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ALTRO: A Fast Solver for Constrained Trajectory Optimization

Taylor A. Howell1∗ , Brian E. Jackson1∗ , and Zachary Manchester2

Abstract— Trajectory optimization is a widely used tool for and direct collocation (DIRCOL) [4] are common direct
robot motion planning and control. Existing solvers for these methods.
problems either rely on off-the-shelf nonlinear programming Alternatively, “indirect” methods exploit the Markov struc-
solvers that are numerically robust and capable of handling
arbitrary constraints, but tend to be slow because they are ture of (1) and only treat the control inputs as decision
general purpose; or they use custom numerical methods that variables, with the dynamics constraints implicitly enforced
take advantage of the problem structure to be fast, but often by simulating the system’s dynamics. Differential Dynamic
lack robustness and have limited or no ability to reason Programming (DDP) [5] and iterative LQR (iLQR) [6] are
about constraints. This paper presents ALTRO (Augmented closely related indirect methods that solve (1) by breaking
Lagrangian TRajectory Optimizer), a solver for constrained
trajectory optimization problems that handles general nonlin- it into a sequence of smaller sub-problems. Because of
ear state and input constraints and offers fast convergence their strict enforcement of dynamic feasibility, it is often
and numerical robustness thanks to careful exploitation of difficult to find a control sequence that produces a reasonable
problem structure. We demonstrate its performance on a set of initialization for DDP methods. While they are fast and
benchmark motion-planning problems and offer comparisons have a low memory footprint, making them amenable to
to the standard direct collocation method with large-scale
sequential quadratic programming and interior-point solvers. embedded implementation, DDP methods have historically
been considered less numerically robust and less well-suited
I. I NTRODUCTION to handling nonlinear state and input constraints.
Trajectory optimization is a powerful tool for motion plan- Several efforts have been made to incorporate constraints
ning, enabling the synthesis of dynamic motion for complex into DDP methods: box constraints on controls [7] and stage-
underactuated robotic systems. This general framework can wise inequality constraints on the states [8], [9] have been
be applied to robots with nonlinear dynamics and constraints handled by solving a constrained quadratic program (QP) at
where other motion planning paradigms—such as sample- each sub-problem step. A projection method was also devised
based planning, inverse dynamics, or differential flatness— that satisfies linearized terminal state and stage state-control
might be ineffective or impractical. constraints [10]. Augmented Lagrangian (AL) methods have
Numerical trajectory optimization algorithms solve varia- been proposed [11], including hybrid approaches that also
tions of the following problem, solve constrained QPs for stage state-control constraints [9],
N −1
[12]. Mixed state-control constraints have also been handled
minimize `N (xN ) +
`k (xk , uk , ∆t) using a penalty method [13]. Unfortunately, all of these
x0:N , u0:N −1 , ∆t k=0
methods either have limitations on the types of constraints
(1) they can handle, or suffer from numerical instability and
subject to xk+1 = f (xk , uk , ∆t),
conditioning issues.
gk (xk , uk ) ≤ 0, This paper presents ALTRO (Augmented Lagrangian TRa-
hk (xk , uk ) = 0, jectory Optimizer), a solver for constrained trajectory opti-
where k is the time-step index, `N and `k are the terminal mization problems of the form (1), that combines the best
and stage costs, xk and uk are the states and control inputs, characteristics of direct and DDP methods, namely: speed,
∆t is the duration of a time step, f (xk , uk , ∆t) is the discrete numerical robustness, handling of general state and input
dynamics, and gk (xk , uk ) and hk (xk , uk ) are inequality and constraints, and initialization with infeasible state trajecto-
equality constraints. ries. ALTRO combines iLQR with an augmented Lagrangian
To solve such problems, “direct” methods treat both states method to handle general state and input constraints and an
and controls as decision variables and use general-purpose active-set projection method for final “solution polishing”
nonlinear programming (NLP) solvers, such as SNOPT [1] to achieve fast and robust overall convergence. Our novel
and IPOPT [2], that tend to be versatile and robust. It contributions are: 1) a numerically robust square-root formu-
is straight forward to provide an initial state trajectory to lation of the DDP algorithm, 2) a method for initializing DDP
the solver with such methods, even if the trajectory is with an infeasible state trajectory, 3) a strategy for solving
dynamically infeasible. Direct transcription (DIRTRAN) [3] minimum-time problems with DDP, and 4) an objective-
