materials are available throughout the project. This involves identifying resource

requirements, estimating availability, and appropriately scheduling resources. Effective resource

planning helps prevent resource shortages, optimizes resource utilization, and minimizes project

delays. Project managers can improve project outcomes, enhance team collaboration, and

increase project success rates by focusing on these aspects.

Theme: Changes. AI is known for its rapid evolution and frequent protocol changes.

These changes can pose challenges in project management, requiring adaptability and proactive

response. Project teams must stay updated with the latest developments, communicate

effectively, and be prepared to adjust their strategies and plans accordingly. By staying informed

and agile, project managers can navigate these changes and ensure successful project execution.

While having a well-defined Gantt chart provides a roadmap for project execution, it is

important to acknowledge that unexpected events and delays can occur. Despite these challenges,

project managers should strive to stick to the original plan as much as possible. However, they

must also be open to necessary adjustments and constant updates to the Gantt chart. Regularly

reviewing and updating the plan helps manage expectations, address emerging issues, and keep

stakeholders informed about any changes in timelines or milestones.

It is not uncommon for stakeholders to request changes or introduce deviations from the

initial project scope. These deviations can arise due to factors beyond the project team's control,

such as shifting business priorities, regulatory changes, or new market demands. Project

managers need to engage in effective stakeholder management, establish clear communication

channels and manage expectations. By fostering collaboration and regularly aligning with

stakeholders, project managers can navigate scope changes and ensure project goals remain on


Team members leaving the project or the company can disrupt project workflows and

impact overall progress. It is crucial to have strategies to mitigate such departures' impact.

Succession planning, cross-training, and knowledge sharing among team members can help

minimize disruptions. Additionally, adequate documentation of work processes, decisions, and

progress ensures that critical project knowledge is retained and can be easily transferred to new

team members. Regular communication and support during the transition period help maintain

project momentum and minimize any adverse effects caused by team member turnover.

Managing rapid changes in AI protocols, adhering to Gantt chart plans while allowing for

necessary updates, addressing scope deviations, and handling team member departures require

adaptability, effective communication, and proactive planning. Project managers can navigate

uncertainties and ensure successful project outcomes by preparing for these challenges and

implementing appropriate strategies.

Theme: Communication. Efficient scheduling is essential for project management. It

involves creating realistic timelines, allocating resources appropriately, and coordinating tasks to

meet project deadlines. Collaboration and communication are crucial in ensuring effective

coordination among team members. Clear and open communication channels facilitate timely

information sharing, addressing challenges, and fostering collaboration among team members.

Identifying and resolving dependencies between tasks is crucial for project success.

Project managers should proactively identify and communicate potential dependencies to the

team to prevent delays and ensure smooth progress. Early communication of impediments allows

the project team to address issues promptly, find alternative solutions, and adjust the project plan

as necessary.

Communicating complex AI results to stakeholders who may not have technical expertise

requires clear and concise graphical representations. Visualizations help convey information in a

more understandable and accessible manner. Creating graphical representations or infographics

can help stakeholders grasp AI results, understand their implications, and make informed

decisions based on the presented information.

Designing user interfaces (UI) for human-AI interactions is crucial for creating intuitive

and user-friendly experiences. When interacting with AI systems, UI design should consider

users' needs and expectations. A well-designed UI enhances usability, improves user satisfaction,

and maximizes the potential for human-AI collaboration.

Explainable AI provides understandable and transparent explanations of how AI systems

arrive at their decisions or predictions. While accuracy is essential, it is equally crucial to have

AI models that can be easily interpreted and explained to users and stakeholders. Explainable AI

builds trust, facilitates regulatory compliance, and enables users to understand and evaluate the

AI system's outputs and recommendations.


Lack of communication hampers collaboration, increases the likelihood of

misunderstandings, and can lead to project delays. Budget restrictions require effective budget

management and resource allocation to ensure project goals can be achieved within the available

resources. Unclear goals confuse and make driving the project in the desired direction

challenging. Clear communication, proactive budget management, and well-defined project goals

help mitigate these challenges.

Resource planning involves identifying the resources required for the project and

scheduling their allocation. This includes personnel, equipment, materials, and other resources

necessary for project execution. Effective resource planning ensures the right resources are

available at the right time, optimizing productivity, reducing bottlenecks, and preventing delays.

Scheduling plays a vital role in project management. It involves creating a timeline that

outlines the activities' sequence and duration. A well-developed schedule enables effective

resource allocation, helps manage dependencies, and ensures the project progresses as planned.

Regularly monitoring and updating the schedule is crucial to accommodate any changes or

unexpected events that may arise during project execution.

By addressing these topics, project managers can enhance scheduling and resource

planning, promote collaboration and communication, design effective UIs for human-AI

interfaces, and ensure clarity in project goals and explainability of AI results. These ef forts

contribute to successful project outcomes and stakeholder satisfaction.

Theme: Documentation. Project managers implementing AI in project management can

adopt the following practices to address these documentation challenges. Develop clear

documentation guidelines specific to AI projects. Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and

effective communication among team members. Regularly update the documentation to reflect

changes in project requirements, AI techniques, and legal and ethical considerations. Use

visualization techniques to simplify complex concepts and communicate AI-related information

more effectively. Establish a central knowledge repository to store and organize documentation,

making it easily accessible to team members. By recognizing the importance of documentation

and implementing effective practices, project managers can ensure the comprehensive and

accurate documentation of AI implementations in project management, facilitating transparency,

knowledge sharing, and project success.

Theme: Scope Creep. Scope creep is a common challenge in project management that

occurs when the project's scope expands beyond its original boundaries. The original Gantt chart

plan serves as a roadmap for project execution. However, unforeseen events, unexpected tasks,

or delays can arise, causing deviations from the initial plan. It is important to recognize that

project management requires flexibility to accommodate these changes. Constant updates to the

Gantt chart are necessary to reflect the evolving project scope, timelines, and dependencies. By

regularly reviewing and updating the plan, project managers can better manage scope creep and

ensure alignment with the project's current status.

Lack of communication, budget restrictions, and unclear goals contribute to scope creep.

Inadequate communication channels can lead to misunderstandings and misalignment between

stakeholders, resulting in project scope changes. Budget restrictions can limit available

resources, potentially affecting the project's scope. Unclear goals complicate defining and

managing the project's boundaries, leading to scope creep. Clear and open communication,

proactive budget management, and well-defined project goals are essential to mitigate these

challenges and minimize scope creep.


Stakeholders can introduce deviations from the initial project scope due to factors beyond

the project team's control. Shifting business priorities, regulatory changes, or emerging market

demands can lead to scope changes. Project managers must establish effective stakeholder

management processes and engage in ongoing communication. By actively involving

stakeholders and keeping them informed throughout the project lifecycle, project managers can

better anticipate and manage scope creep. Regularly evaluating and aligning project objectives

with stakeholder expectations can help prevent scope deviations and ensure successful project

outcomes. By implementing these practices, project managers can proactively address scope

creep, maintain control over the project's scope, and deliver successful outcomes within defined


Theme: Time. Time management and adhering to the original Gantt chart plan are

critical factors in project management. Accurately estimating the time required to accomplish

tasks is crucial for effective project management. Each task should be carefully analyzed,

considering its complexity, dependencies, available resources, and potential risks or

uncertainties. Project managers can create realistic timelines and allocate resources effectively by

accurately estimating task durations, ensuring the project progresses as planned.

Despite careful planning, projects can face delays and not achieve their goals according

to the initial plans. This can occur due to unforeseen events, changes in project requirements,

resource constraints, or other factors. Deviations from the original plan can impact the project

timeline and potentially lead to cost overruns. Project managers need to identify and address

delays promptly, making necessary adjustments to mitigate their impact and keep the project on


The Gantt chart serves as a visual representation of the project's timeline and tasks. While

it provides a framework for project management, it is essential to recognize that unexpected

events, changes in requirements, or longer-than-expected tasks can occur. Constant updates to

the Gantt chart are necessary to reflect the evolving project scope, dependencies, and timelines.

By regularly reviewing and updating the plan, project managers can effectively manage changes,

mitigate delays, and ensure that the project remains aligned with the intended objectives. By

implementing these practices, project managers can enhance time management, adhere to the

original Gantt chart plan, and effectively address delays or changes that may arise during project


Managing rapid changes in AI protocol, deviations from the initial scope, and team

member departures requires adaptability, effective communication, and proactive planning. By

being flexible in the project approach, maintaining open lines of communication with

stakeholders, and implementing strategies to address personnel changes, one can increase the

project's chances of success even in the face of unexpected challenges.

Research Question Two

Survey questions two and three were selected for analysis as they addressed RQ2. Once

initial codes were created based on participants’ responses, and a word similarity tree was

generated using the NVivo 14 program. This revealed several redundancies in participants'

responses. Identifying redundancies is of utmost importance as the failure to do so can

compromise the integrity of the data analysis results and hinder the ability to answer the research

questions effectively. The items clustered by word cloud for initial codes are presented in Figure

6E (see Appendix E) for a clear understanding.


Once redundancies were removed, four initial codes were identified. Table 6 below

provides the initial code, an example of participants supporting responses, and the number of

participants that had responses supporting the initial codes defined.

Table 6

Initial coding for AI-based tools

Participant supporting Number of participant responses

Code response supporting the initial code
Agile Agile scrum 2
Scrum Scrum and CRISPDM 2
Project initiation, planning
cross team communication,
Execution 3
execution, monitoring and
Plan, Monitor, Execute,
and Close while
PM Tools 8
maintaining project quality,
budget, timelines

The four initial codes identified were agile, scrum, execution, and PM tools. PM tools

were mainly identified as the most significant process used with AI tools.

Theme: Agile. In project management, using AI tools can greatly enhance efficiency,

collaboration, and decision-making. Agile emphasizes adaptability, iterative development, and

close collaboration between cross-functional teams. AI tools can assist in various aspects of

Agile project management, but their utilization depends on the specific needs and preferences of

the team. Here are some ways AI can be integrated into Agile project management and an

overview of the current processes: predictive analytics, team collaboration, task management,

risk management, automated testing, data-driven insights, backlog management, sprint planning,

daily stand-ups, sprint execution, and retrospectives.


The adoption of AI tools should align with the Agile principle of valuing individuals and

interactions over processes and tools. While AI can bring significant benefits, the human element

of collaboration and communication remains essential. Ultimately, the integration of AI into

Agile project management depends on the team's goals, available technology, and the

willingness to embrace new tools. Teams should regularly assess the effectiveness of AI tools in

their context and adjust as needed to ensure that they enhance the Agile process rather than

disrupt it.

Theme: Scrum. In the context of Scrum project management, AI-based tools can play a

crucial role in enhancing team collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and overall project

efficiency. Scrum is an iterative and incremental framework focused on delivering value to

customers in short sprint cycles. Here's how AI tools can be integrated into Scrum project

management, along with an overview of the typical processes followed: product backlog

refinement, sprint planning, sprint execution, sprint review, and sprint retrospective.

