Unit Iii
Unit Iii
Unit Iii
Organisational development can be described as a long range effort to improve organisation’s
problem solving and renewal processes, particularly through more effective and collaborative
management of organisational culture
OD differs from traditional consulting because client involvement is encouraged throughout
the entire process. The ways in which people communicate and work together are addressed
concurrently with technical or procedural issues that need resolution.
Organisational development (OD) can play a vital part in harnessing the collective talent of
an organisation, bringing about change and improving performance. It involves taking
planned steps to create an environment that will enable the staff to understand and deliver the
organisation’s objectives.
These steps include developing appropriate skills, behaviours and attitudes, culture and a
style of leadership that will enable the organisation to achieve optimum performance.
A clear sense of direction, strong leadership and a focus on people management issues
including the management of performance and the promotion of learning, development,
creativity and innovation are essential.
For organisational development to deliver significant performance improvement, there is a
need to develop staff with the right skills to help champion OD throughout the organisation
and encourage wide participation and ownership of the continuous improvement process
among staff and other stakeholders.
Formative evaluation: It improves the situations which is being evaluated
and helps by examining the delivery of the program and the quality of its
implementation and also by assessing the organisational context. The purpose
of the formative evaluation is to make sure that the programme is well
developed. This uses methods like stakeholders consultation, need assessment,
collaborative group process etc. It facilitates group discussion with stakeholders
interviewing stakeholders about the program implementation and reporting
about the development and determines who needs the program, how much
it is needed and what might work to meet the need.
People are the heart, limbs and brain of the organization. They are responsible for
creating opportunities for growth. They are the one who can act together to achieve
organizational goals. Hence they must be treated with respect and dignity.
Trust among people is very important for the growth of the organization. A trust can
only be created among people when they have confidence in each other and also
support each other. Thus the people in the organization are to be believed and
supported in order to have an effective organization.
The healthy environment prevails when people are trusted and taken into confidence
and necessary support is extended to them as and when needed.
Employee Participation:
People react to how they are treated. The participation of employees who will get
affected by the Organisational Development should be sought in decision-making.
Hence any change can be implemented easily.
Seeking Cooperation:
Managers should seek cooperation from each of the employees working under him in
his department. This shows the democracy in the organization. The employees feel
that their opinion also counts and hence they take part in organizational activities with
It creates an atmosphere of cooperation and leads to organizational effectiveness. It
also increases the willingness to accept the changes due to the organisation
development process.
The organization gains from the differences in quality, ideas, opinions, outlook, and
experiences of its people. Human beings should be allowed to express their feelings
and sentiments. This will result in building up high morale and the people will be
motivated towards hard work ultimately resulting in increased efficiency
Individuals assumptions
Some assumptions which are related to different individuals are listed below:
Every group has many assumptions. In this part, three assumptions have been underlined.
Organization assumptions
A few assumptions are prevailing regarding the organization also. These are as follows:
data in technical production, financial and marketing areas of the organisation system.
In organisational development settings data collected is meant to be used by the personnel
who collected the data, where as data is traditionally collected for the information of top
management only. The purpose of the data collection is to make the improvement in
organisation and make a plan for the future growth. This data based information also gives
the spring board for the building of action plans.
The strong data is a scientific way to collect the information. The decisions are made largely
on the basis of empirical facts rather than on the basis of power, position, tradition,
persuasion and precedent.
Data is an outcome of the needs and problems of the system members. This data itself will
ultimately supply answers to the central needs of the organisation members
6) Organisational development goes as an experience based learning mode
that emphasises goal setting and objectives:
The process of organisational development is based on experience and it emphasises that
people learn about organisational dynamics by living with their experiences and skills.
In this system the personnel learn to make decisions by making decisions and
then evaluating the same so that they may learn how to make adequate
decisions in future.
They can also learn to manage conflicts after experiencing
the ill effects of conflicts and contra productive behaviours. Organisational
development interventions tend to focus on real behaviour of individuals and
groups, for solving real world problems and also tend to derive generalisations
about organisations dynamics inductively from experience.
The methods used for data collection may be observations, questionnaire, interviews and
discussions with groups