weighted Newton projection method for solution polishing.
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
{thowell,bjack205}@stanford.edu Section II reviews the iLQR algorithm with augmented
2 Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, USA
zacmanchester@stanford.edu Lagrangian constraint handling, which we denote AL-iLQR,
∗ These authors contributed equally to this work along with some results on matrix square roots. Section
III presents the ALTRO algorithm in detail. Comparisons resulting in the optimal terminal cost-to-go second-order
between ALTRO and DIRCOL are then provided for several expansion,
motion-planning problems in Section IV. Finally, we sum-
pN = (`N )x + (cN )Tx (λ + IµN cN ) (5)
marize our findings in Section V.
PN = (`N )xx + (cN )Tx IµN (cN )x . (6)
The relationship between δVk and δVk+1 is derived by
Notation: For a function `(x, u) : Rn × Rm → R, we define taking the second-order Taylor expansion of Qk with respect
`x ≡ ∂`/∂x ∈ Rn , `xx ≡ ∂ 2 `/∂x2 ∈ Rn×n , and `xu ≡ to the state and control,
∂ 2 `/∂x∂u ∈ Rn×m . We also use the notation (A, B, C) to  T     T  
indicate the vertical concatenation of matrices, [AT B T C T ]T . 1 δxk Qxx Qxu δxk Q δxk
δQk = + x (7)
2 δuk Qux Quu δuk Qu δuk
A. Augmented Lagrangian iLQR
Dropping the time-step indices for notational clarity, the
We present a succinct description of AL-iLQR comprising block matrices are,
two parts: the modified iLQR iteration, and the Lagrange
multiplier and penalty updates used between successive Qxx = `xx + AT P 0 A + cTx Iµ cx (8)
iLQR steps. Quu = `uu + B P B + cTu Iµ cu
1) Modified iLQR: From (1), the augmented Lagrangian Qux = `ux + B T P 0 A + cTu Iµ cx (10)
Qx = `x + AT p0 + cTx (λ + Iµ c) (11)
LA (X, U, λ, µ) = `N (xN ) Qu = `u + B T p0 + cTu (λ + Iµ c), (12)
N −1
where A = ∂f /∂x|xk ,uk , B = ∂f /∂u|xk ,uk , and 0 indicates
+ (λN + IµN cN (xN ))T cN (xN ) + `k (xk , uk , ∆t)
2 variables at the k + 1 time step. Consistent with the use of
1 linearized dynamics in iLQR, linearized constraints are also
+ (λk + Iµk ck (xk , uk ))T ck (xk , uk )
2 used in the expansion.
X −1 Minimizing (7) with respect to δuk gives a correction to
= LN (xN , λN , µN ) + Lk (xk , uk , λk , µk ) the control trajectory. The result is a feedforward term dk
k=0 and a linear feedback term Kk δxk . Regularization is added
to ensure the invertibility of Quu :
where λk ∈ Rpk is a Lagrange multiplier, µk ∈ Rpk is a
penalty weight, and ck = (gk , hk ) ∈ Rpk is the concatenated δu∗k = −(Quu +ρI)−1 (Qux δxk +Qu ) ≡ Kk δxk +dk . (13)
set of inequality and equality constraints with index sets Ik
Substituting δu∗k back into (7), a closed-form expression
and Ek , respectively. Iµk is a diagonal matrix defined as,
( for pk , Pk , and the expected change in cost, ∆Vk , is found:
0 if cki (xk , uk ) < 0 ∧ λki = 0, i ∈ I Pk = Qxx + KkT Quu Kk + KkT Qux + Qxu Kk (14)
Iµk ,ii = (3)
µki otherwise, pk = Qx + KkT Quu dk + KkT Qu + Qxu dk (15)
where ki indicates the ith constraint at time step k. 1
∆Vk = dTk Qu + dTk Quu dk . (16)
The dynamics constraints are handled implicitly using 2
an initial state x0 and nominal control trajectory, U = A forward pass then simulates the system using the cor-
{u0 , . . . , uN −1 }, to simulate forward the state trajectory rection to the nominal control trajectory and a line search is
X = {x0 . . . , xN }. performed on the feedforward term dk to ensure a reduction
The backward pass is derived by defining the optimal cost- in cost.
to-go for fixed multipliers and penalty terms, V |λ,µ , and the 2) Augmented Lagrangian Updates: After an iLQR step
recurrence relationship, with λ and µ held constant, the dual variables are updated
according to,
VN (xN )|λ,µ = LN (xN , λN , µN ) (
Vk (xk )|λ,µ = min{Lk (xk , uk , λk , µk ) + λki + µki cki (x∗k , u∗k ) i ∈ Ek
uk λki = (17)
max(0, λki + µki cki (x∗k , u∗k )) i ∈ Ik ,
+ Vk+1 (f (xk , uk ))|λ,µ }
= min Q(xk , uk )|λ,µ , and the penalty is increased monotonically according to the
uk schedule,
where Qk = Q(xk , uk )|λ,µ is the action-value function. To µ+ki = φµki , (18)
make the dynamic programming step tractable, we take a where φ > 1 is a scaling factor. The solve-update cycle
second-order Taylor expansion of Vk with respect to the state is then repeated until a desired optimality and constraint
variable and fixed λ and µ, tolerances are achieved. DDP variants have previously been
1 used to solve the inner minimization of the AL method with
δVk ≈ pTk δxk + δxTk Pk δxk , (4) good results [9], [11].
Algorithm 1 AL-iLQR
1: function AL- I LQR(x0 , U, tol.)
p 0 p 
Zxx ← QR ( `xx , S A, Iµ cx ) (20)
2: Initialize λ, µ, φ
3: while max(c) > tol. do
p 0 p √ 
Zuu ← QR ( `uu , S B, Iµ cu , ρI) , (21)
4: minimize LA (X, U, λ, µ) using iLQR
5: Update λ using (17), update µ using (18) The gains K and d from (13) are expressed in square-root
6: end while form as,
−1 −T
7: return X, U, λ K = −Zuu Zuu Qux (22)
8: end function −1 −T
d = −Zuu Zuu Qu , (23)
and the gradient (15) and expected change (16) of the cost-
B. Matrix Square Roots to-go are,