Integrating AI tools in Scrum requires a balance between utilizing technology and

maintaining the core values of Scrum, such as transparency, inspection, and adaptation. AI tools

should serve as enablers facilitating the Scrum processes and help the team make better-informed

decisions. Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of AI tools within the Scrum framework and

adjusting their usage as needed is essential. The key is ensuring that AI supports the team's

autonomy and self-organization while enabling them to deliver high-quality products

collaboratively and sequentially.

Theme: Execution. In project execution, using AI-based tools can significantly impact

efficiency, decision-making, and outcomes. Project execution involves carrying out the planned

tasks, monitoring progress, and adjusting as needed to ensure successful completion. Here's how

AI tools can be integrated into project execution, along with an overview of common processes:

resource allocation, task prioritization, progress tracking, risk management, communications

management, and data analysis.

When incorporating AI tools into project execution, aligning them with the project's goals

and the team's expertise is crucial. AI should augment human capabilities and improve decision-

making rather than replace critical human judgment and collaboration. Regular assessment of the

effectiveness of AI tools, adapting processes to leverage their benefits, and ensuring they

integrate seamlessly into the project's workflow are essential steps to maximizing their impact on

project execution.

Theme: PM Tools. AI-based project management tools are increasingly being used to

enhance various aspects of project management. These tools leverage artificial intelligence to

improve project teams' efficiency, decision-making, and collaboration. Here's how AI-based

project management tools can be utilized, along with an overview of common processes:

scheduling and resource management, predictive analytics, task automation, data visualization,

natural language processing, collaboration enhancement, and decision support.

The successful integration of AI tools in project management involves understanding the

project's specific needs, evaluating available AI tools, and selecting those that align with the

project's goals. The goal is to leverage AI's capabilities while valuing the human aspects of

collaboration, creativity, and adaptability essential in project management. Regularly assessing

the effectiveness of AI tools, training team members to use them effectively, and adapting

processes based on their impact is vital for maximizing the benefits of AI in project management.

Research Question Three

The survey questions four and five were selected for analysis as it specifically addressed

the RQ4. Once initial codes were created based on participants’ responses, a word similarity tree

was generated using NVivo 14 program, revealing several redundancies in participants'

responses. Identifying redundancies is of utmost importance as the failure to do so can

compromise the integrity of the data analysis results and hinder the ability to answer the research

questions effectively. The items clustered by word cloud for initial codes are presented in Figure

7E (see Appendix E) for a clear understanding.

Once redundancies were removed, six initial codes were identified. Table 7 below

provides the initial code, an example of participants supporting responses, and the number of

participants that had responses supporting the initial codes defined.

Table 7

Initial coding for areas where AI can be effective

Number of
Participant supporting response responses
supporting the
Code initial code
Automate the day-to-day standardized processes such as
handling meetings, taking meeting minutes, and
Automation 5
following up with the project resources on the action
items. Also sending automated reminders.
Monitoring Monitoring Progress 9
May be insights from previous projects that could be
Prediction helpful to new/junior Project Managers with little 3
Estimate project timeline and resources 7

Technology Military science, health, and technology 5

Plan, Monitor, Execute, and Close while maintaining

Time management 5
project quality, budget, and timelines.

The six initial codes identified were automation, monitoring, prediction, resource

optimization, technology, and time management. Monitoring was mainly identified as the area

where AI can be useful for project management.

Theme: Automation. Automating project management processes can bring various

benefits and address the challenges mentioned in the references. Automating projects involves

leveraging technology and AI to streamline project execution. By automating repetitive and

manual tasks, projects can be completed more efficiently. This may include automating data

entry, report generation, or task assignments. Automation reduces the likelihood of errors, saves

time, and enables resources to focus on more value-added activities.

Automated tracking of employee engagement, bug incidents over time, and burndown

predictions provide valuable insights for project management. Project managers can monitor

employee involvement, identify potential bottlenecks, and proactively address issues by

implementing automated tools or systems. Tracking bugs and using predictive analytics help

identify potential risks, improve quality control, and better manage resources and timelines.

Automating day-to-day standardized processes, such as handling meetings, taking

minutes, and following up on action items, improves efficiency and productivity. Project

managers can schedule meetings, generate meeting agendas and minutes using automated tools

or platforms, and send automated reminders to team members. This eliminates manual effort,

ensures consistency, and reduces the chances of tasks being overlooked or delayed.

Automation can help with administrative tasks and task follow-ups. For example,

automated reminders and notifications can be set up to prompt team members about pending

tasks or approaching deadlines. This streamlines task management reduces the likelihood of

missed deadlines, and ensures that follow-up actions are completed on time. Automation also

facilitates efficient tracking of task progress and enhances overall project administration.

Automating administrative and manually intensive work alleviates the burden on project

teams. Automation can be applied to data entry, report generation, or document management

tasks. By automating these activities, project teams can save time, reduce errors, and improve

overall efficiency. This allows team members to focus on more strategic and high-value project


By automating project management processes, project teams can improve productivity,

reduce errors, and enhance overall project efficiency. Automation can provide valuable insights,

streamline communication and collaboration, and eliminate manual administrative tasks.

However, it is important to carefully assess the automation tools and processes to ensure they

align with project requirements and objectives.

Theme: Monitoring. Monitoring and Controlling: Monitoring and controlling are crucial

aspects of project management. It involves tracking project progress, comparing it against the

planned schedule, and taking corrective actions as needed. Monitoring includes gathering data,

analyzing key performance indicators, and ensuring the project stays on track. Controlling

involves making adjustments, resolving issues, and managing changes to ensure project success.

Auto Tracking of Engagement, Bugs, and Burndown: Automated tracking of employee

engagement, bugs over time, and burndown predictions provides valuable insights for project

management. Automated tools or systems can track employee involvement in user stories,

identify and analyze bug incidents, and predict the remaining work to be completed. These

automated tracking mechanisms help in resource allocation, quality control, and proactive


Project Management, Sales Management, and Training: This reference indicates the

broad areas where project management is relevant. Project management principles and practices

can be applied to various domains, including sales management and training initiatives. Effective

project management ensures that projects are planned, executed, and controlled efficiently,

regardless of the specific domain or industry.

Risk Management: Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks

impacting project success. By proactively identifying potential risks, project managers can

develop strategies to minimize their impact or likelihood. Risk management helps avoid or

mitigate potential issues that could lead to project delays, budget overruns, or other adverse


Estimating Project Timeline and Resources: Project timelines and resources are critical to

project planning. It involves determining the duration and sequence of tasks and the resources

required to complete them. Accurate estimation enables effective resource allocation, scheduling,

and overall project planning. By estimating timelines and resources, project managers can create

realistic project schedules and ensure that the necessary resources are available when needed.

Automating Day-to-Day Processes: Automating day-to-day standardized processes, such

as meeting management, minutes-taking, and follow-ups, improves efficiency and productivity.


By automating these processes, project managers can save time, reduce manual effort, and ensure

consistency. Automated reminders and notifications help track tasks, follow up on action items,

and improve overall project administration.

Administration and Task Follow-ups: Administration and task follow-ups involve

managing project documentation, tracking progress, and ensuring the timely completion of tasks.

Effective administration and follow-up processes are crucial for keeping the project on track and

maintaining accountability among team members. Automating these processes streamlines task

management, reduces the chances of errors or delays, and enhances overall project efficiency.

Setting Project Goals: Setting clear and well-defined project goals is essential for success.

Project goals provide direction, purpose, and a shared vision among stakeholders. Clear goals

help align efforts, make informed decisions, and measure project success. Establishing specific,

measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART), goals ensures clarity and enables

effective project management.

Monitoring Progress: Monitoring project progress involves regularly assessing the status

of tasks, deliverables, and milestones. It helps project managers track whether the project is

proceeding as planned and identify any deviations or issues early on. Monitoring progress allows

for timely intervention, communication of updates to stakeholders, and adjustment of plans as

needed. By considering these areas and implementing appropriate practices, project managers

can enhance project monitoring, automate processes, manage risks, set clear goals, estimate

timelines and resources accurately, and ensure effective project control and administration.

Theme: Prediction. Prediction is a crucial aspect of project management that involves

estimating the financial resources required to execute a project successfully. Project managers

must also consider the associated costs when estimating the project timeline and resources.

Estimating the duration of tasks, the sequencing of activities, and the resources required

(including human resources, materials, and equipment) helps determine the budget. Accurate

estimation of timelines and resources allows project managers to allocate budgets effectively and

plan for any potential cost overruns.

Previous projects can serve as valuable sources of information for budget prediction.

Project managers can better understand the typical costs associated with certain activities or

deliverables by analyzing data and insights from similar projects. Lessons learned from past

projects can help identify potential cost drivers, risks, and opportunities for cost optimization.

This information can benefit new or junior project managers with limited budget prediction


Theme: Resource Optimization. Optimizing resource utilization and allocation is

crucial for efficient project management. Optimum resource utilization involves effectively

allocating resources to tasks and ensuring they are used efficiently throughout the project. It

requires identifying the skills and capabilities of team members, aligning them with appropriate

tasks, and avoiding overallocation or underutilization of resources. Project managers can

maximize productivity, minimize bottlenecks, and improve project outcomes by optimizing

resource utilization.

Resource allocation involves assigning resources to specific tasks or activities based on

their availability, skills, and project requirements. It requires balancing workload and ensuring

that resources are utilized effectively and efficiently. Proper resource allocation enables efficient

task execution, prevents conflicts, and meets project timelines.

Accurate estimation of project timelines and resources is essential for effective resource

allocation. Project managers can allocate resources optimally by estimating the duration of tasks

and identifying the required resources. Accurate estimation helps prevent overcommitment or

underutilization of resources, ensuring that the right resources are available when needed.

Automating day-to-day standardized processes, such as meeting management, minute-

taking, and task follow-ups, streamlines administrative work and improves resource utilization.

By automating these processes, project managers can save time, reduce manual ef fort, and

allocate resources more efficiently. Automated reminders and notifications ensure that tasks are

completed on time and that resources are utilized effectively.

Effective administration and task follow-ups are essential for resource management.

Project managers can optimize resource utilization by efficiently managing administrative tasks,

such as document management, tracking progress, and ensuring the timely completion of tasks.

Clear communication and follow-ups help ensure that resources know their responsibilities and

deadlines, minimizing delays and maximizing productivity.

Providing support for administrative and manually intensive work helps optimize

resource utilization. Assigning administrative tasks to appropriate resources or leveraging

automation tools allows team members to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

This improves overall resource efficiency and productivity.

Resource planning involves identifying the resources required for the project and

scheduling their allocation. It includes human resources, equipment, materials, and other

resources necessary for project execution. Effective resource planning ensures the right resources

are available at the right time, minimizing resource shortages and optimizing resource utilization.

Project managers can optimize resource utilization and allocation by implementing these

practices, enhancing productivity, and maximizing project outcomes. Effective resource


management leads to efficient project execution, better team performance, and increased project

success rates.

Theme: Technology. Project management principles are applicable across different

domains, including military science, health, and technology. Project managers in these fields can

benefit from adapting project management methodologies to suit their specific requirements.

Effective project management ensures the successful execution of projects, whether in military

operations, healthcare initiatives, or technological advancements.

Automating day-to-day standardized processes, such as meeting management, minute-

taking, and task follow-ups, improves efficiency and productivity. Automation tools and

platforms streamline administrative work, reducing the manual effort involved. By automating

these processes, project managers can save time, ensure consistency, and focus on more strategic

project activities.

Project managers can support team members by assisting with administrative or manually

intensive tasks. This involves assigning appropriate resources for administrative work, freeing up

other team members to focus on their core responsibilities. Project managers help optimize

resource utilization and improve overall project efficiency by assisting with administrative tasks.

Leveraging insights from previous projects can be particularly valuable for new or junior

project managers with limited experience. Knowledge gained from previous projects, such as

lessons learned, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid, can help guide decision-making, risk

management, and overall project success. Encouraging knowledge sharing and learning from

experienced project managers fosters continuous improvement and enhances the capabilities of

new team members.


Setting clear and well-defined project goals is crucial for project success. Project goals

provide direction, purpose, and a shared vision among stakeholders. Clear goals help align

efforts, facilitate decision-making, and provide a framework for measuring project progress and

success. Setting project goals ensures the project team works towards a common objective.

Project management principles apply across various domains, including military science,

health, and technology. Automation of day-to-day processes and assistance with administrative

work improve efficiency and resource utilization. Leveraging insights from previous projects

enhance decision-making for new or junior project managers. Setting clear project goals provides

a foundation for success in project execution. By considering these aspects, project managers can

enhance their effectiveness and drive successful project outcomes.

Theme: Time Management. Using AI bots for reminders streamlining, and

communication can enhance time management in a department. By leveraging AI bots, project

managers can automate reminders, streamline communication, and facilitate the flow of

information. This helps ensure that tasks are completed on time, improves efficiency, and

contributes to effective time management.

Project management principles apply to traditional project management and domains

such as sales management and training. Effective project management practices can be utilized in

these areas to plan, execute, and control initiatives successfully. Applying project management

techniques helps optimize resources, manage risks, and achieve desired outcomes.

Risk management involves identifying potential risks, analyzing their potential impact,

and developing strategies to mitigate them. Effective risk management helps project managers

anticipate and address potential issues that could hinder project success. By proactively

managing risks, project managers can minimize their impact, increase the likelihood of project

success, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.

Automating day-to-day standardized processes, such as meetings, minute-taking, and

follow-ups, improves efficiency and productivity. Automating these processes reduces the need

for manual intervention, saves time, and ensures consistency. By leveraging automation tools,

project managers can focus on more strategic activities and optimize the utilization of resources.

Assistance with administrative or manually intensive work improves overall project

efficiency. Project managers can allocate appropriate resources to handle administrative tasks,

allowing other team members to concentrate on their core responsibilities. By supporting

administrative work, project managers enhance resource utilization and optimize productivity.

In summary, leveraging AI bots for reminders streamlining, applying project

management principles in various domains, and automating day-to-day processes contribute to

effective project management. Risk management helps identify and address potential issues,

while assistance with administrative work optimizes resource utilization. By considering these

aspects, project managers can enhance time management, streamline processes, mitigate risks,

and improve overall project efficiency.

Supplementary Findings

Additionally, this project has produced additional themes that are reported below.

Theme: Project Management. According to the findings of this research, the following

essential parts of project management were identified to be the most troublesome areas:

• Planning the Project,

• Managing the Resources,

• Managing the Budget,


• Managing the Quality of the Project, and

• Change Management

This segment of the interview was designed with many purposes in mind, including the


• To get an understanding of how the respondents handle projects at present.

• To locate essential issues in the project management and handling procedures, and so on.

Throughout the in-depth talks of each of the five process areas related to Project

management stated above, a few themes most relevant to the present issues they faced at work

emerged as the most frequent among the respondents. The primary ideas are broken down into

subsections and then explained in the order shown above.

Theme: Manual Labor and Work That is Repetitive. Most project managers emphasized

that some components of the numerous elements of the project management process demand

human accuracy and tend to be repetitive. For example, one project manager offered the

following explanation of how the planning process should be handled:

"There is an Excel file here. I don't believe there is anything further that I can add. I am

referring to the fact that you have to do everything by hand. Whatever it is that you alter. It will

be changed manually, and if we are working on several projects, we will need to modify it each

time for the different projects. This will not be related to any of the activities that the rest of the

team this change will impact is performing. Because of this, everything needs to be done by

hand." (PM 3, Case B)

A comparable detailed approach for budgeting was also outlined by PM 3: "... What we

are doing right now based on the Project's initial design is developing the business case. After

calculating the business case, there are numerous stages during which Customer B tests out the

design. So, after the completion of each step, we will do the release, the freeze, the calculation,

and any necessary revisions to the business case. As a result, we consider all of the adjustments,

compute them and then update the business case. Hence, on this level, we monitor the business

case and see how it is between the phases, whether it was up or down with the business case." As

a result, it is abundantly evident that the basic character of this process component is dependent

on human labor. However, instruments are now being used to generate budget estimates. This

was confirmed by a different project manager, who said , "... Let's say there are tools available,

and what we're attempting to do is working with successive approaches, which is a type of

budgeting matrix, where you have the extreme lowest and the ultimate highest and the most

probable." Furthermore, all that is needed is to break the budgeting matrix up into as many

different points and things as possible. Is it 100%, which would suggest it is the most significant

possible score across the board? Would one be willing to split the pot 50/50? Naturally, from a

portfolio perspective, if you accept 50-50, the entire amount ends up someplace, but if you go for

100%, the overall amount will be much more significant. If you accept 50-50, the total money

ends somewhere. Sometimes, this is used. Excel is used, and an in-house version of the template

was created for it. (PM 4, Case C).

PM 8 had an insightful perspective on the nature of budgeting for financial follow-ups,

which was quite fascinating to hear. Even though the company employs a software program for

performing computations, the system calls for significant input from human users. This

requirement is explained as follows: "... We have systems which are support systems, but need a

lot of work to feed the system. Hence, not just myself but even a few of my coworkers, and I

would venture to tell most of my coworkers, believe that there is not a lot of support. We must

provide the system with numbers that are not necessary for our own purposes but are essential

for the financial follow-up.” Moreover, they are expected to assist the initiatives, corporate

management, and financial control. Nonetheless, we believe that the problem lies more in the

fact that "we need to feed them" (the system) more than "they feed us." (PM 8, Case A).

Because of this, it is unclear if the system is doing what it was designed to achieve in this

instance since it seems to be giving the users more work to do than they already have. When it

comes to making the most of the current application's potential, there seems to be some overlap

in the necessary steps. The manual aspect of the quality management process element was

described in PM 6: "I think depending on what we mean with quality management, because, of

course, there is quality management in how well you run a project, and there is quality for the

product, but what we are looking into is how we can use it for the products. I think it all depends

on what we mean by quality management. So, a more complete and expedient comprehension of

logs, of course. It requires a lot of manual labor from people who are, you know, smart but also

people who are familiar with the area, and sometimes we have to rerun something and ask the

customer if the customer is the one who found the error. The customer then gives us whatever

logs come automatically, but we still can't find it. After that, we inquired of them, "OK, could

you please repeat it with this parameter, that way, they cannot do that all the time because they

do not want to do it when the network is active. After that, we attempted to replicate it. All right,

let's keep doing it in the same manner. OK, so in that respect, it's a burdensome thing. (PM 6,

Case C).

In this context, it is important to mention that the nature of the obstacles that project

managers must overcome differs from sector to industry. The change management process aspect

often involves activities involving manual labor and handling that is repetitive. One of the

managers of the Project elaborated, saying, "Yes, the technique is the same. Keeping track of

everything, or at least attempting to keep track of everything, during meetings, phone calls, and

lynching. This is not the greatest approach. It's possible. However, you could also attempt to run

a change tracking file; alternatively, we already have a change tracking file; however, it's stored

in Excel. So, it's possible that this isn't the optimal format. (PM 2, Case B)

Another project manager explained what they do: "...We have the change management or

change requests where we have a template that we are filling in. And on top of that, the sponsor

should make the repercussions and everything else, as well as the choice, based on the project

manager's suggestion and the decision made by the sponsor. It brings us to the end of the

process. And it is effective when it has been put to use. The issue is in maintaining proper

discipline..." (PM 4, Case C). This underlines the lack of incentive, and therefore poor discipline,

to continually input information, particularly when it comes to a number of changes that might

occur within a short period.

Theme: Continuous Monitoring and Adjustments . Because some parts of the project

management process are influenced by changes that were not planned for and could not be

predicted, ongoing monitoring is unavoidably required to guarantee that the process runs

smoothly. One project manager provided an explanation of how this is accomplished in the

planning stage of a project through the use of fundamental software applications and consistent

input from humans, saying, "We have different processes, but I mean, mainly it's to keep track

on, on MS Project to see for planning, I would say... We have, and I have, what is considered to

be the norm of three meetings every week, but in reality, there are four of them. And, yes, we are

keeping track of everything, going over the schedule, and making sure that nothing is getting

behind. (PM 2, Case B)


PM 3 elaborated on the difficulty of managing changes in the project plans: "I am at the

meeting, and I have to inform, let's say, sales that because we are late with the drawings, you will

not be able to do your job. After that, sales have to go to who they deliver the output and talk to

them. And this will not happen because if we work on so many projects, you will not have the

time to attend to matters of this kind. So, there is no automation and no relationship between the

actions of various individuals and how this impacts the situation. The passing of a single

milestone has an impact on a variety of domains. Everything needs to go through them to be

manually coordinated, and they attend various meetings. Imagine for a moment that the

individual cannot attend the meeting; thus, they will be unaware of the information presented,

which will result in an increased risk for the Project, exactly like a human mistake.” So, this

presents a significant opportunity for development. (PM 3, Case B)

Another project manager emphasized the sometimes unfathomable repercussions that late

modifications might have on the budget originally set for the Project. This manager said, "...But

as we talked before, many late adjustments are coming, which are not in my budget, yes." Hence,

at this point, I need to strike a balance and determine whether or not I have the financial means to

invest further in those alterations. Does the client accept them, and even if the consumer accepts

them, they are not accepted by my management even though the customer accepts them? It's not

always easy to see how this will affect you until you make the complete update of the business

case because we don't have, and here, the artificial intelligence would be great because we don't

know how every change affects my business case..." So then I have to update the business case

once more, and then it's not always easy to see how this will affect you until you complete the

business case update. (PM 3, Case B)


One project manager brought up the issue of the need for an intelligent application or

system that would not only analyze the impact that changes would have on the planned budget

but would also reduce the dependency on human-level expertise, which can frequently be limited

in terms of managing this process element in and of itself: "And then you do more, depending on

Experience and the offer, quotes, and other things like that. But having this method in a system

will help you out. If you are really good, you should have, in addition to the system, you could

have a library of a large number of previous projects and previous Experience (which will tell

you). This normally costs that and that, which is very risky and difficult to estimate. Here you

should be a little bit more careful and so on. So, the system should also include a small amount

of previously gained information. Which in our circumstance is residing in the thoughts of the

general populace. (PM 5, Case B)

This was reemphasized, and PM 3 provided further clarification regarding the impact by

saying as follows: "... And then, of course, what can be expected if there is a down (with the

budget), then we have to go back, and then we have to go through every change and try to see

what hurts the change, and everything has to be done manually. Basically, we are going to have

to experience every change. So let's say I have 200 modifications to make, which means I need

to go through each one, figure out what it is that's being changed, and figure out how that change

is going to affect things (the business case and budget). And this is something that, number one,

we virtually never have time for because it's on the list of things that we have to do. Two, it's a

challenging job because you must go through many different adjustments to grasp the change.