The QR decomposition F = QR returns an upper tri- p = Qx + (Zuu K)T (Zuu d) + K T Qu + Qxu d (24)
angular matrix R and orthogonal matrix Q. The Cholesky 1
∆V = dT Qu + (Zuu d)T (Zuu d). (25)
decomposition G = U T U of a positive-definite matrix G 2
returns an upper-triangular
√ “square-root” matrix U , which The square root of the the cost-to-go Hessian (14)—which
we denote U = G. For √ A, B ∈ Rn×n ,√we use these√ frequently exhibits the worst numerical conditioning—is
factorizations to calculate A + Bi from A and B. derived by assuming the following upper-triangular Cholesky
T √ T √ √
Note that A + B = A B ( A, B) = F F ,
T factorization,
 T  T
where F ∈ R2n×n . Using the QR decomposition F =
I Zxx 0 Zxx C I
QR, A + B = RT QT√QR = RT R, which√gives us a P =
K C T DT 0 D K
 √ factor R = A + B. We define A + B ← T 
√  √
Zxx + CK Zxx + CK
QR ( A, B) . Similarly, A − B can be computed by =
√ successive rank-one
√ downdates√on √A using the (26)
rows of B. We define A − B ← DD( A, B).
C = Zxx Qxu (27)
ALTRO (Algorithm 4) comprises two stages: The first T Z −1 −T
D = Zuu uu − Qux Zxx Zxx Qxu . (28)
stage solves (1) rapidly to a coarse tolerance using a version
of AL-iLQR with several novel refinements. The second S can then be computed with a QR decomposition:
stage uses the coarse solution from the first stage to warm  −T
start an active-set projection method that achieves high- Zxx + Zxx Qxu K
S ← QR −T . (29)
precision constraint satisfaction. We now present our exten- DD(Zuu , Zxx Qxu )K
sions to AL-iLQR, as well as the details of the projection B. Infeasible State Trajectory Initialization
Desired state trajectories can often be identified (e.g.,
from sampling-based planners or expert knowledge), whereas
A. Square-Root Backward Pass finding a control trajectory that will produce this result is
For AL methods to achieve fast convergence, the penalty usually challenging. Dynamically infeasible state trajectory
terms must be increased to large values, which can result in initialization is enabled by introducing additional inputs to
severe numerical ill-conditioning [14]. To help mitigate this the dynamics with slack controls s ∈ Rn ,
issue and make ALTRO more numerically robust, especially xk+1 = f (xk , uk ) + sk , (30)
on embedded processors with limited numerical precision,
we introduce a square-root backward pass inspired by the to make the system artificially fully actuated.
square-root Kalman filter [15]. Given initial state and control trajectories, X̃ and U , the
We now derive recursive expressions√for the following initial infeasible controls s0:N −1 are computed as the differ-
√ ence between the desired state trajectory and the dynamics
√ Cholesky factors: S ≡ P , Zxx ≡ Qxx ,
at each time step:
and Zuu ≡ Quu , using the methods from section II-B. The
square root of the terminal cost-to-go Hessian (6) is, sk = x̃k+1 − f (x̃k , uk ) (31)