Thus, to go really deep into the specifics. And then finally, in the end, I mean I'm still, it's too

light to have any impact. This is the most difficult challenge for me because even if I do this

task, I will still have to stand in front of my management and explain that my business case is

now, I don't know, minus those x Euros you put down, which is not acceptable to them. This is

the largest obstacle I face. (PM 3, Case B)

The difficulty of effectively managing significantly impacts one aspect of the change

management process. One manager of a project provided the following explanation for it: "Also,

same here, since we are tracking this basically once a week, so if we have the meeting on

Tuesday, it's not, it's seven days until the next meeting and, and, the biggest challenge is to, to

understand what's happening in between so that we don't lose the important or important time."

Hence, but at the same time, you can't have follow-up every single day. So." (PM 2, Case B)

Another manager of several projects provided the following commentary on the implications of a

number of late changes: "... Numerous changes, very late, quite frequently that implies that we

will have a massive amount of change management that we will have to be able to deal with in

the various projects." (PM 3, Case B)

PM 4 provided more information on the eventual effect of apparently insignificant

changes, particularly if these changes are not addressed in a timely manner: "As we like to put it,

scope creep is a sickness that you have in all projects, and it is something that will inevitably

take place. And in my opinion, it doesn't really matter what kind of Project you're working on

since there will always be some expansion of the Project's scope. The thing that we have to do is

to be aware of it, and we have to, and the thing that we are doing is that we are managing the

larger changes using a procedure that is similar to a change request and an authorized change

request process. The issue is, and this is what I'm trying to get across, yes, the small ones are a

disease that when you don't manage them, when you don't catch up with them, and when you

don't summarize and see how big is the total scope creep now, maybe it's just that each and every

one of them are minor, but collectively, they can grow and become significant. And the second

one is when you have major changes, and you really need to undertake the consequence analysis,

which brings us back to the triple constraints. Whenever you modify anything, that change will

affect something else. And the issue is that sometimes we are a little bit too optimistic, and when

we see a chance, when we see that we have an opportunity to do something better, we tend to

forget about the implications, and of course, it strikes you later. (Case A)

Theme: Task and Project Prioritization Are Essential at Any Stage of Development .

In many cases, one task's completion is necessary to initiate the next. The delay of one

process might have a domino effect on the timeliness of the others. One project manager explains

this as a major obstacle: "The important difficulty is that people are not returning to work, week

after week, saying that, well, (this will be done) next week. Even though we are aware t hat

certain jobs require emphasis., We can't lose focus and attention on the other, which may be of

lower priorities but are moving ahead." (PM 2, Case B).

A project manager explained how a priority problem had impacted the scheduling of

many projects: "...There is our Project that the engineers when they are making the change, it's

the change management. The result is that every Project will undergo significant transformations

shortly. To determine which initiatives should be prioritized, we must first determine how

significant each change will be. This is already the result of human judgment. We're going to

have a meeting, and the person who makes the loudest noise will probably be given the most

priority. That means we're in trouble even before we get there, and if we do it online, we won't

know how long those adjustments will take until they're computed. To add insult to injury, we

had a scenario where one client demanded several adjustments (XYZ) that couldn't be completed

in the allotted two weeks. In the past, they had estimated that it would take three months to

complete, but now they must accomplish it in only two weeks. Now that they've abandoned the

Project, however, what happens next? Thus, all of our initiatives and activities must be put on

hold if upper management decides to do this first. Because we don't have access to any prescient

AI that might forewarn us that the rest of our initiatives are doomed, we'll have to wait and see

how things pan out. But as you can see, we don't have any—PM 3 Case B.

Case B of Project Manager 2 exemplifies the difficulty in maintaining concentration on

several concurrent activities when one or more activities are of greater importance. The four

groups I'm referring to are part of one of mine. Priority 1, the first set, is followed by Priority 2,

the second set. Among them, priority 1 is the one most people pay attention to. It's the most

important and deserves our attention, but we can't let our guard down on our other priorities just

because this one is bigger. In other words, that's a case in point." PM2 Case B.

Prioritization problems extend to the resource management process aspect. The difficulty

of managing resources across numerous concurrent projects was highlighted in PM 1 (Case A).

For both line and project managers, resource management is where communication breaks down

and disagreements arise. There are too many projects for each person to focus on. Therefore we

have to swap tasks constantly. This lack of consistency and dedication is a problem.

Theme: Faulty Internal Structures and Procedures .As a project manager explains

below, generating a budget may be intimidating and time-consuming due to the organization's

complex internal processes.

"... And your systems are very shoddy. The interfaces are terrible, to put it mildly. It's possible to

accomplish something lot easier. With this Project, feeding the system takes a lot of time and

effort, and there's always the question of whether or not we did it correctly. People always ask

one another, "Do you know how to do this?" since it's not something you can figure out simply

by looking at it. But then the line function wants to be lean, so the Project (team) needs to handle

it, and then they'll put everything else in the Project, and the individuals who deal with this will

only work five hours a week instead of 40. Maybe one or two hours every week, depending on

the scope of the Project, but they'd never become specialists since the systems and interfaces are

too complex. (Case A, PM 8)

"It's not very easy to use (the system) or easy to grasp because when it was set up, it was

set up very close to the standard, which means that the standard is quite general, and it's hard to

adapt to your daily work," one more project member said, describing how a standard system built

for quality management can often be ineffective towards the completion of a task due to the

complicated nature of processes that are behind it. The standard does not provide any examples,

among other things. And since this procedure is also organized similarly, there is not much, and

it is not simple. It is challenging if you create a new project and then attempt to adhere to the

procedures that are outlined there. Hence, you end up going to another project that has been

operating for some time and asking permission to utilize all the documentation you've

established for monitoring quality. After that, you duplicate what they did in the other Project.

Since strictly adhering to the procedures would result in an almost impossible challenge, this is

how we organized our Project, and I believe many other people do the same thing. Hence, there

is one area in which we have a lot of room for advancement. (PM 7, Case B)

Theme: Project Management. In this part, we asked the project managers their thoughts

on the effects of AI on enterprises and how AI technologies may assist them with the operational

problems in project management that we discussed and emphasized below. The goal was to

investigate the issue thoroughly and identify potential avenues for a solution that would be in

keeping with the advent of the AI revolution.


The project managers had a variety of opinions on the possible effects that AI systems

may have not only on business in general but also on project management. Most of them were

optimistic that AI technologies might be used to improve the whole project management

function, which could favorably influence how they do business.

One project manager addressed how artificial intelligence (AI) systems might be utilized

to eliminate manual labor and enhance working speed. They also noted how the size of an

organization might affect how quickly new technologies can be adopted: "I believe it is going to

have a significant impact (on companies), which I believe, you know, causes some individuals to

get anxious. I like learning new stuff. My guess is that we'll come up with some useful

applications for it. Thus, I believe that it is going to be wonderful, to a great deal speedier, and

gets to a lot of stuff. I believe that it has the potential to alter the corporate world in the sense that

rather than perhaps having large firms with a lot of money that can spend a lot, you may be able

to move quicker with AI, and you may be able to speed up. Thus, it will hasten the pace of a

significant amount of growth. We are going to have a lot more success in figuring things out. I

believe that's going to be incredibly fantastic, and it's going to open the door for many other

firms to spring up and compete with one another. You do not need to have twenty years of

expertise to do this task successfully. It's possible, considering how quickly AI can pick up new

information. Hence, I believe it widens the playing field for new players and makes it possible

for all of us to advance more quickly. That's one thing to consider. (PM 6, Case C).

When looking at artificial intelligence through the lens of project management, a few

project managers brought out the uncertainty in this perspective. As mentioned by one project

manager below, there is also a lack of understanding about the many sorts and categories of

artificial intelligence systems."Therefore, often, once you come across a system, your first

thought is not that it has artificial intelligence. It was challenging to find instances when I first

began filling out this survey, but after giving it some more consideration, I can now say that. I've

worked with several AI systems, but you probably don't consider them AI. So, any software may

make day-to-day tasks more automated. So, you most likely do not conceive of it as artificial

intelligence but rather as automation. It would be wonderful if things could be automated and

digitized. If you can do that, it would be excellent. Since it covers such a large region, zeroing

down on a specific aspect isn't easy. (Periodic Table 7, Case B). The conversation that follows

makes it abundantly evident that the possible applications of artificial intelligence outside the

typical focus of self-driving cars may still be mysterious to a significant number of people:

"I suppose if you look at the terminology, I do not consider self-driving cars to be

examples of artificial intelligence. They respond in a predetermined manner to the information

received from their sensors, which prevents them from making judgments on their own. It's all

part of the scheme. My understanding is that artificial intelligence is present when the system in

question is able to evaluate the data it has been given and make its own choice based on criteria

that have not been predetermined. I take that such modes of transportation are not man-made. I

believe that it (AI) might assist us in becoming a lot more effective." (PM 8, Case A).