p  The optimization problem (1) is modified by replacing the

SN ← QR ( (`N )xx , IµN (cN )x ) , (19) dynamics with (30). An additional cost term,
N −1
X 1 T
and the action-value expansion factorizations, (8) and (9), s Rs sk , (32)
2 k
are, k=0
and constraints sk = 0, k=0, . . . , N −1 are also added to This hybrid approach avoids the numerical ill-conditioning
the problem. Since sk = 0 at convergence, a dynamically and slow tail convergence exhibited by AL methods when
feasible solution to (1) is still obtained. the penalty weights are made large. To ensure strict satisfac-
tion of the dynamics and constraints, the current solution
C. Time-Penalized Problems is projected onto the manifold associated with the active
Minimum-time, or more general time-penalized
√ problems, constraints d. The norm used to compute distances from
can be solved by considering τk = ∆tk ∈ R as an this manifold is weighted by the Hessian of the objective
input at each time step. To ensure the solver does not H. Algorithm 2 takes successive Newton steps δY , only
exploit discretization errors in the system dynamics, equality updating the constraint Jacobian D when the convergence
constraints must be added between time step durations. The rate r drops below a threshold, allowing re-use of the
optimization problem (1) is modified to use dynamics, same matrix factorization S for inexpensive linear system

f (xk , uk , τk )
 solutions. Further, this algorithm can be implemented in a
= , (33) sequential manner [16] that does not require building large
δk+1 τk
matrices, making it amenable to embedded systems.
with an additional cost term,
X −1 Algorithm 4 ALTRO
Rτ τk2 , (34) 1: procedure
k=0 2: Initialize x0 , U, tolerances; X̃
subject to δk = τk , k=1, . . . , N −1 constraints, and upper 3: if Infeasible Start then
and lower bounds on τk . 4: X ← X̃, s0:N −1 ← from (31)
5: else
Algorithm 2 Projection 6: X ← Simulate from x0 using U
1: function P ROJECTION (Y, tol.) 7: end if
2: H −1 ← invert Hessian of objective 8: X, U, λ ← AL- I LQR(X, U, tol.)
3: while kdk∞ > tol. do 9: (X, U, λ) ← P ROJECTION((X, U, λ), tol.)
d, D ← 10: return X, U
4: √ linearize active constraints 11: end procedure
5: S ← DH −1 DT
6: v ← kdk∞
7: r←∞
8: while v > tol. and r > conv. rate tol. do
9: Y, v + ← L INE S EARCH(Y, S, H −1 , D, d, v) ALTRO’s timing and constraint-satisfaction performance
10: r ← log v + / log v is compared to DIRCOL [4] on a number of benchmark
11: end while motion-planning problems. Each problem uses a quadratic
12: end while objective, has initial and terminal state constraints, is solved
13: return Y to constraint satisfaction cmax = 1e-8 (cmax = 1e-6 for
14: end function time-penalized problems), and is performed on a desktop
computer with an AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950x processor
and 16GB RAM. ALTRO is implemented purely in the Julia
Algorithm 3 Projection Line Search programming language, while DIRCOL uses the Ipopt and
SNOPT NLP solvers through a Julia interface. DIRCOL is
1: function L INE S EARCH (Y, S, H −1 , D, d, v0 )
provided the dynamically feasible state trajectory computed
2: Initialize α, γ during the initial forward simulation from ALTRO. Further
3: while v > v0 do details regarding the problems and parameters used, along
4: δYp ← H −1 DT (S −1 S −T d) with full source code, is available on GitHub.
5: Ȳp ← Yp + αδYp
6: d ← U PDATE C ONSTRAINTS(Ȳp ) A. Problem Descriptions
7: v ← kdk∞ 1) 1D Block Move: Double Integrator with two states and
8: α ← γα one input. The system is tasked to move one unit length
9: end while subject to control limits.
10: return Ȳ , v 2) Pendulum: The system must swing from the down-
11: end function ward equilibrium to the upward equilibrium point subject to
control limits.
3) Acrobot: Double pendulum system limited to actuation
D. Active-Set Projection Method at the “elbow” joint. Tasked with swinging upright from the
The coarse primal and dual trajectories, Y ← X, U, λ, downward position.
returned from the AL-iLQR stage of ALTRO are used to 4) Cartpole: The system must perform a swing-up ma-
warm start an active-set projection method (Algorithm 2). neuver while obeying control limits.
initial guess
maximum constraint violation 100 SNOPT SNOPT
Ipopt Ipopt
10−2 AL-iLQR
Projected Newton