Theme: Possible Utilizations of AI and Suggestions for Possible Solutions . When asked

about the many sorts of AI systems and the breadth of applications to which they may be put, the

project managers gave a variety of replies. One of the project managers had an idea for a clever

system that would cut down on manual labor and, as a result, free up more time to resolve more

urgent issues."It needs to be very much conceivable that (to explain) how this would influence if

I modify anything," she said. "It will have an effect on..." It is now necessary for me to count

everything. If I have a three-week delay, I have to travel through this building and make the

necessary changes manually for each department, and then those departments have to alter the

internal. If we have artificial intelligence, everything is connected, everything is in one place,

and you have all the links that give you the possibility of an overview roadmap where you see

where you have the critical milestones, whether it works or not. Then you focus on those you see

what to do to make it green. So yeah, and if we have artificial intelligence, everything is

connected, everything is in one place, and you have all the links that give you the possibility of

an overview roadmap where you see Yeah. It would be that it sums it up well. And so instead of

the time that I'm wasting on this, I can utilize it for something that we call portfolio management

actually to see... " (Periodic Table 3, Case B)

"Maybe it's because when I think about artificial intelligence, I focus a lot on processing

vast amounts of data and trying to understand what it all means. But of course, if we factor in

automation, there may be further benefits. I believe we have terrible tools to use as line

managers, and I think I had much better tools to use when I was a project manager. Now I'm

going crazy because of it, but I think it can simply be, you know, they should be rectified by

merging them, or so I have one where we look at wages." (Periodic Table 6, Case C)

One additional project manager gave an example of a smart personal assistant that might

take the place of the tedious and laborious activities that individuals always find themselves

devoting more time to than is necessary, and that manager said the assistant could do the


"And really, I met one person, he was a presenter, and he worked in this area of how AI

can help project management, and he picked a very nice example," I said. "And actually, I met

one guy, he was a presenter, and he worked in this area of how AI can support His vision was

that you would like to have it as a tool that you could only say to schedule a meeting with his

project team the following week on Monday or Tuesday for one hour and invite all of the project

team. This would be similar to scheduling meetings, and although you have good tools for

scheduling meetings in your email today, his vision was that you would like to have it in the

future. You are just responsible for doing that one thing. Right? And this is just one example of

an AI system that could be able to help you with the work at hand. In addition, I've discussed this

topic with a few of my other coworkers. Hence, finding a vacant slot in everyone's schedule is

not difficult to work to do, but if you have to make some judgments because maybe the

individual in question is not as busy as he seems to be, the process becomes more difficult.

Hence, making choices like that may be more crucial at this conference. You must need an AI

system. And we may have a meeting with all of the team members except one and determine

who is the most important participant for that meeting and who is not required. I believe you

need an AI system to make choices of such kind. But, even locating a site that is free of charge

for everyone is a pleasant challenge in and of itself. Nevertheless, if you have to make some

judgments about who to include or not include and perhaps conduct some negotiations like "can

you not attend this meeting instead," then "that's something that an AI system could do."

(Periodic Table 7, Case B)

Theme: AI Designed for Usage in Operations . While addressing how artificial intelligence

(AI) technologies may assist them with the challenges they confront in project management, the

vast majority of the project managers were able to present concrete solution recommendations. A

manager of a project provided the following description of an example of a smart system that

may combine numerous different aspects of a project management process to simplify the overall

management of those aspects:


"Well, I guess most of what I've previously stated. First and foremost, the comprehensive

planning of the Project should be properly integrated with risk assessment, change management,

and resource management. This will make things a lot easier for the Project overall. We will be

able to deal much more with strategic portfolio management than concentrating on the little

fundamental phases inside the planning since this takes up the most time. (PM 3, Case B)

An AI system might be designed to help numerous aspects of project management, as one

manager for the Project noted as follows: "And particularly within those three sectors where I

believe budgeting is maybe the simplest one. And as I said before, with the process of collecting

both the Experience and the positive examples, etc. And integrating it directly into the system, as

well as the way you handle the budgeting and other aspects of it, might be of assistance. Risk

management is definitely something that should be done, as shown by the FMEA and other such

documents. A significant amount of physical labor is involved, and of course, this job may be

completed more effectively. And also coming up with the findings and making them more

straightforward, coming up with also presentation material and other such things that may be of

use, and change management, which includes both keeping track of the changes and having an

easy manner of managing and documenting them (PM 4, Case D).

Another project manager noted the value that may be reaped from the usage of data from

previous and present projects, which is now held in plenty to little use and requires an intelligent

system to allow its usability for future projects: "There, I can see that if you look at a huge

enough quantity of data or big enough data, then maybe AI may be beneficial... It would be even

funnier if you had this little robot going around, and you could see your colleague's face in this

way, and there are these on YouTube. In this way, that could actually be fun. So, we have so

many sites, and of course, we have phone conferences and video conferences, but it would be

even funnier if you had this. (PM 6, Case C)

As can be seen from the following statement made by one of the project managers, in

general, all of the project managers were extremely willing and encouraging towards the

prospect of having smarter solutions using AI systems. "I mean, I would be interested in

anything where it could be supporting, of course; it's just where I see maybe the biggest potential

right now," the project manager said (within information management). But in any case, what I

mean is..." (Priority item 9, Case B)


For this research, specific problems and obstacles in project management that AI systems

may help with have become apparent. The questionnaire and interviews provided data that

established there is a demand for and an opening for the usage of AI technologies to aid in the

productivity of project managers. The following are some suggested methods for doing this.

Feature Labs' (2016) app is a well-executed proof of concept of an AI system created to

aid project managers in preventing major problems in advance by analyzing real-time data. This

app is essentially a project management-oriented artificial general intelligence. This software's

features are flexible enough to be used in other phases of the project management lifecycle, such

as project planning and change management. Accurately consolidating and inputting real-time

project data will be a significant obstacle to a smooth rollout of such an application. In other

words, this method will relieve project managers of the burden of keeping regular tabs on

developments while significantly reducing the inefficiencies brought on by the manual, repetitive

nature of project management chores.


Second, chatbots or virtual project assistants based on artificial intelligence may further

assist project managers with tasks like planning, budgeting, and managing available resources.

AI-based apps such as Fireflies and Stratejos already exist to service the particular process

aspects without interconnection, even though no documented use cases have evolved that may

permit the usage of these features in one application. The next step is to combine these AGI tools

into a comprehensive suite that project managers can use. This method can potentially improve

how project managers can set priorities among competing tasks and projects. Furthermore,

autonomous project management (PM AI) will aim to fulfill the bigger objective of taking over

project management operations by assessing the project environment and the actions of key

stakeholders. While there is still some time until AI systems become an actively helpful element

for today's project management workforce, formulating and executing strategies based on t he

recommendations above will guarantee a successful and painless transfer into the new era.

Chapter Five

Summary, Discussion, and Implications


In this chapter, a review of the results of the dissertation, analysis, and explanation in

terms of the theoretical framework followed. Major takeaways from the inquiry were discussed,

and specific suggestions for the future were derived from them. This dissertation explored the

use of AI in managing different types of projects. As was said in the preceding chapters, AI can

completely transform how project managers carry out their duties.

In the second chapter of the dissertation, related studies were examined. In this chapter,

we examined a variety of AI algorithms that have been used before to aid in the administration of

various projects. In the third chapter, we discussed several potential methods for conducting this

study. This strategy would then be used to get outcomes. Chapter Three dissects and describes

the methodologies utilized throughout the study to uncover, select, and assess the many ways

Artificial Intelligence is applied to Project Management. These techniques are used to learn

about, choose, and assess AI applications. Chapter Four of the research study presents the

dissertation's empirical results. In the dissertation's fifth and last chapter, the previous chapters'

findings are discussed, and conclusions are drawn. This is the last section of the dissertation.

Practical Assessment of Project Analysis

This section analyzes the results of the research questions and connect them with the

literature. Connecting the results with the literature is vital to determine how and where the

current literature is expanded. Further, the gaps in the literature review section will also be

analyzed in the results section. This section aims to show that the results arrived in Chapter Four

represent a logical expansion of the literature. This section analyzes each research question

individually and establish the connection of the findings to the literature.

The primary objective of the qualitative study was to collect insights and perspectives

from project management professionals regarding the impacts of artificial intelligence on project

management professionals. The study researched the findings of the benefits and challenges of

the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI).

Research Question One

What are the most significant challenges the project team members face while working?

This research question sought to explain the challenges faced by project management

professionals while implementing artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the workplace. Integrating

artificial intelligence (AI) tools in project management has brought numerous benefits, but it also

introduces challenges that project management professionals must navigate. This research

explores the challenges project teams face when implementing AI tools in their projects,

shedding light on the complexities and intricacies of this technological transformation. The

challenges identified encompass awareness, changes, communication, documentation, scope

creep, and time. Among these challenges, communication emerges as the most significant,

reflecting the multifaceted nature of AI implementation.

Project teams often encounter challenges related to the awareness of AI capabilities and

limitations. This includes understanding the full spectrum of available AI tools, their potential

applications, and how they can augment or disrupt existing processes. Lack of awareness can

lead to suboptimal tool selection and implementation decisions. Rapid changes in AI technology

can be overwhelming for project teams. The fast-paced evolution of AI protocols, algorithms,

and tools requires constant learning and adaptation. Teams must stay updated with the latest

advancements to integrate AI tools and effectively utilize their capabilities.

Communication is a central challenge in AI implementation. The complexity of AI

concepts and the need to convey technical information to non-technical stakeholders can lead to

misinterpretations and misunderstandings. Effective communication ensures that team members,

stakeholders, and clients understand the project's AI-related aspects. AI projects often involve

complex algorithms and data models. Documenting these components is essential for project

continuity, knowledge sharing, and troubleshooting. Inadequate documentation can hinder

collaboration and future maintenance efforts.

AI projects might face scope creep due to the dynamic nature of AI technologies. As new

possibilities emerge during implementation, project teams might be tempted to expand the

project's scope beyond its original intent. This can lead to delays, resource overruns, and

deviations from the project's objectives. Integrating AI tools can consume a significant amount

of time. The need for data preparation, algorithm training, testing, and validation can extend

project timelines. Balancing the benefits of AI with the project's time constraints is a delicate


AI implementation can reveal unexpected challenges or tasks that were not initially

anticipated. Addressing these unforeseen issues can cause delays and disrupt project schedules.

AI heavily relies on data. Data quality, integrity, and privacy are crucial for accurate AI results.

Data-related challenges can stem from data availability, cleanliness, and regulation compliance.