0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 3. 2D position trajectories for car escape problem. ALTRO, Ipopt, and
time (s) SNOPT converge to the same solution, but AL-iLQR fails to find a collision-
free trajectory. Yellow and red markers indicate start and goal positions,
Fig. 1. Maximum constraint violation comparison for the cartpole. respectively.
After solving to a coarse tolerance, ALTRO performs a single iteration of
Algorithm 2 and converges to the specified constraint tolerance. AL-iLQR
fails to converge to the specified tolerance without the projection step.


Fig. 4. Front (left) and side (right) views of the Kuka iiwa arm moving
its end effector from an initial position (red) to a desired position (green)
Fig. 2. Trajectories for the Reeds-Shepp car with obstacles. ALTRO and while avoid obstacles.
Ipopt converge to similar trajectories, while SNOPT finds a different solution
that exploits discretization error. Yellow and red markers are start and goal
positions, respectively.
interpolated from 7 3D positions.
Timing results for the benchmark problems are included
5) Reeds-Shepp Car: A differential-drive system with in Table I. ALTRO is 2-5 times faster than both SNOPT and
three states and two controls that can move forward or Ipopt for most problems, except for time-penalized problems,
backward [17] performs a few different tasks: Parallel Park: where DIRCOL performs considerably better than ALTRO.
Move one unit in the direction perpendicular to the direction Constraint satisfaction versus solver time is shown for the
of motion (i.e., “sideways”) and end in the same orientation cartpole problem in Figure 1. Infeasible state trajectory ini-
while obeying state and control constraints. Also performed tialization is demonstrated on the Car Escape and Quadrotor
with time penalization. Obstacles: Move to goal while avoid- Maze problems where AL-iLQR fails to find collision free
ing 3 circular obstacles (Figure 2). Escape: Shown in Figure trajectories. DIRCOL was unable to find feasible solutions
3, the car must move from one “room” to another while for the Robot Arm and Quadrotor Maze obstacle avoidance
obeying control limits. For this task, solvers are initialized problems.
with a state trajectory interpolated from 6 2D positions.
6) Robot Arm: A serial manipulator with 14 states and 7
inputs, modeled after the Kuka iiwa, is tasked with moving ALTRO performs competitively in terms of both compu-
from an initial to final configuration through an environment tation time and constraint satisfaction when compared to
with obstacles and subject to torque limits (Figure 4). The DIRCOL on a variety of benchmark problems. ALTRO’s
control trajectory is initialized to compensate for gravity. rapid convergence on constraint satisfaction demonstrated in
7) Quadrotor: The system with 13 states (quaternion Figure 1 is typical of all the benchmark problems. By using
angular representation) and 4 inputs is tasked with navigating an AL method to make rapid initial progress, then switching
through a maze with floor and ceiling constraints (Figure 5). to an active-set method once the active inequality constraints
Inputs are bounded and initialized to perform hovering. For are known, fast convergence can be achieved throughout the
the maze task, solvers are initialized with a state trajectory entire solve process.
In conclusion, we have presented a new solver for con-
strained trajectory optimization problems, ALTRO, that com-
bines the advantages of direct and DDP methods. Compared
to a standard tool for robot motion planning, DIRCOL,
ALTRO exhibits comparable capabilities and typically faster
solve times on a variety of benchmark problems. Our imple-
mentation of ALTRO is available at https://github.com/

This work was supported by a NASA Early Career Faculty
Award (Grant Number 80NSSC18K1503). This material is
based upon work supported by the National Science Foun-
dation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant
Fig. 5. Quadrotor navigating maze environment. No. DGE-1656518. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation.
System ALTRO Ipopt SNOPT
Block Move 12 ms 26 ms 31 ms
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