In this landscape of challenges, communication emerges as the linchpin. Effective

communication addresses various concerns, from explaining technical concepts to building

consensus, managing expectations, and reporting progress. It bridges the gap between technical

experts and stakeholders, ensuring a shared understanding of the project's AI components and


To mitigate these challenges, project management professionals need to prioritize

ongoing education, establish clear communication channels, foster collaboration, and adopt agile

methodologies that embrace adaptability. Overcoming these challenges can lead to successful AI

implementation, paving the way for more efficient and effective project management in the AI

era. The study's findings conform with the studies reported by Clegg (2015), where the author

reported that the four main factors of top priority in project management included time, cost,

quality, and scope. Sajja (2021) also suggested that by clearly understanding these aspects, the

project manager can ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and meets the

desired goals and objectives. Also, Dontigney (2017) addressed the importance of a well-defined

project scope in any project. The project scope will be helpful to avoid frequent changes to the

requirements. The outcomes of the project not being satisfactory, overrunning of the budgets, and

the project not being completed within provided timeline and scope will help to analyze what

should be allowed in a project and what needs to be executed. The study's findings establish that

project managers confront a multitude of issues and distinct obstacles while utilizing artificial

intelligence tools and technologies for project management purposes. Examining these

challenges holds the potential to foster the creation of novel best practices, methodologies, and

supplementary insights, which can further enrich the capabilities of project managers


Research Question Two

When managing a project, do members of the project team make use of any AI-based

tools? What are the current processes you follow to manage a project? The landscape of project

management has undergone a transformative shift with the integration of AI-based tools, leading

to enhanced efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and improved collaboration among project

teams. This research question delves into the practices of project management professionals,

aiming to uncover whether AI tools are employed and how they are integrated within existing

project management processes. The study identifies four initial codes—agile, scrum, execution,

and PM tools—highlighting the interplay between AI tools and traditional project management


The first aspect of the research question explores whether project management

professionals are leveraging AI tools in their projects. These AI tools encompass a spectrum of

functionalities, including predictive analytics, resource allocation, risk assessment, and

communication enhancement. These tools harness AI's capabilities to process large volumes of

data, extract insights, and automate routine tasks, thus augmenting project management

processes. Understanding the processes employed by project management professionals is

crucial. The research delves into whether established methodologies like agile and scrum are

utilized in tandem with AI tools. This highlights how AI complements iterative and incremental

processes, enabling teams to make data-backed decisions and fostering adaptability.

Execution is a cornerstone of project management. The study explores how AI aids in

executing project tasks efficiently, tracking progress, and predicting potential roadblocks. AI's

ability to analyze historical and real-time data assists in maintaining project timelines and

proactively addressing challenges. Among the identified codes, PM tools emerge as a focal point.

These tools, enriched with AI capabilities, play a central role in project management. They

encompass a range of functionalities, from AI-driven scheduling and resource allocation to data-

driven risk assessment and real-time progress tracking. These tools bridge the gap between

traditional project management practices and AI advancements.

Effective communication and collaboration are vital in project management. The study

delves into how AI-powered tools facilitate communication among project team members,

stakeholders, and clients. AI can automate status updates, flag communication gaps, and provide

insights that improve decision-making. AI tools empower project managers with data-driven

insights. These insights aid in making informed decisions regarding task prioritization, resource

allocation, and risk mitigation. This data-driven approach enhances the accuracy and

effectiveness of project management strategies.

The research might uncover both challenges and benefits associated with integrating AI

tools. Challenges could include adoption barriers, skill gaps, and potential disruptions to

established processes. On the other hand, benefits might encompass improved efficiency, better

project outcomes, and enhanced collaboration. This research question seeks to unravel the

dynamic relationship between AI-based tools and traditional project management methodologies.

The spotlight on PM tools as a significant aspect underline their pivotal role in harnessing AI's

potential for optimizing project management processes, from initiation to closure. The insights

gained from this research can guide project management professionals in effectively integrating

AI tools and processes, leading to more efficient and successful project outcomes.

The survey results were consistent with the studies performed by the other researchers.

The strategic application of technology within an organization should optimize business

operations and enhance overall performance (Prieto & Revilla, 2004). Incorporating technology

into projects is contingent upon the effectiveness of its design. When developing new

technological systems, it's imperative to tailor their design to align seamlessly with the unique

requirements of the project at hand (Anantatmuula & Kanungo, 2005).

The study conducted by Dam et al. (2019) underscores the advantageous possibilities

presented by integrating AI within the realm of agile project management. By harnessing AI to

comprehend and navigate uncertainties more effectively, agile teams stand to enhance their

capacity for delivering superior products aligned with customer requirements. Furthermore, this

integration has the potential to enhance team synergy and productivity. Nevertheless, the authors

emphasize the necessity for further exploration to comprehensively grasp the scope of AI's

influence on agile project management. This entails identifying optimal strategies for seamlessly

infusing AI into agile project management processes, as Dam et al. (2019) noted .

Research Question Three

Do project team members believe AI agents will be effective for their daily activities? If

so, what are the areas in the project team believe AI might give more effective assistance for

project management? This research question probes into the perspectives of project management

professionals regarding the potential efficacy of AI agents in their daily activities. Additionally,

the inquiry aims to identify the areas within project teams where these professionals foresee AI's

potential to provide more effective assistance for project management. The study initially

recognized six key themes or codes: automation, monitoring, prediction, resource optimization,

technology, and time management. Among these, monitoring emerges as a pivotal domain where

AI is perceived as having the most substantial impact on enhancing project management


The central inquiry revolves around project management professionals' beliefs about the

suitability of AI agents for their routine tasks. The study aims to ascertain whether AI agents can

effectively assist them in their daily activities and if they perceive such assistance as valuable.

The research also delves into the areas within project teams where AI is anticipated to provide

enhanced support for project management endeavors. Identifying these areas sheds light on AI's

potential to streamline operations and improve project outcomes. The six identified initial codes

provide a comprehensive spectrum of potential benefits that AI agents could bring to project

management. These codes encompass automation, monitoring, prediction, resource optimization,

technology, and time management.

Within the identified codes, monitoring emerges as a focal point where project

management professionals envision AI making a significant impact. AI's real-time data analysis

and pattern recognition abilities could revolutionize monitoring projects, allowing for proactive

adjustments, timely interventions, and improved decision-making. This research provides a

valuable understanding of the perspectives of project management professionals regarding the

applicability of AI agents in their daily tasks. The recognition of monitoring as the area with the

most potential underscores the significance of real-time insights and informed decision-making

in the dynamic landscape of project management. This insight can guide developing and

deploying AI tools that cater to project teams' specific needs and expectations, leading to more

efficient and effective project management practices.

The study findings were consistent with the findings in the literature review. AI systems

can aid project managers through diverse avenues, including conducting real-time data analysis,

pinpointing potential risks, and suggesting actions guided by data-driven insights. Additionally,

AI systems have the potential to automate mundane tasks, allowing project managers to allocate

more time toward strategic decision-making (Prieto & Revilla, 2004).

As Anantatmula (2008) emphasized, technology is pivotal in enhancing project managers'

effectiveness and efficiency in their roles. A multitude of studies underscores the significance of

project managers' leadership styles. Anantatmula's 2008 research employed a structured

approach involving personal interviews to explore the interconnectedness of people-related

factors within project management. This investigation utilized interpretive structural modeling

methodology to formulate a comprehensive model. The resulting model shed light on the

multifaceted role of project managers in project management and their influence on enhancing

project performance. The findings highlighted the comparable significance of leadership and

management functions. The study offered project managers insights into the supportive capacity

of technology in elevating project performance, enhancing their understanding of its strategic


Leveraging technology, project team members can efficiently organize interactions and

share ideas across a broader spectrum, expediting task completion (Clarizen, 2019). Within

project management, AI's integration can automate tasks, draw meaningful inferences from data

insights, offer process recommendations, make informed decisions, and unveil comprehensive

team insights. The potential ramifications encompass heightened project outcomes through

amplified efficiency, error reduction, and the provision of invaluable insights. As AI advances,

the future promises to witness further advantages within the project management domain (Schrek

et al., 2018). AI's capabilities include identifying bottlenecks within project timelines and

proposing effective remedies to surmount them (William, 2005). Moreover, AI serves as a


catalyst for project teams to attain profound insights into project performance, discern potential

risks and opportunities, and arrive at well-informed decisions (Lahmann et al., 2018).

Supplementary Findings

The data from the interview was analyzed considering these inquiries to get some

familiarity with the steps involved in formulating research questions. Finally, the approach to

using AI in project management is constructed by combining the outcomes using these

perspectives and the RPA (Robotic Process Automation) environment. Identifying all the

organization's ongoing projects, both those that are currently ongoing and those that will be

ongoing in the automation environment, can improve the efficiency of schedule optimization

with the help of project management aided by AI and other forms of artificial intelligence. It

objects to the common practice of focusing on just a few projects at a time. Since AI tools are not

available, project managers are forced to make split-second decisions using just their intuition.

Errors are therefore produced. When automated deduction, everything is presumed to be true,

incorrect, or accurate. All of this is done on the premise that all previous assumptions are correct.

As a result of the proliferation of knowledge, fewer mistakes are being made today than in the


Project managers are likely to feel fatigued with numbers when managing human

resources. On the other side, Artificial Intelligence (AI) may help project managers by crunching

computations that depend on vast volumes of data while project managers address the human

management components of the project (Bahdanau et al., 2014 i). Artificial intelligence and other

algorithms make it easy for project managers to spot trends in data instantly. As a result, AI

seems to have the potential to reduce the monetary risk often associated with more traditional

methods. Artificial intelligence is extremely vital when it comes to scenarios that necessitate

interpersonal links among team members working on a project. This is because, although a

project may appear to be financially viable on paper, its practical implementation may be a

catastrophe if team members cannot work together. Artificial intelligence (AI) may be employed

in this fashion to offer a source of emotional intelligence.

Certain applications of artificial intelligence are designed to assist project managers in

their daily job. As a direct consequence, competing limits have surfaced, which, when added to

those already in place, makes it more difficult to comprehend the implications of various

compromises. It is now possible for project managers to employ various technologies that use

artificial intelligence to simplify project management in ways that were impossible before. The

assumptions and restrictions presented to the project team at the beginning of the project do not

change at any point throughout the project's lifespan.

Since then, it has been disproven, and it is now imperative that all constraints and

assumptions be monitored throughout the project's lifespan. This is one area in which artificial

intelligence is becoming an increasingly important tool. Executives, for instance, are never sure

when they will be able to interfere while putting the initiative into action. One of the applications

of artificial intelligence that most companies have adopted is the use of crisis dashboards.

Executives can identify jobs that provide a variety of problems. When glancing at the crisis

dashboards on the computer, the project's restrictions do not fall within the necessary level and


According to what was learned through this investigation, the project management field

has only been partially digitized. This aspect makes it more challenging to be productive. There

is a possibility that artificial intelligence is not the answer to all of the problems that project

management is encountering and that they will continue to face in the future. Despite this,

Artificial Intelligence shows promise as a tool that may assist project managers on various fronts.

With the aid of artificial intelligence, businesses may increase their productivity and become

more environmentally friendly by implementing more precise choices about scheduling and

budgeting. There may be a limited amount of data right now, but with time, the quantity and the

degree to which it is digitized will increase. As used in this context, digitized refers to more data

storage. Regarding artificial intelligence, project management has been neglected for quite some


All the people who participated in the research knew that the future would become more

digital and that project managers would sooner or later have to accept new technologies such as

artificial intelligence. The findings of the interviews indicated that many project managers have a

general knowledge of Artificial Intelligence technology; nevertheless, most do not seem to be

aware that they have interacted with it in the actual world. It shows that a significant number of

them are aware of the advantages of using a digital method for the administration of projects.

The community of people who manage projects is aware of the potential benefits of employing

the most recent technology. However, few individuals or organizations possess the appropriate

skills and methods to implement those benefits. It demonstrates that many people in the project

management community are not yet prepared to be at the forefront. That is unfortunate since

technological advancement can completely disrupt the sector. The research findings provide

evidence that this mentality is prevalent throughout the community of project managers. Thus,

firms that need transformation are not millennials and are not used to using digital technology.

This generation is now tasked with operating these businesses, and they are not particularly

comfortable with new technology such as the internet and artificial intelligence. However, it is a

fact that this older generation is not very familiar with modern technology.

Does this suggest that artificial intelligence should not be used in project management for

the next twenty years or so, at the very least? The answer to this question, which can be given

with a high degree of assurance, is a resounding "no." Even though there is a low level of

awareness about artificial intelligence within the project management community, many

organizations are becoming aware of artificial intelligence's benefits in project management. This

is because both technology and the world are continually evolving and becoming more digitized.

Organizations that cannot adjust their strategies to account for the rapid changes in the world run

the risk of falling behind their peers and becoming incapable of competing successfully in the

long term. Technology plays a considerable role in creative thinking, which is significant in

management. The level of productivity at the organization may be increased via innovation.

The extent to which AI is used during project management is debatable and not

immediately apparent. Unfortunately, it was outside the scope of this study to learn how often AI

is used in project management. One of the project managers made a remark that hinted at the

employment of AI at the organization. Despite this, the project manager claims that the company

has no plans to use the technology in active projects. Even though some organizations already

have Artificial Intelligence algorithms deployed in specific corporate activities, these algorithms

are probably not yet embedded in the project management of every firm. Several respondents

said that AI and other AI-based tactics have already been used in their organizations. Some

benefits may be obvious. While there was a severe dearth of data that would have allowed for the

construction of a complete picture of the process, it was evident that the attitude of project

managers became concerned with the application of artificial intelligence. They regarded AI as a

tool that might significantly alter the established data management and processing norms. To get

an edge over other businesses, a firm must gather data, analyze it, tweak it, and invest in the

company's development. This action is essential since it helps the firm become more efficient

overall, boosting its competitiveness and profitability. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a tool used

specifically to increase a company's competitive edge (AI). It is crucial to remember that not all

companies that use AI make money. One potential use of AI in the healthcare industry would be

to help many patients quickly while improving their health. Learning AI's core algorithms in-

house and modifying them to suit a company's needs better is possible. All that is needed is

enough data.

The community of project managers may be unprepared for something like writing codes

for an artificial intelligence system or lack the requisite skills to do so. Both possibilities are

possible. Using an outside provider is yet another option available. Whether an enterprise that

wants to use artificial intelligence for project management should create its code or include an

external service depends on several criteria. A discussion of these aspects does not take place in

this dissertation due to the sheer volume of material. In addition, the presumptions that were

made and the level of situational awareness for each organization that participated in this

research are not stated.

Limitations of the Study

The research centered on examining how AI affects the project management field.

However, the study findings might lose relevance overtime due to the rapid evolution of AI,

leading to the constant evolution. Ongoing debates in the industry revolve around the

computational power required for advanced AI and its long-term benefits.

Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Systems

Fifteen individuals participated in the study, and almost half said they knew nothing

about AI systems. Moreover, 60% of those participants said they did not utilize any AI systems

when conducting the research. This remarkable finding was placed in context by the responses of

many project managers who were interviewed and who shared that the questionnaire pushed

them beyond their comfort zones. This finding is a fascinating discovery that many project

managers have contextualized. This finding led to the interviewees learning years later that they

had all understood and used AI systems. These results show the respondents' lack of familiarity

with or comprehension of AI technology. Actual use of AI systems is already pervasive in their

lives; however, it is usually restricted to the usage of ANIs, while the perceived use of AI

systems is often constrained in their thoughts to the development of self-driving cars. In a

broader sense, this finding shows that the project managers who participated in this study may

fail to recognize AI systems' full potential and applicability and may be underestimating their


In addition, 45% of respondents said they were unaware of whether or not their company

used AI systems, and 75% said they were unaware of whether or not their company had a

business strategy for using AI systems. The data show that more work is needed to train workers

and reorient companies to adapt to the digital age. As such, it will be essential for AI scientists

and project managers to collaborate closely to identify and address any potential issues that may

occur as a result of implementing AI systems. These findings are consistent with those of

Schreck et al. (2016), whose work serves as a proof of concept for artificial intelligence in

project management. Thus, it will be essential for AI scientists and project managers to

collaborate closely to grasp the requirements fully.

From the point of view of project managers, the following is an example of a SWOT

analysis of the possible influence that the results mentioned above may have on the ongoing

installation of AI systems in the future:


S: The need for more productive methods

W: Inadequate awareness of the technical aspects of AI systems

O: Reluctance to make use of AI systems

T: Processes that are already in place and standards that have been developed in an


To get the most out of AI implementation in the future and reap all of its benefits, it will

be essential to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities while also effectively managing its

weaknesses and threats. This can be accomplished through education, training, and strategic

change management initiatives within organizations, which aim to eliminate ineffective

processes and systems.

The use of artificial intelligence across various industrial sectors will lead to advances

like a dynamic workforce and unpredictability inherent to the area that has never been seen

before. Artificial intelligence has the potential to play a big part in the prediction, growth, and

decision-making processes, which may elevate traditionally performed tasks and help them keep

pace with the age of digitalization and automation. Instead of depending on human intuition, ML

algorithms are used to understand the aggregation of data that would be included in PM software

to aid decision-making and insights analysis. This is done with the idea of automation in mind.

These viewpoints will instantly focus on the difficulties associated with the project when a data-

driven strategy is used, which enables project managers to capture further the hidden information

that can be gained from the experiences associated with the project so that it may be automated.

In addition, when on-site tracking is required, drones and sensors can eliminate the need for

time-consuming and error-prone manual surveillance by capturing images or videos for


improved data visualization. This on-site tracking is possible because of the improved data

visualization of drones and sensors.

The visual examination that is often used during the assessment of civil infrastructure is

highly debatable, but computer vision has the potential to be a reliable alternative. According to

J. Seo, S. Han, S. Lee, and H, its main use is in analyzing and processing data using AI -based

techniques. Kim (2015ii), inspection and monitoring are crucial areas of focus that must be

considered to successfully boost the understanding of complicated construction milestones.

Infrastructure condition assessment, automated damage detection, structural component

recognition, and unsafe behavior are all potential uses for tracking. At the same time, inspection

may be used in various ways. In summary, vision-based systems in construction management are

simple, fast, precise, and economical. Additionally, these techniques may significantly improve

the efficiency and accuracy with which image data is transformed into useful information for

evaluating the condition of a structure and ensuring its safety during construction.

The Application of Artificial Intelligence to the Management of Projects in Organizations

It is essential to begin exploring artificial intelligence in project management at the

management level of a business if one wishes to achieve the desired degree of success. Even if

project managers have demonstrated a clear need and desire to use AI-based project management

solutions, all attempts in a high-technology deployment of this sort will prove fruitless if senior

Management is not directly involved in this process and gives their consent.

In this respect, several facets need to be assessed, and as a result, the suggestions that can

be obtained from the most important results of this research are as follows:

• Analyze, create, and implement business plans for using artificial intelligence

technologies in the workplace.


• Determine which internal programs and workflows are inefficient and either do away

with them entirely or cut down on their usage as much as is practicable.

• Educate project managers so they are more aware of the potential benefits that artificial

intelligence might bring to Project Management.

• To ensure that all workers are prepared for the future workplace, educating and training

them on the advantages of artificial intelligence is essential.

• Engage AI scientists in work inside each business unit of the firm so that opportunities

for future deployments and improvements may be uncovered.

• Creating an atmosphere encouraging collaboration and integration between AI scientists

and project managers is important to guarantee that needs-based solution development is

carried out accurately.

Although there is still some way to go before artificial intelligence systems become an actively

supportive element for today's project management workforce, developing and implementing

strategies based on the above suggestions will ensure a smooth and fruitful transition into the

new era for all stakeholders involved. The following are some of the obstacles that need to be

overcome before artificial intelligence may be successfully used in strategic planning.

While attempting to include artificial intelligence in project management, it is important

to remember that project management encompasses a variety of fields. For the project to be

successful, it is the responsibility of the project managers to bring together all of these different

fields of expertise. On the other hand, intelligent systems that function in surroundings that are

regulated and described, such as vehicle robots on the production line, need project management

that is much more sophisticated and interrelated. This, of course, is dependent on the nature of

the project. A wide variety of expertise is needed, which may be broken down into specialist

project management, trade administration, and leadership categories. According to the findings

of this research, the following section will discuss the numerous difficulties that may arise while

applying Artificial Intelligence in project management.

The research has several shortcomings, which are described in the next section. First, the

inquiry could only be carried out with the restricted resources that were available, and it could

only last for a total of twenty weeks. Also, the study was only carried out by a single researcher,

which further constrained the number of working hours that were accessible. There has not been

much study done in the past that mixes Artificial Intelligence with service theory because both

artificial intelligence and service theory are relatively new research fields. Artificial intelligence,

in general, is also a new research area.

Since increasing the breadth necessitated decreasing the inner depth, the population

available for this investigation was further restricted. In all, there were just 15 people who agreed

to take part in the research. Because the number of organizations used in the study was also

restricted, it is important to keep in mind that the research results should be taken with a grain of

salt. The findings of this research were given some credence by using a methodical strategy that

conceptually connected the dots between them. In light of this, organization-specific factors need

to be taken into account if the conclusions of this research are applied to a different scenario and

there is an increase in the number of problems to solve.

The results of this study and its limitations provide an opportunity for more research to

expand upon this work and acquire more profound insights into the many areas mentioned in this

study. This research found that using artificial intelligence in project management has several

repercussions, which are discussed in the following paragraphs. This research does not give a

comprehensive examination of the issues and consequences that have been raised. This is one of

the study's limitations. Doing more research to comprehend these difficulties and their

ramifications better would be beneficial. This study will serve as a basis for more studies that

will be done in the future. There are further constraints to consider. This research did not make

any attempts to put the theories of artificial intelligence into practice; instead, they were just

discussed. The absence of genuine facts about the project is the cause of this situation. To apply

methods of artificial intelligence, one will need a significant quantity of data, which will

afterward be examined to determine patterns. In addition, using artificial intelligence in project

management is still in its infancy. Hence the field receives little research. One of the study's

objectives was to lessen the need for financial support. This was accomplished to some degree

via the representation of the project matrices; nevertheless, there were still several restrictions.

As artificial intelligence and project management are such significant issues, this master's

thesis was constrained in scope and could not evaluate all relevant elements. In any case, here are

some things to think about for future study. The project management community has been very

silent about adopting AI approaches, even though these techniques may provide several

advantages to the project manager. Future research needs to delve more deeply into the factors

that cause most businesses to be hesitant to embrace new technology. An inquiry of this kind is

warranted to get insight into the factors preventing the project management community from

making optimal use of the technologies at hand. It is hoped that this study will inspire those

involved in project management to do something about the issue at hand and, in doing, spark

new and creative approaches to the problem. Researching and exploring the many uses of AI in

Management is another fascinating area of study.

It is possible to put AI into action using any number of different kinds of programs.

Further investigation is required to identify the numerous digital media outlets that might use this

technology. This study suggests that it can be difficult for a company to integrate its platform

with another businesses. The industry already has so much rivalry, so this might be challenging.

It may be not easy to collect massive data sets, making it challenging to deploy artificial

intelligence in a variety of media that must be combined.

Consequently, a new line of inquiry is needed into how different platforms might be

integrated to ease the transfer of massive amounts of data. There would be several benefits to

integrating in this way. It consolidates the information into one location, making it easier for data

scientists to focus on the most crucial components. The leads in the collected data pointed to

potential pathways for more digitalization within the project management sector.

To address concerns like "How does the project management team know the required

data?" and "When should they use it? " further study on the related issue must be conducted. It

comprises investigating and rating different algorithms and learning models in light of their

specific contexts. Also, a master's thesis should be written on specific strategies for integrating

AI into project management. The study's focus should be on the training and learning process for

algorithms, and the best means through which the project management community may obtain

and communicate data. The new research should also focus on how AI evaluations are

conducted. Several studies on the issues mentioned above need to be initiated without delay.

Implications for Future Study

Many problems were uncovered throughout this investigation. Further research in this

area is encouraged, considering the difficulties uncovered in this investigation. Based on the

findings, further academic investigation into AI applications like project management is needed.

As a result of the widespread belief that AI solutions or other technologies will aid many existing

occupations in the near future, this field has been identified as one that requires more study. As

such, the first advice for future research is to take a thoroughly scientific approach to studying

AI-based solutions for specific tasks.

There are also no scientific ideas or data to assist us in making sense of technology like

AI. Science has no theories to help people comprehend technology that is not entirely developed

or integrated. Even so, they may affect numerous processes that depend on more conventional

means or the mental effort of people. Also, it is suggested that a theory be developed to aid in

comprehending the consequences of such technology on such functions. There are also very few

AI-based solutions that cater to the requirements of niche professions like project management.

Thus, an AI-based solution is suggested to meet these requirements.

In addition, the research did not consider the varying priorities of various managerial tiers

when creating and deploying AI-based solutions for specific business processes. A further

suggestion stemming from this is to investigate the feasibility of using such technologies in the

workplace by doing research that considers both the top-down and bottom-up management styles

already in use within a particular firm. The paper also identifies potential dangers that may

hamper such an effort. These suggestions open up several avenues for further research in this

area of concentration within artificial intelligence systems for project management. When

appropriately used in the future, it has the potential to greatly assist people in learning how to

operate productively with this technology.

Suggestions for Ongoing and Upcoming Research

Throughout this inquiry, several obstacles came to light. They will be described, and the

motivation they provide will be utilized to create the foundation for some suggestions for future

investigations, which are as follows. A significant gap in scientific research is being conducted

concerning developing AI solutions for specific tasks, such as project management. This area

requires more attention, primarily because an increasing number of employment functions are

anticipated to be supported by technology in some form or another. This is an area that needs

more attention. As a result, the primary suggestion that can be made for future research is to

investigate AI-based solutions for certain functions entirely from a scientific point of view.

Currently, only a few AI-based solutions are available to meet the requirements of

specific job tasks, such as those of a project manager. A second proposal in this respect is to

establish an AI-based solution for certain tasks, such as those identified within project

management in this research. In this regard, the study recommends that this be done. No

scientific theory can explain how a technology that has not been completely figured out or

created yet may genuinely alter functions that have historically depended on cognitive input or

human interactions. This is because there is not enough information available. As a result,

developing a theory to assist in comprehending technologies' influence on such functions is the

subject of the third proposal. In this research, the viewpoints of Management were not

considered when it came to designing and deploying AI-based solutions for specific roles inside

a business. A study should be conducted within a particular organization considering both top-

down and bottom-up approaches to look at how AI-based solutions could be implemented and

what threats or hindrances could arise towards doing so. This brings us to our fourth

recommendation: conduct such a study.


This investigation aimed to find an answer to the following research question: How many

artificial intelligence systems assist project managers in becoming more effective in their

everyday work? The underlying goal was to investigate and gain an understand ing of the

challenges that project managers face in the modern era, as well as to investigate and lay a

foundation for the areas of opportunity in which AI systems could support project managers in

overcoming these challenges, as well as bring attention to the challenges that are associated with

this area. The findings of the investigation showed that these objectives could be accomplished.

Based on the findings of the study methodology that included a variety of methods, it was

possible to pinpoint five aspects of project management that have the greatest potential to benefit

from assistance from AI systems.

• Project Planning

• Resource Management

• Budgeting

• Quality Management

• Change Management

In addition, the following is a list of the four most significant challenges that project

managers confront concerning the five aspects above:

• Activities That Are Manual or Repeated

• Continual Monitoring and Adjustments

• Establishing Priorities Among Many Different Projects and Activities

• Internal Systems and Process Flows That Are Not Working Effectively

When further studied, these data demonstrated various potential inside project

management that may be turned into AI systems that would benefit project managers. All of the

different project managers that were questioned for this research agreed that this must be done. It

was also discovered that an existing AI solution for project management could be utilized for

risk analysis and risk management. Ultimately, this solution may be used to enhance the business

case in favor of the development and usage of AI in other aspects of project management.

Throughout this research, several significant discoveries about the perspectives and levels

of familiarity that project managers have with AI systems were made. One of the most notable

findings of this research is that the project managers who participated in it strongly preferred

using AI systems in their day-to-day work. As a result, there is a significant amount of demand

from businesses. Another conclusion pertains to the community of project managers' general lack

of information about AI systems, which has the potential to greatly impede future systematic use

of AI for a particular function. Businesses need to address this issue by providing AI training to

their project managers and hiring AI scientists who can develop their technology strategy to

ensure good growth in the approaching digital era for project management.

Businesses need to establish and implement strategies specially tailored for allowing the

digitization of workplaces if they are to realize their goals of effectively implementing AI -based

solutions and ensuring effective human-machine cooperation in the future. In this sense, the

currently available AI solutions for project management provide a solid foundation to construct

scalable models for the foreseeable future. It is unavoidable that people and robots will be co-

located in the workplace of the future, and the only way for companies to ensure their continued

existence is to accept this rapidly shifting environment as soon as possible to be able to manage

it successfully.


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Appendix A

IRB Approval

Appendix B

Invitational Message

Mr. /Ms. XYZ

RE: Invitation to Participate in a Research Study

Dear Mr./Ms. XYZ

I am a graduate student currently working toward my Ph.D. degree in Business at the

University of Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Kentucky. I am in the process of writing my Doctoral

Dissertation. My research topic is: “An Exploratory on Artificial Intelligence and Its Impacts on

Project Management.” As part of my research study, I am conducting several interviews with

experienced project managers like you, who are familiar with the application of Artificial

Intelligence (AI) in project management practice.

I am writing to request your participation in this research study. I hope you will be able to

spare 10-15 minutes to answer a few questions related to you and your organization’s knowledge

of AI in your project management processes. If you are interested, please kindly send me an

email at snagireddy7586@ucumberlands.edu, and I will respond promptly with the informed

consent form that provides an explanation of my study. I look forward to hearing from you, and

thank you for your time.


Sindhu Reddy Nagireddy

Ph.D. Researcher in Business,

University of the Cumberlands,

6100 College Station Drive,

Williamsburg, KY 40769.

Appendix C

Consent Forms

Consent Form for Participation in a Research Study

University of the Cumberlands

An Exploratory Study on the Artificial Intelligence and Its Impacts on Project


Description of the research and your participation

You are invited to participate in a doctoral research study conducted by Sindhu Reddy

Nagireddy from the University of the Cumberlands. To qualify for this study, you must be a

professional currently working in project management functions or employed within the last

three years. The purpose of this research is to explore the impacts of Artificial Intelligence(AI)

technologies on project management in an organization.

Completion of this questionnaire will constitute consent to participate in this

research project. You are free to maintain a copy of this informed consent.

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes. Your participation will involve

providing demographic information as well as preliminary information related to your familiarity

with AI. You are free to withdraw at any time without penalty.

Risks and discomforts

The study will be based on data collected from individuals in 3 months on the timeframe,

and they might be a risk of limited resources for the investigation. The risk of only a single

researcher working on the study with a limited number of ours might be added to the potential

risk. Artificial Intelligence is a vast subject, and they might be areas that are understudied or still

being developed.

Potential benefits

There are no known personal benefits to you that would result from your participation in

this research. This research may help us to understand the impacts of artificial intelligence on the

project management field.

Protection of confidentiality

Participation is anonymous, and no personal identifying information is gathered in this

study. All survey data was recorded via Forms. Furthermore, your identity will not be

recognizable in any publication resulting from this study.

Voluntary participation

Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may choose not to participate,

and you may withdraw your consent to participate at any time by exiting the survey. You will not

be penalized in any way should you decide not to participate or withdraw from this study.

Conflict of interests

No known conflicts of interest.

Contact information

If you have any questions or concerns about this study or if any problems arise, please

contact Sindhu Reddy Nagireddy at the University of the Cumberlands at

snagireddy7586@ucumberlands.edu or her advisor Dr. Mukaila Akinbola at

mukaila.akinbola@ucumberlands.edu. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as

a research participant, please contact the University of the Cumberlands Institutional Review

Board via email at IRB@ucumberlands.edu.


Please select your choice below. Marking X on the "Agree" button below indicates that:

• you have read the above information

• you voluntarily agree to participate

• you are at least 18 years of age

If you do not wish to participate in the research study, please decline participation by

marking X on the "disagree" button.



Survey Link


Appendix D

Information Technology Project Management Professionals

Interview Questions

About the Individual and Background

1. What is your highest level of education?

2. What is your current position?

3. Please state roles and responsibilities in your current role.

4. Total years of experience working in project management?

Company Background

1. Please explain the type of firm’s business you currently work in.

2. Company’s vision in the next five years?

Project Management Questions

1. Describe your level of knowledge of AI and PM concepts.

2. When managing the Project, do you make use of any AI-based tools?

3. What are the current processes you follow to manage a project?

4. Do you believe that AI agents will be effective for the activities they do daily?

5. What are the areas you believe AI might give more effective assistance for project


6. What are the most significant challenges that you or members of the Project Team face

while working on the Project?


Appendix E


Figure 1E. Percentage of AI Systems within the Organizations

Figure 2E. The AI Project Manager


Figure 3E. Iron Triangle of Project Management

Figure 4E. The Research Process for this Study


Figure 5E. Items clustered by word cloud for initial codes for significant challenges.

Figure 6E. Items clustered by word cloud for initial codes for current AI processes used in
project management.

Figure 7E. Items clustered by word cloud for initial codes for areas where AI can be effective.
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